De-131228-104351-Modified B. Tech (CCC) or
De-131228-104351-Modified B. Tech (CCC) or
De-131228-104351-Modified B. Tech (CCC) or
A"A#AR$A$ NE#R% TEC#NO$O&ICA$ %NI'ER(IT) #)*ERABA* E+A,INATION BRANC#- .u/a01ally- #y2eraba2 3 400 054.
1. Regular Examinations for the B. Tech (CCC) I, II, III & IV Year, ( !!" Batch)
#ill $e hel% %uring &e$ruar' ( !1".
. The stu%ents #ho a))ear for the a$o*e examinations ma' note that the examinations are commencing from 10-02-201 an% informe% that the on(line registration for +ni*ersit' exam #ill $e carrie% out as )er the time sche%ule gi*en $elo#. ,n(line registration #ithout late fee Registration #ith 1!!/( late fee Registration #ith late fee of 1!!!/( Registration #ith late fee of !!!/( Registration #ith late fee of 2!!!/(
!1" . 1!. !1. !1" . 10. !1. !1" . 2. !1. !1" . 41. !1. !1" . !0. ! .
Fee 6ar07culars
&ee for 5emoran%um of 5ar6s )er 'ear Examination &ee for each Theor' course Rs. 108Rs. 1408-
1. The %etails of )ortal for on(line registration an% )a'ment of Examination fee are enclose%
. ,n(line registration #ill $e close% strictl' as )er the a$o*e sche%ule. *a0e9 2:. 12. 201; 7%8(xxxxx
Co)' toThe 9irector, 7chool of Continuing an% 9istance E%ucation, :;T+ <'%era$a%. The =rinci)als-
1. :;T+< College of Engineering, >u6at)all', <'%era$a% . :;T+> College of Engineering, >a6ina%a 4. :;T+? College of Engineering, ?nanta)ur ". @o6araAu RangaraAu Institute of Engg & Technolog', <'%era$a% 2. =rasa% V.=otluri 7i%%harta Inst.of Tech., >anuru, ViAa'a#a%a 3. V;R Vignan :'othi Institute of Engineering & Technolog', <'%era$a%.
.%.AT6A$$)- #)*ERABA* 400 054 E+A,INATION BRANC# RE&%$AR E+A,INATION( FEBR%AR) - 201 B .Tech.(CCC) I year (200 A2m700e2 Ba0ch)
(. N < . 1
C7>7l E?g7?eer7?g
,echa?7cal E?g7?eer7?g
( 201 - 5athematics I ( 201 - 5athematics I ( 201 - 5athematics I
( 20; - ?))lie% =h'sics ( 20; - ?))lie% =h'sics (=art ?) & (=art ?) & Engineering ( 20; - ?))lie% =h'sics (=art ?) & Engineering Chemistr' (=art B)
1 . 02. 201
Chemistr' (=art B) "
Engineering Chemistr' (=art B) E ;01 - Com)uter =rogramming & ;umerical E ;01 - Com)uter =rogramming & ;umerical 5etho%s 5etho%s
C( 01 - 9iscrete 7tructures &?utomata Theor' E ;20 - 9ata 7tructures & ?lgorithms ?nal'sis E ;21 - Com)uter ,rganiBation & 5icro)rocessor Interfacing
EE 01 - Electronics 9e*ices & ,E 01 - Thermal Engineering Circuits(common #ith ECE) E ;0B - &lui% 5echanics & <'%raulic 5achiner' E ;04 - 5etallurg' & 5aterial 7cience
EC 01 - Electronics 9e*ices Circuits(common #ith EEE) E ;0@ - Electrical Tech (=art ? ) & 5echanical Technolog' (=art B)
C7>7l E?g7?eer7?g
,echa?7cal E?g7?eer7?g
CE 01 - 7ur*e'ing 5E "! ( .7?ema07cs <= ,ach7?ery
E "!4 ( E?g7?eer7?g
CE 04 - 7tructural ?nal'sis E ;10 - &lui% 5echanics & <'%raulic 5achiner' CE 0: - Trans)ortation Engineering E ;11 - Electrical Technolog' (=art ? )
E ;24 - I.C. ?))lication an% 7#itching Theor' C( 0 - 9ata )rocessing an% 9ata$ases E ;2: - 7'stems =rogramming an% ,)erating 7'stems C( 0: - =rogramming Danguages an% ,$Aect ,riente% )rogramming
EE 0: - Electrical 5easurements 2
E ;1B 3 7#itching Circuits & Dogic # 102 - Economics an% ?ccountanc' 9esign (Common #ith ECE)
EC 0B - 7#itching Circuits & Dogic 9esign (common #ith EEE) EC 0@ - Communication Theor'
!A"A#AR$A$ NE#R% TEC#NO$O&ICA$ %NI'ER(IT) #)*ERABA* .%.AT6A$$)- #)*ERABA* 400 054 E+A,INATION BRANC# RE&%$AR E+A,INATION( FEBR%AR) -201 B.Tech. (CCC) III year (200 A2m700e2 Ba0ch)
(. N <.
C7>7l E?g7?eer7?g
,echa?7cal E?g7?eer7?g
CE 0B-En*ironmental EE "!0 ( 6<Der (ys0ems Engineering CE 05 - 7urface Cater EE 0@ - Control 7'stems <'%rolog' CE 0@ - @eo(technical Engineering CE 11 - 7tructural EE 11 - =o#er Electronics Engineering CE 401 - Trans)ortation =lanning an% 9esign. CE 402 - @roun% Cater EE 402 - =o#er 7tation =ractice <'%rolog' ,E 402 ;on Con*entional 7ources of Energ'/Refrigeration &?ir Con%itioning EE 401 - ,)timiBation TechniEues ,E 401 ?utomo$ile Engineering EE 10 - 5icro)rocessor & Its ,E 0B - <eat an% 5ass Transfer ?))lications ,E 0@ - 5etrolog' an% 5achine Tools 9esign ( I. ,E 0: - 5echanical Engineering 5E "!2 ( *y?am7cs <= ,ach7?ery
5anagement E 10 5icro)rocessor an% Inter &acing TechniEues EC "1 ,7cr<Da>e E?g7?eer7?g A C<mmu?7ca07<? EC 1 Electronic 5easurements & Instrumentation EC 401 - T V an% Ra%ar
C7 "11 Ar07=7c7al I?0ell7ge?ce a?2 Ex1er0 (ys0em C( 12 ?%*ance% Com)uter ?rchitecture C( 1; Danguage =rocessors
Engineering EC 402 - 9igital 7ignal =rocessing C( 1 9ata Communication an% Com)uter ;et#or6s
C7>7l E?g7?eer7?g.
,echa?7cal E?g7?eer7?g
C( 1B Visual =rogramming TechniEues (VB,VCFF,=B) C(401 ?%*ance% Com)uter ;et#or6ing #ith :?V? =ro.
,E 11 - Instrumentation Control # 10; - Economics, ?ccountanc' & 5anagement ,)erating 7'stems ,E 1; - 5echanical Engineering 9esign ( II EC 15 - ?%*ance% Communications
CE 1 - Dimit 7tate 9esign & =restresse% Concrete CE 40; - 7oil 9'namics & 5achine &oun%ation CE 40 - @roun% Im)ro*ement Tech. CE :01 ( =roAect Cor6 Vi*a(Voce
E 14 - I. C. ?nal'sis 9esign & ?))lications (C<mm<? D70h ECE) EE 40; - GCH Danguage & 9ata 7tructures (C<mm<? D70h ECE) EE 40 - Com)uter 5etho%s in =o#er 7'stems
,E 40; Electi*e . III =ro%uction =lanning & Control ,E 40 Electi*e . IV =o#er =lant Engineering ,E 1 - ,)eration Research (C<mm<? D70h ECE)
EC 14 3 I. C. ?nal'sis, 9esign & ?))lications (C<mm<? D70h EEE) EC 40; - GCH Danguage & 9ata 7tructures (C<mm<? D70h EEE) EC 40 - ,)eration Research
(C<mm<? D70h ,ech.) 9ata
C(40;9istri$ute% 9ata$ases & ,$Aect ,riente% 9ata$ase C(40 ?%*ance% ,)erating 7'stem
N<0e9 The Can%i%ates a))earing for =roAect Vi*a(*oce Examination ha*e to su$mit the =roAect(#or6 Thesis along #ith internal mar6s (gi*en $' the internal gui%e) to the
#here the =roAect )ro)osals #ere a))ro*e% an% the can%i%ates are a%*ise% to o$tain the exact %ate of the Vi*a(Voce Examination.
*a0e9 2:. 12. 201; C<?0r<ller <= Exam7?a07<?s