Deck Heavy Weather Checklist
Deck Heavy Weather Checklist
Deck Heavy Weather Checklist
Inform Ch. Engineer and Ch. Officer Check all Accommodation. All loose items to be well secured. Check open decks !ifeboats !iferafts deck stores. All mooring ropes to be secured. !oose items to be stowed awa". Anchor lashings checked. Protect chain locker against ingress of water. Isolate power suppl" to all deck machiner". All weather deck openings to be tightl" closed. All accommodation openings and watertight doors to be tightl" closed. Put on additional lashings for the gangwa"s and pilot boarding ladders. All cranes to be properl" stowed#secured. Power switched off. Container lashings to be checked and tightened. Additional lashings to be put if necessar". Catering department to be informed. All glass and crocker" to be well secured. $arning notices to be posted on all doors leading to the open deck. %ig safet" lines on deck. Ensure crew are aware that the" must report to the bridge before going outside. All steps taken to secure the &essel for hea&" weather to be recorded in the deck log book.
Ad'ust ship(s course # speed as necessar" to a&oid e)treme pitching # pounding # rolling. Consider alternati&e routes in order to seek some shelter from high sea and swell. Endea&our to collect weather information from &arious sources. %e*check container lashings. At suitable inter&als check forward part of the &essel including forecastle store. %egularl" update E+A(s.
Issued ,-#,.#,-
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