Wre 1
Wre 1
Wre 1
CE-3003 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING 1 Assignment No.2 Date of Submission 13.11.2013 faculty: Dr.PSK
1. A stable channel is to be designed for a discharge of 40m3/s and f=1.0.Calculate the dimensions of the channel using Laceys regime equations. What would be the bed width of this channel, if it is designed on the basis of Kennedys theory?. Adopt m=1.0 and B/D ratio same as obtained from Laceys equation. (B=25.941m, D=1.834m) 2. A canal has a bed width of 6m, full supply depth 1.6m, bank width 2.5m, cutting slope 1:1, filling slope 1.5:1 and free board 0.4m. Calculate the balancing depth (1.34m) 3. Sugarcane (root zone depth 1.8m) is grown in a particular area where the groundwater table is 2m below ground. If the size of the soil pores is 0.08mm in diameter and surface Tension 0.054 N/m, (a) Is the field water logged? If so, (b) determine the vertical location of closed drains below ground, spaced at 15m. Take drainage coefficient as 0.116 cumec/km2. Coefficient of permeability as 10-6 m/s, and impervious stratum to occur at 7.0m below ground (Ans:Water table at 1.8 m below ground, height of water due to capillary action 0.78, a=4.62m, the tile drains should be laid at 7-4.62 m below the ground) 4. Design the size and number of notches required for a canal drop with the following particulars Full supply discharge 20 cumec Bed width 14m Full supply depth 1.9 m (assume any other data if required) (Ans 6 notches with l=0.83, n=0.37, crest level above by 0.6m) 5.
(Note: Since the discharge is >14 cumec , rectangular crest wall should be adopted)