Unified Power Flow Controller

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unified power flow controller PPT This PPT presentation is based on the topic unified power flow controller

r unified power flow controller is very common topic for seminar presentation. This ppt slide on unified power flow controller is a guidline for students or proffesional preparing for seminar presentation on unified power flow controller. Discription: Two main objectives of FA T! "ncrease the T# capability of A line ontrol of power flow over the T# routes $PF s % most effective FA T! device $PF & a device which control T# line impedance' voltage and phase angle onceptually' a generali(ed !)! onverter* injects a voltage )p+ with phase angle , in series with T# line via an insertion transformer -ain function of converter. is to supply the real power demanded by converter* at the D lin/ 0o reactive power flow through D lin/ -ost sophisticated power flow controller 12pensive 3ives better performance as compared to !TAT 4-'!!! and T ! Provide simultaneous' real%time control of all basic power system parameters 5transmission voltage' impedance and phase angle6 and dynamic compensation of ac system Uploaded By on 02-11-2012 Sign In or Signup To Commen

Real and Reactive Power low Control wit! UP C Connected to a Tran"mi""ion #ine
. !. 7atariya' ). 3. 0eve' A. 8. Tayade' !. 9. :ithe Published in Power !ystems

";A"! Proceedings on 0ational <evel Technical onference #%P<4:1 *=.> $ear of Pu%lication& *=.> ? *=.* by ";A"! ;ournal Serie" #P<4:1 'ut!or" . !. 7atariya' ). 3. 0eve' A. 8. Tayade' !. 9. :ithe

! 7atariya' ) 3 0eve' A 8 Tayade and ! 9 :ithe. Article: :eal and :eactive Power Flow ontrol with $PF onnected to a Transmission <ine. IJAIS Proceedings on National Level

Technical Conference X-PLORE 2 !" #P<4:1:*@%*A' -arch *=.>. Published by Foundation of omputer !cience' 0ew Bor/' $!A. 8ibTe#

The $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 is the most versatile and comple2 power electronic e+uipment that has emerged for the control and optimi(ation of power flow in electrical power transmission system. This paper presents real and reactive power flow control through a transmission line by placing $PF at the sending end using computer simulation. Chen no $PF is installed' real and reactive power through the transmission line cannot be controlled. This paper presents control and performance of $PF intended for installation on that transmission line to control power flow. A control system which enables the $PF to follow the changes in reference values li/e A voltage' D voltage and angle order of the series voltage source converter is simulated. "n this control system' a generali(ed pulse width modulation techni+ue is used to generate firing pulses for both the converters. "nstalling the $PF ma/es it possible to control an amount of active power flowing through the line. !imulations were carried out using -AT<A8 and P! AD software to validate the performance of the $PF .

.. 0. 3. 9ingorani and <. 3yugyi' $nderstanding FA T!' oncepts' and Technology of Fle2ible A Transmission !ystems. Piscataway' 0 "111Press'*===. *. <. 3yugyi' DDynamic compensation of ac transmission lines by solid%state synchronous voltage sources'D "111 Trans. Power Del. ' vol. A' no. *' pp. A=E%A..' Apr. .AAE. >. 1s/andar 3holipur and !hahro/h !aadate'D"mproving of Transient !tability is Power !ystems $sing $PF D "111 Trans. Power Del. ' vol. *=' no. *' pp. .FGG%.FH*' Apr. *==@. E. 7. 7. !en' D!!! Istatic synchronous series compensator:Theorymodelingand application'D "111 Trans. Power Del. ' vol. .>' no. .' pp. *E.%*EF' ;an. .AAH.

D voltage regulation' Fle2ible A Transmission !ystems 5FA T!6' feedbac/ control' high power PC- converters' real and reactive power' $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF

Unified Power low Controller

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A Unified Power low Controller 5or $PF 6 is an electrical device for providing fast%acting reactive power compensation on high%voltage electricity transmission networ/s. "t uses a pair of three%phase controllable bridges to produce current that is injected into a transmission line using a series transformer. The controller can control active and reactive power flows in a transmission line. The $PF uses solid state devices' which provide functional fle2ibility' generally not attainable by conventional thyristor controlled systems. The $PF is a combination of a static synchronous compensator 5!TAT 4-6 and a static synchronous series compensator 5!!! 6 coupled via a common D voltage lin/. The $PF concept was described in .AA@ by <. 3yugyi of Cestinghouse. J.K The $PF allows a secondary but important function such as stability control to suppress power system oscillations improving the transient stability of power system.

1. ^ Gyugyi, L.; chauder, !.".; Williams, .L.; #ietman, $.#.; $orgerson, ".#.; %dris, &. '1(()*. +$he unified po,er flo, controller: & ne, approach to po,er transmission control+. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 10 '-*: 1./). doi:1..11.(011.2../3/.

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unified power flow controller re"earc! paper"

Unified Power low Controller to Control Reactive Power and )oltage for Power Station" in India %y Implementing u**y #ogic Controller free download :amesh' - :ajaram '1uropean ' *=.* 'europeanjournalofscientificresearch. Abstract A $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 is an electrical device for providing fast acting reactive power compensation on high%voltage electricity transmission networ/s. The $PF is a combination of a !tatic !ynchronous ompensator 5!TAT 4-6 and a !tatic +e"igner of Unified Power low Controller C; Dai '"nformation and Automation' *=.. '!pringer This paper introduced singular value decomposition 5!)D6 elementary theory' Proposed one /ind of $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 based on !)D' reduces or eliminates active and tendency interaction between the idle current. Cith the -AT<A8 simulation of ,odelling and Control +e"ign of Unified Power low Controller for )ariou" Control Strategie" free download

T 0iree/shana' 37 :ao '"nternational ;ournal of 1ngineering ' *=.= 'ijest.info Abstract: $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 is used to control the power flow in the transmission systems by controlling the impedance' voltage magnitude and phase angle. This controller offers advantages in terms of static and dynamic operation of the power -n!ancement of )oltage Profile and ,inimi*ation of Tran"mi""ion #ine #o""e" U"ing Unified Power low Controller free download -! 7umar '*==A 'searchdl.org AbstractI<oss minimi(ation in power system is an important research issue. Transmission line losses in a power system can be minimi(ed by means of reactive power compensation. After the establishment of power mar/ets with transmission open access' the significance Switc!ing #evel ,odeling and .peration of Unified Power low Controller free download ! 8as/ar' 0 7umarappan 'Asian Power 1lectronics ' *=.= 'perc.polyu.edu.h/ Abstract%This proposed wor/ aims at forming a switching level modeling of $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 and analy(ing its operation. The switching level modeling of $PF is carried out using high power electronic devices such as "38T based si2 pulse shunt and Ro%u"t and Intelligent Control ,et!od" to Improve t!e Performance of a Unified Power low Controller free download 810A 9A"8A' -A9 A9-1D '<ecture 0otes in ' *=.. 'iaeng.org AbstractIThe important factor disturbing the modern power systems today is load flow control. The $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 is an effective way for controlling the power flow and can provide damping capability during transient conditions. The $PF is 'naly"i" of Unified Power low Controller /UP C0 Parameter" on Power low in PowerSy"tem free download 0 Parhi(gar' - :oopaei' P 1sfandiar 'Australian ;ournal of ' *=.. 'insipub.org Abstract: The encouragement to the construction of 9) lines' the amount of power transmissionL/m on 9) line and the amount of power transaction as seen from economic side is much responsible for concern towards congestion in power system. The solution is ' C1S %a"ed PI+ controller for unified power flow controller free download ! ;alil(adeh' : 0oroo(ian '*=.. 'searchdl.org Abstract%This paper presents a method for designing of proportional%integral%derivative 5P"D6 controller based on unified power flow controller 5$PF 6 using chaotic harmony search algorithm 5 9!6 for damping of low fre+uency oscillations 5<F46 in a power system. The '""e""ment of .ptimal #ocation of Unified Power low Controller Con"idering SteadyState )oltage Sta%ility free download

B Ca/abayashi '.@th The "nternational onference on ' *==A 'icee%con.org Abstract&"n this paper' $PF is modeled as two reactive power injections and a bypass circuit of active power in parallel with connecting series transformer of the $PF . $PF has three parameters' which can be controlled within the range of inverter limited capacity. 'daptive particle "warm optimi"ation of unified power flow controller for "ync!ronou" generator "ta%ili"ation free download P7 Dash' P7 :out' 87 Panigrahi '"nternational ;ournal of ' *==A '"nderscience The real and reactive power flow in a transmission line can be instantaneously controlled by a pair of bac/%to%bac/ power electronic converters' called a $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6. This paper presents a novel optimal P" controller for $PF to enhance the .ptimal #ocation .f Unified Power low Controller Under 2etwor3 Contingencie" free download ! !han/ar '"nternational ;. of :ecent ' *=.= 'searchdl.org Abstract: Cith the increase loading of transmission lines' the voltage stabilityLsecurity assessment has become a very critical issue for most of the power system planners and operators. To maintain security' it is desirable to estimate the effect of contingencies and Control Setting of Unified Power low Controller t!roug! #oad low Calculation free download hengaiah' 3) -arutheswar 'A:P0 ;ournal of ' *==H 'arpnjournals.com A8!T:A T ontrolling power flow in modern power systems can be made more fle2ible by the use of recent developments in power electronic and computing control technology. The $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 provides a promising means to control power flow Unified Power low Controller +e"ign %a"ed on S!uffled rog #eaping 'lgorit!m free download - !hirvani' P !ha/eri' 1 8eh(adipour '<ife !cience ' *=.* 'lifesciencesite.com Abstract: This paper presents the application of $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 to enhance damping of <ow Fre+uency 4scillations 5<F46 at a !ingle%-achine "nfinite%8us 5!-"86 power system installed with $PF . !ince $PF is considered to mitigate <F4' Simulation of a t!ree-p!a"e multilevel unified power flow controller UP C free download Abstract: This wor/ deals with the study and simulation of $nified Power Flow ontrol 5$PF 6 at its normal and abnormal conditions. The systems are modeled and simulated using -AT<A8 software. !hunt inverter or !tatic ompensator 5!TAT 4-6 is modeled as Power "y"tem "ta%ility en!ancement u"ing unified power flow controller free download P 7um/ratug 'American ;ournal of Applied !ciences' *=.= 'nru./u.ac.th Abstract: Problem statement: The enhancement of transient stability of the power system is one of the most challenging research areas in power engineer. Approach: This study presents the method to enhance transient stability of power system by $nified Power Flow

+ynamic Sta%ility -n!ancement of a ,ulti ,ac!ine -lectric Power Sy"tem U"ing Unified Power low Controller free download A -emaripour' !-! 8oroujeni ':esearch ;ournal of ' *=.. 'ma2wellsci.com Abstract: This study presents the application of $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 to improvement dynamic stability of a multi%machine electric power system installed with $PF . !ince $PF is considered to mitigate <ow Fre+uency 4scillations 5<F46 and stability Inve"tigation to "olve t!e conge"tion pro%lem of tran"mi""ion line" via unified power flow controller free download 9 "ranmanesh ' of the ..th international conference on ' *=.* 'wseas.us 9. ":A0-A01!9.' 9: !A849"* .' *"slamic A(ad $niversity' ;iroft 8ranch' ;iroft' "ran "ranmaneshMEEEN yahoo. com' hMsabouhiN yahoo. com Abstract:%Power systems may not capable of utili(ing full transmission capacity. :estructuring of electricity industry produces 'pplying Imperiali"t Competitive 'lgorit!m for .ptimal Placement of Unified Power low Controller in Power Sy"tem free download 9 0ejad' : ;ahani '*=.. 'matlabsite.net Abstract This paper presents a "mperialist ompetitive Algorithm 5" A6 to see/ the optimal number and location of FA T! devices in a power system. $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 has great fle2ibility that can control the active and reactive power flow and bus Tran"ient "ta%ility improvement of S,IB wit! unified power flow controller free download 1) Par/ash' P! 3ill 'Proceedings of the *nd C!1A! ' *==H 'wseas.us Abstract The focus of this paper is on a FA T! device /nown as the $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6' which can provide simultaneous control of basic power system parameters li/e voltage' impedance and phase angle. "n this research wor/' two .ptimal Placement of Unified Power low Controller in Power Sy"tem U"ing Imperiali"t Competitive 'lgorit!m free download : ;ahani '-iddle%1ast ;ournal of !cientific :esearch' *=.. 'idosi.org Abstract: This paper presents a "mperialist ompetitive Algorithm 5" A6 to see/ the optimal number and location of FA T! devices in a power system. $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 has great fle2ibility that can control the active and reactive power flow and bus & 2141-40567 8ilolud 9ournal": 2010 !ttp&;;www< wilolud=ournal< com .PTI,'# #.C'TI.2 . U2I I-+ P.8-R #.8 C.2TR.##-R /UP C0 I2 2I>-RI'2 free download -0 0C49$ '*=.= 'wiloludjournal.com A8!T:A T This paper presents an approach to find and choose the optimal location of $nified Power Flow ontroller 5$PF 6 based on the sensitivity of the total system active power loss with respect to the control variables of the $nified Power Flow ontroller 5

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Control Power Flow Using UPFC and PST

On this page

"ntroduction Description of the Power !ystem Power Flow ontrol with the $PF $PF P%O ontrollable :egion Power Flow ontrol $sing a P!T

The e2ample described in this section illustrates application of !imPower!ystemsP software to study the steady%state and dynamic performance of a unified power flow controller 5$PF 6 used to relieve power congestion in a transmission system. "f you are not familiar with the $PF ' please see the reference page for the $nified Power Flow ontroller 5Phasor Type6 bloc/.

+e"cription of t!e Power Sy"tem

The single%line diagram of the modeled power system is shown in @== /) L *>= /) Transmission !ystem. ?00 3) ; 2@0 3) Tran"mi""ion Sy"tem

A $PF is used to control the power flow in a @== /) L*>= /) transmission system. The system' connected in a loop configuration' consists essentially of five buses 58. to 8@6 interconnected through three transmission lines 5<.' <*' <>6 and two @== /)L*>= /) transformer ban/s Tr. and Tr*. Two power plants located on the *>= /) system generate a total of .@== -C which is transmitted to a @== /)' .@=== -)A e+uivalent and to a *== -C load connected at bus 8>.

1ach plant model includes a speed regulator' an e2citation system as well as a power system stabili(er 5P!!6. "n normal operation' most of the .*== -C generation capacity of power plant Q* is e2ported to the @== /) e+uivalent through two E== -)A transformers connected between buses 8E and 8@. For this e2ample we are considering a contingency case where only two transformers out of three are available 5Tr*R *SE== -)A R H== -)A6. The load flow shows that most of the power generated by plant Q* is transmitted through the H== -)A transformer ban/ 5HAA -C out of .=== -C6 and that AF -C is circulating in the loop. Transformer Tr* is therefore overloaded by AA -)A. The e2ample illustrates how a $PF can relieve this power congestion. The $PF located at the right end of line <* is used to control the active and reactive powers at the @== /) bus 8>' as well as the voltage at bus 8M$PF . The $PF consists of two .== -)A' "38T%based' converters 5one shunt converter and one series converter interconnected through a D bus6. The series converter can inject a ma2imum of .=T of nominal line%to%ground voltage 5*H.HG /)6 in series with line <*. This e2ample is available in the power_upfc model. <oad this model and save it in your wor/ing directory as case2 to allow further modifications to the original system. This model is shown in -odel of the $PF ontrolling Power on a @== /)L*>= /) Power !ystem 5powerMupfc6. ,odel of t!e UP C Controlling Power on a ?00 3);2@0 3) Power Sy"tem /powerAupfc0

$sing the -achine "nitiali(ation tool of the Powergui bloc/' the model has been initiali(ed with plants Q. and Q* generating respectively @== -C and .=== -C and with the $PF out of service 58ypass brea/er closed6. The resulting power flow obtained at buses 8. to 8@ is indicated on the model by red numbers. This load flow corresponds to load flow shown in the single%line diagram' in @== /) L *>= /) Transmission !ystem.

Power low Control wit! t!e UP C

Parameters of the $PF are given in the dialog bo2. )erify' in the Power data parameters' that the series converter is rated .== -)A with a ma2imum voltage injection of =.. pu. The shunt converter is also rated .== -)A. Also verify' in the control parameters' that the shunt converter is in )oltage regulation mode and that the series converter is in Power flow control mode. The $PF reference active and reactive powers are set in the magenta bloc/s labeled Pref5pu6 and Oref5pu6. "nitially the 8ypass brea/er is closed and the resulting natural power flow at bus 8> is

@HG -C and %*G -var. The Pref bloc/ is programmed with an initial active power of @.HG pu corresponding to the natural power flow. Then' at tR.=s' Pref is increased by . pu 5.== -C6' from @.HG pu to F.HG pu' while Oref is /ept constant at %=.*G pu. :un the simulation and loo/ on the $PF scope how P and O measured at bus 8> follow the reference values. Caveforms are reproduced below. UP C +ynamic Re"pon"e to a C!ange in Reference Power from ?6B ,8 to 56B ,8

At tR@ s' when the 8ypass brea/er is opened' the natural power is diverted from the 8ypass brea/er to the $PF series branch without noticeable transient. At tR.= s' the power increases at a rate of . puLs. "t ta/es one second for the power to increase to FHG -C. This .== -C increase of active power at bus 8> is achieved by injecting a series voltage of =.=HA pu with an angle of AE degrees. This results in an appro2imate .== -C decrease in the active power flowing

through Tr* 5from HAA -C to GAF -C6' which now carries an acceptable load. !ee the variations of active powers at buses 8. to 8@ on the )PO <ines scope.

UP C P-C Controlla%le Region

0ow' open the $PF dialog bo2 and select !how ontrol parameters 5series converter6. !elect -ode of operation R -anual )oltage injection. "n this control mode the voltage generated by the series inverter is controlled by two e2ternal signals )d' )+ multiple2ed at the )d+ref input and generated in the )d+ref magenta bloc/. For the first five seconds the 8ypass brea/er stays closed' so that the PO trajectory stays at the 5%*G-var' @HG -C6 point. Then when the brea/er opens' the magnitude of the injected series voltage is ramped' from =.==AE to =.. pu. At .= s' the angle of the injected voltage starts varying at a rate of E@ degLs. :un the simulation and loo/ on the $PF scope the P and O signals who vary according to the changing phase of the injected voltage. At the end of the simulation' double%clic/ on the blue bloc/ labeled DDouble clic/ to plot $PF ontrollable :egion.D The trajectory of the $PF reactive power as function of its active power' measured at bus 8>' is reproduced below. The area located inside the ellipse represents the $PF controllable region. UP C Controlla%le Region

Power low Control U"ing a PST

Although not as fle2ible as the $PF ' the phase shifting transformer 5P!T6 is nevertheless a very efficient means to control power flow because it acts directly on the phase angle U' as shown in Power Transfer 8etween Two )oltage !ources Cithout and Cith P!T. The P!T is the most commonly used device to control power flow on power grids. Power Tran"fer Between Two )oltage Source" 8it!out and 8it! PST

Bou will now use a P!T with an on load tap changer 54<T 6 to control the power flow on your power system. A phasor model of P!T using the delta he2agonal connection is available in the FA T!LTransformers library. For details on this P!T connection' please refer to the Three%Phase 4<T Phase !hifting Transformer Delta%9e2agonal 5Phasor Type6 bloc/ reference page. Delete the $PF bloc/ in your model as well as the magenta bloc/s controlling the $PF . Also delete the $PF -easurements subsystem and the $PF scope. 4pen the Transformer subsystem of the FA T! library and copy the Three%Phase 4<T Phase !hifting Transformer Delta%9e2agonal 5Phasor Type6 bloc/ in your model. onnect the A8 terminals to the 8M$PF bus and connect the abc terminals to the 8> bus. 0ow' open the P!T bloc/ dialog bo2 and modify the following parameters:

2ominal parameter" D)nom/)rm" P! P!0 Pnom/)'0 nom /1*0E [500e3 800e6 60] 2um%er of tap" per !alf tapped winding

The nominal power is set to H== -)A 5ma2imum e2pected power transfer through the P!T6. The number of taps is set to *=' so that the phase shift resolution is appro2imately F=L*= R > degrees per step. "n the power system' the natural power flow 5without P!T6 from 8M$PF to 8> is PRV@HG -C. "f ).and )* in Power Transfer 8etween Two )oltage !ources Cithout and Cith P!T represent the internal voltages of systems connected respectively to 8M$PF and 8>' it means that the angle U of e+uation . is positive. Therefore' according to e+uation *' to increase power flow from 8M$PF to 8>' the P!T phase shift W of abc terminals with respect to A8 terminals must be

also positive. For this type of P!T the taps must be moved in the negative direction. This is achieved by sending pulses to the Down input of the P!T tap changer. The tap position is controlled by sending pulses to either the $p input or the Down input. "n our case' as we need to increase phase shift from (ero toward positive values' we have to send pulses to the Down input. opy a Pulse 3enerator bloc/ from the !imulin/X !ources library and connect it to the Down input of the P!T. 4pen the bloc/ dialog bo2 and modify the following parameters:


Pul"e 8idt! /F of period0 10 Therefore' every @ seconds the taps will be moved by one step in the negative direction and the phase shift will increase by appro2imately > degrees. Finally' connect a 8us !elector bloc/ 5from the !imulin/ !ignal :outing library6 to the measurement output m of the P!T. 4pen its dialog bo2 and select the following two signals:

Tap Psi 5degrees6

onnect these two signals to a two input scope to observe the tap position and the phase shift during simulation. !et the simulation time to 25 s and start simulation. 4n the )PO lines scope' observe voltages at buses 8. to 8@ and active and reactive power transfer through these buses. The variation of tap position' P!T phase shift W and active power transfer through bus 8> 5power through P!T6 and 8E 5power through transformer Tr*6 are reproduced on the figure below. Control of 'ctive Power T!roug! B@ and B4 %y C!anging Tap Po"ition of PST

1ach tap change produces a phase angle variation of appro2imately > degrees' resulting in a F= -C power increase through 8>. At tap position %*' the power through transformer Tr* as decreased from A== -C to GG@ -C' thus achieving the same goal as the $PF for steady state control. Bou could get a better resolution in phase angle and power steps by increasing the number of taps in the 4<T . Bou can notice that the discrete variation of phase angle produces overshoots and slight oscillations in active power. These power oscillations which are typical interarea electromechanical oscillations of machines in power plants . and * are +uic/ly damped by the power system stabili(ers 5P!!s6 connected on the e2citation systems. "f you disconnect the P!! from the vstab input of the e2citation system 5located in the :egM-. and :egM-* subsystems of the power plants6 you will reali(e the impact of P!! on interarea oscillation damping. The active power through 8> with and without P!! is reproduced below. Cithout P!!' the ..* 9( under damped power oscillations are clearly unacceptable. +amping of Power ."cillation" %y PSS

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