Chaos in Power Electronics: An Overview

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Chaos in Power Electronics: An Overview

Mario di Bernardo


Chi K. Tse

a di Ingegneria
a del Sannio in Benevento
82100 Benevento, Italy
(on leave from Dept. Eng. Maths,
University of Bristol, U.K.)

Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong, China

Power electronics is rich in nonlinear dynamics. Its operation is
characterized by cyclic switching of circuit topologies, which gives
rise to a variety of nonlinear behavior. This chapter provides an
overview of the chaotic dynamics and bifurcation scenarios observed
in power electronics circuits, emphasizing the salient features of the
circuit operation and the modelling strategies. This chapter covers
the modelling approaches, analysis methods, and a classication of
the common types of bifurcations observed in power electronics.

1 Financial support for C.K. Tse to undertake this work has been provided by the Hong
Kong Research Grants Council under Grant PolyU-5131/99E.




Chaos in Power Electronics


Power electronics is a discipline spawned by real-life applications in industrial,

commercial, residential and aerospace environments. Much of the development
of the eld of power electronics evolves around some immediate needs for solving
specic power conversion problems. In the past three decades, power electronics has gone through intense development in many aspects of technology [1],
including power devices, control methods, circuit design, computer-aided analysis, passive components, packaging techniques, etc. Moreover, the principal
focus in power electronics, as reected from topics discussed in some key power
electronics conferences [2, 3], is to fulll the functional requirements of the
application for which the concerned circuits are used. Like many areas of engineering, power electronics is mainly motivated by practical applications, and it
often turns out that a particular circuit topology or system implementation has
found widespread applications long before it is thoroughly analyzed and most
of its subtleties uncovered. For instance, the widespread application of a simple
switching converter may date back to more than three decades ago. However,
good analytical models allowing better understanding and systematic circuit
design were only developed in late 1970s [4], and in-depth analytical and modelling work is still being actively pursued today. Nonlinear phenomena, despite
being commonly found in power electronics circuits, have only received formal
treatments in very recent years.
In this chapter, we review some of the nonlinear phenomena observed in
typical power electronics systems. Our aim is to give an account of methods
and techniques that can be applied to study the many strange phenomena
previously observed in power electronics. Simple dc/dc converters are used as
representative examples to illustrate the modelling approaches that are capable of retaining the essential qualitative properties. Such properties, peculiar
to switching and non-smooth systems, are systematically analyzed in terms of
possible bifurcation scenarios and nonlinear phenomena. Our intention is to
provide an overview of the recent research eorts in the study of nonlinear
phenomena in power electronics, and to summarize the essential analytical approaches that can be used to perform a systematic classication of the nonlinear
behavior of power electronics systems. Since we wish to limit ourselves to a
concise overview of the main results, we will ignore the analytical details and
simply refer the readers to the main references listed at the end of the chapter.
The rest of the chapter is outlined as follows. We begin in Sec. 16.2 with a
brief overview of power electronics circuits, followed by a review of the classical
methods of analysis in Sec. 16.3 and a discussion of the benets of studying
chaotic dynamics in power electronics in Sec. 16.4. A quick tour of some recent
ndings is presented in Sec. 16.5. In Secs. 16.6 and 16.7, we present a detailed
discussion of the modelling methods for characterizing nonlinear phenomena

Power Electronics Circuits: A Brief Overview
















Simple dc/dc converters. (a) Buck converter; (b) buck-boost converter; (c)
boost converter.

such as bifurcation and chaos in power electronics.


Power Electronics Circuits: A Brief Overview

Regardless of its specic function, a power electronics circuit operates by toggling its topology among a set of linear or nonlinear circuit topologies, under
the control of a feedback system. As such, they can be regarded as piecewiseswitched circuits.
For example, in simple dc/dc converters, such as the ones shown in Fig. 16.1,
an inductor is switched between the input and the output through an appropriate switching element (labelled as S in the gure). The way in which the
inductor is switched determines the output voltage level and transient behavior. Usually, a semiconductor switch and a diode are used to implement the
said switching, and through the use of a feedback control circuit, the relative
durations of the various switching intervals can be continuously adjusted. Such
feedback action eectively controls the dynamics and steady-state behavior of
the circuit. Thus, both the circuit topology and the control method determines
the dynamical behavior of a power electronics circuit.



Chaos in Power Electronics

Simple DC/DC converters

Many power electronics converters are constructed on the basis of the three
simple converters shown in Fig. 16.1. In a typical period-1 operation, the
switch S and the diode D are turned on and o in a cyclic and complementary
fashion, under the command of a pulse-width modulator. When the switch
S is closed (the diode D is open), the inductor current ramps up. When the
switch S is open (the diode D closed), the inductor current ramps down. The
duty ratio, dened as the fraction of a repetition period during which S is
closed, is continuously controlled by a feedback circuit that aims to maintain
the output voltage at a xed level even under input and load variations. Two
typical feedback arrangements are shown in the next subsection.
The behavior of a dc/dc converter is greatly inuenced by its operating mode.
Typically, we can distinguish two dierent modes of operation, namely, continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM).
In CCM, the inductor current is maintained non-zero throughout the entire
repetition cycle. This happens when the inductance L is relatively large, or
the load current demand is relatively high. Moreover, in DCM, the inductor
current is zero for an interval of time within a cycle. This happens when the
inductance L is relatively small, or the load current demand is low, causing the
inductor current to fall to zero as the inductor is being discharged. During the
interval of zero inductor current, both switch S and diode D are open.
For both CCM and DCM, the output voltage has a xed relationship with
the input voltage, as determined by the duty ratio. A steady-state relationship
can be easily found from a volt-time balance consideration of the inductor.
Table 16.1 shows the steady-state output voltage expressions for stable period1 operation [5]. Here, we denote by s the steady-state duty ratio, and by T
the repetition period.
As we will see in this chapter, although the period-1 stable operation is the
preferred operation for most industrial applications, it represents only one particular operating regime. Because of the existence of many possible operating
regimes, it would be of practical importance to have a thorough understanding
of what determines the behavior of the circuit so as to guarantee a desired
operation or to avoid an undesirable one.

Typical control strategies

Most dc/dc converters are designed to deliver a regulated output voltage. The
control of dc/dc converters usually takes on two approaches, namely voltage
feedback control and current-programmed control, also known as voltage-mode
and current-mode control, respectively [6]. In voltage-mode control, the output
voltage is compared with a reference to generate a control signal which drives

Power Electronics Circuits: A Brief Overview










PWM signal HH




















Typical control approaches for dc/dc converters: (a) Voltage-mode control; (b)
current-mode control.


Chaos in Power Electronics

Converter type




Vo = s Vin

Vo = 2Vin 1 + 1 +


Vo =


Vo =
1 s

1 s


RT s2


Vo = Vin s
Vo =


22 L
1+ s

TABLE 16.1
Steady-state output voltage expressions for stable period-1 operation [5]. s
denotes the steady-state duty ratio and T denotes the switching period.

the pulse-width modulator via some typical feedback compensation conguration. For current-mode control, an inner current loop is used in addition to the
voltage feedback loop, the aim of which is to force the peak inductor current
to follow a reference signal which is derived from the output voltage feedback
loop. The result of current-mode control is a faster response. This kind of
control is mainly applied to boost and buck-boost converters which suer from
an undesirable non-minimum phase response [5, 6]. The simplied schematics
are shown in Fig. 16.2.


Conventional Treatments

As mentioned previously, power electronics circuits are essentially piecewiseswitched circuits [7]. The number of possible circuit topologies is usually xed,
and the switching is done in a cyclic manner (but not necessarily periodically
because of the feedback action). This results in a nonlinear time-varying operating mode, which naturally demands the use of nonlinear methods for analysis
and design. Indeed, researchers and engineers who work in this eld are always dealing with nonlinear problems and have attempted to explore methods
not normally used in other circuit design areas, e.g., state-space averaging [4],
phase-plane trajectory analysis [8], Lyapunov based control [9], Volterra series
approximation [10], etc. However, in order to expedite the design of power
electronics systems, adequate simplifying models are imperative. In the process of deriving models, accuracy is often traded o for simplicity for many
good practical reasons. Since closed-loop stability and transient responses are
basic design concerns in practical power electronics systems, models that can
permit the direct application of conventional frequency-domain approaches will
present obvious advantages. Thus, much research in modelling power electron-

Bifurcations and Chaos in Power Electronics


ics circuits has been directed towards the derivation of a linear model that is
appropriate to a frequency-domain analysis; the limited validity being the price
to pay. (The fact that most engineers are trained to use linear methods is also
a strong motivation for developing linearized models.) For example, the averaging approach [4], one of the most widely adopted modelling approaches for
switching converters, initially yields simple nonlinear models that contain no
time-varying parameters and hence can be used more conveniently for analysis
and design. Essentially, an averaged model discards the switching details and
focuses only on the envelope of the dynamical motion. This is well suited to
characterize power electronics circuits in the low-frequency domain.
In practice, moreover, such so-called averaged models are often linearized
to yield linear time-invariant models that can be directly studied in a standard
Laplace transform domain or frequency domain, facilitating design of control
loops and evaluation of transient responses in ways that are familiar to practitioners.


Bifurcations and Chaos in Power Electronics

Power electronics engineers frequently encounter such phenomena as subharmonic oscillations, jumps, quasi-periodic operations, sudden broadening of
power spectra, bifurcations and chaos, despite not knowing what causes them
[11, 12]. Most power supply engineers would have experienced bifurcation phenomena and chaos in switching regulators when some parameters (e.g., input
voltage and feedback gain) are varied, but usually do not examine the phenomena in detail. The usual reaction of the engineers is to avoid these phenomena
by adjusting component values and parameters, often through some trial-anderror procedure. Thus, the phenomena remain somewhat mysterious and rarely
examined in a formal manner.
What has been said so far may be regarded as a kind of stereotypical development in application-driven disciplines. Indeed, if linear models can be
protably used in design (and as long as the restricted validity of the models does not adversely compromise the design integrity), there seems to be no
immediate needs for investigating such nonlinear phenomena as chaos and bifurcation. However, as the eld of power electronics gains maturity and as the
demand for better functionality, reliability and performance of power electronics systems increases, in-depth analysis into nonlinear behavior and phenomena
becomes justiable and even mandatory. On the one hand, the study of nonlinear phenomena oers the opportunity of rationalizing the commonly observed
behavior. Thus, knowing how and when chaos occurs, for instance, will certainly help avoid it, if avoiding it is what the engineers want. On the other
hand, many previously unused nonlinear operating regimes may be protably


Chaos in Power Electronics

exploited for useful engineering applications, provided that such operations are
thoroughly understood. For these reasons, the study of bifurcations and chaos
in power electronics has recently attracted much attention from both the power
electronics and the circuits and systems communities.
In the next section, we present a chronological survey of the recent ndings
in the identication, analysis and modelling of nonlinear phenomena in power
electronics circuits and systems.


A Survey of Research Findings

The occurrence of bifurcations and chaos in power electronics was rst reported
in the literature in the late eighties by Hamill et al. [13, 14]. Experimental
observations regarding boundedness, chattering and chaos were also made by
Krein and Bass [15] back in 1990. Although these early reports did not contain
any rigorous analysis, they seriously pointed out the importance of studying
the complex behavior of power electronics and its likely benets for practical
design. Since then, much interest has been aroused in the power electronics
and circuits research communities in pursuing formal studies of the complex
phenomena commonly observed in power electronics.
In 1990, Hamill et al. [16] presented a paper at the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference, reporting an attempt to study chaos in a simple
buck converter which became a subject of intensive research in the following decade (and still is!). Using an implicit iterative map, the occurrence
of period-doublings, subharmonics and chaos in a simple buck converter was
demonstrated by numerical analysis, PSPICE simulation and laboratory measurement. The derivation of a closed-form iterative map for the boost converter
under a current-mode control scheme was presented later by the same group of
researchers [17]. This closed-form iterative map allowed the analysis and classication of bifurcations and structural instabilities of this simple converter.
Since then, a number of authors have contributed to the identication of bifurcation patterns and strange attractors in a wider class of circuits and devices of
relevance in power electronics. Some key publications are summarized below.
See also [1820] for alternative reviews.
The occurrence of period-doubling cascades for a simple dc/dc converter
operating in DCM was reported in 1994 by Tse [21, 22]. By modelling the
dc/dc converter operating in DCM as a rst-order iterative map, the onset of
period-doubling bifurcations can be located analytically. The idea is based on
evaluating the Jacobian of the iterative map about the xed point corresponding to the solution undergoing the period-doubling, determining the condition
for which a period-doubling bifurcation occurs (i.e., Jacobian equals 1). Simulations and laboratory measurements have conrmed the ndings. Formal

A Survey of Research Findings

































Bifurcation diagrams from a current-mode controlled boost converter with
L = 1.5 mH, R = 40 and T = 100 s. For (a), T /CR = 0.125, and for (b),
T /CR = 0.625.

theoretical studies of conditions for the occurrence of period-doubling cascades

in discontinuous-mode dc/dc converter were reported subsequently in [23, 24].
Further work on the bifurcation behavior of the buck converter was reported by
Chakrabarty et al. [25] who specically studied the bifurcation behavior under
variation of a range of circuit parameters including storage inductance, load
resistance, output capacitance, etc. In 1996, Fossas and Olivar [26] presented
a detailed analytical description of the buck converter dynamics, identifying
the topology of its chaotic attractor and studying the regions associated with
dierent system evolutions. Various possible types of operation of a simple
voltage-feedback pulse-width-modulated buck converter were also investigated
through the so-called stroboscopic map obtained by periodically sampling the
system states. This method will be discussed later in this chapter.
The bifurcation behavior of dc/dc converters under current-mode control has
been studied by a number of authors. Deane [27] rst reported on the route
to chaos in a current-mode controlled boost converter. Chan and Tse [28]
studied various types of routes to chaos and their dependence upon the choice of
bifurcation parameters. Fig. 16.3 shows two bifurcation diagrams numerically
obtained from a current-mode controlled boost converter, with output current
level being the bifurcation parameter. Fig. 23.1 shows a series of trajectories
as the current level increases. In 1995, the study of bifurcation phenomena was

extended to a fourth-order Cuk

dc/dc converter under a current-mode control
scheme [29]. The four dimensional system is represented by an implicit fourthorder iterative map, from which routes to chaos are identied numerically.
As can be seen from Fig. 16.3 (a) for the case of the boost converter, the
bifurcation behavior contains transitions where a sudden jump from periodic
solutions to chaos is observed. These transitions cannot be explained in terms


Chaos in Power Electronics






















































Trajectories from a current-mode controlled boost converter. (a) Stable
period-1 operation; (b) stable period-2 operation; (c) stable period-4 operation;
and (d) chaotic operation.

of standard bifurcations such as period-doubling and saddle-node. In fact,

as studied by Banerjee et al. [30, 31] and Di Bernardo [32], these transitions
are due to a novel class of bifurcation known as grazing or border-collision
bifurcation, which is unique to switched dynamical systems [3335].
Since most power electronics circuits are non-autonomous systems driven by
xed-period clock signals, the study of the dynamics can be eectively carried
out using appropriate discrete-time maps. In addition to the aforementioned
stroboscopic maps (which will be discussed in the next section), Di Bernardo
et al. [24] studied alternative sampling schemes and their applications to the
study of bifurcation and chaos in power electronics [32]. It has been found
that non-uniform sampling can be used to derive discrete-time maps (termed
A-switching maps) which can be used to eectively characterize the occurrence
of bifurcations and chaos in both autonomous and non-autonomous systems.
These maps turned out to be particularly useful for the investigation of nonsmooth bifurcation in power electronics circuits and systems. Also, the occurrence of periodic chattering was explained in terms of sliding solutions [36].

Modelling Strategies


When external clocks are absent and the system is free-running, for example, under a hysteretic control scheme, the system is autonomous and does
not have a xed switching period. Such free-running converters were indeed
extremely common in the old days when xed-period integrated-circuit controllers were not available. For this type of autonomous converters, chaos cannot occur if the system order is below three. A representative example is the

free-running Cuk
converter which has been shown by Tse et al. [37] to exhibit
Hopf bifurcation and chaos.
Power electronics circuits other than dc/dc converters have also been examined in recent years. Dobson et al. [38] reported switching time bifurcation
of diode and thyristor circuits. Such bifurcation manifests as jumps in the
switching times. Bifurcation phenomena from induction motor drives were reported separately by Kuroe [39] and Nagy et al. [40]. Finally, some attempts
have been made to study higher order parallel-connected systems of converters
which are becoming popular design choice for high current applications [41].


Modelling Strategies

In Sec. 16.3, we discussed the conventional averaging method for modelling

power electronics circuits. In essence, averaging retains the low-frequency properties while ignoring the detailed dynamics within a switching cycle. Usually,
the validity of averaged models is only restricted to the low-frequency range
up to an order of magnitude below the switching frequency. For this reason,
averaged models become inadequate when the aim is to explore nonlinear phenomena that may appear across a wide spectrum of frequencies. Nevertheless,
averaging techniques can be useful to analyze those bifurcation phenomena
which are conned to the low-frequency range. For instance, in a free-running

converter, Hopf bifurcation that gives birth to a limit cycle consisting of
many switching periods (low-frequency behavior) can be clearly observed from
a suitable averaged model [37].
An eective approach for modelling power electronics circuits with a high degree of exactness is to use appropriate discrete-time maps obtained by uniform
or non-uniform sampling of the system states. Essentially the aim is to derive
an iterative function that expresses the state variables at one sampling instant
in terms of those at an earlier sampling instant. In what follows, the basic
concepts of discrete-time maps and how they can be used to explore nonlinear
phenomena in power electronics are explained.


Chaos in Power Electronics


Discrete-time maps

As is often the case in nonlinear dynamical systems, the analysis of complex

phenomena that are of relevance to engineering requires adequate models. As
mentioned previously, discrete-time maps obtained by suitable sampling of the
system dynamics can be extremely useful for characterizing the occurrence of
bifurcations and chaos in power electronics circuits. For the sake of clarity, we
distinguish two dierent classes of maps, namely Poincare maps and normalform maps. The former is useful for describing the global dynamics of the
system under investigation from one sampling instant to the next. The latter,
which is valid locally to a bifurcation point, is an invaluable tool for classifying
the system behavior following the onset of a bifurcation. In what follows we
focus on the derivation of appropriate Poincare maps for dc/dc converters. The
use of normal-form maps for classication will be left to the next section.
Several kinds of Poincare maps have been dened for the analysis of nonlinear phenomena in power electronics circuits. For convenience, we use a
voltage-controlled buck converter as an representative example to illustrate the
derivation of the most commonly used maps, namely, the stroboscopic map, the
S-switching (synchronous switching) map, and the A-switching (asynchronous
switching) map.
Specically the buck converter can be described by a piecewise smooth system of the form:
= v(t) +
where i(t) is the inductor current, v(t) the capacitor voltage, E a constant input
voltage, and (t) a modulated signal which is 0 whenever a linear combination
of the system states, vc (t) = gi i(t) + gv v(t), is greater than an appropriately
generated ramp signal of period T , vr (t) = + (t mod T ), and is 1 otherwise
(i.e., (t) is 0 when the switch is OFF, and is 1 when the switch is ON).
Without loss of generality, let us assume that the converter begins its evolution at a time instant equal to an integral multiple of the modulating period,
and that the converter assumes (t) = 1 initially. For brevity, we refer to the
phase with (t) = 1 as phase 1, and to that with (t) = 0 as phase 2. Thus,
the converter stays in phase 1 until the next commutation is reached, and so
In general, discrete-time maps can be categorized into the following three
classes (see Fig. 16.5).
Stroboscopic map: obtained by sampling the system states periodically
at time instants which are multiples of the period of the ramp signal vr

Modelling Strategies


(stroboscopic instants). Note that the system states are sampled at each
stroboscopic instant irrespectively of whether the system conguration
switches or not at that instant.
S-switching map (synchronous switching): obtained by sampling the system states at those stroboscopic time instants when the system commutes
from phase 2 to phase 1.
A-switching map (asynchronous switching): obtained by sampling the
system states at time instants within each ramp cycle when the system
commutes from phase 1 to phase 2.
In order to derive the relevant maps, we introduce the following two simplifying assumptions. These assumptions can be later removed.
1. No more than one commutation takes place during each period of the
modulating signal.
2. The commutation from phase 2 to phase 1 can only take place at time
instants which are multiples of the ramp cycle T .
Note that the second assumption is always true when the converter is under
current-mode control, but is not so for voltage-mode control.

Derivation of stroboscopic and S-switching maps

The stroboscopic map is the most widely used type of discrete-time maps for
modelling dc/dc converters. It can be obtained by sampling the system dynamics every T seconds, say, at the beginning of each ramp cycle. To avoid
confusing with other types of maps, we use sux k as the counting index for
this map, as shown in Fig. 16.5. Applying a simple iterative procedure to the
solutions of the state equations for phases 1 and 2, the stroboscopic map can
obtained as
xk+1 = N2 (1 k )N1 (k )xk + [N2 (1 k )M1 (k ) + M2 (1 k )] E, (16.6.2)
where xk denotes x(kT ), k is the duty ratio in the kth period, and the solution
to the state equation in each phase is given by x() = Ni () + Mi ()E with
Ni () = eAi T


Ai T
Mi () = A1
I)Bi .
i (e


Moreover, under certain drastic control conditions, the converter may stay in
phase 1 or phase 2 for the entire period. In such cases (normally called skipped
cycles), one must assume k = 1 or k = 0, as appropriate.


Chaos in Power Electronics

vc (t) 6


e u






k+1 = 1 m+1 T-

 k T -









Two iterations of the stroboscopic, S-switching and A-switching maps under
voltage-mode control.

As mentioned above, at time instants multiple of T , the stroboscopic map

does not discriminate between instants at which a switching occur and those
characterized by skipped cycles (stroboscopic instants where no switching occurs). In order to take into account this situation, the S-switching map can be
used. Essentially the S-switching map is obtained by sampling the state vector
at time instants multiple of T at which a switching occurs. For clarity, these
samples will be denoted by sux n. Specically, the S-switching map can be
written as
xn+1 = N2 (1 n + 2 )N1 (n + 1 )xn


+[N2 (1 n + 2 )M1 (n + 1 ) + M2 (1 n + 2 )]E,

where 1 and 2 are the numbers of skipped cycles in phases 1 and 2, respectively, between the time instants tn and tn+1 . Analytically the stroboscopic

Modelling Strategies


and the S-switching maps are identical when 1 = 0 and 2 = 0.

In the open-loop case, i.e., gT = (0, 0), the stroboscopic map is linear. However, it becomes nonlinear when a closed-loop control is activated. This is
because the duty ratio n depends on the system states as a consequence of
introducing the feedback control. Moreover, the construction of the map under closed-loop condition usually requires solving n from a control equation,
which is not necessarily in closed form. In fact, with the exception of currentmode controlled boost and buck-boost converters with zero inductances series
resistance, the control equation involving n is transcendental and can only be
solved numerically. Therefore, under closed-loop condition, the stroboscopic
and the S-switching maps cannot be written in closed form for most cases.

Derivation of A-switching maps

The A-switching map is obtained when the state vector is asynchronously sampled at switching times internal to the modulating period, as shown in Fig. 16.5.
Specically we can readily write down the A-switching map by noting that the
converter enters phase 2 after an A-switching, i.e.,
xm+1 = N1 (m+1 + 1 )N2 (1 m + 2 )xm


+[N1 (m+1 + 1 )M2 (1 m + 2 ) + M1 (m+1 + 1 )]E.

In order to construct the A-switching map under a closed-loop condition, the
variables m+1 and m must be eliminated from (16.6.6). To do this, we assume
that the following conditions are dened by the control law as the conditions
for an A-switching:
gT xm = + m T,


gT xm+1 = + m+1 T.


Let us assume that = 0 for simplicity. This assumption will be later

removed. By computing m from (16.6.7) and m+1 from (16.6.8), and putting
them in (16.6.6), we obtain the following A-switching map for the closed-loop
xm+1 = N1 ( T xm+1 a + 1 )N2 (1 T xm + a + 2 )xm
+[N1 ( T xm+1 a + 1 )M2 (1 T xm + a + 2 )
+M1 ( T xm+1 a + 1 )]E,


where T = gT /(T ) and a = /(T ). Note that (16.6.9) has a closed form,
although it is an implicit map.


Chaos in Power Electronics

As detailed in [19], explicit functional forms can be used by considering

appropriate simplied maps. These can be obtained by using a small-signal
approximation, i.e., by Taylor-expanding the exponential functions which characterize the maps introduced above.
All the maps introduced above can be used to obtain analytical conditions
for the existence of given periodic orbits and standard bifurcations such as
period-doubling and saddle-node. Many reports of standard bifurcations, as
surveyed earlier, have eectively employed the stroboscopic and S-switching
maps [1820]. Moreover, the A-switching maps are particularly useful for the
analysis of multi-switching behavior, and can be constructed more conveniently
for operations where skipped cycles are frequent such as when the converter is
operating in a chaotic regime.


Analysis and Classification of Non-smooth Bifurcations

The literature already abounds with methods of analysis and classication of

standard bifurcations like period-doubling and saddle-node [42]. In the following we focus on the non-smooth bifurcations, which are particularly relevant
to power electronics.

System formulation

As discussed earlier, because of their switching nature, power electronics systems are often modelled by sets of ordinary dierential equations (ODEs) or
maps which are intrinsically piecewise-smooth (PWS). Specically, whenever
the circuit under investigation switches to a dierent conguration (for example, from ON to OFF, or vice versa), the vector eld of the corresponding
model changes from one functional form to another. Thus, mathematically,
power electronics circuits can be modelled by dynamical systems of the form:

F1 (x, , t), ifx S1

F (x, , t), ifx S

x =


Fk (x, , t), ifx Sk

where Fi : Rn+p+1  Rn , i = 1, , k, is smooth in each of the phase-space
regions, Si , and is a system parameter. Also, the system switches from one
functional form Fi to another Fj , whenever the system states move from region
Si to region Sj .
Along the boundaries between dierent regions, say i,j , the system states
can have dierent degrees of discontinuity. In particular, according to the

Analysis and Classification of Non-smooth Bifurcations


properties of the system along its discontinuity boundaries, we can identify

three main classes of PWS dynamical systems:
Systems with discontinuous states (jumps);
Systems with a discontinuous vector eld, i.e., the rst derivative of the
system states is discontinuous across the phase-space boundaries;
Systems with a discontinuous Jacobian (i.e. Fix = Fjx ), i.e., the second
derivative of the system states is discontinuous across the phase-space
Moreover, the discontinuity boundaries between dierent phase-space regions
can themselves be smooth or piecewise smooth.
For example, consider the dc/dc buck converter depicted in Fig. 16.1 (a) and
described by (16.6.1). Suppose that the ramp signal vr denes a discontinuity
boundary, , which is itself discontinuous and divides the phase space into two
separate regions associated with the ON and OFF congurations. In this case,
the rst derivative of the system states varies discontinuously as the boundary
is crossed [36].

Bifurcation possibilities

Power electronics systems can exhibit standard bifurcations such as perioddoubling or saddle-node. Such bifurcations are indeed frequently observed both
analytically and experimentally, as surveyed earlier in Sec. 16.5. Nevertheless,
some of the most common dynamical transitions observed in power electronics circuits, such as the sudden jump to chaos mentioned earlier, cannot be
explained in terms of standard bifurcations [4345]. In fact, power electronics
systems, being switched dynamical systems, are known to exhibit an interesting
class of bifurcations which cannot be observed in their smooth counterparts.
Specically, for switched dynamical systems, a dramatic change of the system
behavior is usually observed when a part of the system trajectory hits tangentially one of the boundaries between dierent regions in phase space. When
this occurs, the system is said to undergo a grazing bifurcation which is also
known as C-bifurcation in the Russian literature [4649].
For example, in the case of the buck converter, such an event corresponds
to the feedback signal grazing the tip of the ramp signal at a stroboscopic
point. As studied by Banerjee et al. [31] and shown further by Di Bernardo et
al. [50], it is possible to analyze the system behavior associated with grazing
by considering an appropriate piecewise linear normal-form map of the form:

A1 xm + B, if the system is in phase 1

A2 xm + B, if the system is in phase 2


Chaos in Power Electronics




M **


Derivation of normal-form map near a grazing bifurcation.

where A1 , A2 , B are the linear system matrices valid for describing the local behavior near the point of grazing, and is a system parameter. In fact, when the
system undergoes a grazing bifurcation, a xed point of such a normal-form map
crosses transversally some boundary in the phase space (see Fig. 16.6). This
is also called border-collision bifurcation whose occurrence in one-dimensional
and two-dimensional maps was rst reported in the western literature by Nusse
et al. [33, 34].
It is worth noting that such normal-form maps are not always piecewise
linear. In fact, it can be shown [51] that the form of the normal-form map
at a grazing depends on the discontinuity of the system vector eld, and is
piecewise linear only if the discontinuity boundary between the ON and OFF
zones is itself discontinuous such as in the cases of many power electronics
circuits. Thus, knowing the form of the normal-form map associated with a
border collision becomes important when the aim is to predict the dynamical
behavior of the system following such a bifurcation. In the next subsection,
we describe a classication method to identify the scenario following a border

Analysis and Classification of Non-smooth Bifurcations




We begin with a brief description of the derivation of the normal-form map associated with a grazing or border-collision bifurcation. Referring to Fig. 16.6,
suppose that as the value of some parameter increases, a periodic orbit of system (16.7.10), say L0 , becomes tangent (grazing) to the switching hyperplane,
0 , when =
. The grazing limit cycle L0 is associated with a xed point, say
M0 , on the Poincare section D. As the parameter is varied, such a xed point
moves from M to M , i.e., from a xed point associated with an orbit which
does not cross the boundary to one corresponding to a solution which crosses
the boundary. Linearizing the system ow about each of these xed points, we
can then obtain a piecewise linear map of the form (16.7.11). This approximate
map is valid if the switching hyperplane 0 is itself non-smooth [51].
An eective method for classifying and predicting the dynamical scenarios
following a border-collision bifurcation is given in Di Bernardo et al. [52]. The
available results (up to now) for the n-dimensional case are summarized as
follows. Let 1+ and 2+ be the numbers of eigenvalues, respectively, of A1
and A2 in (16.7.11), which are greater than 1. Likewise, let 1 and 2 be
the numbers of eigenvalues that are less than 1. Specically, a periodic orbit
undergoing a border collision will
smoothly change into one containing an additional section on the other
side of the switching hyperplane, if
1+ + 2+ is even;


suddenly disappear after touching the switching hyperplane, if

1+ + 2+ is odd;


undergo a period-doubling, if
1 + 2 is odd.


The above three elementary conditions can be used to describe bifurcation

scenarios of various degrees of complexity [52, 53], which cover the sudden
transition from a periodic orbit to a chaotic attractor. Note that complete
classication is available only for two-dimensional systems [54]. At the time of
writing, no complete classication for the general n-dimensional case has been
Finally, it is worth mentioning that power electronics systems can exhibit a
peculiar type of solution, termed sliding, which lies within the system discontinuity set. Intuitively, this can be seen as associated with an innite number
of switchings between dierent phase-space regions which keep the trajectory


Chaos in Power Electronics

on the discontinuity boundary. The presence of sliding can give rise to the
formation of so-called sliding orbits, i.e., periodic solutions characterized by
sections of sliding motion (or chattering). These solutions can play an important role in organizing the dynamics of a given power electronics circuit [36].
Research is still on-going in identifying a novel class of bifurcations, called sliding bifurcations, which involve interactions between the system trajectories and
discontinuity sets where sliding motion is possible [56].


Current Status and Future Work

Research in nonlinear phenomena of power electronics may be said to have gone

through its rst phase of development. Most of the work reported so far has
focused on identifying the phenomena and explaining them in the language of
the nonlinear dynamics literature. The past decade of research may have served
a two-fold purpose. First, to the engineers, the commonly observed strange
phenomena (e.g., chaos and bifurcation) become topics that can be scientically
approached, rather than just being bad laboratory observations not relevant
to the main technical interest. Second, to the chaos and system theorists, the
proliferation of publication in this area has demonstrated the rich dynamics of
power electronics, oering a new area for theoretical study [47,51,52,54,57,58].
It seems that identication work will continue to be an important area of
investigation. This is because power electronics emphasizes reliability and predictability, and it is imperative to understand the system behavior as thoroughly as possible and under all kinds of operating conditions. Knowing when
and how a certain bifurcation occurs, for example, will automatically means
knowing how to avoid it. Furthermore, power electronics is an emerging discipline; new circuits and applications are created every day. The lack of general
solutions for nonlinear problems makes it necessary for each application to be
studied separately and the associated nonlinear phenomena identied independently.
Future research will inevitably move toward any protable exploitation of
the nonlinear properties of power electronics. As a start, some applications of
chaotic power electronics systems and related theory have been identied, for
instance, in the control of electromagnetic interference by spreading the noise
spectrum [59, 60], in the application of targeting orbits with less iterations
(i.e., directing trajectories to certain orbits in as little time as possible) [61],
and in the stabilization of periodic operations [62].



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