TOT Competency Checklist
TOT Competency Checklist
TOT Competency Checklist
Trainer/Speaker: __________________ Evaluator: ________________________ Facilitator: ___________________ Date: _________ Topic: ____________________________________
Please summarize trainers demonstrated knowledge/skills using the rating system below: 1. Trainer shows strength in this area 2. Trainer demonstrates some a ilit! in this area ". Trainer needs additional support in this area Delivery # the trainer: o o o $reeted the audience warml!. &sed a voice loud and clear enough to hear easil!. delivered a talk designed in a logical wa! (rom eginning to middle and end) *learl! descri ed what to e+pect (rom the presentation. &sed e((ective e+amples and illustrations. De(ined un(amiliar technical terms. Summari/ed the main points e(ore (inishing. $isual #ids # the trainer: o o &sed visual aids. %ade sure materials could e read easil! (rom where , was sitting. $ot the point across in a clear and simple wa!. Did not lock the screen or (lipchart. Talked to the audience rather than to the screen or (lipchart. used ke! words rather than sentences o o o o o o o o ating o o o !ody "anguage # the trainer: %aintained good e!e contact with the audience. 'as (riendl! and smiled. used od! language to help communicate ideas visuall! #udience Participation # the trainer: ,nvolved the audience. -andled .uestions and comments with calm courtes!. 0roke up lectures/discussion at appropriate points. 1rovided clear instructions (or all activities. *lari(ied or rephrased .uestions to elicit audience participation. Technical Competency # the trainer: Taught technicall! accurate content. 2nswered technical .uestions (rom the audience. $auged audience level o( technical knowledge and ad3usted the presentation accordingl!. 2ccuratel! roke down technical/comple+ concepts in a wa! participants could ating
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understand. Please use the space below to speci%y: Speci(ic topics where the trainer lacks technical knowledge/e+pertise:
'a!s the trainer might connect etter with and engage the audience4 e more inclusive:
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