Geometry Project
Geometry Project
Geometry Project
Che ! out the "ro#e t and due dates Students will: investigate geometric properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and prisms; develop an understanding of similarity and congruence. $hat we will Re%iew Polygons regular and irregular Platonic Solids Isometric Drawing Euler s !ule $hat we will be stud&ing " #easuring and $isecting %ngles &onstruct acute, o'tuse, rig(t, and refle) angles. Estimate angle si*es and measure wit( a protractor. $isect angles using a variety of met(ods, e.g., protractor, compass, paper folding, #ira. + Investigating and &lassifying ,riangles &lassify triangles 'y t(eir sides and angles -scalene, isosceles,equilateral, acute, o'tuse, rig(t. Investigate triangle properties, e.g., t(e largest angle in a triangle lies across from t(e longest side. &lassify triangles 'y t(e num'er of lines of symmetry t(ey possess. / $uilding and &lassifying 0uadrilaterals &lassify and name quadrilaterals and illustrate t(eir c(aracteristics. &lassify quadrilaterals 'ased on geometric properties, e.g., symmetry, num'er of equal sides, num'er of equal angles.... 1 Investigating Polygon and 0uadrilateral Properties Investigate t(e relations(ip 'etween t(e num'er of sides in a regular polygon and t(e num'er of lines of symmetry it possesses. Investigate t(e relations(ip in a quadrilateral 'etween t(e num'er of lines of symmetry and if it (as "23o or 43o rotational symmetry. &onstruct lines t(at intersect at /35, 135, and 635, using a variety of tools and strategies.
6 Investigating Perpendicular $isectors and %ngle $isectors &onstruct perpendiculars and t(e perpendicular 'isector of a line using a variety of tools and strategies. 7se appropriate sym'ols to mar8 43o angles and equal line segments. Investigate perpendicular 'isectors and angle 'isectors of triangles. 9 Investigating Parallel :ines &onstruct parallel lines using a variety of tools. Determine angle properties created 'y parallel lines. 7se angle properties to construct parallel lines. Investigate angles in a parallelogram.
Project Options
Materials Needed
Grid paper embroidery "loss or string sewing needle $uler %rotractor tape
For an e a!ple o" #o$ to do strin% art see Geometric String Art Pattern 107 Follow the link below and view a demonstration of string art.
http: www.!o"t" watch#v$%c7gb&0kb1'
)he Pict"re: 1. Pict"re m"st be on * + 10,or larger- sheet of "nlined paper. .. /t ma! be a pict"re0 abstract0 or collage 1 abstracts m"st have a p"rpose and collages m"st have a theme.2. )he pict"re m"st be one that is created specificall! for this class. '. )he pict"re m"st be made of geometric shapes. 3+act shapes m"st be at least 456 of !o"r pict"re. 5. 7o" ma! "se black and white0 or color. 8. 7o"r fig"res co"ld be made "sing a compass0 9"arters0 straight edge0 etc.. 7. :se of Geometric shapes with a comp"ter is allowed. *. )he more done "sing non;comp"ter tools will receive e+tra consideration.
The Summary:
1. /dentif! what !o"r pict"re is with a paragraph e+plaining !o"r pict"re and themes. 7o" do not detail the shapes0 as these are self; evident. )his s"mmar! sho"ld be one to two pages long. An! "se of s!mmetric relationships0 or golden ratio0 or perspective0 sho"ld be e+plained. .. 3+plain wh! !o" have chosen this pict"re. 2. S"mmar! is to be t!ped0 do"ble;spaced0 "sing at lest a 1. point b"t not more than 1' point font.
&ou may choose one o" the pro'ects. (tudents needing extra credit to pass the year should choose pro'ect option ). *he completed pro'ect is d&e Febr&ar' (1. . (ee attached rubric "or grading criteria. THIS PROJE T !""OT #E RE$O"E %OR ! HI&HER &R!$E.
%I'E POI"TS (I)) #E $E$* TE$ %OR E! H $!+ THE PROJE T IS )!TE.
The /u''ar&2 3. 'ar!s Identify w(at your picture is wit( a paragrap( e)plaining your picture and t(emes. <ou do not detail t(e s(apes, as t(ese are self=evident. ,(is summary s(ould 'e one to two pages long. %ny use of symmetric relations(ips, or golden ratio, or perspective, s(ould 'e e)plained. E)plain w(y you (ave c(osen t(is picture. Summary is to 'e typed, dou'le=spaced, using at a "+ point 'ut not more t(an "1 point font.
0rtisti use of Mathe'ati al Con e"ts Co'"le,it& %ccurate measurement -Spacing is equally distri'uted. Presentation 1ualit& -;ood 7se of space.
,eac(er %ssessment
Originalit& E,traordinar& use of s&''etr& or 'ore o'"le, sha"es Entire poster is symmetrical or, Symmetry wit( colors
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