7a Calculus
7a Calculus
7a Calculus
3x 2 Let f (x) = 5 x .
ax 2 + bx 2 &ind f ' (x). Give $our ans"er in the form (5 x ) "here a and b
(4) (Total 5 marks)
The fo##o"ing diagram sho"s the graphs of f (x) = #n (3x 2) ( and g (x) = ) cos (*.5x) ( 2, for x *.
Let A %e the area of the region enclose %$ the curves of f and g. (i) (ii) &ind an e+pression for A. ,a#cu#ate the va#ue of A.
(i) (ii)
There are t"o va#ues of x for "hich the gradient of f is e-ua# to the gradient of g. &ind %oth these va#ues of x.
(4) (Total 14 marks)
The diagram %e#o" sho"s part of the graph of the !ra ient function, y = f ' (x).
.n the grid %e#o", s/etch a graph of y = f (x), c#ear#$ indicating the x0intercept.
(i) (ii)
3 f ( x) dx = 2.
4ho" that
f ( x) dx = ).
,onsider f (x) = 3 x3 ( 2x2 5x. 5art of the graph of f is sho"n %e#o". There is a ma+imum point at 1, and a point of inf#e+ion at 6.
The #ine L is the tangent to the curve of f at (3, 2). &ind the e-uation of L in the form y = ax ( b.
(4) (Total 14 marks)
.n the a+es %e#o", s/etch a curve y = f (x) "hich satisfies the fo##o"ing conditions. x 72 x < * * *<x< 2 <x2 f (x) f ' ( x) negative * positive positive positive f '' (x) positive positive positive * negative
(Total 6 marks)
y = x tan x
#n x y= x
(3) (Total 6 marks)
9sing $our s/etch, "rite do"n (i) (ii) (iii) the e-uation of each as$mptote: the va#ue of the x0intercept: the va#ue of the $0intercept.
The region enc#osed %$ the curve of f, the x0a+is, and the #ines x = 3 and x = a, is revo#ved through 36* a%out the x0a+is. Let V %e the vo#ume of the so#id formed.
;+ + 2 x 5 ( 2 x 5) 6 dx.
,onsider the function f (x) = )x3 ( 2x. &ind the e-uation of the norma# to the curve of f at the point "here x = .
(Total 6 marks)
The fo##o"ing diagram sho"s part of the graph of a -uadratic function, "ith e-uation in the form y = (x 7 p)(x 7 q), "here p, q .
!rite do"n (i) (ii) the va#ue of p and of q: the e-uation of the a+is of s$mmetr$ of the curve.
(c) (d)
dy &ind dx .
Let T %e the tangent to the curve at the point (*, 5). &ind the e-uation of T.
(2) (Total 1% marks)
The ve#ocit$, v, in m s7 of a partic#e moving in a straight #ine is given %$ v = e3t72, "here t is the time in seconds. (a) (%) (c) &ind the acce#eration of the partic#e at t = . ?t "hat va#ue of t does the partic#e have a ve#ocit$ of 22.3 m s7 @ &ind the distance trave##ed in the first second.
(Total 6 marks)
Let f (x) = x3 7 3x2 7 2)x ( . The tangents to the curve of f at the points 5 and A are para##e# to the x0a+is, "here 5 is to the #eft of A. (a) ,a#cu#ate the coordinates of 5 and of A.
Let N and N2 %e the norma#s to the curve at 5 and A respective#$. (%) !rite do"n the coordinates of the points "here (i) (ii) the tangent at 5 intersects N2: the tangent at A intersects N .
(Total 6 marks)
The shaded region in the diagram %e#o" is %ounded %$ f (x) = x , x = a, and the x0a+is. The shaded region is revo#ved around the x0a+is through 36*. The vo#ume of the so#id formed is *.=)5.