Competitive Squad Timetable 2013
Competitive Squad Timetable 2013
Competitive Squad Timetable 2013
6:00am 7.30am
(Milton State School)
6.30am 7.30am
(St Lucia)
3.30pm 4.30pm
(St Lucia)
4.30pm 6.00pm
(St Lucia)
Casual 10 Entry Pass 1 Month Pass 3 Month Pass Fortnightly Direct Debit
Note: Only available if swimming at St Lucia and Milton
Junior Squad
Swimmers must demonstrate good technique over 25 metres of butterfly, and 50 metres of freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. The Junior Squad forms a stepping stone from our learnto-swim program into competitive swimming, with sessions aimed at developing their technique in all four strokes, competition skills and fitness levels as well as providing a forum where they are educated about correct training techniques
Intermediate Squad
Swimmers in the intermediate squad focus on correct technique and advanced skill development while gradually increasing distance and endurance each session. Intermediate squad swimmers undertake more complex sessions and swim at higher intensities, requiring a commitment towards their swimming, with a minimum of three sessions per week. Progression into this level is largely based on skill acquisition and training attendance. Senior squad trains with the aim of qualifying for state or national championships and the sessions are structured to reflect this. Swimmers should have a clear understanding of what their goals are by this stage with much more time spent training for specific events. A commitment to six, or more, training sessions per week is required.
Senior Squad