Lesson Plan 417 Revisit
Lesson Plan 417 Revisit
Lesson Plan 417 Revisit
Ba ing
Course S i##s:
Students -i## *e a*#e to: %emonstrate proper skills in regards to* Scaling and measuring +i#ing ,an preparation %etermining doneness -ltering recipes !dentifying standards .ompensation for failures and defects ,repare and evaluate bread product* /east product Specialty bread -ssess cost nutrition preparation time !dentify and demonstrate safe and sanitary practices %emonstrate basic competencies 2.$ ( 2.$.0 3.1.2 3.1.$ 3.2 ( 3.$ $.1 ( &.3.2
3. $.
Teacher name:
Student Friend#y .earning /arget&s': Student will learn the qualities desired for baking yeast bread products and how different situations and environments affect these products. They will gain skills in mi#ing forming baking and finishing yeast bread products.
Formati0e )ssessment&s':
9esponses to !92 :roup consensus of graphic organi7er
Students describe the role of ingredients and use the speciali7ed skills in working with bread products.
Teacher name:
.esson $ssentia# (uestion&s': 1. 2. ;hy are bread products important today in our lives< ;hat role does yeast sugar salt and flour play when making bread products< "ow do we ad=ust the environment of the bread product to assist us in leavening< ;hat are the characteristics of good products and the characteristics of faults of yeast bread products< "ow do ad=ust for mistakes and faults.
.esson ,no-#edge:
Students -i## no-:
.esson S i##&s':
Students -i## *e a*#e to:
3The >ig !dea* The students will be able to recogni7e the importance that bread products have played and still do in our and other cultures. !t will be important for the students to understand that yeast plays a ma=or role and that if not treated properly the results will be sub par.6
Students will discuss the cost convenience and availability of soft pret7el products in regards to snacks and cart food. They will be able to describe the relationship of yeast salt sugar flour fat liquids and optional ingredients in soft pret7el style leavened breads. Student will be able to describe the mi#ing method of traditional leavened bread. .ompare various shaping techniques and relevance to pret7els. %escribe the qualities one looks for in a baked soft pret7el.
2. 3. $.
%emonstrate the proper use of baking skills related to* Scaling and measuring correct mi#ing pan prep doneness altering recipe identifying quality compensation for defects and fault. ,repare and evaluate 1 of $ bread products* Soft ,ret7els !dentify and demonstrate safe and sanitary practices %emonstrate basic competencies
2.& describe bread products according to identified quality standards 3.1prepare and evaluate a minimum of four bread products including* 3.1.2 yeast bread 3.1.$ specialty bread 3.2 alter and vary basic recipes according to instructions 3.3 assess products? e.g. cost nutrition preparation time quality standards 3.$ compensate for failures and defects
1.$ investigate global considerations? e.g. cost safety convenience availability 2.1 identify the following ingredients and their roles in the preparation of bread products* 2.1.1 flour 2.1.3 salt 2.1.$ yeast? e.g. the types of yeast and their use the correct handling of yeast 2.1.& liquids 2.1.' fat 2.1.0 eggs 2.1.) optional ingredients 2.2 identify and describe mi#ing methods employed in the preparation of the following bread* 2.2.2 leavened bread? e.g. traditional 2.3 compare various shaping techniques and surface treatments used for bread products 2.& describe bread products according to identified quality standards
$. !dentify and demonstrate safe and sanitary practices $.1 maintain a clean sanitary safe work area $.2 apply universal precautions related to* $.2.1 personal protective equipment 3,,16? e.g. hair coverings aprons gloves $.2.2 hand-washing techniques $.2.3 infectious diseases $.2.$ blood-borne pathogens $.2.& bacteria viruses molds $.2.' safety and first-aid applications? e.g. back safety cuts slip and trip ha7ards $.3 use all materials products and implements appropriately $.$ clean saniti7e and store materials products and implements correctly $.& dispose of waste materials in an environmentally safe manner &. %emonstrate basic competencies &.1 demonstrate fundamental skills to* &.1.1 communicate &.1.2 manage information &.1.3 use numbers &.1.$ think and solve problems &.2 demonstrate personal management skills to* &.2.1 demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors &.2.2 be responsible &.2.3 be adaptable &.2.$ learn continuously &.2.& work safely &.3 demonstrate teamwork skills to* &.3.1 work with others &.3.2 participate in pro=ects and tasks
Teacher name:
Total time* '4 min with clean up and review 9esources Time @otes*
1. Teacher will pass around pret7els. 2. Teacher will ask the students* ;hat foods we can buy from carts traditional food trucks or street vendors< "ow are these foods viewed< :ood< >ad< "ealthy< ;hat are some of our favorites< ;hen do we eat these foods< Snacks< Treats< ;hat are some of the qualities we look for< !f they like soft pret7els where they are from if they are a traditional food. ;ho wants to make some pret7els<
O*6ecti0e o1 t4e #esson:
2 min
%iscuss the pret7el lab and what is e#pected 9eview of yeast 32A%14146 and qualities of baked goods. .ompletion of graphic organi7er Bnderstanding of products evaluation rubric 9eview of proper sanitation and work standards within the lab -ppointment of team leaders >aking of soft pret7els
;hite board +arkers .opies of* :raphic organi7ers 1valuation forms ,ret7el recipe %ip recipe
3 min
+ake sure students are aware of marking criteria and that participation and teamwork are necessary.
Pre5)ssessment: 1. Teacher will qui7 students about* /east ;hat affects yeast working ;hat is the proper environment for growth "ow salt affect yeast "ow sugar affects yeast ;hat is gluten and how it affects te#ture 2 min
9eview any aspects that students are unsure of regarding baking and lab safety and sanitation
Participatory .earning:
Teacher name:
/eac4er )cti0ities Teacher will* "ave students sit and question them regarding yeast flour gluten cost etc. -n overview of the lesson will be given and the teacher will check for understanding. This will include the lesson organi7ation assessment standards and e#pectations Split class into groups and tell them to turn the ovens on and begin on their graphic organi7ers. Teacher will review each group 3on a one to one basis6 completed organi7ers and tell the groups to wash hands and gather equipment and ingredients -------& minutes------ Teacher will offer assistance with the ingredients and review method Teacher will check for understanding about method yeast gluten and bread products. ---------& minutes----- The teacher will assist and watch the teams working. .heck for understanding and make notes regarding participation team-work and lab criteria Teacher will demonstrate the shaping of a pret7el with the pre made dough after each team has finished theirs ;hen the students are around the demo bench the teacher will qui7 the students about the characteristics Tell the students they must make at least 1 pret7el shape but are free to e#periment with other Teacher will remind the students about the Teacher name:
.earner )cti0ities Student will* Students will answer the questions asked Students will call out quality characteristics for pret7els Turn ovens on and stove for the pot with water and soda .omplete graphic organi7er and submit it for review by the teacher ---------& minutes------- Student will wash hands -s a group students will gather ingredients on a tray and show the instructor for approval Students will organi7e their sections Students will begin the recipe Students will answer the teachers questions about method yeast and bread products --------& minutes------ Students will complete the dough and watch the teacher demonstrate the shaping Students will cover their dough and begin dividing the pre made dough ------14 minutes------ Students will complete 1 pret7el shape and e#periment with other shapes Students will begin to dip pret7els in soda water -------& minutes------- Students will begin baking their pret7els ;hile the pret7els are baking the students will clean up their sections and begin to mi# the dipping sauce --------1& minutes-------- Students will remove
,archment paper >aking trays +i#ing bowls ,astry brushes .up measures Spoon measures ,aring knifes
;atch students with the boiling water. -llow students to try different shapes !f they run out of time they can take the dough home and bake the pret7el there. They need to take a picture or bring it in for the following class.
2lour /east Sugar Salt Cosher salt >aking soda .anola oil 1gg %i=on +ustard +aple syrup Sea salts .araway seeds +ayonnaise
Post5)ssessment: The teacher will demonstrate the dipping of the pret7el Teacher will watch the students dip their pret7els and assist if needed Teacher will have students fill out their baked product evaluation rubric. Teachers will double check cleanliness and completion of lesson. Teacher will gather sample products from each group and complete assessment.
Students will sample their products and a class discussion about the final products and complete product evaluation rubrics. Student will file their graphic organi7ers Students will set aside sample pret7el for teacher evaluation.
& min
Summary+C#osure* Teacher and students will discuss the qualities of the pret7els The teacher will review the cost and convenience of the finished products
3 min
Ot4er resources & Faci#ities: .ulinary classroom $7tensions: Students that have finished early will be responsible for making dipping sauce. !f all student groups have time they will all be responsible to make individual dipping sauces 32A%1414 or 2A%14346. !f any of the students are short time they will have the opportunity to wrap and place their pret7els in the refrigerator overnight to bake them in the following days class. "e1erences: http*DDwww.preparedpantry.comDwhatisglutenandwhydoesitmatter.asp# http*DDwww.foodnetwork.comDrecipesDfood-network-kitchensDalmost-famous-soft-pret7els-recipe.html<ocElinkback -lberta 1ducation program of studies -ppropriate culinary te#t book
Some (uestions 1or 3"F: ;hat kills yeast< Salt high temperature acid ;hat makes yeast work< Sugar room temperature liquid ;hy do we want bread products to rise< Te#ture ;here is the pret7el originally from< >avaria ;hat other shapes can we make< >raid twist buns
Teacher name:
;hat does the soda do in the water< -llows for a much deeper brown gla7e by gelatini7ing the crusts ;hat else do we mi# like this< >reads pi77a dough etc. ;hat are we looking for when the pret7els are done< %ark golden brown cracking smell light ;hat other toppings can we use< Salt seeds nuts ham cheese .an we make pret7els into a dessert< -dd more sugar dip in chocolate etc
Teacher name: