Recomendation Letter
Recomendation Letter
Recomendation Letter
March 3, 2013 To Whom It May Concern, Ricar o Ro ri!"e# G"#man $a% a %t" ent in my Conce&t"a' %ti'' 'i(e an Conce&t"a' (a%hion &hoto!ra&hy $or)%ho&% thi% &a%t (a'' at the *e$ +n!'an Schoo' o( Photo!ra&hy, -rom the %tart o( c'a%% it $a% c'ear that Ricar o ha a &a%%ion an e ication (or hi% &hoto!ra&hy a% $e'' a% a thoro"!h conce&t"a' a&&roach to hi% $or), Hi% %ty'e i% con%i%tent thro"!ho"t a'' o( the &hoto!ra&hy he &ro "ce% ma)in! it a .ery cohe%i.e /o y o( $or), Ricar o $o"' tire'e%%'y $or) an re$or) ima!e% "nti' they met hi% 'e.e' o( 0"a'ity an ae%thetic, Ricar o $a% an e1ce''ent %t" ent to ha.e in c'a%% an he $a% a'$ay% o&en to an e1&'ore the %"!!e%tion% !i.en to him, The%e are a'' trait% that $i'' %er.e Ricar o $e'' in a'' o( hi% &"r%"it%, I $o"' hi!h'y recommen him (or any 2o/ in the &hoto!ra&hy (ie' an )no$ that a'' hi% har $or) an e ication $i'' 'ea to %"cce%%, P'ea%e (ee' (ree to contact me i( yo" ha.e any 0"e%tion% or nee in(ormation, Sincere'y, Chri% Vaccaro a itiona'
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