Summative Commission Unit Presentation

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Luna Limbu Year 1 Pho o!ra"h#


En$ironmen i% a !o&'% !i( ) The main *om"onen o( he en$ironmen are air+ ,a er+ %oi-+ $e!e a ion+ minera-%+(ue-% e *) I i% $er# e%%en ia- in e$er# a%"e* o( our -i(e) I "ro$i&e% %ur$i$a- (a* or (or a-- -i$in! or!ani%m%) The &e$e-o"men o( a-- -i$in! or!ani%m% are ba%e& aroun& he en$ironmen ) Human bein!% u%e he na ura- re%our*e% "ro$i&e& b# he en$ironmen (or he &e$e-o"men o( human *i$i-i%a ion) Human% ha$e *ir*u-a e& man# a* i$i ie% ,i hin he en$ironmen an& ha$e bene(i e& (rom i ) One o( he main (a* or ,i hin he en$ironmen i% he $e!e a ion .,oo&-an&%/!reen area%0) I i% in he%e area% ha "eo"-e bui-& hou%e%+ in&u% ria(a* orie%+ %*hoo-% e *)


h h h h h h

"://!reen-i$in!)-o$e o1no,)*om/2h#3i%3Our3En$ironmen 3Im"or an "://,,,)a*ri i*a-&e*i%ion)or!/-in1%/,h#4i%4 he4en$ironmen 4%o4im"or an )h "://,,,)"re%er$ear i*-e%)*om/2012042551066/e%%a#4on4 he4im"or an*e4o( "%://,,,)!o$)u1/!o$ernmen /"o-i*ie%/%u% ainin!4an&4enhan*in!4 ree%4(ore% "://,,,) he!uar&ian)*om/en$ironmen /2015/&e*/07/,in&4ener!#4,or1%4 "://,,,) e-e!ra"h)*o)u1/ear h/en$ironmen /


M# ini ia- *on*e" (or hi% "ro8e* ,a% o *rea e a %erie% o( &o*umen ar# -an&%*a"e re*or&in! he *han!e% ha o**ur% na ura--# o$er ime in na ure) C-ima e *han!e+ ,hi*h i% one o( he a%"e* i% *han!in! our e*onom#+ hea- h an& *ommuni ie% in &i$er%e ,a#%) Tree%+ ,oo&-an&%+ an# hin! ha in*-u&e% !reen %"a*e% ,a% m# main (o*u% area) Then !ra&ua--# mo$in! on+ I ,an e& o &e$e-o" (rom "ho o!ra"hin! he na ura- *han!e% o human im"a* /u%e on na ure an& heir ,a#% o( u i-i%in! na ure) Sin*e ,e -i$e in he mo&ern era+ an a!e o( &e$e-o"men "eo"-e ha$e a-,a#% *ome u" ,i h ne, ,a#% o( u%in! hin!%) In erm% o( ,oo&-an&% an& !reen %"a*e% "eo"-e ha$e *rea e& "ar1%+ "-a#!roun&%+ a re*rea ion %"a*e ,here e$er#one *an ha$e a !oo& ime)


Medway, which lies in the Kent County council is also known as The Garden of England for its abundance of orchards and hop gardens The Medway area is full of woodlands Considering this ! decided to do "y research on green spaces around Medway ! found out that there were loads of recreation areas around and so"e of these places were not used as "uch but they were kept preser#ed

$ink to the website %rticles on green spaces in Medway http&''www "edway go# uk'infor"ation'newspages'news'newscategories asp()category*Greenspaces

+o"e "ore infor"ation on ,arks and green spaces -eb link& http://

I -oo1e& in o he%e 5 area%' "-a# area)

P-a# area% .Par1% 9 Re*rea ion0 ,lay areas and recreation areas can be created for both indoor and outdoor acti#ities, but typically it is created for outdoor acti#ities !t pro#ide a socialising place for e#eryone !t pro#ides opportunities for infor"al and social acti#ities The idea of the playground as a "ethod for i"buing children with a sense of fair play and good "anners originated in Ger"any where playgrounds were erected in connection to schools, although the first purpose built public.access playground was opened in a park in Manchester, England in /012 3#er ti"e, organi4ed playing areas ha#e been adopted by other countries of the world and ha#e beco"e co""onplace 56atural playgrounds5 are play en#iron"ents that blend natural "aterials, features, and indigenous #egetation with creati#e landfor"s to create purposely co"ple( interplays of natural, en#iron"ental ob7ects in "any ways ,lay co"ponents "ay include earth shapes 8sculptures9, en#iron"ental art, indigenous #egetation 8trees, shrubs, grasses, flowers, lichens, "osses9, boulders or other rock structures, dirt and sand, natural fences 8stone, willow, wooden9, te(tured pathways, and natural water features

:ene(i %:

E;er*i%e+ (i ne%% 9 *on&i ionin! <un an& en er ainmen Learnin! an& e&u*a ion Re-a;a ion Hea- h =e in! o 1no, "eo"-e =rou" "ar i*i"a ion In era* ion o( a&u- % an& 1i&% Communi # a,arene%% <re%h air Na ure > "-a*e o be ou &oor%

O her re(eren*e%:

http&'' www "edway go# uk'en#iron"entandplanning'greenspaceser#ices'greenspa http&''www "edwayconser#ati#egroup co uk'article php)id*/20 http&'' www "edway go# uk'en#iron"entandplanning'greenspaceser#ices'recreation

>r i% re%ear*h: S e"hen Shore

+tephen +hore is known for his i"ages of banal scenes : ob7ects and for pioneering the use of color in art photography +hore looks at the #ery essence of a photograph

;eference& http&''seesaw"aga4ine co"'shore<pages'shore<inter#iew ht"l http&''www getty edu'art'gettyguide'artMaker=etails)"aker*>???:page*/ http&''www newrepublic co"'article'//1@A>'" http&''www #ice co"'en<uk'read'stephen.shore.2A>.#/?nB www " co" http&''www stephenshore net'info php http&''www yose"ite ca us'library'four<seasons<in<yose"ite'su""er ht"l http&''www " co"'+'shore'shore<yose"ite<full ht"l

Ceatures "an "ade en#iron"ent +hows an interest of hu"an i"pact on nature +hows hu"an en7oying the en#iron"ent but not ad"iring it Takes #iewers attention to the" instead of the landscape

>r i% Re%ear*h:Simon Rober %

;oberts tra#elled throughout England in a "otor ho"e using a large for"at ca"era capturing people at play, and e(ploring the relationship between people and the places they #isit This resulted in the book and e(hibition -e English

http&''thephotographersgallery org uk'si"onroberts http&''flowersgallery co"'e(hibitions'flowers'@D/>'si"on.roberts.pierdo"' http&''www telegraph co uk'culture'photography'/DAD22?A';e#iew.,ierdo".by.+i"on.;oberts ht"l

-e can see pure natural en#iron"ent %gain shows hu"an i"pact on nature Can see hu"an en7oying and ad"iring the landscape $ong range shot Eiew.point +cale of the hu"an figures The hori4on line

Lo*a ion: =rea -ine% Heri a!e Par1 The Great $ines in Gillingha", Kent, is a large area of chalk grassland co#ering "any acres !t acts as the defense, the green lung, which protects Gillingha" fro" the nearby concrete de#elop"ent in Chatha" 7ust o#er the hill I i% a $a% area o( o"en %"a*e *onne* in! Cha ham+ =i--in!ham+ :rom" on an& he Hi% ori* ?o*1#ar& ,i h !reen *orri&or% (or ,i-&-i(e+ "e&e% rian an& *#*-e -in1% (or re%i&en % o( he ,o o,n%) The =rea Line% i% o$er @0 he* are% o( o"en %"a*e a he hear o( Me&,a#) The =rea Line% ha% a hi% or# o( re*rea iona- u%e A a-o( he "-a eau ha% been u%e& a% %"or % "i *he% a %ome "oin .in&ee&+ he =rea Line% ,a% he home "i *h o( he Ro#aEn!ineer% A ,inner% o( he <> Cu" in 17@B0) To&a# i i% u%e& (or in(orma- -ei%ure "ur%ui %+ %u*h a% 1i e4(-#in!+ *#*-in! an& ,a-1in!+ a% ,e-- a% he annua- (ire,or1% &i%"-a#) Re(eren*e:

h "://,,,)me&,a#-ine%)*om/!rea -ine%"ro8e* )h m h "://,,,)*ha ham,or-&heri a!e)or!)u1/$i%i in!/!rea 4-ine%4heri a!e4"ar1 / h ":// ,,,)me&,a#)!o$)u1/"&(/=rea C20Line%C20Mana!emen C20P-an<IN>L1)"&( h ":// ,,,)bre )*o)u1/*on% ru* ion/"ro$en3e;"erien*e/en$ironmen a-3,or1%/!rea 3

Lo*a ion: Ca"% one <arm Coun r# Par1 Ca"% one <arm Coun r# Par1 *o$er% 114 he* are% o( (ormer (arm-an& %e on he Nor h ?o,n%) There i% a $arie # o( habi a % ,i hin he "ar1+ in*-u&in! an*ien ,oo&-an&%+ o-& or*har&%+ a (re%h,a er -a1e+ mea&o,% an& he&!ero,%) The "ar1 i% #"i*a- o( he ro--in! -an&%*a"e o( he Nor h ?o,n% an& man# o( he ,oo&% an& he&!ero,% are hun&re&% o( #ear% o-&) The ,oo&-an&% are mana!e& in he ra&i ionamanner o( *o""i*in!) E;am"-e% o( hi% *an be %een hrou!hou he "ar1+ in "ar i*u-ar a ?ro, Hi-- 2oo&) Co""i*in! *rea e% a ,i&e &i$er%i # o( a!e in he ree% an& en*oura!e% a !rea er $arie # o( ,i-&-i(e o inhabi he ,oo&) The !ra%%-an&% are % i-- (arme& ,i h *a -e !raDin! %ome (ie-&%) Ha# mea&o,% are *u in %ummer on*e he ,ea- h o( mea&o, ,i-&(-o,er% ha% %e %ee& O her in(orma ion a$ai-ab-e a : h ":// ,,,)me&,a#)!o$)u1/en$ironmen an&"-annin!/*oun r#%i&e%i e%/*a"% one(arm*oun r#"ar1)a%";

Lo*a ion: Vi* oria =ar&en% Vi* oria =ar&en% ,ere *rea e& on -an& "re$iou%-# o,ne& b# he 2ar ?e"ar men + he Na"o-eoni* <or Pi bein! on a&8a*en -an&) The Cha ham Cor"ora ion -ea%e& an& hen bou!h he area an& o"ene& i a% a "ub-i* !ar&en o mar1 Eueen Vi* oria'% ?iamon& Fubi-ee in 17G@) The# -an&%*a"e& he !roun&% ,hi*h be*ame $er# "o"u-ar (or % ro--in! an& a&mirin! he $ie,% o$er he ri$er Me&,a#) Con*er % ,ere he-& in he Summer a he ban&% an&+ a% ,e-- a% an o"en4air %er$i*e on >rmi% i*e ?a#) The Cannon% in (ron o( he (-a!"o-e ,ere *a" ure& &urin! he :oer 2ar an& "re%en e& o he o,n) The -an& (or he "ar1 ,a% -ea%e& (rom he 2ar ?e"ar men in 17G@ o *e-ebra e he ?iamon& Fubi-ee o( Eueen Vi* oria) The "ar1 "ro$i&e% re*rea ion %"a*e (or he o,n o( Cha ham) I ha% a (ine Vi* orian ban&% an& an& a % one Ce- i* *ro%% ,ar memoria-)

Some o-& "o% *ar& "ho o% o( Vi* oria =ar&en%)

More in(orma ion a$ai-ab-e a : h ":// ,,,)"ar1%an&!ar&en%)or!/"-a*e%4an&4"eo"-e/%i e/556G/%ummar#

EHui"men % u%e&:

Mami#a RI .S an&ar& -en%0 Mami#a r@ Li!h me er Tri"o& Pro 400 Co-or <i-m Canon B00?

=igital Test shots&

Con a* %hee : 1% e% %ho

r# .Mami#a RI0

M# (ir% a em" ,i h he Mami#a RI urne& ou o be ra her &i%a""oin in!) :u I oo1 i a% a -e%%on an& "-anne& on ano her %hoo ) M# mi% a1e% ,i h hi% "ho o%hoo ,a% ha mo% o( hem ,ere ou o( (o*u%+ he -i!h rea&in!% ,ere in*orre* + he an!-e an& mu- i e;"o%ure)

Con a* %hee : 2 .Mami#a RI0

Contact sheet&> 8Ma"iya ;F9

Contact sheet& A 8Ma"iya ;B9

Ath atte"pt with Ma"iya ;B

Contact sheet&1 8Ma"iya ;B9

These are "y contact sheets for "y pro7ect %s stated ! took so"e with Ma"iya ;G and the last two with Ma"iya ;B The ones with Ma"iya ;B turned out to be rather disappointing This was because it was "y first ti"e using Ma"iya ;B and ! wasnHt used to using it but it was a good e(perience and ! leaned a lot Iut !H" Juiet happy with "y other shots ,rocessing the fil" after a gap was a bit challenging too but again it was another e(perience ! achie#ed

Critical %ppraisal
> (ir% + *omin! u" ,i h a *on*e" ,a% bi o( *ha--en!in! a% I ha& o mee he brie(J% *ri eria) M# ini iai&ea ,a% o "ro&u*e a %erie% o( ima!e% %ho,in! ho, "eo"-e are &e% ro#in! na ura- "-a*e% (or he "ur"o%e o( bui-&in! hou%e%+ (a* orie%+ in&u% ria- e% a e%+ an& o her in% i u e%) The i&ea &i&nJ !o hrou!h a% "-anne& a( er a u oria- a% I &i&nJ ha$e an# re-e$an ar i% re%ear*h an& I oo ,a%nJ %ure ho, I ,a% !oin! o "ro&u*e he ,or1) Then mo$in! on I *han!e& m# *on*e" an& (o*u%e& on he im"or an*e o( ha$in! "-a# area%/!reen %"a*e% in our en$ironmen ) The rea%on behin& m# ,or1 i% o %ho, ha a-- he%e "-a# area% an& a-- he !reen %"a*e% ha are aroun& ha$e heir o,n im"or an*e in he en$ironmen ) I ,ou-& a-%o -i1e m# "ho o!ra"h o %ho, ha e$er# hin! ,i hin he en$ironmen ,he her i i% na ura- or man4ma&e+ he# ho-& a $a-ue) I "or ra#e& m# ima!e% in a %erie% an& oo1 hem in a ,a# ,here ,e *an %ee bo h he na ura- %"a*e aroun& an& he man4ma&e "-a#!roun& ,i hin i ) >- hou!h I (ini%he& e$er# hin! I am no %a i%(ie& ,i h ,ha I ha$e) I hin1 I *ou-&J$e &one be er in $ariou% (ie-&% %u*h a% he e*hni*a- (ie-& an& re%ear*h area) I a-%o -earne& a -o abou ne, eHui"men % ha I *ame a*ro%% hi% "ro8e* + %ome ,ere ne, o me an& oo1 ime o !e m# hea& aroun& o u%e i ) I a-%o rea-i%e& ha i i% $er# im"or an o ha$e $i%ua- re(eren*e+ one o( he area ,hi*h I -a*1e& a% i he-"% o re(-e* ba*1 an& (or h ,hen #ouJre ,or1in!)

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