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Architectural Engineering Calculations

Acoustic Architecture Architecture Architecture Electrical HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC Lighting Plumbing Properties Properties Structure Structure Structure Workbook Workbook Workbook

Type Description
Load Load Load Load Load Sizing Load Load Sizing Load Load Reverberation Time Building Gross & $ from Net Building Occupancy or Size Estimate Building Size Building Watts Required Estimate Air Flow Required & Duct Sizing Basic Wall Conduction Infiltration and Ventilation Heat Load Seasonal Fuel Usage and Cost Lighting Fixture Requirements Building Water Requirements Conversion Factors Material Properties Floor Load Estimates Simple Beam - Stress & Deflection Tributary Area Load Estimate Contributors Future Work Revision History




MC Squared Ching p228-232 Arizona State Butler 58-59 Ching 74-79 Online Calc Ching 117-127 Ching 117-127

Ching 142-150 Butler 584

Load Stress Load

Ching 238-245 Ching 238-245 Ching 238-245

This spreadsheet gives a number of basic Architectural Engineering (AE) calculations to allow initial quick estimates of loads and sizes for some of the major systems. It is a work in progress and will be updated and corrected. It is not exact and should not be used for a building after initial estimates. Use the professional-level programs for that purpose. The Calculation column shows how the cell was calcuated using named variables - it should help you understand the logic. In most cases it's just the application of basic math and physics although a few formulae are empirically derived. The hard part is often the units - which are carefully shown. Be sure to look at the "comments" - usually in the "input" column or the description column on this page - you see them by putting the cursor over any cell that has a small red triangle in the upper right corner. They will explain meanings and give typical values.
- To use it click on the hyperlink to the calculation you're interested in (you may make suggestions for future ones on the "FutureWork" sheet). - In each worksheet the white boxes are ones you're intended to modify - "reasonable" default values are provided. - You may "unprotect" the workbook and modify anything you wish. - The "Return to Index" button will bring you back to this sheet. - Note the "grouping" indicators at the top of each sheet. By clicking on the "1" or the horizontal line you may hide the calculations - probably better for printing.

Users are urged to make corrections and additions and send the revised sheet back to J. Mitchell.

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Architecture Calculations
Gross Area & Cost from Net
Input Allocation Offices Allocation Meeting Room Allocation Storage Allocation Eating Area Allocation Lobby Allocation Work Area Allocation Athletic Area Allocation Mechanical Electrical Circulation & Structure Factor Building Cost Per SF Named Areas Total Circulation & Structure Building Gross Area Building Cost CircStr Percent of Gross Building Efficiency Value 4,000 2,600 1,500 1,250 400 6,000 1,200 1,500 32% 130 $/SF 18,450 5,904 24,354 3,200,000 24% 76% SF SF SF $ Units SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF Calculation 4000 =4*400 +1*1000 1500 =50*25 400 =40*150 =30*40 =1500
Function Breakdown
Allocation Offices

Allocation Meeting Room Allocation Storage Allocation Eating Area

Allocation Lobby

User Comment

Allocation Work Area Allocation Athletic Area Allocation Mechanical Electrical

=SUM(C6:C13) =Named_Areas_Total*Circulation___Structure_Factor =Named_Areas_Total+Circulation___Structure =ROUND(Building_Gross_Area*Building_Cost_Per_SF,-5) =Circulation___Structure/Building_Gross_Area =Named_Areas_Total/Building_Gross_Area

When designing a building a critical number is the building size because it affects both the building cost and issues like siting the building and zoning coverage requirements. While this number can be determined a number of ways one "usual" starting point is to add up the individual areas for each "function" that must happen in the building - this produces the "Named Areas Total". The calculation shown takes some typical functions (be sure to check the comments) then shows how to determine the Building Gross Area, and thus the cost.

Building Gross Size - Measured

Input Length Floor 1 Width Floor 1 Height to Next Floor 1 Length Floor 2 Width Floor 2 Height to Next Floor 2 Length Floor 3 Width Floor 3 Height to Next Floor 3 Length Floor 4 Width Floor 4 Height to Next Floor 4 Area Floor 1 Area Floor 2 Area Floor 3 Area Floor 4 Total Area Volume Floor 1 Volume Floor 2 Volume Floor 3 Volume Floor 4 Total Volume Value 80.0 60.0 11.0 80.0 60.0 11.0 80.0 60.0 11.0 80.0 60.0 11.0 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 19,200 52,800 52,800 52,800 52,800 211,200 Units Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft SF SF SF SF SF CF CF CF CF CF Calculation

=Length_Floor_1*Width_Floor_1 =Length_Floor_2*Width_Floor_2 =Length_Floor_3*Width_Floor_3 =Length_Floor_4*Width_Floor_4 =SUM(C51:C54) =Area_Floor_1*Height_to_Next_Floor_1 =Area_Floor_2*Height_to_Next_Floor_2 =Area_Floor_3*Height_to_Next_Floor_3 =Area_Floor_4*Height_to_Next_Floor_4 =SUM(C57:C60)

Calculating the total Area and Volume is straightforward. You can add as many more floors or pieces of floor as you wish. The "Height to Next Floor" is often called the "Floor-to-Floor" height.

Building Occupancy Estimate

Input OC Building Type Oc SF per Occupant Oc Building Gross Area Value Units Office 160 SF/Occ 19,200 SF Calculation

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Oc Number of Occupants Oc Known Occupants Oc Building Size from Occupants

120 Occupants =ROUND(Oc_Building_Gross_Area/Oc_SF_per_Occupant,0) 120 Occupants =ROUND(Oc_Known_Occupants*Oc_SF_per_Occupant,-2) 19,200 SF

Knowing how many people will be in a building is important in many other calculations (HVAC and Plumbing particularly). This calculation assumes that you know the building gross size and want to know how many people it will accommodate for a particular use. You can go the other direction equally well.

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Structures Calculations
Floor Load Estimates
Input Value Units Space Width 20 Ft Space Length 35 Ft Space Floor to Floor 12 Ft Space Floor Thickness 8 Inches Max Furniture Weight 2,400 Lb Max Floor Equipment Weight 2,400 Lb Max People Weight 4,000 Lb Built-In Cabinet Weight 8,000 Lb Hung Equipment Weight 1,600 Lb Floor Weight per CF 150 Lb/CF Ceiling Weight per SF 3 Lb/SF Partition Weight per SF Vertical Face 5 Lb/SFV Space Area Space Volume Space Perimeter Partition Area Built-In Equipment Weight Floor Assembly Weight Ceiling Assembly Weight Partition Weight Live Load Weight Dead Load Weight Total Load PSF Live Load PSF Dead Load PSF Total Load Total Load/CF 700 8,400 110 1,320 9,600 70,000 2,100 6,600 8,800 88,300 97,100 13 126 139 12 SF CF LF SF Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb/SF Lb/SF Lb/SF Lb/CF Calculation User Comment

=12*200 =4*600 =20*200 =400*20 =4*400 =150 3 =ROUND(((60*2)+(4*10))/(4*8),0) =Space_Width*Space_Length =Space_Area*Space_Floor_to_Floor =(2*Space_Width)+(2*Space_Length) =Space_Perimeter*Space_Floor_to_Floor =Built_In_Cabinet_Weight+Hung_Equipment_Weight =Space_Area*(Space_Floor_Thickness/12)*Floor_Weight_per_CF =Space_Area*Ceiling_Weight_per_SF =Partition_Area*Partition_Weight_per_SF_Vertical_Face =Max_Furniture_Weight+Max_Floor_Equipment_Weight+Max_People_Weig =SUM(C23:C26) =Live_Load_Weight+Dead_Load_Weight =Live_Load_Weight/Space_Area =Dead_Load_Weight/Space_Area =Total_Load/Space_Area =Total_Load/Space_Volume

The most basic task in structural analysis is to find out how much load is applied to a building. This calculates the "gravity" load for a given area typically a building "bay" bounded by four columns or a "tributary area" spanning from the midpoint of one bay to the midpoint of the next and the full length of the bay. A basic distinction is between "live" and "dead" load. It's much easier to predict the "dead" than the live load because the designer has control over it whereas they have to guess at the worst case for live load. This calculation is a good approximation - but should not be used for a real design. It does NOT take into account factors of safety, code requirements and other important ingredients. Take the structures class first. Note how very much bigger the dead load is than the live load in most cases.

Tributary Area Load Estimates

Input Value Units Trib Length Beam 24 Ft Trib Width to Next Beam on Right 8 Ft Trib Width to Next Beam on Left 10 Ft Trib Floor Thickness Estimated 6 in Trib Beam Width Estimated 10 in Trib Beam Depth Estimated 18 in Trib Uniform Floor Live Load 50 Lb/SF Trib Wall Height over Beam 11.5 Ft Trib Wall Material Thickness over Beam 8.5 In Trib Density Floor Material 135 Lb/CF Trib Density Wall Material 90 Lb/CF Trib Width Tributary Area Trib Floor Slab Volume Trib Wall Volume Resting on Beam Trib Beam Volume Trib Floor Slab Load per Foot Beam Trib Beam Load per foot Trib Wall Over Beam Load per foot Trib Live Load per foot 9 Ft 108 CF 195.5 CF 30 CF 608 Lbs/LF 169 Lbs/LF 730 Lbs/LF 450 Lbs/LF Calculation


=Trib_Width_to_Next_Beam_on_Right/2+Trib_Width_to_Next_Beam_on_Le =Trib_Width_Tributary_Area*Trib_Length_Beam*(Trib_Floor_Thickness_Est imated/12) =Trib_Length_Beam*Trib_Wall_Height_over_Beam*(Trib_Wall_Material_Th ickness_over_Beam/12) =Trib_Length_Beam*(Trib_Beam_Width_Estimated/12)*(Trib_Beam_Depth_ Estimated/12) =Trib_Floor_Slab_Volume*Trib_Density_Floor_Material/Trib_Length_Beam =Trib_Beam_Volume*Trib_Density_Floor_Material/Trib_Length_Beam =ROUND(Trib_Wall_Volume_Resting_on_Beam*Trib_Density_Wall_Materia l/Trib_Length_Beam,-1) =ROUND(Trib_Width_Tributary_Area*Trib_Uniform_Floor_Live_Load,-1)

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Trib Subtotal Dead Load per foot Trib Total Dead Load for Beam Trib Total Live Load for Beam Trib Total Load for Beam Trib Symmetrical Reaction Load

1,510 Lbs/LF 36,200 Lbs 10,800 Lbs 47,000 Lbs 23,500 Lbs

=ROUND(Trib_Floor_Slab_Load_per_Foot_Beam+Trib_Beam_Load_per_foo t+Trib_Wall_Over_Beam_Load_per_foot,-1) =ROUND(Trib_Subtotal_Dead_Load_per_foot*Trib_Length_Beam,-2) =ROUND(Trib_Live_Load_per_foot*Trib_Length_Beam,-2) =ROUND(Trib_Total_Dead_Load_for_Beam+Trib_Total_Live_Load_for_Bea m,-2) =ROUND(Trib_Total_Load_for_Beam/2,-2)

When designing a beam (or girder) it's essential to find how much load is applied to it. To do so one must define the "tributary area" that the beam is supporting. A conservative approach (neglecting the fact that girders at the end may carry some load too) defines the tributary area as the length of the beam times the tributary width. The tributary width is best estimated as the distance from halfway to the beam on the left TO halfway to the beam on the right. (Note that where the widths are constant then this is just the distance from one beam to the next - edges are where life usually gets more interesting.) In this case we've also assumed a wall resting on the beam - a fairly typical situation in buildings, especially for fire separation. We've shown the load per linear foot (Lbs/LF) as well as total loads because that is often used in beam calculations. This calculation is a good approximation - but should not be used for a real design. It does NOT take into account factors of safety, code requirements and other important ingredients. Take the structures class first.

Beam Stress & Deflection

Input Case Bm Beam Shape Beam Geometry Bm Beam Depth -"d" Bm Flange thickness Bm Flange width Bm Web Thickness Material Properties Bm Modulus of Elasticity Bm Density Bm Max Tension/Compression Stress Loading Geometry Bm Beam Length - "L" Bm Beam Spacing - "s" Bm Point Load1 X coord. - "Px1" Bm Point Load2 X coord.. - "Px2" Live Loading Bm Uniform Load - "w" Bm Point Load 1 - "P1" Bm Point Load 2 - "P2" Bm X Position Evaluated - "x" Beam Unit Properties - Calculated Bm Web Height (calc) Bm Area Value Units Calculation

20.00 0.00 2.63 0.00 inches inches inches inches

1,600,000 psi 32 lbs/ft3 1,800 psi 20.00 18.00 5.00 10.00 80 500 500 10.00 ft in ft ft lb/SF lb lb ft

20.00 inches 53 in2

=Bm_Beam_Depth-(2*Bm_Flange_thickness) =IF(Bm_Beam_Shape="I",2*(Bm_Flange_width*Bm_Flange_thickness)+ (Bm_Web_Thickness*Bm_Web_Height__calc),IF(Bm_Beam_Shape="B",Bm_ Flange_width*Bm_Beam_Depth,"error") ) =IF(Bm_Beam_Shape="I", (Bm_Web_Thickness*(Bm_Web_Height__calc^3)/12) + 2 *((Bm_Flange_thickness*Bm_Flange_width)*(Bm_Beam_Depth/2 Bm_Flange_thickness/2)^2),IF(Bm_Beam_Shape="B",(Bm_Flange_width*Bm _Beam_Depth^3)/12,"error")) =(Bm_Area/144)*1*Bm_Density =Bm_Moment_of_Inertia/(Bm_Beam_Depth/2) =Bm_Beam_Length*Bm_Weight_Foot_of_Length =(Bm_Beam_Spacing/12)*Bm_Uniform_Load*Bm_Beam_Length =Bm_Beam_Weight+Bm_Live_Load_Carried =(Bm_Uniform_Load*Bm_Beam_Spacing/12)+Bm_Weight_Foot_of_Length =(Bm_Total_Load_Ft*Bm_X_Position_Used/2)*(Bm_Beam_LengthBm_X_Position_Used) =IF(Bm_X_Position_Used<Bm_Point_Load1_X_coord.,Bm_Point_Load_1*(B m_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load1_X_coord.)*Bm_X_Position_Used/Bm_Beam_Length,Bm_P oint_Load_1*Bm_Point_Load1_X_coord.*(1Bm_X_Position_Used/Bm_Beam_Length))

Bm Moment of Inertia

1,750 in4

Bm Weight/Foot of Length Bm Section Modulus Beam Total Properties Bm Beam Weight Bm Live Load Carried Bm Total Load Carried Bm Total Load/Ft Moments Bm Moment UDL Bm Moment P1

12 lbs/linear-ft 175 in3 233 2,400 2,633 132 Lbs Lbs Lbs Lbs/Ft

6,583 ft-lbs 1,250 ft-lbs

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Bm Moment P2

2,500 ft-lbs

Bm Total Moment at X Stress Calculation Bm Maximum Fiber Stress at X Bm Less Than Allowable Deflection Calculations Bm Deflection due to UDL

124,000 In-lbs 709 psi OK

=IF(Bm_X_Position_Used<Bm_Point_Load2_X_coord.,Bm_Point_Load_2*(B m_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load2_X_coord.)*Bm_X_Position_Used/Bm_Beam_Length,Bm_P oint_Load_2*Bm_Point_Load2_X_coord.*(1Bm_X_Position_Used/Bm_Beam_Length)) =(Bm_Moment_UDL+Bm_Moment_P1+Bm_Moment_P2)*12 =Bm_Total_Moment_at_X/Bm_Section_Modulus '=IF(Bm_Maximum_Fiber_Stress_at_X<Bm_Max_Tension_Compression_Stre ss,"OK","Trouble") =(12^3)*((Bm_Total_Load_Ft*Bm_X_Position_Used)/(24*Bm_Modulus_of_ Elasticity*Bm_Moment_of_Inertia))*(Bm_Beam_Length^3 2*Bm_Beam_Length*Bm_X_Position_Used^2 + Bm_X_Position_Used^3) =(12^3)*(IF(Bm_X_Position_Used<Bm_Point_Load1_X_coord., ((Bm_Point_Load_1*(Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load1_X_coord.)*Bm_X_Position_Used)/(6*Bm_Beam_Length*B m_Modulus_of_Elasticity*Bm_Moment_of_Inertia) ) * (Bm_Beam_Length^2 -Bm_X_Position_Used^2-((Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load1_X_coord.)^2)), ( (Bm_Point_Load_1*(Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load1_X_coord.))/(6*Bm_Beam_Length*Bm_Modulus_of_Elastici ty*Bm_Moment_of_Inertia)) * ( (Bm_Beam_Length/(Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load1_X_coord.))*((Bm_X_Position_UsedBm_Point_Load1_X_coord.)^3) +Bm_X_Position_Used*(Bm_Beam_Length^2 - (Bm_Beam_Length=(12^3)*(IF(Bm_X_Position_Used<Bm_Point_Load2_X_coord., ((Bm_Point_Load_2*(Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load2_X_coord.)*Bm_X_Position_Used)/(6*Bm_Beam_Length*B m_Modulus_of_Elasticity*Bm_Moment_of_Inertia) ) * (Bm_Beam_Length^2 -Bm_X_Position_Used^2-((Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load2_X_coord.)^2)), ( (Bm_Point_Load_2*(Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load2_X_coord.))/(6*Bm_Beam_Length*Bm_Modulus_of_Elastici ty*Bm_Moment_of_Inertia)) * ( (Bm_Beam_Length/(Bm_Beam_LengthBm_Point_Load2_X_coord.))*((Bm_X_Position_UsedBm_Point_Load2_X_coord.)^3) +Bm_X_Position_Used*(Bm_Beam_Length^2 - (Bm_Beam_Length=Bm_Deflection_due_to_UDL+Bm_Deflection_due_to_P1+Bm_Deflection_d ue_to_P2 =(Bm_Beam_Length*12)/Bm_Deflection_Total

0.169 in

Bm Deflection due to P1

0.035 in

Bm Deflection due to P2

0.051 in

Bm Deflection Total Bm Deflection Ratio

0.256 in 937 :1

BEAM CALCULATIONS This document is prepared as a starting point for beam design It is important to realize that it is simplified for the sake of education. In particular: - shear is ignored - buckling is ignored - all stresses are assumed in the plane of symmetry. - the beam is assumed to be simply supported - factors of safety are built into the allowable stress. Warning: The calculation is only for point "x" along the beam. You must explore multiple "x" values to determine the 'worst case'. For symettrically loaded beams that is at the midpoint of the span, but for unsymettrical situations you must find the 'worst case' location. Excel's "solver" can be very handy for this. Reference: The specific terms used in this spreadsheet were derived from Timoshenko & Young - Elements of strength of Materials - 4th Edition (1962). A more recent reference (used in Drexel's courses) is: Gere & Timoshenko - Mechanics of Materials. - 3rd Edition 1990. The relevant chapter in that book for fuller understanding of the equations used here is: Chapters 5 (Stresses) & 7 (Deflections).

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HVAC Calculations
Conductive Heat Transfer Through a Wall & Roof
Input Temperature Outside Temperature Inside Cd Building Length Cd Building Wdith Cd Building Number of Floors Cd Floor-to-Floor Height Cd Window Spacing along Wall Single Window Ht Single Window Width Number of Windows Value 14 68 40 30 3 11 12 6 5 35 Units DegF DegF Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft =ROUND(Cd_Building_Number_of_Floors*(2*(Cd_Building_Length/Cd_Win dow_Spacing_along_Wall+Cd_Building_Wdith/Cd_Window_Spacing_along_ Wall)),0) in SF-DegF-Hr/BTU-in SF-DegF-Hr/BTU-in SF-DegF-Hr/BTU-in Calculation User Comment

Insulation Thickness R-Value Insulation R-Value Construction and Air Gaps R-Value Window

2.5 6 2 2


Wall Length Wall Height Delta-T Area Wall with Windows Area Windows Area Roof Cd Building Area Area Wall & Roof without Windows R-Insulation R-Wall &Roof Heat Flow Q Wall & Roof Heat Flow Q Windows Total Conductive Heat Flow

140 33 -54 4,620 1,050 1,200 3,600 4,770 15 17 -15,152 -28,350 -43,502 -12,750


=2*(Cd_Building_Length+Cd_Building_Wdith) =Cd_Building_Number_of_Floors*Cd_Floor_to_Floor_Height =Temperature_Outside-Temperature_Inside =Wall_Length*Wall_Height =Number_of_Windows*(Single_Window_Ht*Single_Window_Width) =Cd_Building_Length*Cd_Building_Wdith =Area_Roof*Cd_Building_Number_of_Floors =(Area_Wall_with_Windows-Area_Windows)+Area_Roof =R_Value_Insulation*Insulation_Thickness =R_Insulation+R_Value_Construction_and_Air_Gaps =Area_Wall___Roof_without_Windows*Delta_T/R_Wall =Area_Windows*Delta_T/R_Value_Window =Heat_Flow_Q_Wall+Heat_Flow_Q_Windows =Total_Heat_Flow/BTU_Wt_Hr

In HVAC, as in structures, the most basic requirement is to calculate the "Loads" on a system. For HVAC the most important o f these is the amount of Heat (Q) that the system must add to (heating) or remove from (cooling) a space. In a real building you must take account of not only the heat flow through the windows, but also the air leakage and the amou nts of heat added by the appliances, people and sunlight coming into the room. Once you understand the principles this is best done with a modeling program like Energy-10 or the commercial programs by Carrier or Trane. Nonetheless this approximation is quite good, especially for a heating situation - in the middle of winter with no one in the building at night.

Infiltration & Ventilation Heat Load

Input Inf T Outside Inf T Inside Inf Building Area Inf Floor Height Average Inf Infiltration Air Changes / Hour Inf People In Building Inf CFM per Person Inf Delta T Inf Building Volume Inf Infiltration CF per Hour Inf Ventilation per Hour Inf Total Air Per Hour Inf Heat Lost to Air Movement Value 14 68 3,600 11 1.5 9 20 -54 39,600 59,400 10,800 70,200 -68,519 Units DegF DegF SF Ft Air Change/Hour CFM/person DegF CF CF/Hr CF/Hr CF/Hr BTU/Hr =Inf_T_Outside-Inf_T_Inside =Inf_Building_Area*Inf_Floor_Height_Average =Inf_Building_Volume*Inf_Infiltratioin_Air_Changes___Hour =Inf_People_In_Building*Inf_CFM_per_Person*60 =Inf_Ventilation_per_Hour+Inf_Infiltration_CF_per_Hour =Inf_Total_Air_Per_Hour*Properties!Air_Density*Properties!Air_Specific_He at*Inf_Delta_T Calculation =Temperature_Outside =Temperature_Inside =Cd_Building_Area =Cd_Floor_to_Floor_Height =Inf_Building_Area/400

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Heat is lost through movement of air in and out of a building, both intentional (ventilation) and unintentional (infilitration). When calculating the heating or cooling load one must include this heat loss or gain as well. This estimate is crude, but gives an approximation, better for small buildings than large ones, but a reasonable start for both. Note that the defaults tie this calculation to the conductive loss calculation above, but you can change it to suit your own needs.


Duct Sizing to Transfer Required Heat

Input QNeed TDuct TRoom Air Velocity In Duct AspectRatio DeltaT Delivery Coeff - BTU per CFM Deg Air Flow CFM Area Needed DiamRound Rectangle ShortSide Rectangle LongSide AreaRect Value -112,020 120 68 1,200 1.5 52 1.08 1,990 239 18 14 Units BTU/hr DegF DegF fpm Calculation =ROUND(Total_Heat_Flow+Inf_Heat_Lost_to_Air,-1)

DegF BTU/(CFM Hr DegF) CFM in2 in in

21 in 294 in2

=(TDuct-TRoom) =ROUND(Properties!Air_Density*Properties!Air_Specific_Heat*Min_Hr,2) =ROUND(ABS(QNeed/(Coeff___BTU_per_CFM_Deg*DeltaT_Delivery)),-1) =ROUND((Air_Flow_CFM/Air_Velocity_In_Duct)*SqIN_SF,0) =ROUNDUP(2*SQRT(Area_Needed/3.14159),0) =ROUNDUP(EXP((LN((DiamRound/1.3)*((1+AspectRatio)^0.25)/(AspectRati o^0.625)) )/ ((2*0.625)-0.25) ),0) =ROUND(Rectangle_ShortSide*AspectRatio,0) =ROUND(Rectangle_ShortSide*Rectangle_LongSide,0)

Once you know how much heat is required to be transferred you want to know how big the duct is that carries the air (the usua l fluid) carrying the heat. This is a straightforward calculation that uses the velocity, density, and specific heat of the air to de termine how much must flow to carry the required amount of heat. Once you know how much (CFM), the velocity then allows you to calculate the size of the duct necessary to conduct it. Note that the velocities in ducts are limited by two things - the noise the air makes in the duct and the friction of the air in the duct - the slower the flow the less energy is lost in friction. In practical terms, that limits low velocity ducts to about 1,200FPM - which is about13 MPH. High velocity ducts operate about 3,000FPM (34MPH), but require special construction and more fan energy. Note that the defaults tie this calculation to the conductive loss calculation above and the ventilation/infiltration calcula tion, but you can change it to suit your own needs.

Seasonal Fuel Usage and Cost

Input HDd Building Area HDd T Interior HDd T Exterior Min HDd Max Hourly Building Heat Transfer HDd DDhAnnual Fuel Efficiencies HDd Oil Efficiency HDd Gas Efficiency HDd Elect Resistance Efficiency HDd Heat Pump Coefficient Fuel Prices HDd Cost Oil Per Gallon HDd Cost Gas per CCF HDd Cost Elect per KWH HDd Building Constant HDd Season Heat Transfer HDd Season Heat Transfer Per Sq Ft Fuel Consumption Hdd Gallons Oil HDd CCFGas HDd KW Resistance HDd KW Heat Pump Value 1,200 68 5 19,288 3,749 80% 85% 100% 262% $ $ $ 1.10 $/Gal 0.88 $/CCF 0.130 $/KWH 306 BTU/Hr-deg 27,532,656 BTU/Yr 22,944 BTU/SF-Season 240 Gallons 310 CCF 8,070 KWH 3,080 KWH =ROUND(HDd_Max_Hourly_Building_Heat_Transfer / (HDd_T_InteriorHDd_T_Exterior_Min),0) =HDd_Building_Constant*HDd_DDhAnnual*24 =HDd_Annual_Heat_Transfer/HDd_Building_Area =ROUND(HDd_Annual_Heat_Transfer/(HDd_Oil_Efficiency *Oil_Heat_Value),-1) =ROUND(HDd_Annual_Heat_Transfer/(HDd_Gas_Efficiency *Natural_Gas_Heat_Value*100),-1) =ROUND(HDd_Annual_Heat_Transfer/(HDd_Elect_Resistance_Efficiency *(BTU_Wt_Hr*1000)),-1) =ROUND(HDd_Annual_Heat_Transfer/((BTU_Wt_Hr*1000)*HDd_Heat_Pu mp_Coefficient),-1) Units SF Deg Deg BTU/Hr Deg-Day Calculation

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Fuel Consumption Per SF Hdd Gallons Oil Per SF HDd CCFGas Per SF HDd KW Resistance Per SF HDd KW Heat Pump Per SF Season Cost HDd Oil Season Cost HDd Gas Season Cost HDd Elect Resistance Season Cost HDd Elect Heat Pump Season Cost Season Cost Per SF HDd Oil Season Cost per SF HDd Gas Season Cost per SF HDd Elect Resistance Season Cost per SF HDd Elect Heat Pump Season Cost per SF

0.20 0.26 6.73 2.57 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 264 273 1,053 402 0.22 0.23 0.88 0.33

Gallons/SF-Season CCF/SF-Season KWH/SF-Season KWH/SF-Season

=Hdd_Gallons_Oil/HDd_Building_Area =HDd_CCFGas/HDd_Building_Area =HDd_KW_Resistance/HDd_Building_Area =HDd_KW_Heat_Pump/HDd_Building_Area =Hdd_Gallons_Oil*HDd_Cost_Oil_Per_Gallon =HDd_CCFGas*HDd_Cost_Gas_per_CCF =HDd_KW_Resistance*HDd_Cost_Elect_per_KWH =HDd_KW_Heat_Pump*HDd_Cost_Elect_per_KWH

$/SF $/SF $/SF $/SF

=HDd_Oil_Season_Cost/HDd_Building_Area =HDd_Gas_Season_Cost/HDd_Building_Area =HDd_Elect_Resistance_Season_Cost/HDd_Building_Area =HDd_Elect_Heat_Pump_Season_Cost/HDd_Building_Area

When developing an HVAC system the designer is interested in two things. - How big does the equipment have to be to take care of the worst case? - How much is it going to cost to operate for the year (or season of heating or cooling)? The worst case situation is estimated by calculating the loads on the house. - For heating it is the "conduction load" of heat lost through walls, windows, roof and to a small extent the floor. One must include as well the "infiltration load" - the heat necessary to warm air that enters from the outside either through intended ventilation or through cracks. - For cooling it is the "conduction load" plus the solar energy, plus the infiltration, plus the heat from people, equipment an d lights. The "right" way to calculate the energy consumption is by a simulation using standard weather on an hour -by-hour basis. This requires a complex program For small buildings the Degree-Day method uses the Degree-Day number produced by the weather service and the "worst case" calculation the designer has already performed to estimate the operating costs. The weather bureau publishes both heating degree-day records and cooling degree day records. Both can be used to calculate the

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Lighting Calculations
Lighting Fixture Requirements Estimate
Input Lighting Calculations Value Units Calculation User Comment

Lt1 Room Area 500 SF Lt1 Lighting Level 50 Footcandles Lt1 Lamp Type Semi-Direct Fluorescent Lt1 Number of Lamps Per Luminaire 4 Lt1 Lumens Per Lamp 3,200 Manufacturer Lt1 Watts Per Lamp 46 Manufacturer Lt1 Watts Per Transformer 10 Average Lt1 Maintenance Factor 0.67 Lt1 Coeff of Util 0.47 From Chart Lt1 Efficacy - Lumens/Watt Lt1 Area/Luminaire Lt1 Number of Luminaires (rounded) Lt1 Watts/Luminaire 70 Lumens/Watt=Lt1_Lumens_Per_Lamp/Lt1_Watts_Per_Lamp 81 SF/Luminaire=(Lt1_Number_of_Lamps_Per_Fixture*Lt1_Lumens_Per_Lamp*Lt1_Coeff_of_ Util*Lt1_Maintenance_Factor)/Lt1_Lighting_Level 7 =ROUNDUP(Lt1_Room_Area/Lt1_Area_Luminaire,0) 194 Watts/Luminaire =(Lt1_Number_of_Lamps_Per_Fixture*Lt1_Watts_Per_Lamp)+Lt1_Watts_Per_ Transformer 2.7 Watts/SF =Lt1_Number_of_Luminaires__rounded*Lt1_Watts_Luminaire/Lt1_Room_Area

Lt1 Watt/SF

Calculating the exact number of fixtures is a complex process best accomplished with a method called the "Zonal Cavity Method" or even better with a simulation program. Nonetheless it's possible to get an approximation at the beginning of a project using a cruder calculation such as the one given here. Note that in the lighting world A "fixture" is what the layperson would call a lamp - it's the device that holds the lamps. A "lamp" is what the layperson would call a bulb - it's the device that actually produces the light. Examples are given here for several different types of lamps The number of lamps possible is very great as is the number of different fixtures. These are only representative. Source Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings - 5th ed -P.760

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Electrical Calculations
Estimating Building Watts Required
Input Value Lighting - Area Requiring "Service" 2,000 Lighting - Area Requiring Standard 10,000 Lighting - Area Requiring "Intense" 2,000 Lighting - Area Requring "Spotlight" 1,000 Appliances - Area Requiring Minimal 500 Appliances - Area Requiring Residential 300 Appliances - Area Requiring Office 15,000 Appliances - Area Requiring Intense 1,000 HVAC - Area Requiring Ventilation Only 1,000 HVAC - Area Requiring Heating Only - NonElectric Heat 1,000 HVAC - Area Requiring Full Conditioning 15,000 Lighting Watts/SF Service 0.5 Lighting Watts/SF Standard 1.25 Lighting Watts/SF Intense 2 Lighting Watts/SF Spotlight 4 Appliances Watts/SF Minimal 1 Appliances Watts/SF Residential 2.5 Appliances Watts/SF Office 5 Appliances Watts/SF Intense 15 HVAC Watts/SF Ventilation Only 0.4 HVAC Watts/SF Heating Only - NonElectric Heat 0.6 HVAC Watts/SF Full Conditioning 1.7 Lighting - Subtotal Area Appliances - Subtotal Area HVAC - Subtotal Area Max Area - Use for PSF Lighting - Service Watts Lighting - Standard Watts Lighting - "Intense" Watts Lighting - Area Requring "Spotlight" Watts Appliances - Minimal Watts Appliances - Residential Watts Appliances - Office Watts Appliances - Intense Watts HVAC - Ventilation Only Watts HVAC - Heating Only - NonElectric Heat Watts HVAC - Full Conditioning Watts Subtotal - Lighting Watts Subtotal - Appliance Watts Subtotal - HVAC Watts Total Estimated Watts Lighting WSF Average Appliance WSF Average HVAC WSF Average Overall WSF Average 15,000 16,800 17,000 17,000 1,000 12,500 4,000 4,000 250 750 75,000 15,000 400 Units SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF SF WSF WSF WSF WSF WSF WSF WSF WSF WSF WSF WSF SF SF SF SF Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Watts Calculation
Power Use In Building

User Comment

Lighting WSF Average

Appliance WSF Average HVAC WSF Average

=SUM(C6:C9) =SUM(C10:C13) =SUM(C14:C16) =MAX(C29:C31) =Lighting___Area_Requiring__Service*Lighting_Watts_SF_Service =Lighting___Area_Requiring_Standard*Lighting_Watts_SF_Standard =Lighting___Area_Requiring__Intense*Lighting_Watts_SF_Intense =Lighting___Area_Requring__Spotlight*Lighting_Watts_SF_Spotlight =Appliances___Area_Requiring_Minimal*Appliances_Watts_SF_Minimal =Appliances___Area_Requiring_Residential*Appliances_Watts_SF_Residential =Appliances___Area_Requiring_Office*Appliances_Watts_SF_Office =Appliances___Area_Requiring_Intense*Appliances_Watts_SF_Intense =HVAC___Area_Requiring_Ventilation_Only*HVAC_Watts_SF_Ventilation_O =HVAC___Area_Requiring_Heating_Only*HVAC_Watts_SF_Heating_Only__ _NonElectric_Heat =HVAC___Area_Requiring_Full_Conditioning*HVAC_Watts_SF_Full_Conditi oning =SUM(C34:C37) =SUM(C38:C41) =SUM(C42:C44) =SUM(C46:C48) =Subtotal___Lighting_Watts/Max_Area___Use_for_PSF =Subtotal___Appliance_Watts/Max_Area___Use_for_PSF =Subtotal___HVAC_Watts/Max_Area___Use_for_PSF =Total_Estimated_Watts/Max_Area___Use_for_PSF

600 Watts 25,500 Watts 21,500 91,000 26,500 139,000 1.3 5.4 1.6 8.2 Watts Watts Watts Watts WSF WSF WSF WSF

This form is somewhat more detailed than is perhaps necessary, but it gives a reasonable sense of the variable loads for different conditions and allows a rapid overall estimate. To use it all you need to do is put in the SF for each of your uses. You do NOT need to change the Watt/SF for each use, but they're left available if you have better information. Note that normally the Area totals should be identical, but there may be some situations where differing is OK. I picked the maximum as the most reasonable for calculating overall WSF numbers. Many building loads are quoted in KiloWatts (KW) - Just divide by 1,000 to determine the KW The transformer for a building is usually in KVA - which is close to the total KW. It is usually sized with a growth factor of 20% or more.

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Plumbing Calculations
Building Water Requirements
Input Value Units Calculation Wr Building Type Office Wr Number Occupants 188 Occupants Wr Average Demand/Occupant 15 Gals/Day-Occ Wr Peak Water Demand/Occupant 0.09 Gals/Min-Occ Wr Summer Design Temp for Location 94 DegF Wr Special Requirements Average 0 Gals/Day Wr Special Requirements Peak Gals/Min Wr Average Water Demand 2,880 Gals/Day =ROUND(Wr_Number_Occupants*Wr_Average_Demand_Occupant*(1+0.0007 7*(Wr_Summer_Design_Temp_for_Location65))+Wr_Special_Requirements_Average,-1) 17 Gals/Min =ROUND(Wr_Number_Occupants*Wr_Peak_Water_Demand_Occupant*(1+0.0 00115*(Wr_Summer_Design_Temp_for_Location65))+Wr_Special_Requirements_Peak,0) User Comment

Wr Peak Water Demand

One of the first tasks in defining a plumbing system is to determine the overall requirements, both on average and at a peak time. This is particularly important because one must check the service available to the building - either a water "main" or a well. If these are not sufficient for the need then there is likely to be significant additional expense to provide the necessary water. - If the average daily Demand is greater than the supply then a new "main" or well must be provided. - If the peak demand is greater than the "main" or well can supply, but the daily average is adequate, then a storage system will be necessary.

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Acoustic Calculations
Reverberation of Space
Input Room Length Acoustic Room Width Acoustic Room Height Acoustic Absorption Wall Front Absorption Wall Sides Absorption Wall Rear Absorption Floor & Seats Absorption Ceiling Volume of room Acoustic Area Wall Front Acoustic Area Wall Rear Acoustic Area Wall Sides Acoustic Area Ceiling Acoustic Area Floor Acoustic Absorption Front Sabins Absorption Rear Sabins Absorption Sides Sabins Absorption Floor and Seats Sabins Absorption Ceiling Sabins Total Absorption Sabins Reverberation Time Suited for Music or Speech Value Units 150 Ft 80 Ft 50 Ft 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 CF SF SF SF SF SF Sabins Sabins Sabins Sabins Sabins Sabins secs Calculation User Comment

600,000 4,000 4,000 15,000 12,000 12,000 400 400 1,500 10,800 1,200 14,300 2.1 Music

=Room_Length_Acoustic*Room_Width_Acoustic*Room_Height_Acoustic =Room_Width_Acoustic*Room_Height_Acoustic =Room_Width_Acoustic*Room_Height_Acoustic =2*Room_Length_Acoustic*Room_Height_Acoustic =Room_Length_Acoustic*Room_Width_Acoustic =Room_Length_Acoustic*Room_Width_Acoustic =Area_Wall_Front_Acoustic*Absorption_Wall_Front =Area_Wall_Rear_Acoustic*Absorption_Wall_Rear =Area_Wall_Sides_Acoustic*Absorption_Wall_Sides =Area_Floor_Acoustic*C12 =Area_Ceiling_Acoustic*Absorption_Ceiling =SUM(C21:C25) =0.049*Volume_of_room_Acoustic/Total_Absorption_Sabins '=IF(Reverberation_Time>1.2,"Music","Speech")

Reverberation is the time for a sound (e.g. a hand clapping is a good test) to decrease by 60 decibels. The reverberation time of larger spaces is an important characteristic because it strongly influences the type of use for which space is suited. Spaces in which understanding speech is important (a large classroom for instance) want minimal reverberation because it will confuse the audience's comprehension. For much music, on the other hand, a significant reverberation time (here defined as 1.2 seconds) causes the music to blend together in a pleasing manner. For rooms in which electronic amplification is used the reverberation is important, but the amplification can often address shortcomings if well designed. Remember that other factors determine the actual character of the sound - this is only an approximation. In particular the frequency composition of the sound and the specific shape of the space are extremely important and are not addressed here.

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Conversion Factors Used in This Spreadsheet

Efunda = Excellent Reference Category Area Power Power Time Velocity ConverstionConversion Units Value Amt1 SqIN/SF 144 1 BTU/Wt-Hr 3.412 1 Watt/HSP 745.7 1 Min/Hr 60 1 FPM/MPH 0.011364 3000 Units1 Eq1 Result1 SF = 144 Watt = 3.412 HSP = 745.7 Hr = 60 FPM = 34.1 Units1R SqIn BTU/Hr Watts Min MPH Amt2 144 3.412 1000 60 1 Units2 SqIn BTU/Hr Watts Min MPH Eq Result2 Units2R = 1 SF Square Foot = 1 Watts = 1.34 Hsp = 1 Hr = 88 FMP Feet Per Minute

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Properties Used in Spreadsheet

Efunda = Excellent Reference Category HVAC HVAC HVAC HVAC Property Value Air Density 0.075 Air Specific Heat 0.241 Oil Heat Value 141,000 Natural Gas Heat Value 1050 Units Comment Lb/CF BTU/Lb BTU/Gal Heat value of #2 oil - often used in houses BTU/ft3 Heat value of Natural Gas

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Initial JEM Name James E. Mitchell Email Affiliation Drexel University - Civil & Architectural Engineering

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Future Work
Update: 9/28/2002
Here's where Additions to the calculations are proposed. When they're completed they'll be move to the main index page. Users are urged to make corrections and additions and send the revised sheet back to J. Mitchell.

Plumbing Plumbing Plumbing

Type Description
Load Load Load Fixture Units Hot Water Sizing Pipe Sizing from Fixture Units


Ching 196-201 Ching 196-201 Ching 196-201


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Revision History
Lists the revisions to this workbook with the page affected and th

10/21/2002 10/21/2002 9/29/2002 9/29/2002 9/29/2002 9/29/2002 9/29/2002 9/29/2002 9/27/2002 9/15/2002

Calculation Format Addition Addition Addition Addition Calculation Format Format Start

Corrected Error in Beam Calculation Wrong reference to beam length Made formulas display on Structures Unprotected first sheet Added Future Work Added Occupancy Calculation Added Revision History Infiltration Calculation & Degree Day Calc Added Plumbing Calculation Revised Format to Make Printer Friendly Applied background and standardized Began Spreadsheet

Structure Workbook Future Work Architecture Revision History HVAC Plumbing Workbook Workbook Workbook


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