HW12-2021 - CLTD - SHG - CLF Rev02 - 428891754
HW12-2021 - CLTD - SHG - CLF Rev02 - 428891754
HW12-2021 - CLTD - SHG - CLF Rev02 - 428891754
Determine the cooling requirements for a small building for a health care facility
in Atlanta (approximately 33.6 N and 84.4 W). For convenience, assume the latitude is 32
N. You can start with a partially finished Excel file posted on T-square called
“Cooling_HW_students_YR”. Assume the peak load will occur in August (data is in the
xls sheet). Sufficient CLTD, CLF, and SCL data are included in the xls sheet.
The building has two floors. Each floor has a suspended ceiling eight feet high
with a four feet high gap above the ceiling. Each floor is 173 feet by 102 feet. The long
axis of the building is aligned east to west. The first floor is a concrete slab on grade
similar to Type A on page 6.5 of the text. Each floor has two zones, an office zone and a
twelve foot wide perimeter corridor zone as illustrated below. The west and south walls
are concrete block and brick veneer. This wall construction is defined in the appendix.
The north and east walls are double pane glass fenestration. The roof and fenestration are
also defined in the appendix. Assume that the fenestration is double pane low emissivity
glass with aluminum trim (data are appended).
Corridor N
Assume 0.3 air changes per hour (AHC) by infiltration. (Alternatively, many
HVAC engineers probably ignore infiltration if building is tight and pressurized.)
Assume 75 FDB indoor conditions and 50 % relative humidity indoors. Find the 1.0%
outdoor conditions in the appendix. Assume the outdoor humidity ratio is approximately
constant for the day. See appendix B for example weather data.
The building may be minimally occupied 24 hours a day, but the full staff and
clients are only present and equipment and office lighting are (by specification) only used
for at most about 10 hours daily from about 0900 to 1900 local time EDT in summer
(0900 DT = 0800 ST). Since load data is tabulated by the solar time at the end of the hour
from 1 to 24, the first hour of occupancy is similarly civil hour 10. The site in Atlanta is
relatively far to the west in its time zone, and we must allow for Daylight Saving Time in
the summer when planning for building occupancy; therefore, solar noon is near the end
of civil hour 14. (See the NOAA solar calculator.) From inspection of the literature, solar
influenced load data are tabulated in hourly quantities designated by the solar time at the
end of the hour; consequently, the civil and solar hours align as in the following table:
Table of Solar and Civil (EDT) Hours (for EDT in Atlanta)
Solar 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
EDT 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Note: As seen in the table the hours of occupancy correspond to solar hours 8 through 17. Computer simulation models almost always
simply follow local civil time and calculate solar related data as needed that correspond to the local civil time.
Assume 5 persons per 1000 square feet in the office areas (reference ASHRAE
Std 62) and 0 persons per 1000 square foot in the corridor (why?). Assume the people are
engaged in moderately active office work. Use the ventilation rates prescribed by
Standard 62 for both spaces. Note that ventilation for the office area is per person and per
area and that ventilation for the corridor is per unit area only.
For lighting, assume office lighting that is used 10 hours per day rejects 1 W/ft 2
into the space. Note the units of lighting power. This lighting is in the office areas only.
Assume in addition 0.5 W/ft 2 of background and security lighting that is active 24 hours
per day in all areas. Assume miscellaneous office equipment rejects about 1 W/ft 2 in the
office areas only for the 10 hours occupied per day.
Note that the building has external solar shading on the east-facing wall. Assume
that this shading has an effective shading coefficient of 50% in addition to the inherent
shading built into the fenestration system itself.
In the table identify the peak load, and prepare an Excel pie chart plot of the 11
load components identified above. Note that the loads must be tabulated in the same
order as specified in the list above so that the exact list above can be used as a general
legend. Also plot all of the component loads for the 24 hours of the design day in an
Excel area plot. Use the same series number and order for the area chart as in the list
above. Submit printouts of the two xls plots with you name in a text box on each plot.
Example Only
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Load (BTU/hr)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Solar Hour .
Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5 Series6 Series7 Series8 Series9 Series10 Series11
Figure 2. Area Plot of all Load Components throughout the Entire Day of 21 August
Appendix A. Wall, Roof, and Fenestration Parameters
Appendix B. Example Weather Data
For cooling design day use the 1% not the more extreme 0.4% conditions.
Note that maximum DBT and Mean Coincident WBT are given.
Also note that the DBT range (high – low) is also given.
It is reasonable to assume that the humidity ratio for the design day is constant. Why?
Fenestration Data: ASHRAE HBF 2017
The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 30332-0405
ME 4321 HVAC and R Engineering
Note that first half of day definitely includes solar hours 1 through 12.
This data strongly implies that for example solar hour 12 ends at 12 noon solar time.