Wind Tunnel
Wind Tunnel
Wind Tunnel
(i; j)
(i; j)
; (5)
where the indices i, j cover the rectangular array of
measurements in x and z, respectively. u
and w
therefore spatial averages (also averaged over the effective
exposure time, dt). The sampling rate for successive
velocity eld estimates is 10 Hz, dictated by the pulse-
pair repetition rate of the laser. When time averages are
made over a number of frames, they are denoted u x; z ( ) and
w x; z ( ) for the spatial maps,
u(x; z) =
(x; z)
w(x; z) =
(x; z)
; (6)
where the u and w components are averaged locally at each
grid location over a time series of length N so u and w are
the temporal deviations from
U at each interrogation point.
If the uctuations in u and w are normally distributed about
a stationary
U then as N ? ?, u
; w
0: It will also
prove convenient to dene spatially averaged values for
U(t) and W(t) at each timestep:
U(t) =
u(i; j)
W(t) =
w(i; j)
: (7)
b1 b1
Fig. 2 a (left) and b (right) are sampled with a time interval, dt,
between them. The correlation box b1 in a is rst moved by a pixel
distance Udt.s, where s is a constant in units of pixels/cm. The new
location of b1 is b1
, and it is from here that displacements are
calculated by cross-correlation with candidate locations in a local
neighbourhood. Here box b2 is shown as the most likely displacement
location in b. dt can now be expanded so that pixel distances udt.s are
530 Exp Fluids (2009) 46:527537
1 3
In all experiments reported here, the wind tunnel speed
was set at a nominal value of 9.37 m/s, which is close to
the cruising speed of the small birds studied in the Lund
wind tunnel.
3 Results
3.1 Correction of lens distortion effects
In choosing large dt values, measurement of u
and w
become possible, but so do measurement errors of certain
kinds. In particular, the particle images now move from
one part of the camera lens to a signicantly distant
part, and the difference in lens distortion characteristics
increases in signicance with increasing dt. This can be
seen in Fig. 3, which shows contours of measured u and w;
averaged over 10 velocity elds captured during 1 s. The
contour patterns are coherent, and have magnitudes that
exceed the likely value of the turbulence levels. They are
characteristic of displacement across a pincushion pattern
lens distortion, and have the same shape as those found by
Spedding et al. (2003a) and subsequently used as correc-
tion surfaces. The magnitude of these distortion patterns
depends on dt, and here dt = 2,000 ls, a comparatively
large value used to illustrate the phenomenon. However,
anticipating use of such large values in these experiments,
it is clearly necessary to compensate for this systematic
error. Thus, for each dt, we dene a mean residual eld,
calculated from the time-average of all frames in the data
set (from 10 to 100),
; w
= u; w; (8)
and then the best estimate of the uctuating velocities is
u = ~ u U u
w = ~ w w
: (9)
A typical point-by-point convergence rate for the
residual eld is 0.72 after 10 timesteps, 0.85 after 20 steps
and 0.96 after 50 steps. The mean residual eld can be
tted by various order polynomial and spline surfaces, and
these smoother functions can be used as a better estimate of
the likely true residual eld, but doing so has no effect on
the measured statistics and we prefer to retain the com-
puted mean eld as the most direct approach.
3.2 Long DPIV exposures for turbulence measurement
The effect of varying dt on measured turbulence intensities
is shown in Fig. 4. The apparent turbulence intensity
magnitude is a strong function of dt. If the measurement
were actually of turbulence, then its magnitude would be
independent of dt. Instead, the result is an artefact of the
nite resolution in measuring small displacements. Since
Fig. 3 Contours of time-averaged u (top) and w (bottom). Contour
values are given in %U. The DPIV exposure time, dt = 2,000 ls
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
t (s)
Fig. 4 Observed turbulence intensity in streamwise (u
, circles) and
vertical components (w
, triangles), as a function of DPIV exposure
time, dt. Each case is composed of a sequence of experiments with
increasing dt (arrows left to right) and then decreasing dt
Exp Fluids (2009) 46:527537 531
1 3
this algorithm error (which is usually dominated by some
form of peak-locking errorsee for example Fincham and
Spedding 1997; Westerweel 1997; Prasad et al. 1992) is
xed in pixels (we may call it e
), then as dt increases, so
does the particle image displacement D, and so the relative
error e
/D decreases. The spurious dependence of q/U on dt
can be used as a diagnostic of whether a DPIV method can
be said to be measuring the ow physics or primarily
discretisation errors.
The measurements show signs of convergence towards
the lower right corner of Fig. 4, and that value of 0.035% is
the same as previous hot-wire measurements in this wind
tunnel (Pennycuick et al. 1997). Note that dt values are
much larger than normally used during an experiment,
where typically 80 B dt B 200 ls. Figure 4 also shows
that the results are independent of the elapsed time during
the experiment and there is no hysteresis between the
increasing and decreasing dt parts. Although Fig. 4 shows
results that are related somehow to disturbance levels in the
uid, it is not clear that the values at the longest value of
dt = 2,000 ls (on the right side of Fig. 4) are not still
signicantly affected by measurement error.
Figure 5 reports the results of an experiment using
extremely long exposure times. Measured values of u
and w
/U continue to decrease as dt rises to 4,000 ls, but
after dt = 2,500 ls, u
/U stabilises briey and then uc-
tuates with increasing amplitude with further increases in
dt. Beyond this point u
/U and w
/U behave differently.
While u
/U varies around a mean value of 0.035%its last
reliably measured valuew
/U stabilises between 0.02 and
0.025%. The reasons for this behaviour will be discussed
shortly, but for the moment, we note that, thus far, the best
estimate of the turbulence level for this tunnel, if indeed
it must be reduced to a single number, is approximately
q=U = u
=U ( )
2 w
=U ( )
= 0.046%, where we
assume that uctuations normal to the mean ow have the
same magnitude (v
& w
3.3 The structure of wind tunnel turbulence
If we are now measuring mostly true velocity uctuations,
and not measurement noise, then the disturbance velocity
elds, estimated over some window of {x, z} (which
shrinks with increasing dt) contain information about the
spatial structure. This structure (and the associated turbu-
lence measurement itself) will reect the true variations
provided it is correct to imagine that it has convected along
with the ow over a time dt and streamwise distance Udt.
Figure 6 shows the spanwise or cross-stream vorticity,
and the divergence in the plane of measurement,
The two quantities have approximately equal magnitude,
and show no preferred orientation.
Figure 7 shows the spectral distribution of kinetic
energy over the range that can be resolved by the DPIV
experiment. The energy is summed over circular shells of
constant magnitude wavenumber k [ [ = k
: The
result shown is an average over 100 velocity elds taken
over 10 s. Most energy is at moderate length scales, from
1 B |k| B 4.5, and at higher wavenumbers the kinetic
energy has dropped an order of magnitude from its peak
value. k = 4.5 rad/s corresponds to a length scale of about
1.5 cm. The magnitude and distribution of energy in the
uctuating velocity components is equal in the streamwise
and vertical direction. The uctuations at higher wave-
numbers for |k| [8 rad/s (or wavelengths \0.8 cm, which
is four times the grid spacing) are almost certainly affected
by the nite resolution of the CIV algorithm.
In this paper, the instantaneous spatial uctuations in the
otherwise uniform wind-tunnel ow are averaged for
measurements of u
and w
. Hot-wire data construct the
same measure from temporal uctuations at a single point
and the two methods are equivalent if the standard Taylor-
hypothesis is invoked. Temporal uctuations over time
scales on the order of seconds can be measured from long
sequences of DPIV images, and one such sequence is
shown in Fig. 8. This gure shows that excursions of the
mean streamwise velocity, U(t) (dened in Eq. 7), of the
order of 1 cm/s, or about 0.1% of the mean, can be reached
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
t (s)
Fig. 5 Observed turbulence intensities (streamwise component, u
circles, vertical component, w
in triangles) as function of long dt. At
the arrow, the average u
measure stabilises, but with large amplitude
uctuations about that value
532 Exp Fluids (2009) 46:527537
1 3
in occasional bursts that have a timescale of between 3
and 4 s (the tunnel circulation time, T
& 30 s). There
are no corresponding uctuations in the mean vertical
velocity, W.
These variations in mean streamwise velocity could
originate from the tunnel fan speed controller, or they
could be due to variations in boundary layer thickness on
the tunnel walls. The 0.1% corrections are small by most
standards, but they can give a signicant non-zero mean
component to the instantaneous velocity elds if they are
calculated from a mean over the whole time sequence.
Indeed, this explains the increased and erratic uctuations
in u
/U for large dt in Fig. 5. The peak values are caused by
regions where the entire window has some small mean
value away from the global mean. We return to the
Fig. 6 Spanwise vorticity (left)
and divergence in the plane of
measurement (right). The eld
of view {DX, DY} =
14.5 9 17 cm. DX\DY
because the x-range is reduced
by the 131 pixel shift required to
remove the mean ow for
dt = 2,400 ls. The 20-step
colour bar is mapped to 1/s
for both elds
Fig. 7 Time-averaged energy spectra of the streamwise (left) and
vertical (right) velocity uctuations. The time-averaged spectra over
100 realisations are shown by the solid lines and banded by dashed
lines at 1r for each |k|. The thick straight lines have |k|
Fig. 8 Above: mean streamwise disturbance velocity, U(t) (solid line)
and vertical disturbance velocity, W(t) (dashed line) from spatial
averages at each timestep. Below: the corrected, uctuating wind
tunnel turbulence levels (u
/U is solid line, w
/U is dashed). The data
come from one sequence of 200 images, with dt = 2,500 ls
Exp Fluids (2009) 46:527537 533
1 3
question of whether such motions should be counted in
overall turbulence measures in the next section.
At each timestep, the local mean U(t) and W(t) (Eq. 7)
may be removed from the {u, w}(x, z) elds (Eq. 9),
(t) =
u(i; j) U(t) ( )
(t) =
w(i; j) W(t) ( )
; (10)
so that only spatial variation in the observation window
contributes to the total. The lower part of Fig. 8 shows
corrected time traces of u
/U and w
/U over the same time
interval. Both measures vary around a mean value of about
0.036%. u
/U is weakly correlated with |U|, but it is not
clear whether this variation is an artefact of the data
reduction. Accelerations in U, for example, could be
responsible for increased magnitude of u
, but they would
also contribute to an extra residual in the u(x, z, t) - U(t)
If the same correction is applied to data in Fig. 5, the
result is Fig. 9, where the smoothness of u
and its
agreement with w
has improved signicantly. However,
once again, there is a point, at dt & 4,000 ls, where the
curves of u
/U and w
/U begin to separate and the variation
in the result increases. Now, the long disturbance dis-
placements (after the mean has been subtracted) of the
groups of image particles responsible for the measured {u
} convect those particles to slightly different parts of the
lens distortion correction surface (Fig. 3). This effect is
taken into account to leading order by applying the
correction of an averagely displaced group of particles, but
small departures from this mean, due to local velocity
gradients and accelerations can give spurious structure to
the pattern of {u
, w
}, and affect the mean values. These
spurious values will have some structure similar to the lens
distortion curves of Fig. 3, since they are caused by relative
motion on this surface. It is an effect that will always be
present, and it is amplied as dt increases. A careful
inspection of D
(x, z) in Fig. 6b shows that the divergence
eld has some small remnant of circular symmetry, and the
measured values are a projection onto this symmetry.
The best estimates of u
/U and w
/U now appear to lie
between 0.012 and 0.020%, which are signicantly below
the previous estimates derived from Fig. 5. If the uctua-
tions normal to U are again assumed to be isotropic, q/
U = 0.026%. Pennycuick et al. (1997) reported mean tur-
bulence values of 0.035% (ranging from 0.031 to 0.037)
over the same region of the same wind tunnel. Our lower
estimate which compensates for momentary accelerations
in the global ow, U(t), is q/U = 0.026 0.006%, while
the upper limit is q/U = 0.046 0.006%. Since the hot-
wire estimates can be affected by mechanical vibrations,
Pennycuick et al. noted that their measurements should be
regarded as upper bounds. This brings up a more general
question of how wind tunnel turbulence measurements can
be calculated and reported.
4 Discussion
4.1 The basic problem
Having worked through the examples in these experiments,
we may summarise the basic measurement problem using
convenient numbers that are similar to those used here.
Suppose the mean owspeed, U = 10 m/s and the tunnel
turbulence levels are given as 0.05%. Then u
= 0.5 cm/s. A
DPIV exposure time, dt = 2,000 ls, gives a displacement
due to turbulent motions of u
dt = 10
cm. If a 2,048
pixel array covers a 20 9 20 cm observation window, the
scaling factor, s & 100 pixel/cm. A displacement of
cm is thus equivalent to dpix = 0.1 pixel. If the min-
imum expected error in the estimated pixel displacement is
0.02 pixel, the required measurement is only ve times
above the noise. Alternatively, if we stipulate that the pixel
displacements due to turbulent uctuations must be ten
times the smallest measurable displacement, d(pix)
, then
a criterion for successful wind tunnel turbulence measure-
ment can be given as
10d pix ( )
Given an expected turbulence level, u
, the experimenter
must select an appropriate combination of DPIV exposure
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
t (s)
Fig. 9 Corrected turbulence intensities (streamwise component, u
circles, vertical component, w
in triangles) from Fig. 5. Plausible
values of the true turbulence level lie between the horizontal bars
534 Exp Fluids (2009) 46:527537
1 3
time, dt, and magnication, s, onto the pixel array. Neither
parameter can be increased without limit because errors
due to optical nonlinearities essentially multiply both
The required dt values of 2,0004,000 ls in the example
above are at least one order of magnitude above typical
DPIV settings for ow measurements in such circum-
stances (given the same assumptions on sensor geometry,
optical magnication and mean ow speeds), which cannot
measure wind tunnel turbulence. The better the ow quality
in the wind tunnel, the more acute the problem. Wind
tunnels with four times higher turbulent uctuation mag-
nitudes are not four times easier to measure because the
higher turbulence levels increase the likelihood of particles
leaving even a perfectly aligned light sheet during the large
required dt.
4.2 Reporting turbulence levels
A wing (or wing pair) of 5 cm chord ying at 10 m/s has a
ow transit time of 5 ms. Fluctuations in the mean ow
with periods of the order of 24 s therefore occur over at
least 400 transit times, and so might reasonably be regar-
ded as slow variations in U with little dynamical
signicance. Arguing thus, an appropriate estimate of the
wind tunnel turbulence levels is 0.026%. On the other
hand, if the control manoeuvres required by a gliding bird
over the course of 10 s are being studied, then the higher
value of 0.046%, which includes these longer-timescale
variations, is more correct. In reporting rms turbulence
values from hot-wire data, the mean value is always
removed from the measured signal. In various statistical
detrending operations, other long time period/low fre-
quency components might be removed also, and removing
the linear part of any global curve t is also common, for
example. The complete reporting of a wind tunnel turbu-
lence level should therefore specify the effective range of
time scales or frequencies over which it has been
4.3 Turbulence estimates from DPIV
The instantaneous structure of the uctuating vorticity and
divergence elds is shown in Fig. 6 for this wind tunnel,
operating at one speed. The wavenumber range of energetic
scales is given in Fig. 7. Together, they show that the
uctuating velocity eld has no signicant coherent large
scale structure that is observable over this range of scales,
and that most turbulence energy is contained within a
wavenumber range of 1.56 rad/cm (the corresponding
wavelengths are 14.2 cm). The frame size DX = 14.5 cm
and the grid spacing is 0.25 cm so the range of measurable
wavenumbers in these gures is 0.4312.5 rad/cm.
The Taylor hypothesis is routinely invoked by those
making time-resolved turbulence measurements at a single
point, and if convected along by the mean ow past a xed
measurement point (such as a hot wire), the frozen ow of
Fig. 6 would appear as frequencies
f = kU=2p 64 Hz--1:86 kHz [ [: (11)
The most energetic wavenumbers of 1.5 B |k| B 6 rad/
cm lie between 220 and 890 Hz. In order to obtain these
data, DPIV exposure times, dt, of up to 4,000 ls were used.
Based on this effective exposure time alone, the Nyquist
frequency representing the highest accessible frequency,
= 1/(2dt) = 125 Hz. Figures 5 and 9 suggest that the
minimum usable dt = 2,500 ls, where f
is still 200 Hz.
The f
determined by dt is in a reference frame moving
with the mean ow, which is not the same as Eq. 11 above.
Whether it is sufcient to resolve dynamically important
time- and space-scales in the ow depends on the x(k)
relation for that ow. The basic point is that the larger the
value of dt, the lower the upper limit of resolvable fre-
quencies, and so dt cannot be increased without limit. Note
that while the upper limit in observable frequencies affects
the correct interpretation of the ow structure (in Fig. 6)
and spectral distribution (Fig. 7), it does not necessarily
affect the global (single number) statistics, as aliased fre-
quencies still appear in the measured signal without loss of
The estimated values of q/U = 0.026 and 0.046
0.006%, with and without low frequency correction, are
consistent with those previously measured in hot wire
experiments in the same wind tunnel, so the DPIV methods
for measuring them appear to be reasonable.
4.4 Experiments in nominally low turbulence wind
tunnels at transitional Reynolds number
Flows involving marginal stability of laminar boundary
layers are very susceptible to ambient turbulence, and to
small variations in model geometry and boundary condi-
tions. Such is the case for tests on small-scale ying
devices which may be human-engineered micro air-vehi-
cles or naturally evolved birds or bats. Even though neither
device normally ies through perfectly still air (if there
were such a thing), generalisable and repeatable test results
require that the background turbulence levels be low and
also that the turbulence characteristics be well-docu-
mented. In addition to global averages, the spatial and
temporal structure of the uctuations should be character-
ised. This paper shows that DPIV methods can be used to
measure the tunnel properties, given suitable operating
conditions and particularly careful tuning of the DPIV
parameters. If adequate wind tunnel turbulence properties
are measured this way, they may yet be signicantly
Exp Fluids (2009) 46:527537 535
1 3
different when the test and/or diffuser section contains
mounting struts, camera cables, mirrors or other common
clutter, and should be measured again (Selig and McGra-
nahan (2004), for example, show turbulence levels and
spectra, together with spatial variation of the mean ow
with the tunnel empty and with measurement apparatus
Finally, we briey note an application of the long-
exposure DPIV method to detect a signicantly non-uni-
form background ow that would not otherwise be
measured. Otherwise uniform, low-turbulence background
conditions can be signicantly disrupted in practical animal
ight experiments, when various markers and platforms or
perches for regulation of ight are placed inside the wind
tunnel. In some instances, safety nets are installed not only
in the downstream diffuser section (a necessity!), but also
in the front of the test section. These are often claimed to
have little noticeable effect on ight performance, but now
that a sufciently sensitive measurement technique has
been developed, the effect on the ow can be seen directly.
Figure 10 shows the disturbance velocity eld caused by
the upstream net superimposed on colour-coded cross-
stream vorticity contours. There is a regular array of easily
detectable, horizontal, laminar wakes, separated by oppo-
site signed vorticity layers. The instantaneous wake
structures (Fig. 10a) themselves show some signs of semi-
regular variation in the streamwise direction. The time-
averaged vorticity eld (Fig. 10b) is taken from 20 inde-
pendent timesteps and shows exactly the same regular
variation in the vertical direction, but the horizontal vari-
ance is signicantly reduced. The background turbulence
cannot be seen on this scale because it is many times (about
30) smaller in magnitude. Small lens distortion effects can
be seen at the grid edges, particularly at the bottom of the
images as they could not be removed using the usual
averaging methods employed for the tunnel turbulence
The net itself is composed of a 27 mm square mesh of
threads with thread diameter 15.1 0.4 lm. The Reynolds
number based on thread diameter, d, Re
= 7 for U = 7 m/
s. The mean vertical spacing between wakes in Fig. 10b is
27.1 0.03 mm, which is equal to the mesh spacing.
Measurements were taken approximately 1 m downstream
of the start of the test section, where the mesh was strung,
and so x/d & 66,000. The low Reynolds number and
comparatively low background turbulence levels lead to a
perfectly preserved wake image of the mesh, far down-
stream of its origin. Pennycuick et al. (1997) previously
documented an increase in global turbulence levels in the
test section due to an upstream (but different) net. Here we
see that a net actually imposes a rather stable, laminar
pattern on the ow, which may or may not be aerody-
namically important, but its presence ought to be noted,
particularly in view of the sensitivity of wing performance
to small disturbances.
5 Summary
A single example case is described to demonstrate that,
provided measurements are made with care and precision,
the low turbulence levels in high quality low-speed wind
tunnels can be estimated with DPIV methods. The uctu-
ation magnitudes are consistent with independent hot-wire
Fig. 10 Instantaneous (a) and time-averaged (b) spanwise vorticity,
(x, z), for empty test section with upstream net. The eld of view
{DX, DY} = 14.5 9 17 cm, dt = 2,500 ls and vector displacements
are shown 16 times their original length. Re
= 7, based on net thread
536 Exp Fluids (2009) 46:527537
1 3
estimates, and the spatial patterns of the disturbance
quantities in the measurement plane can also be found. The
window of usable operating parameters is constrained by
the requirement for large dts on one hand, and higher-
order corrections as disturbance quantities occupy different
locations in the lens distortion correction surface on the
other. Given perfect lighting and particle seeding, further
improvements will benet both from better optics and
further advances in DPIV algorithms. A DPIV system that
is correctly tuned to measure very small disturbance
quantities is a valuable indicator of actual operating con-
ditions, and the correct specications of these (including
the range of scales and frequencies over which global
statistics are computed) will be particularly important in
future experiments on the aerodynamics of birds, planes,
bats and gliders at moderate Reynolds number.
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