Prayer Before-After Class
Prayer Before-After Class
Prayer Before-After Class
never cease to love and care for us Despite our failings, In Your great love for us, You sent your only-begotten Son to lead us out of darkness into the fullness of Your light. Send forth Your Spirit To guide our hearts and minds And to be with us now as we discuss our lessons So that we may discover What is true and just. WE ASK THIS THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. AMEN.
Prayer After Class Most Kind and loving Father, You Sent the Holy Spirit to enlighten Your apostles. We thank you for the knowledge and wisdom which, By the same Holy Spirit, You have bestowed on us. Continue to bless and protect our school, administrators, professors, and each and every one of us. Give grace to accept, with humility, our personal triumphs and failures, the courage to persevere in our studies, and the determination to become fully human, wholly Christian and truly Filipino lawyers THAT IN ALL THINGS, YOU MAY BE GLORIFIED. Grant this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.