Idiomatic Expressions Iftikhar Ahmed M.A.English, M.A.TEFL, B.ED Bright Future College Muridke 03004760528
Idiomatic Expressions Iftikhar Ahmed M.A.English, M.A.TEFL, B.ED Bright Future College Muridke 03004760528
Idiomatic Expressions Iftikhar Ahmed M.A.English, M.A.TEFL, B.ED Bright Future College Muridke 03004760528
1. 2. #. '. ). ,. -. .. /. 10. 11. 12. 1#. 1'. 1). 1,. 1-. 1.. 1/. 20. 21. 22. 2#. 2'. 2). 2,. 2-. 2.. 2/. #0. #1. #2. ##. #'. #). #,. #-. #.. #/. '0. '1. '2. '#. ''. '). ',. '-. '.. '/. )0. )1. )2. )#. )'. )). ),. )-. ).. )/. ,0. ,1. ,2. ,#. ,'. ,). ,,. ,-. ,.. ,/. -0. -1. -2. -#. -'. -). -,. --. -.. -/. .0. .1. .2. .#. .'. .). .,. .-. A broken reed A storm in the tea- !" A $i%d &oose hase In the teeth o( *+ the s$eat o( ones bro$ A dark horse A red ra& to the b!%% A t!rn oat A (ish o!t o( $ater In a""%e "ie order On the horns o( a di%emma Cheek b+ 1o$% 2!e and r+ *reak thro!&h A $hite e%e"hant A red %etter da+ A(ter one3s o$n heart 2and in &%o4e $ith A st!mb%in& b%o k A %ose sha4e On e in a b%!e moon Mi5 b%essin& A bone o( ontention Abo4e board A bo%t (rom the b%!e A (air-$eather (riend A hard "i%% to s$a%%o$ A ro!nd "i& in a s6!are ho%e At one3s be k and a%% 2er !%ean task In (!%% s$in&. On the an4i% O!t at e%bo$s 7%esh and b%ood A brain $a4e S6!are dea% A 6!eer (ish A b%ind a%%e+ A birds e+e 4ie$ Ca%% a s"ade a s"ade Come o(( $ith o%o!rs C!rr+ (a4o!r 2it be%o$ the be%t 2a4e an a5e to &rind 8ee" bod+ and so!% toðer 9ook da&&ers at P!t o!t o( o!ntenan e P%a+ $ith (ire Pa+ o(( o%d s ore P%a+ ones tr!m" ard R!n to seed R!n ram"ant Rest on ones %a!re%s Sti k to the "oint Sho$ the $hite (eather 9i k the d!st To be in the do%dr!ms To be taken !" $ith *e in the so!" Take b+ the storm To brin& do$n the ho!se *e on tenterhooks *e at ones $its end *%o$ ones o$n tr!m"et To die in harness To steer %ear o( 20 De *e in the same boat 7a e the m!si Pa+ thro!&h the nose T!rn a dea( ear to P!t the art be(ore the horse Take the b!%% b+ the horns 9et the at o!t o( the ba& 7eather ones nest 7ish in tro!b%ed $ater Cast "ear%s be(ore the s$ine *!rn the and%e at both ends End in smoke Read bet$een the %ines Eat the h!mb%e "ie 21 De 7i&hts sh+ o( Eat ones $ords :et into hot $ater T!rn to a o!nt To beat abo!t the b!sh P%a+ d! ks and drakes Sti k to ones &!ns ;in %a!re%s *e&&ar des ri"tion Poke ones nose 9ose ones head Make head a&ainst 9ead b+ the nose Make ones heart b%eed *!rn ones (in&ers Sho$ a %ean "air o( hee%s22 De /-. Make a %ean breast /.. Meet one ha%( $a+ //. Mind ones o$n b!siness 100. *e $orth ones sa%t 101. ;ash dirt+ %inen in "!b%i 102. Shed ro odi%e tears 10#. To make a ats "a$ o( 10'. To stand in &ood stead 10). To beat the air 10,. To ri" o"en o%d s ores 10-. To be taken aba k 10.. To kee" abreast o( 10/. To be $ithin an a e o( 110. To take into a o!nt 111. To take the ad4anta&e o(2# De 112. To make a%%o$an e 11#. To make amends (or 11'. To s$a%%o$ the bait 11). To bear the br!nt o( 11,. To a%% in 6!estion 11-. To arr+ the da+ 11.. Thro$ to the do&s 11/. To (a%% ba k !"on 120. To b!rr+ the hat het 121. To t!rn o4er a ne$ %ea( 122. To %ea4e no stone !nt!rned 12#. To make %i&ht o( 12'. To thro$ %i&ht !"on 12). To be at %o&&er heads 12,. To &ird !" one3s %ion 2' De 12-. To %ea4e in the %!r h 12.. To !t to the 6!i k 12/. To !t a sorr+ (i&!re 1#0. To !t the ake and ha4e it. 1#1. To thro$ o( the mask 1#2. To kee" the $o%( (rom the door 1##. To "!%% ones %e& 1#'. N!%% and 4oid 1#). To set aside 1#,. *read and b!tter 1#-. 2obson3s hoi e 1#.. Anima% s"irits 1#/. At %oose end 1'0. To ki k !" a ro$ 1'1. To ha4e to man+ irons in the (ire 2,De 1'2. To at h someone na""in& 1'#. The !nderdo& 1''. A &i(t o( the &ab IMPORTANT P2RASES 1'). *e o(( 1',. *ear o!t 1'-. *eat o(( 1'.. *%a k and b%!e 1'/. *%ind a%%e+ 1)0. *ran h o(( 1)1. *ra h o!t 1)2. *rin& (orth 1)#. *rin& abo!t 1)'. *!+ o(( 1)). Ca%% o(( 1),. Ca%% !" 2- De 1)-. Carr+ o!t 1).. Carr+ thro!&h 1)/. Cast aside 1,0. Cross the bar 1,1. C!t do$n on 1,2. C!t thro!&h 1,#. Dea% $ith 1,'. Die do$n 1,). Dro" o(( 1,,. 7a%% a$a+ 1,-. :et a$a+ $ith 1,.. :o o(( 1,/. :o o!t 1-0. 2o%d o4er 1-1. 8ee" o(( ... ./. /0. /1. /2. /#. /'. /). /,. 1-2. 9a+ aside 1-#. 9i4e !" to 1-'. 9o k o!t 1-). Make a$a+ $ith 1-,. Make o!t 1--. On the b%ink 1-.. Pass a$a+ 1-/. P!t the bite on 1.0. Re(%e t on 1.1. R!n do$n 1.2. Set do$n 1.#. Set aside 1.'. Set on 1.). Stand b+ 1.,. Take a(ter2/ De 1.-. Take to 1... Te%% !"on 1./. T!rn !" 1/0. ;ork o!t
1/1. 1/2. 1/#. 1/'. 1/). 1/,. 1/-. 1/.. 1//. 200. 202. 20#. 20'. 20). 20,. 20-. 20.. 20/. 210. 211. 212. 21#. 21'. 21). 21,. 21-. 21.. 220. 221. 222. 22#. 22'. 22). 22,. 22-. 22.. 22/. 2#0. 2#1. 2#2. 2##. 2#'. 2#). 2#,. 2#-. 2#.. 2#/. 2'0. 2'1. 2'2. 2'#. 2''. 2'). 2',. 2'-. 2'.. 2'/. 2)0. 2)1. 2)2. 2)#. 2)'. 2)). 2),. to add ins!%t to in1!r+ to b%o$ one3s o$n tr!m"et to b!rn one3s (in&er to beat b%a k and b%!e to !t a sorr+ (i&!re to die in harness to end in smoke to &o to the do&s to han& in the ba%an e to hit the nai% on the head to ho%d $ater#0 De to ha4e no stone !nt!rned to %i4e (rom hand to mo!th to make !" one3s mind to see e+e to e+e $ith "!t the art be(ore the horse to ha4e to man+ irons in the (ire to read bet$een the %ines t!rn o4er a ne$ %ea( to take the b!%% b+ horns b%a k and $hite %aid !" $ith a hard n!t to ra k a (oo%3s "aradise to beat abo!t the b!sh b!r+ the hat het a"ita% "!nishment b+ hook or b+ rook eat h!mb%e "ie#1De hit be%o$ the be%t %e4e in the %!r h h!sh mone+ ki k !" a ro$ to %et the at o!t o( the ba& on the s"!r o( the moment "a+ on3e ba k in ones o$n oin "!t in o%d stora&e. "!%% $ires a s$eet tooth a bott%e ne k a (air $eather (riend b!rn one3s boats 21an.0, horse tradin& 2obson3s hoi e o!nt one3s hi kens b!rn midni&ht oi%< "i k ho%es in another3s oat s ot (ree sme%% a rat thro!&h thi k and thin tr!e to ones sa%t to t!rn the orner $ith a &rain o( sa%t to han& b+ thread to $orshi" the risin& s!n a 2er !%ean task a (ish o!t o( $ater a %ea" in the dark a thorn in one3s side to be at one3s be k and a%%s b!rn one3s (in&er !t and dried (eather ones o$n nest (ish in tro!b%ed $ater to &i4e onese%( air to han& b+ thread