Vena Verga
Vena Verga
Vena Verga
Art 1. This At sh!"" #$ %&'(& !s th$ Ci)i" C'*$ '+ th$
- E.O. 48 of March 20, 1947
- Roxas Code Commission
- Dr. George aco!o "chairman#
- $an%ar& 2', 1949 "(assed !& Congress#
Art. -. L!(s sh!"" t!%$ $++$t !+t$r 1. *!/s +'""'(i&0 th$
'1,"$ti'& '+ th$ir ,2#"i!ti'& i& th$ O++ii!" 3!4$tt$5
2&"$ss it is 'th$r(is$ ,r')i*$*. This C'*$ sh!"" t!%$
$++$t 1 /$!r !+t$r ,2#"i!ti'&.
- )%g. *0, 19+0 ",oo- effec,#
- EO 200 ").%ino# /a0s ,o !e effec,i1e m%s,
!e (%!/ished ei,her in ,he Officia/ Ga2e,,e or in
a ne0s(a(er of genera/ circ%/a,ion in ,he
co%n,r&. "3a4ada 1 3%1era(%!/ica,ion no, ,o
!e in Officia/ Ga2e,,e !eca%se of i,s erra,ic
re/ease and /imi,ed readershi(#
- 5n,ended ,o ena!/e (eo(/e ,o !ecome fami/iar
0i,h ,he s,a,%,e
- M%s, !e in f%//
- 6%!/ica,ion is an indis(ensa!/e re.%iremen,,
a!sence of 0hich 0i// render ,he /a0
- 7%n/ess o,her0ise (ro1ided8 "refers ,o 1+da&
(eriod, no, (%!/ica,ion
Art. 3. I0&'r!&$ '+ th$ "!( $62s$s &' '&$ +r'1
'1,"i!&$ th$r$(ith.
- a((/ies on/& ,o manda,or& and (rohi!i,or& /a0s
Art. 7. L!(s sh!"" h!)$ &' r$tr'!ti)$ $++$t5 2&"$ss th$
'&tr!r/ is ,r')i*$*
- 9a0 /oo-s ,o ,he f%,%re.
- 5ns,ances 0hen a /a0 ma& !e gi1en a
r$tr'!ti)$ effec,:
o ;hen ,he /a0 ex(ress/& (ro1ides for
re,roac,i1i,& "insofar as i, does no,
(re<%dice or im(air 1es,ed or ac.%ired
righ,s in accordance 0i,h ,he Ci1i/
Code or o,her /a0s#
o C%ra,i1e or remedia/ "c%ring defec,s
or adding ,o ,he means of enforcing
exis,ing o!/iga,ions#. R=9E: 5f ,he
irreg%/ari,& consis,s in doing some
ac,, or doing i, in ,he mode 0hich ,he
/egis/a,%re migh, ha1e made ma,eria/
!& an ex(ress /a0, i, ma& do so !& a
s%!se.%en, one.
o 6roced%ra/. ",o a1oid (ossi!/e
o 6ena/ in charac,er and fa1ora!/e ,o
,he acc%sed. "no, a ha!i,%a/
de/in.%en, >if 0?in 10 &ears from da,e
of re/ease or /as, con1ic,ion of a
crime, he is fo%nd g%i/,& of an& said
crimes a ,hird ,ime or of,ener.#
Art. .. Ats $6$2t$* !0!i&st th$ ,r')isi'&s '+
1!&*!t'r/ !&* ,r'hi#it'r/ "!(s sh!"" #$ )'i*5
$6$,t (h$& th$ "!( its$"+ !2th'ri4$s th$ir
- Manda,or& 9a0s omission of 0hich
renders ,he (roceeding or ac,s ,o
0hich i, re/a,es genera//& i//ega/ or
1oid. Exam(/e: (rescri(,i1e (eriods
- 6rohi!i,or& 9a0s con,ain (osi,i1e
(rohi!i,ions and are co%ched in ,he
nega,i1e ,erms im(or,ing ,ha, ,he ac,
re.%ired sha// no, !e done o,her0ise
,han designa,ed. Exam(/e: 7@O8A
- Bo0e1er, if ,he /a0 ex(ress/&
(ro1ides for ,he 1a/idi,& of ac,s
commi,,ed in 1io/a,ion of a manda,or&
or (rohi!i,or& (ro1ision of a s,a,%,e,
s%ch ac, sha// !e considered 1a/id or
Art. 6. Ri0hts 1!/ #$ (!i)$*5 2&"$ss th$ (!i)$r
is '&tr!r/ t' "!(5 ,2#"i ,'"i/5 1'r!"s 'r 0''*
2st'1s5 'r ,r$82*ii!" t' ! thir* ,$rs'& (ith !
ri0ht r$'0&i4$* #/ "!(.
- ;ai1er in,en,iona/ re/in.%ishmen,
of a -no0n righ,C no, (res%med !%,
m%s, !e c/ear/& and con1incing/&
sho0n, ei,her !& ex(ress s,i(%/a,ion
or ac,s admi,,ing no o,her reasona!/e
- ) righ, ,o !e 1a/id/& 0ai1ed, m%s, !e
in exis,ence a, ,he ,ime of ,he 0ai1er,
and m%s, !e exercised !& a d%/&
ca(aci,a,ed (erson ac,%a//&
(ossessing ,he righ, ,o ma-e ,he
0ai1er. "(res%((oses ,ha, ,he (ar,&
has -no0/edge of i,s righ,s, !%,
chooses no, ,o asser, ,hem#
Art. 9. L!(s !r$ r$,$!"$* '&"/ #/ s2#s$:2$&t
'&$s5 !&* th$ir )i'"!ti'& 'r &'&;'#s$r)!&$
sh!"" &'t #$ $62s$* #/ *is2s$5 'r 2st'15 'r
,r!ti$ t' th$ '&tr!r/. Wh$& th$ '2rts
*$"!r$ ! "!( t' #$ i&'&sist$&t (ith th$
C'&stit2ti'&5 th$ +'r1$r sh!"" #$ )'i* !&* th$
"!tt$r sh!"" 0')$r&. A*1i&istr!ti)$ 'r $6$2ti)$
!ts5 'r*$rs !&* r$02"!ti'&s sh!"" #$ )!"i* '&"/
(h$& th$/ !r$ &'t '&tr!r/ t' th$ "!(s 'r th$
- Re(ea/ /egis/a,i1e ac, of
a!roga,ing ,hro%gh a s%!se.%en, /a0
,he effec,s of a (re1io%s s,a,%,e or
(or,ions ,hereof. Ma& !e ei,her
ex(ress or im(/ied.
Art. 8. <2*ii!" *$isi'&s !,,"/i&0 'r
i&t$r,r$ti&0 th$ "!(s 'r th$ C'&stit2ti'& sh!""
+'r1 ,!rt '+ th$ "$0!" s/st$1 '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s.
- $%dicia/ decisions
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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
o a/,ho%gh in ,hemse/1es no, /a0s,
ass%me ,he same a%,hori,& as ,he
s,a,%,e i,se/f.
o Cons,i,%,e e1idence of 0ha, ,he /a0
o 7/egis in,er(re,a,io /egis 1im o!,ine,8
in,er(re,a,ion (/aced %(on ,he
0ri,,en /a0 !& a com(e,en, co%r, has
,he force of /a0
o DC decisions > a%,hori,a,i1e and
o 5nferior co%r,s decisions and Co%r, of
)((ea/s > mere/& (ers%asi1e
o )(iag 1 Can,ero "<%dge en,ered
marriage 0i,ho%, ha1ing his
firs, 1oid marriage <%dicia//& dec/ared
a n%//i,&, no, a !asis for immora/i,&#
a, ,ha, ,ime, ,here 0as no need for
<%dicia/ dec/ara,ion of n%//i,&
o ;iege/ 1 Dem(io D& case 0here
,he D%(reme Co%r, dec/ared ,ha,
,here 0as a need for a dec/ara,ion of
n%//i,& of a 1oid marriage.
Art. =. N' 82*0$ 'r '2rt sh!"" *$"i&$ t' r$&*$r
82*01$&t #/ r$!s'& '+ th$ si"$&$5 '#s2rit/ 'r
i&s2++ii$&/ '+ th$ "!(s.
- @ing%no non de%e enri.%ecerse
,or,i2eramen,e con dano de o,ro ;hen ,he
s,a,%,es are si/en, or am!ig%o%s, ,his is one of
,hose f%ndamen,a/ (rinci(/es 0hich ,he co%r,s
in1o-e in order ,o arri1e a, a so/%,ion ,ha,
0o%/d res(ond ,o ,he 1ehemen, %rge of
- $%s,ice Bo/mes > 7Do and m%s, /egis/a,e8 ,o fi//
in ,he ga(s in ,he /a0, !eca%se ,he mind of ,he
/egis/a,or, /i-e a// h%man !eings, is fini,e and
,herefore canno, en1isage a// (ossi!/e cases ,o
0hich ,he /a0 ma& a((/&. @or has ,he h%man
mind ,he infini,e ca(aci,& ,o an,ici(a,e a//
Art. 1>. I& !s$ '+ *'2#t i& th$ i&t$r,r$t!ti'& !&*
!,,"i!ti'& '+ "!(s5 it is ,r$s21$* th!t th$ "!(1!%i&0
#'*/ i&t$&*$* ri0ht !&* 82sti$ t' ,r$)!i".
- Cons,r%c,ion and in,er(re,a,ion come on/& af,er
i, has !een demons,ra,ed ,ha, a((/ica,ion is
im(ossi!/e or inade.%a,e 0i,ho%, ,hem.
Art. 11. C2st'1s (hih !r$ '&tr!r/ t' "!(5 ,2#"i 'r*$r
'r ,2#"i ,'"i/ sh!"" &'t #$ '2&t$&!&$*.
Art. 1-. A 2st'1 12st #$ ,r')$* !s ! +!t5 !'r*i&0 t'
th$ r2"$s '+ $)i*$&$.
- C%s,om r%/e of cond%c, formed !& re(e,i,ion
of ac,s, %niform/& o!ser1ed "(rac,iced# as a
socia/ r%/e, /ega//& !inding and o!/iga,or&.
- $%ridica/ c%s,om > can s%((/emen, s,a,%,or&
/a0 or a((/ied in ,he a!sence of s%ch s,a,%,e.
- Docia/ c%s,om > canF, s%((/emen, s,a, /a0 or
a((/ied in ,he a!sence of s,a,%,e.
- C%s,om, e1en if (ro1en, canno, (re1ai/ o1er a
s,a,%,or& r%/e or e1en a /ega/ r%/e en%ncia,ed
!& ,he DC
Art. 13. Wh$& th$ "!( s,$!%s '+ /$!rs5 1'&ths5
*!/s 'r &i0hts5 it sh!"" #$ 2&*$rst''* th!t /$!rs
!r$ '+ 36. *!/s $!h? 1'&ths5 '+ 3> *!/s? *!/s5
'+ -7 h'2rs? !&* &i0hts +r'1 s2&s$t t' s2&ris$.
I+ 1'&ths !r$ *$si0&!t$* #/ th$ir &!1$5 th$/
sh!"" #$ '1,2t$* #/ th$ &21#$r '+ *!/s
(hih th$/ r$s,$ti)$"/ h!)$. I& '1,2ti&0 !
,$ri'*5 th$ +irst *!/ sh!"" #$ $6"2*$*5 !&* th$
"!st *!/ i&"2*$*.
- 5f ,he ex,ra da& in a /ea( &ear is no, a
da& of ,he &ear, !eca%se i, is ,he
da&, ,hen ,o 0ha, &ear does i,
!e/ongG Cer,ain/&, i, m%s, !e/ong ,o
,he &ear 0here i, fa//s and, ,herefore,
,he *'' da&s cons,i,%,e one &ear.
Art. 17. P$&!" "!(s !&* th's$ '+ ,2#"i s$2rit/
!&* s!+$t/ sh!"" #$ '#"i0!t'r/ 2,'& !"" (h' "i)$
'r s'8'2r& i& th$ Phi"i,,i&$ t$rrit'r/5 s2#8$t t'
th$ ,ri&i,"$s '+ ,2#"i i&t$r&!ti'&!" "!( !&* t'
tr$!t/ sti,2"!ti'&s.
- Ci,i2ens and foreigners are s%!<ec, ,o
a// (ena/ /a0s. ;i// e1en a,,ach
regard/ess 0he,her or no, a foreigner
is mere/& so<o%rning in 6hi/ ,erri,or&
@AT ,he& ma& ho0e1er !e imm%ne
from s%i,, and ,herefore, canno, !e
crimina//& (rosec%,ed in ,he
6hi/i((ines in cer,ain cases 0here ,he
6hi/i((ine go1ernmen, has 0ai1ed i,s
crimina/ <%risdic,ion o1er ,hem on ,he
!asis of ,he (rinci(/es of (%!/ic
in,erna,iona/ /a0 and ,rea,&
- 19'1 Hienna Con1en,ion on
Di(/oma,ic Re/a,ions > (ro1ided ,ha,
,he (erson of ,he di(/oma,ic agen,
sha// !e in1io/a!/e and he sha// no, !e
/ia!/e ,o an& form of arres, or
de,en,ion. Be sha// en<o& imm%ni,&
from crimina/ <%risdic,ion of ,he
recei1ing s,a,e.
Art. 1.. L!(s r$"!ti&0 t' +!1i"/ ri0hts !&*
*2ti$s5 'r t' th$ st!t2s5 '&*iti'& !&* "$0!"
!,!it/ '+ ,$rs'&s !r$ #i&*i&0 2,'& iti4$&s
'+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s5 $)$& th'20h "i)i&0 !#r'!*.
- @a,iona/i,& R%/e
- 3encha1e2 1 Escano ,he on/&
a!so/%,e di1orce recogni2ed is one of
,he a/ien s(o%se. Ii/i(ino s(o%se can
!e said ,o ha1e commi,,ed
conc%!inage "h%s!and# or ad%/,er&
Art. 16. R$!" ,r',$rt/ !s ($"" !s ,$rs'&!"
,r',$rt/ is s2#8$t t' th$ "!( '+ th$ '2&tr/
(h$r$ it is sit2!t$*. H'($)$r5 i&t$st!t$ !&*
t$st!1$&t!r/ s2$ssi'&s5 #'th (ith r$s,$t t'
th$ 'r*$r '+ s2$ssi'& !&* t' th$ !1'2&t '+
s2$ssi'&!" ri0hts !&* t' th$ i&tri&si )!"i*it/
'+ t$st!1$&t!r/ ,r')isi'&s5 sh!"" #$ r$02"!t$*
#/ th$ &!ti'&!" "!( '+ th$ ,$rs'& (h's$
s2$ssi'& is 2&*$r '&si*$r!ti'&5 (h!t$)$r
1!/ #$ th$ &!t2r$ '+ th$ ,r',$rt/ !&*
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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
r$0!r*"$ss '+ th$ '2&tr/ (h$r$i& s!i* ,r',$rt/ 1!/ #$
- )((/ica!i/i,& of @a,iona/ 9a0 of deceden,, in
in,es,a,e or ,es,amen,ar& s%ccession, 0i,h
regard ,o:
o Order of s%ccession
o )mo%n, of s%ccessiona/ righ,s
o 5n,rinsic 1a/idi,& of ,he (ro1isions of
,he 0i//
o Ca(aci,& ,o s%cceed
Arti"$ 19. Th$ +'r1s !&* s'"$1&iti$s '+ '&tr!ts5 (i""s5
!&* 'th$r ,2#"i i&str21$&ts sh!"" #$ 0')$r&$* #/ th$
"!(s '+ th$ '2&tr/ i& (hih th$/ !r$ $6$2t$*. Wh$&
th$ !ts r$+$rr$* t' !r$ $6$2t$* #$+'r$ th$ *i,"'1!ti
'r '&s2"!r '++ii!"s '+ th$ R$,2#"i '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s i&
! +'r$i0& '2&tr/5 th$ s'"$1&iti$s $st!#"ish$* #/
Phi"i,,i&$ "!(s sh!"" #$ '#s$r)$* i& th$ir $6$2ti'&.
Pr'hi#iti)$ "!(s '&$r&i&0 ,$rs'&s5 th$ir !ts 'r
,r',$rt/5 !&* th's$ (hih h!)$ +'r th$ir '#8$t ,2#"i
'r*$r5 ,2#"i ,'"i/ !&* 0''* 2st'1s sh!"" &'t #$
r$&*$r$* i&$++$ti)$ #/ "!(s 'r 82*01$&ts ,r'12"0!t$*5
'r #/ *$t$r1i&!ti'&s 'r '&)$&ti'&s !0r$$* 2,'& i& !
+'r$i0& '2&tr/.
- Ex,rinsic 1a/idi,& > if ac, is 1a/id 0here i, is
exec%,ed, e1en if said ac, 0onF, !e 1a/id here,
0i// !e deemed as 1a/id, none,he/ess.
- Di(/oma,ic and cons%/ar officia/s are
re(resen,a,i1es of ,he s,a,e, ,herefore
6hi/i((ine /a0 sho%/d (re1ai/ if ac, is exec%,ed
!efore a di(/oma,, in a foreign co%n,r&. "!asis:
!& r%/es of in,erna,iona/ /a0, hos, co%n,r&
0here di(/oma, is assigned, 0ai1es i,s
<%risdic,ion o1er ,he (remises of ,he di(/oma,ic
office of ano,her co%n,r& /oca,ed in ,he said
hos, co%n,r&#
Art. 18. I& 1!tt$rs (hih !r$ 0')$r&$* #/ th$ C'*$ '+
C'11$r$ !&* s,$i!" "!(s5 th$ir *$+ii$&/ sh!"" #$
s2,,"i$* #/ th$ ,r')isi'&s '+ this C'*$.
Art. 1=. E)$r/ ,$rs'& 12st5 i& th$ $6$ris$ '+ his ri0hts
!&* i& th$ ,$r+'r1!&$ '+ his *2ti$s5 !t (ith 82sti$5
0i)$ $)$r/'&$ his *2$5 !&* '#s$r)$ h'&$st/ !&* 0''*
- (rinci(/e of a!%se of righ,s.
- Codifies ,he conce(, of 0ha, is <%s,ice and fair
(/a& so ,ha, ,he a!%se of righ, !& a (erson 0i//
!e (re1en,ed.
- E/emen,s of a!%se of righ,:
o 3here is a /ega/ righ, or d%,&
o ;hich is exercised in !ad fai,h
o Ior ,he so/e in,en, of (re<%dicing or
in<%ring ano,her
Art. ->. E)$r/ ,$rs'& (h'5 '&tr!r/ t' "!(5 (i""+2""/ 'r
&$0"i0$&t"/ !2s$s *!1!0$ t' !&'th$r5 sh!"" i&*$1&i+/
th$ "!tt$r +'r th$ s!1$.
- s(ea-s of ,he genera/ sanc,ion for a// ,he o,her
(ro1isions of /a0 0hich do no, es(ecia//&
(ro1ide ,heir o0n sanc,ion.
Art. -1. A&/ ,$rs'& (h' (i""+2""/ !2s$s "'ss 'r
i&82r/ t' !&'th$r i& ! 1!&&$r th!t is '&tr!r/ t'
1'r!"s5 0''* 2st'1s 'r ,2#"i ,'"i/ sh!""
'1,$&s!t$ th$ "!tt$r +'r th$ *!1!0$.
- fi// in ,he co%n,/ess ga(s of ,he
s,a,%,es, 0hich /ea1e so man& 1ic,ims
of mora/ 0rongs he/(/ess, e1en
,ho%gh ,he& ha1e ac,%a//& s%ffered
ma,eria/ and mora/ in<%r&.
- Dea/s 0i,h ac,s con,ra !on%s mores >
and has ,he fo//o0ing e/emen,s:
o 3here is an ac, 0hich is
o %, 0hich is con,rar& ,o
mora/s, good c%s,oms,
(%!/ic order, or (%!/ic (o/ic&
o )nd i, is done 0i,h in,en, ,o
BBB )r,ic/es 19,20, and 21 are re/a,ed ,o each o,her,
and %nder ,hese ar,ic/es, an ac, 0hich ca%ses
in<%r& ,o ano,her ma& !e made ,he !asis for an
a0ard of damages. Common E/emen,: ac, m%s, !e
in,en,iona/. Bo0e1er, ar, 20 does no, dis,ing%ish:
70i//f%//&8 or 7neg/igen,/&8
J (ari de/ic,o in e.%a/ fa%/,, in simi/ar offense or
crime, e.%a/ in g%i/, or in /ega/ fa%/,.
Art. --. E)$r/ ,$rs'& (h' thr'20h !& !t 'r
,$r+'r1!&$ #/ !&'th$r5 'r !&/ 'th$r 1$!&s5
!:2ir$s 'r '1$s i&t' ,'ss$ssi'& '+
s'1$thi&0 !t th$ $6,$&s$ '+ th$ "!tt$r (ith'2t
82st 'r "$0!" 0r'2&*5 sh!"" r$t2r& th$ s!1$ t'
; (re1en,ion of %n<%s, enrichmen,. @o
(erson can c/aim 0ha, is no, 1a/id/& and /ega//& his
or hers.
Art. -3. E)$& (h$& !& !t 'r $)$&t !2si&0
*!1!0$ t' !&'th$rCs ,r',$rt/ (!s &'t *2$ t'
th$ +!2"t 'r &$0"i0$&$ '+ th$ *$+$&*!&t5 th$
"!tt$r sh!"" #$ "i!#"$ +'r i&*$1&it/ i+ thr'20h th$
!t 'r $)$&t h$ (!s #$&$+it$*.
Art. -7. I& !"" '&tr!t2!"5 ,r',$rt/ 'r 'th$r
r$"!ti'&s5 (h$& '&$ '+ th$ ,!rti$s is !t !
*is!*)!&t!0$ '& !'2&t '+ his 1'r!"
*$,$&*$&$5 i0&'r!&$5 i&*i0$&$5 1$&t!"
($!%&$ss5 t$&*$r !0$ 'r 'th$r h!&*i!,5 th$
'2rts 12st #$ )i0i"!&t +'r his ,r't$ti'&.
E in consonance 0i,h 0ha, is righ, and
Art. -.. Th'20ht"$ss $6tr!)!0!&$ i& $6,$&s$s
+'r ,"$!s2r$ 'r *is,"!/ *2ri&0 ! ,$ri'* '+ !2t$
,2#"i (!&t 'r $1$r0$&/ 1!/ #$ st',,$* #/
'r*$r '+ th$ '2rts !t th$ i&st!&$ '+ !&/
0')$r&1$&t 'r ,ri)!t$ h!rit!#"$ i&stit2ti'&.
- ,o (re1en, inconsidera,e and
os,en,a,io%s ac,i1i,ies d%ring ,imes of
- s(ecifica//& (ro1ides for ,he en,i,ies
0hich are gi1en /ega/ s,anding ,o
see- an in<%nc,ion:
o an& go1ernmen, or
o (ri1a,e chari,a!/e ins,i,%,ion.
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Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
Art. -6. E)$r/ ,$rs'& sh!"" r$s,$t th$ *i0&it/5
,$rs'&!"it/5 ,ri)!/ !&* ,$!$ '+ 1i&* '+ his &$i0h#'rs
!&* 'th$r ,$rs'&s. Th$ ++. !&* si1i"!r !ts5 th'20h th$/
1!/ &'t '&stit2t$ ! ri1i&!" '++$&s$5 sh!"" ,r'*2$ !
!2s$ '+ !ti'& +'r *!1!0$s5 ,r$)$&ti'& !&* 'th$r
1. Pr/i&0 i&t' th$ ,ri)!/ '+ !&'th$rCs
-. M$**"i&0 (ith 'r *ist2r#i&0 th$ ,ri)!t$ "i+$
'r +!1i"/ r$"!ti'&s '+ !&'th$r
3. I&tri02i&0 t' !2s$ !&'th$r t' #$ !"i$&!t$*
+r'1 his +ri$&*s
7. V$6i&0 'r h21i"i!ti&0 !&'th$r '& !'2&t
'+ his r$"i0i'2s #$"i$+s5 "'("/ st!ti'& i& "i+$5
,"!$ '+ #irth5 ,h/si!" *$+$t5 'r 'th$r
,$rs'&!" '&*iti'&.
- EK69)@)35O@ OI COMM5DD5O@ 3O
5@C9=D5O@ OI )R3 2' "6ro,ec,ion of B%man
o Dacredness of h%man (ersona/i,& is a
concomi,an, of e1er& (/an for h%man
o 3he ,o%chs,one of e1er& s&s,em of
/a0s, of ,he c%/,%re and ci1i/i2a,ion of
e1er& co%n,r&, is ho0 far i, dignifies
Art. -9. A&/ ,$rs'& s2++$ri&0 1!t$ri!" 'r 1'r!" "'ss
#$!2s$ ! ,2#"i s$r)!&t 'r $1,"'/$$ r$+2s$s 'r
&$0"$ts5 (ith'2t 82st !2s$5 t' ,$r+'r1 his '++ii!" *2t/
1!/ +i"$ !& !ti'& +'r *!1!0$s !&* 'th$r r$"i$+ !0!i&st
th$ "!tt$r5 (ith'2t ,r$82*i$ t' !&/ *isi,"i&!r/
!*1i&istr!ti)$ !ti'& th!t 1!/ #$ t!%$&.
Art. -8. A&+!ir '1,$titi'& i& !0ri2"t2r!"5 '11$ri!" 'r
i&*2stri!" $&t$r,ris$s5 'r i& "!#'r5 thr'20h th$ 2s$ '+
+'r$5 i&ti1i*!ti'&5 *$$it5 1!hi&!ti'& 'r !&/ 'th$r
2&82st5 ',,r$ssi)$ 'r hi0hh!&*$* 1$th'* sh!"" 0i)$
ris$ t' ! ri0ht '+ !ti'& #/ th$ ,$rs'& (h' th$r$#/
s2++$rs *!1!0$.
- $=D35I5C)35O@ !& ,he 1947 Ci1i/ Code
o 5, is necessar& in a s&s,em of free
en,er(rise. Democrac& !ecomes a
1eri,a!/e moc-er& if an& (erson or
gro%( of (ersons !& an& %n<%s, or
highhanded me,hod ma& de(ri1e
o,hers of a fair chance ,o engage in
!%siness or earn a /i1ing.
Art. -=. Wh$& th$ !2s$* i& ri1i&!" ,r's$2ti'& is
!:2itt$* '& th$ 0r'2&* th!t his 02i"t h!s &'t #$$&
,r')$* #$/'&* r$!s'&!#"$ *'2#t5 ! i)i" !ti'& +'r
*!1!0$s +'r th$ s!1$ !t 'r '1issi'& 1!/ #$
i&stit2t$*. S2h !ti'& r$:2ir$s '&"/ ! ,r$,'&*$r!&$
'+ $)i*$&$. A,'& 1'ti'& '+ th$ *$+$&*!&t5 th$ '2rt
1!/ r$:2ir$ th$ ,"!i&ti++ t' +i"$ ! #'&* t' !&s($r +'r
*!1!0$s i& !s$ th$ '1,"!i&t sh'2"* #$ +'2&* t' #$
1!"ii'2s. (-) I+ i& ! ri1i&!" !s$ th$ 82*01$&t '+
!:2itt!" is #!s$* 2,'& r$!s'&!#"$ *'2#t5 th$ '2rt
sh!"" s' *$"!r$. I& th$ !#s$&$ '+ !&/ *$"!r!ti'& t'
th!t $++$t5 it 1!/ #$ i&+$rr$* +r'1 th$ t$6t '+ th$
*$isi'& (h$th$r 'r &'t th$ !:2itt!" is *2$ t' th!t
- 6roof !e&ond Reasona!/e Do%!,
amo%n, of (roof 0hich forms an
a!iding mora/ cer,ain,& ,ha, ,he
acc%sed commi,,ed ,he crime
charged. @O3 a!so/%,e cer,ain,&,
=3 s%ch degree of (roof is more
exac,ing ,han 0ha, is needed in a ci1i/
case, 0hich is:
- 6re(onderance of E1idence as a
0ho/e, e1idence add%ced !& one side
o%,0eighs ,ha, of ,he ad1erse (ar,&.
Art. 3>. Wh$& ! s$,!r!t$ i)i" !ti'& is #r'20ht
t' *$1!&* i)i" "i!#i"it/ !risi&0 +r'1 ! ri1i&!"
'++$&s$5 !&* &' ri1i&!" ,r'$$*i&0s !r$
i&stit2t$* *2ri&0 th$ ,$&*$&/ '+ th$ i)i" !s$5
! ,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $)i*$&$ sh!"" "i%$(is$ #$
s2++ii$&t t' ,r')$ th$ !t '1,"!i&$* '+.
E .%an,%m of e1idence s,i// mere/&
(re(onderance of e1idence, e1en if ,he ci1i/ ac,ion
arose from a crimina/ offense
Art. 31. Wh$& th$ i)i" !ti'& is #!s$* '& !&
'#"i0!ti'& &'t !risi&0 +r'1 th$ !t 'r '1issi'&
'1,"!i&$* '+ !s ! +$"'&/5 s2h i)i" !ti'&
1!/ ,r'$$* i&*$,$&*$&t"/ '+ th$ ri1i&!"
,r'$$*i&0s !&* r$0!r*"$ss '+ th$ r$s2"t '+ th$
- if ci1i/ ac,ion arose no, from a fe/on&
.%asiEde/ic, ac, or omission
0hich ca%ses damage ,o ano,her,
,here !eing fa%/, or neg/igence, if
,here is no (reEexis,ing con,rac,%a/
re/a,ion !e,0een ,he (ar,ies.
- Does no, (ro1ide for an inde(enden,
ci1i/ ac,ion.
- C%/(a a.%i/iana ".%asi de/ic,#ha1ing
had i,s o0n fo%nda,ion and
indi1%a/i,&, se(ara,e from crimina/
neg/igence, agains, .%asiEde/i,o
"c%(/a ex,raEcon,rac,%a/# or crimina/
- )/so a((/ies ,o c%/(a con,rac,%a/E
dis,inc, from crimina/ ac,ion ins,i,%,ed
!ased on crimina/ neg/igence. 3his is
go1erned !& Ci1i/ Code, and no,
,hose of Re1ised 6ena/ Code, and i,
!eing en,ire/& se(ara,e and dis,inc,
from crimina/ ac,ion, ,he same ma&
!e ins,i,%,ed and (rosec%,ed
inde(enden,/& of, and regard/ess of
,he res%/, of ,he /a,,er.
Art. 3-. A&/ ,2#"i '++i$r 'r $1,"'/$$5 'r !&/
,ri)!t$ i&*i)i*2!"5 (h' *ir$t"/ 'r i&*ir$t"/
'#str2ts5 *$+$!ts5 )i'"!t$s 'r i& !&/ 1!&&$r
i1,$*$s 'r i1,!irs !&/ '+ th$ +'""'(i&0 ri0hts
!&* "i#$rti$s '+ !&'th$r ,$rs'& sh!"" #$ "i!#"$ t'
th$ "!tt$r +'r *!1!0$sD
1. Ireedom of Re/igion
2. Ireedom of D(eech
*. Ireedom ,o 0ri,e for he (ress or ,o
main,ain a (eriodica/ (%!/ica,ion
4. Ireedom from ar!i,rar& or i//ega/
Page 4 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
+. Ireedom from s%ffrage
'. 3he righ, agains, de(ri1a,ion of (ro(er,&
0i,ho%, d%e (rocess of /a0
7. 3he righ, ,o a <%s, com(ensa,ion 0hen (ri1a,e
(ro(er,& is ,a-en for (%!/ic %se
8. 3he righ, ,o e.%a/ (ro,ec,ion of ,he /a0s
9. 3he righ, ,o !e sec%re in oneFs (erson, ho%se,
(a(ers, and effec,s agains, %nreasona!/e
searches and sei2%res
10. 3he /i!er,& of a!ode and of changing ,he same
11. 3he (ri1ac& of comm%nica,ion and
12. 3he righ, ,o !ecome a mem!er of associa,ions
or socie,ies for (%r(oses no, con,rar& ,o /a0
1*. 3he righ, ,o ,a-e (ar, in a (eacea!/e assem!/&
,o (e,i,ion ,he go1ernmen, for redress of
14. 3he righ, ,o !e free from in1o/%n,ar& ser1i,%de
of an& form
1+. 3he righ, of ,he acc%sed agains, excessi1e !ai/
1'. 3he righ, of ,he acc%sed ,o !e heard !&
himse/f and co%nse/, ,o !e informed of ,he
na,%re and ca%se of ,he acc%sa,ion agains,
him, ,o ha1e a s(eed& and (%!/ic ,ria/, ,o mee,
,he 0i,nesses face ,o face, and ,o ha1e
com(%/sor& (rocess ,o sec%re ,he a,,endance
of 0i,ness in his !eha/f.
17. Ireedom from !eing com(e//ed ,o !e a
0i,ness agains, oneFs se/f, or from !eing
forced ,o confess g%i/,, or from !eing ind%ced
!& a (romise of imm%ni,& or re0ard ,o ma-e
s%ch confession, exce(, 0hen ,he (erson
confessing !ecomes a s,a,e 0i,ness
18. Ireedom from excessi1e fines, or cr%e/ or
%n%s%a/ (%nishmen,, %n/ess ,he same is
im(osed or inf/ic,ed in accordance 0i,h a
s,a,%,e 0hich has no, !een <%dicia//& dec/ared
%ncons,i,%,iona/ and
19. Ireedom of access ,o ,he co%r,s
I& !&/ '+ th$ !s$s r$+$rr$* t' i& this !rti"$5
(h$th$r 'r &'t th$ *$+$&*!&tCs !t 'r '1issi'&
'&stit2t$ ! ri1i&!" '++$&s$5 th$ !00ri$)$* ,!rt/ h!s !
ri0ht t' '11$&$ !& $&tir$"/ s$,!r!t$ !&* *isti&t i)i"
!ti'& +'r *!1!0$s5 !&* +'r 'th$r r$"i$+. S2h i)i"
!ti'& sh!"" ,r'$$* i&*$,$&*$&t"/ 'r !&/ ri1i&!"
,r's$2ti'& (i+ th$ "!tt$r #$ i&stit2t$*)5 !&* 1!/ #$
,r')$* #/ ! ,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $)i*$&$. Th$ i&*$1&it/
sh!"" i&"2*$ 1'r!" *!1!0$s. E6$1,"!r/ *!1!0$s 1!/
!"s' #$ !*82*i!t$*. Th$ r$s,'&si#i"it/ h$r$i& s$t +'rth
is &'t *$1!&*!#"$ +r'1 ! 82*0$ 2&"$ss his !t 'r
'1issi'& '&stit2t$s ! )i'"!ti'& '+ th$ P$&!" C'*$ 'r
'th$r ,$&!" st!t2t$.
- for effec,i1e main,enance of democrac& for
,hese reasons:
o in mos, cases, ,hrea, ,o freedom
origina,es from a!%ses or (o0er of
go1ernmen, officia/s and (eace
offices, mos, are /ef, 0i,ho%, redress
!eca%se fisca/ is o1er!%rdened, or
can, (rosec%,e a fe//o0 (%!/ic officia/
"high ran-ing#
o .%an,%m of e1idence
re.%ired for a crimina/ ac,ion
is (roof !e&ond reasona!/e
do%!, 0hich of,en (re1en,s
a((ro(ria,e (%nishmen,.
o Direc, and o(en 1io/a,ions of
,he 6ena/ Code ,ram(/ing
%(on ,he freedoms named
are no, so fre.%en, as ,hose
s%!,/e, c/e1er and indirec,
0a&s 0hich do no, come
0i,hin ,he (a/e of ,he (ena/
/a0. 3hese, 0hich are no,
crimina//& (%nisha!/e, are
grea,es, dangers ,o 0hich
democrac& c/ies.
- res(ondea, s%(erior (rinci(a/ and
agen,, or mas,er and ser1an,. @o
res(ondea, s%(erior !e,0een
s%(erior officers of ,he mi/i,ar& and
,heir s%!ordina,es.
- Ma& !e 7direc,/&8 or 7indirec,/&8
- 6%!/ic acco%n,a!i/i,&
- Good fai,h is no, a defense. 5, is
eno%gh ,ha, ,here 0as a 1io/a,ion of
,he cons,i,%,iona/ righ,s of ,he
(/ain,iffs and i, is no, re.%ired ,ha,
defendan,s sho%/d ha1e ac,ed 0i,h
ma/ice or !ad fai,h. 3he 0rong ma&
!e ci1i/ or crimina/. 3o ma-e good
fai,h ma,eria/ is ,o defea, ,he main
(%r(ose of ar,ic/e *2 0hich is ,ha,
effec,i1e (ro,ec,ion of indi1id%a/
Art. 33. I& !s$s '+ *$+!1!ti'&5 +r!2*5 !&*
,h/si!" i&82ri$s5 ! i)i" !ti'& +'r *!1!0$s5
$&tir$"/ s$,!r!t$ !&* *isti&t +r'1 th$ ri1i&!"
!ti'&5 1!/ #$ #r'20ht #/ th$ i&82r$* ,!rt/.
S2h i)i" !ti'& sh!"" ,r'$$* i&*$,$&*$&t"/
'+ th$ ri1i&!" ,r's$2ti'&5 !&* sh!"" r$:2ir$
'&"/ ! ,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $)i*$&$.
- R)35O@)9E: ,o a//o0 ,he ci,i2en ,o
enforce his righ,s in a (ri1a,e ac,ion
!ro%gh, !& him, regard/ess of ,he
ac,ion of ,he D,a,e a,,orne&. 5n a
crimina/ (rosec%,ion, ,he com(/ainan,
is ,he D,a,e. 3he in<%red indi1id%a/ is
,he one mos, concerned !eca%se i, is
he 0ho has s%ffered direc,/&. Be
sho%/d !e (ermi,,ed ,o demand
re(ara,ion for ,he 0rong 0hich
(ec%/iar/& affec,s him.
- Crimina/ @eg/igence, no, inc/%ded in
,he (ro1ision. 3he /a0 (ena/i2es ,he
neg/igen, ac, or care/ess ac,, !%, no,
,he res%/, ,hereof.
Art. 37. Wh$& ! 1$1#$r '+ ! it/ 'r 12&ii,!"
,'"i$ +'r$ r$+2s$s 'r +!i"s t' r$&*$r !i* 'r
,r't$ti'& t' !&/ ,$rs'& i& !s$ '+ *!&0$r t'
"i+$ 'r ,r',$rt/5 s2h ,$!$ '++i$r sh!"" #$
,ri1!ri"/ "i!#"$ +'r *!1!0$s5 !&* th$ it/ 'r
12&ii,!"it/ sh!"" #$ s2#si*i!ri"/ r$s,'&si#"$
Page 5 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
th$r$+'r$. Th$ i)i" !ti'& h$r$i& r$'0&i4$* sh!"" #$
i&*$,$&*$&t '+ !&/ ri1i&!" ,r'$$*i&0s !&* !
,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $)i*$&$ sh!"" s2++i$ t' s2,,'rt
s2h !ti'&.
Art. 3.. Wh$& ! ,$rs'&5 "!i1i&0 t' #$ i&82r$* #/ !
ri1i&!" '++$&s$5 h!r0$s !&'th$r (ith th$ s!1$5 +'r
(hih &' i&*$,$&*$&t i)i" !ti'& is 0r!&t$* i& this
C'*$ 'r !&/ s,$i!" "!(5 #2t th$ 82sti$ '+ ,$!$ +i&*s
&' r$!s'&!#"$ 0r'2&*s t' #$"i$)$ th!t ! ri1$ h!s #$$&
'11itt$*5 'r th$ ,r's$2ti&0 !tt'r&$/ r$+2s$s 'r +!i"s
t' i&stit2t$ ri1i&!" ,r'$$*i&0s5 th$ '1,"!i&!&t 1!/
#ri&0 ! i)i" !ti'& +'r *!1!0$s !0!i&st th$ !""$0$*
'++$&*$r. S2h i)i" !ti'& sh!"" #$ s2,,'rt$* #/
,r$,'&*$r!&$ '+ $)i*$&$. O& th$ *$+$&*!&tCs 1'ti'&5
th$ '2rt 1!/ r$:2ir$ th$ ,"!i&ti++ t' +i"$ ! #'&* t'
i&*$1&i+/ th$ *$+$&*!&t i& !s$ th$ '1,"!i&t sh'2"*
#$ +'2&* t' #$ 1!"ii'2s. (-)I+ *2ri&0 th$ ,$&*$&/ '+
th$ i)i" !ti'&5 !& i&+'r1!ti'& sh'2"* #$ ,r$s$&t$* #/
th$ ,r's$2ti&0 !tt'r&$/5 th$ i)i" !ti'& sh!"" #$
s2s,$&*$* 2&ti" th$ t$r1i&!ti'& '+ th$ ri1i&!"
- Reser1a,ion of Ci1i/ )c,ion.sha// !e made
!efore ,he (rosec%,ion s,ar,s (resen,ing i,s
e1idence and o,her circ%ms,ances affording
,he offended (ar,& a reasona!/e o((or,%ni,& ,o
ma-e s%ch reser1a,ion. EKCE63 6 22
"crimina/ ac,ion for 1io/a,ion of 6 22 sha// !e
deemed ,o inc/%de ,he corres(onding ci1i/
ac,ion. @o reser1a,ion ,o fi/e s%ch ci1i/ ac,ion
se(ara,e/& sha// !e a//o0ed.
- ;hen se(ara,e ci1i/ ac,ion is s%s(ended. 5I
crimina/ ac,ion is fi/ed af,er ,he said ci1i/ ac,ion
has a/read& !een ins,i,%,ed, ,he /a,,er sha// !e
s%s(ended in 0ha,e1er s,age i, ma& !e fo%nd
!efore <%dgmen, on ,he meri,s. 3he
s%s(ension sha// /as, %n,i/ fina/ <%dgmen, is
rendered in ,he crimina/ ac,ion. =3,
ne1er,he/ess, !efore <%dgmen, on ,he meri,s is
rendered in ,he ci1i/ ac,ion, ,he same ma&,
%(on mo,ion of ,he offended (ar,&, !e
conso/ida,ed 0i,h ,he crimina/ ac,ion in ,he
co%r, ,r&ing ,he crimina/ ac,ion. "sha// !e ,ried
and decided <oin,/&.#
o Ex,inc,ion of (ena/ ac,ion does no,
carr& 0i,h i, ex,inc,ion of ,he ci1i/
ac,ion. Bo0e1er, ,he ci1i/ ac,ion
!ased on de/ic, ma& !e deemed
ex,ing%ished if ,here is a finding in a
fina/ <%dgmen, in ,he crimina/ ac,ion
,ha, ,he ac, or omission from 0hich
,he ci1i/ /ia!i/i,& ma& arise did no,
- ;hen ci1i/ ac,ion ma& (roceed inde(enden,/&
sha// on/& re.%ire (re(onderance of
e1idence. "ar, *2,**,*4 and 217' of ci1i/
code#. 5n no case ho0e1er, ma& ,he offended
(ar,& reco1er damages ,0ice for ,he same ac,
or omission charged in ,he crimina/ ac,ion.
- Effec, of Dea,h on Ci1i/ )c,ions > Dea,h of
acc%sed af,er arraignmen, 0i// ex,ing%ish ci1i/
/ia!i/i,& arising from ,he de/ic,. Bo0e1er, 0hen
ci1i/ ac,ion ma& (roceed inde(enden,/&
"(receding (aragra(h#, i, ma&
con,in%e agains, ,he es,a,e or /ega/
re(resen,a,i1e of ,he acc%sed af,er
(ro(er s%!s,i,%,ion or agains, said
es,a,e, or heirs ,o s%!s,i,%,e ,he
deceased, and g%ardian for minor
- $%dgmen, in ci1i/ ac,ion no, a !ar.
)!so/1ed defendan, in a ci1i/ ac,ion,
is no, a !ar ,o a crimina/ ac,ion
agains, ,he defendan,.
Art. 36. Pr$82*ii!" :2$sti'&s5 (hih 12st #$
*$i*$* #$+'r$ !&/ ri1i&!" ,r's$2ti'& 1!/
#$ i&stit2t$* 'r 1!/ ,r'$$*5 sh!"" #$ 0')$r&$*
#/ th$ r2"$s '+ '2rt (hih th$ S2,r$1$ C'2rt
sh!"" ,r'12"0!t$ !&* (hih sh!"" &'t #$ i&
'&+"it (ith th$ ,r')isi'&s '+ this C'*$.
- 6recedence. 3he genera/ r%/e is
,ha, 0here !o,h a ci1i/ and crimina/
case arising from ,he same fac,s are
fi/ed in co%r,, ,he crimina/ case ,a-es
(recedence. EKCE635O@: if ,here is
a (re<%dicia/ .%es,ion one ,ha,
arises in a case, ,he reso/%,ion of
0hich is a /ogica/ an,eceden, of ,he
iss%e in1o/1ed ,herein, and ,he
cogni2ance of 0hich (er,ains ,o
ano,her ,ri!%na/. 3here are a/0a&s 2
cases in1o/1ed, ci1i/ and crimina/. 3he
crimina/ case is a/0a&s s%s(ended
!eca%se ,he iss%es in ,he ci1i/ is
de,ermina,i1e of ,he o%,come of ,he
crimina/ case.
- 30o essen,ia/ e/emen,s of a
(re<%dicia/ .%es,ion:
o 3he ci1i/ ac,ion in1o/1ed an
iss%e simi/ar or in,ima,e/&
re/a,ed ,o ,he iss%e raised in
,he crimina/ ac,ion
o 3he reso/%,ion of s%ch iss%e
de,ermined 0he,her or no,
,he crimina/ ac,ion ma&
Ci)i" P$rs'&!"it/
Art. 39. <2ri*i!" !,!it/5 (hih is th$ +it&$ss
t' #$ th$ s2#8$t '+ "$0!" r$"!ti'&s5 is i&h$r$&t
i& $)$r/ &!t2r!" ,$rs'&5 !&* is "'st '&"/
thr'20h *$!th. C!,!it/ t' !t5 (hih is th$
,'($r t' *' !ts (ith "$0!" $++$t5 is !:2ir$*
!&* 1!/ #$ "'st.
- $%ridica/ ca(aci,& > ac.%ired %(on
!ir,h of a (erson. Jsome cases, e1en
%n!orn. "ar, 40,41, 742, 8+4#, and
,ermina,ed on/& %(on dea,h.
- Ca(aci,& ,o ac, is no, inheren, in a
Art. 38. Mi&'rit/5 i&s!&it/ 'r i1#$i"it/5 th$ st!t$
'+ #$i&0 *$!+;12t$5 ,r'*i0!"it/ !&* i)i"
Page 6 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
i&t$r*iti'& !r$ 1$r$ r$striti'&s '& th$ !,!it/ t' !t5
!&* *' &'t $6$1,t th$ i&!,!it!t$* ,$rs'& +r'1
$rt!i& '#"i0!ti'&s5 !s (h$& th$ "!tt$r !ris$ +r'1 his
!ts 'r +r'1 ,r',$rt/ r$"!ti'&s5 s2h !s $!s$1$&ts.
Eres,ric,s ,he ca(aci,& ,o ac,.
Art. 3=. Th$ +'""'(i&0 ir21st!&$s5 !1'&0 'th$rs5
1'*i+/ 'r "i1it !,!it/ t' !tD !0$5 i&s!&it/5 i1#$i"it/5
th$ st!t$ '+ #$i&0 *$!+;12t$5 ,$&!"t/5 ,r'*i0!"it/5 +!1i"/
r$"!ti'&s5 !"i$&!0$5 !#s$&$5 i&s'")$&/ !&*
tr2st$$shi,. Th$ '&s$:2$&$s '+ th$s$ ir21st!&$s
r$ 0')$r&$* i& this C'*$5 'th$r '*$s5 th$ R2"$s '+
C'2rt5 !&* i& s,$i!" "!(s. C!,!it/ t' !t is &'t "i1it$*
'& !'2&t '+ r$"i0i'2s #$"i$+ 'r ,'"iti!" ',i&i'&. A
1!rri$* ('1!&5 -1 /$!rs '+ !0$ 'r ')$r5 is :2!"i+i$* +'r
!"" !ts '+ i)i" "i+$5 $6$,t i& !s$s s,$i+i$* #/ "!(.
- !roader in sco(e ,han ar, *8, !%, en%mera,es
si,%a,ions 0hich mere/% modif& ,he ca(aci,& ,o
JJJ D5G@5I5C)@CE OI )R3 *8 and *9 Ma-e an
o1er1ie0 of ,he si,%a,ion ,ha, .%a/ifies a (ersonFs (o0er ,o
%nder,a-e ac,s 0hich can (rod%ce /ega/ effec,s.
N!t2r!" P$rs'&s
Art. 7>. @irth *$t$r1i&$s ,$rs'&!"it/? #2t th$ '&$i)$*
hi"* sh!"" #$ '&si*$r$* #'r& +'r !"" ,2r,'s$s th!t !r$
+!)'r!#"$ t' it5 ,r')i*$* it #$ #'r& "!t$r (ith th$
'&*iti'&s s,$i+i$* i& th$ +'""'(i&0 !rti"$
Art. 71. F'r i)i" ,2r,'s$s5 th$ +'$t2s is '&si*$r$*
#'r& i+ it is !"i)$ !t th$ ti1$ it is '1,"$t$"/ *$"i)$r$*
+r'1 th$ 1'th$rCs ('1#. H'($)$r5 i+ th$ +'$t2s h!* !&
i&tr!;2t$ri&$ "i+$ '+ "$ss th!& 9 1'&ths5 it is &'t *$$1$*
#'r& i+ it *i$s (ithi& -7 h'2rs !+t$r its '1,"$t$ *$"i)$r/
+r'1 th$ 1!t$r&!" ('1#.
- Ge/%2 1 C) canF, in1o-e 7(ro1isiona/
(ersona/i,&8 of a concei1ed chi/d ,o o!,ain
damages for and on !eha/f of an a!or,ed chi/d
considering ,ha, ar, 40 and 41 0ere no, me,.
=3 ,he (aren,s can o!,ain damages in ,heir
o%r righ, agains, ,he doc,or 0ho ca%sed ,he
a!or,ion on acco%n, of dis,ress and ang%ish
a,,endan, ,o i,s /oss and disa((oin,men, of
,heir (aren,a/ ex(ec,a,ion.
- 5R3B CER35I5C)3E !es, e1idence of ,he
fac, of !ir,h. Once regis,ered 0i,h ,he office of
,he /oca/ ci1i/ regis,rar, i, !ecomes a (%!/ic
doc%men,. En,ries are on/& L(rima facieF
e1idence of ,he fac,s con,ained ,herein. 3his is
s,ric,/& confiden,ia/, and ,he con,en,s can, !e
re1ea/ed exce(, in ,he cases (ro1ided !&
/a0.JJJ 3he& s,i// main,ain ,heir na,%re as (%!/ic
doc%men,s, !eca%se, fo//o0ing ,he (ro(er
/ega/ (roced%re, ,he& can !e o!,ained !&
,hose in,eres,ed ,herein.
o @onEdisc/os%re of ir,h Records:
Exce(, %(on re.%es, of an& of ,he ff:
6erson himse/f, or an&
(erson a%,hori2ed !& him
Bis s(o%se, (aren,?s, his
direc, descendan,s, or
g%ardian or ins,i,%,ion /ega//&
in charge of him if
he is a minor
3he co%r, or (ro(er
(%!/ic officia/
0hene1er needed
in adminis,ra,i1e,
<%dicia/ or o,her
officia/ (roceedings
,o de,ermine ,he
iden,i,& of ,he
chi/dFs (aren,s or
s%rro%nding his
5n case of (ersonFs
dea,h, ,he neares,
of -in.
Art. 7-. Ci)i" P$rs'&!"it/ is $6ti&02ish$* #/
*$!th. Th$ $++$t 2,'& th$ ri0hts !&*
'#"i0!ti'&s '+ th$ *$$!s$* is *$t$r1i&$* #/
"!(5 #/ '&tr!t !&* #/ (i"".
- Dea,h Cer,ifica,e: 3he office of ,he
/oca/ ci1i/ regis,rar of a m%nici(a/i,& or
a ci,& m%s, a/so ha1e in i,s c%s,od&
,he dea,h cer,ifica,ed of ,he (ersons
0ho died in i,s /oca/i,&.
- 3he righ,s and o!/iga,ions of a dead
(erson can s,i// !e reg%/a,ed !&
con,rac,, 0i// or ,he /a0.
Art. 73. I+ th$r$ is *'2#t5 !s #$t($$& - 'r 1'r$
,$rs'&s (h' !r$ !""$* t' s2$$* $!h 'th$r5
!s t' (hih '+ th$1 *i$* +irst5 (h'$)$r !""$0$s
th$ *$!th '+ '&$ ,ri'r t' th$ 'th$r5 sh!"" ,r')$
th$ s!1$? i& th$ !#s$&$ '+ ,r''+5 it is
,r$s21$* th!t th$/ *i$* !t th$ s!1$ ti1$ !&*
th$r$ sh!"" #$ &' tr!&s1issi'& '+ ri0hts +r'1
'&$ t' th$ 'th$r.
- 6roof of dea,h m%s, !e es,a!/ished !&
(osi,i1e e1idence. 5, can ne1er !e
es,a!/ished from mere inference
arising from ano,her inference or from
(res%m(,ions and ass%m(,ions.
"$%a.%in 1 @a1arro son died !efore
mom d%ring $a(anese shoo,ings#
<2ri*i!" P$rs'&s
Art. 77. Th$ ++. !r$ 82ri*i!" ,$rs'&sD
1. 3he s,a,e and i,s (o/i,ica/ s%!di1isions
2. O,her cor(ora,ions, ins,i,%,ions and
en,i,ies for (%!/ic in,eres, or (%r(ose,
crea,ed !& /a0, ,heir (ersona/i,&
!egins as soon as ,he& ha1e !een
cons,i,%,ed according ,o /a0
*. Cor(ora,ions, (ar,nershi(s and
associa,ions for (ri1a,e in,eres, or
(%r(ose ,o 0hich ,he /a0 gran,s a
<%ridica/ (ersona/i,&, se(ara,e and
dis,inc, from ,ha, of each shareho/der,
(ar,ner or mem!er.
Page 7 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
Art. 7.. <2ri*i!" ,$rs'&s 1$&ti'&$* i& N's. 1 !&* - '+
th$ ,r$$*i&0 !rti"$ !r$ 0')$r&$* #/ th$ "!(s r$!ti&0
'r 'r0!&i4i&0 th$1. Pri)!t$ 'r,'r!ti'&s !r$ r$02"!t$*
#/ "!(s '+ 0$&$r!" !,,"i!ti'& '& th$ s2#8$t.
P!rt&$rshi,s !&* !ss'i!ti'&s +'r ,ri)!t$ i&t$r$st 'r
,2r,'s$ !r$ 0')$r&$* #/ th$ ,r')isi'&s '+ this C'*$
'&$r&i&0 ,!rt&$rshi,s (36 !&* 39!)
Art. 76. <2ri*i!" ,$rs'&s 1!/ !:2ir$ !&* ,'ss$ss
,r',$rt/ '+ !"" %i&*s5 !s ($"" s i&2r '#"i0!ti'&s !&*
#ri&0 i)i" 'r ri1i&!" !ti'&s5 i& '&+'r1it/ (ith th$
"!(s !&* r$02"!ti'&s '+ th$ 'r0!&i4!ti'&.
- $%ridica/ 6erson is a !eing of /ega/
exis,ence s%sce(,i!/e of righ,s and o!/iga,ions,
or of !eing ,he s%!<ec, of <%ridica/ re/a,ions.
- )s a f%ndamen,a/ r%/e, ,he D,a,e canno, !e
s%ed 0i,ho%, i,s consen,.
- 6o/i,ica/ s%!di1isions m%nici(a/
cor(ora,ions, (ro1inces, ci,ies and
o M%nici(a/ cor(ora,ions exis, in
d%a/ ca(aci,&.
3he& exercise ,he righ,
s(ringing from so1ereign,&
3he& exercise (ri1a,e,
(ro(rie,ar& or cor(ora,e
righ,, arising from ,heir
exis,ence as /ega/ (ersons,
and no, as (%!/ic agencies.
- Cor(ora,ions "go1ernmen,# are go1erned !&
6 '8, a-a Cor(ora,ion Code of ,he
6hi/i((ines. "effec,i1e Ma& 1, 1980#
- 6ar,nershi( 2 or more
- Dis,inc, 6ersona/i,& and Exce(,ions:
Cor(ora,ions, (ar,nershi(s and associa,ions
for (ri1a,e in,eres, and (%r(ose ma& !e
gran,ed !& /a0 a <%ridica/ (ersona/i,&, se(ara,e
and dis,inc, from ,ha, of each shareho/der,
(ar,ner or mem!er. Exam(/e: O!/iga,ion of
cor( is no, o!/iga,ion of s,oc-ho/der, and 1ice
Art. 79. A,'& th$ *iss'"2ti'& '+ 'r,'r!ti'&s5
i&stit2ti'&s !&* 'th$r $&titi$s +'r ,2#"i i&t$r$st 'r
,2r,'s$ 1$&ti'&$* i& N'. - '+ Art 775 th$ir ,r',$rt/ !&*
'th$r !ss$ts sh!"" #$ *is,'s$* '+ i& ,2rs2!&$ '+ "!( 'r
th$ h!rt$r r$!ti&0 th$1. I+ &'thi&0 h!s #$$& s,$i+i$*
'& this ,'i&t5 th$ ,r',$rt/ !&* 'th$r !ss$ts sh!"" #$
!,,"i$* t' si1i"!r ,2r,'s$s +'r th$ #$&$+it '+ th$ r$0i'&5
,r')i&$5 it/ 'r 12&ii,!"it/ (hih *2ri&0 th$
$6ist$&$ '+ th$ i&stit2ti'& *$ri)$* th$ ,ri&i,!"
#$&$+its +r'1 th$ s!1$.
Citi4$&shi, !&* D'1ii"$
Art. 78. Th$ +'""'(i&0 !r$ iti4$&s '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s
1. 3hose 0ho 0ere ci,i2ens of ,he 6hi/i((ines a,
,he ,ime of ,he ado(,ion of ,he Cons,i,%,ion of
,he 6hi/i((ines
2. 3hose !orn in ,he 6hi/i((ines of foreign
(aren,s 0ho, !efore ,he ado(,ion of said
Cons,i,%,ion, had !een e/ec,ed ,o (%!/ic office
in ,he 6hi/i((ines
*. 3hose 0hose fa,hers are ci,i2ens of
,he 6hi/i((ines
4. 3hose 0hose mo,hers are ci,i2ens of
,he 6hi/i((ines and, %(on reaching
,he age of ma<ori,&, e/ec, 6hi/i((ine
+. 3hose 0ho are na,%ra/i2ed in
accordance 0i,h /a0.
Art. 7=. N!t2r!"i4!ti'& !&* th$ "'ss !&*
r$!:2isiti'& '+ iti4$&shi, '+ th$ Phi"i,,i&$s
!r$ 0')$r&$* #/ s,$i!" "!(s.
Art. .>. F'r th$ $6$ris$ '+ i)i" ri0hts !&* th$
+2"+i""1$&t '+ i)i" '#"i0!ti'&s5 th$ *'1ii"$ '+
&!t2r!" ,$rs'&s is th$ ,"!$ '+ th$ir h!#it2!"
- Domici/e deno,es a fixed
(ermanen, residence ,o 0hich, 0hen
a!sen,, one has ,he in,en,ion of
o Domici/e is residence
co%(/ed 0i,h ,he in,en,ion ,o
remain for an %n/imi,ed ,ime.
o Residence %sed ,o
indica,e a (/ace of a!ode,
0he,her (ermanen, or
o One ma& ha1e man&
residences, !%, on/& one
- ) minor fo//o0s ,he domici/e of his
- Domici/e of origin can on/& !e /os,
and a change of domici/e occ%rs
0hen ,he fo//o0ing re.%isi,es are
o )n ac,%a/ remo1a/ or an
ac,%a/ change of domici/e
o ) !ona fide in,en,ion of
a!andoning ,he former (/ace
of residence es,a!/ishing a
ne0 one
o )c,s 0hich corres(ond 0i,h
,he (%r(ose.
- =nder ,he Iami/& Code, ,he h%s!and
and 0ife sha// fix ,he fami/& domici/e.
5n case of disagreemen,, ,he Co%r,
sha// decide.
Art. .1. Wh$& th$ "!( r$!ti&0 'r r$'0&i4i&0
th$15 'r !&/ 'th$r ,r')isi'& *'$s &'t +i6 th$
*'1ii"$ '+ 82ri*i!" ,$rs'&s5 th$ s!1$ sh!"" #$
2&*$rst''* t' #$ th$ ,"!$ (h$r$ th$ir "$0!"
r$,r$s$&t!ti'& is $st!#"ish$* 'r (h$r$ th$/
$6$ris$ th$ir ,ri&i,!" +2&ti'&s.
- $%s Dang%inis ci,i2enshi( !& !/ood
- $%s Do/i refers ,o ci,i2enshi( on ,he
!asis of ,he (/ace of !ir,h
- )c.%isi,ion of Ci,i2enshi(: go1erned
!& C) 47*, as amended.
o M%a/ifica,ions
Page 8 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
@o, !e /ess ,han 21 on da&
of hearing of (e,i,ion
M%s, ha1e resided in 6hi/ for
a con,in%o%s (eriod of no,
/ess ,han 10 &ears
Good mora/ charac,er and
!e/ie1es in ,he (rinci(/es of
Cons,i. 6ro(er cond%c, and
irre(roacha!/e manner
d%ring residence in 6hi/ in
his re/a,ion 0i,h cons,i,%,ed
go1F,. as 0e// as 0i,h
comm%ni,& heFs /i1ing
M%s, o0n rea/ es,a,e in 6hi/
0or,h no, /ess ,han
6+,000.00, 6hi/ c%rrenc&, or
m%s, ha1e some -no0n
/%cra,i1e ,rade, (rofessions
or /a0f%/ occ%(a,ion. "%nder
(resen, cons,i, no a/ien ma&
o0n /and exce(, ,hro%gh
heredi,ar& s%ccession#
)!/e ,o s(ea- and 0ri,e in
Eng/ish or D(anish and an&
one of ,he (rinci(/a
6hi/i((ine /ang%ages
M%s, ha1e enro//ed his minor
chi/dren of schoo/ age, in
an& (%!/ic or (ri1a,e schoo/
recogni2ed !& ,he Office of
6ri1a,e Ed%ca,ion of ,he
o D(ecia/ M%a/ifica,ions "1o &ears
con,in%o%s residence ma& !e
red%ced ,o + &ears# if:
Bonora!/& he/d office
Es,a!/ished a ne0 ind%s,r&
or in,rod%ced a %sef%/
in1en,ion in ,he 6hi/
eing married ,o a Ii/i(ino
Engaged as a ,eacher in 6hi/
in a (%!/ic or recogni2ed
(ri1a,e schoo/ no,
es,a!/ished for exc/%si1e
ins,r%c,ion of chi/dren of
(ersons of a (ar,ic%/ar
na,iona/i,& or race, in an& of
,he !ranches of ed%c or
ind%s,r& for a (eriod of no,
/ess ,han 2 &ears
orn in ,he 6hi/i((ines
o ;ho are dis.%a/ified
O((osed ,o organi2ed go1,
or affi/ia,ed 0i,h an&
associa,ion 0ho %(ho/d or
,each doc,rines o((osing a//
organi2ed go1,s.
Defend or ,each ,he
necessi,& or (ro(rie,& of
1io/ence, (ersona/ assa%/,,
or assassina,ion for
,he s%ccess and
(redominance of
,heir ideas
6o/&gamis,s or
!e/ie1ers in
(rac,ice of
Con1ic,ed of crimes
in1o/1ing mora/
D%ffering from
men,a/ a/iena,ion or
D%ring residence,
has no, ming/ed
socia//& 0i,h
Ii/i(inos, or 0ho
ha1e no, e1inced a
sincere desire ,o
/earn and em!race
a// c%s,oms,
,radi,ions, and
idea/s of Ii/i(inos
Ci,i2ens of na,ions
0i,h 0hom "=D
and# ,he 6hi/ are a,
0ar, d%ring ,he
(eriod of 0ar
Ci,i2ens of foreign
"o,her ,han =D#,
0hose /a0s do no,
gran, Ii/i(inos ,he
righ, ,o !ecome
na,%ra/i2ed ci,i2ens
or s%!<ec, ,hereof.
- 9oss of Ci,i2enshi(
o @a,%ra/i2a,ion in foreign
o Ex(ress ren%ncia,ion of
o Oa,h of a//egiance ,o s%((or,
cons,i of foreign %(on !eing
21 &?o. 6ro1ided, ma& no,
di1es, himse/f of 6hi/
ci,i2enshi( in an& manner
0hi/e R6 is a, 0ar 0i,h an&
o Render ser1ice, or acce(,
commission in ,he armed
forces of foreign. 6ro1ided,
sha// no, di1es, a Ii/i(ino of
a 6hi/ ci,i2enshi( if:
- R6 has a defensi1e and?or offensi1e
(ac, of a//iance 0i,h foreign co%n,r&
- Daid foreign co%n,r& main,ains armed
forces on 6hi/ ,erri,or& 0i,h consen, of
R6. 6ro1ided:
Page 9 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
o Be s,a,es ,ha, he does so on/& in
connec,ion 0i,h his ser1ice ,o said
foreign co%n,r&
o Render ser1ice %nder an&
circ%ms,ances men,ioned in (ar a
and !, sha// no, !e (ermi,,ed ,o
(ar,ici(a,e or 1o,e in an& e/ec,ion of
R6 d%ring (eriod of ser1ice or
commission in ,he armed forces of
said co%n,r&
cance//a,ion of cer,ifica,e of
dec/ared !& com(e,en,
a%,hori,& a deser,er of 6hi/
armed forces in ,ime of 0ar,
%n/ess (/enar& (ardon or
amnes,& gran,ed
in case of a 0oman, %(on
her marriage ,o a foreigner if
!& 1ir,%e of /a0s in force in
her h%s!andFs co%n,r&, she
ac.%ires his na,iona/i,&.
- Reac.%isi,ion of Ci,i2enshi(
o & na,%ra/i2a,ion. 6ro1ided, he
doesnF, ha1e an& of ,he
dis.%a/ifica,ions (rescri!ed.
o Re(a,ria,ion of deser,ers of arm&,
na1& or air cor(s. 6ro1ided, 0oman
0ho /os, her ci,i2enshi( !& reason of
marriage 0i,h a/ien, !e re(a,ria,ed
af,er ,ermina,ion of mari,a/ s,a,%s
o & direc, ac, of ,he Congress of ,he
Article 1
Dac/o/o 1s. C)R > na,%re of marriage
D-inner 1s. D,a,e of O-/ahoma > marriage is one of ,he
!asic ci1i/ righ,s of man
o1e 1s. 6innio,i > marriage is no, a, mos, a ci1i/
con,rac,. 5, is a, /eas, a ci1i/ con,rac, !eca%se ,he
con,rac,ing (ar,ies m%s, gi1e ,heir f%// and free
consen,?agreemen, ,o i,. %, %n/i-e o,her con,rac,s, i,
canno, !e disso/1ed or !reached <%s, !eca%se ,he
ex(ec,ed o%,come did no, ma,eria/i2e.
63N3 1s. @9RC > as a s(ecia/ con,rac,, marriage
canno, !e res,ric,ed !& an& discrimina,or&
D,a,e 1s. 3a!!& > marriage crea,es a s(ecia/ s,a,%s or
re/a,ion !e,0een con,rac,ing (ar,ies
Magee 1s. Oo%ng > ,he s,a,e is in,eres,ed in marriage
Page 10 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
P%/%e,a 1s. P) > a/,ho%gh marriage es,a!/ishes a
(ermanen, %nion, i, does no, shed ,he (ar,ies indi1id%a/
in,egri,& and (ri1ac&.
@ina/ 1s. a&adog > as a genera/ r%/e, ,he /a0 in force
d%ring ,he ,ime of ,he marriage sha// go1ern ,he
a&og!og 1s. C) > exce(,ion ,o ,he r%/e "6ro1isions of
,he D(anish code 0as no, im(/emen,ed in ,he
6hi/i((ines, ,h%s, ,he /a0s in force 0hen ,he case 0as
!ro%gh, ,o ,he co%r,#
). efore 1929 : ,he D(anish ci1i/ codeC !%, ,here are
(ro1isions ,ha, ne1er ,oo- effec, in ,he 6hi/i((ines
/i-e )r,. +* and +4.
. 1929 %n,i/ )%g%s, 29, 19+0 > Marriage 9a0s of
C. )%g%s, *0, 19+0 %n,i/ )%g%s, 2, 1988 > Ci1i/ Code
of ,he 6hi/i((ines
D. )%g%s, *, 1988 %n,i/ (resen, > Iami/& code of ,he
@o,e: 3he 6rinci(/e ,ha, ,he 1a/idi,& of marriage is
de,ermined !& ,he /a0 effec,i1e d%ring ,he ce/e!ra,ion of ,he
marriage is f%r,her high/igh,ed !& ,he fac, ,ha, )D )
GE@ER)9 R=9E, 3BE @)3=RE OI 3BE M)RR5)GE
)9RE)DO CE9ER)3ED C)@@O3 E CB)@GED O )
D=DEM=E@3 )ME@DME@3 3O 3BE 9);.
Hoid marriage canno, !e c%red. 3h%s 0hi/e )r, 2+' of ,he
fami/& code (ro1ides ,ha, ,he /a0 sha// ha1e re,roac,i1e
effec, in so far as i, does no, (re<%dice or im(air 1es,ed
righ,s, ,he re,roac,i1i,& c/a%se is a genera/ one and does no,
ex(ress/& and direc,/& 1a/ida,e a (re1io%s 1oid marriage
%nder ,he Ci1i/ Code.
3here is one c/ear case 0here ,he Iami/& code a//o0s ,he
fi//ing of a (e,i,ion ,o dec/are a marriage 1oid e1en if ,he
gro%nd 0as no, s,a,%,ori/& (ro1ided for a 1oid marriage
%nder ,he Ci1i/ Code: )r,ic/e *' "(s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,& EE
no /onger has a (rescri(,i1e (eriod# ) case 0here ,his is ,he
gro%nd ma& !e fi/ed regard/ess of 0he,her ,he marriage has
!een ce/e!ra,ed !efore or af,er )%g%s, *, 2004.
Article 2-6
Chi Ming 3soi 1s. C) > (rocrea,ion as one of ,he
essen,ia/ mari,a/ o!/iga,ions %nder ,he Iami/& Code is
!ased on ,he %ni1ersa/ (rinci(/e ,ha, (rocrea,ion of
chi/dren ,hro%gh sex%a/ %nion is one of ,he !asic ends
of marriage.
M.3 1s. $.3 > af,er sex%a/ change, ,he sex is a/read&
changed, ,h%s, ,ha, (erson can a/read& con,rac,
3e,er 1s. 3e,er > consen, re.%isi,e ,o marriage re/a,ion
need no,, ho0e1er !e ex(ressed in an& s(ecia/ manner
or (ar,ic%/ar form. "(age 114#
9oca/ Go1ernmen, Code 0as ins,i,%,ed on $an%ar& 1,
6eo(/e 1s. $anssen > if marriage is iss%ed in a (/ace
o,her ,han ,he residence of ,he con,rac,ing (ar,&, ,he
marriage (erformed on ,he !asis of s%ch a marriage
/icense is s,i// 1a/id.
6a&ne 1s. 6a&ne > 3he commission of (er<%r& or
dece(,ion on ,he (ar, of ,he con,rac,ing (ar,ies as ,o
,heir age in order ,o a1oid ,he s,a,%,or& re.%iremen, of
(aren,a/ consen, is no, a ca%se ,o in1a/ida,e a marriage
o!,ained ,hro%gh s%ch marriage /icense.
3he marriage cer,ifica,e is no, an essen,ia/ nor forma/
re.%iremen, of marriage. Iai/%re ,o sign a marriage
cer,ifica,e i,se/f does no, render ,he marriage 1oid or
ann%//a!/e "Madride<o 1s. de /eon#
a/og!og 1s. C). > 3he a!sence of 0i,ness is mere/&
and irreg%/ari,& 0hich 0i// no, render a marriage 1oid.
E%genio Dr 1s. He/e2 >6hi/i((ine /a0 does no,
recogni2e common /a0 marriages. 6ersons
re(resen,ing ,hemse/1es as h%s!ands and 0i1es and
has !een /i1ing ,oge,her for s%ch a /ong (eriod of ,ime
0i,ho%, marriage are considered 7married8 in common
/a0 <%risdic,ion !%, no, in ,he 6hi/i((ines.
Cosca 1s. 6a/a&(a&on > ,he (rac,ice of <%dge of
re.%iring ,he (ar,ies ,o sign ,he con,rac, !efore as-ing
for ,heir dec/ara,ion is high/& im(ro(er !%, 0i// no, affec,
,he 1a/idi,& of ,he marriage.
Bermosisima 1s. C) > mere !reach of (romise ,o marr&
is no, an ac,iona!/e 0rong.
;assmer 1s. He/e2 > reach of (romise ,o marr&
a,,endan, 0i,h forma//& se,,ing a 0edding and going
,hro%gh a// ,he (re(ara,ion can !e /ia!/e %nder ar, 21
) 1ice ma&or ma& ac, on !eha/f of ,he ma&or and
a%,hori2e marriages "6eo(/e 1s. %s,aman,e#
Article 21
Garcia 1s. Recio EE 5f 0i,ho%, a cer,ifica,e of /ega/
ca(aci,& and ,he marriage /icense is none,he/ess
iss%es, ,he marriage ce/e!ra,ed on ,he !asis of s%ch
marriage /icenses sha// no, considered 1oid for i, is
mere/& an irreg%/ari,&.
Article 22 and 23
@icdaoECarino 1s. Carino EE 3he cer,ifica,ion of ,he ci1i/
regis,r& sha// en<o& high (ro!a,i1e 1a/%e.
Article 26
@o s,a,e is !o%nd & commi,,ee ,o gei1e effec, in i,s
co%r, ,o /a0s 0hich are re(%gnan, ,o i,s o0n /a0s and
good order of socie,& "rimson 1s. rimson#
;oo ;oo Oin 1s. Hi1o > 5f ,he /a0 in ,he foreign co%n,r&
"ex. China # is no, (ro1en, i, 0o%/d !e ass%med !& ,he
co%r, ,ha, i, has /a0s ,he same as in ,he 6hi/i((ines
Di1orce ini,ia,ed !& a Ii/i(ino is agains, (%!/ic (o/ic&
"Cang 1s. C), 3echa1ex 1s. Escano#
Garcia 1s. Recio E 5f ,he Ii/i(ino is a/read& na,%ra/i2ed,
)r, 2' 0i// no, a((/& !%, ,he /a0 0here he 0as
Page 11 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
Article 34
Man2ano 1s. Danche2 > Re.%iremen, for ar,ic/e *4 is
on/& ,ha, ,here sho%/d !e no /ega/ im(edimen, a, ,he
,ime of ,he ce/e!ra,ion of ,he marriage.
Article 35
Domingo 1s. C) EE Ior (%r(oses of remarriage, ,he on/&
acce(,a!/e (roof ,o sho0 ,he 1oidness of ,he firs,
marriage is a <%dicia/ dec/ara,ion iss%ed !& a co%r,
direc,/& s,a,ing ,ha, ,he firs, marriage is n%// and 1oid
"Domingo 1s. C)#.
Article 36
3%a2on 1s. C) EE 3he finding of ,he ,ria/ co%r, as ,o ,he
exis,ence or nonEexis,ence of ,he (s&cho/ogica/
inca(aci,& sha// !e !inding %(on ,he DC %n/ess i, can !e
s%fficien,/& sho0n ,ha, ,he ,rai/ co%r, erred.
Article 38
ac- 1s. ac- > <%dicia/ dec/ara,ion of n%//i,& of
marriage sha// disso/1e )ffini,&.
Arti"$ 3=
Chi Ming 3soi 1s. C) EE )n& of ,he (ar,ies of a 1oid
marriage ma& fi/e for n%//i,& case e1en ,ho%gh s%ch
(ar,& is ,he 0rong doer
Article 40
C!s$ D!t$ C')$r$* R2"i&0
1. M$&*'4! S$,t$1#$r -85
With'2t &$$*
-. Ar!0'& F$#r2!r/ -85
With'2t &$$*
3. 3'1$4 <2&$ 3>5 1=91 With &$$*
7. C'&s$02$r! <!&2!r/ 3>5
With &$$*
.. O*!/!t <2&$ -5 1=99 With'2t &$$*
6. T'"$&ti&' M!/ 3>5 1=83 With'2t &$$*
9. Wi$0$" A202st 1=5
With &$$*
8. F!1i"/ C'*$ A202st 35 1=83 With &$$*
Article 41
Gome2 1s. 9i(ana > as a genera/ r%/e, marriage
con,rac,ed d%ring ,he /ife,ime of ,he firs, s(o%se is n%//
and 1oid.
6eo(/e 1s. )rci//aEE 3he dec/ara,ion of (res%m(,i1e
dea,h 0i// s,i// !e (rimaEfacie, and can !e o1er,hro0n !&
R6 1s. @o/asco > ,he a!sence of di/igen, search on ,he
(resen, s(o%se nega,es ,ha, ,here is 0e// fo%nded !e/ief
,o (res%me ,ha, ,he s(o%se is dead.
Article 46
%ca, 1s. %ca, > six mon,hs (regnanc& is a/read&
concei1a!/e, ,h%s, no concea/men,
).%ino 1s. De/i2o > fo%r mon,hs (regnanc& is s,i//
%nconcei1a!/e, ,here is concea/men,.
Ioss 1s. Ioss > ,he h%s!and -ne0 !efore marriage of
,he %nchas,e charac,er of ,he s(o%se, ,h%s no gro%nd
for /ega/ se(ara,ion.
Article 47
ro0n 1s. Oam!ao > ,he co%r, can ,a-e no,ice of
(rescri(,ion e1en if i, is no, a//eged in ,he ans0er in an
ann%/men, case.
Article 48
Cardenas 1s. Cardenas and Rehn, Ocam(o 1s.
I/orencio > $%dgmen, on s,i(%/a,ion of fac,s and
confession of <%dgmen, is no (rohi!i,ed so /ong as i, is
corro!ora,ed !& inde(enden, e1idences.
Article 49
Di/1a 1s. C) > 1isi,a,ion righ,s sho%/d !e gi1en ,o ,he
(aren, no, a0arded 0i,h c%s,od& %n/ess ,here are
com(e//ing reasons ,o r%/e o,her0ise.
Article 50
Ha/de2 1s. R3C > )r, +0 a((/ies on ,o s%!se.%en, 1oid
marriages con,rac,ed & a s(o%se of a (rior marriage
!efore ,he /a,,er is <%dicia//& dec/ared 1oid. Ior 1oid
marriages, ,he r%/e on coEo0nershi( sha// a((/&
Article 55
6ra,her 1s. 6ra,her > sex 0i,h a co0C im(eri/ ,he 0ifeFs
D&m,he 1s. D&m,he > ) se(ara,ion 0here !o,h of ,he
s(o%ses 0i//ing/& conc%r is no, a 0i//f%/ deser,ion of one
!& ,he o,her.
Article 56
Ocam(o 1s. I/orencio > ,he fai/%re of a h%s!and ,o /oo-
for his erring s(o%se does no, cons,i,%,e condona,ion
)/macen 1s. a/,a2ar > ,he ac, of ,he s(o%se of gi1ing
mone& ,o no, fi/ing charges does no, cons,i,%,e
6eo(/e 1s. Densano > ,he consen, of a s(o%se ma&!e
ded%ced from his ac,ions.
Greene 1s. Greene > 1o/en,i non fi, in<%ria
;hi,hers(oon 1s ;hi,ers(oon > conni1ance
Article 58
6ace,e 1s. Carriaga EE 3he nonEo!ser1ance of ,he '
mon,hs coo/ing off (eriod ma& se, aside ,he decision of
,he /o0er co%r,. Ior as /ong as se(ara,ion is inser,ed in
an& case, ,he manda,or& re.%iremen, m%s, !e com(/ied
)rro&o 1s. Has.%e2 > 5f ,he (e,i,ion is denied, ,he co%r,
canno, com(e/ ,he s(o%ses ,o /i1e ,oge,her for mari,a/
o!/iga,ions are (%re/& (ersona/ in charac,er.
Article 74-77
3oda, $r. 1s. C) > a se(ara,ion of (ro(er,& canno, !e
effec,ed !& mere exec%,ion of a con,rac, or agreemen,
of ,he (ar,ies !%, !& ,he decree of ,he co%r, a((ro1ing
,he same.
Page 12 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
Article 87
Rodrig%e2 1s. Rodrig%e2 > ,he se//ing of ,he (ro(er,&
from ,he s(o%se ,o ,he da%gh,er ,o ,he fa,her canno, !e
n%//ified !eca%se a// are g%i/,&, no one ma& reco1er
0ha, 0as gi1en !& 1ir,%e of ,he con,rac,.
;i,ness ,es,ified he didnF, see or hear ,he ac,%a/
exchange of 1o0s. Be on/& ,es,ified 75 sa0 ,he 0eddingQ8 DC
said ,ha, ,he ac,%a/ exchange of 1o0s co%/d !e (res%med
!eca%se ,here 0as an ac,%a/ 0edding ceremon&, as ,es,ified
!& ,he 0i,ness. R)s /ong as ,he 0i,ness sa0 ,here 0as a
0edding ceremon&, ,he co%r, ,hen ma-es a (res%m(,ion
,ha, ,he exchange of 1o0s ,oo- (/ace.S
)%,hori,& of so/emni2ing officer is a forma/
re.%iremen,. 3he GE@ER)9 R=9E is ,ha, for so/emni2ing
1. 5@C=ME@3 <%dge ? ma&or
2. ;53B5@ i,s <%risdic,ion
a!sence of a%,hori,&, ,rea,ed as no
a%,hori,&, so Hoid marriage.
@a1arro case s,a,ed ,ha, if ,he so/emni2ing officer
ce/e!ra,ed ,he marriage !e&ond i,s <%risdic,ion, ,his
is <%s, an irreg%/ari,&. Es(ecia//& if !o,h (ar,ies 0ere
in good fai,h, or one of ,hem 0as in good fai,h.
M3C ? R3C $=DGEE0i,hin i,s <%risdic,ion, eg.
Ma-a,i on/&
C) ? DC $=D35CEDEen,ire 6hi/i((ines
S! "# CA
9o0er co%r, n%//ified a marriage !eca%se of
(s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,&. DC agreed ,ha, i, 0as a 1oid
marriage, !%, ,he gro%nd 0as differen,A i, 0as !ased on
/ac- of marriage /icenseQ
3he genera/ r%/e is ,ha, if &o% donF, assign an error
in <%dgmen,, ,he a((e//a,e co%r, 0i// no, ,ac-/e ,ha,
%nassigned error or iss%e. %, in ,his case, e1en if ,he iss%e
0as %nassigned, i, 0as so o!1io%s from ,he records ,ha,
,here 0as no marriage /icense, so ,he DC co%/d 1a/id/&
render a <%dgmen, ,ha, indeed ,he marriage is 1oid !eca%se
,here 0as no marriage /icense.
Garcia-eci$ ca%e
) married ")%s,ra/ian#. go, a di1orce, 0en, !ac-
,o ,he 6hi/i((ines ,o marr& again. Can he 1a/id/& do soG
DC said OED he can, if ,he di1orce is )DO9=3E.
5f i, 0as <%s, a RE9)35HE di1orce, he canF, marr&. Re/a,i1e
Di1orce is <%s, 9ega/ De(ara,ion.
DC a/so said, )r,. 2' of ,he Iami/& Code "IC# is
irre/e1an,. ;ha, 0i// a((/& is )r,. 1+ of ,he Ci1i/ Code "CC#,
0hich is ,he @)35O@)953O R=9E.
&EL S'A#&A(A di%c)%%i$n
5f a foreigner 0an,s ,o ge, married in ,he
6hi/i((ines, he needs ,o ge, a CER35I5C)3E OI 9EG)9
C)6)C53O from his EM)DDO or CO@D=9. %, in one DC
case, i, 0as he/d ,ha, ,he nonEfor0arding or nonE
(resen,a,ion of ,he Cer,ifica,e of 9ega/ Ca(aci,& 0as <%s, an
irreg%/ari,&, es(ecia//& if ,he (ar,ies 0ere a!/e ,o ac.%ire a
M)RR5)GE 95CE@DE, ,hen ,ha, ma-es ,he Marriage is
1a/idQ Rin shor,, marriage /icense is ,he %/,ima,e re.%iremen,,
N no, ,he Cer,ifica,e of 9ega/ Ca(aci,&A. Co2 ,he genera/
r%/e is !efore &o% co%/d a((/& for a marriage /icense, ,he
foreigner m%s, (resen, his Cer,. Of 9ega/ Ca(aci,&.S
5f ,he 0ife is s,i// 1irgin * &ears af,er ,he ce/e!ra,ion
of marriage, ,hen i, is (res%med ,ha, ,he h%s!and isAA
Ra/am n&o na da(a, e,oA go see Me/Fs !oo-S
*OSENA ca%e
5f (e,i,ioners are !o,h B%s!and N 0ife, and i,
in1o/1ed CO@$=G)9 asse,s, ,he signa,%re of on/& 1 s(o%se
is 1a/id. B N ; are $O5@3 )DM5@5D3R)3ORD, co%r,s
(res%me ,ha, one -no0s 0ha, ,he o,her is doingQ
-! ca%e
B N ;, BEcoma,ose, so ; ass%mes DO9E
6O;ER OI )DM5@5D3R)35O@.
DC said, if 0ife ass%mes Do/e 6o0er of
)dminis,ra,ion, &o% need ,o ge, a CO=R3 ORDER.
Co%r, Order: i, de(ends on ,he ff circ%ms,ances.
5f inca(aci,& is D3ROTEE go ,o R=9ED OI CO=R3
N fi/e G=)RD5)@DB56 (roceedings.
5f inca(aci,& is ))@DO@ME@3E i, is D=MM)RO
6ROCEED5@G %nder ,he I)M59O CODE.
;ha, is im(or,an, is &o% s,i// need a CO=R3
A'# 151 EANES' E++O'S
7@o s%i, !e,0een fami/& mem!ers sha// (ros(erA.8
)r,. 1+1 a((/ies on/& ,o C5H59 C)DED.
Page 13 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
C=D3ODO casesE ,his is in D6EC5)9
6ROCEED5@GD, @O3 ) C5H59 C)DE so @O earnes, effor,s
G=)RD5)@DB56, 5@3ED3)3E casesE ,his is in
D6EC6RO, @O3 ) C5H59 C)DE, @O earnes, effor,s
@=9953O, )@@=9ME@3, 9EG)9 DE6)R)35O@
casesE @O E)R@ED3 EIIOR3DQ ;h&G Co2 e1en if ,hese *
are C5H59 C)DED, ,he /a0 does no, a//o0 ,hese cases ,o !e
R=9EDE if s%i, is:
1. C5H59 > earnes, effor,s re.%ired.
CR5M?D6EC6ROE no earnes, effor,s.
2. e1en if C5H59 !%, fa//s %nder @=9953O,
)@@=9ME@3, 9EG)9 DE6)R)35O@E no
earnes, effor,s re.%ired, co2 ,he /a0 does no,
a//o0 ,hese cases ,o !e com(romised.
*. if D3R)@GERRDS are 5@HOH9EDE @O earnes,
effor,s re.%ired.
.A'EN('! / +(L(A'(ON
1. )c,ion ,o im(%gn /egi,imac& of chi/dE m%s, !e a
direc, s%i,.
2. Main ac,ion is for (ar,i,ion of (ro(er,&, !%, a
co//a,era/ ac,ion 0as ins,i,%,ed ,o im(%gn ,he
/egi,imac& of a chi/d. 5s ,his 1a/idG
- DC said OED, if i, 0as (ro1en ,ha, ,he
mo,her 0as )RRE@Q "di (%ede mag-aE
- 3he 0ho/e cha(,er of 6)3ER@53O N
I595)35O@ B)D 2 )DD=M635O@D
a. M)RR5)GE is H)95D
!. CB59D is =@D5D6=3)9O OI
3BE ;5IE
E if ,hese 2 ass%m(,ions 0ere no, me,,
,hen i, fa//s %nder ,he )H5ER) 1.
C)3O3)9 case, 0herein ,he ac,ion 0as
for (ar,i,ion N ,he Lchi/dF 0as (ro1en ,o !e
fa/se/& c/aiming /egi,imac& or i//egi,imac&,
as ,he MO3BER 0as 6ROHE@ 3O E
L=@5C) B5$) C)DEF
Rich L(aren,sF died. ) (erson c/aims ,ha, she 0as a
da%gh,er. ro,hers N sis,ers of ,he deceased (aren,s
.%es,ioned ,he s,anding of ,he da%gh,er. 3he Lda%gh,erF
arg%ed ,ha, on/& ,he B%s!and can im(%gn her s,a,%s in a
direc, ac,ion. 5s ,he Lda%gh,erF correc,G
DC: ;RO@G %n da%gh,erQ ;h&G 5, 0as (ro1en ,ha,
,he da%gh,er did no, come from ,he mo,her, so ,he R%/es on
6a,erni,& N Ii/ia,ion 0i// @O3 a((/&. 3his is a !/a,an, case of
I)9D5I5C)35O@ of 5R3B CER35I5C)3E.
Do ,he R=9E is: CBECT I5RD3 if ,he chi/d came o%, from
,he Mo,her, !efore &o% a((/& ,he R%/es on 6a,erni,& N
; fi/es 9ega/ De(ara,ion case agains, B. ; 0on. B 0en, ,o
,he =.D. ; no0 0an,s ,o ado(, her chi/dren, N as-s co%r, ,o
designa,e her as ,he one 0ho 0i// exercise 6aren,a/
)%,hori,&, !ased on )R3. 21* of Iami/& Code.
DC: 3ermina,ion of 6aren,a/ )%,hori,& is a/0a&s 0i,h Ca%se,
N m%s, !e ex(ress/& (ro1ided !& ,he co%r,. 5n ,his /ega/
se(ara,ion case, ,here is no sho0ing ,ha, ,he 6aren,a/
)%,hori,& of B 0as ,ermina,ed.
)R3. 21* of IC mere/& DED5G@)3ED ,he (erson
0ho 0i// exercise (aren,a/ a%,hori,&. 5, does no, mean ,ha, B
!eing ,he g%i/,& s(o%se, 0i// )%,oma,ica//& /ose his (aren,a/
Ior ))@DO@ME@3 ,o a((/&E i, means ,o,a/, a!so/%,e,
cessa,ion of Iami/& D%,ies. 5n ,he Tang Case, ,here 0as no
a!andonmen,, !eca%se ,he B had con,ac, 0i,h ,he chi/dren,
,hr% o1erseas (hone ca//s, a/!ei, i, 0as se/dom.
1. efore a *
(ar,& co%/d ado(,, earnes, effor,s ,o
/oo- for a (ossi!/e Lado(,erF 0i,hin ,he ex,ended
2. if ,he !a!& so%gh, ,o !e ado(,ed is s,i// inside ,he
0om! of ,he mo,her, an& con,rac, or agreemen, of
ado(,ion en,ered !& ,he !io/ogica/ (aren,s is
*. )do(,er canno, rescind )do(,ion, on/& ,he )do(,ed
(erson can. %, ,he )do(,er can Disinheri, ,he
)do(,ed (erson.
4. =nder Iami/& CodeE )/iens canno, ado(, ",his 0as
o/d r%/e#
=nder Domes,ic )do(,ion 9a0E )/iens can no0
ado(, "ne0 r%/e#
+. 9oo- for ,he * Exce(,ions or gro%nds ,o exem(, ,he
a/iens from (roc%ring Cer,ifica,e of 9ega/ Ca(aci,&
or Cer,ifica,e of Residenc&.
7/ega//& free chi/d8 in in,erco%n,r& ado(,ion, means ,ha, ,he
chi/d is 1o/%n,ari/& or in1o/%n,ari/& commi,,ed ,o socia/
0e/fare agenc&.
Can &o% fi/e in,erco%n,r& ado(,ion a((/ica,ion in ,he reg%/ar
Y$s5 #2t th$ '2rt (i"" 82st *$t$r1i&$ i+ !"" th$ ,!,$rs
!r$ '1,"$t$ E (i"" r$+$r it t' th$ INTERCOANTRY
ADOPTION @OARD +'r th$ ,r',$r *$t$r1i&!ti'& '+
Page 14 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
A*',ti'&. (i& sh'rt5 ,2,2&t! ,! ri& /2& s! I&t$r'2&tr/
A*',ti'& @'!r*F s' /'2 #$tt$r 0' th$r$ i&iti!""/5 &'t t'
th$ '2rts)
Page 15 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
S!"it! ). M!0t'"is
6s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,& is
(s&chosoma,ic and dea/s
0i,h s,a,e of mind and ,h%s
can on/& !e (ro1en !&
indica,ors or ex,erna/
manifes,a,ions of ,he (erson
c/aimed ,o !e (s&cho/ogica//&
inca(aci,a,ed. 3hese
indica,ors m%s, !e c/ear/&
a//eged in ,he com(/ain, fi/ed
in ,he co%r,.
Gr'h& ). CA
DC r%/ed ,ha, ,he ,es,imon&
of ,he h%s!and 0i,h res(ec,
,o ,he re(or, of ,he
(s&chia,ris, 0as no, 0i,hin
,he doc,orE(a,ien, (ri1i/eged
comm%nica,ion r%/e since ,he
one 0ho 0o%/d ,es,if& is no,
,he doc,or !%, ,he h%s!and.
DC a/so r%/ed ,ha, nei,her
can ,he h%s!andFs ,es,imon&
!e considered a
circ%m1en,ion of ,he
(rohi!i,ion !eca%se his
,es,imon& canno, ha1e ,he
force and effec, of ,he
,es,imon& of ,he (h&sician
0ho examined ,he (a,ien,
and made ,he re(or,.
S!"$*' ). Ort!&$4
S!&t's ). CA
E @$*i!;S!&t's
3he 1er& firs, case decided
!& ,he DC 0hich disc%ssed
,he sco(e and meaning of
)r,*'. DC denied ,he n%//i,&
)ccdg ,o $%s,ice Dem(io Di&
U(s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,&
m%s, !e charac,eri2e !& "a#
gra1i,& "!# <%ridica/
an,ecedence "c# inc%ra!i/i,&
T2!s'& ). CA
3he finding of ,he ,ria/ co%r,
as ,o ,he exis,ence or nonE
exis,ence of a (ar,&Fs
(s&cho/ogica/ inca(a!i, a,
,he ,ime of ,he marriage is
fina/ and !inding on ,he DC
%n/ess i, can !e s%fficien,/&
sho0n ,ha, ,he ,ira/ co%r,Fs
fac,%a/ findings and
e1a/%a,ion of ,he ,es,imonies
and (ieces of e1idence
(resen,ed are c/ear/& and
manifes,/& erroneo%s.
V!"*$4 ). RTC
De/i1er& of (res%m(,i1e
/egi,ime is no, re.%ired as a
genera/ r%/e in 1oid
marriagesC !%,, as an
exce(,ion ,o ,his genera/
r%/e, ,he Ha/de2 r%/ing a/so
s,a,es ,ha, (ar "2#"*#"4#"+# of
)r,4* re/a,es on/& !& ,he
ex(/ici, ,erms of )r,+0, ,o
1oida!/e marriages %nder
)r,2+ and exce(,iona//&, ,o
1oid marriages %nder )r, 40.
Chi Mi&0 Ts'i
6rocrea,ion is an essen,ia/
o!/iga,ion "as ,he !asic end
of marriage#. Cons,an, nonE
f%/fi//men, of ,his o!/iga,ion
0i// fina//& des,ro& ,he
in,egri,& or 0ho/eness of ,he
marriage. 6ro/onged ref%sa/
of a s(o%se ,o ha1e sex%a/
in,erco%rse 0i,h his or her
s(o%se is considered a sign
of (s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,&,
a/,ho%gh (h&sica//& ca(a!/e.
3his is ,he on/& case 0hich
n%//i,& on ,he gro%nds of 65
0as gran,ed.
DC en%mera,ed ,he
g%ide/ines in in1o-ing ,he
(s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,&
%nder ar,*': "1#,he !%rden of
(roof ,o sho0 ,he n%//i,& of
,he marriage !e/ong ,o ,he
(/ain,iff "2#,he roo, ca%se of
,he (s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,&
m%s, !e: "a#medica//& or
c/inica//& iden,ified "!# a//eged
in ,he com(/ain, "c#
s%fficien,/& (rocen !& ex(er,s
and "d# c/ear& ex(/ained in
,he decision. "*#,he
inca(aci,& m%s, !e (ro1en ,o
!e exis,ing a, ,he ,ime of ,he
ce/e!ra,ion of ,he marriage
"4# 65 m%s, !e sho0n ,o !e
medica//& or c/inica//&
(ermanen, or inc%ra!/e
"+#s%ch i//ness m%s, !e gra1e
eno%gh ,o !ring a!o%, ,he
disa!i/i,& of ,he (ar,& ,o
ass%me ,he essen,ia/
o!/iga,ions of marriage. "'#
,he essen,ia/ o!/iga,ions m%s,
!e ,hose em!odied !& )r, '9
,o 71 "h%s!and and 0ife#of
IC as 0e// as )r, 220, 221
and **+ "(aren,s and
chi/dren# "7#in,er(re,a,ions
gi1en !& ,he @a,iona/
)((e//a,e Ma,rimonia/
3ri!%na/ of ,he Ca,ho/ic
Ch%rch in ,he 65 0hi/e no,
con,ro//ing or decisi1e, sho%/d
!e gi1en grea, res(ec, !& o%r
co%r,s. "8#,he ,ria/ co%r, m%s,
order ,he (rosec%,ing
a,,orne& or fisca/ and DG ,o
a((ear as co%nse/ for ,he
s,a,e. @o decision sha// !e
Page 16 of 15
Persons and Family Relations Reviewer Vena V.
M!r's ). M!r's
DC r%/ed ,ha, 7,he (ersona/
medica/ or (s&cho/ogica/
examina,ion of res(onden, is
no, a re.%iremen, for a
dec/ara,ion of (s&cho/ogica/
inca(aci,& and ,ha, i, is no, a
condi,ion sine .%a non for
s%ch dec/ara,ion. Bo0e1er
,he Co%r, ma& or ma& no,
acce(, ,he ,es,imon& of ,he
(s&cho/ogis, or (s&chia,ris,.
3he Co%r, ma& !ase i,s
decision on ,he t't!"it/ '+
th$ $)i*$&$ o,her ,han ,he
findings of ,he (s&chia,ris, or
R$,2#"i ). D!0*!0
,he /a0 does no, define 0ha,
(s&cho/ogica/ inca(aci,& is
and ,herefore, ,he
de,ermina,ion is /ef, so/e/&
0i,h ,he co%r,s on a caseE,oE
case !asis. De,ermina,ion of
65 7de(ends on ,he fac,s of
,he case. Each m%s, !e
<%dged, no, on ,he !asis of a
(riori ass%m(,ions,
(redi/ec,ions or
genera/i2a,ions !%, according
,o i,s o0n fac,s.8
Choa 1. Choa
handed do0n %n/ess ,he DC
iss%es a cer,ifica,ion. "/as,
sen, no, an&more needed
(%rs%an, ,o DC reso/%,ion#
Masias 1. Masias
Mercado Iehr 1. Iehr
arce/o 1. C)Eengson
Page 17 of 15