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Grum! Robyn Hill Copyright-2012 by Robyn Hill Smashwords edition Chapter 1. At irst !

wasn"t happy with the idea o spending the summer at my Aunt #i$toria"s house. %y dad& and his resear$h partner& would be tra'eling to A ri$a to study plants or medi$inal purposes. !t wasn"t that ! didn"t li(e my aunt& it"s )ust that ! was going into *th grade and spending the entire summer away rom my home& and my riends& was not my idea o a radi$al summer. !t would be the irst summer away& and the irst summer sin$e my mom had died. A ter we arri'ed at my aunt"s house& ! reali+ed it was not as bad as ! had e,pe$ted. -he house was huge or one thing& and old. !t was not old in a bad way& more in an interesting& spoo(y (ind o way. -he bri$(s were $o'ered with stringy moss& and 'ines rea$hed around the entire house li(e prote$ti'e& bony hands. A lo'ely garden o di erent $olored roses grew to the side& and behind was a wooded area with ponds& rogs& and many $urious swamp $reatures. ! wa'ed to the $ar as my dad and his partner dro'e o . .!t will be o'er be ore you (now it& Carol&. /ad"s partner said while pushing his wire glasses urther upon his nose. .! lo'e you and entertain yoursel with boo(s& Sweetheart& lots o boo(s& espe$ially math!. /ad yelled out as he wa'ed ba$(& and then the #ol(swagen pulled out o the dri'eway. .Really& Carol& time will go by 0ui$(ly.& my aunt said and she pi$(ed up my suit $ase and wal(ed into the house. ./on"t ret and ma(e the best out o the situation. 1hen li e gi'es you lemons& why ! say ma(e lemonade!. she sang out happily. ! remembered my parents and tea$hers always saying that& but ! didn"t really li(e lemonade either. 1e wal(ed up a spiral iron stair$ase and down a dimly lit wooden hall to the room that would be mine or the ne,t $ouple o months. %y aunt opened a tired $rea(ing door. ! was pleasantly surprised to ind a $o+y room with a large brass bed. -here were many illed boo(shel'es and a white lu y $at. -he $at was $urled in a ball atop o the thi$(est down $om orter ! had e'er seen. He had a bla$( spot the shape o a diamond on his head. He loo(ed up at me& stret$hed his at paws& then retreated into his $url and ell ba$( to sleep. .-hat would be %arlin& my $at& and it seems he has already de$ided to bun( with you while you are here&. my aunt said. .%a(e yoursel $om ortable and $ome down and )oin me or a glass o lemonade when you are inished.. Great...! thought to mysel & more with the lemonade& and ! rea$hed orward to unpa$( my things. ! had my suit$ase& illed with summer $lothing& and one large geometry boo( to unpa$(. Sin$e my mother had passed away& my grades had slipped and ! had re$ei'ed a / in math be$ause ! didn"t understand geometry. /ad wanted me to study a geometry te,t boo( be ore s$hool started so ! would be ready or *th grade math. ! rubbed the top o the boo( and remembered how my mother would help me with my homewor( during the e'enings. -hose were the days when ! had straight A"s. ! grabbed a pillow and began to $ry. ! $an"t do anything on my own anymore. !t )ust didn"t seem air that $an$er had ta(en my mother and here ! was alone in a huge house with a relati'e ! barely (new. ! elt a light ti$(ling on my nose and opened my eyes. -here stood %arlin& loo(ing at me with $rossed green eyes& gently (issing my $hee( with his rough tongue. !t was strangely soothing. %arlin made himsel $o+y underneath my ne$( as ! do+ed o into a $om ortable sleep.

A ter ! awo(e& ! emptied my suit$ase into a weathered& oa( dresser in my room& and then headed downstairs to )oin my aunt while %arlin ollowed me. %y aunt was out on the patio sitting on a rolled out pad in a unny yoga position. Her legs were sti$(ing straight up in the air li(e two 2opsi$le sti$(s. She was an odd sort o lady with $urly red hair& thi$( bla$( ramed glasses& and $lothes that loo(ed li(e they had been in her wardrobe sin$e the 1340"s. ! wal(ed out onto the patio and breathed in the s$ent o lowers warming in the sun. .So& now that you are settled& ! will tell you about our plans while you are here.. %y aunt said as she loo(ed up rom her mat. .5h& don"t go to any trouble&. ! said .! am sure ! will ind plenty to do with the boo(s to read and the woods to in'estigate.. .1ell& yes& there is that&. my aunt said as she stret$hed her leg o'er top o her head& .but you will also need to $ome with me to wor(. ! don"t want to lea'e you here by yoursel & dear.. ! loo(ed o'er at my aunt& .! guess ! didn"t e'en as( /ad& what it is that you do6. %y aunt hesitated& .! am a s$ientist& and am wor(ing on a new in'ention!. .1hat sort o in'ention are you wor(ing on6. ! as(ed her. .1ell& ! am un$ertain o that right now... but when ! am $ertain o what it is& it will be an ama+ing in'ention!. %y aunt sounded li(e she was trying to $on'in$e hersel o this& more than me. .! do ha'e a partner& his name is /o$. but it is stri$tly business with us& so don"t get any silly ideas!. she laughed a little too hard as she said this& .5h my goodness... the idea o /o$ and me!. again& she sounded li(e she was trying to $on'in$e hersel o this& more than me. .7ou will be happy to (now that /o$ has a granddaughter about your age& 12 ! belie'e. Her name is 8ordan. /o$ made a spe$ial trip to get her so she will be here or the summer too. He will be bringing her to wor( as well& so you two $an entertain yoursel'es.. -his was 'ery good news to me sin$e ! had noti$ed there weren"t any immediate neighbors. -he idea o ha'ing someone to hangout with sounded great. .So when will we be going to your wor(6. ! as(ed& .1ell& ! was hoping to go tomorrow& that is& i you eel settled enough6. .-omorrow sounds wonder ul!. ! told my aunt. ! dran( the rest o my lemonade and s(ipped ba$( upstairs& and the lemonade...well& it wasn"t hal bad. Chapter 2 1hen we arri'ed the ne,t morning& the wor( shop was not at all what ! had imagined. !t was a huge bri$( a$tory that had se'eral windows boarded up with nails and wood. -here were worn out pi$tures painted on the walls. .Aunt #i$(& why are there pi$tures o bubblegum painted on the outside o this building6. ! as(ed barely ma(ing out a painted image. .9unny thing&. she said loo(ing up at the $rumbled paint& .-his used to be a gum a$tory& and ! mean& this pla$e sold e'ery la'or imaginable... -ooty ruity& :anana mil(sha(e& 2eanut butter& you name it.. ! thought that sounded deli$ious& .-hat sounds wonder ul& why did it shut down6. ! as(ed. .1ell& that really is the strange part. 7ou see& the man who owned it )ust up and disappeared one day! Here he was ma(ing so mu$h money and then )ust up and disappears!. ! thought or a moment& ./oes anyone ha'e any ideas how or why6. ! as(ed& .;o& not really be$ause nothing was missing. His $ar was still par(ed here and e'erything was the same as i he had )ust 'anished into thin air! -oo bad really& rom what ! understand& he was )ust about to introdu$e some new antasti$ bubblegum& but o $ourse he ne'er did& with disappearing and all. So& with all the lab e0uipment le t behind here& /o$. and ! de$ided it was a per e$t pur$hase to wor( on our in'entions. Anyway& $ome on inside and ! $an introdu$e you to /o$. and 8ordan.. -he inside o the a$tory was huge and $luttered. -here were $ontraptions and ma$hines e'erywhere and rooms that had large metal doors. At the entran$e stood an older& balding& man who held the hand o a s(inny girl with ragged hair. She was dressed in a blue $he$(ered dress and two ponytails were sti$(ing out o her head. .5h& you must be 8ordan& <u'& /o$ has told me so mu$h about you! -his is my nie$e& Carol.. Aunt #i$( pushed me towards 8ordan to introdu$e mysel . .Hi& ni$e to meet you.. ! said o ering my hand. 8ordan shyly put her hand out to greet me. /o$ introdu$ed himsel and said& .1ell now& you two should ha'e plenty to do around

here& )ust ma(e sure you are $are ul and don"t get into any trouble.. He pi$(ed up a $ardboard bo, and started unpa$(ing it onto a ma$hine. .And ma(e sure to $he$( in with #i$(i and me e'ery so o ten.. %y aunt blushed and batted her eyes at /o$. .7es& $he$( in with us e'ery so o ten Sweet plumbs.. ! ga'e my aunt a strange loo(& .Sweet plumbs6. ! thought to mysel . ! shu led my eet a bit and loo(ed up at 8ordan& .1ell& what do you want to do6. ! as(ed her. A slow grin spread a$ross her a$e& .1hat do you thin( about e,ploring6. ! was sure relie'ed to hear her say this& at irst ! thought she was going to be a drag& but she began s(ipping orward and all ! $ould do was ollow a ter her. 1e de$ided to $he$( out the top o the a$tory irst. 1hen we $limbed up the stairs ! as(ed her& . Hey& did you hear what happened to the owner o this pla$e6. 8ordan said her Grandpa had told her how the man had disappeared. ./on"t you ind that strange6 ! mean ! guess the guy was ma(ing millions o his gum so why would he )ust disappear li(e that6. ! as(ed. 8ordan thought about it& .! don"t (now& maybe he made enough money& and wanted to tra'el somewhere magni i$ent and de$ided to snea( o somewhere.. .! suppose.. ! said. 1e wal(ed past se'eral metal doors and de$ided to open a ew to see what was inside. =a$h door seemed to ha'e more o the same e0uipment& lab tubes& and bo,es o $olor ul gum wrappers. .Hey& we should open some bo,es and see i we $an ind the ingredients to ma(e our own gum!. 8ordan suggested& .! don"t (now i we should snoop around& we might get in trouble.. ! replied. 8ordan loo(ed at me strangely& .7our aunt and my grandpa own the pla$e& we $an do whate'er we want!. 8ordan was turning out to be mu$h bra'er than ! irst thought. .1hat the he$(&. ! said& .1here should we start6. 1e wal(ed o'er to a large metal door that had a rusted lo$( on its hinges and began pulling on it. .! bet there are all sorts o ingredients in here!. 8ordan began tugging harder on the lo$(. ! tried at the lo$( as well& .7es& well& the lo$( appears to be 0uite stu$( so we may need to ind something to pry it open.. 8ordan rea$hed o'er and pulled a large hammer o o a shel and began pounding on the lo$(. A ter about > tough slams& the lo$( $rumbled to the ground and we were able to pull open the metal door. 5n$e inside& we dis$o'ered we were in a storage room o some sort& illed with all sorts o $olor ul bo,es o gum. A luores$ent light li$(ered and lit up the inside so we $ould see. Aunt #i$( was right& there were so many la'ors! 1e ound gum with la'ors rom !$e-$ream sundae& to :lueberry 2ie! .1ell& sin$e we sort o own the pla$e& ! guess it wouldn"t hurt to try some o the gum. ! said. 1e tore open a .'ariety. bo, and stu ed di erent la'ors in our mouths. .-hi stu i' ama+ing. 8ordan mumbled with a mouth ull o bubblegum. .! (now& ! thin( ! am $hewing on a pie$e o 2eanut :utter and 8elly bubble gum!. ! said. 1e $ontinued to try the di erent la'ors and laughed as we $ompeted to see who $ould blow the largest bubble. A ter a ew moments o laughter& 8ordan loo(ed o'er at a strange isolated bo, right in the middle o a metal table. -he bo, was taped shut and there was a note on top o it. .Grum! /o not open!. the note also said& .;ot ready or sale. 8ordan turned the bo, o'er in her hands& .1hat (ind o name is Grum6 she as(ed& .1ell&. she said to me& .sin$e we are probably heirs to this pla$e& let"s go ahead and $he$( it out!. 1e tore o the dried yellow tape and $are ully leaned orward to pee( inside. !nside there was but one pa$( o bubble gum with one pie$e missing. .Should we try it6. ! as(ed. .5 $ourse we should try it!. 8ordan s0uealed as she began to tear open a pie$e. ! hesitated& and said .:ut it"s $alled Grum& not gum& and the note says not to open and that it is not ready to sell yet.. ! tried to reason. .<oo(&. she said& .1e won"t (now i we don"t try& besides it"s not li(e the note said poison or anything.. She handed the pa$( to me and too( out one pie$e o the Grum. She slowly unra'eled a blue oiled wrapper& to re'eal a purple pie$e o gum. .%aybe it"s )ust grape gum. she said& .;o big deal.. ! too( the pie$e o gum rom 8ordan and tore it in hal . .7ou"re probably right&. ! said handing her hal a pie$e&

.1hat harm $an it do6. Chapter ? 8ordan and ! stood staring at ea$h other as we $hewed the pie$e o gum. .Strange& it really doesn"t ha'e a parti$ular la'or.. ! said as ! wat$hed 8ordan $hew her share o the gum. .7eah&. she said with her mouth ull& .!t is sweet and e'erything but ! $an"t tell what la'or it is either. 8eesh& no wonder the owner put "not ready or sale" this gum probably wouldn"t sell to anyone!. 1e began to get bored and started heading ba$( towards the metal door to $ontinue e,ploring. At that moment& ! noti$ed something rather strange about 8ordan. Her pig tails seemed to be shrin(ing into her head! .@m...8ordan& are you eeling o(6. She turned to loo( at me& .7es& ! am&. she loo(ed down at my eet in $on usion& .but why are your shoes so large or your eet suddenly6. she as(ed. ! loo(ed down with horror as ! saw my eet shrin(ing be ore my 'ery eyes. .1hat is going on6. ! loo(ed at 8ordan. Her pigtails had $ompletely disappeared along with the lower hal o her body! .5h my gosh& 8ordan& something is happening to us. ! (new we shouldn"t ha'e eaten that Grum& we are probably dying or something!. 8ordan was about to say something ba$(& but she disappeared. %oments later& ! $ould eel mysel sin(ing lower and lower into a dar( pla$e& and then ! elt mysel beginning to aint. 1hen ! started to wa(e up& e'erything was u++y. ! $ould ma(e out 8ordan ne,t to me. !t loo(ed li(e she was asleep..8ordan& 8ordan& wa(e up! ! thin( that weird gum we $hewed made us both pass out!. 8ordan mumbled something& began to stir& and slowly sat up. .! told you we shouldn"t eat that gum. she said to me. .1hat6. ! said& .! was the one who told you that.... 1e both loo(ed around. 1e hadn"t )ust ainted. 1e weren"t e'en in the a$tory anymore. Hot sunshine glared down rom abo'e. ! $ould eel sand underneath me and two wooden sha$(s stood a ew eet away. 1e were outside in a strange pla$e that grew out o desert tundra. 5ut o the $orner o my eye ! saw a dar( shadow o a person approa$hing us. As they mo'ed $loser& ! noti$ed it was an old lady with long gray hair. She wore an old ragged baseball hat on top o her head and had on a se0uined prom dress. She leaned in to grab us both by the wrists. Her bony hand $lawed at us and her nails dug into our s(in. .Get up you ninnies& this is no time to sleep! 7ou get ba$( to wor( right now or you will su er the $onse0uen$es.. ! loo(ed up at the woman and tried to e,plain our situation& .:ut& %aam& ! thin( you ha'e us $on used with someone else. 1e are supposed to $he$( in with our relati'es right now& but we seem to be lost.. .5h& is that right ninny girl6 ! see& ! eed you and gi'e you a pla$e to sleep but here you sit and ma(e up stories! 2lay time is o'er& pi$( up your sho'els and get ba$( to wor(!. -wo strange& dirty& boys stood ne,t to her as i to be$(on us to do e,a$tly as she as(ed. 1e pi$(ed up the sho'els& and 8ordan 0uietly as(ed the woman& .1hat is it we are digging or6. -he old lady loo(ed at 8ordan as i she were mad& .1hat are digging or6 1hy& you (now e,a$tly what it is you ninny! 7ou are digging the tunnel to China!. ! tried to reason with the woman. .%aam& there is no way to dig to China. !t is )ust an old wi'es" tale. ;obody $an a$tually rea$h China by digging.. She loo(ed o'er at me with anger in her eyes& .!s that right you little ur$hin6 -hat is ridi$ulous& 7ou )ust get busy and 0uit blabbin and we shall be the 'ery irst to arri'e in China by tunnel! ;ow begin digging immediately or you will be sleeping with the slugs tonight!. 1e did as she told us& pi$(ed up the sho'els and began digging. A ter what seemed to be hours o digging& ! loo(ed o'er at one o the s$ru y boys who was standing guard. .=,$use me& but where e,a$tly are we6. -he boy loo(ed o'er at me and wiped his runny nose with his ilthy slee'e. .7ou aint spose to be tal(in ;inny girl& you (now you is in Crud'ille. 7ou 0uit yer yappin or !"ll get Gertie ba$( here and she"ll put you in with the slugs.. ! $ontinued to dig into the endless dirt hole. ! loo(ed o'er at 8ordan whose blue $he$(ered dress was now

$o'ered in mud stains .2sst& 8ordan& what do you suppose they are tal(ing about when they spea( o these slugs6. Suddenly the old lady& Gertie& appeared o'er top o the hole and said& .5h& the ninny girls want to 'isit my dear pet slugs& do they! 1ell $ome along then and let"s go pay them a 'isit!. 1ith that& she and the two boys grabbed us and led us to an old wooden sha$( with bla$( bars on the windows. Gertie opened the door and sang out sweetly .%y lo'elies& we ha'e guests with us who are dying to meet you! -hey will be spending the night with you so you $an all get to (now ea$h other better!. 8ordan and ! loo(ed beyond the door. !nside the room were piles o giant slugs mo'ing slowly and thi$(ly while beaming up at Gertie. Gertie loo(ed the slugs adoringly and then at us with sharp beady eyes. She slammed the door& .;ow& ba$( to wor(& it isn"t bed time yet.. -he hours seemed to drag as 8ordan and ! $ontinued to dig and dig. Slowly the stars began to $ome out by the hundreds. -he two s$ru y boys too( our sho'els and grabbed us by the arms. 5ne o the boys said& .Good wor( ninnies& now you $an ha'e one peanut and a glass o water and then its o to the slugs with ya.. 8ordan began to spea(& .5ne peanut& that is it6! 1e ha'e wor(ed all day and that is all we get to eat6!. Although ! was star'ing& ! was more $on$erned about sleeping with the slugs. .7ou $omplainin6. as(ed one o the boys& .Cu+ i you is $omplainin& you $an go to bed with no supper at all!. 8ordan loo(ed e,hausted. .;o.& she said wea(ly& .5ne peanut is )ust ine.. 1hen we inished one peanut ea$h and dran( a small glass o water& the boys grabbed us by the shoulders and began to lead us to the wooden sha$( where the slugs li'ed. .2lease& ! begged& this is a huge mista(e& please don"t ma(e us go in there.. .7ou )ust +ip yer lip ninny girl& you two should be happy Gertie is e'en gi'in you a pla$e to rest!. 1ith that& the two boys sho'ed us into the room. As we ell orward& ! grabbed a hold o 8ordan to pre'ent her rom alling on top o the large wet slugs. .5oh this is absolutely disgusting!. she $ried .How did this happen to us6 All we did was $hewed on a pie$e o stupid gum!. -here was a shu le rom a dar( $orner o the room and ! $ould see a $rumpled igure writhe about in the moonlight. .1hat is that!. 8ordan s$reamed. ! $autiously in$hed orward toward the strange shadow& .1hate'er you are& re'eal yoursel !. ! shouted o'er to the mo'ing igure. -he igure let out a small moan& .Gum6 7ou mentioned gum6. the igure as(ed. !t was a man"s 'oi$e and as ! mo'ed $loser toward him& ! noti$ed he was rail and withered and sat in the $orner wearing an old tattered business suit. .1hat about the gum6. ! as(ed the man. .Gum is what led me here.. he spo(e so tly with e,haustion in his 'oi$e. .! don"t understand&. ! said to the man& .how is it you are here be$ause o gum too6. -he man peered out rom a small beam o moonlight& .! on$e was a 'ery happy su$$ess ul business man. ! owned an ama+ing gum a$tory and was wor(ing on a new re'olutionary gum. ! $alled it Grum be$ause o the se$ret .rare. ingredient ! added. @n ortunately& my in'ention turned out to be my demise. -he rare ingredients ! put in it mi,ed with the d.n.a. rom my sali'a& somehow trans erred me here to this pla$e.. He let out a sigh& .1hen ! was $aptured& ! was or$ed to dig during the day& and sleep with the slugs at night and ha'e been here or what seems a 'ery long time. ! $ouldn"t belie'e what ! was hearing. .Sir& ! thin( we $hewed the same messed up gum you did!. ! $rou$hed $loser towards him& .7ou see& my aunt and 8ordan"s grand ather bought an old bro(en down gum a$tory where the owner had disappeared! 1e also ate rom a pa$(age o gum that had the name "Grum" on the label!. -he man was hun$hed o'er and slowly loo(ed at us with a gleam o hope in his eyes or the irst time. ./o you still ha'e the gum6. he as(ed. ! hadn"t e'en thought about the gum sin$e the whole nightmare began. ! slowly rea$hed into my po$(et and wrapped my

ingers around what appeared to be an open pa$( o gum with e,a$tly three pie$es le t. ! too( the shiny pa$( o gum out o my po$(et and all three o us stared at it in the light o the moon. %oments later& the door swung open and the two boys barged orward. .7ou stupid ninnies& we heard e'erything& now you hand o'er that there magi$al gum!. 8ordan stood up to de end us by (i$(ing at the boys and hollered& .;o& you $an"t ta(e it& it is our only hope to return home!. -he two dirty boys loo(ed at ea$h other then suddenly one o them lunged toward me and grabbed the gum rom my hand. He tossed it o'er to the other boy who umbled and dropped it on the ba$( o a giant slug. Another slug wiggled orward and was about to eat it up when suddenly it was snat$hed up again by the boys. -he two hurried out the door and lo$(ed it lea'ing us behind in the room o slugs. .! am so dread ully sorry&. the man said& ./o try and get some rest and we will $ome up with a plan in the morning. ;ow that you girls are here& we $an wor( together to es$ape this pla$e. As or the slugs& well they may not be pretty to loo( at but they will not harm you. 8ust $url up and you will hardly noti$e they are here.. ! loo(ed at 8ordan and in a tired 'oi$e ! said& .1e really don"t ha'e a $hoi$e and we are going to need our rest i we are going to get out o here.. ! turned toward the wall& grabbed my (nees in the etal position& and $losed my eyes hoping to $at$h a bit o sleep. Chapter A ! awo(e to the sun shining through the barred windows. ! glan$ed o'er and noti$ed the man was awa(e and 8ordan was still sound asleep& snoring against the wall. -he slugs had pretty mu$h (ept to themsel'es all night and than( ully& ! was able to get some rest. .1hat is your name& sir6. ! as(ed the man who was rubbing his eyes. .%y name is %r. /ooley. ! (now this is an aw ul e,perien$e or you and your riend but ! must admit ! am 'ery happy to meet you and 0uite grate ul you and your riend are here.. ! pushed a slug out o the way with my tennis shoe. .How do you suppose we should get out o here6 And e'en i we do& those aw ul boys ha'e the Grum now.. %r. /ooley rubbed his $hin& .! am not sure yet& but ! (now& with the three o us& we $an es$ape this pla$e. 1hen we do& we will ha'e to ind those boys.. 8ust then& 8ordan sat up and rubbed her eyes. .! thin( ! ha'e an idea that might wor(.. .1ell& what is it 8ordan& what is your idea6. ! as(ed her. She loo(ed thought ully at %r. /ooley and me and said& .1e all (now how important it is to Gertie that she is the irst to dig a tunnel to China& right6 1ell& what i one o us& while digging in the hole& a$ts li(e we ha'e ound something& while the other two push her down and bury her inside o the hole6!. %r. /ooley thought or a moment& .-hat is as good an idea as any&. he said& .;ow we will )ust ha'e to wait.. A ter waiting or about an hour& we heard someone umbling to open the door with a loud& $lan(ing (ey. Gertie burst through the door& .1hat ha'e you done with my boys6. she s$reamed while pointing at us with a dried& pointed& $law o a nail. .1e ha'e done nothing& ma"am& they stole something rom us and ha'e probably ran away!. 8ordan told the woman. .<ies& more lies rom you rotten brats!. Gertie s$reamed. .;ow all three o you will wor( twi$e as hard today and will not stop until dus(!. She handed us our sho'els and we wal(ed out towards the giant hole. 1hile Gertie was distra$ted ! whispered& .%r. /ooley& you are probably the strongest& so perhaps you and 8ordan should get ready to push Gertie down the hole while ! pretend to ind something.. %r. /ooley agreed. ! pretended to dig or a ew moments more than hollered at the top o my lungs& .! $an"t belie'e it& Gertie was right& ! thin( ! may ha'e )ust hit a tunnel whi$h leads to China!. Gertie $ame running up rom behind 8ordan and %r. /ooley& .5utta my way& ools& ! (new there was a way& ! (new there was a way!. %r. /ooley grabbed at Gertie and went to push her into the hole. Gertie began to struggle. Suddenly& she grabbed a sho'el& and

sma$(ed %r. /ooley in the head. %r. /ooley"s eyes rolled ba$( and he landed with a thud out side o the hole. .5uta my way brat&. Gertie shouted to 8ordan& .5r you"ll get $lobbered ne,t!. Gertie turned to a$e me& .And as or you ninny& say goodbye ore'er!. 1ith that& Gertie began sho'eling mounds and mounds o dirt on top o me. Soon ! was $o'ered with dirt and $ouldn"t mo'e an in$h. ! had to lay per e$tly still in the earth. ! ! mo'ed at all& dirt would go into my mouth and nose. ! did ha'e a small breathing hole but was a raid i ! shi ted& it would $ollapse. ! lay there thin(ing about my li e. 1hat would /ad do now i both %om and me were gone6 !t didn"t seem air that ! would die at su$h a young age. ! began to slow my breathing and de$ided it would be better to go in a $alm manner rather than in a state o pani$. 8ust as ! started to do+e o & ! elt a sharp pain in my thigh. .5h no!&. ! thought& .Gertie is ba$( to inish me o !. ! started (i$(ing as hard as ! $ould and was able to mo'e some dirt. Se$onds later& my arms were thrashing about as ! tried to prote$t mysel rom Gertie"s aw ul wrath. .Carol& Carol& stop mo'ing about!. 8ordan stared down at me& .!t is me& 8ordan& ! am here to get you out o this aw ul hole!. ! stood up and brushed the soil and grime rom my $lothes. .1hat has happened6 1here is Gertie6 1here is %r. /ooley6. 8ordan grabbed my hand and 0ui$(ly led me to the wooden slug sha$( where %r. /ooley stood at the door with a smile on his a$e and a (ey in his hand. .A ter Gertie hit %r. /ooley o'er the head& she started to drag me o'er to throw me ba$( in with the slugs&. 8ordan told me& .but %r. /ooley $ame to& $ame up behind her& and sho'ed her inside with her belo'ed slugs!. 8ordan smiled a triumphant smile. .;ow she is lo$(ed in there and we ha'e the (ey!. ! put my ear up to the door and listened $losely. .<et me out o here you rotten& ungra$ious little ninnies! 7ou will be sorry!. ! heard Gertie yell. 8ordan& %r. /ooley and ! wal(ed away rom the shed. 1e needed to plan what we were going to do ne,t. :ehind the shed& was a small pebbled path that meandered o into a massi'e desert area. !t was all desert as ar as the eye $ould see. .1ell& ! ha'e no idea where we are& and don"t ha'e any idea where we are going. ! admitted to %r. /ooley and 8ordan. %r. /ooley loo(ed at both 8ordan and me& .5ur only hope is to ind those boys and it loo(s li(e this is the only a'ailable path that ! $an see& so& all we $an do is )ourney orward and hope to somehow ind them.. :e ore we le t& we loo(ed around a bit and ound an old run down house. !t was $o'ered with spider webs and we belie'ed it to be Gertie"s. 1e wal(ed inside and opened a ew dusted $upboards. 1e ound some stale $ra$(ers& a $ra$(ed )ar ull o peanuts and two $arrying pa$(s. -here was no running water to be ound anywhere. %r. /ooley illed the pa$(s with the supplies and we de$ided it was time to head up the trail in hopes o inding the two boys. Chapter > 9ollowing the trail wasn"t too di i$ult at irst. 9or a $ouple o hours we tal(ed about the grum& and how %r. /ooley in'ented it. %r. /ooley e,plained that it was 0uite by a$$ident that he in'ented grum. He had been $leaning up the shop and a$$identally dangled a dustpan with rubbish rom the loor o'er top o his usual gum re$ipe. A small amount o it ell in. -he re$ipe suddenly seemed to rea$t. !t made a slight hissing sound. He dis$o'ered that there was the smallest petal o rhododendron in the dustpan& and it was this that made the grum and its pe$uliar powers. A ter a while the $on'ersation slowed as we all be$ame 'ery thirsty on the dusty trail. <oo(ing around& there seemed to be nothing but desert. -here were $a$ti& li+ards and lowers with stripes and +ig+ags unli(e any ! had e'er seen be ore& but no water. .! sure am thirsty&. 8ordan said& ./o you suppose those $a$tuses ha'e any water li(e they do in the mo'ies6. %r. /ooley headed toward a $a$tus and said&

.!t"s $a$ti& and the only way to ind out is to brea( the top o one and loo( inside.. %r. /ooley $are ully rea$hed o'er and uprooted a $a$tus. He slowly twisted the top o o it& he did this 'ery gently as to not $ut his hands on the 0uills. He showed us the $ontents o the $a$tus. !t had li0uid in it but instead o water& it was a $ool pin( li0uid. ./o you suppose it is o(6. ! as(ed %r. /ooley6 .-o be honest& ! don"t (now& but ! would be willing to ta(e the irst drin(.. %r. /ooley slowly brought strange $a$tus )ui$e. .!t a slightly sweet taste to .Hand it o'er& ! am dying the upper $a$tus hal to his lips and dran( some o the seems to be o(&. %r. /ooley li$(ed his lips& .!t e'en has it.. 8ordan grabbed the $a$tus out o %r. /ooley"s hands& o thirst!. 8ordan too( a huge gulp rom the $a$tus.

8ust moments later& %r. /ooley suddenly ell to the ground. He $lut$hed his stoma$h& and began laughing un$ontrollably. .7ou ha'e su$h unny ears& Carol!. He s0uea(ed through its o giggles and pointed to my head. ! thought this was 'ery strange beha'ior and not at all li(e %r. /ooley. A moment later& 8ordan loo(ed at me and then& she too& ell to the ground. She began rolling rom side to side& laughing and pointing at my head. .7our ears AR= so& so& so& unny!. she s$reamed while sha(ing so hard with laughter that tears began streaming rom her eyes. 8ordan loo(ed at %r. /ooley& .7ou ha'e a strange dose& %r. ;ooley!. %r. /ooley $ontinued laughing so hard that ! $ould barely ma(e out what he was saying. .8ordan )ust said !& %r. ;ooley& ha'e a strange dose!. ! stood and stared at the two o them rolling around li(e a $ouple hyenas on the desert earth. ! grabbed the $a$tus and po(ed my inger into the li0uid. !t tasted o( but 0uite ob'iously& it was not. 1hate'er was in the $a$tus had put both %r. /ooley and 8ordan into a laughing ren+y. ! loo(ed at the two o them and put on my most serious a$e& .Alright you two& ! am not going to be able to drin( the $a$tus right now sin$e ! need to be able to wat$h the both o you! Get up& we don"t ha'e time to piddle around. ! will be right behind you.. 8ordan loo(ed at me with a strange smir( on her a$e& ./id you hear her& %r. ;ooley6 Carol )ust said... she was a behind!. 8ordan shrie(ed to %r. /ooley& and slapped his shoulder li(e an old war buddy. .5h dear me&. %r. /ooley said as he wiped his watering eyes with his dirty shirt slee'e. .She said piddle too!. 1ith that the two o them ell onto the ground into a helpless pile o sha(ing s(in and bones. ! ga'e them both disgusted loo(s& .! guess ! shall ha'e to build a ire or the time being sin$e you two are in no shape to wal( anywhere. ! will roast up some o those peanuts.. 8ordan grinned at me .7es& yes& build a ire&. she shouted in between laughs. .1e will help you be$ause we... ha'e... gas!. 1ith that& she bel$hed 'ery loundly and they both ell down again& shuttering with its o more hysteri$s. 1e ate some o the $oo(ed peanuts and a ter a while the two began to settle down and the giggling subsided. .So& do you two (indergartners eel you $an $olle$t yoursel'es and mo'e orward now6. ! as(ed them. %r. /ooley loo(ed at me with apology in his eyes& .! am not sure what was in that $a$tus& but it $ertainly $aused us to brea( into its o laughter. 1e shall ha'e to be mu$h more $are ul about what we eat and drin(& a ter all& we really ha'e no idea where we are.. 8ordan loo(ed o'er at me .Gosh& sorry Carol& ! had no idea!. ! $ould tell they were both sorry and ready to mo'e on. .!t"s o(& it"s not your ault. <et"s get going. :e ore we go& ill up a baggie with that laughing li0uid and tie a (not in it. 7ou ne'er (now& maybe we $an use it to our ad'antage.. 1e gathered our supplies& put out the ire& and started up the path. Chapter * 1e wal(ed urther up the hot& sandy trail and soon the heat was unbearable. ! stopped& .1e ha'e to ind a shaded area to rest or we are going to be$ome too e,hausted to mo'e any urther.. ! loo(ed at %r. /ooley and 8ordan& and shrugged my shoulders& .Any suggestions6. 8ordan $o'ered her eyes& using her hand as a sun

shield& and loo(ed a$ross the desert. .-here. she pointed. 1e loo(ed o'er to where she was pointing and there appeared to be a dar( hole within the granite ro$( wall. 1e wal(ed towards it and %r. /ooley turned to a$e us& .!t loo(s li(e a $a'e. 1e will go inside and rest or a bit. 1e $an at least ind relie rom this bla+ing sun. 1e $autiously entered the $a'e and began loo(ing around. !t appeared to be empty and was 0uite $ool and roomy. 8ordan too( o her pa$( and loo(ed at the both o us& .1e )ust must ind ood and water! 1e simply $annot sur'i'e on only peanuts and $ra$(ers and nothing to drin(! ! don"t (now how mu$h more o this ! $an ta(e!. 8ordan began sobbing so ! rea$hed o'er and ga'e her a hug. .1e"ll be alright 8ordan& now that we ha'e ound this $a'e& we $an sear$h around a bit or some ood.. .9ood6 did ! hear someone mention they needed ood6. A sweet little old lady dressed in an apron stepped out rom behind a large boulder. 8ordan ga'e a startled )ump but then wal(ed o'er to the lady& .7ou ha'e ood6 1e are star'ing! 1e would lo'e to eat i you $ould only spare us something.. -he lady threw up her arms and spo(e in a (ind 'oi$e& .1ell yes& $ome in& $ome in and ha'e a seat& ! am )ust $oo(ing up some dinner. 7ou (ids sit down and ! will bring you some plates.. %r. /ooley and 8ordan loo(ed around or somepla$e to sit. 1e wal(ed behind the boulder and saw a $lean tidy room that had been li'ed in. -here were no $hairs so we de$ided to $lear a spot on the $a'e loor. .1e )ust $an"t than( you enough. %r. /ooley told her& .1e ha'e been wal(ing or hours trying to ind two young thie'es and we ha'en"t had a thing to eat.. -he little old lady smiled at us& .5h dear& well it is a good thing you $ame here be$ause ! ha'e )ust $oo(ed up a deli$ious roast with red potatoes and baby $arrots and it is almost ready!. -he (ind woman handed us all nap(ins and plates and went o'er to what loo(ed to be a sto'e o sorts. !t was made with large ro$(s and a small ire $ra$(led inside o it. She grabbed a large $opper (ettle rom on top o one o the ro$(s and loo(ed inside. .%mmm.... she inhaled& .;othing li(e the s$ent o a warm home $oo(ed meal.. Her eyes lit up as she brought the (ettle towards us. .;ow don"t be shy& there is more than enough to ill yoursel'es up.. She put a large soup ladle into the pot. .2ut out your plates& 0ui$(ly now& be ore the roast gets $old.. She then began ladling out the $ontents o the (ettle onto our plates. -he three o us stared as she s$ooped a large amount o ro$(s and sti$(s onto ea$h o our plates. .;ow& this is a se$ret amily re$ipe so ! am a raid ! $annot gi'e it out.. She gently laughed and waited or us to begin our meal. ;obody said anything or a moment. .=,$use me ma am& but this is nothing more than ro$(s and sti$(s6. ! said to her. ! did not want to hurt her eelings but surely she $ould see that it wasn"t roast. .5h& it was nothing my dear. ! am so glad you are en)oying it. 2lease eat up& there is plenty to go around.. %r. /ooley loo(ed at me and then slowly li ted his spoon to his mouth pretending to en)oy the meal. .#ery (ind o you %iss& it is really 0uite... um& deli$ious.. -he lady seemed pleased. .! am so happy to eed the o$$asional tra'eler. ! o ered to eed two young men who were passing through earlier but they were 'ery ungrate ul and didn"t eat a thing!. 8ordan& loo(ing disappointed rom the la$( o ood on her plate& as(ed the old woman& .-wo boys you say6 1hat did they loo( li(e6. 8ordan pretended to ta(e a bite o ro$( rom her plate. .1ell let"s see&. the lady said& .As ! re$all they both were ilthy dirty& they $ertainly were& it loo(ed li(e they hadn"t bathed or days!. -he three o us wiped our mouths and pretended to be ull rom dinner. -he old woman stood up& .5h my& ! ha'e been so rude& let me get you ea$h a ni$e tall glass o mil( to wash down your dinner.. She hobbled o'er to a pit$her and illed up three glasses. -he glasses were ull o water rather than mil(& but we were so thirsty we were 0uite happy with the mi, up. .-han(-you so mu$h or dinner ma am& but we really should be going. Say& you don"t happen to (now where those boys were headed do you6. %r. /ooley as(ed. .As a matter o a$t& ! do.. she answered.

She stood up and motioned or us to ollow her towards the ba$( o the $a'e. She then olded ba$( an old grey $urtain and re'ealed a large tunnel. .%y dears& it is either 2 days to the ne,t town by oot& or 1> minutes by tunnel. ! e'en allowed those two ungra$ious young boys through my tunnel despite their rudeness.. the old lady said. ! was 'ery apprehensi'e a ter the dinner mi, up so ! de$ided to as( her a ew 0uestions. .7ou say this leads to a town6 Ha'e you been there ma am6. She loo(ed at me and giggled& .1hy o $ourse ! ha'e& ! am getting too old to tra'el by oot& my sweets& ! always tra'el by tunnel. %uttle& whi$h is where it leads& is a ni$e town too& although the mayor $ould $ertainly use a good swat and his mouth washed out with soap!. She loo(ed at us warmly .:ut don"t you worry a bit& )ust sit down and hold on tight. 7ou will go down 0uite a long slide& but it is rather a 'ery en)oyable ride.. -he three o us hesitated& .1ell& we $ertainly won"t last a 2 day )ourney without any ood or water.. %r. /ooley said. -he lady loo(ed surprised& .5h my& how rude o me& ! you" rather ta(e the trail& ! $an pa$( up some le to'er roast or you three to ta(e with you i you li(e6. 8ordan began hastily $limbing up to the entran$e o the tunnel& .5h& no& we $ouldn"t. she said& .1e are so ull as it is and you ha'e been mu$h too (ind already. 1e need to mo'e along 0ui$(ly so we will )ust go ahead and ta(e the tunnel.. ! helped 8ordan to the small tunnel"s entran$e& .:e $are ul 8ordan& and remember& don"t e'en ta(e a step until %r. /ooley and ! arri'e sa ely at the bottom with you.. 8ordan s0uirmed around a bit to get $om ortable& ./on"t worry about me& o $ourse ! will wait or you. -han( you so mu$h or the meal %aam.. 8ordan let go o the side o the giant hole& and with a small push& disappeared into the dar(. .1eeeeeeeeee!. 1e $ould hear her 'oi$e gradually disappear as she went deeper into the tunnel. .5(& %r. /ooley& you go ahead and go ne,t.. ! helped him up to the top o the entran$e& .1ell here goes&. %r. /ooley said& .-han( you or e'erything %aam.. 1ith that& %r. /ooley also disappeared into the tunnel"s depths. .1ell& ! guess that lea'es me&. ! said loo(ing ner'ously at the (ind old lady as ! $limbed to the top o the entran$e. .=n)oy the ride& my sweets& and do be leery o hagglers!. She ga'e me a gentle push and ! dropped into the dar( bla$( o the tunnel. Chapter 4 At irst ! did not li(e the eel o mo'ing so 0ui$(ly in the pit$h bla$( o the tunnel. ! sped rapidly along& eeling the smooth walls o the $a'e. !t wasn"t 'ery steep and ! was mo'ing along steadily& but then the ride too( a large di'e and ! elt li(e ! was lying. %y hair was whipping around slapping at the ba$( o my ne$(. ! $ould eel the $entri ugal or$e s0uee+e me to the sides o the tunnel as the ride wrapped me around sharp turns and bends. A ter about i'e minutes& ! began to rela,. ! remembered the old lady saying it was an en)oyable ride and on$e ! $almed down& ! noti$ed it rather elt li(e a ride ! had been on at Bnott"s :erry 9arm. As ! whipped around one $orner& ! $ould hear the roar o an underground water all ne,t to me. ! yearned to be able to see it but it was too dar(. ! $ould eel small splashes e'ery so o ten as ! made my way deeper and deeper into the tunnel. -here were se'eral more turns and one 'ery large dip where ! was li ted high o the slide. ! lew mid-air or se'eral eet until ! landed ba$( on the glassy sur a$e. -he pit$h bla$(& along with the twists and turns& were starting to ma(e me eel si$( to my stoma$h. Suddenly& ! noti$ed a small gleam o light up ahead. -he light was 'ery slight and u++y at irst but as the slide too( me $loser it began to ta(e the shape o a $ir$le. Suddenly the e,it o the tunnel was 'ery bright and ! landed with a loud thud onto a so t grassy pat$h. ! turned to ind both %r. /ooley and 8ordan right ne,t to me. 8ordan had a huge smile on her a$e. .-hat was absolutely the best time ! ha'e e'er had!. she spo(e e,$itedly as she stood and brushed hersel o . %r. /ooley& on the other hand& loo(ed li(e a 'ery dishe'eled 'ersion o himsel . His thinning hair was sti$(ing up all o'er the pla$e and his business sla$(s were pulled up to his $al'es re'ealing some un mat$hing green striped tube so$(s. .1ell& ! am 0uite relie'ed that is

o'er&. he said as he wobbled ba$( and

orth trying to stand up.

A ter we all gained our $omposure and stood up& we loo(ed around. -here were old wooden buildings surrounding us& and what loo(ed to be an old ashioned s$hool house up ahead. A trail& li(e the one we had been on earlier& twisted around and e'entually led past the s$hool. 1e de$ided to head towards the s$hool to see i we $ould ind any people. As we approa$hed the s$hool& we noti$ed two people on the playground e0uipment. -he strange thing was that there& on the teeter totter& were two grown-ups rather than $hildren. 5ne was a man and the other a woman. .=,$use me& but $ould you ine ol(s tell us where we $ould get some ood and water6. %r. /ooley as(ed. -he $ouple stopped teetering and stared o'er at us. -he man began to spea( with a $hildish sneer on his a$e& .1hat"s it to you6. ! loo(ed at the man and tried again& .@m& we are sorry& but we aren"t rom around here and we are loo(ing or somepla$e we might ind ood and water6. ;ow the woman spo(e in a sing songy manner& .! (now you are& but what am !6. She as(ed in a teasing 'oi$e. ! wasn"t sure i ! understood her $orre$tly& .@m& ! didn"t $all you a name maam.. Suddenly they both began uriously teetering ba$( and orth& shouting ./umb bells& dumb bells& you three are big at dumb bells!. 1e stood there wat$hing them or a ew minutes& when a small girl in a red dress $ame rom around the $orner o the s$hool house. .%om& /ad& it is time to $ome home now and eat dinner.. -he man burst into tears& .! don"t wanna go now& ! wanna stay here longer& you $an"t ma(e me go!. -he lady began laughing and pointing to the man& .Crybaby& $rybaby& you are a big stupid $rybaby!. -he girl wal(ed o'er and put her hand on the teeter totter to stop it. .%om& /ad& you $an $ome play here tomorrow& we need to go home now or you will both end up in your rooms!. -he dad slowly $limbed o and ga'e the little girl his hand& .5(& but she $alled me a name!. he said as he pointed to the mother& .! don"t li(e her!. -he mom shouted ba$(& .! don"t li(e him either!. 1ith that& the mother hurled a sti$(y lollypop at the man"s head and it stu$( in his hair. -he girl grabbed the mom"s hand& .;ow listen you two& you are married and you are going to li(e ea$h other whether you li(e it or not! ;ow mar$h.. As the three wal(ed o & the parents started giggling and singing a song& .7ou and me& sitting in a tree& (-i-s-s-i-n-g& irst $ame lo'e& than $ame marriage& then $ame the baby in the baby $arriage!. they pointed to the little girl and s0uealed with laughter. .#ery unny you two.. we heard the girl say as they shu led towards town. .1ell that was $ertainly odd.. %r. /ooley $ommented. .7es& well nothing surprises me anymore&. 8ordan said with a hint o pani$& .;one o it ma(es any sense! 9irst we meet a lady who is digging a hole to China& then we meet a ni$e lady& but she thin(s ro$(s and sti$(s ma(e a good meal& and now we are in a town where the parents a$t li(e (ids and the (ids a$t li(e grown ups! ! )ust don"t understand any o it!. %r. /ooley s$rat$hed his head. .! ha'e been gi'ing it a lot o thought& and ! ha'e a theory as to what may be going on here.. 8ordan and ! waited or him to inish& .! thin( that the spe$ial mi,ture o gum ingredients& mi,ed with our dna& has spiraled us into a di erent sort o dimension. A dimension where our un$ons$ious ears and strange dreams ha'e $ome to li e.. ! thought about it or a moment& .%r. /ooley& i this is true& how do we (now the gum will wor( to return us sa ely home6. %r. /ooley loo(ed down at the ground& .! am sorry to say& ! don"t (now i that will be the end result& but $an only theori+e. 7ou see& i the gum had the power to pla$e us in a di erent dimension& well then& theoreti$ally& when we $hew it again it will surely pla$e us somewhere else. ! $an only hope that somewhere is ba$( home.. 8ordan (i$(ed at a ro$( by her shoe& .1e need to ind those boys who stole the gum& that"s or sure. ! thin( we should head into town and see i they are there.. 1e de$ided that was our best bet& and began to ollow the trail that led to town.

Chapter C 1al(ing through town& we noti$ed se'eral houses with $olor ul swing sets& and sure enough they were illed with adults bi$(ering and laughing while the $hildren $hastised them. -he trail led us past a ew shops but un ortunately& they were all dar( with rusti$ signs hanging up that said they were $losed. As we rounded one $orner we noti$ed a young man& probably around 1* years old& wearing a tren$h $oat and a bla$( $ap pulled o'er his s0uinty eyes. .=,$use me sir& $ould you help us6. ! as(ed him& .1e are loo(ing or two young boys who might ha'e $ome through town this way.. -he teenaged boy pee(ed out rom under his hat& and whispered& . 7ou need some help huh& $ome a bit $loser and ! will see what ! $an do.. 1e wal(ed $loser the the boy and noti$ed there was a $ardboard bo, ne,t to him. He started to rea$h or it. .! li(e your shoes.. -he boy said to %r. /ooley. .<et"s say ! help you ind these two boys or the trade o your shoes.. %r. /ooley $onsidered the o er and answered ba$(& . ! suppose inding the boys is most important. !t is a deal& i you help us& ! will gi'e you these shoes.. 8ordan loo(ed at the boy with un$ertainty and as(ed him&.Ha'e you seen these boys we spea( o 6. -he young man whispered ba$(& .;ot e,a$tly& but in this bo,& ! ha'e )ust the weapons to help you tra$( them down 0ui$(ly.. -he boy started to pull something out o the bo,. .;ow what you are about to see is top se$ret& you mustn"t tell a soul.. he was about to re'eal the ob)e$t& when his eyes be$ame narrow and he $ontinued spea(ing in a low hus(y 'oi$e. .!t is a se$ret spy weapon. !t is 'ery small and round and easy to hide. !t has our small holes in it so you $an loo( or 'ery tiny& almost mi$ros$opi$ $lues as to where those boys are.. He too( the ob)e$t out o the bo,. ! loo(ed down at it and with a tired 'oi$e said& .@m sir& that is a button& it is simply a button and we do not need it. ! we needed a button& we $ould ta(e one rom our $lothing.. -he boy grumbled and returned the button to the bo,. .9ine then&. he said as he retrie'ed the ne,t item. .-his ne,t tool is $utting edge te$hnology. ! these two boys happen to shrin(& you $an use this weapon to atta$h one end to the $riminals and one end to a wall! 7ou $an ne'er miss with this beauty!. -his time we loo(ed down and the boy was holding a small staple. .Sir& that is a staple and we are not worried about the boys shrin(ing! -his is getting silly& really& you are merely showing us e'eryday ob)e$ts and $reating new& outlandish ways to use them. ! you aren"t going to help us& we will be mo'ing along!. ! loo(ed at %r. /ooley and 8ordan& .<et"s go.. ! said. -he boy held out his arm and stopped us& .1ait& this& you ha'e to see.. He loo(ed around as i to ma(e sure no one $ould hear him. .1hat ! am about to pull out o this bo, is $ompletely top se$ret. !t is the lightest weight in a-red blan(et e'er $reated. !t was designed espe$ially or desert sleep. !t will $o'er you& yet allow the heat to es$ape as you sear$h or these boys.. He rea$hed in and pulled out a small olded pie$e o something. .All right.& %r. /ooley yelled& .-his is ridi$ulous. 1hat you are holding is nothing but a pie$e o toilet paper! 7ou ha'e tried to sell us a button& a staple and now a pie$e o toilet paper! 7ou most $ertainly are not getting my shoes!. %r. /ooley was $learly agitated at this point& and did not want to waste any more time. -he boy shoo( his head& pi$(ed up his bo, and started to wal( o . .7our loss&. he said and he wal(ed down the path. .1hat a swindler!. 8ordan said as we wal(ed a distan$e behind the boy. .;ot a swindler& a haggler. ! said to the both o them& .-he old lady warned me about them )ust be ore ! went down the tunnel.. 1e wal(ed a bit urther and saw two small $hildren getting mail rom a mailbo,. .=,$use me& we are not rom around here but we are star'ing and thirsty and don"t (now where to go.. ! loo(ed at them with pleading eyes. -he $hildren& one boy and one girl& loo(ed us o'er and then wa'ed us to $ome inside o their house. -he house loo(ed ordinary enough but had a deli$ious smell $oming rom the (it$hen

area. 1e wal(ed to a $o+y (it$hen that had yellow butter $up wallpaper. .-han(-you so mu$h or in'iting us in& you $an"t imagine what a rough day it"s been.. 8ordan e,plained to them both. -he boy $leared his throat& . 1e ha'e inished dinner and put our parents to bed& you are more than wel$ome to eat some le to'ers.. 1e loo(ed o'er towards the $ounter and our mouths began to water. -here was meatloa & salad and lightly toasted bread. -here were no sti$(s and stones this time& and we were star'ing. As we ate the young boy as(ed us 0uestions& .So what brings you here to the town o %uttle6. ! spo(e irst& .!t is 0uite a long story but we are loo(ing or two young boys who stole something rom us. Ha'e you noti$ed any new$omers lately6. -he boy thought or a moment& .A$tually there were two boys who wandered through here yesterday. ! $ould tell they weren"t rom around here be$ause they argued and $arried on li(e a $ouple o adults.. 8ordan as(ed with her mouth ull& .! don"t suppose you (now where they were headed6. -he boy paused& .-hey were trying to sell something they $laimed had spe$ial powers. 5ne o our neighbors e,plained to them that only hagglers sell things without $learing it with the mayor irst.. -he young girl loo(ed up& .!t is against the law to sell anything without $learan$e rom the mayor irst& although hagglers do it all the time.. A ter we inished the most in$redible meal ! had e'er eaten& we stood up to than( the $hildren and to be on our way. .-han( you so mu$h. ! said& .Could you do us one more a'or and dire$t us to the %ayor"s o i$e6 1e are hoping to ind out something about the two thie'es.. -he girl and boy ga'e us dire$tions& wished us lu$(& and we started heading in that dire$tion. A ter about A blo$(s& we saw what the two young $hildren had des$ribed as the mayor"s o i$e. 1e approa$hed a large wooden door and loudly (no$(ed. ;obody answered at irst so we (no$(ed again. -his time someone shouted& .Come in& dagnabit!. 1e slowly wal(ed into a large li'ing room area. -here were pi++a bo,es all o'er the loor and soda $ans piled e'erywhere. !n the middle o the room sat a hea'y man playing 'ideo games wearing a name tag that said& %ayor -ud. 1e approa$hed the man and %r. /ooley whispered& .Remember he is an adult& and we (now how they a$t in this town.. %r. /ooley $leared his throat& .Hello& %ayor -ud6 1ould you mind i we as(ed you a ew 0uestions6. .Hmmph . the mayor murmured ba$(. 8ordan stepped orward& .Sir& $ould we as( you a ew 0uestions please6. Suddenly an e,plosion sounded rom the 'ideo game& .Stupid $od pi$(en ruity tootin game!. -he mayor yelled& and then threw the $ontroller a$ross the room. He stared into spa$e or a se$ond& then stood up& smiled& and put out his hand& .2leased to meet you. ;ow& what $an ! do or you6. he as(ed politely. %r. /ooley spo(e& .Sir we are sear$hing or two boys who stole something 'ery important rom us and were wondering i you $ould help us6. -he mayor put his inger on his $hin. .-hie'es huh6. he said in a low 'oi$e& .;ow that is 'ery serious business.. He leaned a bit $loser& .!"ll tell you what&. he stood 0uietly and motioned with the $roo( o his inger or us to lean in $losely. As we did& he $ame right up to our a$es. He had a 'ery serious a$e and loo(ed at us or a se$ond. Suddenly he rea$hed out& trying to tag us& and yelled .Cooties! 7ou"re it!. He then went )etting around the room li(e a $hi$(en with his head $ut o . %oments later he hid behind a brown lumpy $hair. His hea'y body was bulging out rom behind it. .=,$use me sir&. ! said& .1e see you hiding behind the $hair.. -he mayor was still laughing as he $ame out rom behind the $hair. .Sorry about that& )ust ha'ing a bit o un. ;ow seriously& ! thin( ! $an help you.. -he mayor loo(ed thought ully as he wa'ed his hand towards something in the room. .! belie'e you $an ind the boys you are loo(ing or& under there.. -he three o us loo(ed around the room. 1e were un$lear as to where he was pointing. %r. /ooley as(ed& .@nderwear6.

-he mayor turned bright red and loo(ed li(e a laughing turnip that would soon e,plode& .! made you say underwear!. he shrie(ed. -he three o us wat$hed him as he started running around the room again shouting .Cooties& Cooties& Cooties!.. 1e reali+ed we were not going to get anywhere with %ayor -ud so we started to wal( out o the o i$e when a small girl approa$hed us. Chapter 3 .%ay ! help you with something6. -he small girl had bla$( shoulder length hair and one yellow barrette that swept her bangs up to the side o her head. She loo(ed up at us with large brown eyes. .!"m not sure6. ! said to her& .1ho are you6. -he girl replied& . %y name is =li+abeth. -he mayor is my ather.. %r. /ooley loo(ed sadly down at the girl& .! am sorry my dear& but your ather did not o er us any help whatsoe'er. He simply a$ted 'ery $hildish and we )ust don"t ha'e time to try and reason with him.. -he little girl replied in a digni ied tone& .7es& well& ! ta(e $are o the important matters around here. %y dad is the mayor but ! am his assistant and ma(e most o the de$isions.. 8ordan spo(e to the girl& .%aybe you $an help us. 1e are loo(ing or two boys who aren"t rom these parts. -hey ha'e ta(en something rom us and we need to get it ba$(.. -he young $hild in ormed us that she had& indeed& seen two boys earlier yesterday. -hey had as(ed her i she would be interested in pur$hasing a strange gum with magi$al powers or the town. .! told the boys we would not be interested in su$h a thing and that they should be on their way.. she told us. ! as(ed her& ./o you ha'e any idea where they might be6. She thought or a moment& .! saw them earlier when ! wal(ed 9ather to the par( near the outs(irts o town.. %r. /ooley loo(ed up .Could you point us in that dire$tion please6. he as(ed. -he small girl wal(ed us outside and pointed us to the same path we had tra'eled on. .! you ollow this& it will lead you to the par( and then out o town.. 1e than(ed her and )ust as we were lea'ing& her ather& the mayor& yelled out to us rom behind a $urtain& .:ye bye stin(y diaper heads!. He slapped his leg heartily and seemed 'ery pleased with his unny )o(e. 1e started ba$( up the trail. :y this time we had ood in our stoma$hs and were ready to $ontinue our sear$h. 1e wal(ed or about a hal an hour and then noti$ed a large par( with a golden $olored en$e surrounding it )ust as the girl had des$ribed. 1e loo(ed into the gate and sure enough& Gertie"s two boys sat at the bottom o an old rusted slide loo(ing at something small in one o the boy"s hands. .1hat shall we do now6. ! as(ed in a hushed 'oi$e. %r. /ooley wiped his hands on his sla$(s& .1e must 'ery 0uietly snea( up and $ir$le around the two so they $annot es$ape.. #ery $are ully& we $rou$hed down and wal(ed slowly o'er towards the boys. 1e used a merry-go-round& painted with $ir$us animals& as a shield to hide behind. All at on$e& we )umped out and grabbed hands around the two boys so they $ouldn"t get past us. .Ha.& 8ordan s$reamed& .1e"'e $aught you! ;ow hand o'er the Grum!. 5ne o the boys suddenly put a small s0uare o $arpet on top o his head. .7ou must be loo(in er someone else.& he said as he $hanged his 'oi$e& .-he person yer loo(in or didn"t ha'e hair li(e this& did he6. 1e stared at the strange boy who was trying to tri$( us into thin(ing the $arpet s0uare was hair. Dui$(ly the boy too( the $arpet s0uare o his head and handed it to the other boy who pla$ed it o'er his eye and spo(e in a pirate"s 'oi$e. .7a& who you is loo(in or probably wasn"t a pirate li(e ! am!. -he two boys were a$ting 'ery strange. .<oo(& we (now you are Gertie"s boys& now where is our Grum6. ! as(ed them. -he boy too( the $arpet s0uare rom his eye. .1e don"t ha'e yer stupid gum! 1e traded it or this top-se$ret disguise that was S25S= to guarantee we $ould ool anyone!. -he boy held up the $arpet s0uare. %r. /ooley shoo( his head and loo(ed at the two o them& .:oys& you two ha'e been haggled. -hat is merely a small s0uare o $arpet and not a top se$ret disguise.. -he two boys loo(ed 'ery disappointed. ./agnabit& ! told you not to listen to them two hagglers :la(e!. one boy yelled to

the other. .Shut up you stupid dummy& this disguise is way better than that gum any day!. 8ordan started to get angry& .7ou mean to tell me you ha'e swapped our Grum or a s0uare o $arpet6 7ou two are $oming with us to ind the hagglers you traded with!. -he boy named :la(e shi ted on the slide& .! aint goin anywhere e,$ept home to Gertie!. -he other boy pi$(ed up a sti$( and began doodling in the dirt. .1ell&. 8ordan said& .5ne o you is $oming with us so what about you6. She pointed o'er to the other boy. .1hat is your name6. she as(ed. -he boy wiped dirty sweat rom his eyes& .<arry& and !"ll go with you $u+ ! told :la(e not to trade or that stupid $arpet and he didn"t listen!. He paused or a moment& .1hat you gonna gi'e me i ! ta(e you6. 8ordan ga'e the boy a mean glare& .1ell& ! will start by ;5- gi'ing you a beating& and i you help us& well& we will thin( o some sort o reward or you later.. <arry 0ui$(ly e,plained that he thought the two hagglers might be headed to a mar(et that was lo$ated miles up the trail. 1e helped him up and began heading ba$( up the path that would lead us out o town. As we were wal(ing away :la(e yelled out& .7er su$h a dope head <arry& yer stupid er goin with them!. <arry shrugged his shoulders and wa'ed good bye to his $ompanion. !t seems we had wal(ed or hours on the trail and were getting nowhere. 1e passed sagebrush and a ew bro(en wooden wheels& but nothing else appeared be ore us. ! spo(e up& .-here seems to be nothing out here but more desert. 1hat i we are heading nowhere6. <arry (i$(ed some sand with his tennis shoe and said with a gleam in his eye& ./on"t you ol(s worry. ! (now these parts. ! (now what ! am tal(in bout& trust me& my dad was a plumber!. 1e stopped and stared at <arry& .@m...<arry& plumbing a$tually has nothing to do with (nowing your way around.. ! in ormed him gently. 8ordan )ust shoo( her head and rolled her eyes. 1e $ontinued wal(ing. .! you (now these parts so well& where e,a$tly is it we are going6. 8ordan as(ed <arry. <arry loo(ed ahead at the trail and answered& .-here use to be a bridge up the trail a ways that leads into a mar(et. -he hagglers always meet there tryin to trade their stu .. 8ordan turned to him and sneered& .1ell they had better be there or !"m gonna ha'e to $lobber you!. <arry turned 0ui$(ly to a$e her and said .5h yeah& well listen here little lady& i you thin( you is gonna $lobber me...than...! will do...... something& ! don"t (now what yet& but it"ll be something all right!. 1e all stared at <arry& .@m& yah. ! said& .Great $omeba$( <arry.. ! murmured this under my breath. %r. /ooley loo(ed o'er and said so tly& .7es& your $omeba$(s really $ould use a bit o wor(& son& perhaps )ust a bit o wor(.. 1e started to get hungrier the urther we wal(ed& and had 'ery ew peanuts or $ra$(ers le t. ! stopped wal(ing and said to the three o them& .1e ha'e hardly any ood le t. 1e need to ind something to eat around here.. <arry ga'e us a sly loo( and said& .! ha'e an idear.. 8ordan loo(ed impatiently at him& .1hat e,a$tly is your plan& genius6. <arry pointed o'er to a tattered& grey& beehi'e on a nearby post and whispered& .! got a pair o glo'es and mat$hes in my po$(et. ! will light the tips o the ingers on the glo'es and rea$h in and grab the honey rom that hi'e!. 8ordan shoo( here head. %r. /ooley loo(ed at <arry and said& .Son& that is a oolish idea. 7ou will surely burn yoursel .. <arry answered ba$( to %r. /ooley in a $on ident 'oi$e and said& .!t"s li(e my granddad use to say& "Sti$(s n stones might brea( my bones but lames...they will ne'er hurt me!. and with that& he too( o in the dire$tion o the hi'e. .<arry.! ! yelled a ter him& .-hat is not how the rhyme"s ;A%=S that will ne'er hurt you!. but be ore we $ould stop him& <arry had lit the tips o his glo'es and ra$ed o'er to put his hands inside o the hi'e. All we $ould do was stand there and wat$h him. !t wasn"t but a ew se$onds later when we heard <arry let out a great big pain ul .7ooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwllll!. His eyes were huge and wild. He started running around the desert& su$(ing his burnt ingers on one hand and wa'ing the lamed glo'e in the air rom his other. All the while& a swarm o angered bees ollowed behind him.

.1ell&. ! said $almly staring at <arry as he ran ar out to the desert s$reaming& .<oo(s li(e we"ll be here a while& might as well ta(e a load o and rest.. .7es.& %r. /ooley said as he wat$hed the ar o igure o <arry running into the sunlit hori+on& .! do belie'e the boy will be busy or a while. Bindly pass me some peanuts i you would please.. 1hile <arry $ontinued running in $ir$les or 0uite some time& we de$ided to hun(er down and $at$h some sleep or the e'ening. ! ound a so t spot in the sand and wiggled my body to get $om ortable. 1e were $ertainly hungry but also 'ery tired. Shortly be ore we all ell asleep& <arry returned to $amp with bulging blisters on his ingers and red bee stings on his a$e. ! loo(ed up at him and whispered& .<arry& why don"t you lay down and get some rest. 7ou ha'e had a pretty rough day.. He ound a pla$e to lay down& . 5hhhh&! am ine& )ust ine& ! thin( those bees was mighty s$ared o me& that"s who !"d be worried about i ! was you.. He stret$hed out his swollen arms and yawned. .A little shut-eye would be ni$e though.. .7eah&. ! said to him as i loo(ed up in the $louded s(y& .8ust rest and en)oy the desert s(y. -oo bad there are hardly any stars out tonight though.. <arry bedded down and )ust as he was dri ting o to sleep whispered& .!t"s li(e my granddaddy use to say& :etter sa e than starry.. ! laid there or a se$ond rolling my eyes. .@mmmm& <arry& it"s sorry& better sa e than sorry.. <arry let out a large snore. .Goodnight <arry& sleep tight.. ! spo(e so tly and breathed out a long sigh. Chapter 10 -he ne,t day& ! awo(e to a blood $urdling s$ream. .<aaarrrrry! Get your dirty& stin(ing& oot 5@- 59 %7 9AC= immediately!. 8ordan shrie(ed as she lay within in$hes o <arry"s s$abby& $rusted& oot. .1hy don"t you )ust mo'e yer dirty stin(in a$e away rom my oot!. <arry yelled ba$(. ! wat$hed the two o them bi$(er ba$( and orth. About that same time& ! noti$ed %r. /ooley wal(ing around the $ampsite. !n his hands& he held a good si+e slab o honey $omb. .1ell& a ter all that pain and su ering& <arry& ! was able to retrie'e a bit o honey rom the hi'e you emptied out. Good )ob my boy!. %r. /ooley $ommended him. <arry loo(ed up and smiled broadly& .! told you guys to trust me& my un$le was a re rigerator repair man!. 8ordan stared at <arry or a moment and then& when she $ouldn"t stand it any longer& she abruptly yelled& .-hat"s it& <arry& /on"t you (now how dumb that sounds6 7our un$le i,ing re rigerators has absolutely nothing to do with you getting into beehi'es. ;or& does your ather being a plumber ha'e anything to do with you helping us ind our way! !t"s random& you hear me& random& and 'ery annoying too!. %r. /ooley loo(ed o'er at 8ordan and patted her lightly on top o her head& .;e'er mind& dear& )ust ne'er mind.. <arry glared o'er at her while he $leaned sand rom his toes and said& .5h yeah& well let me tell you something 8ordan& you"re random too& whate'er that means!. ! loo(ed at <arry& . @m&<arry& !"m sorry but you really need to wor( on your $omeba$(s.. %r. /ooley agreed& .-hey are perhaps a bit wea(& my boy& maybe )ust a tad- bit- wea(.. 1e tidied up our $ampsite and ate a brea( ast o peanuts and honey and de$ided to get started on the trail while it was still $ool and the sun was not as hot. .<arry&. %r. /ooley said& .How ar do you suppose this bridge is rom here6. <arry slung his pa$( on his ba$( and answered& .! remember it"s a ew hours a way but ! also remember somethin else.. He $ontinued wal(ing without saying a word. 8ordan ga'e him a small sma$( upside the head and said& .1ell& spit it out <arry& what else is it that you remember6. <arry ga'e her the e'il eye and $ontinued tal(ing. .-here is this $ra+y pi++a pla$e hal way between here and the bridge.. %r. /ooley s$rat$hed his head& . A pi++a pla$e you say& right out in the middle o the desert6 <arry shrugged his shoulders& .-hat"s right& my un$le too( me there when ! was a youngun and it is )ust sittin there out in the middle o nowhere. !t has the best pi++a ! e'er eaten though.. ! $ouldn"t belie'e what ! was hearing. .1ell& ! don"t $are i it"s in the middle o -imbu(tu& ! am star'ing and pi++a sounds in$redible!. ! said. %r. /ooley $lapped his hands together& .1ell then& what are we waiting or6.

1e wal(ed or 0uite a ways eeling lighter than usual with 'isions o pi++as dan$ing in our heads. .So <arry& $an you remember what the hagglers loo( li(e6. %r. /ooley as(ed him as we wal(ed. <arry thought or a moment& .1ell& one o em had brown hair and i ! remember $orre$tly& his teeth was (inda yeller.. ! loo(ed o'er at <arry& .5(& <arry& how about the other one. 1hat did he loo( li(e6. <arry loo(ed li(e he was struggling to remember. .! )ust (now the one ella had yeller teeth.. 8ordan stopped and (i$(ed some sand in the air. .1e (now the one guy has yellow teeth& <arry& but what about the other one!6. <arry shoo( his head& .! wasn"t loo(in at the other one $u+ the one guy"s teeth was so yeller& ! $ouldn"t 0uit staren at em!. 8ust as 8ordan was about to lose all patien$e& %r. /ooley lit up with a great big smile. 1e stopped. .1hat is it& %r. /ooley6. ! as(ed. .<oo(& there& up ahead.. ! shaded my eyes and loo(ed up the trail. A ew hundred eet up the trail stood a shiny building with a lashing sign that said .1el$ome to -ony"s 2i++eria!. .Hurry&. ! shouted to the others as ! ra$ed towards the building. 1e all ran as ast as we $ould laughing as we tripped o'er one another to rea$h the pla$e. 1e whee+ed and panted when we arri'ed at the outside o the door. .! $an"t belie'e we are a$tually standing outside o a pi++a )oint!. 8ordan said e,$itedly. 1e stood gaw(ing at a most magni i$ent pla$e. -he outside o the building had bright red and white stripes painted on the walls and a pi$ture o <ittle !taly hung abo'e the entran$e. %r. /ooley suddenly loo(ed worried& .1hat is it6. ! as(ed him. He loo(ed at <arry& .<arry& we ha'e no money to pur$hase the pi++a.. <arry rea$hed inside his po$(ets and pulled out a ew $oins. ./on"t worry %r. /ooley& let me do the tal(in& my sister was an opera singer.. 8ordan sighed hea'ily and rolled her eyes. %r. /ooley )ust smiled and ru led <arry"s hair as he swung open the shining glass door. 5n$e inside we $ould smell warm dough and pepperoni in the air. .-here"s something ! didn"t tell you guys about this pla$e&. <arry said with a smir( on his a$e. .1hat is it& <arry6. 8ordan as(ed impatiently. .5h& you"ll see&. he $hu$(led. 1e wal(ed up to the $ounter and a large !talian man with a bushy bla$( musta$he too( our order. .1el$oma to -ony"s 2i++aria! 1hata $an ! geta or youse6.He as(ed in an !talian a$$ent. 1e were star'ing. .1e don"t ha'e mu$h& sir& so how about a medium pepperoni pi++a and a large pit$her o water.. %r. /ooley said. .=,$ellento& =,$ellento&. the man said wa'ing us o'er to a booth. 1e sat down in a shining red 'inyl booth. Air $onditioning $aused the nap(ins to lutter and $ooled the sweat rom our brows. .-his pla$e is in$redible& <arry!. ! said while loo(ing around at the red and white striped walls. 8ordan loo(ed suspi$iously o'er at <arry& .1hat were you going to tell us6. she as(ed him with e'en more impatien$e in her 'oi$e. <arry smiled again& .5h you"ll see soon enough.. -he pi++a arri'ed moments later and we all do'e in to the piping hot dish. ! hungrily ate a bite& while $heese dripped o the sides. 1e were so hungry& that no one spo(e or se'eral minutes. -hen 8ordan& wiping red sau$e o her $hin& said .-hisa pi++a tasta greata!. she loo(ed sho$(ed and 0ui$(ly $o'ered her mouth in horror. 1e stared at her or a moment and she spo(e again& .1hya ama ! a tal(inga li(e thisa6. She $ried. <arry started laughing& .-hatsa whata ! wasa trying to tella you guysa.. he said. ! spo(e up. .1hata doa you meana6. ! too $o'ered my mouth and started laughing. .1ea are a tal(ing ina !taliano a$$ents a nowa!. ! said $ra$(ing up. %r. /ooley loo(ed at us li(e we were $ra+y but opened his mouth to spea(. .1hata doa you meana we tal(a witha a$$ents6. He too slapped his mouth with his hands and burst out laughing. <arry loo(ed at us and giggled with his mouth ull& .-hatsa whata ! was gonna tella yousa& the pi++a ma(esa usa tal(a li(e a thisa!. Soon we were all laughing and en)oying the $on'ersation e,$ept 8ordan. She had a grou$hy loo( on her a$e and as(ed& .1hena doesa thisa a$$ent weara o a6. she angrily wiped $heese rom her $hin. .! don"ta thin(a itsa tooa unnya!. She

ga'e us all dirty loo(s& .%a(e a ita stopa R!GH-A ;51A!. she s$reamed. 1e silently stared at her and then burst out laughing again. .8usta rela,a and en)oya yera pi++a.. %r. /ooley $hu$(led gently and ga'e her a win(. Soon we inished all the pi++a and our a$$ents began wearing o . 1e than(ed -ony and went outside. .-hat was ridi$ulous!. 8ordan said& .! ha'e ne'er elt so oolish in my li e tal(ing in that silly a$$ent.. <arry started laughing again& .7ah& you was loo(in pretty oolish and silly too!. He slapped his (nee and began leading the way ba$( up the trail. $hapter 11 1e wal(ed or what seemed a 'ery long time. -he trail loo(ed endless and besides a small amount o desert lora& the 'iew was nothing more than $ontinuous sandy hills that led into an empty hori+on. .!t aint mu$h longer til we git to that bridge.. <arry told us while he mar$hed orward with a steady pa$e. .1in we get to the bridge& there is a grumpy ole hermit who doesn"t mu$h li(e ol(s passin o'er& but !"ll handle him& don"t ya"ll worry none.. 8ordan mumbled sar$asti$ally& .1e (now& we (now& you $an handle him be$ause your mom was an opera singer.. She rolled her eyes. <arry turned and loo(ed at her with his hands on his hips& .;o smarty pants& it was my S!S-=R who was an opera singer& )eesh& get it straight.. and he $ontinued to lead the way. A ter hi(ing o'er a sandy hill& we noti$ed the plants were be$oming more abundant whi$h meant a ri'er was nearby. %r. /ooley said e,$itedly& .1e must be 0uite $lose.. -he trail twisted up through a ew trees and soon we heard the rushing sound o a nearby ri'er. -he ri'er spar(led and ra$ed through the dried $ra$(ing desert. 8ordan was be$oming in$reasingly e,$ited the $loser we got& .1e $an )ump in and $lean oursel'es up when we go o'er the bridge.. she said as she loo(ed down at her ilthy dress. %r. /ooley also seemed e,$ited but said in a $alm 'oi$e& .All in good time $hildren& all in good time.. 8ust as we neared the bridge& we saw the hermit down below. He was pa$ing ba$( and orth in ront o where the bridge should be& with his hands entwined behind his ba$(. He wore a blue shirt and his white hair was topped o with a red sto$(ing hat. 1e stopped underneath a giant oa( tree to get a better loo(. 1hile we pee(ed through the bran$hes& <arry said& .;ow you three listen. !"m gonna snea( up on this guy and ta$(le him down so we $an all git a$ross the bridge.. ! loo(ed at him and as(ed& .Are you sure that is the best plan6. <arry seemed 'ery $ertain o himsel and told us to wait until he had the man on the ground be ore approa$hing the bridge. <arry brushed himsel o and started running down the trail with tremendous speed. His lan(y legs loo(ed li(e a windmill as he ran towards the man. He sprang to the air a'oiding boulders that were po(ing out sporadi$ally rom the trails sur a$e. His a$e was bright red& his $hee(s were in lated& and his eyes grew narrow with determination. 8ust be ore he rea$hed the hermit he leapt high in the air li(e an antelope& trying to hurdle o'er one last remaining ro$(. Suddenly& the tip o his worn tennis shoe $aught a )agged lip in the stone& and he plummeted orward& a$e irst& right in ront o the hermit. <arry slowly loo(ed up with a s$raped nose and a mouth ull o dirt and warned in a low raspy 'oi$e& ./on"t you ma(e a mo'e old hermit man.. 1e stood there in sho$( wondering what would happen ne,t when suddenly the hermit leaned o'er o ering his plump hand and said& .Goodness gra$ious lad& what is all the hurry6. -he hermit 'ery gently helped <arry up. <arry loo(ed up and yelled to us& .! got him now guys& $ome on down. ='erything is under $ontrol!. 1e 0ui$(ly stumbled down the trail and stood be ore a 'ery (ind hermit man. <arry whispered to us& . !"ll be ready i this ero$ious hermit tries anything.. 1e were

all 'ery embarrassed and o ered our hands to introdu$e oursel'es. %r. /ooley spo(e irst& . 1e are sorry or the trouble (ind sir& but we need to $ross this bridge in order to ind two hagglers who ha'e something that belongs to us.. -he hermit shoo( hands with us and said& .1hile ! would $ertainly li(e to help you& ! am a raid we ha'e had a problem that has wiped out most o the bridge and ! am not sure how to i, it.. he pointed o'er to a pile o 'arious shaped wooden pie$es that were s$attered on the ground. %r. /ooley stood silently thin(ing and then spo(e again& .Sir& i we were to help you i, this bridge& would you be so (ind to allow us a$ross6. -he hermit ga'e us a gentle smile .:y all means& please& ! $ould use the help and would be happy to let you $ross.. 1e wal(ed o'er to the pile o wooden bridge s$raps and 8ordan whispered to <arry& .Really ero$ious hermit& <arry& )ust terri ying!. <arry& loo(ing rather sheepish& didn"t say a word as he ollowed us o'er to the s$rap pile. -he wooden pie$es were 'ery strange. -hey were all sorts o shapes in$luding o$tagons& triangles and s0uares. .-hese are 'ery odd wooden pie$es o wood&. %r. /ooley said as he pi$(ed up a triangular shape rom the ground and turned it o'er in his hands& .!t is almost li(e they are wooden pu++le pie$es. ! loo(ed at the shapes and suddenly they seemed 'ery amiliar to me. .1ait a minute&. ! said& . ! re$ogni+e these shapes rom a math lesson we had in s$hool last year!. %r. /ooley umbled with an o$tagon shape and said& . 1e"re listening Carol& what do you mean6. ! pie$ed the o$tagon together with the triangle and then added a s0uare to the shape ! had $reated. ! $ontinued to wor( and soon& the pie$es started to it together& .-hey are tessellating!. ! said with e,$itement& .! you ha'e any glue or $ement& we $an it these pie$es together in no time&. ! said remembering what my tea$her had said about tessellations.. And sin$e they tessellate& the bridge will ha'e no gaping spa$es!. <arry loo(ed as $on used as e'er& .1hat"s tesserlate6. ! laughed& .;o <arry& it"s tessellate& and it means the pie$es will $reate a pattern that will $ontinue to the rest o the bridge with no spa$es le t o'er. -hat way& people $an $ross without alling in!. %r. /ooley and the hermit $ongratulated me or su$h brilliant thin(ing. -he hermit le t to gather a bu$(et o oa( tree sap& whi$h he assured was better than any glue or $ement& and when he returned& we all wor(ed together pie$ing the bridge ba$( together. Chapter 12 1hile we all wor(ed side by side& the hermit told us a little about himsel . .%y name is -o$(& ! ha'e been the gate (eeper o this bridge or nearly ?0 years now& and this is the irst time it has e'er needed mending. ! loo(ed o'er and as(ed .1hat happened -o$(& why did the bridge suddenly $rumble6. -o$( s$rat$hed his $hin and loo(ed ar away& .All was ine and this bridge was as solid as ro$( until one day& a di erent spe$ies was dis$o'ered inhabiting the ri'er below.. %r. /ooley stared at him 0ui++edly& .1hat would that ha'e to do with the $ollapse o the bridge& i ! may as(& -o$(6. .1ell& that really is the $ra+y part about it& you see& at ist we noti$ed these strange $reatures and thought they were harmless. -hey are 0uite small a$tually& about the si+e o a gold ish. -hey ha'e tiny beady eyes&long lashes& and large lips i ! do say so. -he stranges thing is that whene'er one o us wal(ed o'er the bridge& these strange $reatures threw them sel'es upon it& staring lo'ingly into the eyes o whoe'er was $rossing it& and in little tiny 'oi$es s$reamed their undying messages o lo'e to whoe'er was on the bridge.. Carol stared at -o$(. .<et me get this straight& you are telling us there are $ra+y little underwater $reatures who all in lo'e with whoe'er $rosses this bridge6. .-hat is $orre$t.. answered -o$(. %r. /ooley still loo(ed $on used and as(ed& .9orgi'e me or in0uiring urther& -o$(& but what e,a$tly does that ha'e to do with the $ollapse o the bridge6. -o$( sruggled with the wooden pie$es and answered& .1hen ea$h body $rosses this bridge& these lo'e si$( $reatures pile on top ma(ing it hea'ier and hea'ier. 7ou see& they don"t lea'e. -hey wait and wait until the return o the ob)e$t o their desires. 1ell& when many ha'e $rossed o'er& the weight be$ame too mu$h and so the bridge inally $ollapsed.. Carol as(ed .So

e,a$tly how many did it ta(e to $ross o'er be ore the bridge did $ollapse6. -o$( sat 0uietly and then loo(ed at us with disappointment in his eyes. .! am a raid it was only ?. ? passers tra'eled a$ross this bridge o'er the $ourse o 2 months and that was enough& when the ?rd body $rossed o'er& the bridge was )ust too hea'y with $olonies o these lo'e si$( $reatures& and it ell apart& the boy who was $rossing barely made it out o the ri'er ali'e.. <arry loo(ed upset& he tossed the wooden pie$es down on the ground with a thud and loo(ed at us all with a shrug o his shoulders. .1ell this )ust isn"t gonna wor( then! -here is our o us& and ! aint going in that ri'er with these $ra+y& smoo$hey lipped& ras$als. ='en i they is )ust the si+e o a gold ish! ;o& sir& ! guess it is time or me to head ba$( to my amily. ! will see you all later.. 1ith that& <arry began to brush himsel o and attempted to start wal(ing ba$( the way we $ame. .8ust you hold on right there!. 8ordan yelled loudly enough to stop e'ery lea in its tra$(s. .7ou are not going anywhere <arry& ! don"t $are i your dad is the pope o Rome& you made a deal with us and you will be leading the way until we get our grum ba$(!. She grabbed ahold o his $ollar& s0uinted her eyes& and spo(e $almly with )ust a tou$h o $ra+iness in her 'oi$e& ./o you understand me <arry6. He )ust stared at her in terror. She $almly got a little $loser and whispered in his ear& .! said& do we understand ea$h other <arry6. <arry gulped& and whispered ba$(& .! re$on we do.. 8ordan released <arry"s $ollar& smoothed it out with her hands and ru led <arry"s hair& .! thought so <arry.& she said with a $ontent smile& .;ow then& pi$( up these wooden pie$es& Sport& and let"s inish putting together this bridge. 1hile we slowly $ontinued to put the bridge together using the pine sap& we all dis$ussed possible ways to $ross the bridge without getting hurt..1ell we are merely inished putting together all these pie$es& and while they are tesselating 'ery ni$ely& ! must admit& !"'e no idea what to do about our $urrent un ortunate situation o the lo'e si$( water $reatures.. ! thought or a moment& .!s there any way we $an $ross o'er without the bridge6. ! as(ed. .-he water is terribly swi t& and ! )ust $an"t imagine you ma(ing it to the other side&. -o$( said .! am a raid it is )ust not a sa e idea& and e'en i one o you made it a$ross& there are A o you to worry about. ! am a raid ! $an"t bare to thin( o it.. Carol spo(e up& ./on"t worry -o$(& we will $ome up with an idea& there must be someway to $ross o'er.. 1e all sat there putting the inal tesselating pie$es o the bridge together& it loo(ed 'ery beauti ul& and now it would )ust be a matter o sliding the bridge a$ross to the other ban(. !t was an e,$iting moment but we were all silent& still trying to igure out a possible way to $ross the rough waters. Suddenly& <arry )umped to his eet& .! got it! 1e )ust need to s$are the little $ritters! 1e $an ma(e $ra+y a$es at them!. 8ordan sat staring at <arry while she put the inal wooden shape on the bridge. .-hat is absolutely the most ridi$ulous idea ! thin( ! ha'e e'er heard& <arry& and you ha'e had some 'ery ridi$ulous ones.. .Hold on a minute& 8ordan& ! belie'e <arry may be on to something.. said %r. /ooley& .-o$( when the others ha'e $rossed o'er& what did they do when the lo'e si$( $reatures began s$reaming messages o lo'e to them6. .1ell&. -o$( thought or a moment& .! suppose they said nothing and )ust ran to the other side.. .! see. said %r. /ooley& .Suppose we answer them.. ! loo(ed o'er at %r. /ooley& .1hat do you mean6 How e,a$tly would that help6. %r. /ooley motioned or us to help him slide the bridge o'er top o the ban( as he re'ealed his idea& . Suppose& as we are $rossing& and the little $ritters are yelling up at us& we tell them we don"t lo'e them ba$(!. 1e stopped wor(ing or a moment and $onsidered this idea. A ter a while -o$( spo(e up& .1ell& ! $annot guarantee it will wor(& but there is no harm in trying.. 1e slid the inal part o the bridge to the opposite ban( and sat ba$( rela,ing or a moment. .! will gi'e it a try. <arry said& .7ou all (now ! am the bra'est& smartest& ella in these parts& ! will be the one to $ross o'er irst.. .9ine then&. ! said .7ou shall be the irst to try <arry.. -o$( stood up wiping his small pudgy hands on his pants& .;ot until you ha'e all en)oyed a ni$e meal o mushroom stew and had a good night"s rest in my home.. 1e were all e,tremely hungry and tired& ! as(ed -o$(& .-o$(& where is it you li'e6. -o$( pointed ba$( into the woods& .5nly about a hal mile into the wilderness there& ! li'e in the bottom o a

beauti ul large oa( tree. ! ha'e 2 e,tra rooms with spare beds& the girls may share one and there will be one or you %r. /ooley& and <arry& ! ha'e a $ot or you my boy.. 1e all stood up& .1hy that sounds )ust wonder ul.. %r. /ooley said& and with that we all wal(ed o'er to -o$("s home in the tree. Chapter 1? A ter a deli$ious dinner and a good night"s rest& we awo(e the ne,t morning to the s$ent o hu$(leberry pan$a(es and sausage $oo(ing o'er a roasting ire. ! loo(ed around -o$("s home. !t was 'ery tidy with pi$tures o his amily strung on the wall. -he wooded walls were sturdy e'en though pie$es o moss $rept through the $ra$(s. !n ront o the ire a round wooden table was set with lo'ely $lay dishware and a pit$her o reshly s0uee+ed raspberry )ui$e. ! san( into a green 'el'et $hair pla$ed at the table and ser'ed up a large pile o $a(es and sausage. .-his loo(s so deli$ious& -o$(& than(-you so mu$h or your hospitality.. %r. /ooley& <arry and 8ordan soon )oined us. As we ate our brea( ast& we began dis$ussing the plans o how to $ross o'er the bridge. -o$( spo(e up& . ! $ertainly hope this plan o tal(ing to the water $reatures will wor(. 1e wor(ed so hard at repairing the bridge.. %r. /ooley loo(ed up rom his plate and mu led with his mouth ull& .!t $ertainly i' wor a try& ! $annot in( o a better plan.. 1e all inished a s$rumptious brea( ast and helped $lear the dishes and were ba$( on the trail to the bridge in no time. 1hen we arri'ed& we de$ided to go ahead and let <arry $ross irst be$ause he seemed $on ident he $ould $arry out the plan. ./on"t worry at all. <arry said assuredly& .! will ma(e sure those goo y $reatures igure out or on$e and or all& we don"t lo'e em& in a$t ! will be so $ran(y& they will ne'er want to )ump on this bridge again!. 8ordan sighed and loo(ed at <arry& .<arry& ! ha'e seen you attempt your plans be ore& and it does not o ten turn out the way you say it will.. ! loo(ed o'er at the bridge& the water was rapidly lowing underneath it and splashed upon the wooden sur a$e with hissing spit. .1ell& i we are going to try this& we need to get started. 1e don"t (now how ar it is to the Haggler"s mar(et& or how mu$h sunlight we will need to rea$h it.. 1e all stared at the bridge and %r. /ooley spo(e up& .Alright& <arry& you will go irst& and i all su$$eeds& ! will ollow and then the girls.. <arry turned and than(ed -o$( or e'erything. He then wiped his $hin with his slee'e and began to wal( slowly a$ross the bridge. At irst& nothing unusual happened. -he bridge $rea(ed a bit& but <arry $ontinued to the wal( to $enter o it. .%aybe those $reatures see me& and reali+e how strong ! am& and don"t want to mess with me.. <arry yelled this to us as he smir(ed and showed us his arm mus$les. ;o sooner had he spo(en& when suddenly& there were small splashes all around and on top o the bridge. ! $ouldn"t belie'e it& ne'er be ore had ! witnessed su$h a sight. -iny )elly $reatures& that loo(ed li(e giant gumdrops with little su$tion $ups were landing on the bridge. %ore as$inating were their tiny pre$ious a$es. -hey had large beauti ul eyes& with long weepy eyelashes& and sweet pu$(ered smiles that stret$hed a$ross their wee $hee(s. 5ne o the yelled in a darling little 'oi$e& .5h sir& please& stay here with us& we lo'e you so& we need a strong leader li(e you!. -he other $reatures began shouting out too& .1e lo'e you so mu$h& stay here with us and (eep us sa e please!. -hey were batting their eyelashes at <arry. <arry loo(ed ba$( at us& ga'e us a win( and shouted .1at$h this %r. /ooley& ! will ta(e $are o these ras$als and we will be on our way in no time!. 1ith that& <arry loo(ed down at the $reatures and began to stutter& .;ow you listen here& you& you& little sweet...adorable... $reatures!. He then )ust stood there staring down at them while they batted their lashes at him. 8ordan yelled out& .1ell don"t )ust stand there <arry& ya nin$ompoop& start insulting them so we $an be on our way!. <arry loo(ed down again and said 'ery so tly& .<isten you little $ritters& it"s )ust that& that... well. then he turned to us& .! )ust $an"t do it& doggone it& they are )ust so $ute and they are loo(ing up at me with lo'e in their $ute teeny eyes!. 8ordan too( a step orward& .<arry& i ! ha'e to $ome out there& ! will gi'e you that $lobbering ! ha'e been promising you& now tell them you don"t lo'e them!.

<arry rowned at us and them loo(ed down again& .7a see& the truth is little ellas& we ha'e to be on our way& and we don"t lo'e you. 1e need to ind our own amilies so you need to )ump ba$( in the water and be strong now.. -he little $reatures all loo(ed up at <arry with giant tears in their eyes and one said& .7ou mean you won"t stay with us and lead us6. <arry hesitated& and inally said& .;o& now darn it& you ha'e to )ump ba$( in that there ri'er!. -he little $reature began $rying an aw ul $ry but slowly began )umping ba$( into the water. .! thin( it"s wor(ing!. -o$( said to us all. Sure enough& soon all the $reatures were ba$( in the ri'er e,$ept one. .2lease stay with us6. it said to <arry with pleading eyes. :y this time <arry was balling li(e a baby& .5h& you $ute little $ritter& maybe you $ould $ome with me6. %r. /ooley yelled out to <arry& .<arry& absolutely not& now say your goodbyes& so we $an be on our way!. <arry loo(ed down on$e again& and said . 7ou gotta go now little guy.. -he $reature )umped ba$( into the ri'er with a splash and <arry stood alone. .:y goodness&. <arry said wiping the tears rom his a$e& .-hat was the hardest thing ! e'er had to do!. He shrugged his shoulders& .! thin( ! really lo'ed those little guys.. and he wal(ed to the other side. 1ith <arry o'er the other side o the bridge& we all too( our turns pleading with the $reatures to )ump ba$( in the water as they )umped out at us one by one. 1e didn"t ha'e nearly the di i$ult time that <arry did. 1hen we all rea$hed the other side& we turned and wa'ed at a distant igure o -o$( a$ross the ban(. 8ordan turned to <arry and said& .5h $ome on you so tie& let"s get going and orget about the little $reatures. %aybe you $an get a (itty or something when you get home.. 1e all began mo'ing on the path on$e again& this time& mu$h $loser to the Haggler"s mar(et. As we wal(ed& <arry had his head hung low and %r. /ooley (indly put his arm around his shoulder& .;othing to be ashamed o son& you are a (ind hearted boy and there is ne'er any shame in that.. <arry smiled up at %r. /ooley& and began wal(ing down the trail& this time& with a boun$e in his step. Chapter 1A. 1e wal(ed or about an hour and 8ordan inally as(ed& .<arry& how mu$h longer do you suppose it will be until we rea$h the Haggler"s %ar(et6. <arry loo(ed up the bran$h $o'ered trail as ar as he $ould see. .! re$(on it isn"t that ar away. ! remember goin here with my un$le a $ouple o years ago and it was a $ouple o hours away rom the bridge.. 1e $ontinued to (i$( up dust as we wal(ed orward. .So&. %r. /ooley said& .1hen we arri'e we must ma(e sure to stay together. -hese hagglers are snea(y ellas and ! don"t want any o us to get tri$(ed by them.. ! was $urious about the mar(et so ! as(ed .<arry& what e,a$tly is a Haggler"s %ar(et6. <arry smiled a huge smile& .!t is the most ama+ing mar(et in the world& you $an git all (inds a $ool stu there& rom magi$ bugs to hairspray that ma(es your hair disappear! !t is the $oolest& darndest pla$e e'er!. %r. /ooley seemed $on$erned& .7ou do reali+e that usually hagglers are simply tri$(sters trying to ta(e your money& don"t you <arry6. <arry loo(ed a little hurt and be$ame de ensi'e& .Hagglers aint all bad! -hey got some really ama+ing stu here& you"ll see!. A ter a ew miles down the trail& we started seeing small wooden sha$(s set up. .1e"re gettin $lose!. <arry shouted with e,$itement& the mar(et is right around the bend in the trail up ahead!. 1e started wal(ing aster while loo(ing around at the sha$(s. Se'eral o the sha$(s had booths set up in ront with people trying to sell strange ood items. 5ne had $ho$olate dipped $aterpillars dangling rom strings. Another was selling ro+en root beer pops dipped in whipped $ream and rolled in $andy $oated root loops. .-hese sna$(s sound 'ery strange!. 8ordan said. ./on"t blo$( em til you try em& that"s what my un$le always said.. <arry e,$laimed as he loo(ed with large eyes and his mouth watering& at the many sha$(s we passed. 1e soon $ame to a large beaten sign that said .Haggler"s %ar(et.. %any people were wal(ing by and entering into the huge esti'e area. 2eople who were old and young were running past with $oins in their hands while the hagglers were shouting out& .Step right up and get the deal o the $entury!. 1e all stopped to ta(e in the sights.

.1ell. %r. /ooley said& .1here should we begin6. 1e loo(ed around at the hundreds o $olor ul tables and booths that were set up as ar as the eye $ould see. .! (now e,a$tly where to start.. <arry said& .1e need to go o'er to the psy$hi$ booth. 5n$e we git there& ! will gi'e the reader a $oin and ind out where those grum hagglers are )ust as soon as ! git my psy$hi$ reading!. %r./ooley stared at <arry& .<arry& you $an"t possibly belie'e that a psy$hi$ haggler would tell you any orm o the truth& my boy6. <arry grabbed at our hands& .Come with me& you won"t belie'e how good they are!. he said as he pulled us o'er to a nearby table. .;ow. <arry whispered& .<et me do the tal(ing and you three don"t say a word. 1e don"t want anyone to get sus ishious.. 8ordan whispered ba$( .7ou mean suspi$ious& <arry& we don"t want anyone to get suspi$ious.. <arry patted her hand gently& .-hat is )ust what ! said 8ordan& we don"t want anyone gettin sus ishious& so )ust you 0uit yer s0ua(in and settle down.. <arry wal(ed o'er and began spea(ing to a strange man with an emerald green and sil'er bandana wrapped around his head. .S$use me sir& ahem& ! would li(e you to gi'e me a psy$hi$ reading i you would please.. -he man loo(ed us o'er and as(ed& ./o you ha'e a gold $oin then6. <arry rea$hed in the po$(et o his worn pants and pulled out his last gold $oin. .7es sir!. he tossed the $oin down on the table. -he man then rea$hed down and pulled out a $lear glass globe and set it in ront o him and motioned or <arry to sit as the rest o us stood 0uietly wat$hing. ;e,t& the man began massaging the glass ball as i it were a tender head on the table. .Ahhh& your name is <arry and you are a boy in his teen years& $orre$t6. he as(ed& <arry smiled a large smile& turned and win(ed at us& .7up& ! sure am& you are right on target so ar!. 8ordan whispered to us& .He )ust heard us say <arry"s name.. -he man $ontinued rubbing the ball while his eyes rolled up to the s(y. .7ou& young man& ha'e a mother and a ather& $orre$t6. <arry began to get e,$ited& .7es!! Right again!. -he psy$hi$ smiled and said& .-he globe ne'er lies.. %r. /ooley leaned in towards us& .-his is ridi$ulous& the odds are o $ourse a boy has a mother and ather.. -he man $ontinued& .Ahhh& let me see& sometimes your mom and dad get angry with you& is this true6 Answer me!. <arry loo(ed sho$(ed but delighted at the a$$ura$y o what the man was saying& .7es& ! re$on you are right& it is true& ! do get into trouble sometimes!. <arry turned to us with )oy in his eyes& .! told you this guy would be ama+in!. -he man loo(ed urther into the globe& .! see you li'e in a pla$e with walls and windows& a house ! belie'e& am ! $orre$t6. 1ith that <arry& slapped the table& .7ou are ama+in sir& my riends wouldn"t belie'e me!. <arry loo(ed at us with disappointed& (nowing eyes& .! told y"all he (newed what he was tal(ing about!. %r. /ooley interrupted& .=,$use me sir& but as mu$h as we are en)oying this pro ound reading& what we really would li(e to (now& is i you $ould help us lo$ate two hagglers here who are trying to sell magi$ bubble gum6. -he man loo(ed at us& too( o his bandana& swiped the globe o the table and said& .5h& that6 1hy didn"t you )ust say so6 -hey are lo$ated towards the 'ery edge o the mar(et. 7ou $an"t miss them. -hey are a s$ru y $ouple o (ids at a small metal table with a bun$h o )un( in$luding that useless gum.. 8ordan started to spea(& .-hat gum happens to ha'e 'ery spe$ial powers& and we.... ! (i$(ed 8ordan lightly& grabbed <arry"s arm and said .-han(-you so mu$h sir& we appre$iate your ser'i$e.. ! grabbed <arry& and %r. /ooley and 8ordan ollowed us as we wal(ed away. ./agnab it Carol&. <arry said loo(ing at me& .8ust when my reading was gittin good too!. He (i$(ed up sand and put a s$owl on his a$e. 1e wal(ed or a while and passed many more tables. 1e saw hagglers selling magi$ rogs& supposed boots that $ould hi(e up hills on their own& water that $ould wash away wrin(les and bo,es that i you sat in long enough& would $arry you to distant planets. 1e were almost near the end o the mar(et when ! saw them. .<oo(!. ! whispered loudly to the others. ! pointed o'er to two s$ru y boys with old metal $oils and springs on a table and right in the middle sat the shiny pa$(ed o opened grum. 1e all stared or a moment& reali+ing that the answer to our prayers& hope ully& lay )ust within our rea$h. Chapter 1>

1e wal(ed slowly o'er to the table where the two s$ru y hagglers stood. 5ne had $hoppy bla$( hair and wore a ish hoo( in ea$h ear. -he other was wearing a sna(es(in $owboy hat and an old ratty )ean )a$(et. %r. /ooley whispered to us as we approa$hed the two o them. .<et me do the tal(ing this time (ids. ! got us into this mess and ! hope to be the one who gets us out.. <arry started to tal(& .:ut %r. /ooley& ! (now how to wor( these guys& my great grand ather was a shoe sales man.. %r. /ooley smiled adoringly at <arry& .Son& you truly ha'e been a blessing on this )ourney but ! must handle this situation on my own& i you please.. <arry loo(ed a little disappointed but said& .! you say so& %r. /ooley.. As we approa$hed& the boy with the ish hoo(s grabbed a spring o the table and said& .1el$ome& ellow tra'elers! %ay ! interest you in the greatest lying me$hanism e'er in'ented6. %r. /ooley loo(ed at the spring or a moment and then pointed at the grum. .A$tually& it is that strange pa$(age o opened gum you ha'e there. -hat is what ! am truly interested in.. -he sna(es(in hat boy pi$(ed up the grum and twirled it around in his pasty hands& .-his gum6 -his magi$al ama+ing gum ! hold in my hands at this 'ery moment6. He said with a weasely smile on his a$e. .-his gum aint $heap& no siree& ! would only be willing to sell it or 10 gold $oins& and then you got yoursel'es a deal.. %r. /ooley loo(ed startled& .-en gold $oins6 1hy it surely isn"t worth that mu$h& and we $ouldn"t possibly $ome up with that mu$h money!. -he boy shrugged and stu ed the grum into his dirty shirt po$(et. .1ell then& ! guess ya don"t want it then!. -he two boys started laughing together. ! was getting 'ery upset and was about to say something when 8ordan lost her temper. .<isten here you two leabags& that gum was stolen rom us and you will gi'e it to us or else ! will (no$( your heads together!. -he two boys stared at her or a moment& and then )ust started laughing again. %r. /ooley huddled the our o us together and wal(ed us o'er to a nearby shady tree. .<isten& getting angry simply will not help& we must thin( o a plan. 1e all stood dumb ounded or a ew minutes and then ! had an idea. . 9ollow my lead& you guys& ! ha'e an idea ! thin( might )ust wor(.. 1e all wal(ed ba$( o'er to the table. .1ell& we don"t ha'e the money you want& so we are )ust going to be on our way. :e ore we go would you be so (ind as to loan us a ew $ups6 1e ha'e )ust enought lemonade or a 0ui$( re resher be ore our long tre( ahead.. -he others loo(ed at me with pu++led e,pressions. ! rea$hed in and grabbed the remaining $a$tus )ui$e out o our dusty tra'el bag. -he two hagglers loo(ed at ea$h other and then one o them grinned and said&.1e might )ust lend you a $up& but we wants some o that ine pin( lemonade too!. ! smiled& %r. /ooley& 8ordan and <arry smiled too. .! would be per e$tly glad to share with you.. ! said (indly. -he two hagglers wal(ed o and borrowed a ew $ups rom nearby hagglers. 1hen they returned& ! slowly poured the pin( li0uid into the $ups on the table. 1e all pi$(ed up a $up and %r. /ooley held his up& .Cheers to happy tra'els.. he said as he rose his $up out to us all. .Cheers. we all e,$laimed. -he two hagglers greedily dran( the li0uid up while we simply wat$hed. .Hey& how $ome youse aint drin(in none o your lemonade6. 9ishhoo( ears as(ed. Sna(es(in snat$hed at my $up& .! you aint gonna drin( it& ! will!. he said and he poured my $up right down his throat. .7eah& ! want yours too!. said 9ish hoo( ears& and he grabbed at the other $ups and dran( them down. -he hagglers loo(ed at ea$h other and one o them said& .Awww& we"re so sorry& now you don"t ha'e no lemonade or your long )ourney! 1e are so sorry!. He slapped the other on the ba$(& started laughing& and ell to the ground in its o laughter. 9or a moment the other boy )ust stared at him. -hen& suddenly& he too& hit the ground laughing. .7eah& sorry we dran( it all down to our unny tummies!. He wiggled and laughed on the ground. -he rest o us wat$hed them or a moment and then %r. /ooley spo(e up while loo(ing down on the boys& .So you two won"t mind i we ta(e the gum now will you6. 9ish hoo( ears loo(ed up and roared with laughter& .;o not at all& ta(e the gubble bum!. -he other boy was shrie(ing& .7ou said gubble bum!. -hey $ontinued to laugh ridi$ulously on the ground while %r. /ooley $almly too( the grum rom the haggler"s po$(et& and patted him on the head. -he haggler

loo(ed up and pointed at the grum& . 2retty& shiny gubble bum!. He then burst into giggles and pounded the ground with both ists as he laughed his head o . %r. /ooley put the grum sa ely in his pant po$(et and be$(oned us to ollow him away rom the mar(et& ba$( into the desert area. Chapter 1* 1e wal(ed along 0uietly and %r /ooley stopped us near an old bro(en wagon wheel )ust o the trail. He too( the grum rom his po$(et and turned it o'er in his hands. -hen he spo(e& .1ell& ! am not sure i the Grum will return us home& but we really don"t ha'e any other $hoi$e now do we6. He loo(ed sadly at all o who now stood in a small huddled $ir$le around him loo(ing down at the Grum. ! loo(ed o'er at <arry and reali+ed we had nothing to reward him with e'en though he had tra'eled so ar to help us. .<arry&. ! said& .! am so sorry& we really ha'e no reward or all your troubles e,$ept these old tra'el pa$(s and some stale peanuts.. <arry loo(ed at all o us and a smile stret$hed a$ross his a$e. .Shu$(s&. he said& .! had a mon(ey barrel o un with you. 7"all are the (indest people ! e'er (new& e'en you& 8ordan.. 8ordan stared at <arry and then huge tears welled in her eyes. She suddenly grabbed <arry and hugged him with all her might and burst into tears. .<arry& you really are so bra'e. ! am going to miss you so mu$h! ! am going to miss all your unny stories and your bra'ery too!. She ga'e <arry a big smoo$h on the side o his a$e. <arry blushed a $rimson red& and smiled at the same time. %r. /ooley turned to <arry& .1ell& son& what do you thin( you will do now6 1ill you return to Gertie"s sha$( to $ontinue wor(ing there6. <arry loo(ed down and (i$(ed some sand orward. .;o. he said& .A ter spending time with y"all& ! miss my amily& my ma and my pa& ! re$on ! better head home and ta(e $are o them. -hey need me $u+ o my mus$les and all.. <arry held up his arms or us to see his mus$les. ! rea$hed out and hugged <arry with all my might. .7ou are so bra'e <arry. 1e $ouldn"t ha'e made it this ar without your help. Good lu$( to you my riend.. 1e all stood 0uietly or a moment and then %r. /ooley spo(e& .! belie'e ! should perhaps be the irst to $hew the grum so ! $an be waiting or you girls where e'er it ta(es us.. ! thought that was as good an idea as any. .5(& %r. /ooley& you go irst& then 8ordan& and ! will be the last.. %r. /ooley loo(ed down at the three pie$es o Grum that were le t. He slowly grabbed at the ne,t pie$e in the pa$( and began unra'eling it rom the $rispy white wrapper. 1hen it was unwrapped& he too( the purple smooth $ube and tore it in hal and handed hal o it to 8ordan. %r. /ooley loo(ed at us and shoo( our hands& .1ell& here goes...Good lu$( to us all and ! shall hope to see you girls on the other side.. 1ith that& %r. /ooley ru led <arry"s hair one last time& and put the hal torn gum in his mouth and slowly began $hewing. -he three o us stared at him& waiting or something to happen. Suddenly& %r. /ooley"s balding head began to shrin( down& then his shoes be$ame to large or his eet. .!t is wor(ing %r. /ooley.. 8ordan shouted& .!t is really wor(ing!. About a minute later& %r. /ooley had $ompletely disappeared. ! loo(ed at 8ordan and as(ed her& .1ell& are you ready to try the Grum6. 8ordan was so e,$ited she $ould barely $hew the gum ast enough. .7ou bet ! am. she said as she $hewed the purple mass as 0ui$(ly as she $ould. 8ordan too& began disappearing )ust as she had be ore& pigtails irst& and then the rest o her. Soon she was gone $ompletely. !t was )ust <arry and me le t on the trail and two pie$es o gum. .1ell <arry& ! guess this is goodbye.. ! said as ! slowly unwrapped the ne,t pie$e o grum& tore it in hal & and put the rest o the grum in my pant po$(et. .!t sure is Carol& and remember as you loo( at me right now& -here is no a$e li(e home. %y Granny use to tell me that.. ! )ust grinned and said& .-hat"s right <arry& and ! will ne'er orget your a$e.. ! ga'e <arry one last hug& put the grum in my mouth and slowly $hewed on it. ! wat$hed <arry wa'e at me& his igure be$oming dimmer and dimmer. Chapter 14 1hen ! awo(e& ! $ouldn"t remember what had happened. ! slowly opened my eyes and did not re$ogni+e the images be ore me. ! saw bright metal lights abo'e my head. Suddenly& 8ordan"s a$e appeared abo'e me. She had a giant grin that spread rom ear to ear. .!t wor(ed!. she shouted to me e'en though she was right ne,t to my

a$e& .1e are ba$(!. she yelled again& .1e are ba$( in the gum a$tory!. ! elt stirring ne,t to me and loo(ed o'er to see %r. /ooley slowly sitting up. .%y goodness&. he e,$laimed& .! $an"t belie'e it. he said as he loo(ed around the a$tory with large eyes& .1e are ba$(& indeed& what an ama+ing& most beauti ul mira$le.. ! sat up too& and loo(ed around the room. 1e were ba$( in the small room with the original metal table where the empty Grum bo, now sat. 1e all shu led around& stret$hed our legs& and stood up around the table. .1e ha'e one and a hal pie$es o Grum le t&. %r. /ooley said& .!t is time to return it to the bo,& and ! shall put it away where no hands shall dis$o'er it or its maddening 'entures& e'er again.. %r. /ooley too( the remaining gum rom me& slowly put it ba$( in the bo,& and pla$ed it on a nearby shel to be dealt with later. 1e all ran to the metal door and pushed it open. .Aunt #i$(i!. ! yelled as loudly as ! $ould. -here was no sound. 1e $ontinued wal(ing through the a$tory& opening doors& and yelling out or Aunt #i$(i and /o$. 1e heard no sounds& )ust the e$ho o an empty a$tory and our 'oi$es boun$ing o the metal tables and $ement walls. 8ust a ew moments later& ! heard a sound $oming rom a nearby stair$ase. Suddenly& a large metal door lew open& and there stood my aunt and /o$. .5h my goodness!. shouted Aunt #i$(i& .2raise the <ord& you two get o'er here and let me eel that you are truly ali'e! 1hat& on earth happened to you6 1here ha'e you been6 5h my hea'ens& you"re ather is si$( with worry Carol& you ha'e been missing or nearly a wee(!. ! hugged my aunt while 8ordan hugged her grand ather& and %r. /ooley )ust stood there& still unable to belie'e he was sa ely ba$( in his belo'ed gum a$tory. . 7ou )ust won"t belie'e it Aunt #i$(i.. ! said to my aunt& .1e ate this magi$al gum and were transported to this strange pla$e! -here were giant slugs& hagglers& Gertie& $ra+y mayors& oh...and %r. /ooley& wonder ul %r. /ooley! He was the owner o this gum a$tory Aunt #i$(i& the one who disappeared!. %y aunt loo(ed at me li(e ! was out o my mind but rea$hed out to sha(e %r. /ooley"s hand. .!s this true6 Are you really the owner who disappeared rom this a$tory a $ouple o years ago6. %r. /ooley shoo( his head& .! (now it sounds $ra+y& but your nie$e spea(s the truth. She and 8ordan helped same my li e& and or that& ! am eternally grate ul.. /o$ turned and ga'e me a hug& and e'en hugged %r. /ooley. .1ell& let"s all $olle$t oursel'es and dis$uss this $ra+y e'ent o'er dinner at my pla$e. 7ou must be e,hausted and in need o a shower and a hot meal. 1e agreed that $leaning up& resh $lothing& and a hot meal was the best idea we had heard in a long time. 1e piled into the two $ars and headed up to /o$"s house. Chapter 1C /o$ i,ed us a deli$ious dinner o lamb $hops with apri$ot )elly& mashed potatoes& and resh garden green beans. 1e ate it up li(e we had ne'er had a homemade meal be ore. 1e also had a $han$e to shower and /o$. and 8ordan lent us resh& $lean $lothing until we had a $han$e to get into our own. ='eryone was so e,$ited and tal(ing at on$e& and suddenly the phone rang. !t was my ather. ./ad& /ad ! am o(& you will ne'er belie'e the ad'entures we had& /ad! ! was able to wor( out so many problems& and /ad& ! e'en used a tri$( rom Geometry to help i, a bridge!. %y dad was so proud o me and told me he would be returning is a ew days to ta(e me home. As we all sat around a $ra$(ling ire later that e'ening& we began to dis$uss uture e'ents and how %y Aunt& /o$ and %r. /ooley would wor( out the a$tory business sin$e it really belonged to %r. /ooley& but my aunt and /o$ had sin$e pur$hased it. .1e must simply return it to you& %r. /ooley& it is& a ter all& yours.. %y aunt said. /o$ as(ed& .2erhaps you $ould reimburse us the money we le t to your a$$ountants or the sale o the a$tory6. %r. /ooley rubbed his $hin. .%aybe we $ould wor( out a deal that would suit us all6. He suggested. .#i$(i& you and /o$ are both in'entors. ! $ould $ertainly use your e,pertise sin$e ! am always in need o the latest te$hnologi$ally ad'an$ed e0uipment or the a$tory. ! am also always trying to $ome up with a better bubble gum& and $ould really use your help.. Aunt Carol loo(ed as i she would $ry& .-hat would be so (ind o you& %r. /ooley. ! thin( ! $an spea( or us both when ! say& we really were going no where with our past in'entions. -his would gi'e us an opportunity to wor( towards something substantial& and we would be )ust thrilled.. She beamed at both /o$ and %r. /ooley.

.1ell& ! $an $ertainly pay you handsomely& as you both (now ! made 0uite a large sum when the a$tory was up and running in the past.. /o$ smiled and agreed grate ully to %r. /ooley"s generous o er. 1hen my dad pi$(ed me up A days later& ! had to say my goodbyes to e'eryone. ! hugged %r. /ooley& Aunt Carol& /o$. and %erlin& and than(ed them all or a summer ! would ne'er orget. ! went to gi'e 8ordan a hug goodbye too. %r. /ooley win(ed at us both and said& .How would you two li(e to wor( summer )obs at the a$tory rom now on6 !t won"t be glamorous& )ust mainly $lean-up& but ! will pay you well& and most importantly& you two will be able to spend time together.. 8ordan and ! s$reamed with glee& and hugged ea$h other tightly. 1e then ran up and hugged %r. /ooley on$e again. 8ordan said& .-han(-you so mu$h %r. /ooley& we will be the best wor(ers e'er! 1e will (eep the a$tory so $lean& you will be able to eat o the loor i you want to!. 8ordan and ! were so e,$ited& we $ould barely wait to get through a s$hool year so we $ould be together again& wor(ing at the a$tory. -he s$hool year did pass 0ui$(ly and ! had re$ei'ed better grades on my report $ard& than ! had sin$e be ore %om passed...e'en in geometry. ! pa$(ed my bags and /ad dro'e me ba$( to Aunt #i$(ie"s house ready to begin wor( at the gum a$tory. !t was so good to see e'eryone& and 8ordan and ! $ouldn"t wait to begin e,ploring and $leaning out the a$tory or %r. /ooley. 5n our irst day o wor(& 8ordan and ! gathered all o our supplies. 1e had bu$(ets o soapy water& brooms& and window $leaner. 1e tied bandanas around our heads to (eep the hair out o our eyes. 1e s$rubbed the old $ement walls and metal tables downstairs until they spar(led. 1e had so mu$h un. As we $leaned we threw soapy water at ea$h other and then laughed while we $leaned it up. 1e $arried our supplies upstairs. 1e both stopped and loo(ed 0uietly at the door where our $ra+y ad'entures had begun only the year be ore. 8ordan loo(ed at me& .1ell& that room needs $leaning too. :esides& we ha'e nothing to worry about& %r. /ooley has ta(en $are o that grum so nobody will e'er get their hands on it again. 1e opened the large metal door. !t was pretty dirty& ! don"t thin( anyone had been in there sin$e we had the summer be ore. ! too( out a sponge and started $leaning o the table with oamy warm water. Carol pi$(ed up the broom and began sweeping piles o dirt together. ! rea$hed up and began to $lean o the ilthy metal shel'es abo'e and something $aught my eye. -here& $o'ered in $obwebs& sat the last amount o Grum. %r. /ooley had orgotten to dispose o it last summer! .8ordan. ! whispered& .Get o'er here! 7ou are ne'er going to belie'e what ! )ust ound!. 8ordan 0ui$(ly )oined me and her eyes were as large as sau$ers. .! $an"t belie'e %r. /ooley orgot to put it away!. she said. ! sat 0uietly staring at the Grum. 8ordan rea$hed o'er and $autiously grabbed the last remaining whole pie$e o gum rom the pa$(. .8ordan!. ! said loudly& .1hat do you thin( you are doing6 1e shouldn"t e'en be handling that $ra+y stu !. 8ordan slowly unra'eled the pie$e o gum& tore it in hal and handed me the other hal . She smiled as she put the pie$e in her mouth and $hewed slowly. .Cra+y huh6 1ell let"s ha'e oursel'es the $ra+iest summer e'er Carol!. She slowly began to disappear. .8ordan!. ! s$reamed& .-his is unbelie'ably $ra+y!. ! yelled a ter her. -hen ! elt a slow grin $ross my a$e& ! $are ully put the hal pie$e o grum in my mouth& and slowly began $hewing.

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