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Narrator: This is a test of your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear short conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question about what you heard. The answer choices in your test are shown as pictures. Circle the correct answer. Here is an e a!ple" Woman: Could you tell !e how !uch the blue bag costs# Man: Yes, it$s %&' now ( reduced fro! %)'. That$s *+, discountWoman: .till, it$s a bit over !y li!it. Have you got anything cheaper# Man: Yeah, all the bags on this shelf are down to %/' ( it$s all part of the clearance sale. Woman: 01. 2$ll take this one. Narrator: How !uch will the wo!an pay for the bag# The correct answer is C. You will hear each conversation only once3 they will not be repeated. 4lease be very quiet and listen carefully. There will be 5' questions in 4art 6. 7o you have any questions before you begin# 8ow turn the page. 9e will begin now. Narrator: Number 1 Man: 9hat are you getting your father for his birthday# Woman: As usual 2$! stuck for an idea. 2 wanted to get hi! a sweater, but !y !other already bought one. 2 can hardly give hi! flowers. Man: Every guy needs a sweatshirt for working out in. Woman: H!!! ... good idea. 2 wonder if he$s got one of those. Narrator: 9hat gift is the wo!an going to choose# Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man" Narrator: Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Number 2 How are you getting to the theater# :! ... 2 thought 2$d drive but parking is always such a proble! downtown. And there$s a public transport strike so buses are out. 9hat about a ta i# 2 don$t feel like spending that !uch. 2 guess 2$ll ;ust have to leave early so 2 can find a space. How will the !an get to the theater# Number 3 2t$s /"5'. 9hen do you want to leave# <et$s see. Her flight gets in at +. The way 2 see it, she won$t be out before +"/'. .o shouldn$t we get a !ove on# 2t$ll take us at least an hour to get there. H!!, 2 guess so. =ive !e a !inute to find !y keys. 9hen do they leave for the airport#

Narrator: Number 4 Woman: You look as if you had a great day. Man: 9e did. 9e spent the !orning shopping and caught the early show you reco!!ended in the afternoon. 9e were ;ust wondering what to do to!orrow !orning. Woman: 9hy not go to the 8atural History >useu!# Man: That$s a good idea. 2 like dinosaurs. Narrator: 9hat did they do first# Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Number 5 2$ll !ake breakfast this !orning. 9hat do you want# >!! ... let !e think. 2$d love a cup of coffee and so!e toast ... and !aybe an o!elette. 01. Are you sure you wouldn$t prefer so!ething lighter with your coffee ( cereal !aybe# 2$! hungry ( !ake that two fried eggs. ?ut what are you having# 9hat does the wo!an want for breakfast#

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Burlington Books


Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator:

Number 7r. 9right# This is >ary 9orth. >y son$s running a high fever and 2$! not sure what to do. 2t$s probably nothing to worry about, >rs. 9orth. Try giving hi! a pill to bring down his te!perature. .houldn$t 2 bring hi! to the clinic# Try getting his te!perature down, but get back to !e in an hour and let !e know how he$s doing, 01# 9hat is the last thing the doctor tells >ary to do#

Narrator: Number ! Man: Here$s the !ovie theater. 7idn$t you say we had to get off at this stop# Woman: 8o. 2 told you ( we have to get off right by the park. ?ut we$ve got plenty of ti!e before the concert starts. 9hy are you so worried# Man: 2f we$re late, they won$t let us in till the inter!ission and we$ll !iss the first half of the progra!. Narrator: 9here are they going# Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Number " There was a great progra! about elephants on 8ational =eographic last night. 7id you see it# Yeah. 2t$s part of a new series about ani!als. 2t started a week ago with a docu!entary about giraffes. 9hat a sha!e 2 !issed it. 9hat$s ne t week$s progra! about# >onkeys, 2 think. 9hat was the first progra! about# Number # 2 can$t !ake it for lunch on Tuesday. 2$ve got a dentist appoint!ent. 01. 2$! busy 9ednesday but @riday$s good. @riday$s out for !e ( 2$! taking so!e outAofAtown guests around the city. Can$t you get out of it# 2 don$t think so but 2$ll try to reschedule !y dentist appoint!ent. 2 don$t think it$ll be a proble!. 9hen will they probably !eet for lunch# Number 1$ >ay 2 see your tickets, please# Certainly. How !uch hand luggage are we allowed# 0ne piece per person unless you$re travelling business class. 8o ... econo!y, 2$! afraid. 9ill this bag have to go through with !y luggage# Yes, but don$t worry, you$re not overweight. 9here are they# Number 11 E cuse !e. This twentyAdollar bill was on the floor ( is it yours# <et !e check. 8o, it$s not !ine. 2 think it belongs to that wo!an over there. The one with the baby or the one talking to the cashier# The one who$s paying. 2t !ust have fallen out of her wallet. 9ho does the !oney probably belong to# Number 12 Can you tell !e how !uch these red shoes cost# The ones with the Bipper# They$re %+'. ?ut 2 can let you have the! for halfAprice. 9hat about those blue ones# They are beautiful, aren$t they# And they$re on sale for %5'. 2 think 2$ll go with the red pair. How !uch does she pay for the shoes# 2

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Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man:

Number 13 Have you got plans for the holidays or are you staying at ho!e# 9e$ll probably go to 8ew York and spend so!e ti!e with !y parents. 2 thought you were going up north to ski. Yeah, well .usan broke her ar! so our plans kind of fell through, and we opted for 8ew York. 9hat were their plans# Number 14 =ood !orning. Can 2 help you# Yeah, 2$d like a large fa!ily car with plenty of roo! in the trunk and uh ... airAconditioning. Could 2 see your driver$s license and credit card, please# 7oes the price include insurance and unli!ited !ileage# Yes, if you take it longer than 6' days and return it with a full tank of gas. 9here are they#

Number 15 2 thought you bought a new refrigerator. 9e did and it was supposed to be delivered this !orning. .o what happened# 7id you change your !ind# 8o, there was so!e kind of !i Aup at the store. The driver forgot to load it on the truck. ?ut they$ve ;ust called to say that it$s on its way. Narrator: 9here is the refrigerator now# Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Number 1 E cuse !e. Can you tell !e how often trains run after & p.!.# .ure, sir. There$s one every /' !inutes till 66. After that there$s a train every hour on the hour ( till / a.!. 9hat happens after /# There$s no rail service to ?oston fro! / to & a.!. 9ould you like to buy a ticket# How often do the trains run between 66 and / a.!.# Number 1! Are you co!ing to our housewar!ing party# Are you kidding# 2 wouldn$t !iss it for the world. ?ut how do 2 get there# 2$! driving. 2t$s easy. =o up <incoln ?oulevard and take a left on >ain. Then go straight for three blocks and ;ust after the bank, take a right and you$ll see our house there on the left. You can$t !iss it. 2t$s got a red door. Narrator: 9here is the house# Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Number 1" 9ho do you want to invite for dinner to!orrow night# 9ell, 2 thought your sister and her new boyfriend and !aybe To! and >ary. To!$s away on business up north this week. He$s in ?oston till .aturday !orning. 0h. 7o you think >ary will co!e on her own# 2 wouldn$t bank on it. 9ho is co!ing for dinner# Number 1# 7id you hear the weather report# 2 want to take the kids to the park. They said it would be sunny with cloudy intervals ( with te!peratures in the forties. 0h ( that$s a bit chilly ( and did they say anything about rain# 8o, but the weather!an !entioned snow later in the week. 9hat is the weather like in the park#

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Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator:

Number 2$ 0h, no ( the fa !achine has run out of paper again. 2t always happens when 2$! in a hurry. Try the shelf above the !achine or check in the closet ne t to the printer. Thanks- Ah, here it is ( it was in the drawer of all places9here did he find the paper#

Narrator: Number 21 Woman: 2s that an invitation to >ike and .ue$s wedding# Man: Yes, and 2 can$t believe it- They$ve been seeing each other for so long 2 was beginning to wonder if they$d ever get hitched. Woman: 9ell, 2 thought you$d be delighted but you don$t see! too pleased ... Man: That$s the third wedding this !onth and it$s costing us a fortune in presents. Narrator: How does the !an feel when he hears the news# Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Number 22 2$! off to the super!arket. Can 2 get you anything# 2$! all out of shower gel and 2 need so!e sha!poo, too. 2 got you gel last week- Have you checked the closet in the hall# 0h, so you did. Can you add deodorant to the list ( the spray can though, not the rollAon. 8o proble!. 9hat does the !an want# Number 23 2 was told to co!e here before 2 start. That$s right. This$ll ;ust take a !inute. Have you got the letter of reco!!endation# 01. And the two photos# 2$ll have to bring the! in to!orrow. 7o you need any 27# 2$ve got !y driver$s license on !e. That$ll do ;ust fine. 9hat will the wo!an bring the ne t day# Number 24 2$! looking for a present for a little boy. These re!oteAcontrol cars are very popular with si to eightAyearAolds. He$s a bit too young for that. ?ut he likes puBBles. 7o you have one with the letters of the alphabet# 9e$re out of stock. ?ut anyway, they learn their nu!bers first. How about this one# 9hich gift will the wo!an choose# Number 25 Have you seen !y watch# 2 was sure 2 left it on the night table. 7id you look on the bathroo! shelf above the sink# 0f course 2 did. 9ell, you usually take it off when you wash the dishes, don$t you# You$re right. 2$ll bet 2 left it there. 9here did she probably leave the watch# Number 2 2$! running late. 2 got tied up at the office again- You know what these !eetings are like. Traffic is really bad in this part of town at this hour, so 2$d better go straight to the airport and !eet you there. 01. ?ut don$t forget to bring !y bags. 2 put the! by the front door this !orning. 9here is the !an#

Teachers Resource Material Photocopiable

Burlington Books


Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Narrator: Narrator: Woman: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator: Narrator: Man: Woman: Man: Woman: Narrator:

Number 2! You look like you$re really struggling with the literature assign!ent. =ive !e !ath or science any day. 2 don$t know where to start when it co!es to analyBing characters in a play. 2 can handle that but when it co!es to !ath, 2$! co!pletely out of !y depth. 9hich sub;ect does the wo!an find difficult# Number 2" 2$ve finished putting away the dishes. 7o you need any help# 8o, 2$! 01. 2$ve folded the laundry and 2$ve started vacuu!ing the living roo!. 01. .o !aybe 2$ll get started on dinner. =reat. 2$ll give you a hand when 2$! done. 9hat is the !an doing now# Number 2# 2s it 01 if 2 leave early this evening# Have you sent out the invitations# Yes. 2 finished that an hour ago, and 2 locked all the filing cabinets. Tell !e, did you let !y wife know 2$d be late# 0h- 2t totally slipped !y !ind. 2$ll do it right away. 9hat does she still have to do before she leaves# Number 3$ 2 spilled so!e coffee on the floor by !y desk. There$s a !op and pail in the kitchen, ;ust down the hall. 2 ;ust need to wipe up a few drops. 0h. 01. Here. 9hat does he want#

Narrator: 2!agine you are listening to the radio. You are going to hear so!eone fro! a radio station interviewing three people at a special event at the Chicago >useu! of .cience and 2ndustry. @irst, you will hear so!e background infor!ation on the !useu!. Then you will hear about the e hibitions. 8e t, you will hear about an upco!ing event. @inally, you will hear infor!ation about ticket prices and opening hours. You will hear the interview in several parts. After each part you will hear so!e questions. There are three answer choices for each question. You select fro! the three answer choices the best answer to the question. 2f you want to, you !ay take brief notes on the botto! of this page as you listen. 8ow, you will hear the beginning of the first interview. @or this part, there will not be any actual test questions. The questions that follow this part are e a!ples only. Ra%io &ho' 9elco!e to our weekly progra! Your City in which we e plore Chicago$s !any attractions. 0ur reporter, (ost: Tessa .tar, is at the >useu! of .cience and 2ndustry, not far fro! the :niversity of Chicago, where we were last week. Today Tessa is covering an 0pen 7ay at the !useu!. Tessa, over to you ... Tessa: Thank you and good !orning. Today the !useu! is packed and it$s not surprising because 0pen 7ay is free ad!ission for students and their teachers fro! all over the country. 9ith us is Cohn Ashton, who$s been giving tours of the !useu! for !any years. Narrator: E a!ple 6" 9here is the interview taking place# The correct answer is c, the >useu! of .cience and 2ndustry. E a!ple *" 9ho is Cohn Ashton# The correct answer is a, a guide. 8ow we will continue the interview. De!e!ber, after each section of the interview you will hear so!e questions. You will have 6* seconds to !ark your answer to each question. There will be *' questions, nu!bers 56 through +'. Are there any questions before we begin# 8ow let$s continue. <isten carefully to the interview.

Teachers Resource Material Photocopiable

Burlington Books


)ohn: =ood !orning, Tessa and good !orning, listeners. 2 think that it$s i!portant people know about the !useu!$s !onthly 0pen 7ay. You see our !ission is to use science and industry to inspire people ( so we$re very educationally oriented. The 0pen 7ays are ;ust one e a!ple of how the !useu! encourages young people to co!e here. There are also lots of interactive e hibits because there$s nothing like a handsAon e perience to get children involved. Tessa: 2t certainly see!s to be a great success. Cohn, can you tell !e a little about the !useu!$s history# )ohn: 9ell, the !useu! itself opened in 6E55. ?ut the building dates back to the early 6)E's. 2t was built as part of a co!ple designed to house the 6)E5 9orld Colu!bian E position. Narrator: Fuestion 56. 9hat is the purpose of an 0pen 7ay for students# Fuestion 5*. 9hen was the !useu! founded# Tessa: And after the E position, 2 suppose it beca!e a !useu!, right# )ohn: 9ell, not quite. @or about *+ years, the @ield >useu! of 8atural History used the building. ?ut then they relocated and the building was deserted for quite a few years. Eventually they decided to use it for a !useu! of science and industry. At that point, the place had deteriorated badly so it was quite a challenging undertaking because they wanted to preserve the original 6EthAcentury appearance of the building$s e terior. ?ut they also had to re!odel the interior to !ake it suitable for a !useu! with science and industry e hibits. They did a great ;ob ( and you probably re!e!ber the building was awarded official land!ark status in 6EE+. Narrator: Fuestion 55. 9hat happened to the building i!!ediately after the E position# Fuestion 5/. 9hy was particular care taken on the building$s e terior# Fuestion 5+. 9hy was 6EE+ an i!portant year for the !useu!# Tessa: 2$! a!aBed at how !any people are here today ( and they$re fro! all over the country. )ohn: 0ver 6&' !illion people have visited this !useu! since it opened, Tessa. And nowadays around two !illion people co!e annually ( and appro i!ately 5'',''' of those are students. 2t certainly isn$t surprising that so !any people co!e. The !useu! is filled with fascinating e hibits. Take the one with real robots, for e a!ple. 2t e plores the world of robots, past and present, and gives a gli!pse into the future of robot technology. Then there is an actual =er!an sub!arine fro! 9orld 9ar 22, where you take a trip into the past. There$s also a detailed e hibit about the hu!an body, where you can walk through a 6&Afoot tall hu!an heart.

Narrator: Fuestion 5&. Appro i!ately how !any people visit the !useu! every year# Fuestion 5G. 2n which e hibition do you see a !odel# Tessa: Thank you, Cohn. And now we$re going to talk to >artha .tone, who$s here on a field trip. >artha, what do you think of the !useu!# Martha: =reat- 9e$ve had a fantastic day, so far. 9e$ve ;ust co!e fro! the coal !ine guided tour. ?efore the trip, the !useu! sent the class an educational resource pack all about coal as a source of fuel. The kids did the work sheets at ho!e with a little help fro! >o! and 7ad, so they were well prepared. 2 also studied geology so 2 added bits of infor!ation and e plained things. They loved the e hibit ( ;ust going down +' feet to get into the !ine is very realistic and even quite frightening. ?ut what always a!aBes !e is that this e hibit has actually been here since the !useu! opened and it$s still an allAti!e favorite. Narrator: Fuestion 5). 9hat does >artha do for a living# Fuestion 5E. How did the children first learn about coal# Fuestion /'. 9hy is it unusual that the coal !ine is such a favorite# Tessa: 7id you see anything else# Martha: 9ell, we$ve been studying different cultures in class, so 2 took the! to the video ga!es e hibit and to the 0!ni!a theater presentation about ancient =reece. As 2 e pected, they were thrilled with the video ga!es. Apart fro! the historical and technological background, the e hibition gave the! real insight into how different countries produce very different kinds of ga!es. They also got quite a kick out of the fil!. The screen is huge and the sound effects are i!pressive. 2 saw so!e of the! ;u!p when the .antorini volcano erupted- And it really brought ho!e to the! how !odern de!ocracy has its roots in ancient =reece. Narrator: Fuestion /6. 9hat did >artha want to stress at the video ga!es e hibit# Fuestion /*. 9hat did the children learn fro! the fil!#

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Tessa: And on a personal level, >artha, which is your favorite e hibit# Martha: That$s easy to answer. The doll house that looks like a fairy castle appeals to the ro!antic in !e. 2t originally belonged to a 6E5's Hollywood star called Colleen >oore. Apparently, she really loved doll houses. Anyway, she co!!issioned G'' e perts to work on this one and it took over seven years to have it built. 2t even has its own library with real !iniature books- And it$s got all the !odern conveniences including running water and electricity- 8ot surprising that it$s worth a fortune. Anyway, Colleen lent the doll house to the !useu! and it was there for !any years before she finally !ade a per!anent donation of it ( 2 think that was in 6EG&. Narrator: Fuestion /5. 9ho was Colleen >oore# Fuestion //. 2n what way does the doll house rese!ble a !odern ho!e# Tessa: Thank you so !uch, >artha. En;oy the rest of your visit- 9ith us now is ?ob 9right. ?ob organiBes special e hibits for the !useu!. 9hat$s co!ing up in the near future, ?ob# *ob: 9ell, Tessa, in April we$re featuring a very interesting Denaissance e hibit. 9hen people think of the Denaissance, they usually think of fa!ous paintings and sculptures, and artists like >ichelangelo, Dafael and, of course, da Hinci. ?ut da Hinci was also a scientist and a prolific inventor, and this part of his work is what we$ll be focusing on. 2$! sure our visitors will be surprised to learn how !uch !odern technology was actually inspired by hi!. 2n his drawings, he planned !odels for sub!arines and flying !achines long before anyone else had drea!ed of the!. .o!e of which have been constructed with the help of the co!puter co!pany 2?>, for a !useu! in A!boise, @rance. 2 don$t want to give too !uch away about the e hibit but 2 pro!ise you it will be fascinating. Narrator: Fuestion /+. 9ho will be featured in the April e hibit# Fuestion /&. 9hat aspect of his work will be displayed# Fuestion /G. 9hat e hibits can be seen in the @rench !useu!# Tessa: 2t certainly sounds like a fascinating e hibit, ?ob. Can you give our listeners so!e general infor!ation about ticket prices# *ob: 9ell, the special e hibits cost e tra, but for general ad!ission, it$s %66 for adults, and children fro! 5A66 pay %G. 0f course, we have 0pen 7ays, where certain groups have free ad!ission, like today for students. 2n fact, students fro! the state of 2llinois always get in free. .tudents fro! elsewhere in the :nited .tates usually do have to pay, but they get a reduced rate of %/, which is very reasonable. 0h, and we give a co!pli!entary ad!ission for one teacher per 6' students. Tessa: 9hat about opening hours# *ob: 9e$re open every day fro! E"5' to /"'' e cept for .undays when we open late. You !ight e pect us to be closed for national holidays like Thanksgiving or 2ndependence 7ay. 2n fact, we are open every day of the year e cept Christ!as. Narrator: Fuestion /). 9ho does not have to pay for a ticket# Fuestion /E. 9hat day is the !useu! closed# Fuestion +'. How !uch does a child$s ticket cost# Tessa: 0ur ti!e$s up, ?ob. 2$d like to thank you and all of you who have helped !ake this a fascinating and infor!ative progra!.

Teachers Resource Material Photocopiable

Burlington Books

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