TATA 407 Specification
TATA 407 Specification
TATA 407 Specification
Tata 407 Truck is a 1 Ton Army Rating Vehicle, with short wheel base. This
vehicle is ideal for use on hill roads.
i) Carry out the maintenance of the vehicle fag complying with the
instructions as laid down
ii) Enter the maintenance task in the log book
(Hans Raj)
SE (E&M), SG
Director (Tech)
Dated: 13 Aug 1999 For Dir Gen Border Roads
Distribution :-
Appendix ‘A’ to GMI No. 207
1. Daily
(i) Check engine oil level in sump. If necessary top up with recommended
brand of oil
(ii) Check water level in radiator. Top up if necessary with clean water.
Secure radiator cap.
(iv) Check fuel level in tank and secure fuel tank cap. Rectify fuel leakage if
(vii) Check functioning of lights, gear, wiper, blinkers, switches and gauges.
(i) Check engine oil level in sump. If necessary, top up with recommended
brand of oil
(ii) Check water level in radiator. Top up if necessary with water and secure
radiator cap.
(iii) Check and rectify leakage of oil, fuel and water if found/noticed.
(iv) Lubricate with oilcan, Accelerator, linkages and brake cable, door hinges,
clutch pedal pivot pins
(a) Propeller shaft ‘U’ joints (3), Propeller shaft, Propeller shaft center
bearing (1)
(b) King pins (4), Tie rod ball joints (2), Drag link ball joints (2)
(vi) Check level of brake fluid in plastic containers for brake and clutch. Top
up if necessary.
(vii) Check condition of oil level in air cleaner bowl. Top up if necessary.
(viii) Check and tighten if necessary ‘U’ bolts of front and near springs.
(x) Check battery mountings, clean battery posts and terminals, tighten
terminals and gear Vaseline/petroleum jelly
Note: - In case any abnormal conditions are observed during driving, stop the
vehicle and report for assistance to the nearest Tata Diesel Vehicle Dealer.
3. Driving Instructions
(i) Ensure your vehicle in road worthy condition before you drive.
(ii) Especially check the steering system, tyres, brakes and clutch.
(iv) Check smooth starting of vehicle without jerks, Pully, clutch pedal
(vi) Always change gears at appropriate speeds and don’t lup the engine by top
early high gear changes at low speeds.
(vii) Always maintain steady speed, avoid quick acceleration and sudden
braking. High speed driving saves little time out increase fuel and oil
consumption. Therefore this vehicle suggest to drive in the fifth gear at a steady
speed of about 0 to 60km ph. Optimum fuel economy is achieved at this speed.
During the first 2000 Km observe the following speed condition limits: -
(i) The speed of this vehicle not more than 60 km ph into gear and
correspondingly lesser in lower gears.
(ii) The gross vehicle weight should not exceed 3.5 tones
(iii) Avoid panic braking during first 500 km. Drive in lower gear when
negotiating stage down gradient, thus avoiding excessive braking and brake
overheating. Brake application should be gradual to avoid fast wear of brake
linings, brake drums and tyres.
Appendix –‘C’ to GMI No.207
No of cylinders : 4 in line
Bore/Stroke : 97/100 mm
Min oil pressure for used engine : 2.5 bar at Max speed 0.5 bar at idling speed
Gear Box
2nd 3.46 : 1
3rd 1.97 : 1
4th 1.37 : 1
5th 1.00 : 1
Rear Axle
Ratio : 4.525:1(37/8)
Ratio : 22.5 : 1
Caster : 2 0 – 30 0 (+ ve)
Camber : 1 0 + ve
Electric system
S/No Description Periodicity of changes & top Ambient Temp 0C Lubricants to be used Capacities in Ltrs Remarks
up at KM
Oil Filter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Engine 18000 (Servo + 5 and above SAE 30 Engine Oil sump Servo pride 30 to
Pride 30) be changed at
The engine oil recommended for 9000 - 10 to +20 SAE 20E/20 Max – 8 Ltrs 18000 Kms &
use on TATA Diesel Vehicle should or 9000 (Other other grades at
conform to specifications of HIL-I- grades) - 20 to 0 SAE 10W Min – 6 Ltrs 9000 Kms
2104 c and grade selected according
to range of ambient temperature - 20 & below SAE 5W Oil Filter – 1 Ltr
5. Wheel boaring Every 10000 - - Servo Grease HP Front hub – 140 gms
8. Brake & Clutch hydraulic system Top up as and - Operation upto 40 J/1703 B/P -
when required C
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
10. Anti freeze agent should be added Upto Castrol Anti – Freeze Do not intermix
to the water in the cooling system as ambient different brand of
per data which depends on ambient Temp (cc) (Water) Anti-Freeze-Agent Anti-freeze agent.
temperature. Anti Freeze agent
Minus 10 80 20 affective up to –40 0C
Minus 20 66 34 Do not drain cooling
Minus 30 56 54 (44) system.
Minus 40 10 50