2013 Safety Talk To C
2013 Safety Talk To C
2013 Safety Talk To C
1. How to hold on to your CDL 2. Be safe and be seen 3. Hurry up can hurt . !hat you can do to pre"ent acc#dents $. Sett#n% a %ood e&a'ple (. )our f#rst react#on *. +#rst ,#d -. .eys to stay#n% safe /. Shortcuts 10. Learn fro' near acc#dents 11. Sl#ps0 tr#ps 1 falls 12. 2rotect your eyeballs 13. 2rotect#on fro' the sun 1 . 3s#n% hydraul#c0 pneu'at#c and l#4u#d5fuel tools safely 1$. ,re you ready to lose we#%ht6 1(. !e#%ht5 how 'uch #s too 'uch 1*. !atch for p#nch po#nts 1-. Dr#"#n% on bad roads 1/. !hen so'eone #s on your ta#l 20. Stay#n% on the safe s#de of corros#"es 21. How well do you know your '#&er6