Protect Your Eyeballs
Protect Your Eyeballs
Protect Your Eyeballs
Typical eye injuries occur by rubbed or abraded foreign matter, such as metal chips, dirt particles, and splinters. Other injury can be by striking the eye. Surface wounds, such as abrasions, scratches, and foreign bodies (splinters and chips) are among the most common types of injuries to the eyes. Other hazards include, but are not limited to, chemicals, adhesi es, radiation, tools, and e!uipment. The highest categories contributing to eye injuries are related to household, the workplace and sports. splashes, and sports injuries. These injuries can be pre ented with proper personal protecti e e!uipment. )ear the right protection for the job you are doing. %hoose sunglasses that offer protection from the sun0s ultra iolet rays. )ear eye protection while doing repair jobs, working in your home shop, working with power e!uipment and working with chemicals at home. )ear proper eye protection when participating in sports. )ear eye protection o er contact lenses and prescription eyeglasses.
Off-the-job protection
- out of ./ accidents that cause blindness happen at home. Off'the'job eye injuries happen because of do'it'yourself work on cars and homes, cooking accidents, chemical plashes, and sports injuries. These injuries can be pre ented with proper personal protecti e