Retaining Wall Design
Retaining Wall Design
Retaining Wall Design
of soil &oefficient of friction #et soil an' concrete *ra'e of concrete *ra'e of steel Design : ,or +2! &oncrete. permissi#le #en'ing stress in compression ,or ,e -1) steel. permissi#le tensile stress +o'ular ration For a balanced section Depth of 0eutral a1is 3ength of le4er arm +oment of resistance Acti4e 5arth pressure coefficient Dimensions of retaining wall Depth of retaining wall Assume thic6ness of #ase sla# H1 7H1 "a$ 2.8! mts !.2 mts !"# mts .!) mts !.-! H !.9! H 1.22 mts 1.8 mts $!% mts !.)2 mts !./2 mts !& mts !.8) mts 6a !.282 ' !.2!- ' !.21- #'2 !. / 0/s%mm 2 ! 0/s%mm 1 . : : : : : H1 %o ( 2.8 mts 18 Kn/cum ! 1!! Kn/s%m !.) + 2! ,e -1)
8otal 'epth of retaining wall Wi'th of #ase Hence a'opt wi'th of #ase sla# 8oe sla# pro:ection Hence a'opt a 8oe sla# pro:ection of Wi'th of heel portion as calculate' !. # !.-! #
A!Design of Stem :
&onsi'ering 1.!! mts length of retaining wall +a1 >en'ing moment ? #ase of stem @ Ka..H1 /9 Hence effecti4e 'epth re%uire' <ro4i'ing a nominal co4er of An' assuming 19 mm 'ia #ars =4erall 'epth of stem re%uire' ' 21.2 Kn;m 1)-.2 # $' 212.2 "# mm mm mm mm mm
Ae'uce the thic6ness of stem at top to Hence effecti4e 'epth of stem at top Stabilit( of stem wall 3et W1 W2 W WWt of rectangular portion of stem Wt of triangular portion of stem Wt of #ase sla# Wt of soil on heel sla#
$# mm 22 mm
0ow ta6ing moments a#out toe point "no 1 2 Designation W1 W2 W W)W ,orce 1!.)! .) 11.2) -2.8'%! * 3A !.88 !.// !.2! 1. 8 +oment 2.22./ 1!.1 )2.12 %$!$* +A < +o 81.12 Kn;m
Hence 8otal resisting moment HoriBontal 5arth pressure on stem 8his pressure will act at a ht of 1/ 'epth of fill "o.o4er turning moment ,actor of safet$ againest o4er turning
Reinforcement in t-e stem : =4er all 'epth of stem inclu'ing thic6ness of heel sla# 8hic6ness of #ase sla# after 'esign Depth of "tem onl$ 0ow +a1 >en'ing moment at #ase of stem 5ffecti4e 'epth of stem re%uire' <ro4i'ing a clear co4er of an' assuming 1! mm 'ia main reinforcement =4erall 'epth of stem re%uire' Hence actual 'epth of effecti4e 'epth a4aila#le Area of stee l re%uire' an' pro4i'ing 1! mm 'ia main reinforcement Area of each #ar "pacing of main reinforcement s "a$ H .!) mts !.2) mts 2.8! mts 21.2 1)-.2 # $ 2!2.2 "# 12) -21.82 Kn;m mm mm mm mm mm mm s%mm
+ '
0ote:8his reinforcement is to #e continue' upto -87 'ia of #ar #e$on' the :unction point of heel with #ase sla#.Dnci'entall$ the same reinforcement ma$ #e continue' at #ottom face into toe sla# to ser4e the #en'ing moment re%uirement of toe sla#.Howfar such reinforcement e1ten'e' into toe sla# from stem is sufficient is to #e ascertaine' from 'esign of toe sla# reinforcement.
- 9. 28 s%mm
8he #en'ing moment 4aries para#olicall$ alon' the 'epth of stem with Bero 4alue at top an' ma1 4alue at #ottom. Ast Ast E H /' h /'F Where E h E is the 'epth measure' from top of stem an' E 'F E is the effectio4e 'epth measure' at 'epth E h E
A!If $0" of t-e reinforcement is to be c/rtailed 1t-en Ast0Ast23$0" "u#stituting the 4alues =4erall 'epth of stem at #ottom &lear co4er to the main reinforcement Dia of main reinforcement 8hen effecti4e co4er An' effecti4e 'epth of stem at #ottom =4erall 'epth of stem at top At a 'epth E h E from top of stem =4erall 'epth of stem a4aila#le An' effecti4e 'epth Depth h at which !.) of stem steel can #e curtaile' h 1.!!! 1.)!! "!$ @ !.1 / 1.2-/ 2.! 2 2.12) 7 h/H G1/27'F/'HI 2)! # $ )) 12) 1)! mm mm mm mm mm
@ @
1)! 2)
J J !#
)./1 )./1
G2)J )./17hHI1/
Hence 1/2 of steel can #e curtaile' at a 'epth of 2.1 mts from top of stem Howe4er these #ars shoul' #e e1ten'e' #e$on' the theoritical point of curtailment #$ a 'istance e%ual to 127 'ia of #ar or effecti4e 'epth of section whiche4er is more. 127 'ia 5ffecti4e 'epth @ @ 12! mm 12) mm
4!If $05 of t-e reinforcement is to be c/rtailed 1t-en Ast0Ast23$05 "u#stituting the 4alues =4erall 'epth of stem at #ottom &lear co4er to the main reinforcement Dia of main reinforcement 8hen effecti4e co4er An' effecti4e 'epth of stem at #ottom =4erall 'epth of stem at top At a 'epth E h E from top of stem =4erall 'epth of stem a4aila#le An' effecti4e 'epth Depth h at which !.2) of stem steel can #e curtaile' h/H G1/27'F/'HI 2)! # $ )) 12) mm mm mm mm mm
1)! mm
@ @
1)! 2)
J J !"#
)./1 )./1
G2)J )./17hHI1/
8hese #ars shoul' #e e1ten'e' #$ a 'istance 12) mm from theoritical cut off point Hence actual cutoff point from top of stem 1.-!) mts "a$ $!5 mts Distrib/tion and tem6arat/re reinforcement : A4erage thic6ness of stem <ro4i'ing 'istri#ution steel ? !.12K of *&A Distri#ution steel re%uire' <ro4i'ing 8 mm 'ia 'istri#ution steel "pacing of 'istri#ution steel re%uire' sa$ 2!! !$"7 2-! % 2!2." mm mm mm mm
Hence pro4i'e 8 mm 'ia #ars at 2!! mm spacing at inner face of the wall along its length.,or temparature reinforcement pro4i'e 8 mm steel ? -!! mm c/c #oth wa$s in the outer face
8he weight of soil a#o4e toe sla# is neglecte' for 'esign purpose amn' hence the forces acting on the heel sla# are 1.Lpwar' soil pressure 2.Downwar' weight of toe sla# Downwar' weight of toe sla# per metre Lpwar' reaction on toe sla# per metre 0et upwar' reaction &entroi' force from toe ;stem :unction point >en'ing moment at 8oe;"tem :unction point 5ffecti4e 'epth of 8oe sla# re%uire' 3et clear co4er to #ase sla# Assume 12 mm 'ia #ars 5ffecti4e co4er Hence o4er all 'epth re%uire' "a$ Ae'uce the thic6ness to 2!! mm at free e'ge Hence 5ffecti4e 'epth pro4i'e' at 8oe;stem :unction Area of steel re%uire' -. /) Kn .)/ Kn 22.12) Kn !. / mts 1!.8 1!8./ # $" )9 19-./! " ! " ! 1--.!! Kn;m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
9!./2 s%mm
As alrea'$ pointe' out the stem main reinforcement can #e utilise' as heel sla# main reinforcement #$ e1ten'ing stem reinfocement into toe sla#. Assuming 1!!K of #ars are e1ten'e' in to toe sla# Area of steel a4aila#le @ 1!!K of Area of "tem steel 1!!K7- 9. w-ic- is grater t-an re9/ired1-ence O, Hence pro4i'e 1! mm 'ia ? 18!.!! mm c/c at top face .-ec: for de;elo6ment lengt- : De4elopment length re%uire' <ro4i'ing clear co4er at en' 3ength of #ar a4aila#le from 8oe;"tem :unction w-ic- is greater t-an re9/ired1-ence O, Distrib/tion steel : A4erage thic6ness of 8oe wall <ro4i'ing 'istri#ution steel ? !.12K *&A Distri#ution reinforcement re%uire' <ro4i'ing 8 mm 'ia 'istri#ution steel spacing of 'istri#ution steel sa$ .-ec: for s-ear : 8otal shear force ? :unction of Heel;"tem 22.2! Kn 8hic6ness of Heel sla# at Heel;"tem 2!!.!! mm "hear stress !.1) 0/s%mm which is 4er$ small an' hence no increase in thic6ness of heel re%uire'. 2!!.!! !$"7 2-!.!! % 2!2.$% ! mm s%mm mm mm mm -) )-! )! 9)! 7Dia of #ar mm mm mm $ 7 - 9.
!. 2 mts 1!. - Kn;m 1!9. 9 mm # mm $" mm )9 mm 192. 9 mm " ! mm " ! mm 1--.!! mm -). ) s%mm
<ro4i'ing 1! mm 'ia #ars main reinforcement "pacing of main reinforcement "a$ &hec6 for 'e4elopment length : De4elopment length re%uire' <ro4i'ing clear co4er at en' 3ength of #ar a4aila#le from 8oe;"tem :unction w-ic- is greater t-an re9/ired1-ence O, Distrib/tion steel : A4erage thic6ness of heel wall <ro4i'ing 'istri#ution steel ? !.12K *&A Distri#ution reinforcement re%uire' <ro4i'ing 8 mm 'ia 'istri#ution steel spacing of 'istri#ution steel sa$ .-ec: for s-ear :
$ mm 22/.-1 mm " mm
-) )-! )! 8!!
7Dia of #ar mm mm mm
mm s%mm mm mm mm
8otal shear force ? :unction of Heel;"tem 22.22 Kn 8hic6ness of Heel sla# at Heel;"tem 2!!.!! mm "hear stress !.11 0/s%mm which is 4er$ small an' hence no increase in thic6ness of heel re%uire'.
Design s/mmar( :
Depth of retaining wall stem #elow *3 Depth of >ase sla# 8otal 'epth of retaining wall upto #ottom of >ase 2.8! mts 2!!.!! mm .!! mts
Stem :
8hic6ness of stem at top at #ottom Dn the region Dnsi'e "pacing Dn the region Dnsi'e "pacing Distri#ution Dnsi'e "pacing =utsi'e "pacing Wi'th of toe sla# 8hic6ness ? fi1e' en' 8hic6ness ? free en' !.2! !.!! ; 1)! mm 2)! mm !.2! from #ase
+ain reinforcement
Toe slab :
+ain reinforcement
at #ottom "pacing at >ottom "pacing Wi'th of heel sla# 8hic6ness ? fi1e' en' 8hic6ness ? free en' at top "pacing at top "pacing
+eel slab :
+ain reinforcement
oint of heel with #ase oe sla# to ser4e the toe sla# from stem is
7h 7h
G2)J )./17hHI1/
#$ a 'istance e%ual to
7h 7h
G2)J )./17hHI1/
main reinforcement #$
DESIGN OF RETAINING WALL : Data : Depth of retaining wall Weight of soil Angle of repose of soil "afe #earing capacit$ of soil &oefficient of friction #et soil an' concrete *ra'e of concrete *ra'e of steel Design : ,or +2! &oncrete. permissi#le #en'ing stress in compression ,or ,e -1) steel. permissi#le tensile stress +o'ular ration For a balanced section Depth of 0eutral a1is 3ength of le4er arm +oment of resistance Acti4e 5arth pressure coefficient Dimensions of retaining wall Depth of retaining wall Assume thic6ness of #ase sla# H1 7H1 "a$ 2.8! mts !.2 mts !"# mts .!) mts !.-! H !.9! H 1.22 mts 1.8 mts $!% mts !.)2 mts !./2 mts !& mts !.8) mts 6a !.282 ' !.2!- ' !.21- #'2 !. / 0/s%mm 2 ! 0/s%mm 1 . : : : : : H1 %o ( 2.8 mts 18 Kn/cum 1!! Kn/s%m !.) + 2! ,e -1)
8otal 'epth of retaining wall Wi'th of #ase Hence a'opt wi'th of #ase sla# 8oe sla# pro:ection Hence a'opt a 8oe sla# pro:ection of Wi'th of heel portion as calculate' !. # !.-! #
A!Design of Stem :
&onsi'ering 1.!! mts length of retaining wall +a1 >en'ing moment ? #ase of stem @ Ka..H1 /9 Hence effecti4e 'epth re%uire' <ro4i'ing a nominal co4er of An' assuming 19 mm 'ia #ars =4erall 'epth of stem re%uire' ' 21.2 Kn;m 1)-.2 # $' 212.2 "# mm mm mm mm mm
Ae'uce the thic6ness of stem at top to Hence effecti4e 'epth of stem at top Stabilit( of stem wall 3et W1 W2 W WWt of rectangular portion of stem Wt of triangular portion of stem Wt of #ase sla# Wt of soil on heel sla#
$# mm 22 mm
0ow ta6ing moments a#out toe point "no 1 2 Designation W1 W2 W W)W ,orce 1!.)! .) 11.2) -2.8'%! * 3A !.88 !.// !.2! 1. 8 +oment 2.22./ 1!.1 )2.12 %$!$* +A < +o 81.12 Kn;m
Hence 8otal resisting moment HoriBontal 5arth pressure on stem 8his pressure will act at a ht of 1/ 'epth of fill "o.o4er turning moment ,actor of safet$ againest o4er turning
Reinforcement in t-e stem : =4er all 'epth of stem inclu'ing thic6ness of heel sla# 8hic6ness of #ase sla# after 'esign Depth of "tem onl$ 0ow +a1 >en'ing moment at #ase of stem 5ffecti4e 'epth of stem re%uire' <ro4i'ing a clear co4er of an' assuming 1! mm 'ia main reinforcement =4erall 'epth of stem re%uire' Hence actual 'epth of effecti4e 'epth a4aila#le Area of stee l re%uire' an' pro4i'ing 1! mm 'ia main reinforcement Area of each #ar "pacing of main reinforcement s "a$ H .!) mts !.2) mts 2.8! mts 21.2 1)-.2 # $ 2!2.2 "# 12) -21.82 Kn;m mm mm mm mm mm mm s%mm
+ '
0ote:8his reinforcement is to #e continue' upto -87 'ia of #ar #e$on' the :unction point of heel with #ase sla#.Dnci'entall$ the same reinforcement ma$ #e continue' at #ottom face into toe sla# to ser4e the #en'ing moment re%uirement of toe sla#.Howfar such reinforcement e1ten'e' into toe sla# from stem is sufficient is to #e ascertaine' from 'esign of toe sla# reinforcement.
- 9. 28 s%mm
8he #en'ing moment 4aries para#olicall$ alon' the 'epth of stem with Bero 4alue at top an' ma1 4alue at #ottom. Ast Ast E H /' h /'F Where E h E is the 'epth measure' from top of stem an' E 'F E is the effectio4e 'epth measure' at 'epth E h E
A!If $0" of t-e reinforcement is to be c/rtailed 1t-en Ast0Ast23$0" "u#stituting the 4alues =4erall 'epth of stem at #ottom &lear co4er to the main reinforcement Dia of main reinforcement 8hen effecti4e co4er An' effecti4e 'epth of stem at #ottom =4erall 'epth of stem at top At a 'epth E h E from top of stem =4erall 'epth of stem a4aila#le An' effecti4e 'epth Depth h at which !.) of stem steel can #e curtaile' h 1.!!! 1.)!! "!$ @ !.1 / 1.2-/ 2.! 2 2.12) 7 h/H G1/27'F/'HI 2)! # $ )) 12) 1)! mm mm mm mm mm
@ @
1)! 2)
J J !#
)./1 )./1
G2)J )./17hHI1/
Hence 1/2 of steel can #e curtaile' at a 'epth of 2.1 mts from top of stem Howe4er these #ars shoul' #e e1ten'e' #e$on' the theoritical point of curtailment #$ a 'istance e%ual to 127 'ia of #ar or effecti4e 'epth of section whiche4er is more. 127 'ia 5ffecti4e 'epth @ @ 12! mm 12) mm
4!If $05 of t-e reinforcement is to be c/rtailed 1t-en Ast0Ast23$05 "u#stituting the 4alues =4erall 'epth of stem at #ottom &lear co4er to the main reinforcement Dia of main reinforcement 8hen effecti4e co4er An' effecti4e 'epth of stem at #ottom =4erall 'epth of stem at top At a 'epth E h E from top of stem =4erall 'epth of stem a4aila#le An' effecti4e 'epth Depth h at which !.2) of stem steel can #e curtaile' h/H G1/27'F/'HI 2)! # $ )) 12) mm mm mm mm mm
1)! mm
@ @
1)! 2)
J J !"#
)./1 )./1
G2)J )./17hHI1/
8hese #ars shoul' #e e1ten'e' #$ a 'istance 12) mm from theoritical cut off point Hence actual cutoff point from top of stem 1.-!) mts "a$ $!5 mts Distrib/tion and tem6arat/re reinforcement : A4erage thic6ness of stem <ro4i'ing 'istri#ution steel ? !.12K of *&A Distri#ution steel re%uire' <ro4i'ing 8 mm 'ia 'istri#ution steel "pacing of 'istri#ution steel re%uire' sa$ 2!! !$"7 2-! % 2!2." mm mm mm mm
Hence pro4i'e 8 mm 'ia #ars at 2!! mm spacing at inner face of the wall along its length.,or temparature reinforcement pro4i'e 8 mm steel ? -!! mm c/c #oth wa$s in the outer face
8he weight of soil a#o4e toe sla# is neglecte' for 'esign purpose amn' hence the forces acting on the heel sla# are 1.Lpwar' soil pressure 2.Downwar' weight of toe sla# Downwar' weight of toe sla# per metre Lpwar' reaction on toe sla# per metre 0et upwar' reaction &entroi' force from toe ;stem :unction point >en'ing moment at 8oe;"tem :unction point 5ffecti4e 'epth of 8oe sla# re%uire' 3et clear co4er to #ase sla# Assume 12 mm 'ia #ars 5ffecti4e co4er Hence o4er all 'epth re%uire' "a$ Ae'uce the thic6ness to 2!! mm at free e'ge Hence 5ffecti4e 'epth pro4i'e' at 8oe;stem :unction Area of steel re%uire' -. /) Kn .)/ Kn 22.12) Kn !. / mts 1!.8 1!8./ # $" )9 19-./! " ! " ! 1--.!! Kn;m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
9!./2 s%mm
As alrea'$ pointe' out the stem main reinforcement can #e utilise' as heel sla# main reinforcement #$ e1ten'ing stem reinfocement into toe sla#. Assuming 1!!K of #ars are e1ten'e' in to toe sla# Area of steel a4aila#le @ 1!!K of Area of "tem steel 1!!K7- 9. w-ic- is grater t-an re9/ired1-ence O, Hence pro4i'e 1! mm 'ia ? 18!.!! mm c/c at top face .-ec: for de;elo6ment lengt- : De4elopment length re%uire' <ro4i'ing clear co4er at en' 3ength of #ar a4aila#le from 8oe;"tem :unction w-ic- is greater t-an re9/ired1-ence O, Distrib/tion steel : A4erage thic6ness of 8oe wall <ro4i'ing 'istri#ution steel ? !.12K *&A Distri#ution reinforcement re%uire' <ro4i'ing 8 mm 'ia 'istri#ution steel spacing of 'istri#ution steel sa$ .-ec: for s-ear : 8otal shear force ? :unction of Heel;"tem 22.2! Kn 8hic6ness of Heel sla# at Heel;"tem 2!!.!! mm "hear stress !.1) 0/s%mm which is 4er$ small an' hence no increase in thic6ness of heel re%uire'. 2!!.!! !$"7 2-!.!! % 2!2.$% ! mm s%mm mm mm mm -) )-! )! 9)! 7Dia of #ar mm mm mm $ 7 - 9.
!. 2 mts 1!. - Kn;m 1!9. 9 mm # mm $" mm )9 mm 192. 9 mm " ! mm " ! mm 1--.!! mm -). ) s%mm
<ro4i'ing 1! mm 'ia #ars main reinforcement "pacing of main reinforcement "a$ &hec6 for 'e4elopment length : De4elopment length re%uire' <ro4i'ing clear co4er at en' 3ength of #ar a4aila#le from 8oe;"tem :unction w-ic- is greater t-an re9/ired1-ence O, Distrib/tion steel : A4erage thic6ness of heel wall <ro4i'ing 'istri#ution steel ? !.12K *&A Distri#ution reinforcement re%uire' <ro4i'ing 8 mm 'ia 'istri#ution steel spacing of 'istri#ution steel sa$ .-ec: for s-ear :
$ mm 22/.-1 mm " mm
-) )-! )! 8!!
7Dia of #ar mm mm mm
mm s%mm mm mm mm
8otal shear force ? :unction of Heel;"tem 22.22 Kn 8hic6ness of Heel sla# at Heel;"tem 2!!.!! mm "hear stress !.11 0/s%mm which is 4er$ small an' hence no increase in thic6ness of heel re%uire'.
Design s/mmar( :
Depth of retaining wall stem #elow *3 Depth of >ase sla# 8otal 'epth of retaining wall upto #ottom of >ase 2.8! mts 2!!.!! mm .!! mts
Stem :
8hic6ness of stem at top at #ottom Dn the region Dnsi'e "pacing Dn the region Dnsi'e "pacing Distri#ution Dnsi'e "pacing =utsi'e "pacing Wi'th of toe sla# 8hic6ness ? fi1e' en' 8hic6ness ? free en' !.2! !.!! ; 1)! mm 2)! mm !.2! from #ase
+ain reinforcement
Toe slab :
+ain reinforcement
at #ottom "pacing at >ottom "pacing Wi'th of heel sla# 8hic6ness ? fi1e' en' 8hic6ness ? free en' at top "pacing at top "pacing
+eel slab :
+ain reinforcement
oint of heel with #ase oe sla# to ser4e the toe sla# from stem is
7h 7h
G2)J )./17hHI1/
#$ a 'istance e%ual to
7h 7h
G2)J )./17hHI1/
main reinforcement #$