Electronic Eye Controlled System
Electronic Eye Controlled System
Electronic Eye Controlled System
The project is designed as a security system based on photo sensing arrangement. It uses a 14- stage ripple carry binary counter to sense the light intensity through LDR. The output drives a buzzer and a relay or necessary action. This concept is very use ul to deter burglars rom ban!s" malls" je#ellery stores and also in homes. The system is based on an electronic eye$ it is an LDR sensor" called light dependant resistor. %hen light alls on the sensor" its resistance drastically decreases #hich lead to triggering an alarm to alert the user. This system best suits in the application o providing security or cash bo&es and loc!ers" #hich can be ound in malls" je#eler shops" and ban!s. The circuit is placed inside the cash bo& or loc!er in such a #ay that" #hen the burglar opens the loc!er and uses a torch light to ind the valuables" the light alls on the circuit #hich contains an electronic eye 'LDR( and gives a signal to the ripple counter. This activates the alarm" and indicates a burglary attempt. )lso a lamp is used to indicate the the t #hen the light alls on the LDR. *urther the project can be enhanced by using a +,- modem and a microcontroller. +sm modem can be inter aced to the microcontroller to send an ,-, to the user in case o burglary.
HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: .attery" ,lide s#itch" LDR" Ripple /ounter I/" Transistor" .uzzer" Relay" .ulb" Diode" Trans ormer" /apacitor" Resistor
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%hat is electronic eye1 It is a secured monitoring system 2o# does it unction1 It unctions by sensing light in a closed chamber %here can I use it1 3ou can use it #ith precious items li!e cash bo&" je#el bo&" loc!ers etc.