Talent Management Project Report

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Table of Contents

Key Business Processes.........................................................................................2

The process of talent management..............................................................................2

Talent Management v/s Traditional HR Approach..............................................................2

The focus of talent management.................................................................................2

Knowledge Management.........................................................................................2

LITERATURE REVIEW:.............................................................................................2

PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION.......................................................................................2


NEED OF THE STUDY..............................................................................................2

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................................2

PRIMARY DATA..................................................................................................2

SECONDARY DATA..............................................................................................2

STATISTICAL TOOLS:...........................................................................................2

SAMPLING TECHNIQUES:......................................................................................2


HR PROFESSIONAL.............................................................................................2



HR MANAGERS...................................................................................................2




LIMITATIONS.......................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.




This new age economy, with its attendant paradigm shifts in relation to the
human capital, in terms of its acquisition, utilisation, development and
retention, has placed a heavy demand on today’s HR professionals. Today HR
is expected to identify potential talent and also comprehend, conceptualise
and implement relevant strategies to contribute effectively to achieve
organisational objectives. Hence a serious concern of every HR manager in
order to survive this ‘War for Talent’, is to fight against a limited and
diminishing pool of qualified available candidates to replace valuable
employees when they leave, dramatically underscoring the difficulty to
attract, motivate and retain the best employees in an organisation. To
analyse the reasons, we first need to understand what “TALENT” means.
People have different views and definitions. According to Leigh Branham, vice
president, consulting service at Right Management Consultants and author of
the book, “Keeping People Who Keep You in Business”, a talent is not rare
and precious. Everyone has talent – too many to possibly name all. Talent is
behavior; things we do more easily than the next person. We speak of
“natural born talent” but those with a gift, knack, ability or flair for something
can refine and develop that talent through experience. Talent, however,
cannot be taught. As someone once said, “you can teach a turkey to climb a
tree, but it is easier to hire a squirrel”.

Vice President, HR of Seagram, Mr. Gopi Nambiar, says talent can be best
described as a combination of abilities and attitudes. The real trick is to
match the right motivated talents to the right role, individually and
collectively, harnessing and harmonizing this crucial attribute to achieve the
objectives of your company.

Today, companies have become fiercely competitive when it comes to

attracting and retaining talent. According to Branham, 75 per cent of the
senior executives admit that employee retention is a major concern today,
the obvious reason being the ‘increasing rate of turnover’. This dynamically
changing and volatile demand-supply equation with such erratic attrition
trends and cut throat competition has led organisations to focus on
mechanisms pertaining to attracting and retaining talent. It is an accepted
truth that turnover will happen and companies need to device a strategy to
curb unprecedented turnover from affecting organisational success.

As the Director, HR (Asia) of Bausch & Lomb, Mr. P.G. George declares,
achieving zero percent turnover is neither realistic nor desirable. People tend
to seek change for a variety of reasons—more money, better benefits, the
appearance of a greener pasture- and this has been a practice from the very
beginning. Then, what is it that has really changed?
Despite intense competition being the key to market development and
success, organisations have failed to identify some of the major reasons
which highlight why ‘good performers’ leave. In his study, Branham clearly
states that one major reason why people leave their organisation is because
of the organisation’s failure to bring about a correlation between pay and
performance. Human Resource experts in the industry believe matching the
right blend of talent with the right job profile can lead to superior

The present scenario with abundant opportunities has triggered a wave of

employees, perpetually “on the move”, forever seeking better opportunities
whenever, wherever and however they can. What is behind the restlessness
of these hard to keep employees? By focusing on productivity, organisations
are realising that it is imperative to hire employees who can do the job and
be successful at it. The organisation no longer wants to just hire to hire, in
fact they are striving to find the right people, bring them into the organisation
and retain their services. One of the critical functions of HR is a sound Human
Resource Planning through which they are able to project the demand for
human resource and thereafter formulate strategies for acquiring them. As
the leading HR heads of the country point out, the solution is not just about
finding the correct retention mechanisms , but it starts from the very
beginning by devising ways to acquire the right people for the right jobs.

Key Business Processes

The following matrix appropriately defines key business processes for an organization:
Low Leveraging
pa Processes
Talent management is a key business process and like any business process takes
inputs and generates output.
The process of talent management
INPUT Structure
Breakthrough Performance
(Selecting and developing)
Tapping the full potential
Talent Management v/s Traditional HR Approach

Traditional HR systems approach people development from the perspective of

developing competencies in the organization. This can actually be a risk-prone
approach, especially for companies operating in fast evolving industries, since
competencies become redundant with time and new competencies need to be
developed. Thus, over time, the entire approach to development of people might be
rendered obsolete calling for rethinking the entire development initiative.

Talent management on the other hand focuses on enhancing the potential of people by
developing capacities. Capacities are the basic DNA of an organization and also of
individual potential. In fact, the following appropriately describes the role of talent

Point of Departure Navigation Point of Arrival

Clear understanding of the

varied roles within the
Translating organizational vision Aligning individual values
organization and appreciation
into goals and mapping the and vision with
of the value-addition from self
required level of capacities and organizational values and
and others leading to building
competencies to achieve goals vision
a culture of trust, sharing and
team orientation

Individual growth to meet and

Assessment of talent to profile the Enhancing capacities to accept varied, incremental
level of capacities and set of learn, think relate and and transformational roles in
competencies possessed within act through development an overall scenario of
the organization initiatives acknowledged need for

Helping individuals
realize their full Developed individuals
Gap analysis and identification of
potential through enabling breakthrough
development path
learning and performance

The focus of talent management

At the heart of talent management is developing the following intrinsic human


1. Capacity to learn (measured as learning quotient LQ)

Enhancing an individual’s capacity to learn improves the person’s awareness. It adds
to the person’s quest to know more and delve into newer areas. This capacity is
developed by holistic education that teaches how to learn, an enabling environment
and good mentoring. Capacity to learn comprises of the following:

NALNT to attractcontemplation
and retain the employee.tiveness and
efficiency. It can also be long run.Learn

• Introspection is the individual’s willingness to look back and learn ability to

learn from mistakes and identifying areas of improvement.
• Reflection and contemplation is the individual’s ability to observe his own
thoughts, actions and emotions/feelings and using the awareness to improve
further and perform better.
• Getting into the flow is the individual’s ability to get into a new experience
and flow with the experience. It is the person’s child-like ability to derive joy
out of learning.

2. Capacity to think (measured as conceptual quotient CQ)

An individual’s quest to know more leads his mind to create images. Enhancing an
individual’s capacity to think helps the person not only take learning to a higher level
of intellect but also improves creativity. Capacity to think comprises of the following:



• Analysis is about asking the right questions and breaking complex things into
simpler elements.
• Creativity is about generating new thoughts and breaking the existing patterns
of thought.
• Judgment requires both. This is what helps an individual take quality
3. Capacity to relate (measured as relationship quotient RQ)

It is important for an individual to be able to relate to his learning and thoughts. This
leads the person to be able to relate to other individuals and the environment around
him. The outcome is indeed a sense of belongingness and an environment of trust at
the organizational level and team spirit at the individual level. Capacity to relate
comprises of the following:


• Listening is the individual’s ability to listen with warmth and respect. Active
listening is free of biases, evaluation and pre-conceived notions.
• Empathizing is the ability to put self in someone else’s shoes and getting out of
one’s own shoes.
• Trust requires a combination of both empathizing and listening. It is about
authenticity, openness and genuineness.

4. Capacity to act (measured as action quotient AQ)

Action is how the above three capacities of an individual are manifested. It is the
individual’s ability to enact his intentions. Following are components of capacity to


• Organizing refers to the individual’s ability to organize his time and resources
so as to enable him to convert intentions into reality.
• Implementing means delegating, attention to detail, and focus on the right
• Perform under pressure means the ability to work under pressure and time
constraints and handle multiple tasks without negative stress.
The individual’s values help in discriminating amongst alternatives and act as the
bedrock for decisions. They act as multipliers in enhancing the individual’s capacities,
a sigma of which reflects the individual’s true talent.


(LQ + CQ + RQ + AQ) X Values = Talent

Organizations provide individuals the opportunity and space for physically manifesting
their talent into performance for achieving individual and organizational vision.
Talent manifests into performance as follows:



Skills & Competencies

Role & structure


Encouragement & Recognition

Training & Development


Action Plan & Goals





Thus the domain of talent management focuses not only on development of
individual’s intrinsic capacities, but also on culture building and change management
to provide the other elements listed above for manifestation of talent into

The service and consulting areas of talent management that thus emerge are:

• Talent appreciation

• Potential enhancement

• Acquisition of talent

• Knowledge management

Grow Talent offers services in all the above areas. Grow Talent’s offerings are based
on the models discussed above and follow a unique methodology.

Talent appreciation (TAPTM)

TAPTM services from Grow Talent are focused on assessing the way individuals learn,
think, relate to others, and act. Tap is used to evaluate the capacities, competencies
and values of individuals for assessment of potential for career development and
succession planning.

This is intricately linked to helping organizations map their capacity and competency
requirements and then assessing talent to draw up individual development plans. The
talent profiling thus done for organizations helps them identify critical competencies
to be developed and capacities to be enhanced in order to meet future business
requirements and achieve plans.

Potential enhancement (PEPTM)

The focus of PEPTM is to create learning experiences and solutions for individuals that
will help convert their talent into competence. It also involves designing learning
events and processes that enhance the potential of individuals.

Two intrinsic components of Grow Talent PEPTM are:

• Capacity building modules - which focus on enhancing the four capacities of

• Competence building modules – which focus on specific areas like consulting
skills, problem solving, service quality, strategic selling, process designing,
interviewing skills, etc.

Acquisition of talent (ACTTM)

Grow Talent’s approach to helping organizations acquire talent is based on the


• Helping organizations define roles for specific leadership positions based on

'preferred futures' and strategy
• Identifying the competencies required for each of these jobs
• Determining the levels of fundamental capacities of learning, thinking, relating
and acting needed to acquire these competencies
• Defining the values which are needed to display the desired behaviors
• Identifying individuals who would fit into these positions
• Enable organizations and individuals to establish mutually acceptable contracts
for employment and lay the foundation of win-win relationships

Knowledge Management

As said earlier, the domain of talent management includes culture-building and change
management. Knowledge management services from Grow Talent are aimed at
leveraging knowledge for performance by creating an environment for sharing by
building trust. The focus of knowledge management is to connect people and
technology to capture and harness the tacit knowledge of the organization. By making
trust the bandwidth of communication, knowledge management enhances sharing and
thereby creates an appropriate environment for talent to translate into performance.

With its comprehensive spectrum of services for talent management and unique
methodology, Grow Talent is strongly positioned to help organizations gain a
competitive and sustained talent advantage.
A detailed survey of the concerned literature has been carried out based on various
journals, reviews concerned magazines and internet and presented below:

Any Organization needs to have a vision and a well defined strategy on hiring for the
future. We should have the right talent to attract and retain the best available talent
for which a number of measures for talent management are required.
[KARTHIKEYAN,2007]. Emphasis has been paid on initiatives that can be put in place to
help organization to retain and nurture the talent [PANDIT, 2007]. The fundamental
aspects about the definitions of human recourses have been discussed and planning of
new models has been discussed. The need to disband the conventional school of
thoughts about organizational behavior has been advocated and a new approach has
been suggested for HR [ANANDARAM, 2007.]

The Strategic Development of Talent by William J. Rothwell

"Rothwell ignites the imagination, expands the possibilities, and offers practical
strategies any organisation can use to effectively develop, retain and utilise talent for
the benefit of an organisation and enter the fluid, flexible future. Managers at all
levels will cheer the sanity Rothwell suggests."

The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organizational Excellence by

Identifying, Developing, and Promoting Your Best People by Lance A. Berger

"This is an outstanding reference work that succinctly explains a simple and practical
approach to the identification, assessment and management of talent in the current,
dynamic operating business environment. The book plainly gives advice on how to
avoid high staff turnover, poor morale, and poor performance."


Sriiddar S Preetham (July 2007), Managing talent, HRD Newsletter, vol23 issue -4

Focusing on the challenge of attracting and retaining talent faced by Indian HR

mangers, the article outlines initiative that can be put in place to help organization
retain nurture and retain the talent…………

KARTHIKEYAN J (May 2007), Talent management strategies, NHRD journal,

Hyderabad, p23-26

Organization need to have a vision and a well defined strategy on hiring for the future.
Do we have the right talent within to attract and retain the best available talent? A
number of measures for talent management are Suggested………..

PANDIT Y V L (May 2007), Talent retention strategies in a competitive

environment, NHRD journal, Hyderabad, p27-29

Focusing on the challenge of attracting and retaining talent faced by Indian HR

mangers, the article outlines initiative that can be put in place to help organization
retain nurture and retain the talent…………
IT TAKES Talent to spot Talent! A tone deaf will never be able to appreciate
the music of maestros. Only a seasoned jeweler would know that all that
glitters is not real! And, only those who can recognize the worth of a diamond
can value it, for others it's just a stone! Talent is doing easily what others find

In an organization, there is nothing more crucial than fitting the right

employee in the right position. Or else you would be trying to fit a square peg
in a round hole. When people do jobs that just don't suit their liking,
inclination or temperament, the results, or rather the lack of them will be
disastrously obvious. Low productivity, dissatisfaction, low morale,
absenteeism and other negative behavior will become typical till the
employee is shown the door. Or perhaps, there is another option - Talent

“A conscious, deliberate approach undertaken to attract,

develop and retain people with the aptitude and abilities
to meet current and future organizational need”
Organization need to have a vision and a well defined strategy on hiring for
the future.

India has become the outsourcing capital of the world and this has created its
own set of HR challenges. India’s biggest problem is that qualified graduates
are becoming scarce. Despite the large population, the supply of engineers
cannot keep up with the sharply increased demand. So, do we have the right
talent within to attract and retain the best available talent?

• To identify various upcoming challenges of talent management
• To establish upcoming trends in talent management.
• To identify the ways to retain the best talent.


The supply side discussed puts pressure on companies to attract the best
talent and ensure that employees join the company and choose to stay in the
organization rather than look for opportunities elsewhere. Present study is
supposed to find out the existing Indian talent scenario so as to analyze its
emerging challenges and trends.
For the purpose of collection of primary data two web administered
questionnaire were prepared. One questionnaire was made for HR
professionals or the people involve with the talent management in the
organization and other one was for the employees of the organizations.



The researcher focused on a comprehensive set of workplace practices that

influence employee motivation, commitment and willingness and desire to
achieve at work. The researcher identified these practices and a deep
understanding of typical organizational programs to ensure that the
questionnaire covered the broadest spectrum of tangible and intangible
aspects of the work environment. As a result, the questionnaire included
items about the full range of rewards practices, leadership and management
effectiveness, communication, culture and attributes related to these
tangible and intangible aspects. Respondents came from a range of
industries, including telecommunications and technology, financial services,
education, health care, energy, retail, transportation, consumer products and

Sample Size: 25



The prime focus of this questionnaire was to compare with the responses
obtained by above questionnaire. The talent management initiative is taken
by the HR professionals but the implication of this initiative is on the
employees. By this questionnaire, the researcher tried to find out the
effectiveness of such talent management initiative as well as the satisfaction
level of the employees.

Sample Size: 30

These questionnaire links were mailed to the respective respondent and data
was collected through the website. The researcher created an account with
the hosting website www.surveyspro.com for uploading as well as assessing the
response database.
➢ Journals and Research Paper
➢ Newsletters
➢ HR websites

• Pie charts
• Bar graphs
• Averages
• Correlation

Judgmental Sampling


What are the areas your organization needs to improve in terms of talent
management initiatives?

Aligning employees with the mission and vision of your 40.91%


Assessing candidates skills earlier in the hiring process 50.00%

Creating a culture that makes employees want to stay with the 40.91%

Creating a culture that makes individuals want to join the 40.91%


Creating a culture that values employees work 40.91%

Creating an environment where employees are excited to come to 50.00%

work each day

Creating an environment where employees ideas are listened to 50.00%

and valued

Creating policies that encourage career growth and development 63.64%


Identifying gaps in current employees and candidate competency 59.09%

What are the areas your organization needs to improve in terms of 40.91%
talent management initiatives?

In your organization who is primarily responsible for …… (tick one per statement)

No one Department Hr staff Internal Mentor Outside others

head(excludes coach(exclude (excludes consultant
employee s employee employee
supervisor) supervisor) supervisor

Recruiting individuals 0% (0) 63% (14) 63% (14) 4% (1) 4% (1) 4% (1) 4% (1)

Further developing 4% (1) 54% (12) 31% (7) 13% (3) 18% (4) 4% (1) 13% (3)

Retaining employees 4% (1) 63% (14) 50% (11) 9% (2) 4% (1) 9% (2) 9% (2)

Which broadly defined job description are the most critical in terms of attracting
and retaining employees?

1 (very 2 3 4 5 (not critical)


0%(0) 0%(0) 0%(0) 0%(0) 0%(0)

sales 55% (10) 33% (6) 5% (1) 5% (1) 0% (0)

marketing 27% (5) 44% (8) 22% (4) 5% (1) 0% (0)

Business development 50% (10) 35% (7) 20% (4) 0% (0) 0% (0)

finance 15% (3) 25% (5) 45% (9) 15% (3) 0% (0)

Field operations 5% (1) 21% (4) 36% (7) 26% (5) 10% (2)

Research and 23% (5) 38% (8) 28% (6) 4% (1) 4% (1)

innovation 25% (5) 40% (8) 25% (5) 10% (2) 0% (0)

Business unit leadership 25% (5) 35% (7) 30% (6) 10% (2) 0% (0)

Senior management 38% (8) 38% (8) 19% (4) 4% (1) 0% (0)

Programme management 19% (4) 23% (5) 47% (10) 9% (2) 0% (0)

10% Developmental experience

Short termsassignments
9% 18%

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

(Tick one per statement)

Strongly disagree agree Strongly

disagree agree

Aligning employees with the mission and vision of 4% (1) 9% (2) 38% 47% (10)
your organization (8)

Assessing candidates skills earlier in the hiring 9% (2) 0% (0) 76% 14% (3)
process (16)

Creating a culture that makes employees want to 5% (1) 0% (0) 35% 60% (12)
stay with the organization (7)

Creating a culture that makes individuals want to 9% (2) 9% (2) 28% 52% (11)
join the organization (6)

Creating a culture that values employees work 4% (1) 0% (0) 33% 61% (13)

Creating an environment where employees are 4% (1) 9% (2) 33% 52% (11)
excited to come to work each day (7)

Creating an environment where employees ideas 9% (2) 4% (1) 42% 42% (9)
are listened to and valued (9)

Creating policies that encourage career growth and 5% (1) 5% (1) 47% 42% (8)
development opportunities (9)

Identifying gaps in current employees and candidate 4% (1) 19% (4) 28% 47% (10)
competency levels (6)

Identifying vacancies that will be created as the 9% (2) 14% (3) 57% 19% (4)
company advances and expands (12)

Rewarding top performing employees 9% (2) 0% (0) 42% 47% (10)


In the next three years how effective will the following elements of compensation be in
terms of attracting and retaining top performers?

1(most effective) 2 3 4 5(least effective)

Base pay 57% 33% 0% 9% 0%

Health care benefits 19% 42% 23% 14% 0%

Retirement/education benefits 33% 33% 19% 14% 0%

Share options/equity 33% 14% 28% 14% 9%


Child care costs/arrangement 25% 10% 35% 30% 0%

Job security 52% 19% 23% 0% 4%

Excluding financial compensation which of the following do you believe

are effective means of rewarding motivating and retaining talent?
Providinginternational …
Maintainingthereputationof …
Encouragingrisktakingand …
Fundingeducational needs
Providingtheopportunityto …
Providingacollaborative …
Providingmentoringandfast …
Workingwithemployeesto …

0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00%

How accurately do the following statements describe actions taken, or

soon to be taken by your organization?

Wehave moved processes/ operations

offshoreto reducecosts.
Weusecertification to enhancethe
valueof our training and …
Wepartner with
universities/consultancies to execute …
Wepartner with
universities/consultancies to … Series1
agreements fromstaff( in addition to …
Wemove processes/ operations
offshoreto access talent.
Weacquirecompanies to obtain

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Excluding financial compensation which of the following do you believe are
your organization’s most effective means of rewarding motivating and
retaining talent?

Fundingeducational needs

Providingthe opportunity to…

Providinga collaborative …
Providingmentoring and fast…

Workingwith employees to…


0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

In the next three years how effective will the following elements of compensation be in terms of
attracting and retaining top performers?
1(most effective) 2 3 4 5(least effective)

Base pay 66% (12) 27% (5) 5% (1) 0% (0) 0% (0)

Health care benefits 33% (6) 33% (6) 27% (5) 0% (0) 5% (1)

Retirement/education benefits 22% (4) 38% (7) 38% (7) 0% (0) 5% (1)

Share options/equity participation 27% (5) 16% (3) 38% (7) 5% (1) 16% (3)

Child care costs/arrangement 11% (2) 29% (5) 35% (6) 17% (3) 5% (1)

Job security 55% (10) 16% (3) 27% (5) 0% (0) 0% (0)
Which broadly defined job description are the most critical in terms of
attracting and retaining employees?



Business development

1 (very 2 3 4 5 (not
critical) critical)
How long have you been working for the company?

Lessthan a year
1-2 years
2-5 years
5-10 years
More than 10 years

Have you been made aware of the policies and procedures? Do you know
and understand them?

Not at all aware of Aware of this but need more Know and understand
this information this

The organisation mission 3% (1) 7% (2) 88% (23)


The structure of the 3% (1) 7% (2) 88% (23)


The aims of the company? 0% (0) 15% (4) 84% (22)

Our health and safety 3% (1) 26% (7) 69% (18)


Our equal opportunities 7% (2) 15% (4) 76% (20)


Professional association 19% (5) 23% (6) 57% (15)


Policy on handling any legal 16% (4) 44% (11) 40% (10)

Policy on handling customer 4% (1) 40% (10) 56% (14)


Staff disciplinary procedures? 4% (1) 24% (6) 72% (18)

Policy on holiday 4% (1) 28% (7) 68% (17)

Policy on absense? 8% (2) 4% (1) 88% (22)

Policy on maternity/ paternity 12% (3) 16% (4) 72% (18)


Do you know how you can help the organisation to achieve its aims?

Yes, I feel quite clear

about this
I think so, but would like
to discuss it further
No, I am not at all clear
about this

What do you know about your job, and what would you like to know more

I know enough I know a little, but need to I need to know a lot

about this know more more about this

Your position in the organisation 84% (22) 3% (1) 11% (3)

Management - to whom you are 87% (21) 0% (0) 12% (3)

The people you are directly 83% (20) 12% (3) 4% (1)
responsible for

The people you are indirectly 64% (16) 20% (5) 16% (4)
responsible for

Your hours of work 88% (22) 4% (1) 8% (2)

Your pay 84% (21) 12% (3) 4% (1)

Other benefits you are entitled to 76% (19) 8% (2) 16% (4)

The telephone system 76% (19) 12% (3) 12% (3)

The organisation computer 76% (19) 8% (2) 16% (4)


The staff canteen 76% (19) 12% (3) 12% (3)

The managing director or CEO 66% (16) 29% (7) 4% (1)

The shop floor sales staff 50% (12) 20% (5) 29% (7)

The organisation directors 50% (12) 41% (10) 8% (2)

The team you work within 88% (22) 0% (0) 12% (3)

The machinery you will operate 83% (20) 8% (2) 8% (2)

Please rate your satisfaction with the employee benefits and policies.

Extremely Dissatisfied Neither dissatisfied Satisfied Extremely

dissatisfied satisfied nor satisfied

Accuracy of job 0% (0) 0% (0) 4% (1) 72% 24% (6)

description (18)

Salary review 0% (0) 8% (2) 20% (5) 60% 12% (3)


Adequate information 0% (0) 9% (2) 14% (3) 66% 9% (2)

provided about any (14)

job changes / promotion 0% (0) 4% (1) 16% (4) 60% 20% (5)

Leave of absence 0% (0) 4% (1) 12% (3) 58% 25% (6)


Health care benefits 0% (0) 8% (2) 0% (0) 68% 24% (6)

Retirement benefits 0% (0) 20% (5) 8% (2) 52% 20% (5)

In the next three years how effective will the following elements of
compensation be in terms of attracting and retaining top performers?

1(most effective) 2 3 4 5(least


Base pay 60% (15) 24% (6) 12% (3) 4% (1) 0% (0)

Health care benefits 24% (6) 44% 24% (6) 8% (2) 0% (0)

Retirement/education benefits 25% (6) 25% (6) 25% (6) 25% (6) 0% (0)

Share options/equity participation 36% (9) 32% (8) 16% (4) 12% (3) 4% (1)

Child care costs/arrangement 20% (5) 28% (7) 32% (8) 16% (4) 4% (1)

Job security 44% (11) 36% (9) 8% (2) 4% (1) 8% (2)

Excluding financial compensation which of the following do you believe are

your organization’s most effective means of rewarding motivating and
retaining talent?

Providinginternational …
Maintaining the reputation of …
Encouragingrisk taking and …
Fundingeducational needs
Providingthe opportunity to …
Providinga collaborative …
Providingmentoring and fast …
Workingwith employees to …

0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% 80.0%

Would you benefit from further training in any of theitems
specified in your job description?


Please rate your satisfaction with the salary and benefits package you

Extremely Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor Satisfied Extremely

dissatisfied dissatisfied satisfied

Medical insurance package 0% (0) 4% (1) 16% (4) 56% (14) 24% (6)

Company savings plan 8% (2) 12% (3) 33% (8) 37% (9) 8% (2)

Retirement plan 4% (1) 8% (2) 50% (12) 33% (8) 4% (1)

Holiday Entitlement 4% (1) 12% (3) 25% (6) 41% (10) 16% (4)

Job market competitiveness 8% (2) 12% (3) 20% (5) 48% (12) 12% (3)
of my salary

Share option plan 4% (1) 21% (5) 39% (9) 26% (6) 8% (2)
Overall, how satisfied are you with your company's personnel


36% VeryDissatisfied

Neither Satisfied nor

64% Dissatisfied


Overall, how satisfied are you with thiscompany as aplace to work

compared to other places you have worked?

Extremely dissatisfied
8% Dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor

52% Extremely satisfied


✔ Most of the covered companies have talent specific initiative in place

(81%) and they give them top priority in their organization (86%).They
also have exclusive staff member for managing talent initiatives (68%)
✔ In most of the companies the talent is identified by competencies
(42%) and the HR professional view to increase career growth
✔ HR staffs as well as the department heads are responsible for
recruiting individuals (64%)
✔ Retaining the current talent is top priority for the organization(38%)
✔ Sales and business development are the two areas where retaining
talent is most difficult
✔ Class room workshop, mentoring and coaching are usually used by the
organization to carry out talent development activities.
✔ More than 60% of the respondent view organizational culture as a main
driving force for the new talent and for the existing talent. Even
rewarding plays a important role (48%)
✔ Base pay (57%) and Job security (52%) are the two main areas for
retaining talent in coming years. Other than this, training plays an
important role in motivating the employee.
✔ Organizations are using certification for improving the training
✔ In more than 90% of the organizations budget for recruiting developing
and retaining employees is going to increase over the next three

✔ Most the employees have a clear knowledge about the company’s

vision, mission and objectives. And they know how to achieve these

objectives (76%)

✔ They are clear about their role and responsibility (85%) and they know

about other staff members also.

✔ Most of the respondent are satisfied by job description, salary review,

health care benefits etc.

✔ Base pay (60%) and Job security (44%) are in top priority for the

employees in coming years.

✔ Apart from financial benefits, employee emphasis more on career

growth, work culture and international opportunities.

✔ 91% of the employees want more training in their specified job.

✔ The employees have a mix response on benefits like Medical insurance

package, Company savings plan, Retirement plan, Holiday Entitlement,

Job market etc.

✔ 64% of the employees are satisfied with the company's personnel policies where

as 36% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

✔ Overall 32 % employee are extremely satisfied where as 52% are just satisfied with their


✔ Organizations must have meaningful descriptions of the capabilities

(skills, behaviors, abilities and knowledge) required throughout the
✔ Organizations must be able to relate those skills and capabilities to a
role or a center of demand, such as a job position, project or leadership
✔ Talent management processes must create a comprehensive profile of
their talent. They must be able to track meaningful talent related
information about all of their people - employees, contractors, or
✔ The working culture of the organization should be improved and
maintained to retain talent in long run.
✔ More certified training should be given to the employee to boost their
effectiveness and efficiency. It should be used as a tool of motivation.
✔ The organization should identify the crucial talent initiative to attract
and retain the employee. They should know which talent management
elements can have the greatest impact on the business and therefore
provide a better basis for prioritization and implementation.
✔ To create a sophisticated talent management environment,
organizations must:
• Define a clear vision for talent management
• Develop a roadmap for technology and process integration
• Integrate and optimize processes
• Apply robust technology to enable processes
• Prepare the workforce for changes associated with the new


As organizations continue to pursue high performance and improved results

through TM practices, they are taking a holistic approach to talent
management—from attracting and selecting wisely, to retaining and
developing leaders, to placing employees in positions of greatest impact. The
mandate is clear: for organizations to succeed in today’s rapidly changing
and increasingly competitive marketplace, intense focus must be applied to
aligning human capital with corporate strategy and objectives. It starts with
recruiting and retaining talented people and continues by sustaining the
knowledge and competencies across the entire workforce. With rapidly
changing skill sets and job requirements, this becomes an increasingly
difficult challenge for organizations. Meeting this organizational supply and
demand requires the right “Talent DNA” and supporting technology
solutions. By implementing an effective talent management strategy,
including integrated data, processes, and analytics, organizations can help
ensure that the right people are in the right place at the right time, as well as
organizational readiness for the future.

For more Notes, Presentations, Project Reports visit

For more Notes, Presentations, Project Reports visit

1. Six Ways to Mine Teen Talent," Andrea C. Poe, Society for Human Resource
Management, March 2001
2. Winning the Best and Brightest: Increasing the Attraction of Public Service,"
Carol Chetkovich, The PricewaterhouseCoopers Endowment for The Business
of Government, July 2001.
3. Attracting and Keeping The Best and the Brightest: Survey Results From
Council for Excellence in Government Principals on How to Get, Develop and
Retain Excellent People in Government Service," Council for Excellence in
Government, 2002
4. Spherion® Emerging Workforce® Study," Spherion Pacific Enterprises
5. Flexible Work Arrangements: The Demand Will Only Strengthen," Donna J.
Bear, Human Resource Institute, September 2004
6. "Attracting and Retaining the Mature Workforce," Barbara McIntosh, Ph.D.,
Society 2004
7. Development, And Work Motivation," Ruth Kanfer, Phillip L. Ackerman,
Academy Of Management Review, 2004.
8. Staying Ahead of the Curve 2004: Employer Best Practices for Mature
Workers," Study Conducted for AARP by Mercer Human Resource Consulting,
September 2004
9. Talent Management: Overview: Talent Management Series Part I," Nancy R.
Lockwood, SPHR, GPHR, Society for Human Resource Management, July 2005.
10.Talent Management: Employee Engagement: Talent Management Series Part
III," Nancy R. Lockwood, SPHR, GPHR, Society for Human Resource
Management, July 2005.
11.Talent Management: Leadership Development: Talent Management Series
Part II," Nancy R. Lockwood, SPHR, GPHR, Society for Human Resource
Management, July 2005
12."Strategies for Recruiting Workers Over Age 50," Society for Human Resource
Management, Cathy Fyock, December 2005.
13.Taking Action against the Quiet Crisis in Recruitment and Retention," AFT
Public Employees, AFL-CIO. 2005

For more Notes, Presentations, Project Reports


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