Functional Consultant Resume
Functional Consultant Resume
Functional Consultant Resume
RH15 0RT UK Tel: + (0! ""10 #00$% &'obile! Tel: + &0! 1 ( "#$5 &)o'e! Email: ia*t)a+kirku,-e*terdat+.o' URL: )tt,/00www+e*terdat+.o' Date of Birth: (%0"05" 1arried wit) *o .)ildre*2 li3i*g .lose to 4o*do* 5atwi.k air,ort a*d a 'ai*li*e railway statio*+ La !"a!es 6lue*t 7*glis)+ 8o*3ersatio*al Hebrew wit) readi*g2 writi*g i* blo.k a*d .ursi3e s.ri,ts+
I trod"#tio
Iantha Kirkup has 12 years SAP Logistics experience, primarily in arehouse management ! "# an$ Logistics Execution !LES# %ith signi&icant exposure to the Sales an$ 'istri(ution !S'# an$ "aterials "anagement !""# mo$ules) She has complete$ * &ull li&ecycle SAP pro+ects)
Project Experience
Experience: 12 years SAP Logistics SAP Pro+ects: ,oke-,ola !2# Satyam . /ir$s Eye "ylan /ur(erry /osch !0# I/" !2# /lack 1 'ecker 2renstar . 'reager . Prima&ruit 3 4 International ,a$(ury Sch%eppes /N5L . ,S, 6e%lett Packar$ !2# 7laxo ellcome 8,/ 5ilms ,ap7emini . Siemens 4ole in pro+ects SAP 4.0 Implementation SAP 4.0 5unctional SAP 4.0 2echnical Pro+ect "anager 2eam Lea$er /usiness Analyst 2esting S9L . :7L Analyst Prog) 'ata(ase A$ministration
Industry Experience
In$ustries: 5ashion 4etail Automoti;e !3"S# 5resh 5oo$s 5ro<en 5oo$s 'istri(ution 5",7 "anu&acturing ,on&ectionery Plastic packaging Pharmaceuticals Electrical Po%er Insurance /ack En$ =&&ice Local 7o;ernment Interacti;e "e$ia Airline /e;erages /usiness processes: arehouse management Shipping an$ 2ransportation In;entory management Sales 1 'istri(ution 2raining . 'ocumentation "anu&acturing /usiness process re$esign ,hange "anagement Systems Analysis /usiness Analysis Process 2esting
SAP "o$ules: LE- " L=-68 LE-"=/ LE-I' ""-I" LE-S6P LE-24A IS-A5S /,-A/A /,-' / /,-,A2 /,-,2S ""-P84 9"-I" S'-IS-4EP S'-/5 S'-SLS S'-/5 S'-/IL L=-LIS E6S-'7P 3arious courses: SAP /asis =;er;ie% SAP A/AP ork(ench SAP List Processing SAP 'ialog 2ransaction SAP /atch Inter&aces SAP Enhancements an$ "o$i&ications SAP 'ata 'ictionary =(+ect =riente$ Analysis an$ 'esign
Career summary
March 20 ! Septem"er 20
SAP LES ,onsultant &or "ahin$ra Satyam consultancy at /ir$s Eye Iglo 7roup in /e$&ont 8K an$ 4ome)
/ir$s Eye Iglo 7roup %as purchasing an Italian 5in$us plant &rom 8nile;er an$ an agreement %as ma$e to use the existing 8nile;er inter&ace processes) 2his meant the $e;elopment o& ne% I'oc an$ 45, inter&aces (ase$ on stan$ar$ SAP &or /ir$s Eye) I'oc communication %ith $ecentralise$ SAP logistics execution system in 4ome ;ia SAP >I) I'oc communication %ith $ecentralise$ thir$ party SAP systems throughout Europe ;ia SAP >I) " manage$ %arehouse %ith 45, inter&ace to &ully automate$ %arehouse system) Liaising %ith en$ users an$ external consultancy !Accenture# in 4ome) 'e(ugging an$ liaising %ith o&& shore A/AP $e;elopers in In$ia) 2esting) 2raining o& users) 'ocumentation) Post go-li;e support)
#o$em"er 20 0 ! March 20 SAP " . LES ,onsultant at ,oca ,ola Enterprises in 8x(ri$ge
5ull li&e cycle implementation in 5rance o& E,,? " %ith 6an$ling 8nit "anagement, serial num(ers an$ 4a$io 5re@uency "o(ile 'ata Entry, plus "" an$ some S'.P".,S) 5unctional speci&ications o& re;ise$ (usiness processes 4e;ie% o& customer 2o /e $ocumentation 2esting using 6P 9uality ,entre 2raining o& users 'ocumentation
A$$ &ully automate$ %arehouse storage an$ retrie;al system to existing SAP E,,? han$ling unit manage$ %arehouse 68" " 4a$io 5re@uency screens LE-"=/ IDoc and WSDL (Web Service Description Language) EDI communications via SAP MII (SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence) Liaise$ %ith remote A/AP $e;elopers an$ supplier) 5unctional speci&ications o& re;ise$ (usiness processes 4e;ie% o& technical speci&ications 2esting using 6P 9uality ,entre 2raining o& users 'ocumentation
5ull li&e cycle pharmaceutical implementation /uilt " %arehouse &or Netherlan$s /uilt LES inter&ace to external %arehouse &or /elgium Implemente$ onto existing 7erman system %hich unkno%n to us at the time ha$ (een highly mo$i&ie$ so the pro+ect in;ol;e$ a lot o& technical $e(ugging an$ liason %ith A/AP programmers to (e a(le to (uil$ stan$ar$ SAP alongsi$e) 8ser re@uirements 5unctional speci&ications 2esting 2raining 'ocumentation
Responsibilities: E,,? I". " A LE-"=/ !45 (ar-co$ing#, E6S Set up o& 2: 68", /atch "anage$ " an$ I" arehouses in 7ermany, 8SA 1 ,ana$a 5ull implementation o& han$ling unit management) 6a<ar$ous "aterials an$ 'angerous goo$s components o& E6S) Inter&ace %ith 9uality mo$ule !9"# Inter&ace %ith Pro$uction Planning !PP# /usiness, Implementation, 5unctional 1 2echnical speci&ications)
SAP "" . " ,onsultant 'anish ,ro%n !2ulip 5resh "eats - 'enmark . 8K# Responsibilities: Preparation 1 7o Li;e E,,? IS-, " "" . " A LE-"=/, 9", S') 68" 1 /atch "anage$ arehouse, plus Lean Liaising %ith senior (oar$ le;el management 'ocumentation 7o li;e support
SAP "" .
Responsibilities: Preparation 1 7o Li;e &or 5amar Pharmaceuticals, Netherlan$s 68" 1 /atch "anage$ arehouse, SAP ;:)B "", " A LE-"=/, PP, 9", S') Liaising %ith senior (oar$ le;el management 'ocumentation En$ user training)
Responsibilities: orking %ith A5S mo$ule, SAP E,,C =ut(oun$ an$ In(oun$ I'oc 68" $eli;eries =ut(oun$ an$ In(oun$ Shipments "", PP, S', ", LE-"=/ mo$ule inter&ace to A5S) Setting up o& SAP " in;entory counting) riting o& technical speci&ications &or (espoke A/AP an$ 45 transactions Liaising %ith senior (oar$ le;el management En$ user an$ support training an$ $ocumentation
,%anuary 200)-
Responsibilities: 6ull ,ro<e.t li:e .y.le HU1 =e.e*tralised S;9 +%. Ware)ouse 47S 0 W1 8o*:iguratio* >',le'e*tatio* o: S)i,,i*g ? Tra*s,ortatio* 'odule >',le'e*tatio* o: =a*gerous 5oods 1a*age'e*t Te.)* lead o: t)ree ot)er W1 .o*sulta*ts S;98o*sole R6 i',le'e*tatio*+ 8o*.e,tual s,e.i:i.atio*s Te.)* S,e.i:i.atio*s ;B;9 debuggi*g Trai*i*g
Responsibilities: 6ull ,ro<e.t li:e .y.le HU1 =e.e*tralised S;9 +%. Ware)ouse W1 8o*:iguratio* S;98o*sole R6 i',le'e*tatio*+ Te.)* lead o: two ot)er W1 .o*sulta*ts 8o*.e,tual s,e.i:i.atio*s Te.)* S,e.i:i.atio*s ;B;9 debuggi*g 4S1W Trai*i*g
Responsibilities: 6ull ,ro<e.t li:e .y.le HU1 =e.e*tralised S;9 +%. Ware)ouse W1 8o*:iguratio* 8o*.e,tual s,e.i:i.atio*s Te.)* S,e.i:i.atio*s >* to auto'ated .o*3eyor syste's ;B;9 debuggi*g 11 a*d S= su,,ort work Trai*i*g
Responsibilities: > .usto'ised W1 a*d S;98o*sole 'obile data e*try &R6! o* S;9 3 +" ,lus a re3iew o: @1 ? 99 o,eratio*s+
March 2001
> ,er:or'ed user W1 a*d 11 trai*i*g o* S;9 +%.+ > .usto'ised a S;98o*sole 'obile data e*try &R6! setu,+
(e"ruary 2001
SAP S' ,onsultant %ith 2renstar 8K !&ormally K2P# . 'raeger) Responsibilities: > .o',leted S= ,*g a*d >do. i*ter:a.e to a* exter*al R6 syste'+
%une 2002 3 %anuary 2001
Responsibilities: > .o',leted a :ull .y.le i',le'e*tatio* o: S;9 3 +%d &V1S! W1 a*d 11A>1 'odules+ ;:ter i*3estigatio* o: .usto'er reBuire'e*ts > set u, a S;9 ware)ouse utilisi*g id ,oi*ts2 wa3e ,*g2 i*bou*d deli3ery )a*dli*g u*its a*d S;98o*sole Radio 6reBue*.y &R6!+ T)e .usto'er was a* i',orter o: auto'oti3e s,are ,arts a*d )ad a busi*ess situatio* w)ere extre'ely large deli3eries to t)e 'ai* ware)ouse were re.ei3ed t)at .ould take se3eral days to ,ro.ess+ Howe3er .o*tai*ed wit)i* t)ese deli3eries were rus) orders t)at .ould *ot wait+ > desig*ed a W1 syste' w)ere u,o* re.ei,t o: t)e deli3ery :irstly t)e *u'ber o: .ases were .)e.ked a*d t)e* i''ediately ,ost goods re.ei,ted o*to id ,oi*t .arts &bi*s!+ ;t t)is ,oi*t a*y rus) orders .ould be ,i.ked dire.tly :ro' t)e i*bou*d ,*g .ases2 be:ore *or'al ,utaway o,eratio*s to t)e ware)ouse bi*s+ 6or outbou*d deli3ery ,*g t)e .usto'er reBuired t)e ,*g to be ,er:or'ed i* a**t walki*g order arou*d t)e ware)ouse2 so > used S= wa3e ,*g+ 6or i*ter*al 'o3e'e*ts betwee* storage lo.atio*s wit)i* t)e sa'e ,la*t2 su.) as bo*ded ware)ouses a*d garages2 > used 11 two ste, sto.k tra*s:ers to be able to 'o*itor t)e sto.k i* tra*sit+ 6or t)e ot)er garages > s,e.i:ied a*d set u, 11A>1 sto.k .o*trol+
A$ril %&&' ( Ma) %&&'
S;9 W1 8o*sulta*t wit) KT9 0 RC8 Responsibilities: > was ba.k wit) KT9 &see below! to ,er:or' a* o*site .usto'isatio* o: t)eir W1 +%. S;98o*sole te',late2 :or 9ri'a 6ruit+ T)is i*3ol3ed setti*g u, a radio :reBue*.y &R6! ter'i*al 'e*u stru.ture2 3eri:i.atio* stru.tures :or t)e bi*s2 storage u*its a*d 'aterials2 ,lus a,,ro,riate tra*s:er order Bueues to e*sure t)at e*d users re.ei3ed t)eir .orre.t work+
S;9 47S &W1! 8o*sulta*t wit) Bla.k ? =e.ker Responsibilities: Bla.k ? =e.ker reBuire a 6185 ware)ouse i*stallatio* i* t)e UK as ,art o: t)eir global rollout o: S;9 3 +%.+ ;:ter ,er:or'i*g 5;9 a*alysis o: t)e ware)ouse > ,ro,osed usi*g Wa3e*g by S)i,'e*t usi*g deli3ery grou,i*g+ 6or auto'ated ,*g wit)i* Ha*dli*g U*it 1a*age'e*t > s,e.i:ied t)e reBuire'e*ts :or t)e 9;8K1C=> user exits+ T)e ware)ouse .o*tai*s a :ully auto'ated ware)ouse .o*trol syste'2 w)i.) reBuired i* to S;9 to be desig*ed+ > .o*:igured t)e ware)ouse stru.ture a*d out,ut reBuire'e*ts+ > redesig*ed t)e i*bou*d deli3ery ,ro.essi*g bei*g used to .ater :or t)e sa'e 'aterial ty,es bei*g 'a*aged i* bot) >1 a*d W1 'a*aged storage lo.atio*s t)roug)out t)e world+ > also desig*ed a ware)ouse 'a*agi*g se3eral di::ere*t storage lo.atio*s si'ulta*eously+ > s,e.i:ied t)e ware)ouse out,ut reBuire'e*ts+
+e$tem,er %&&% ( De#em,er %&&%
S;9 W1 8o*sulta*t wit) KT9 Responsibilities: KT9 were ,ro3idi*g t)e bar.ode solutio* to a S;9 .o*sulta*.y i',le'e*ti*g a S;9 +%d W10@10S= te',late syste' :or :res) :ruit su,,liers+ > was asked to s,e.i:y2 ,rototy,e2 trai* de3elo,ers a*d )el, ,rodu.e a S;9 R6 8o*sole bar.ode solutio*+ > ad3ised t)at Storage U*it 1a*age'e*t &SU1! be used i* t)e ware)ouse &t)e .lie*t did *ot wis) to use Ha*dli*g U*it 1a*age'e*t D HU1! a*d i*bou*d 0 outbou*d deli3eries+ 9arti.ular e',)asis *eeded to be ,la.ed o* t)e Buality o: t)e ,rodu.e2 as ob3iously bei*g :ruit t)is .ould .)a*ge 3ery Bui.kly+ Eew bat.)es would *eed to be s,lit a*d rese*t elsew)ere i: t)e Buality o: t)e :ruit deteriorated+ T)is added a* extra layer o: .o',lexity to t)e i*bou*d 0 outbou*d deli3eries a*d ware)ouse 'o3e'e*ts+ 6ollowi*g usage de.isio*s i* t)e @1 'odule ,rodu.i*g ,osti*g .)a*ges2 tra*s:er orders would be .reated a*d subseBue*tly .o*:ir'ed usi*g S;98o*sole+ > was subseBue*tly asked to de3elo, a ,*g list2 usi*g ;B;9 a*d S;9S.ri,t t)at bot) ,ri*ted a*d used 7=> &>=o.s! :or a*ot)er .lie*t o: KT9Fs+
S;9 W1 8o*sulta*t wit) VWR >*ter*atio*al i* Belgiu' ? 5er'a*y Responsibilities: VWR were .e*tralisi*g t)ree se,arate 3$ S;9 syste's i*to a .e*tralised 3 syste'+ T)ey reBuired assista*.e wit) a W1 S;9 +%. u,grade i* 5er'a*y a*d *eeded 'e to re,la.e a ,er'a*e*t 'e'ber o: sta:: i* t)e ,ro<e.t+ 1y work .o*sisted 'ai*ly o: W1 .usto'isi*g2 li*ki*g wit) t)e rest o: t)e 4ogisti.s 7xe.utio* Syste' &S= ? 11!2 but i*.luded :u*.tio*al ? te.)* s,e.i:i.atio*s2 trai*i*g2 su,,ort a*d a little ;B;9 user exit work+ 1y role i*.luded t)e .o',lete li:e.y.le u,grade o: a ware)ouse i* 7sse*2 5er'a*y+ > *eeded to u,grade t)e i*ter:a.e to a* exter*al ware)ouse 'a*age'e*t syste'2 w)i.) .o*trolled .o*3eyors a*d ,allet 'o3e'e*ts+ > )ad to ,re,are t)e u,loadi*g o: all ware)ouse data :ro' t)e old syste' to t)e *ew2 :or se3eral ware)ouses2 .)*g data i*tegrity a:terwards+ > *eeded to :i*d a solutio* :or t)e' to .arry o3er t)e >*3e*tory data :ro' t)e old syste' to t)e *ew2 to e*sure t)ey did *ot )a3e to ,er:or' i*3e*tory re.ou*ts+
No-em,er %&&. ( /e,r"ar) %&&%
S;9 110W10S= Syste's ;*alyst wit) 8adbury S.)we,,es 948+ Responsibilities: T)e work was s,lit betwee* t)e a*alysis a*d de3elo,'e*t o: *ew :u*.tio*ality alo*g wit) se.o*d le3el su,,ort o: existi*g S;9 3$+1> to +0b2 ru**i*g wit) t)e 3 +%d S;95U>2 :or 7uro,e a*d ;:ri.a+ > worked as ,art o: a tea'2 ,ro3idi*g solutio*s :or 7uro,e a*d ;:ri.a+ T)e work 3aried :ro' t)e .reatio* a*d debuggi*g o: ;B;9 re,orts a*d S;9s.ri,t layout sets2 3arious :u*.tio*al a*d .o*:iguratio* issues t)roug) to t)e usage o: 8;TT :or 'aster data loads duri*g t)e 'igratio* a*d u,grade o: S;9+
A"!"st %&&. ( 0#to,er %&&.
S;9 W1 8o*sulta*t wit) =a*:oss ;0S Responsibilities: 9re,aratio* o: a S;9 R0$ 3 +%. W1 ,rototy,e :or =a*:oss ;0S i* =e*'ark+
=a*:oss were .o*stru.ti*g a* auto' .o*trolled de.e*tralised ware)ousi*g syste'+ T)ey reBuired t)e ability2 wit) Ha*dli*g U*it 1easure'e*t2 to auto' .o*solidate s)i,'e*ts a*d deli3eries2 *esti*g ,a.ked ,ar.el )a*dli*g u*its i*to s)i,,i*g )a*dli*g u*its2 usi*g t)e built i* S;9 R6 8o*sole :u*.tio*ality+ Worki*g wit) t)e 47S &W1 a*d S=! 'odules > )ad to de3ise a*d ,rototy,e t)e :u*.tio*ality2 s,e.i:yi*g t)e user exit a*d .o*:iguratio* reBuire'e*ts+
*" e ( *"l) %&&.
S;9 4ogisti.s Busi*ess ;*alyst :or 8S8 at BE64 Responsibilities: 9re,aratio* o: a S;9 R0$ 3 +%. i*3e*tory 'a*age'e*t :u*.tio*al s,e.i:i.atio*2 worki*g :or 8S8 at BE64+ Usi*g t)e 110>1 ? W1 'odules2 w)ilst liaisi*g wit) 'a*agers a*d users :ro' BE64 a*d 8S82 > ,rodu.ed a :u*.tio*al s,e.i:i.atio* to auto' s.)edule2 i* a user ,rede:i*ed 'a**er2 t)e )a*dli*g a*d re,orti*g o: t)e i*3e*tory 'a*age'e*t o: se3eral )u*dred t)ousa*d di::ere*t s,are ,arts a.ross di::ere*t buildi*gs i* t)e ware)ouse2 usi*g R6 bar.odes+
*"l) %&&& ( Ma) %&&.
S;9 4ogisti.s ? 1a*u:a.turi*g Syste's ;*alyst 0 Su,,ort :or Hewlett 9a.kard &1a*u:a.turi*g! 4td+ >rela*d Responsibilities: Ba.k wit) H9 i* >rela*d agai* &see below!2 t)is ti'e worki*g wit) a tea' wit) 'ysel: ,ro3idi*g syste's a*alysis2 .o*:iguratio* a*d se.o*d li*e su,,ort :or logisti.s &110W10R6 Bar.odi*g0@1! a*d 'a*u:a.turi*g &99 wit) Re,etiti3e 1a*u:a.turi*g! ,lus so'e user0,ri*ter0>=o. Basis ad'i*istratio* a*d ;B;90S;9s.ri,t work+ > was i*3ol3ed i* t)e :ull li:e .y.le o: a large ,ro<e.t i*.ludi*g 'igrati*g :ro' se,arate 3ersio*s o: S;9 $+1) i* >rela*d a*d 9uerto Ri.o to a* 1G00 user .e*tralised +%b syste' &wit) +%d S;95U>! wit) also a *ew i',le'e*tatio* o: t)e S= 'odule+ T)e work i*3ol3ed a*alysis2 .o*:iguratio*2 do.u'e*tatio*2 trai*i*g2 debuggi*g a*d su,,ort :or t)e *ew syste'+ > ,er:or'ed 3arious ,ro<e.ts su.) as t)e .reatio* o: *ew storage ty,es a*d su,,orti*g strategies :or )ea3y goods wit)i* t)e ware)ouse+ T)is i*3ol3ed leasi*g wit) ware)ouse 'a*agers a*d sta:: to ,rodu.e s,e.i:i.atio*s a*d t)e* to ,er:or' t)e reBuired S;9 .o*:iguratio* :ollowed by testi*g+ > )eaded t)e user su,,ort o,eratio*s i* >rela*d :or t)e go li3e week+ T)e ,ro<e.t was su..ess:ully deli3ered o* ti'e2 to s.o,e a*d wit)i* budget+
S;9 4ogisti.s Syste's ;*alyst :or 9ri.eWater)ouse8oo,ers worki*g at Tetra 9ak i* Swede* Responsibilities: 1y role was worki*g wit) a tea' o: ,er'a*e*t sta:: to ,re,are a te.)* a*alysis a*d s,e.i:i.atio* o: t)e ware)ouse o,eratio*s as Tetra 9ak reBuired a :ully auto'ated ware)ouse syste' i*ter:a.ed wit) t)e S;9 112 S= a*d @1 'odules+ T)is work i*3ol3ed liaisi*g wit) Tetra 9ak ware)ouse 'a*agers2 users2 te.)* sta:: a*d ,ros,e.ti3e exter*al su,,liers+ > e*sured t)at t)e user reBuire'e*ts were realisti. a*d 'ade regular re,orts to 9ri.eWaterHouse8oo,ers+ T)e o,tio*s > ,rese*ted i*.luded :ull use o: t)e W1 'odule2 lea* W1 wit) se'iAexter*al .o*trol a*d dire.t exter*al .o*trol i*ter:a.i*g to t)e 11 'odule2 all usi*g R6 bar.odi*g+
*" e .111 ( De#em,er .111
S;9 4ogisti.s Syste's ;*alyst :or Hewlett 9a.kard &1a*u:a.turi*g! 4td+ >rela*d Responsibilities: Hewlett 9a.kard is ru**i*g 6185 " by ( )ig) 3olu'e i*k <et ,ri*ter .artridge ,rodu.tio* li*es wit) a H>T ware)ousi*g .o',lex+ > was broug)t i* :or % 'o*t)s to work i* a tea' a*d bridge a ga, .aused by a* i*ter*al sta:: tra*s:er+ 1y ob<e.ti3e was to su,,ort a*d i',ro3e t)e ware)ouse a*d ,rodu.tio* o,eratio*s ru**i*g t)e S;9 $+1) 11 'odule2 ,arti.ularly >1 ? W1 wit) @1+ 7a.) day a*d as reBuired > would liase wit) sta:: to diag*ose a*d resol3e a*y ,roble's e*.ou*tered+ >*itially > )ad to :ully i*3estigate a*d do.u'e*t t)e syste's2 to e*able ot)ers to u*dersta*d+ T)is took t)ree to :our 'o*t)s as > u*.o3ered se3eral ,roble's wit) t)e set u,2 w)i.) reBuired resolutio* a*d .o*:iguratio*+ ; 'a<or task o: 'i*e i*3ol3ed buildi*g relatio*s)i,s wit) t)ird ,arty su,,liers2 ,arti.ularly t)e Wireless R6 Ware)ouse su,,liers2 Teklogix+ Hewlett 9a.kard was )a3i*g 'a<or ,roble's wit) t)e ,er:or'a*.e a*d robust*ess o: t)e syste'+ > liased wit) t)e ware)ouse sta:: a*d Teklogix :ro' t)e UK a*d 8a*ada i* order to diag*ose a*d resol3e ,roble's wit) t)e TWW R6 a,,li.atio*+ W)ilst leasi*g wit) Busi*ess 9ro.ess ;*alysts2 > .o*:igured a*d i*tegrated t)e S;9 $+1) 11AW1 ;472 i*.ludi*g >=o.s2 to i',ro3e*.y+ > was also res,o*sible :or ware)ouse a*d ,rodu.tio* li*e ,ri*ter .o*:iguratio*2 i*.ludi*g barA.odi*g a*d S;949=+ > ,er:or'ed ;B;9 .ode debuggi*g a*d a little Sa,S.ri,t 4ayout Set work a*d also so'e Work:low .o*:iguratio* a*d 4>S re,orti*g+ > set u, a :ax
ser3er a*d .o*:igured t)e ;47 :or :ax .o''u*i.atio*s+ > ,er:or'ed a little Basis work due to 'y k*owledge o: t)e >*:or'ix database bei*g used+
Mar#h .111 2 A$ril .111
Busi*ess ;*alyst worki*g :or S;9 at 5laxo Well.o'e+ Responsibilities: 8o',lia*.e a*d Validatio* to 6ood ? =rugs ;ut)ority 8lass ; sta*dards+ T)is i*3ol3ed a*alysis2 testi*g a*d do.u'e*tatio* o: a S;9 +0b syste' to extre'ely )ig) ,)ar' sta*dards+ > a*alysed a*d tested 'ai*ly t)e 11 'odule .o*:iguratio* wit) so'e S= a*d a little @12 6> ? 8C+ > was broug)t i* o* a s)ortAter' basis to .o',lete a ,at) ,ortio* o: t)e ,ro<e.t by t)e e*d o: ;,ril+
/e,r"ar) .113 2 *a "ar) .111
8o*tra.t >*:or'ix Eew 7ra 0 S;9 ;*alyst 9rogra''er wit) U8B 6il's 948+ Responsibilities: > was i*3ol3ed i* t)e :ull i',le'e*tatio* li:e.y.le o: a S;9 R0$ syste'+ T)is i*ter:a.ed wit) a* >*:or'ix Eew7ra ,rodu.tio* li*e .o*trol syste'+ T)e 'a<or issue was t)e :a.t t)at t)e ,rodu.tio* li*e worked .o*ti*uously2 ( )ours a day2 " days a week a*d .ould o*ly be i*terru,ted :or a 'atter o: 'i*utes at a ti'e+ > was asked to rewrite all t)e existi*g ,rodu.tio* i* to be .o',atible wit) t)e S;9 syste'+ > worked wit) a tea' o: S;9 i',le'e*tatio* .o*sulta*ts2 ,ri'arily S= a*d 112 a*alysi*g a*d .o*:iguri*g t)e S;9 syste'+ > also worked wit) a tea' o: >*:or'ix .o*sulta*ts+ > rewrote t)e >*:or'ix i* as U*ix s)ell s.ri,ts2 , ,rodu.i*g :lat :or' :iles+ Worki*g wit) t)e tea' o: ;B;9 ,rogra''ers2 bat.) i*,ut ,ro.essi*g wit) B=8 sessio*s was used to read t)e data i*to t)e S;9 syste'+
4"alifi#atio s:
S;9 ;.ade'y R$ 3 +0B T;B8 0 Trai*i*g2 a .o'bi*atio* o:/ S;950 C3er3iew o: S;9 B;S>S+ B8 00 ;B;9 Workbe*.) basi.s+ B8 05 4ist 9ro.essi*g+ B8 10 =ialog Tra*sa.tio* 9ro.essi*g+ B8 (0 Bat.) >* B8 (5 7*)a*.e'e*ts a*d 1odi:i.atio*s+ B8 $0 =ata =i.tio*ary Cb<e.t Crie*ted ;*alysis a*d =esig* & days! 8ity ? 5uilds 6ull Te.)* 8erti:i.ate i* ;3io*i.s/ =igital 7le.tro*i.s ;d3a*.ed 7le.tro*i. 9ri*.i,les ;ir.ra:t Syste's a*d 9ro.esses &e+g+ reliability a*d Buality! ;3io*i.s a,,re*, wit) Britis) ;irways+ CE8 5e*eral 7*gi*eeri*g/ ;,,lied 1at)e'ati.s 9)ysi.s 7le.tri.s 1e.)a*i.s