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: : : :

This AGREEMENT, made and entered int this !!!!!!!!!!!!da" # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nineteen H$ndred and Ninet" Nine %" and %et&een : !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, a ' r( rati n d$)" r*ani+ed and e,istin* $nder and %" -irt$e # the )a&s # the Re($%)i' # the Phi)i((ines, &ith (rin'i(a) ##i'e and ()a'e # %$siness at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, re(resented herein %" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, hereina#ter re#erred t as the OWNER. / and / !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, an ar'hite't$ra) ##i'e d$)" r*ani+ed and e,istin* $nder and %" -irt$e # the )a&s # the Re($%)i' # the Phi)i((ines, &ith (rin'i(a) ##i'e and ()a'e # %$siness at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, re(resented in this a't %" its Prin'i(a) Ar'hite't, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, hereina#ter re#erred t as the ARCHITECT. WHEREA0, it is the intenti n # the O&ner and in the %est interest # the (r 1e't t se'$re the (r #essi na) ser-i'es # the Ar'hite't # r the (r ( sed: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, hereina#ter re#erred as t the PROJECT. WHEREA0, the rea)m # the (r #essi na) ser-i'es # the Ar'hite't sha)) %e %ased n the Ar'hite't$ra) C de # the Phi)i((ines r the 2nited Ar'hite'ts # the Phi)i((ines 32AP4 Ar'hite't5s Nati na) C de : 0tandards # Pr #essi na) Pra'ti'e. NOW, THERE6ORE, the OWNER and the ARCHITECT, # r and in ' nsiderati n # the # re* in* (remises # the ' -enants, a*reement and sti($)ati n set # rth, d here%" a*ree as # )) &s:

ARTICLE 7 GENERAL 0TATEMENT The OWNER #inds it (ra'ti'a) and e,(edient t en*a*ed the ARCHITECT in Desi*n 8$i)d &ith G$aranteed Ma,im$m C st # r his (r 1e't.

ARTICLE 9 GENERAL 0COPE O6 0ERVICE0 That the s' (e # & r: t %e d ne %" the ARCHITECT, as herein a$th ri+ed %" the OWNER, # r the s$%1e't (r 1e't herein re#erred t ' nsists # (r #essi na) ser-i'es # r the # )) &in*: 9.7 0ite ()annin* # the %$i)din* r %$i)din*s in')$din* str$'t$res, as ma" %e determined %" the OWNER. ther ' n' mitant


Desi*nin* # the (r ( sed:




ARCHITECT50 8A0IC 0ERVICE0: ;.7 ;.7.a ;.7.% ;.7.' ;.9 ;.9.a 0'hemati' Desi*n Phase The ARCHITECT sha)) ' ns$)t &ith the OWNER t as'ertain the re<$irements # the OWNER. He sha)) (re(are s'hemati' desi*n st$dies )eadin* t a re' mmended s )$ti n t *ether &ith a *enera) des'ri(ti n # the (r 1e't # r a((r -a) %" the &ner. He sha)) s$%mit t the OWNER a statement # Pr %a%)e Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st %ased n the '$rrent ' st (arameters. Desi*n De-e) (ment Phase 3Pre)iminar" 0t$dies4 The ARCHITECT sha)) (re(are #r m the a((r -ed 0'hemati' Desi*n 0t$dies, the Desi*n De-e) (ment D '$ments ' nsistin* # ()ans, e)e-ati ns and ther dra&in*s, and $t)ine s(e'i#i'ati ns, t #i, and i))$strate the si+e and 'hara'ter # the entire Pr 1e't in its essentia)s as t :inds # materia)s, t"(e # str$'t$re, me'hani'a), e)e'tri'a) and sanitar" s"stems and s$'h ther & r: as ma" %e re<$ired. He sha)) s$%mit t the OWNER a #$rther 0tatement # Pr %a%)e Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st. C ntra't D '$ments Phase The ARCHITECT sha)) (re(are #r m the a((r -ed Desi*n De-e) (ment D '$ments, the C nstr$'ti n Dra&in*s and 0(e'i#i'ati ns settin* # rth in detai) the & r: re<$ired # r the ar'hite't$ra), str$'t$ra), e)e'tri'a), sanitar", me'hani'a), ser-i'e/' nne'ted e<$i(ment, and site & r:. He sha)) (re(are s(e'i#i'ati ns des'ri%in* t"(e and <$a)it" # materia)s, #inishes, and manner # ' nstr$'ti n and the *enera) ' nditi ns $nder &hi'h the (r 1e't is t %e ' nstr$'ted. He sha)) #$rnish n t m re than #i-e 3=4 ' m()ete sets # ' ntra't dra&in*s, s(e'i#i'ati ns and *enera) ' nditi ns # r ($r( ses # %iddin*. He sha)) :ee( the OWNER in# rmed # an" ad1$stments t (re-i $s 0tatements # Pr %a%)e Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st indi'ated %" 'han*es in s' (e, re<$irements r mar:et ' nditi ns. He sha)) assist the OWNER in #i))in* the re<$ired d '$ments t se'$re a((r -a) # * -ernmenta) a$th rities ha-in* 1$risdi'ti n -er the desi*n # the (r 1e't. Lias n )e* & r: and )ias n & r: in')$din* trans( rtati n e,(enses and re(resentati n e,(enses are 'har*ea%)e t the &ner.

;.9.% ;.; ;.;.a

;.;.% ;.;.' ;.;.d ;.;.e


C nstr$'ti n Phase

;.>.a ;.>.% ;.>.'




The ARCHITECT sha)) (re(are # rms # r %iddin* and ther ' nstr$'ti n ' ntra't d '$ments ne'essar" # r ' nstr$'ti n, in')$din* # rms # r in-itati n and instr$'ti ns t ' nstr$'ti n %idders and # rms # r %idder5s (r ( sa)s. He sha)) assist the OWNER in %tainin* (r ( sa)s #r m C ntra't rs and in a&ardin* and (re(arin* ' nstr$'ti n ' ntra'ts. T the e,tent (r -ided %" the ' ntra't %et&een the OWNER and the C ntra't r, he sha)) ma:e de'isi ns # a)) ')aims # the OWNER and ' ntra't rs and n a)) ther matter re)atin* t the e,e'$ti n and (r *ress # the & r: r the inter(retati n # the C ntra't D '$ment, (re(are 'han*e rders and assem%)e missi n t the OWNER. He &i)) ma:e (eri di' -isits t the site t #ami)iari+ed himse)# *enera))" &ith the (r *ress and <$a)it" # the & r: and t determine, in *enera), i# the & r: (r 'eedin* is in a'' rdan'e &ith the C ntra't D '$ments. He &i)) n t %e re<$ired t ma:e e,ha$sti-e r ' ntin$ $s ?/hr. n/site ins(e'ti ns t 'he': the <$a)it" r <$antit" # the & r: and he &i)) n t %e res( nsi%)e t the C ntra't r5s #ai)$re t 'arr" $t the ' nstr$'ti n & r: in a'' rdan'e &ith the C ntra't D '$ments. D$rin* s$'h site -isits and n the %asis # his %ser-ati ns, he sha)) re( rt t the OWNER de#e'ts and de#i'ien'ies n ted in the & r: # C ntra't rs, and sha)) ' ndemn & r: # $nd #ai)in* t ' n# rm t the C ntra't D '$ments. 8ased n his %ser-ati n and the C ntra't r5s A(()i'ati ns # r Pa"ments, He &i)) determine the am $nt &in* t the ' ntra't r and &i)) iss$e Certi#i'ates # r (a"ment in s$'h am $nts. These Certi#i'ates &i)) ' nstit$te a re(resentati n t the OWNER, %ased n s$'h %ser-ati ns and the data ' m(risin* the A(()i'ati n # r Pa"ments, that the & r: has (r *ressed t the ( int indi'ated. 8" iss$in* a Certi#i'ate # r Pa"ment, the ARCHITECT &i)) a)s re(resent t the OWNER that, t the %est # his :n &)ed*e, in# rmati n and %e)ie# %ased n &hat his %ser-ati ns ha-e re-ea)ed, the <$a)it" # the & r: is in a'' rdan'e &ith the C ntra't D '$ments. He &i)) ' nd$'t ins(e'ti n t determine the dates # s$%stantia) and #ina) ' m()eti n and iss$e a 6ina) Certi#i'ate # r Pa"ment. I# m re e,tensi-e re(resentati n and ins(e'ti n at the site is re<$ired, a se(arate #$))/time ins(e't rs r s$(er-is rs sha)) %e hired %" the OWNER. The ' nditi ns $nder &hi'h said ins(e't rs r s$(er-is rs sha)) %e se)e'ted, em() "ed and dire'ted, sha)) %e a*reed t %" the OWNER and the ARCHITECT and set # rth as an e,hi%it t this A*reement.

ARTICLE > >.a >.% >.' >.d >.e >.# >.* >.*.7

DE0IGN / 82ILD 0ERVICE0 8@ G2ARANTEED MAAIM2M CO0T Pre(ares s'hed$)e # & r:, ' nstr$'ti n (r *ram, estimate and %i)) # materia)s, )a% r, ()ants, e<$i(ment and ser-i'esB Hires ' nstr$'ti n (ers nne) and desi*nates d$ties and ren$merati ns there #B Ne* tiates and enters int ' ntra't &ith (ie'e& r: ' ntra't rs and e-a)$ates & r: a'' m()ished there$nderB A$th ri+ed (a"ments # a'' $ntsB Ne* tiates &ith * -ernment a*en'ies ha-in* 1$risdi'ti n -er the (r 1e'tB and Mana*es a)) ther %$sinesses # the ' nstr$'ti n. The a% -e ser-i'es are (er# rmed &ith the # )) &in* ' nditi ns: A)) ' st # ins(e't rs, s$(er-is rs, )a% r ' st and materia)s are (aid dire't)" %" the O&ner. The Ar'hite't d es n t ad-an'e an" m ne" # r (a"ment # e,(endit$res ' nne'ted &ith the & r:.

>.*.9 >.*.;


A)th $*h the Ar'hite't ma" (re(are a detai)ed ' st estimate # the Pr 1e't, The estimate ma" %e *$aranteed n)" n arran*e # Ten Per'ent 37CD4 ()$s r min$s the stated estimate. The Ar'hite't a(( ints, s$%1e't t the C)ient5s a((r -a) a ' nstr$'ti n s$(erintendent, a ($r'hasin* a*ent, a time:ee(er r :ee(ers, and a (r (ert" ')er: aside #r m the $s$a) )a% r (ers nne) re<$ired. The sa)aries # s$'h (ers ns are (aid %" the ')ient and is n t ded$'ti%)e #r m the Ar'hite't5s 6ee. C st # a)) (ermits and )i'ensee in'identa) t the & r: are (aid %" the O&ner.


ARCHITECT50 6EE AND MANNER O6 PA@MENT0 That the OWNER a*rees t (a" the ARCHITECT # r (r #essi na) ser-i'es # r the Re*$)ar 8asi' Ar'hite't$ra) 0er-i'es, # 0EVEN PERCENT 3ED4 # the Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st, and an additi na) TEN PERCENT 37CD4 # the Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st # r Desi*n/8$i)d 0er-i'es %" G$aranteed Ma,im$m C st. That Pa"ments t the ARCHITECT %e made %" the OWNER as # )) &s: n a'' $nt # his %asi' ser-i'es sha))

=.9 =.9.a =.9.%





2( n the si*nin* # this a*reement, a minim$m (a"ment e<$i-a)ent t #i-e (er'ent 3=D4 # the ' m(ensati n # r %asi' ser-i'es. 2( n ' m()eti n # the 0'hemati' Desi*n 0er-i'es, %$t n t m re than 7= da"s a#ter s$%missi n # the 0'hemati' Desi*n t the OWNER, a s$m e<$a) t #i#teen (er'ent 37=D4 # the 8asi' 6ee, ' m($ted $( n a reas na%)e estimated ' nstr$'ti n ' st # the str$'t$re. 2( n the ' m()eti n # the Desi*n De-e) (ment 0er-i'es, %$t n t m re than 7= da"s a#ter s$%missi n # the Desi*n De-e) (ment d '$ments t the OWNER, a s$m s$##i'ient t in'rease the t ta) (a"ments n the #ee t thirt"/#i-e (er'ent 3;=D4 # the 8asi' 6ee ' m($ted $( n the same estimated ' nstr$'ti n ' st # the str$'t$re as in 3%4. 2( n the ' m()eti n # the C ntra't D '$ments 0er-i'es, %$t n t m re than 7= da"s a#ter s$%missi n # the C ntra't D '$ments t the OWNER, a s$m s$##i'ient t in'rease the t ta) (a"ments n the #ee t 0e-ent" (er'ent 3ECD4 # the 8asi' 6ee ' m($ted $( n a reas na%)e estimated ' nstr$'ti n ' st # the str$'t$re as in 3%4. Within 7= da"s a#ter the a&ards t the &innin* %idder r %idders, the (a"ment t the ARCHITECT sha)) %e ad1$sted s that it &i)) am $nt t a s$m e<$i-a)ent t Ei*ht" 6i-e (er'ent 3?=D4 # the 8asi' 6ee, ' m($ted $( n the &innin* 8id Pri'e. 2( n ' m()eti n # the ' nstr$'ti n & r:, the %a)an'e # the ARCHITECT50 6ee, ' m($ted n the 6ina) Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st # the 0tr$'t$re sha)) %e (aid. That the OWNER sha)) ma:e (artia) (a"ments n Desi*n 8$i)d 0er-i'es %" Administrati n %ased n & r: a'' m()ishment t %e s$%mitted %" the ARCHITECT. That the OWNER a*rees t ma:e (artia) (a"ments d$rin* ea'h # the -ari $s sta*es # the ARCHITECT50 & r:, $( n re<$est # the ARCHITECT, (r -ided that s$'h (a"ments are &ithin the #rame& r: # the manner # (a"ments $t)ined a% -e.



ARTICLE F OTHER CONDITION0 F.7 F.9 I# there is a sa-in*s n the ' st # the Pr 1e't, it is di-ided e<$a))" %et&een the C)ient and the Ar'hite't. I# the *$aranteed ma,im$m ' st is e,'eeded %" n t m re than Ten Per'ent 37CD4, it is di-ided e<$a))" %et&een the C)ient and the Ar'hite't. H &e-er, i# the e,'ess is m re than Ten Per'ent 37CD4, the Ar'hite't (a"s # r a)) the e,tra ' sts in e,'ess # the Ten Per'ent 37CD4.

ARTICLE E THE OWNER50 RE0PON0I8ILITIE0 E.7 E.9 The OWNER sha)) (r -ide #$)) in# rmati n as t his re<$irements # r the (r 1e't. He sha)) desi*nate, &hen ne'essar", re(resentati-es a$th ri+ed t a't in his %eha)#. He sha)) e,amine d '$ments s$%mitted %" the ARCHITECT and render de'isi ns (ertainin* theret (r m(t)", t a- id $nreas na%)e de)a" in the (r *ress # the ARCHITECT50 & r:. He sha)) %ser-e the (r 'ed$re # iss$in* rders t ' ntra't rs n)" thr $*h the ARCHITECT. He sha)) #$rnish r dire't the ARCHITECT t %tain at the OWNER50 e,(ense, a 'erti#ied s$r-e" # the site, *i-in*, as re<$ired, *rades and )ines # streets, a))e"s, (a-ements, and ad1 inin* (r (ert", ri*ht # &a", restri'ti n, % $ndaries, and ' nt $rs # the %$i)din* site, ) 'ati ns, dimensi ns and ' m()ete data (ertainin* t e,istin* %$i)din*s, ther im(r -ements and trees, #$)) in# rmati n as t a-ai)a%)e ser-i'es and $ti)it" )ines % th ($%)i' and (ri-ate and test % rin* and (its ne'essar" # r determinin* s$%/s i) ' nditi ns. He sha)) (a" the 0tr$'t$ra), 'hemi'a), me'hani'a), s i) me'hani's r ther tests and re( rts as ma" %e re<$ired # r the (r 1e't. He sha)) (a" the desi*n and ' ns$)tan'" ser-i'es n a' $sti', ' mm$ni'ati n, e)e'tr ni' and ther s(e'ia)t" s"stems as ma" %e re<$ired %" the (r 1e't. He sha)) arran*e and (a" # r s$'h )e*a), a$ditin*, and ins$ran'e ' $nse)in* ser-i'es and ta,es as ma" %e re<$ired # r the Pr 1e't r %" the * -ernment. He sha)) (a" a)) reim%$rsi%)e e,(enses in'$rred in the (r 1e't as 'a))ed # r in Arti')e E and a)) ta,es 3n t in')$din* in' me ta,4that the * -ernment ma" im( sed n the ARCHITECT, as a res$)t # the ser-i'es rendered %" the ARCHITECT n the (r 1e't &hether the ser-i'es &ere (er# rmed as an indi-id$a) (ra'titi ner, as a (artnershi( r as a ' r( rati n. I# the OWNER %ser-es r ther&ise %e' mes a&are # an" de#e't in the Pr 1e't, he sha)) *i-e (r m(t &ritten n ti'e there # t the ARCHITECT.


E.> E.=




PROJECT CON0TR2CTION CO0T That the ' st # the & r: r Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st as herein re#erred t , means the ' st # the ' m()eted str$'t$re t the OWNER in')$din* ()$m%in* and e)e'tri'a) #i,t$res, me'hani'a) e<$i(ment , air ' nditi nin* e<$i(ment, *enerat rs, ($m(s, e)e-at rs, #ire #i*htin* e<$i(ment, a$t mati' #ire s(rin:)er s"stem, ' mm$ni'ati n and s $nd s"stem e)ements atta'hed t the %$i)din* and a)) items indi'ated in the dra&in*s, s(e'i#ied r desi*ned %" the ARCHITECT, s$'h as m -a%)e ') sets, 'a%inets, (ie'es # #$rnit$re, ' -ered &a):s, *r tt s, ( )s, )ands'a(in* and ther items # simi)ar nat$re are t (aid se(arate)" %" the OWNER t the ARCHITECT as sti($)ated in ARTICLE E.C;. The Pr 1e't C nstr$'ti n C st, h &e-er, d es n t in')$de an" ARCHITECT50 #ee r En*ineers5 #ee r the sa)aries # the ' nstr$'ti n ins(e't rs. When )a% r and materia)s are #$rnished %" the OWNER %e) & the Mar:et ' st, the ' st # & r: sha)) %e ' m($ted $( n s$'h '$rrent mar:et ' st.


8A0IC 6EE AND 8A0IC RATE The H8asi' 6eeI and H8asi' RateI re#erred t in Arti')e >, a(()ies t ' nstr$'ti n & r: d ne %" a ' ntra't r r ' ntra't rs n the %asis # a )$m( s$m ' ntra't r )$m(s$m ' ntra'ts. C nstr$'ti n & r: )et n an" ' st /()$s/ #ee %asis, r an" %asis ther than the )$m( s$m ' ntra't %asis, &here the ARCHITECT has t render m re than the re*$)ar r %asi' ser-i'es, sha)) %e the s$%1e't # a s(e'ia) additi na) 'har*e ' mmens$rate &ith the s(e'ia) ser-i'es re<$ired. 0$'h s(e'ia) 'har*es sha)) %e in additi n t the 8asi' 6ee Pr -ided herein.


OTHER EAPEN0E0 CHARGEA8LE TO THE OWNER G -ernment Ta,es n 0er-i'es: The ARCHITECT50 6ee as sti($)ated in Arti')e ; is net t the ARCHITECT. An" ta, that the G -ernment ma" im( se n the ARCHITECT as a ' nse<$en'e # the ser-i'es (er# rmed # r the Pr 1e't 3e,')$si-e # in' me ta,4 sha)) %e (aid %" the OWNER. Di##erent Peri ds # C nstr$'ti n: that i# ( rti ns # the %$i)din* are ere'ted at di##erent (eri ds # time, th$s in'reasin* the ARCHITECT50 C nstr$'ti n Phase (eri d and %$rden # ser-i'es, 'har*es (ertainin* t ser-i'es rendered d$rin* the ' nstr$'ti n (hase sha)) %e d $%)ed. It is $nderst d that a s$s(ensi n # ' nstr$'ti n # r a (eri d n t e,'eedin* si, 3F4m nths sha)) n t %e ' -ered %" this (r -isi n. 0e(arate 0er-i'es: that i# the OWNER re<$ires the ARCHITECT t desi*n r ()an m -a%)e ') sets, 'a%inets, (ie'es # #$rnit$re, ' -ered &a):s, *r tt s, ( )s, )ands'a(in* and ther items # simi)ar nat$re, the OWNER sha)) (a" the ARCHITECT additi na) C m(ensati n in the am $nt # 6i#teen Per'ent 37=D4 n the C nstr$'ti n ' st # the a% -e & r:. Other Pr #essi na) 0er-i'es: that the ARCHITECT50 6ee in')$des n rma) str$'t$ra), e)e'tri'a), sanitar" and me'hani'a) en*ineerin* ser-i'es, %$t n t t in')$de ser-i'es # r s$r-e", s i) e,() rati n and )a%at r" tests &hi'h are n the a'' $nt # the needed in rder t ' m()ete the (r 1e't s$'h as




a' $sti's en*ineers m$ra) (ainter5s, s'$)(t rs and interi r de' rat rs are t %e re' mmended %" the ARCHITECT # r the OWNER50 a((r -a) and ' st # r this ser-i'es are t %e (aid %" the OWNER and n t ded$'ti%)e #r m the ARCHITECTJs 6ee. 7C.= E,tra 0ets # C ntra't D '$ments: that the ARCHITECT is t #$rnish the OWNER #i-e 3=4sets # Dra&in*s, 0(e'i#i'ati ns and ther C ntra't D '$ments. C st # r (rintin* r re(r d$'ti n # e,tra sets # C ntra't D '$ments &hen re<$ired %" the OWNER r his re(resentati-es is t %e (aid %" the OWNER. W r: 0$s(ended r A%and ned: I# the & r: # the ARCHITECT is a%and ned r s$s(ended, in &h )e r in (art, the ARCHITECT is t %e (aid %" the OWNER # r the ser-i'es rendered ' rres( ndin* t the #ees d$e at the sta*e # s$s(ensi n r a%and nment # his & r:. The (rimar" ser-i'e # the ARCHITECT is the desi*n and (re(arati n # & r:in* ()ans, s(e'i#i'ati ns and ther ' ntra't d '$ments that sha)) ser-e as the %asis # r the C ntra't r t %$i)d the Pr 1e't. On'e the ARCHITECT has (re(ared a)) these d '$ments he has ' m()eted this C ntra't D '$ments Phase # his ser-i'es &hi'h is e<$i-a)ent t EIGHT@/6IVE PERCENT 3?=D4 # his & r:. The remainin* 6I6TEEN PERCENT 37=D4 # his & r: is %r :en d &n as # )) &sB TEN PERCENT 37CD4 # r the ARCHITECT0 )ia%i)it" $nder the Ci-i) C de /and/ 6IVE PERCENT3=D4 # r the ' nstr$'ti n (hase ser-i'e &hi'h in')$des (re(arati n # ' ntra't d '$ment # rms and (eri di' -isits d$rin* the ' nstr$'ti n. When the OWNER there# re #ai)s t im()ement the ()ans and d '$ments # r ' nstr$'ti n as (re(ared %" the ARCHITECT, the ARCHITECT is entit)ed t re'ei-e as ' m(ensati n the s$m ' rres( ndin* t EIGHT@ 6IVE 3?=D4 Per'ent # his #ee.


ARTICLE 77 62LL /TIME 02PERVI0ION 2( n re' mmendati n # the ARCHITECT and &ith the a((r -a) # the OWNER, #$))/time ' nstr$'ti n ins(e't rs as deemed ne'essar", sha)) %e en*a*ed %" the OWNER and their sa)aries (aid # r %" the OWNER. The ' nstr$'ti n ins(e't r sha)) %e $nder the te'hni'a) ' ntr ) and s$(er-isi n # the ARCHITECT and sha)) ma:e (eri di' re( rts t the OWNER and t the ARCHITECT as t (r *ress and <$a)it" # the & r: d ne.

ARTICLE 79 E0TIMATE0 0in'e the ARCHITECT has n ' ntr ) -er the ' st # )a% r and materia)s, r ' m(etiti-e %iddin*, he d es n t *$arantee the a''$ra'" # an" 0tatement # Pr %a%)e C nstr$'ti n C st, r an" 0emi/Detai)ed r Detai)ed C st Estimate.


D$rin* the (r *ress # & r: the OWNER sha)) #$rnish the ARCHITECT t& 394 ' (ies # re' rds # e,(enses %ein* in'$rred # r the ' nstr$'ti n. 2( n ' m()eti n # the (r 1e't, the OWNER sha)) #$rnish the ARCHITECT t& 394 ' (ies # the s$mmar" # a)) ' st # )a% r, ser-i'es, materia)s, e<$i(ment, #i,t$res and a)) items $sed at and # r the ' m()eti n # the ' nstr$'ti n.

ARTICLE 7> DE0IGN AND PLACEMENT O6 0IGN0 A)) si*n% ards # ' ntra't rs, s$%/' ntra't rs, 1 %%ers and dea)ers that &i)) %e ()a'ed at the 1 % site d$rin* the (r *ress # ' nstr$'ti n sha)) %e a((r -ed %" the ARCHITECT as t si+e, desi*n and ' ntents. A#ter the ' m()eti n # the (r 1e't, the OWNER r his )essee sha)) ' ns$)t the ARCHITECT in the desi*n and si+e # a)) si*n% ards, )etterin*, dire't ries and dis()a" % ards that &i)) %e ()a'ed n the e,teri r r ($%)i' areas &ithin the %$i)din*, in rder t *$ard the OWNER50 interest that n thin* &i)) %e insta))ed in the %$i)din* that & $)d mar: the aestheti's # the str$'t$re.





P$rs$ant t the (rin'i()e and s(irit in the ena'tment # Presidentia) De'ree N . >G n the Pr te'ti n # Inte))e't$a) Pr (ert" dated N -em%er 7>, 7GE9, the W r: # ar'hite't$reB rnamenta) desi*nB ma(s, ()ans, s:et'hes and 'hartsB s'ienti#i' and artisti' & r: as the 'reati-e ' n'e(t$a) desi*ns indi'ated r (r 1e'ted in the dra&in*s and/ r m de)s r re( rts are and sha)) remain the (r (ert" # the Ar'hite't. Re($%)i' A't =>= 0e'ti n 9>. 3>4, sti($)ates that a)) desi*ns, dra&in*s, s(e'i#i'ati ns and ' (ies there #, (re(ared %" the Ar'hite't as instr$ments # ser-i'e, are the (r (ert" and d '$ments # the Ar'hite't &hether the & r: # r &hi'h the" are made ma" %e e,e'$ted r n t, and it sha)) %e $n)a&#$) # r an" (ers n t ' (", d$()i'ate said d '$ments # r $se n ther & r:s e,'e(t %" &ritten ' nsent # the Ar'hite't r a$th r # said d '$ments and the Ar'hite't (r (er)" ' m(ensated # r it. I# the O&ner & $)d desire t ha-e a ' (" # the Dra&in*s n re(r d$'i%)e #i)m r (a(er 3se(ia4 r ' (ies # (h t *ra(hs, s)ides, -ide and #i)m '$(s, et'., the O&ner sha)) (a" # r the ' st # said re(r d$'i%)e ' (ies n his &n a'' $nt and in n 'ase sha)) it %e re(r d$'ed r t %e $sed n ther & r:s e,'e(t %" &ritten a*reement &ith the Ar'hite't, and the Ar'hite't (r (er)" ' m(ensated # r it.



ARTICLE 7F 02CCE00OR0 AND A00IGN0 The OWNER and the ARCHITECT ea'h %inds himse)#, his (artners, s$''ess rs, )e*a) re(resentati-es and assi*ns t the ther (art" t this

a*reement, and t the (artners, s$''ess rs, )e*a) re(resentati-es and assi*ns # s$'h ther (art" in res(e't t a)) ' -enants # this a*reement. E,'e(t, as a% -e, neither the OWNER n r the ARCHITECT sha)) assi*n, s$%)et r trans#er his interest in this a*reement &ith $t the &ritten ' nsent # the ther.

ARTICLE 7E AR8ITRATION A)) <$esti ns in dis($te $nder this A*reement sha)) %e s$%mitted in a'' rdan'e &ith the (r -isi ns # Phi)i((ine La& n Ar%itrati n and (r -ided # r in Art. 9C>9 # the Ne& Ci-i) C de # the Phi)i((ines and the (r -isi ns # Re($%)i' A't N . ?EF. In 'ase # s$it, the &ner sha)) (a" the am $nt d$e the ma,im$m )e*a) interest ()$s 9=D # s$'h am $nt as Att rne"sJs #ee. In 'ase # )iti*ati n, the -en$e sha)) %e the (r (er ' $rt # K$e+ n Cit".

THE PARTIE0 TO THI0 AGREEMENT HERE8@ AGREE TO THE 62LL PER6ORMANCE O6 THE COVENANT0 CONTAINED HEREIN AND PRA@ 6OR THE G2IDANCE O6 THE LORD 6OR A 02CCE0062L COMPLETION O6 THE PROJECT IN WITNE00 WHEREO6, the Parties t this A*reement ha-e n the da" and "ear #irst a% -e *i-en, here$nt set their hands at the % tt m # this (a*e and n the ri*ht/hand mar*in # a)) the ther (a*es # this A*reement. 8":

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OWNER

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARCHITECT




Re($%)i' # the Phi)i((ines Cit" # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8e# re me, a N tar" P$%)i' in and # r the Cit" # !!!!!!!!!!! (ers na))" a((eared Mr. !!!!!!!!!! &ith Residen'e Certi#i'ate n . !!!!!!!!!!!! n !!!!!!!, 7GGG at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cit" and Ar'hite't !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &ith Residen'e Certi#i'ate n . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iss$ed at !!!!!!!!!! Cit" n !!!!!!!!, 7GGG, % th :n &n t me and t me :n &n t %e the same (ers n &h e,e'$ted the # re* in* instr$ment and a':n &)ed*ed t me that the same is their #ree a't and deed. In &itness &here #, I ha-e here$nt set m" hand and a##i,ed m" N taria) sea) this !!!!!!! da" # !!!!!!!! 7GG!!! in the Cit" # !!!!!!!!!!, Phi)i((ines.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N tar" P$%)i'

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