Experiment # 4 Straightness Measurements Using Autocollimator
Experiment # 4 Straightness Measurements Using Autocollimator
Experiment # 4 Straightness Measurements Using Autocollimator
Introduction of Apparatuses
Rotate the
angular dial to
change the
initial readout
Figure " - (heor) o$ operation* a(t"c"$$i#at"r (ses c"$$i#ate) $ig&t
bea# t" !r"ject t&e retic$eDs i#age "n a reCect"r 7#irr"r8 an)
#eas(res t&e ang$e )eviati"n bet.een t&e inci)ent an) ret(rn i#age
.it& an ang($ar )ia$,
Experiment +rocedure
A% Autocollimator alignment demonstration 7!re9$ab8
T&e %(ncti"na$it5 "% t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r .i$$ be
)e#"nstrate) .it& t&e (se "% a $inear s$i)e' a Cat #irr"r
an) t&e cr"ss&air "% t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r, T&e )e#"nstrati"n
.i$$ s&". &". t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r can be (se) t" )etect
s#a$$ ang($ar err"rs in !recisi"n c"#!"nents,
,% Autocollimator setup and coarse alignment -.e$er to
Figure 4 / 0
+8 C$ean t&e s$i)ing s(r%ace "% t&e T1; $inear #"ti"n g(i)e
.it& a #icr" Bber c$"t&,
28 Scre. t&e 0ine#atics #irr"r #"(nt "n t&e $inear
bearing g(i)e a)a!ter !$ate' .&ic& .as attac&e) t" t&e
s$i)er "% T1; $inear #"ti"n g(i)e S1S+5R,
28 P$ace t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r ab"(t "ne %""t a.a5 %r"# t&e
%r"nt "% t&e T1; $inear #"ti"n g(i)e, T(rn "n t&e $ig&t
38 P"siti"n 5"(r e5e at t&e "!!"site en) "% t&e T1; $inear
g(i)e $""0ing t".ar) t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r at t&e !"siti"n
.&ere t&e #irr"r .i$$ be $"cate) 7as s&".n in :ig(re 58,
L""0 %"r t&e !r"jecte) i#age "% t&e retic$e 7as s&".n in
:ig(re @8,
58 se t&e &"riE"nta$ an) vertica$ a)j(st#ent 0n"bs t"
a)j(st t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r sc"!e (!F)".n an) $e%tFrig&t
s" t&at t&e !r"jecte) retic$e i#age is centere) at t&e
!"siti"n .&ere t&e #irr"r .i$$ be $"cate), T&is .i$$
reG(ire t." !e"!$e,
68 S$i)e t&e #irr"r #"(nt asse#b$5 create) in ste! 728 "n
t" t&e T1; $inear g(i)e .it& t&e #irr"r %acing t".ar)s
t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r, Veri%5 t&e !"inter is "n t&e si)e "%
.&ere t&e #eas(ring ta!e .as $"cate), P"siti"n t&e
#irr"r at t&e +0 c# !"siti"n,
=8 Set t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r ang($ar #eas(re#ent )ia$ 7see
:ig(re A8 t" #i) range .it& t&e sec"n)s )ia$ at Eer",
se t&e !ara$$a- c"ntr"$ %eat(re %"r acc(rate setting,
@8 Ti! an) ti$t t&e 2H /$(#in(# #irr"r (sing t&e
a)j(st#ent 0n"bs 7See :ig, 68 "n t&e #irr"r #"(nt s"
t&at t&e rings "% t&e /(t"c"$$i#at"r i#age is centere)
ab"(t t&e cr"ss&air as s&".n in :ig(re @, ?&en t&e
cr"ss&air is centere) "n t&e ring' t&e #irr"r &as been
"riente) t" be !er!en)ic($ar t" t&e "!tica$ a-is "% t&e
a(t"c"$$i#at"r, T&e ne-t secti"n .i$$ s&". 5"( &". t"
#eas(re ang($ar )eviati"n,
Figure 4 - /(t"c"$$i#at"r straig&tness #eas(re#ent set(!
Figure I T&e vertica$ an) &"riE"nta$ a)j(st#ent 0n"bs
c&ange t&e ang$es "% inci)ent c"$$i#ate) bea# "nt" t&e
&% Measuring the straightness o$ motion o$ the (12
N"te* Ever5 tea# #e#ber in t&e gr"(! .i$$ nee) t" c"$$ect
an eG(a$ !"rti"n "% t&e )ata, Ta0e 2 t" 5 #eas(re#ents at
eac& #irr"r !"siti"n as ti#e !er#its,
+8 ?it& t&e carriage at t&e starting +0 c# !"siti"n' a)j(st
t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r vertica$ an) &"riE"nta$ 0n"bs t"
center t&e i#age ver5 !recise$5 "n t&e cr"ss&air, L""0
T&e centers "% t&e %r"nt
a(t"c"$$i#at"rDs $ens an) t&e
reCect"r s&"($) be ab"(t t&e
sa#e &eig&t,
Meas(ring ta!e
s&".s t&e !"siti"n "%
t&e #irr"r
Inci)ent bea#
E5e !"siti"n %"r
c"arse a$ign#ent
#irr"r #"(nt
%"r s5##etr5 "% t&e i#age ab"(t eit&er si)e "% t&e
cr"ss&air $ines, Ma0e s(re a)j(st#ent is sec(re,
28 Rec"r) t&e starting va$(e "% t&e ang($ar )ia$ in (nits "%
#in(tes an) sec"n)s "% arc,
28 Rec"r) t&e initia$ !"siti"n "% #irr"r b5 (sing t&e
#eas(ring ta!e an) !"inter,
38 M"ve t&e #irr"r b5 +00## 7t&e base $engt&' b' in t&e
:ig(re +08,
58 /)j(st t&e ang($ar )ia$ s" t&at t&e e$evati"n B$ar
7&"riE"nta$ $ine8 bisects t&e center )"t "% t&e green
retic$e i#age, Rec"r) t&e )ia$ rea)ing %"r e$evati"n,
/)j(st t&e ang($ar )ia$ s" t&at t&e aEi#(t& B$ar 7vertica$
$ine8 bisects t&e center )"t "% t&e green retic$e i#age,
Rec"r) t&e )ia$ rea)ing %"r aEi#(t&,68 Rec"r) )".n t&e
EL an) /J,
68 Re!eat STEP 3 an) 5 (nti$ t&e /$(#in(# #irr"r reac&es
t&e en) "% t&e T1; $inear #"ti"n g(i)e at !"siti"n
Figure 6 - /)j(st#ent 0n"bs "n t&e ;M<200 #irr"r
#"(nt, Ti! an) ti$t t&e #irr"r t" a$ign t&e i#age
c"inci)ent .it& t&e retic$e be%"re #eas(re#ent,
(hrough holes
$or mounting
Figure 6 7 &&D &amera setup
1. Remove the eyepiece.
2. Mount the bracket by screwing down
3. Tighten down the screw to the camera
to secure the assembly in place
Figure 8 - Autocollimator image under
scope -right0
T&e retic$e (n)er t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"rDs
s&"($) #atc& (! .it& t&e retic$eDs i#age
Figure 9 - Angular dial in minutes and seconds
D% &alculation and .esults
+, :"r t&e series "% #eas(re#ents at eac& #irr"r
!"siti"n' c"nvert ang$es %r"# #in(tes an) sec"n)s9"%9arc t"
ra)ians an) ca$c($ate t&e #ean ang($ar #eas(re#ent,
N"r#a$iEe t&e #ean ang($ar #eas(re#ents b5 s(btracting t&e
#ean ang$e %"r a$$ #irr"r !"siti"ns, :r"# t&e aEi#(t& an)
e$evati"n ang$e 7s$"!e8 at eac& #eas(re#ent !"siti"n' ca$c($ate
t&e "Kset in LX an) LM re$ative t" t&e a(t"c"$$i#at"r "!tica$ a-is
(sing t&e %"r#($as be$".,
2, /)) eac& "Kset t" t&e !revi"(s "ne t"
c"nstr(ct t&e &"riE"nta$ an) vertica$ )eviati"n %r"# straig&tness
7straig&tness err"r8 a$"ng t&e rai$ !at&, Re#"ve t&e $inear
c"#!"nents %r"# t&e )ata,
2, P$"t* 7a8 Mean straig&tness err"r X an) M
vers(s J 7rai$ c""r)inate8
7b8 Mean straig&tness err"r X an) M vers(s J 7rai$
c""r)inate8 .it& $inear c"#!"nents re#"ve),
3, Ca$c($ate t&e 29sig#a err"r "% a$$ ang($ar
#eas(re#ents, Ca$c($ate err"r as 7#eas(re#ent I #ean8 %"r
eac& set "% ang($ar #eas(re#ents at a given !"siti"n 7295
#eas(re#ents8, Ca$c($ate sing$e 29sig#a va$(e %"r err"rs "% a$$
#eas(re#ents 7509+00 #eas(re#ents8 c"#bining aEi#(t& an)
e$evati"n #eas(re#ent err"rs,
5, 4isc(ss t&e s"(rces "% err"r,
6, 1". )"es t&is straig&tness #eas(re#ent tec&niG(e c"#!are t"
t&e reversa$ an) inter%er"#eter tec&niG(es %"r sensitivit5'
re!eatabi$it5' acc(rac5' set (! ti#e' ease "% (se' an) c"stN
7/ns.er t&is G(esti"n "n$5 i% 5"( &ave c"#!$ete) t&e "t&er $abs
Figure 10 autocollimator!s straig"tness measurement setup
(he o:set change relative to the optical axis $or one
measurement distance ;'< centered on the measurement
=M O bPtan
O bP
is in (nits "% ra)ians
=X O bPtan
O bP
is in (nits "% ra)ians
(he sur$ace straightness error at each position*
M7n8 O Q LM7i8
X7n8 O Q LX7i8
.emove linear components*
O M7E8 IR#P7E8 ScT' .&ere E )en"tes t&e rai$ !"siti"n an)
R#P7E8 ScT is t&e eG(ati"n "% t&e tren) $ine,
O X7E8 IR#P7E8 ScT' .&ere E )en"tes t&e rai$ !"siti"n an)
R#P7E8 ScT is t&e eG(ati"n "% t&e tren) $ine,
Appendix 1* Autocollimator
Measurement of non#parallelism in windows$ laser rod ends$ and optical wedges by the two#face
reflection method.
Measurement of s%uareness of an outside corner by aperture sharing.
!ngle comparisons by aperture sharing.
&hecking right angle prisms for angular and pyramid errors