Pressure Vessel Handbook

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PRESSURE VESSEL HANDBOOK oe VBL PRESSURE VESSEL PUBLISHING, INC. PREFACE ‘This reference book is prepared for the purpose of making formulas, technical data, design and construction methods readily available for the designer, detailer, layoutmen and others dealing with pressure vessels. Practical men in this industry often have difficulty finding the required data and solutions, these being scattered throughout extensive literature or advanced studies. The author's aim was to bring together all of the above material under one cover and present it in a convenient form. ‘The design procedures and formulas of the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section VIII Division I have been utilized as well as those generally accepted sources which are not covered by this Code. From ‘among the alternative construction methods described by the Code the ‘author has selected those which are most frequently used in practice. In order to provide the greatest serviceability with this Handbook, rarely occuring loadings, special construction methods or materials have tbeon excluded from ite ope. Due to the same reason this Handhook deals only with vessels constructed from ferrous material by welding, since the vast majority of the pressure vessels are inthis category. ‘A large part ofthis book was taken from the works of others, with some ‘of the material placed in different arrangement, and some unchanged. ‘The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor ‘Séndor Kalinszky, Janos Bodor, Liszi6 Félegyhizy and Jozsef GySrfi for their material and valuable suggestions, to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and to the publishers, who generously permitted the author to include material from their publications. ‘The author wishes also to thank all those who helped to improve this new edition by their suggestions and corrections. ‘Suggestions and criticism concerning some errors which may remain in spite of all precautions shall be greatly appreciated. They contribute 10 the further improvement of this Handbook. Eugene F. Megyesy PARTI PARTII Geometry and Layout of Pressure Vessels. PARTITI Measures and Weights PARTIV Design of Steel Structures .... PARTI. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF PRESSURE VESSEL 1, Vessels Under Internal Pressure ‘Stresses in Cylindrical Shell, Definitions, Formulas, Pressure of Fluid, Pressure-Temperature Ratings of American Standard Carbon Steel Pipe Flanges. 2. Vessels Under External Pressure Definitions, Formulas, drical Shell, Chart for Determining Thickness of Cylindrical and ‘Spherical Vessels under External Pressure when Constructed of Carbon Steel. Design of Tall Towers wr... a ‘Wind Load, Weight of Vessel, Seismic Load, Vibration, Eccen- tric Load, Elastic Stability, Deflection, Combination of Stresses, Design of Skirt Support, Design of Anchor Bolts (approximate method), Design of Base Ring (approximate method), Design of ‘Anchor Bold and Base Ring, Anchor Bolt Chair for Tall Towers. 4, Vessel Supports... ‘Stresses in Large Horizontal Vesels Supported by Two Saddles, Siresses in Vessels on Leg Support, Stresses in Veecels Due to Lug Support 5. Openings . Inspection Openings, Openings without ing with Reinforcing Pad, Extension of Openings, Reinforce- ‘mentof Openings, Strength of Attachments, Joining Openingsto Vessels, Length of Couplings and Pipes for Openings. 6, Nozzle Loads 7. Reinforcement at the Junction of Cone to Cylinder 8, Welding of Pressure Vessels Welded Joints, But Welded Joint of Plates of Unequal Thick. ‘nesses, Application of Welding Symbols. 9, Regulations, Specifications. ‘Code Rules Relatedto Various Services, Code Rules Related to Various Plate Thicknesses of Vessel, Tanks and Vessels Con- taining Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Properties of Materials, Description of Materials, Specification for The De- sign and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels, Fabrication Toler- 10, Materials of Foreign Countries 11, Welded Tanks imum Required Tickness of Cylin. forcing Pad, Open- 15 31 2 86 122 153 159 '70 181 194 204 2. 13 Is, 16. 17. Piping Codes 208 Rectangular Tanks 212 Corrosion i Miscellaneous os . 232 Fabricating Capacities, Pipe and Tube Bending, Pipe Engage- ‘ment, Drill Sizes for Pipe Taps, Bend Allowances, Length of Stud Bolts, Pressure Vessel Detailing, Preferred Locations, ‘Common Errors, Lifting Attachments, Safe Loads for Ropesand Chains, Transportation of Vessels. Painting Steel Surfaces 247 Check List for Inspectors 255 TN REFERENCES THROUGHOUT THIS BOOK “CON (AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS) BOILER AND| PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTION Vill RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PRESSURE VESSELS, DIVISION I — AN AMERICAN STANDARD. 1995 EDITION, STRESSES IN PRESSURE VESSELS: Pressure vessels are subject to various loadings, which exert stresses of, different intensities in the vessel components. The category and intensity of stresses are the function of the nature of loadings, the geometry and construc- tion of the vessel components. LOADINGS (Code UG-22) ‘a. Internal or external pressure b. Weight of the vessel and contents ¢. Staticreactions fromattachedequipment, piping, lining, insulation, internals, supports Cyclic and dynamic reactions due to pressure or thermal variations Wind pressure and seismic forces Impact reactions due to fluid shock ‘Temperature gradients and differential thermal expansion mane MAXIMUM STRESSES (Code UG-23) ALLOWABLE, a. Tensile stress s, b, Longitudinal compressive stress __The smaller of S, or the value of STRESS factor B determined by the procedure described in Code UG 23 (b) (2) cc, General primary membrane stress s, induced by any combination of loadings. Primary membrane 1.5 S, stress plus primary bending stress induced by combination of load- ings, except as provided in d. be- low. General primary membrane stress induced by combination of earth- quake or wind pressure with other loadings (See definitions pages beginning 473.) neously. ‘S, = Maximum allowable stress in tension for carbon and low alloy steel 1.2 times the stress permitted ina., b. or c. This rule applicable to stresses exerted by intemal or external pres- sure or axial compressive load on a cylinder. Code’ Table UCS-23; for high alloy steel Code Table UHA-23., psi. (See properties of materials page 180 - 184.) Seismic force and wind pressure need not be considered to act simulta- 4 STRESSES IN CYLINDRICAL SHELL Uniform internal or external pressure induces inthe longitudinal seam two times lager unit steess than in the circumferential seam because of the geometry of the cylinder. ‘A vessel unuer external pressure, when other forces (wind, earthquake, etc.) are not factors, must be designed to resist the circumferential buckling only. The Code provides the method of design to meet this requirement. When other loadings are present, these combined loadings may govern and heavier plate will be required than the plate which was satisfactory to resist the circumferential buckling only. “The compressive stress due to extemal pressure and tensile tress ve to intemal pressure shall be determined by the formulas: FORMULAS CIRCUMFERENTIAL LONGITUDINAL TOINT JOINT PD. Po Sar Ser NOTATION Mean diameter of vessel, inches Internal or external pressure, psi Longitudinal stress, psi Circumferential (hoop) stress, psi Thickness of shel, corrosion allowance excluded, inches = EXAMPLE Given _D = 96 inches Po 15x96 P= ispa se SP =e FAre = 40 ps 1 = O2binches Po. 5X % ggg PD = 2890 pal mw 2x 0.25 For towers under internal pressure and wind load the cial height above which compres sive stress governs can be approximated by the formula: PD mr |_» "___— where H = Critical height of tower. INTERNAL PRESSURE 1. OPERATING PRESSURE “The pressure which is required for the process, served by the vessel, at which the vessel is normally operated. 2, DESIGN PRESSURE “The pressure used inthe design of vessel. Itis recommended to designa vesse! and its parts fora higher pressure than the operating pressure. A design pressure higher than the operating pressure with 30 psi or 10 percent, whichever is the seater, will satisfy this requirement, The pressure ofthe fluid and other contents, (of the vessel should also be taken into consideration. See tables on page 29 for pressure of fluid, 3. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE “The internal pressure at which the weakest element ofthe vessel is loaded to the ultimate permissible point, when the vessel is assumed to be: (@) in corroded condition (b) under the effect of a designated temperature (©) innormal operating position atthe top (@) under the effect of other loadings (wind load, external pressure, hydro- ‘atic pressure, ete.) which are additive to the internal pressure. When calculations are not made, the design pressure may be used as the maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) code 3-2. ‘A common practice followed by many users and manufacturers of pressure ‘essels isto limitthe maximum allowable working pressure by the head or shell, rot by small elements as flanges, openings, etc ‘See tables on page 28 for maximum allowable pressure for flanges. ‘See tables on page 142 for maximum allowable pressure for pipes. ‘The term, maximum allowable pressure, new and cold, is used very often. It means the pressure at which the weakest element of the vessel is loaded to the ultimate permissible point, when the vessel: (a) is not corroded (new) (b) the temperature does not affect its strength (room temperature) (cold) ‘and the other conditions (¢ and d above) also need not to be taken into consideration. 4, HYDROSTATIC TEST PRESSURE ‘One and one-half times the maximum allowable working pressure or the design pressure tobe marked on the vessel when calculations arenot madeto determine the maximum allowable working pressure. Ifthe stress value of the vessel material atthe design temperature is less than at the test temperature, the hydrostatic test pressure should be increased propor- tionally. ‘Hydrostatic test shall be conducted afterall fabrication has oC In this case, the test pressure shall Stress Value § At Test Temper Saree Valve S At Design Temperature Vessels where the maximum allowable working pressure limited by the ‘Manges, shall be tested at a pressure shown in the table ‘Primary Service, retire Rating | 15010] 40010] 600 8] 900 0] 1500 | 250018 Hydrostatic test of multi-chamber vessels: Code UG-99 (e) ‘A Pneumatic test may be used in lieu of a hydrostatic test per Code UG-100 Proof tests to establith maximum allowable working pressure when the strength of any part of the vessel cannot be computed with satisfactory assurance of safety, prescribed in Code UG-101. 5, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES ‘The maximum allowable tensile stress values permitted for different materials are given in table on page 189. The maximum allowable compressive stress to be used in the design of cylindrical shells subjected to loading that produce lnneitudinal compressive stress in the shell shall be determined according to Code par. UG-23 b, ©. & d 6. JOINT EFFICIENCY “The efficiency of different types of welded joints are given in table on page 172. The efficiency of seamless heads is tabulated on page 176. ‘The following pages contain formulas used to compute the required wall thickness and the maximum allowable working pressure for the most frequently used types of shell and head, The formulas of eylindrical shell are siven for the Longitudinal seam, since usually this govern. ‘The stress in the girth seam will govern only when the circumferential joint efficiency is less than one-half the longitudinal joint efficiency, or when besides the internal pressure additional loadings (wind load, reaction of saddles) ate causing longitudinal bending or tension. The reason for itis that the stress arising in the girth seam pound per square inch is one-half of the stress in the Longitudinal seam. ‘The formulas for the pirth seam accordingly: PR ba pepPR 2SE TSE + O04P "R-0n See notation on page 22. Notes CYLINDRICAL SHELL (LONG SEAM)! SE POR LOB 1. Usually the stress inthe Fong seam is governing. See preceding page 2. When the wall thickness exceeds one half of the inside ‘ads or P exceeds 0.388 SE, the formulas piven i the Code Appendie 12 shal be applied. SPE DESIGN Dar ABOVE e000 in, pte 6 " INTERNAL PRESSURE EXAMPLES FORMULAS IN TERMS OF INSIDE DIMENSIONS DESIGN DATA = 1.00, join eficeney of sonics NOTATION = sin 7 hon P= Design esse or mat allwable = ‘ade waa ees = 100. design pea Bx $B incor inside aioe onng enor po tide Gumeie inches 5 = 1750p! ses vale ofS 1 = rue wal tka aces = Siew of merit pst page r= Malik ees 5 SPOR 850 niggs CA. = OLS meee comune lortce 189 C.A. = Corrosion allowance, inches joints of shell and hemis, Head to ‘tin corroded condition greater Bet ‘ite eosin rane ie SEE DESIGN DAI AUONE B SPHERE ana HEMISPHERICAL HEAD te ' rn eg sis a rm Dvn ai sie tng ees. 1. For heads without aah Tange: oe he tice . aan ens Lele inched to shel ort ena te efteney ven wt at te seam the es ° Wen te wal hihaen xed O.3S6 Ro Pence S258 SE Uae Pim gente Code Anema eet 1 esa esos ; C 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD ose +02 1. For elipsoidal heads, where the ratio af the major “nd minor ans her than 2:1, se Code Appener re. (We: 04995 MIN THK, HEAD {te 75 ie. came heal when ese 20 a INTERNAL PRESSURE EXAMPLES FORMULAS IN TERMS OF INSIDE DIMENSIONS n DESIGN DATA = a8 inches side ase D = Inside diameter, inches i design pressure D = 96 inches inside diameter A be pressure or max. allowable & = One halo the includ (ape) = [5d ps ster wise of SA @ = Soe ao the ape angle working pressure pa ote ne Nxigue'e cares” ES dealt ad dn West alae of eral ps, page fads of dh, inches 5 elcy of pot examin queda Gickness nes ey pe pane 1 = Inside nucle ais, inches aah CAL = 0.125 inches corrosion allowance = Jot efciency. page 472 1 = Mal tchoess nce’ it ficiency of seamless in conoded condition pester fe = tnnde ris, ches A. = Comsionaliowance, inches = 1.00.) y ere canis lessee D CONE ano CONICAL SECTION [SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. cos af = ae Pp Bert SHE DESIGN DATA ABOVE 1008 Deine eit eso ee PD __| p28 Demin te minum sob woing ei. P Teos aw (SE—O6P) D412 005 : feotatnes annie | sah ene, te Be eel nw i 2 6 75H 08S — 04 x 100) an ent susia, | p_, 2! x 28 x00 x ome Ho 1. The al ape angle ot eater than 30° ous oer 12 x 05m x08 2. nena preter than 30° speci aniseed, stm Ane IO ie st i ae E "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE McAL EAD) tr 16s ts ‘Decomie he reid ickacst, sofa seamless ASME | SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE nga ted on Deen msn oa wig pes, 7 ee cons (rouisautenaesieceha neveicsee be MAIO FOS gayi, | one TRBLFOT +a ons, | re RMR OM yy Use: 0.625 in min, thick head ‘When Ur less than 1633 ey Fae Dante tat» i. tr = = mae lr «bi. «2 16 PLM pe 28Et sn cog | Me Sten we u Dect ed ha oes ASM ‘2SE-O.2P eo flanged and de bead Desemine the maximar alloable woking reste? reo 90s 18, feos mc mia en et in VALUES OF FACTOR, o 4oA 0.125 ia. 2x 17500 x 1.0 x 0 L oo] ]2s0]__ [p00 aso], [sso]. Jno} 0.66 in “Faux ireaxea 7 OP A 2a8]? fara) ]saslLscal**"]s.0o]°* Jeo ee eae u a ela NOTE: ¥en heat of spent tan 63, om Cae costo) ales Mr ead ~ by the formula: Ml = vat + VLir) ne ao as 2 23 INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS EXAMPLES NOTATION = Design pressure or max. allowable ‘working pressure psi ‘= Siress value of material psi, page Joint efficiency, page 172 [R = Outside radius, inches D = Outside diameier, inches 1 = Wall thickness, inches Ca! = Corrosion allowance, inches DESIGN DATA: 'P = 100 psi design pressure Se 1500 psi sitess value of SA 315-70 pae @ e3OF fiency B= 085, ¢ of spotexamined joints of shel and hems. Head to Shell E = 1.00, joint efficiency of seamless heads R= ai inches outside radius D = 96 inches outside diameter 1 = Required wall thickness, inches CAL = 0.135 inches coroson allowance CYLINDRICAL SHELL (LONG SEAM)" PR ‘" SE + OAP ep" 1 Usually the stress in the long seam is governing, See paae 14 22. When the wall thickest exceeds one half ofthe imide Fadius of P exceeds 0.388 SE, the formulas given SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE Deine te requ thes fetal ” ison oas + o@ xo Ve 050 in hk ple SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE oa xosn ” MM t R f g TEE Code Appendix 2 shall be ape. ® SPHERE and HEMISPHERICAL HEAD SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE 7 Te hea fied win nih Hg pe PR Drei ee atts ei | SE DEIN DAA ABOVE eee ee eerie he mina swlewting pee? i wx corte, | 0315 tt ht son sna oan Ta voMo x 08s + O40” Ty For heads without avai age, oe he eficengy po PETS HONS HOI yy Shine ead tel joa tes han he tien tea 2225 = 08 x 03s . ‘tthe seams he head aaa 2. When he wall ickoes exceeds 0386 Ror P exceeds 2H 263 SE the formas sven nthe Cose Append ‘tale appl We 03125 i, kek tad c 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD PD 2SEt "SEF TSP ‘D1 1. For elipeoidal heads, where he rato ofthe major and ‘minor axis ibe han 2, See Code Appendix) Dexemin te eed ches ofall eat * De ism 10+ te 100 +A ‘ae 0475 i, i, ike or 09 Demin the matin allie wring ese, P for O73 tick same bead, we he we tax oan 24 2s INTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS IN TERMS OF OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS EXAMPLES NOTATION > P = Design pressure or max allowable wrorting pressure pe = Siesrsfee of miter psi, page E = Joint efficiency, page 172 ' = Outside diameter, inches = One bail of the inelided (apex) angle, depres = Outside radius of dish, inches © Inside knuckle radius, inches ‘Wall thickness, inches DESIGN Data 100 pt design pressure 100 pat sess ave of SA 515.20 plate 630°F = 0.85. effceny of spor examined fois "70D join efficiency of seamiess eats Z 48 inches outside radius 96 inches ostside diameter 30" one hal ofthe apex angle 96 inches outside rads of ish = Required wall thickness inches CAL = 0.125 inches caroson allowance t R= Outside radius, inches CA! = Corrosion allowance, inches . CONE anv CONICAL SECTION PD p= 2SEtc0s a Feos a (SEFOAP) ‘D088 cos 1. ‘The alf apex angle not greater than 30° 2. When i greater than 30 (Code Appendix 13) special analysis is required SHE DESIGN DATA ABOVE: cos ur = 0.348 +a ee: 0.50. ce plat SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. %6 - ax 0510 x Ona) E "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD (TORISPHERICAL HEAD) Wheatir= 16/3 0.88: ‘SE+0.8P SPL SEt ‘OBESE OR ‘SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. Deemine te equ ces samiss ASME ged wd de ed 885 + 100 96 0.625 nmin. ich hea Deen th maine aiable nering pose? fora 0.435 thick semis Da, when th vex When “Less Than 16% PLM ‘SEFC 2861 ME ‘VALUES OF FACTOR M SEE DESION DATA ABOVE, ele as = Gin. Lr = = 36 ois Deemed cts #4 eles ASME +A, 123 St DESIGN DATA ABOVE Tis xo ~ care75 = 02 TT rT ad? ]s oe) 9] ae ool *]a onl Mf 93} bos bay |h20 |! 7] 31 be [sol la so ros) haa.s|'?% 1s.0}'°°| 163 FPN Co PC Cc OA (Gee note 2 0n facing pate) NOTE: When he ato of Uris restr than 163, non-Cae consnstion) he vale of M may be exalted byte formula: = + WEF) Ee é jUM ALLOWED RATIO + L-t=D 6 INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS EXAMPLES NOTATION DESIGN DATA P= Intemal or external design pressure psi E=joint efficiency P= 300 psi design pressure int efficiency d Inside diameter of shell, in. d = 24 in. inside diameter of shell $= Maximum allowable stres value of material, pst ; 5 =15,000 psi maximum allowable stress value of SA-S15-60 plate Z Minimum required thickness of head, exclusive of corrosion allowance, in 1 = 0.283 in, required thickness of seamless shell for pressure. tg = Actal thickness of head exclusive of corrosion allowance, in 1, =0°3125 in, actual thickness of shell {f= Minimum required thickness of seamless shell for pressure, i DETERMINE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS, ¢ ir = Actual thickness of shell, exclusive of corrosion allowance, in A CIRCULAR FLAT HEADS t= d Y0.13 PISE = 24 J 0.13 x 300/15,000 x | = 1.223 in. ' ‘V 0.13 PISE ‘Use 1.250 in, head ‘This formula shall be applied as 1. When d does not exceed 24 in. Checking the limitation of 4 = 2. tyld is not less than 0.05 e / al T= (0.052, nor greater than 0.25 3. The head thickness, 4, is not less than ‘The ratio of head thickness to the diameter of the shell is satisfactory the shell thickness, . SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE , 0.283 c= 033 = 033 “S_- 0.26 i 0315 1=aVCPTSE -_ a VCPSE = 14 Jo26x x in , A a 026 x 300/15.000<1 = 1.731 C= 0334/% Use 1.75 in. plate v . Comin. = 0.20 Using thicker plate for shell, a esse thickness willbe satisfactory for the head 4 v of ¢,/t,less than I is used If a vale of 1/sless than 1 is used in if} —4+ Uiiultng hehe iknes shall be c oat maintained along a distance inwatdly fram D _2f,min, nor less than 1.251, | the inside face of the head equal to atleast ' 24 J0.214 x 30915,000 x T = 1.57 in [Feed not be greater than ¢ 2A ‘Non-circular, bolted flat heads, covers, blind flanges Code UG-34; other types of closures Code UG-35 Use 1.625 in. plate The shell thickness shall be maintained along a distance 2 «fi, from the inside face of the head 2 JHXOIE = 6in sn jae 28 9 PRESSURE - TEMPERATURE RATINGS FOR STEEL PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ‘American National Standard ANSI BI6.5-1981 PRESSURE OF FLUID STATIC HEAD “The fluid in the vessel exerts pressure on the vessel wall. The intensity of the pressure when the fluid is at rest is equal in all directions on the sides or Bottom of the vessel and is due to the height of the fluid above the point at which the pressure is considered. ‘The static head when applicable shall be added to the design pressure of the vessel. “The tables below show the relations between the pressure and height of the water, To find the pressure for any other fluids than water, the values given in the tables shall be multiplied with the specific gravity of the fluid in consideration. Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch for Different Heads of Water containing not less than 0.10% residual silicon be used. carbon steel may be converted 10 graphite. 43. The material shall not be used in thickness above 2¥¢ in. justified by the design methods of the Code, {temperatures shown, Temperatures are those on the inside of the pressute-containing shell wo Taam [us | aso | 22s | sso | seve | ozs cows | 2s | | 0] 1a00| nam | 205 | cr sem | 2S | | Seo | toeo | deus | suns | Seas we | ae | Ss | ane [tans | toro | aaa | sero 33] S| SS] 5 | to) ton | Sto | Sao soo | 170 | «20 | 00 | r200 | 1795 | 0s | aon 8 | io | $0) 580) toss | tao | ras | S50 |S | SE] mis | tors | eto | das | Sars So | | S35 | Tho | toes | to | 266s | Sen aso | 95. | 505 | «70 | r010] asi0 | as20 to | | ata | S80 | "Sas | tats | doe S| es | do | ass | Sas) ‘sos | iae0 wo | S| | dio] das] Sts | ‘eo oso | a | sos | 140] 205} so | sis | 90 vo | | S| “mies | 135 | 300 | 0 aig apy ora: GMOS"? SASISI0 SASIGIO® SAASI-TO'* SAASOLFD SASSTCLD $m 216WCD? ores 2, Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 800 F, the carbide phase of Flanges of ANSI B16,5 shall not be used for higher ratings except where it is Ratings are maximum allowable non-shock working pressures expressed as gage pressure, at the tabulated temperatures and may be interpolated between of the wt) of a fa} sta} s}olr]s |» Go | as96| tot | doiss | 2728 | 277 | 20.4 | 2038 | 29.01 | a4 | 29.88 Jo | 30st] sor | arts | ares | 3200 | 327 | 3291 | 334 | 33.77] saan Go | ance | sso | asst | asse | dear | 36.80 | 3728 | 3707 | ss10 50 | 3e97| 300 | aos | soar | aor | ais | ars7 | 2.00 | 4243] a2.87 OTE, Ope tat of yaar Taegan a Pune er Gee fog te ese ps sue cbf any Tn heal wot gen 6 Oe ME ne, Heads of Water in Feet Corresponding to Certain Pressure in Pounds per Square wefo]af2]afa}stetr] ss so | ten taa | rss | i9n8 24 2.300 feet of water at QTE: One pound of premure per square inch of water eu 620 Fanrent Therefore Co Cd the feet head of water Yor a - Tn general, itis the samme as that of the contained material, 30 TABLES for quick comparison of required plate thickness and weight for various materi at different degree of radiographic examination, A__ Stress values at temp. -20 to 650 F. SA 38 Saaasc SASIS-00 SAS1660 85% LE. 11730 12750 100% J.. 13800. 15000, 17500 B Ratios of Stress Values 11730 | 12750 | 13800 | 14875 [ 15000 | 17500 11730 1.09 nis | 127 1.28 Lag 12750 | 0.92 - Los} 17 118 137 13800 | 0.85 092 = 1.08 1.09 127 1487s | 0.79 0.86 0.93 = Lor 1.18 15000 | 0.78 0.85 092 | 099 = 117 17500 | 0.467 0.73 079 | 08s 086 = Table A shows the stress value of the most frequently used shell and head materials ‘Table B shows the ratios of these stress values. EXAMPLE: 1. Foravessel usingSA 515-70 plate, when spotradiographed, therequired thickness 0.4426 inches and the weight of the vessel 12600 Ibs. 2. What plate thickness will be required and what will the weight of the vessel be, using SA 285-C plate and full radiographic examination: Incase 1. The stress value of the material 14875 Incase 2. The stress value of the material 13800 ‘The ratio of the two stress values from Table B = 1.08. In this proportion will be increased the required plate thickness and the weight of the vessel 0.4426 x 1.08 = 0.4780 in, 12600 > 1.08 = 13608 Ib. _ 31 EXTERNAL PRESSURE Design Pressure ‘Vessels intended for service under external working pressures of 15 psi or less, Which are fo be stamped with the Code symbol denoting compliance with the rules for external pressure, shall be designed for a maximum allowable external pressure of 15 psi or 25 per cent more than the maximum possible ‘external pressure, whichever is smaller. Code UG -28 (1) [A vessel which is designed and constructed to Code requirements for internal pressure and which is required to be designed for an external pressure of 15 psi ‘oF less need not be designed to Code rules for the external pressure condition. However, no external pressure rating may be shown with the Code stamping un- less Code requirements for external pressure are met. Code UG-28 (1) note. This shall not be applied if the vessel is operated at a temperature below minus 20 F ane the design pressure is determined by the Code UCS - 66 (c) (2) of Code UHA -51 (b) to avoid the necessity of impact test Vessels with lap joints: Code UG - 28 (g) Non cylindrical vessel, jacket: Code UG - 28 Ui) Test Pressure Single-wall vessels designed for vacuum or patial vacuum only, shall be subjected to an internal hydrostatic test or when a hydrostatic test is not practicable, to a pneumatic test. UG -99 (1) Bither type of test shall be made at a pressure not less than 1 1/2 times the ifference between normal atmospheric pressure and the minimum design internal absolute pressure. UG -99 (0) Pneumatic test: Code UG - 100 “The design method on the following pages conform to ASME Code for Pressure ‘Vessels Section VIII. DIV. 1. The charts on pages 42 thru 47 are excerpted from this Code. 33 EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS EXAMPLES NOTATION POM ternal design pressure pep , = Marimurnallowtble word bres, pip f= Sti ameter in L? thetengih n-ofexe secon between: Pe dieeiercmial ine on ahead at One-third ihe depth ofthe Seataopent ine 2. difening ings & facet eeu ; & Bretoeylnder neti or nckle-to-oinder junction of ‘ torionial head or section, 5, tubesncete (eee pase 39) = Minmam required val ies ia DESIGN DATA 15 psig. external design pressure 96 in. outside diatmeter of the shell Length of the vessel from tangent line to tangent line: 48 ft 0 in, = $76 in Heads 2:1 ellipsoidal Material of shell SA - 285 C plate Temperature 500° F E = Modulus of elasticity of material, 27,000,000 psi. @ 500 °F (see chart ‘on page 43) CYLINDRICAL SHELL Seamless or with Longitudinal Butt Joints When D/tequal to or greater than 10 the maximum allowable pressure eens 5D, i) The value of B shall be determined by the fol lowing procedure: acer stalin for 1: (See page 4.5) Determine 2B, and De? 2. Enter Fig. UGO-28.0 (Fase 42) at the value of L/D, Enter at $0 when L/D, is greater Pe than $0, and at 00S when L/D, is” les ESSE than 0.05, witHourstiFFENING RING | 3, Move ‘horizontally to the line representing D,/t. From the point of intersection move ve tically 0 determine the value of factor 4 4, Enter the applicable material chart (pages 43-47) atthe value of A. Move vertically 0 he applicable temperature iine® 5, Prom the intersection move h ead the value of B. ‘Compute the maximum allowable wor saute, Pe izomtally and 7 8 pres: IF the maximum allowable working pressure s Sales than ihe dosgn pressures the doses prelate most be tga ceasing he Ye Btn or deresane by sfenty ag For values of A ‘falling (0 the left of te apolcile temperate thes the value of Pe SEk be ealculated by the frinula: AE {0.19 When the value of Do/t is less than 10 the veces formulas pen it he Code UG-2802) sal Contes wiragrireenine nino |e 0 aaa RIN P. Determine the required shell thickness, ‘Assume a shell thickness: 1 = 0.50 in, (see page 49) Length L.= $92 in. (l_ngth of shell $76 in. and one third of the depth of hheads 16 in.) L/D,= 592/96 = 6.17 D./1= 9610.5 = 192 00007 from chart (page 42)determined by the procedure described on the facing page Since the value of A is falling to the left of the applicable temperature-line in Fig, UCS-28.2 (page 43), P, = 2AE/3D,/1)= 2x 0.00007 x 27,000,000)3 x 192= 6.56 psi Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is smaller than the design pressure P stiffening rings shall be provided Using 2 stiffening rings equally spaced between the tangent lines of the heads, Length of one vessel section, /.= 200 in.(length of shell 192 in. plus one third ‘of depth of head & in.) L/D, = 200/96 = 2.08 — Do/'t= 96/0. ‘A= 0.00022 from chart (page 42) {B= 3000 from chart (page 43) 92 determined by the procedure described on facing page P, = 4B/3(D/1) = 6x 3000/3 x 192 20.8 pi. Since the maximum allowable pressure Py is greater than the design pressure P, the assumed thickness of shell using two stiffening rings, is satisfactory. See page 40 for design of stiffening rings. o oOo 4 35 EXTERNAL PRESSURE EXAMPLES FORMULAS NOTATION - - P= External design pressure psig DESIGN DATA: P= Maximum allowable working pressure psig P = 15 psig external design pressure Dz = Outside diameter of the head, in 96 inches outside diameter of head RL = Outside radius of sphere or hemispherccal head, 0:9D, for elipsoidal Mattia ofthe head SA-285C plate heads, sie crown radius of flanged and dished head, in SO0°F design temperature += Minimum requited wall thickness, inches. E_= Mogulus of elasticity of material psi. (page 42) SPHERE and HEMISPHERICAL HEAD Determine the required head thickness The maximo z SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE allowable sure: Pa ~ (R, allowable pres 7) Assume ahead thickness: =0.25in, R= 48:00 in. val of shall be determined by the folowing pro BL A= 0,125(48,000.25) = 0.00065 1. Assume the value for # and calculate the value of From Fig. UCS-28.2. (page 43)B * 8500 determined by the procedure A sing the Focmula: A=O 128A Rit) (se page $9) described on the facing page \ 2. Enter the applicable material chart (pages 43-47) at the value of A, Move vertically to the applicable P, = 8500(48.00/0.25) = 44.27 psi. temperature ine." Since the maximum allowable working presure Py is exceedingly greater than 3, From the intersection move horizontally and read 1 presure Pais exceedingly g he the ali of B. g the design prese Pa er thickness would be Satatoy. a ‘For values of A falling to the left of the appli sor a second trial, assume a head thickness: a i cable temperature line, the value of F, can be cal a eae ea a culated by the formula: P, = 0.062SEAR, 11)! If the maximum allowable working pressure ?, com- puted by the formula above, is smaller than the design freater value for ¢ must be selected and procedure repeated. R, = 48.00 in ‘A’ = 0,125/48,000.1875) = 0.0005 1B = 6700, from chart (page 43), P, = BAR) = 6700256 = 26.2 psi The assumed thickness 0.1875 in is satisfactory. 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD “The required thickness shail be the greater of th following thicknesses. (1) The thickness as computed by the formulas R, ‘given for internal pressure using a design pres- sure 1.67 times the external pressure and join: * efficiency E=1.00. s (2) The thickness proofed by formula PyxBAR yi!) swhereR=0.9 D, , and B to be determined as for sphere. SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. Procedure (2) Assume a head thickness: (= 0.3125in.. R,=0.9x96 .125/(86.4/0.31 25) = 0.00045 100 from chart (page 43), P, = B/(R,/1)= 6100)276 22.1 psi. 6.4 in, Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure P the assumed thickness is satisfactory "ASME FLANGED AND DISHED HEAD (TORISPHERICAL HEAD) SEE DESIGN DATA ABOVE. Procedure (2.) ‘Assume a head thickness: ¢ = 0.3125 in., R= D, = 96 in. 4 =0.1254(96/0.3125) = 0.0004 200 from chart (page 43), P, B/(R,/1) = $200/307 = 16.93 psi Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure t sure shall be computed by the procedures given fo: ellipsoidal heads. (See above) R,maximum=D, P the assumed thickness is satisfactory 36 x EXTERNAL PRESSURE Sa EXAMPLES CONE ano CONICAL SECTION DESIGN DATA see at on P= 15 pi exter dvien pee WHEN aS EQUAL TOOR LESS THAN 60> e and Dy/t, > 10 The maximum allowable pressure: 4B [oo | Pam FDiity 1. Assume a value for thickness, fg 2 ‘The values of B shall be determined by the mo Talowing preset 2. Determine dy andthe ratios L/D; 0 t Dive || 3 met char Uc0-28 (page 42) ate mats 1 ‘of L,/D; (L/D,) Enter at 50 when L/D; greater than 3) Move horzotaly othe The representing Dt, From the poi of Dy fmerseton, move verily to eerine factor A. 4. Ener the applicable mateial chat at fhe value OCA and move verily tothe NOFATION Hie Sudoe more Moonta and ead A = factor determined from the value of 8. fig. UGO-28.0 (page .42 S$. Compute the maximum allowable working B= fator determined fom ace! Gas (pages 4-47) a = one halfof the included (apex) ange, degrees Dy = oulside diameter at the If P, is smaller than the design pressure, the design, the design procedure must be repeated increasing the thickness or decreasing L by Targe end, in. a ering rings. D, = outside diameter at the Seemarueatat small end, in , ‘For values of A fling tothe left of the api E = modulus of elasticity of ‘cable line, the value of P can be calculated ‘material (page 43) ‘by the formula: Se ane Py = 2AE/MDiIt,) 1g = Equivalent length of Sanvesoa me = equal eng see Code UG33 (00) in(Li2y(1+D,D) P= extemal design presure, | witenais GREATER THAN 60° “Te thicknes of the cones sal be the sae ss the regued thikoss fora flat bead, the ddametr of which equals the largest ouside fdameter ofthe cove. Provide adequate reinforcing of the comeo- ‘vlinder juncture. Se page 199 psi P= Maximum allowable ‘working pressure, pi + = minimum required thickness, in. effective thickness, in. 1008 Material of the cone SA 285-C plate ‘500 F design temperature CONICAL HEAD Di= 96 i Determine the required thickness, ¢ u Length, L = (D,/2)/tan 5.8, say 116 in 1. Assume a head thicknes, , 0.3125 in 2. tet cosa=0,3125 x 9239 = 0.288; = 116/2x (1 + 0/96) = 58 33 am22.5degrecs — D,=0 2 3. 4 0.00037 (from chart, page 42) 44 B=5,200 (from chart, page 43) 45 4 5 Pa 3Dded 3033) ‘Since the maximum allowable pressure is greater than the design pressure, the assumed plate thickness is satisfactory. CONICAL SECTION (See design data above) Dy =14s in, Dy =96in. — a=30dee. Determine the required thickness, Length, L=(Dy-D, /2)/tana =24/.5T7H4=41.6 in. 30. 1. Assume a head thickness, t, 0.375 in, i 2. fg = cosan0.375 x 0.866: £,=(L/2\0 + D/Dj (1+ 96/148) = 34.67 LefDy =34.61/144=0.241 Diftg =144/0.324= 444 3. A'=0,00085 (from chart, page 42 44. B= 8,600 (Irom chart, page 43) sp,- <8, 4x 800 =” HDuiy ~ Fx (470.3206) = 25.8 psi Since the maximum allowable pressure P, is greater than the design pressure P, the assuined thickness is satisfactory EXAMPLES FOR CONICAL HEAD, WHEN @ IS GREATER THAN 60? 38 » NOTES EXTERNAL PRESSURE FORMULAS Use Lin cleultion as shown when ion the strength of oi ot cone 10 olin TY | der does not meet the requirements deserbed on poges 163169" Tew esl te thickest forthe cone not (eeceerenenea Jess than the minimum required thick- ness forthe joining elindrical shell z <> ry L ‘Use L in calculation as shown when the strength of ons of cone to glin- der mects the requirements described on pages 163-169 40 41 EXTERNAL PRESSURE DESIGN OF STIFFENING RINGS NOTATION A. > Factor determined from the chatt (page 42) for the material used in the stiffening ring, Cross sectional area ofthe stiffening ring, sq. in. Outside Diameter of shel in Modulus of elasticity of material (se chart on page 43) Required moment ofnertia ofthe stfenng rng about its neutral axis paral tothe axis ofthe shell in Required moment of neta of he stfenng ring combined with the shel section which is aken gs contributing to the moment oferta, The with of the shel section 1.10 VD in 1, = The sum of one-half ofthe distances on both sides ofthe stifening rng from the centr line of the ing to the (1) nex sifening ring, (2) othe head Fines Ys depth, (3) oa jacket connection, or (to conetncpindr jnetion, in Extemal design pressure psi. {= Minisur eguited wall hickness of hell, in ~ EXAMPLES DESIGN DATA: P= 1S pai. , external design pressure. D, = 96 in., outside diameter of the shell, Length of the vessel from tangent line to tangent line: 48 ft 0 in. = $76 in Heads 2:1 ellipsoidal Material of the stiffening ring SA -36 ‘Temperature 500° F E = Modulus of elasticity of material, 7,000,000 psi. @ $00 °F (see chart ‘on page 43) 1 = 0.500 in, thickness of shell T, Select the type of stifening ring and determine is eross sectional area 4 II, Assume the requited number of rings and distribute them equally between Jacketed section, coneurshell junetion, Head line at % of is depth and determine dimension, Ill, Calculate the moment of inertia of the selected ring or the moment of inertia of| the ring combined with the shell section (see page 95). 1V. The available moment of inertia ofa circumferetialstifening ring shall notbe less than determined by one ofthe following formulas: DL (trAJLJA p= Dib ltrAlL)A —“T95— 1 ‘The vale of shal be determined bythe following procedure: 1 Caleult factor B sing the formal: 2D, eich] 2. Enter the applicable material at (ages 3-4) at the value of B and mave horizontal fo the eure of design temperature, When he val of Bis es than 250, ean bv elclted by te formula = 2B 3, From heintersceton point move vertal tte bttmfthe chartandread he poner 4. Calla the required moment of inertia sing the formulas above ifthe moment oineraathe ringer thing enmbined wih he sell section greter thant eqited mement of nets, he sienngof the sel issatstatory Others siunig dng wth larger moment of nera mst be scleted, othe unr OF ings Shall be ree. Stiffening ring for jacketed vessel: Code UG-29 () L 1. An angle of 6 x 4-5/16 selected. 4,=3.03 54. in. UL Using, 2 stiffening rings equally spaced between one-third the depths lof heads (see figure), Ly = 196 in. IML, The moment of inertia of the selected angle: 114 in. 1. The value of FactorB: B=3/4[PDo/(#+ Alte J] 3/4 [15 x96/(0.5 + 3.03 / 196)] = 2095 2. Since the value of B is less than 2500, A= 2B/E.= 2 x 2095/27,000,000 = 0.00015 IV. The required moment of inertia: [DAL ft + ALA) _ 962 x 196 x (0.5 + 3.03 /196)x0.00015 ~ Bebe + AvhM) eeeeeeooeere—mes = 997 int i 14 28 Since the required moment of inertia (9.97 in* ) is smaller than the moment of inertia of the selected angle (11.4 in* ) the vessel is ad- equately stiffened. ‘tifening rings may be subject to lateral buckling, This should be considered See paen95-91 for stifening rig calculations in addition to the required moment of inertia. a yissoud yvorod aut 3 Jo DUS : 3 avers s-¥S #99 sopeag a { 218: ¥8 1 sors owns {O1r ML 49 ST sn Asay ow Sunoyoy vatoans pid pauses as poe pat woustone potmenuos a es Sa ‘aUNSSawd TVNUALXA WAGNA STASSIA YOd SVIAWYOA NI GasN @ WOLOVd dO SANTVA FHL core MLSS Ct esre ct “torssy ee rors as weeson ‘old soso sc=3 ccowane= a uoj9q £1085309 st OL “1940 PU io s]qeoridae age aieys yn JO San|eA aH THE VALUES OF FACTOR A USED IN FORMULAS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE cn 2 uu SRE 22 1049 242 JO SBRIEA AL 1 aed wo ¢ agR1) (LE BAKE “OW -ING-ADE aUNSsaYd TWNUALXA WAGNA STASSAA HOS SVINUOS NIGASA @ YOLVA dO SANTVA AHL ine Jo parsensve: ato muorod nat 2h Jo PUB Jona ove V Jo 30h a 34m 89 UT PLOW. suninduuos oy) Jo pus anddn ax 30 won: i unm vonsorayo we aunare ‘af sumer (0619804 wo 4 afge1) (oe 24K INB-OBID Pais stUane jo potonssuoD Hossa a4) UDUM agRaNEGE a7 END 241 J HEIR DLe ‘aUASSEA TYNYALXA WIGNN $1aSS9A YOd SVINWAOS NI Gas @ YOLOVs JO SANTVA AHL PS om] teva na BET ose Heo 22h ons api BR 5 ome owt son's. ovo’ aT 12 x8 CODON NE HDED yoo 24 J 0104 246 sed vo ya1geL) (1LtE pu Tote sediL n¥ 40 poransiuo3 5 as04 aus Ung aTgeEA SUNSSaud TYNUGLXS YAGNN STASSAA YOd SVINYOS NIGASA @ WOLOVA AO SANTVA AHL ® ERE ct aH FFs owe Biss HE one ol tbat me OS bef . at cons Re Ewe SEs 5 He 2 wo a2 oe abe owe age owt a8 ase 527 46 {061 284 vo 2 sge1) (TOE 9444, "uoqIED “LeU (0 “O-IN-IDEID [ats NbN Jo pasezsUOD osx ay] UaK QEDIKdEaFE 184924 J SNIEN SL SUNSSAXd TYNUALXA YAGNN STASSAA Os SVTANOS NIGISN @ YOLVd sO SANTVA HL sorssy et tose ce sere eee ee B28 Bis wt a Be aor ae si ows GEL Bo BEE ome 48 EXTERNAL PRESSURE CONSTRUCTION OF STIFFENING RIN' LOCATION Stffening rings may be placed on the inside or outside of a vessel SHAPE OF RINGS The rings may be of rectangular or other sections ‘CONSTRUCTION cis prelerable to use plates in constructing a composite-section stiffener ring, rather than using standard structural shapes. The reason for this lies not only in the difficulties of rolling heavy structural shapes, but also because of the neces: sity t0 adjust the ring to the curvature of the shell. For large diameter vessels the maximum permissible out of roundness can cesult in a 1 ~ 2 inch gap between the shell and the ring. This can be eliminated ifthe vertical member of the ring is ‘cut out of the plate in sections, ‘The sections can be flame cut, instead of rolled and then buttwelded together in place. DRAIN AND VENT Stifener rings placed in the inside of horizontal shells have a hole or gap at the bottom for drainage and at the top for vent. Practically one half of a 3 inch jameter hole at the bottom and 1¥s inch diameter hole at the top is satisfactory land does not affect the stzess conditions, Figure A. For the maximum are of shell left unsupported because of gap in stiffening ring, see Code Figure UG.29.2, WELDING ‘According to the ASME Code (UG 30): Stiffener rings may be attached to the Shell by continuous or intermittent welding. The total length of intermittent ‘welding on each side of the stiffener ring shall be: 1. for rings on the outside, ot less than one half the outside circumference ‘of the vessel 2. for rings on the inside of the vessel, not less than one third ofthe circum- erence of the vessel Where corrosion allowance isto be provided, the stiffening ring shall be attached to the shell with continuous fillet or seal weld. ASME. Code (UG.30.) Max. Spacing 12 ¢ for internal sing St for external ring £ Figure A Figure B EXAMPLE: RINGS OUTSIDE "x 3" 1g fillet weld on 6” cts. RINGS INSIDE" x 2". fillet weld on 6” tts “The fillet weld legsize shall be not les than the smallest of the following: 1/4 in, hed on the joint. 49 CHARTS FOR DETERMINING THE WALL THICKNESS FOR VESSELS SUBJECTED TO FULL VACUUM 0 «0 Using the charts, tials with different assumed thicknesses can be avoided. The chars has been developed in accordance with the design med Code, Section VIII, Division t ith the design method of ASME T= ReguItED EAD TH R }0-20 30 40 0 G0 70 89 90 100 110 120 130 140 130 160 170 180 190 200 SPHERICAL, ELLIPSOIDAL, FLANGED AND DISHED HEADS (Specified yield strength 30,000 to 38,000 psi, inclusive) fed head thickness: 1. Determine R, 2. Enter the chart at the value Of R, 3. Move vertically to temperature line, 4, Move horizontally and read 1 Required head thicknes, in R= For hemispherical heads, the inside radius, in For 2:1 ellipsoidal heads 0.9xDo, For flanged and dished heads, the inside crown radius, in. Ria Do _= Outside diameter of the head, in, st CHARTS FOR DETERMINING THE WALL THICKNESS FOR CHARTS FOR DETERMINING THE WALL THICKNESS FOR VESSELS SUBJECTED TO FULL VACUUM VESSELS SUBJECTED TO FULL VACUUM 30°F 00°F 700 9F 800 OF, {900 °F Doit CvUNDRICAL SH Oe (Sie el seg 3000 to 300 pine 5 7 : Tofnd he aie si chs . i ee re tte an ot : 5 a neste of * oo “oe a CYLINDRICAL SHELL, HYDROCARBON PROCESSING, 55 .No. 5. May 1976 p21 ae are 4. A Simplified Approach Lo... Presure Vessel Head Design,” HYDROCAR: (See facing pone or ex BOW FHOCESSING. 38 No. T Nowember id7ep. Bes, Copyrighted Gulf Publishing Co, Houston. Used with persion DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WIND LOAD “The computation of wind load is based on Standard ANSVASCE 7-93, approved 1994. The ba The basic wind speed is 80 mph. in Hawaii and 95 mph. in Puerto Rico. wind speed shall be taken from the map on the following page. The minimum design wind pressure shall be not less than 10 IbJ/sq. ft When records and experience indicates that the wind speeds are higher than those reflected in the map, the higher values of wind speed shal be applied. The wind pressure on the projected area of a cylindrical tower shall be calculated by the following formula, F=4,G C,4y (Table 4) ANSVASCE 7-93 STANDARD TT (References made tothe tables ofthis standard) Projected area of tower, sq. = (Dx H) Shape factor = 0.8 for eylinndrcal tower (Fable 12) Gust response factor= (G,¢G. )* When the tower located: in-urban, suburban areas, Exposure Bi in open terrain wth seattered obstruction, Exposure C; in lat, unobstructed areas, Exposure D. ‘Table 8) = Velocity pressure, 100256 mh DESIGN WIND ind speed, mph. PRESSURE, Ib. [= Iiportnes ttn 10 (trstre tha ‘on projected represent low hazard to human life aren of towers in event of failure) Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient® Exposures B, C & D (Table 6) *See tables below for values of q and for combined values of Gy G_&K, VELOCITY PRESSURE, Basic wind speed. mph, 70 | 80] 90 {100 | t10] 120] 130 Velocity Pressure psf 0.00256V2q | 13 | I7[ 21| 26[ 31] 37] 44 3 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WIND LOAD (Continued) COEFFICIENT G (Gust response factor combined with Exposure Coefficient) TETGIT Above ground, EXPOSURE B exposurec | _ exposure D 015, 06 Lt 14 20 7 12 15 40 08 13 16 m 09, La 17 50, 10 15 1s 700) tt Le 19 140) 12 LT 2.0 200 14 19 24 4 n 20 22 2 23 24 The area of caged ladder may be approximated as | sq. ft per lineal ft. Area of platform 8 sq. ft Users of vessels usually specify for manufacturers the wind pressure without reference to the height zones or map areas. For example: 30 Ib. per sq. ft. This specified pressure shall be considered to be uniform on the whole vessel. The total wind pressure on a tower is the product of the unit pressure and the projectedarea ofthe tower. With good arrangement ofthe equipment the exposed area of the wind can be reduced considerably. For example, by locating the ladder 90 degrees from the vapor line. EXAMPLE: Determine the wind load, F DESIGN DATA: the wind basic speed, V 100 mph. vessel diameter, D = 6ft. vessel height, H = 80f Diameter of tower, D = 6 Height of the tower, 17 = 80f ‘The tower located in flat, unobstructed area, exposure: D ‘The wind load, F=qxGx 08x A q from table = 26 psf Gfrom table = 1.8 Shape factor = 0.8 Area, A = DH = 6 x 80 = 480 sq, ft F = 26x 1.8.x 0.8 x 480 = 17,971 Ibs. MAP OF WIND SPEED MAP OF WIND SPEED ‘miles per hour) (miles per hour) Cex a < 4 ae, NOTES: 1 56 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WIND LOAD Fe Computation of wind load as alternate method based on standard ASA AS8.1-1955. This standard is obsolete but tll used in some codes and foreign countries ‘The wind pressure at 30 ft. level above ground for the United States is shown on the map on the facing page. “The table below gives the wind pressures for various heights above ground for the areas indicated by the map. SORE Fy WHEN THERORIZONTAL ,] ‘Mulloly values of Fw with 0-80 THERE ESTO SOUAREOR REGTANGOCAR. +] when the Rorizontat eros section WEIGHT MAP AREAS Ie hexagon or octagonal and ete baa Pas Lae Das [Se] th 0.60" when the horizontal Soieae— [ro [asf wpa fae fas | a0] tol EXAMPLE Find the wind pressure Pw from map. “The vessel is intended to operate in Oklahoma, which is in the wind pressure map rea marked 30. In this map area the wind pressures for various height zones are: In the height zone lece than 30 {L_ 25 1b. per sa. ft Th the height zone from 30 to 49 ft. 30 1B. per sq. ft. For cylindrical tower these values shall be multiplied by shape factor 0.6, then the wind pressute in different zones will be 15 and 18 Ib. per sq.ft. respectively. if many equipments are attached to the tower itis advisable to increase the shape factor (according to Brownell) up to 0.85 for cylindrical vessel Users of vessels usually specify for manufacturers the wind pressure without ref erence to the height zones of map areas. For example: 30 Ib. per sq. ft. This Specified pressure shall be considered to be uniform on the whole vessel. Relation between wind pressure and wind velocity when the horizontal cross section Js circular, is given by the formula: P= 0.0025 x ¥,? where P,, = wind pressure Ib. per 89. ft V2 = wind velocity mph EXAMPLE, Wind of 100 mph velocity exerts a pressure: P., = 0,0025 x V2 ~ 25 pounds per square fot pressure onthe projecetarea of acylindrea vessel ata height Of 30 feet above ground. ‘The total wind pressure on a tower is the product of the unit pressure and the projected area of the tower, With good arrangement of the equipment the exposed area of the wind can be reduced considerably. For example, by locating the ladder 90 degrees from the vapor line. 7 MAP OF WIND PRESSURE aq ie i si ALLOWABLE RESULTANT ‘WIND PRESSURES “The map based on the records of the United States Weather Buren and developed by the National Bureau of Standards 58 59 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS WIND LOAD DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS SpE i | a 2a = 100°" ——+ Tor of Lasderf= ee EXAMPLE: Gren Dy © $0" Dy = 3 Hy = S00" Hy = aoe mesa Po Opt Determine the wind moment meant hy a + ha) = 80 aw BH eve Lower Secon 30. 4 X56 = 6720 x 28 = 188,160 Upner ee 30x 3 x 44 = 3.960 78 = a0R.880 Toul v= Tos Ma97.000. Moret the ftom tangent ine Me ig Yn OS PD, Be) = 497,010 — 4 (10,680 ~ 0.5 % 30 x 4 x 4) ~ 455.200 fb EXAMPLE Given: Dy = 34,618, MH = 100. Din, hy = 4H. 01m P= Spat Determine the wind momen ye? = 98.98 Px Dx H Vxh= M Vessel 36% 3.5 x 100 = 10,500 x 50 = 525,000 Ladder 30 x 98 tn, 2,940 = 49 = 144060 Platform 30 x 8 lin. f “hag x 96 = 23040 692,100 tt | “atal v= 13680 Moment atthe bostom tangent fine Mp = M ~ hy (V ~ 05 P, Dy hey 692,100 — 4 (13,680 ~ 0.5 % 30 x 3.5 « 4) = 638.220 1.1] ‘SEE EXAMPLES FOR COMBINED LOADS ON PAGE: 67 {(Continvaton) WEIGHT OF THE VESSEL Dy, ToRMUUAS Guar Touewr ~~ [pra EEE ‘The weight of the vessel results compresive stress only when eccentricity does not icKMss| ‘exist and the resultant force coincides with the ani of the vesel, Usvaly the a wenoutms Tel aay ompression dve to the weight is mignificant and i not controling, CM eee ew | aM ‘The weight shall be calculated for the various conditions of thet y_ancr-osninn= Hae] Oa te forth ditions of the tower a6 follows ‘A. Erection weight, which includes the weight of the: NOTATION 1. et ids = Wie te el hin. 2 heads Equipments ety ae ck Jom h eA Bice a 5 internal plate work ey B= ite hu tse o setin ame comer, & 4 tray supposts 14, fireprocting Was = tnt et el 5. Insulation rings ieee ra" Mh, Moment Rei fe S openings 4. ladder ve =f a “Wind pressure, Ib. per sq. ft skirt riping ! fr Teta ie see i 8. base ring 18 faceltaneous r $B fm a to ps 9, anchor ting ¢ iarstese 10. anchor fu ot YT os ermio acd 10. anor iu pO 12. #656 of the weight of items 1 through 11 for ‘overweight of the plates and weight added by the weldings Erection weight: the sum of items { through 18, B. Operating weight, which inchides the woight of the: 1. vessel in erection condition 2 trays 3. operating fiquid . Test weight, which includes the weight of the: I. vessel in erection condition 2. test water The compressive stress due to the weight given by: ae, - S= YW where 5 = unit stress psi W= weight of vessel above the section under consideration, Ib ¢¢ * circumference of shell or skirt on the mean diameter, i, © thickness of the shel or skit, in * ‘The weight of different vessel elements are given in tables beginning on page 374 60 6 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS VIBRATION riod of the vibration ‘As a result of wind tall towers develop vibration. ‘The period Should be limited, since large natural periods of vibration can lead to fatigue failure ‘The allowable period has been computed from the maximum permissible deflection “The so called harmonic vibration is not discussed in this Handbook since the trays as usually applied and their supports prevent the arising of this probtem FORMULAS DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS, SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) ‘The loading condition of a tower under seismic forces is similar to that of cantilever beam when the load increases uniformly toward the free end, ‘The design method below is based on Uniform Building Code, 1991 (UBC), FORMULAS MOMENT IM =[F, x H+ (VF) x QHD) y= FC y Mn AD forex sy “The actual vibration dos nt enced the Allowable vibration Reference: Freese, © Es Vibration of Vertical Pressure Vessel ASME Paper 1959 R, M, = [F,xX+(V -F) x (X — H3)] ny ab Period of Vibration ,T sec. = 0.0000265( 5) |"? for X >", Maximum Allowable Period 1.080 M2 Base Shear ‘of Vibration, 7, sec. ‘ Ve ‘The base shear is the total horizontal seismic shear at NOTATION the bse ofa tower The triangular loading pte and , the shape of te owe shear gra et tha ain D = Onside dames of vessel are shown in Fig. (a) and (b). A portion F, of total Smenepeesiny 1D SSR perme: apr elton (Seismic Lomting Dera | horizontal seismic force Vis assumed tobe applied at fT Reanof sic bs thetop ofthe ower, The remade ofthe as shears Vs Bel dow, BO mo eee — listribut ou ghout length of the tower, includ- eer ren! ., be vt gh eon, Ww = Weight of tower per foot of height, Ib. | ing the top. Overturning Moment ae ‘The overturning moment at any level is the algebraic Simo the moments al the free above tha ve Give: Deceit cad maine sae mae se D = 3.125 fin. NOTATION fo — Lass ’ 32.2 Avec? < 100_§ 4 [360.3 = 1.05 see. C = Numerical coefficient = fie renews 5) V8 taced wo exceed 275) 7 v7 tio WS — | Numeric ceficen = 0035 ean cnn rere w= 0 Te = 080 Vato x 322 7 7° D = Outside diameter of vessel ft = Efficiency of welded joints F, =Total horizontal seismic force at top of the vessel, Ib. determined from the following formula: 0.07 TV (F,need not exceed 0.25¥) 0, for T $0.7 = Length of vessel including skirt, f (© Seismic bear Diagram Base Shear 2 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) NOTATION 1 = Occupancy importance event (use 1.0 for vessels) (M_ = Maximum moment (at the base), ft-lb. Moment at distance X, [lb R= Mean radius of vessel, in. R,, = Numerical coefficient (use 4 for vessels) S. =Site coefficient for soil characteristies A sa pew ter tur ie ti ai y «eae ey ta 20 pe ‘color yt ute mes sic (ues olin we he gh ei 2 fo 5 = 1 ‘atti oe i on, she el pee 28 one Meee dite on 0 ccc 818 ‘plein ea oi chy S = 28 5, = Allowable tensile stess of vessel plate materia, psi T= Fundamental period of vibration, seconds cx = Required corroded vessel thickiess, in 12M _ oe 7 RS nS, E V_ =Total seismic shear at base. Ib Total weight of tower, Ib X- =Distance from top tangent line to the level under consideration, ft. Z_ = Seismic zone factor, 0.075 for zone 1, 0.15 for zone 2A. 0.2 for zone 2B, 0.3 for zone 3, 0.4 for zone 4, (see map on the following pages for zoning) sy DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS SEISMIC LOAD (EARTHQUAKE) EXAMPLE, Given: Seismic zone: 2B Z=02 D = 37.Sin, = 3.125 f X = 96 ft. Oin, H = 100%, 0in W = 35,400 Ib, Determine: The overturning moment due to earthquake a the base and atadistance X” from top tangent line First, fundamental period of vibration shall be calculated T= C,xH = 0.035% 100° sl see. and Tel, S=15° R, age 1.255 enPeEaRE 251015] co = Sr #6 «275 ZIC 02 x 1x 1.76 SR x 500 = 3115 0. F,= 007 TY = 0.07 x 1.1 x 3115 = 240 Ib. M= (RH + (V~F) HB) [240 x 100 + 3115 ~ 240) (2 100/3)] = 216,625 1. 1b. x> thus 3 My = |EX+ (VF) HB) = = [240 x 100 + 3115 ~ 240) (96 ~ 10013)] = 205,125 f. Ib. NOTES DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS ECCENTRIC LOAD Towers and their internal equipment are usually symmetrical around the vertic axis and thus the weight of the vessel sets up compressive stress only. Equipment attached to the vessel on the outside can cause unsymmetrical distribution of the loading due to the weight and result in bending stress. This unsymmetrical arrange ment of small equipment, pipes and openings may be neglected, but the bending stresses exerted by heavy equipment are additional to the bending stresses resulting from wind or seismic load. 67 Design of Tall Towers ELASTIC STABILITY “A tower under axial compression may fail in two ways because of instability 1. By buckling of the whole vessel (Euler buckling) 2. _ By local buckling in thin-walled vessels (when the thickness of the shell is less than onestenth of the inside radivs) local buckling may occur at a unit load less than that required to cause failure of the whole vessel. The out of roundness of the shell is a very significant factor in the resulting instability. The formulas for investigation of clastic stability are given in this Handbook, developed by Wilson and Newmark. Elements of the vessel which are primarily used for other purposes (tray supports, downcomer bars) may be considered also as stiffeners against buckling if closely spaced. Longitudinal stiffeners increase the rigidity of the tower more effectively than circumferential stiffeners. If the rings are not continuous around the shell, its stiffening effect shall be calculated with the restrictions outlined in the Code UG-29 (6), FORMULAS t FORMULAS * : REQUIRED | _ACLOWABLE STRESS (@) —— = THICKNESS | Without Suffener ‘With Sutfener | s 300,000 1 We We a 1 point) Yi} vie Ma We BG rags, i v So ER WasE ; v : R 3 4 NOTATIONS: — 4 ‘A, = Coss sional ae fone login fener. NUIALIUN | P| eT Seen hci alfa © = Eccentricity, he distance from he tower ais o center of ' A = Date pets carnal iin pe ees aa | Soe eS a “ i= Momeot af eccentric fads 1. | f= ‘Thickness of shell, = Meanrad of vsel i Se ||” TAL The eqilem thickness of the shell whe longuinaly SS Be a mts cal Bending tes s i att TP sttend, i 1, T Pieters of veal exchdig cron allowance, i > og Ae The equivalent icknes ofthe salt when ccumfeetally Essien | Behn. i - i : EXAMPLE Ee BAN Giver: Determine the allowable compresive sess (S) jen: ¢ = 41. Om, Determine moment, M, and ses, S j 0.25 k= isin Moment, A= We = 1000 > 4 = 4000 ft. 1b | = 1:500.000 0.25 6 20,633 psi = 025%, | Given: 8 W = 1000 tb. 1000 «4 i Fa xc 152 x 0.25 ~ 777 When there is more than one eccentric load, the moments shall be summarized, (aking the resultant of all eccentric loads. Determine the allowable compressive stress (S) using Longitudinal stiffener stiffener rings is not used, then: 5 = SR y= 1 = 0.25 in Rg 1 +t 1,500,000, ‘the Vos OB = 22.438 PSI = 0.25 + 004 = 0.29 7 Reference: Wilson, W. M., and Newmark N.M The Strength of Thin Cylindrical ‘Shells as Columns, Eng. Exp. Sta. Univ. Il. bull. 255, 1933, 68 DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS DEFLECTION ‘Towers should be designed to deflect no more than 6 inches per 100 feet of heigh: ‘The deflection due to the wind load may be calculated by using the formula for uniformly loaded cantilever beam. a i FORMULA y= Pei (12H) — BET Ky | NOTATIONS ‘Maximum deflection (atthe top, in. ‘Width of the tower with insulation, c.f vi oon tees Boi 4 = Mea tise te erin b Dips vt hatin ln: iy The maximum allowable deflection 6 inches per 100 tof height 4x6 100 for 48 88 in Since the actual deflection does not exceed this limit, the designed thickness ofthe skit i satisfactory K method for caleulating dgllection, when the thickness of the tower we not coy: stant, piven by SS. Tang: “Short Cat Method for Calculating Tower Deflection’ Hydrocarbon Processing November 1968. DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS. COMBINATION OF STRESSES ‘The stresses induced by the previously described loadings shall be investigated in combination to establish the governing stresses. Combination of wind load (or earthquake load), internal pressure and weight of the vesse: Stress Condition At windward side + Stress due to wind + Stress due to int. press. = Stress due to weight At leeward side ‘Stress due to wind + Stress dve to int. press. = Stress due to weight Combination of wind load (or earthquake load), external pressure and weight of the vessel: Steess Condition At windward side + Steess due to wind — Stress due to ext. press. = Stress due to weight At leeward side Stress due to wind — Stress due to ext. pres. — Stress due to weight ‘The positive signs denote tension and the negative signs denote compression. The summation of the stresses indicate whether tension or compression 1s governing. It is assumed that wind and earthquake loads do not occur simultaneously, thus the tower should be designed for either wind or earthquake load whichever is sreater Bending stress caused by excentrcity shall be summarized with the stresses resulting ftom wind or earthquake load. ‘The stresses shall be calculated at the following locations: 1. At the bottom of the tower 2. AL the joint of the skirt to the head 3. At the bottom head to the shell joint 4. At changes of diameter or thicksess of the vessel, ‘The stresses furthermore shall be examined in the following conditions: 1, During erection or dismantling 2. During test 3. During operation Under these different conditions, the weight of the vessel and consequently, the stress conditions are also different, Besides, during erection or dismantling the vessel is not under internal or external pressure. For analyzing the strength of tall towers under various loadings by this Handbook, the maximum stress theory has been applied. 70 7 COMBINATION OF STRESSES (cont.) The bending moment due to wind is decreasing from the bottom to the top of the tower, thus the plate thickness can also be decreased accordingly. Table’A and Figure B are convenient aids to finding the distance down from the {op of the tower for which a certain thickness is adequate DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS EXAMPLE - A ‘Required thickness of cylindrical shell under internal pressure and wind load. wip [OS J06 [07 Jos [09 ]10 ]il [ia Jka ia JS ]t6 |i? 1.0 10.91] 0.84{ 0.79] 0.74] 0.71 | 0.67 0.64 | 0.62] 0.60 |0.58] 0.56 |0.54 Ta |e PLD [20 [22 [24 [26 128 ]3.0 13.3 [36 [40 [as 50 im” | 0.53} 0.51] 0.50] 0.48 | 0.46] 0.44 |0.42| 0.41 | 0.39] 0.37 |0.35] 0.33 |0.32| TABLE A, VALUES OF FACTOR m Since the longitudinal stress due to internal pressure is one half of ‘the circumferential stress, one half of the required wall thicknes for internal pressure it available to resist the bending force of the wind. From Table A, using factor m can be found the distance X x down from the top tangent line within which the thickness calcu- lated for internal pressure satiactory also to rent the wind 4 Pressure. x =Hxm fy = The equied thichoess for itera presue {oop Tension) in 4, = Te reared ickoes for wind presse the baton ead Jott to shel in EXAMPLE: y= 0230 in, 1, = 06H in. 4, = 0.6140.283 = 2.7 h Zion From Table m= 0.43 and X = if = 043 x 100 = 436 oe Figure B shows the moment diagram of a tower under wind out pressure. The gram can lobe wed see he appropri plate thickness a ras gh oa EXAMPLE: oof AL ‘Athcheight of 0.711 the oui thichnessis0.$ | tines he thickness required tthe bat aon Whe eqied thickness i g forte presse, , = 0.250 in a. for wind oa. = 0.25 in 4 2 te ato eed 5 pee ia ett Wate 180 g atteigh 71: lan Osx 0750 0315 in z t thickness for itera e mesure 0.125 in " + required thickness 071 = 0.500" Ratio of plate thickness required at the bottom (ty/2 + tw) (0 thickness required at the considered ‘height, Fig B DESIGN CONDITIONS D_ = 2.0 in, inside diameter of vessel D, = 24.6 in. width of tover with nsulation, ete B= 0,85 efficiency of welded joints H= 48 (On. length of tower hy = 4 ft O in, distance from the base to the ostom bead to shell joint P= 250 psi intemal pressure P,,. = 30 pst wind peessure Y= 12in. inside radius of vessel $= 13750 pst sires value of SA 285 C materi at 200°F temperature Y= "Tal shear 1. No allowance for corrosion. ‘Minimum required thickness for interal pressure considering the strength ofthe long seams PR 250 < 12 3.000 r= the yu = Te 0.260 in. SE O6P ~ 13,750 x 0.85 — 06 x 250 11,538 ‘Minimum required thickness fr intemal pressure considering the strength ofthe girth seams: PR. 250 x 12 3,00 198 in "= 356 + OaP 2x 13,750 x 0.85 + O4 x 250 23,475 Required thickness for longitudinal bending due to wind pressure. Moment atthe base (M): Px D,xH 30x 2.5 x 48 Vix hy = M 3,600 24 = 86,400 1 Ib “Moment atthe botiom seam (M) My = M ~ hip V — 05 Py Dy hy) 86,400 ~ 4 (3,600 - 0.5 x 30 x 2.5 x 4) = 86,400" 13,800 ="72,600 R. Ih, = 72,600 x 12 = 871,200 in, 1 Required thickness M, 871,200 871.200 _ 9 165 in = Rem SE” 2? x 314 x 13,750 x 0.85 ~ 5,287,323 “The required thickness calculated with the strength of the bottom girth seam Fr wind pressure 0.165 i, Forint, pressure 0.128 in an isis greater than the thickness calculated with TOTAL 0203 ne the strength ofthe longitudinal seamtherefore, this ‘minimum thickness 0.293 in, shall be used or simple vessels where the moment dae to wind i small the above calcul ‘Veses which ae subject to large loadings may need close investigation with respect also to Cconomica! viewpoint See page 7?=44 for sit, base and anchor bolt design n B DESIGN OF TALL TOWERS ‘AMPLE B Required thi weight of owe, DESIGN DATA 3,0 in imide diameter 3.4 in with of wes with Piping, et OU efticency of wold scans 410 in distance from the ase tthe boom feat sell Joint 100 fn. length of ower 150 pi itera pressure = 30 pa wind presue 18 fn iid rai of veel tion, allowance for seam of shell PR 150 x SE ~ 0.6P ~ 13,750 x 0.85 — 016 x 150 Minimum required thickness for internal pressure considering the strength ofthe cicumferen- = 0.233 in, Use 0.25 in. plate tial seam of shel 12 PR 130 x18 2SE + O4P “2% 1D x 085 + 04 & 150” IIS IO Minimum required thickness for head 1 PD 150 36 . 02P ~ 2x 13,750 x 0.85 — 0.2 x 150 ~ 97519 Wind Load Py x D, x HE vo xh = Mt Vessel 36% 3.5 x 100 = 10,500 x 50 = 525,040 Platform 30 x Blin. = 240 x96 = 73.040 Ladder 30 x 98 lin. 2.940 «49 = 184,060 Total sheat V= 13,680 Mf = 692,100. Ib, moment at base "Moment atthe bottom head seam (M;) My = M~ hy (V ~ 05 PD 92,100 = 4 (13680 ~ 05 x 30 % 35 x 4) ~ 638,220 ft. 12 x 638,220. 7.658.640, 2M, ‘Rw SE 18? x 3.14 x 13,750 x 0.85 11,896,425, one Try 0.750 in, plate forthe tower courses FOL presure OS 02739 in ness of indica shell under Comino Toadings of Ttemal pressure, wind and & = 13950 psi sess value of SA-285C materia B temperature ; " ‘eal set. sho = seamless clitical Rye Circumference of shell on the mean diameter, i 4 (conosom llovance nt reqied) “Minimum required thickness for internal pressure considering the srength ofthe longitudinal EXAMPLE B (CONT.) The preliminary calculation of the required wall thick ness shows that at the bottom approximately 0.75 in. plate is required, to withstand the wind load and internal pressure, while at the top the wind load is not factor lind for internal pressure (hoop tension) only 0.25 plate is Satisfactory. For economical reasons itis advisable to lise different plate thicknesses at various heights of the tower. ‘The thickness required for hoop tension (0.25 in. serves to resist also the wind load to a certain distance down from the top. Find this distance (X) from table A, Page 70 tw/tp = 0.233/0.644 = 2.7 then X = 043 x H= 43 ft From diagram B, Page 7 can be found the required thickness and length of the intermediate shell sections Using wie ten, te ve shal be costed ‘rom (5)"025 tik § wide coumes $0 (@ S3o mek Si tie Ssomes 2 3) Or Mek git oie coum 2a Tota 5 WEIGHT OF THE TOWER (Seite tegnig on es) sve 40 x 97 380 Sint 138 m0 22 ts aio Bung = Bk we ‘ise aca hg ta Heat ap 0.3135 nm woo tc in shosusmm, 3 10 tpt wot i aca mn ayaa tio a il ig bn cw 3 Opening 2 Inston ‘an ia «09 om ugg Platform + Ladder 2800 ans m,n i Say 21,000 3960 a 10.00 TOTAL ERECTION WEIGHT: 3,0 Tee <0 Spun aid 2400 300078: + Stone sown, TOTAL OPERATING WEIGHT” 36 00015, Tet water 42,0008 Texan we 33,000 10. ‘TOTAL TEST WEIGHT: 75,000 16 For weight of water content, see Pare 416 ™ 15 EXAMPLE B (CONT.) EXAMPLE B (CONT.) Checking esses wih ho rca Cll ple thesis Sires nthe shell atthe bottom head t sel jin Pure thes 075 PoanaeTes Secs dr ral peso 5 ~ 22 = SO % IIS ya57 og Bay Th x 638.200 Siete wind so Me EX RD os Pepe arya emo ees in seston conten Ga 5.5 x 073" SM i W400 _ oy, in operating condition Fw A = a2 pl ‘Stress in the shell at 40, down from the top of the tower. Plate thickness 0.25 in. Stress do to wind, xD, xx=vxt=m, PLD, xX FI ‘COMBINATION OF STRESSES WINDWARD SIDE LEEWARD SIDE IN EMPTY (ERECTION) CONDITION Stress due to wind + 9,640 | Stress due to wind 9,640 Stress due to weight = 358 Stress due to weight = —_358. + 9,282 psi = 9,998 psi (No int. pressure during erect ) | OPERATING CONDITION ‘Stress due to int. press, + Stress due to wind — 9,640 Stress due to wind + Stress due to weight, 392 : =10,032 Stress due to weight = ‘Stress due to int. press, + 1,837 z = 8.195 osi ‘The tensile stress 11,085 psi in operating condition on the windward side governs, ‘The allowable stress for the plate material with 0.85 joint efficiency is 116875 psi ‘Thus the selected 0.75 in. thick plate at the bottom of the vessel is satisfactory. in the shell at 72 ft. down from the top of tower, Plate thickness 0.50 in, ‘Stress due to wind, x PX D, xX =Vxe= PX D, XX pam, Shell 30x 35 x 72-= 7,560 x 36 = 272,160 Platform 30% Slin-f, = "240 x 68 = 16,320, Ladder’ 30 x 70 lint. = 2.100 x 35 = 73.500 ‘Total Moment M, = BEI. DM, __12 x 361.980 i Spear 7 i825? x 3.14 050 ~ 8808 mH Stress due to internal pressure (As calculated previously) 1,837 Total 10,140 psi ‘The calculation of stresses at the bottom head has shown that the stresses on the windward side in operating condition govern and the effect of the weight is insg Rificant. Therefore without further calculation it can be seen that the tensile stress 10,142 psi does not exceed the allowable stress 1,687.5 psi. Thus the selected C50 in,'thick plate is satisfactory. Shell 30 x 3.5 x 40 = 4200 84,000 Plaform 30x Bin f= "240 8.640 Ladder 30 x 38 lin. f= 1,140 21,660 “Total Moment, = 114,300 ft, DM, 12x 114.300 So Regt 7 Tas x 3.16 02s 7 SSC sl Sess duc to internal presure (As calculated previously) 183 psi Toul 7.153 psi The 0.25 in. thick plate for shell at 40 ft distance from top of the tower is satisfactory. No further calculation s required on the same reason mentioned above, 16 n DI IGN OF SKIRT SUPPORT. AA skirt is the most frequently used and the most satisfactory support for vertical vessels. It is attached by continuous welding to the head and usually the required size of this welding determines the thicknest of the skirt. Figures A and B show the most common type of skirt to head attachment. In calculation of the required weld size, the values of joint efficiency given by the Code (UW 12) may be used, FORMULA 12M, Ww \ RixSE + DaSE NOTATIONS Outside diameter of skirt, in Efficiency of skirt to head joint, (0.6 for butt weld, Fig. A, 0.45 Tor lap weld, Fig. B Moment at the skirt (o head joint, ft 1b Outside radius of skirt in GR mo Stress value of the head or skirt material whichever is smaller, pi 4, = Required thickness of skirt, in W = Weight of the tower above the skirt to the head joint, in operating condition, NOTE: Using extremely high skirt the stresses at the base may govern, To calculate the required thickness 9 the skirt, in this ease the above formula can Be used ¥e Moment and weight shall be taken into considera tion at the base and the joint efficiency will be 1.0 EXAMPLE Given the same vessel considered in Example B D = 35 in $= 18,000" stress value of SA-285.C plate 31,000 Ib, ‘For sci! pape. = 0.60 for but joint My = 638,220 ft I, R! = 18.75 in Determine the required skirt thickness. For wind p= —12Mz_ 42 X 638.220 __ in, ReaSE 11S? x 3.14 x 18,000 x 06 For Weight ; = ___. _31,000. (0.024 in DxRIE SE WSK IU x 18,000 x 06 TOTAL = 0.666 in Use "Ze" thick plate for ski. REFERENCES. Thcamal rcucs ae duced jp thee works Brownell, Lioya eu and Young, Cavin. , “brocet Equipment Design”, John Miley and Sonn igc. 1959. Wiel NA hy. Design ond Analyse of Welded Prcse Yea She! Stppors: Ane "Tans. indo Enpineting for Indo, Wo 8, DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT Vertical vessels, stacks and towers must be fastened to the concrete foundation, skid or other structural frame by means of anchor bolts and the base (bearing) ring. The number of anchor bolts. The anchor bolts must be in multiple of four and for tall towers itis preferced to use minimum eight bolts. Spacing of anchor bolts. The strength of 100 closely spaced anchor bolts is not fully developed in concrete foundation. Itis advisable to set the anchor bolts not closer than about 18 inches. To hold this minimum spacing, in the case of small diameter vessel the enlarging of the bolt circle may be necessary by using conical skirt or wider base ring with gussets, Diameter of anchor bolts. Computing the required size of bolts the area within the root of the threads only can be taken into consideration, The root areas of bolts are shown below in Table A. For corrosion allowance one eighth of an inch should be added to the calculated diameter of anchor bolts For anchor bolts and base design on the following pages are described: 1. An approximate method which may be satisfactory in a number of cases 2. A method which offers closer investigation when the loading conditions and ‘other circumstances make it necessary. TABLE A Diameter of Be anf meme asic ae |e | Sa in. LEY Alto 54 8 8 xfom] m| ef] eee |e | 8 5% | o202 | 1 an] |S % | o4i9 | 1-1/4 | 15/16 2 x 1% | 0.693 | 1-1/2 | 1-1/8 1% | 0890 | 1-3/4 | bisa TABLE C MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESSES FOR 1% | 1.054 | 1778 | 13/8 2 BOLTS USED AS ANCHOR BOLT 14 | 1.294 142 | 1%] isis | 248 | sys ification Max allow 184] 1744 | 26 | tare | [SP Quer” | Diameter in Sesion 1%| 2049 | 2378 | 1-778 2 | 2300 | 242 | 2 sa325 [au diameters | 15,000 2% | 3020 | 23/4 | 21/4 | [sa 193.87 2% andunder | 18,000 234| 3.ris | sayie| 23/8 | | sa 193 B16 |2% and under | 18,000 2% | 4.618 | 3.3/8 | 2-5/8 | [SA 193 B 7 lover2%todinal.| 16,000 3° | sear | 378 | 278 | | sa193 B16 [over2% todinel| 15-700 * For bolts with standard threads 18 DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT (Approximate Method) ‘A simple method for the design of anchor bolts is to assume the bolts replaced by a continuous ring whose diameter is equal to the bolt circle. The requited area of bolts shall be calculated for empty condition of tower. FORMULAS Maximum 7 aM Tension Ib/lin. in. 7. an Required Area of, p= 1& One Bolt $q.-in. Bs aN ‘Stes in Anchor 5-2, Bolt psi Se eB NOTATION ‘Area within the bolt circle, sq. in Circumference of bot circ in ‘Moment atthe base due to wind or earthquake, ft. 1b [Number of anchor bolts Maximum allowable stress value of bolt material ps. ‘Weight ofthe vessel during erection, Ib EXAMPLE Given bolt circle = 30 in. then: Determine the size and numberof required anchor bolt. 707 sq. in 94 in, $2600 _ 6,000 1402 sin, in 86400 fb 707 4 {6000 Ib. during erection Vanier 13000 psi. the maximam allowable stress value of {he anchor bolt materia. N= 4 number of bots = 2.196 sq. in Fa = 45.000 x 4 ~ 21964 From Table A. Page 77 the root area of 2" bolt is 2.300 59. in (Gee Table B on the ‘Adding 0.125 in. for corrosion, use: Preceding Page) 20" bolts (Checking stess in anchor bol: 5p = MOR 98 "= 3300 x 4 Since the maximum allowable sess is 15,000 psi, the selected number and size of bois ar satisfactory = 14,328 psi 9 DESIGN OF BASE RING (Approximate Methos) The formulas below are based on, the Following considerations: The bearing surface of the base ring shall be large enough to distribute the load uniformly’ on the concrete foundation and thus not to exceed the allowable bearing load of the foundation, 2, The thickness of the base ring shal resist the bending stress induced by wind or earthquake FORMULAS ‘Maximum Compression bln. in ‘Approximate Width of Base Ring in “Approximate Thickness of Base Ring in Bearing Stress psi > Bending Stress psi NOTATION Ay. = Arca of base ring = 0.7854 (D?, ~ D2, 54. in. Area within the skit, sq. in ircumference on O.D. of ski, in. Safe bearing load on concrete, pri. See Table E, on Page 80 anilever inside or outside, whichever is greater, i. Dimensions, as shown on sketch above. (For minimum dimensions sce Table ‘con page 17) ‘M_ = Moment atthe base due to wind or earthquake, ft Ib W__= Weight of vessel during operation of es, Ib EXAMPLE Give: Determine the minimum width and thickness M = 86,400 fb. Jy = 500 psi from TabICE Page 80 of base ring for operating condition, 1286400 7.500 8 9.275 Winn W = 7,500 Ib, operating 416 18,000 Ib, test 2275 ‘Anchor bolts: (4) 2% in. 1 = Gop) = 4.55 in, but from Table A, page 77 the Obra sue 26.28 manu incon fr Then 4 Sein and fly = Din, in ihe wie base ng fp = 032 x $= Loin the Wie bse Checking stresses _2YT3 x77 = 305 psi 2 30s x 2 Ee 10,167 psi ‘574 Bearing stress a 1s a Bending stress Usig SA 25 per se ig 18.00 pe alone seca eke or taal puis, Th he ‘noth amd thekner of he be ng ae sticiny 80 8h DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING ‘When a tower is under wind or earthquake load, on the windward side tensional stress arises in the steel and on the opposite side compressive stress in the concrete. foundation. Itis obvious then that the area of the bolting and the area of the base ring are related. As the anchor bolt area increased, the base ring area can be decreased, With the design method given here, the minimum required anchor bolt area for a practical size of base ring can be found. The strength of the steel and the concrete is different, therefore, the neutral axis does not coincide with the centerline of the skiet, Design procedure: 1, Determine the vale of k 2 Calculate. the requzed size and mumber of anchor bolls. Sex page 77 Table B 3, Determine the Inside snd outside diameter ofthe ose rng 4. Check the stresses in the anchor bolts and foundation 5. If the deviation between the allowable and actual stresses are too large, repeat the falculation 6. Calculate the base ring thickness 7. Use gusset plates, anchor chairs or sxton sect fy ter Sine Stet th ig ie vad BeBe Taste F SRarare beng nom po al at tn of le z sok and step vane Myo ogg | gage 99 ane g Me ” ae ay vai] as | tas ay ooo. | 0428/23 # | le Ey ooje' | “oaiset 8 | is Hy oossef? | Loam a8 | 333 a8 aomage | ose Pa a sand eee | Ee 308 ost £8 | ~o1see Be a ous fe? | Lonasie 0.133 feo" | - 0.12560 Propet Cont Fr Mites a Ber notation on ans va Ditimate 28 day 2000 | 2500 | 3000 | 3750 Sirah ba Sleeage emp” | oo" | ton | rave | 100 jatceensio soo | as | a0 | oan ibs DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING FORMULAS i Flat) “Torat required area of anchor bots Relationship between ma, allowable “Tensile load on anchor bolts Fb. “Tensile stress in anchor Bolts, Sa Ps “Thickness of ing which has an dren equa tthe area of anchor bots, in ‘Compression lad onthe concrete, Feat 4 “Comprenive resin the concrete at ‘ the bolt eile. Ty Ps E fom Tomiie, Relationship between tenslon in ste! of Sonprcaion ta concrete. Sent ‘Bose rng thine without gusset pte, tin n= HES NOTATION = The distance between gusset plates. measured on are of bolt cree in. “Tova area required for anchor bolt in Constanis, see Table D on the preceding page Diameter of anchor bolt circle, in Diameter of anchor bot ete, = Compressive sess inthe concrete at the outer edge ofthe base ring, Ps ‘Constant, see Table D on the preceding page. T=, in. = width ofthe base rng. in ‘Moment atthe base due to wind or eathguake ft 1 Compressive stress ithe concrete at the bol cite. psi = Mc or M,_ whichever is greater. Sce Table Fon the preceding page ‘= Ratio of tnodulus of elasticity of steel and conerete Es/Ee, See Table E. Radius of bolt circle. in ‘Tensile stress in anchor bolts, pi Maximutn allowable stess valde of Base plat, pi ‘Weight ofthe tower atthe base. 1 Constant, See Table D on the preceding page earner wenn eenEE enon TTETETTTEE ETTET DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING EXAMPLE, pa DESIGN DATA: DETERMINE, D- = 5t.0'n, diamcter of anchor bolt circle ‘The size and number of d= in. diameter of anchor bolt circle anchor bolt n= 10, rato of modulus of elasticity of steel ‘The width and thickness and conerete (Table E. Page 80) of base ring, J. = 1,200 psi allowable compe. strength of concrete (Table E, Page 80) ee 5 = 15,000 psi allowable sress value of base ring 5, = 18,000 psi allowable tensile stress in bok. 36,000 Ib. weight ofthe tower M_—= 692,100 f. 1b. moment atthe base SOLUTION: ‘Assume 8 in. wide base ring and a compressive stress atthe bolt circle, fy = 1,000 pi ‘Then the constants from “ble D are: 1640 = 2333 = 0.783 0427 03s a ‘This is in sufficient agree- ‘ment with the assured value off. mua 2 x 0.35 x 60 pee Fx G39 co xe > 108 Ps Required area of anchor bolts 1M = Ws 12 x 692,100 ~ 36,000 x 0.427 x 60 2,333 x 18,000 x 0.783 x 60 Using 12 anchor bolts, the equired root area for one bolt 23.50/12 = 1.958 in, From Table A 174 in. diameter bolt would be satisfactory but adding Yin. for corrosion, use (12) -2 in. diameter anchor bolts Tensile load on the anchor bots p= MEWED _ 692,100 pp ‘Tensile stress in the anchor boks Ssh B= 2m 6.28 36,000 x 0.427 x 5 O78 x 5 157,150 Ib FO _astso iG, = OTEK 30 x EIB = 17,960 psi B 2350 ad 3x oO = 0.125 in Compressive load on the concrete: I, = I~, F, 198.150 ee mie C, 7 ORS WK UIT IX TOR * 430 psi 8.0 ~ 0.125 = 7.875 in fos 83 DESIGN OF ANCHOR BOLT AND BASE RING EXAMPLE (CONT.) Checking value of k which was calulsted with assumed values of fy ~ 1,000 psi and 5, = 18,000 “Then the constants from \ he Dae Bo = 01 TS.” 1 aa coe be ‘he x 80 mane ey M_= wep _ 92.100 = 36.000 x 0461 x 5 92.100 = 36000 x 0461 x8 545 0.795 x 5 rede Bsns Sem TPE, 7 ons x 30 x 268s ~ 156% Ps F+W 151192 + 36000 = 1931021 193192 fam : = 596 ps Ut nic, 89S + 10 x 0.125) 30 x Tle Compressive stress inthe anchor bol Sy = Moy = 10 % 596 = 5,960 pai Compressive stress inthe concrete atthe outer edge of the base rng 2k + Se = fay PR = 596 Reguited thickness of base ring I, ty = VITTS ~ 64) EA = 2:06 in ‘Te deerease the thickness of the base ring, use gusset plates Using (24) gusset plates, the distance between the gussets, a4 46 Efe pag sft = 0 os by = 8S Ts from Table F Mage = M, = 0.196, 12 = 0.196 805 x 62 = 5680 in 1.5076 in, Use 114" in. thick base plate [55 15,000 85 ANCHOR BOLT CHAIR FOR TALL TOWERS “The chairs are designed for the maximum load which the bolt can transmit to them. ‘The anchor bolt size and base plate shall be calculated as described on the fore going pages. {All contacting edges of the plates shall be welded with continuous fillet weld. The Teg size of the fillet weld shall be one half of the thinner joining plate thickness . DIMENSIONS inches atta fa fe [of e |e 1 fw [os fam | om om fm | ue te forme] 3 [oom | sm | oom | imme fie ine | 2 3 [ae fom fa fom | om pe fame | 4 | 30 | se a | asm | ate tn [ame | 4 | 3 | am fom | ope | 2 we | om | $f 3 | sm fim | rm | ate we | de | 5 | ai | an | oe | 2" | am vm [oan | 5 | ae | am | tse | 2mm | ame 2" foam | $ | aa | ow | am | am | oan ae | 3 eat ta" | ame | ase | 2 lads |feouem eemomme| rane alee a2 eae me fain | > | os | im | oan | 3 | om 3° | a | 7 | os | am foam | aie | ain ‘The above {able i taken from Scheiman A.D. Short Cuts to Anchor Bolting ard Base Ring Sizing.Petroleum Refiner, June 1963. NOTES STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS ‘SUPPORTED BY SADDLES ‘The design methods of supports for horizontal vessels are based on L. P. Zick’s analysis presented in 1951. The ASME published Zick’s work (Pressure Vessel ‘and Piping Design) as recommended practice. The API Standard 2510 also refers to the analysis of Zick. The British Standard 1515 adopted this method with slight modification and further refinement. Zick's work has also been used in different studies published in books and various technical periodicals, ‘The design method of this Handbook is based on the revised analysis mentioned above. (Pressure Vessel and Piping; Design and Analysis, ASME, 1972) |A horizontal vessel on saddle support act asa beam with the following deviations 1. The loading conditions are different fora full or partially filled ves 2 The stresses in the vessel vary according tothe ange included by the sales 3, The load due to the weight of the vessel is combined with other loads, LOADINGS: 1, Reaction of the saddles, It is a recommended practice to design the vessel for at least a full waterload. 2. Internal Pressure, Since the longitudinal stress in the vessel is only one half of ‘the circumferential stress, about one half of the actualy used plate thicknes: is available to resist the load of the weight. 3, External pressure, If the vessel is not designed for full vacuum because vacuurn ‘occurs incidentally only, a vacuum relief valve should be provided especially when the vessel outlet is connected to a pump. 4, Wind oad, Long vessels with very small tfr values are subject to distortion From wind pressure. According to Zick “experience indicates that a vessel designed to 1 psi. external pressure can successfully resist external loads en ‘countered in normal service.” 5. Impact Loads. Experience shows, that during shipping, hardly calculable in- ‘pact Toads can damage the vessels. When designing the width of the saddles and the weld sizes, this circumstance isto be considered. 87 LOCATION OF SADDLES. The use of only two sadies is prefered both statically and eco the multiple support sytem, tis is true even If the ust of cies dae secesary. The location ofthe saddles is sometimes determined by the hess of openings, sump, ete, in the Dotiom of the veselIr'ths i notte soe then the saddles can be placed at the statically optimal point. Thin walled vessels with alge diameter ae best siported nea the heals, 0 a8 to vale the stoning effect ofthe heads. Long thick walled vessel ate best supported Where the maximal longtcinl bending sess at the sade is eal equ the srs atthe spe, Ths point vas wth the contact ane of te aden The lstane between the head tangent in andthe sade sal nna cae bs met (2 ties the egth ofthe vewe. (1) “secon Semone han Contact Angle ‘The minimum contact angle suggested by the ASME Code is 1 e ie ‘ode is 120°, except for very small vessels. (Code Appendix O-6). For unsifened cylinders under eats, nal pressure the contact angle is mandatorily limited to 120° by the ASME Code. UG.29), Vessels supported by saddles are subject to: 1. Longitudinal bending stress 2, Tangential shear stress 3. Circumferential stress 88 89 STRESSES IN VESSELS ON TWO SADDLES STRESSES IN VESSELS ON TWO SADDLES L. NOTATION: " ‘Mraimentos niche | Nore Seer ee ate atte, 2 nbesatence elena z Positive values denote tensile stresses and negative values denote compression. Nie enarateee | E = Modulus of elasticity of shell or stiffener ring material,pound per square inch . Wma cron sow) . x Gonunie pope 30 (oz Contact ange of suddie degree 3 = Z| re maximum bending stress S maybe ether tension or compresion, 2|22 Max. Allow. Stress 3) computing the tension stres in the formula fr $) fr factor K the values of &\5= BB) ky shall be used, . 7] computing the compression stres inthe formula for Sy for factor K the values ¢ tn tenon 5 se rn ae Z| stig shalt ve sea glee rae Ria) halt 5] otk z\st red the allowable stress value of | when the shet is stiffened, the value of factor 14 in the formula for S}. Z\E8 ee eae 5] the compression stress is not factor in a steel vessel where t/R 50,005 and the 2B Cae E| vessel is designed to be Fully stressed under internal pressure. 2\28 sem pear mi tal nt QI Use stiffener ring if stress $1 exceeds the maximum allowable stress. B1ES | aS a I 5 2/22 |e 5,2{E)cany(2~ 20000018) § [#2 [See IC wear plates used, in formulas for Sp forthe thicknes 4 may be ten the se] sum ofthe shell and wear pate thickned, provided the wearpatg extends R10 SE] inches above the horn of the saddle near tne heed and extends between he $5] saddie and an adiacent stiffener ring. site a E22 Sp. shall not exceed 0.8 times the S| In unstiffened shell the maximum shear occurs at the horn of the saddle. When sleet an | 5s -89 (cee) a os E| the’ head suttness is utilized by locating the saddle lose to the heads, the Sige jm | oO Ry Le Z| tangential shear stress can cause an additional stress (S3) in the heads. This a ‘Sp plus stress due to internal peer BB] stress shall be added to the stress in the heads due to internal pressure. zie [om gs, = Ke shall not exceed 1.25 times the gl vn 2(3 | oth 2 = 8 ra eave of nd 2| when sifence rings are used, the maximum shear oscars atthe equator. & {e-. &| 2 len 5, = Keo NOTE: Use formal with to TF wear pate wedi Tormulesfor Sy for the yisine i may be akea the Bar| Rh Moin nt ada ag eset sum of the sell and wear plate icknesand fr tf may be Sken the shell hick 2 |e K:Q tor ying ute in plane of le sa] extends R710 inches above the horn ofthe saddie ,and'AR/2. ‘The combined S| sires SR S} circumferential stress at the top edge of the wear plate should also be checked. ia | When shctin a spit thal she, 2 Mutnet seals = Q KO Fa = Contra angle of the wea pl rin aaa so uname Zonta angle ofthe wear plate but not more 2 [3] Sgr STR Stn tasks aren soe of heh gi than th included ange ofthe sds plus 12° ELE ea 5 HE wear plate i use, in formulas for Ss forthe thickness tg may be Laken the ERE aan son tum of the shell and'wegrcltethichncs, provided the wilh of the wear ate B |vl2 FiSeVRN Lid | Sp shalt not exceed 0.5 times the ‘equals at least b + 1.56q Rts. = ys ABET SOUR LB | Ss oteaion ysl polnt of sell me QI iethe shells not stiffened, the maximum stress occurs at the hom of the saddle. 5 = &| Tals stress not be Loaded to the internal presurestess 2 aoe mo | in suffened shell the maximum sngonresion taf the bottom of shel 2 LE Beton) see Use Sffenr ring Ifthe’ cucumfesental vending sees exces the memem allowable stress, a [STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY TWO ‘SADDLES VALUES OF CONSTANT K (interpolate for Intermediate Values) 3.14 if the shel i stiffened by ring or head (A < R/2) CONTACT ‘ANGLE | Ky* | Kz | K3 | Ka | Ks | Ko | K7 | ke a 120 | 0335} 1.171 0.80 } 0.401 0.760 | 0.603 122 | 0345} 1.139 03846 | 0.393, 02753 | os18 124 | 0355} 1.108 0813 | 0385, 0.746 | 0634 126 | 0366) 1.078 0.781 | 0377 0.739 | 0651 128 | 0376] 1.050 0781 | 0369 0.732 | 0669 130 | 0387) 1.022 0.722 | 0362 0.726 | 04689 132 | 0.398} 0.996 0.694 | 0355, 0.720 | 0705 134 | o409| 0971 0.667 | 0347 ona | 0722 136 | vazo | 0.996 ua | 0340 0.708 | 0.740 138 | 0432) 0923 0.16 | 0334 0.702 | 0759 140 | 0.443 | 0.900 | 0.319 | 0.592 | 0327 0.697 | 0780 142 0.455 | 0879 | For 0.569 | 0.320| See 0,692 | 0.796 144 | 0467 | 0858 | Any | 0547 | 0314) chat | 0.687 | 0813 146 0.480 | 0.837 | Con- | 0.526 | 0.308] on 0.682 | 0831 148 | 0492 | 0818 | Trace | 0505 | 0301 | facing | 0.678 | 0853 150 | 0505 | 0.799} Angles| 0.485 | 0295 | ‘page | 0.673 | 0876 ° 152 | 0518 | 0.781 0.466 | 0.289 0.669 | 0894 154 | o3i | 0.763 0.448 | 0.283 0.665 | 0913 156 | 0344 | 0.746 0430 | 0.278 0.661 | 0933 158 | 0357 | 0.729 413 | 0.272 0.657 | 0954 reo | 0571 | 0.713 0.396 | 0.266 0.654 | 0976 162 | 0.585 | 0,698 0.380 | 0.261 0.650 | 0994 164 | 0.599 | 0,683 0.365 | 0.256 0.647 | 1013 166 | 0.613 | 0.668 0350 | 0.250 0.643 } 1.033 168 | 0.627 | 0.654 0336 | 0.245 ‘0.640 | 1.054 170 | 0.642 | 0.640 0322 | 0.240 0.637 | 1.079 172 | 0s? | 0.627 0309 | 0.235 0.635 | 1.097 174 | 0.672 | 0614 0.296 | 0.230 0.632 | 1.116 176 | 0.687 | 0.601 0.283 | 0.225 0.629 | 1.137 178 | 0.702 | 0589 0271 | 0220 0.627 | 1.158 130 | 0718 | 0577 0.260 | 0.216 0.624 | 1183 ‘STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY TWO ‘SADDLES VALUES OF CONSTANT Kg jpn 00s 0.06 VALUES OF CONSTANT Ke 002 oot oo os To ny 20 RATIONR | ) 92 93 ‘STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY TWO ‘STRESSES IN LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY TWO BR |G = 120 deg. contact angle [Shel material: SA 515-70 plate [Allowable stress value 17,500 ps Yield point 38,000 psi. ee Joint Efficiency: 0.85 LONGITUDINAL BENDING STRESS (5) Stress at the saddles 14, Ro TAL o4\\-— at x) = 52 S2—RG eT ™ Stress at midspan 2h 62 e u(t? 44) sen.000« 960 Ax a “\7 OT axa sk (N90 gs9 aR, Tia xo? x1 ‘Stress due to internal pressure: PR. _ 50% 9509 psi a et ‘The sum of tensonal stresses: 4959 + 7500 = 12,459 pi does not exceed the sess valu ofthe girth seam: 17,500 x 085 = 14,875 psi Compression stress not factor since UR > 0.005; 1/60 = 0.017 SADDLES SADDLES EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS (cont.) Design Data L uy [A= 48in, distance from tangent line ‘TANGENTIAL SHEAR STRESS (S,) of head tothe center of sade bd = 24in. width of saddle ‘Since A (48)>R/2 (60/2), the applicable formula: Hi = 21 in, depth of dish of head KO] L-24\ tas wo L = 960i, length of vessel tanta. 5 RE) Rem (BORA) «sap JP = 250 psi. internal design pressure ele “n) xT 360 + 4/3 x 21 Le ne ene does nt exceed the sess value of shell material muiped by 04; 17500 «08 ty = 1.00 in. thickness of shell 14,000 psi. CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS Stress at the horn of saddle (54) Since L (960) > 8R(480), A(48) > R/2 (60/2), the applicable formula: 3KQ -2 K = 0.036 (from chart) 300,000 ___ 30.036 « 300,000 4x1 Gt + 1560 G0R1) 2 ees ‘5, does not exceed the stress value of shell material multiplied by 1.5; 17,500 x 1.5 250 psi Stress at bottom of shell (4) 0 Sears 0.760 x 300,00 Si 6,319 psi 124 + 1.56 @xT) ‘Ss does not exceed the compression yield point multiplied by 0.5; 38,000 « 0.5 "= 19,000 psi 94 95 STIFFENER RING FOR LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY ‘SADDLES Man, combined sess, ps Contact anus, deere TPE OF RING an aTRESS FORMULAS a ts ing Inside Se yrosen set St Sores on =i Tue Ting Ode i eis Stress at the a i Shc i Ting OE : + Sires at the 5 cee Ae] BS i ies" |e i ra tang Ta 3 ate +| Compression fa] atthe Shell Hey fe | Governs HT ing outside. Stress at the Shel! ‘Ring Inside ‘Stress atthe Shell Ring Taside. Stress a the Tip of the Ring. eet Sov) — wats Ring Outside. ro Compression seine Shell Govern ess value of shell or ring material whichever is smaller. the yield point of shell oF Saae Seating + S| Ring Inside. Sires at he sen Snel Ring Tse Stress atthe s_x_KeQ Kio QR Tipatthe aa) Ring Te Tn tension the allowable In compression 0.5 times t STIFFENER RING. FOR LARGE HORIZONTAL VESSELS SUPPORTED BY SADDLES VALUES OF CONSTANT. (Interpolate for Intermediate Values) Contact ‘Angle 9 | 120° | 1300 | 1490] 1500 | 1600 | 1700 | 1809 Ko 34 | 33 | 32 | 20 | 2 | 27 | 25 Kio 053 | 045 | 037 | 032 | 026 | 022 | 017 NOTES: 1. In figures & formulas A-F positive signs denote tensile stresses and negative signs denote compression. 2, The first part of the formulas for Sg gives the direct stress and the second part ives the circumferential bending stress, 3. If the governing combined stress i$ tensional, pressure shall be added, |, the stress due to internal CALCULATION OF MOMENT OF INERTIA (1) 1, Determine the width of shell that is effective to resist the circumferential bending moment, The effective width= 1.56 YRi ; O78 Y Ri ‘on both sides of the stiffener ring. 2, Divide the stiffener ring into rectangles and calculate the areas (a) of each rectangles, including the area of shell section within the effective width. Add the areas (a) total area A. 3. Multiply the areas (a) with the distances (¥) from the shell to the center of ‘vity of the rectangles. Summarize the results and denote it AY. 4, Determine the neutral axis ofthe stiffener rng.the distance (C) from the shell tthe neatal as ¢ AY ‘5. Determine the distances (h) from the neutral axis to the center of gravity of cach rectangle of the stiffener. 6. Multiply the square of distances (h2) by the areas (a) and summarize the results f0 obtain AH? 7. Calculate the moment of inertia I of each rectangles Ig the width and d= the depth of the rectangles, =D where b 8. The sum of AH? and Eg gives the moment of inertia of the stiffener ring and the effective area ofthe: See example calculations on the following pages. 96 MOMENT OF INERTIA (1) OF STIFFENER RINGS EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS [ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES, n= 7H, OUTSIDE RADIUS OF SHELL ” MOMENT OF 1 TIA (1) OF STIFFENER RINGS EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS T= 0780 Ras 1-078 VRE = s by: 600, lel at { 78 JTETOE = 488 ™ * AREA Is TREAD We bud bid} otex0e? § 2 had 0103 REDE 8 ! ARER@ Te g baal bid? _ ose? 4 12 bad = 9.00 in. i. 72 8 aRERO Te S bid? tr ae 2| 2 cml v far |e vem | A 1 [asa | eas ias|_3a0 | sae | ae 0.25 aaa] 123 Ast 744 0.10 2 3.00 | 3:50 10.50] 0.96 952 2.76 350 woso] 203_| 408 tai 9.00 A 200 [67s | aso] ea _| i972 _| a5 Toral [aero | - [avons — S enone Iaeeasasl = [a ex CoA Pg Le An? vga sneee one msereint T= AM? + 1p= 68036997337 in 11.560 Rh = T1360 Rh, se VITUS o18 se VETERE 618 RED Te ARKO Te lah woexeas? | 12 42 “ REND TREAS food? _osoxe? rbrdf_ os0x6? ‘ ears 12 THe roe bad? ® saa | ae a ® 300 | 3480 39 Tora, paren | _— ae = eae = TAY. © = AN? $9.02 «2466: n 2 [p= 50.734 9.03=59.76in.4 coat. SE 1s AN? + 1g 15.644 9.02 246610, ; AIL? ¢Ig= $0273 3 98 9 DESIGN OF SADDLES EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION OF HORIZONTAL VESSELS R PLATE, A on oF 7 sesbce = FT| Ree {} F \ esaooues Ts coors | . T. The saddle ate lowest section must resist the horizontal force (F). The effective Cross ston ofthe sade to resist this Toad fs ne third othe vessel radi (8) ~ de FeK,0, Where =the load on one sale, bs K,, = constant a5 ablated, ‘The average stress shall not exceed wo thirds ofthe compression yield point ofthe EXPANDING VESSEL CONTRACTING VESSEL toate. (See example below) | ee For thermal expansion and contraction, one of the saddles, preferably the one 7 VALUES OF CONSTANT K,, ____| ‘on the opposite side of the pipe connections, must be allowed to move. In this Sc a fade forthe anchor bolts Sots ae to bewsed instead of holes. The length of | aoe ae fp the ots shall br determined by the expected magutode of the movements The = e coetiient of ipar expansion for carbon stet per unit length and per demee Pea900067 The able below shows the tanimum feng of the slot, Dane EXAMPLE: Sion 2" ealeulted forthe linear expansion ofearbon see! material between TOO Diameter of vessel "- 6" and the indicated lemperature, When, sis canes in the distance between the saddles i iS'more than 3/8" ich longa side (bearing) plate should be used.” When th eight of eel = 3750 ts wes Spates ty oe sn tan Ht a able s. t is to be applied between the shell and the saddle, Saddle material: SA 285 C ee Web plate ness = 0,25 in. Contact angle = 120° K,, = 0.204 from table above 513 = 17 inches. Force, F = K,, xQ= 0.204 x 187,500 = 38,250 Ib. To resist this force the effective area of web plate 38,250/4.25 = 9,000 Ibs. per square inch, The allowable stress = 2 x 30,000 = 20,000 psi. ‘The thickness of the web plate 2. The base plate and wear plate should be thick enough to resist longitudi- nal bending over the web. 3. The web plate should be stiffened with ribs against the buckling. RY3 x 0.25 = 4.25 in? satisfactory for horizontal force (F). MINIMUM LENGTH OF SLOT (DIM. “s") DISTANCE FOR TEMPERATURE OF SAreL. [-50]!00)200] 300] 400 soo] 600 | 700 | 800 | 900) Tio Polol of vel al aml a2] sis) au are | 20 0} 0} 1/4) 3/8) 5/8} 3/4} 1-1/8] 1-1/4 | 1-3/8] 30 1/4] 1/8]3/8] 5/8} 7/8]1-1/8] 1-3/8] 1-5/8 | 1-5/8 }2 | 40, {ivafays|3ie} ays] t-iys}i-/2} 1-7/8] 2-1/8] 2-3/8 ]2-1/2 5 60 |3/8}1/4|5/8}1-1/4] 1-5/8]2-1/8] 2-3/4] 3-1/8] 3-5/8 | 4-1/8} so | 3ys|iyali/2|t | i-aysfi-s/s}2-1/4]2-518]3 |3.3/8| The width of 70 | 1/2] 1/4]3/4] 1-3/8] 1-7/8]2-1/2] 3-1/8] 3-5/8] 4-1/4 | 4-5/3] the slot equals] gq | /2|378]3/4]1-1/2}2-1/8]2-718| 35/8] 41/8 | 47/8 15-378 trediam of | 99 (sya |arsfris|i-aia|zsys)s-ira|4 |45/8|s.3/8]6 1-7/8 | 2-5/8}3-5/8] 4-1/2} 5-1/8] 6 6-5/8} ae too |5/8|3/8 SADDLE FOR SUPPORT OF HORIZONTAL VESSELS > The design based on: 1. the vessel supported by two saddles 2. toresist horizontal force (F) due tothe maximum operating weight of vessel as tabulated. 3. the maximum allowable stress is 6 of the compression yield point: 45 of 30,000 = 20,000 psi. 4. the maximum allowable load on concrete foundation 500 psi. 5. the minimum contact angle of shell and saddle 120°, Weld: 4" continuous fillet weld all contacting plate edges. Drill and tap 4" weep holes in wear plate. At the sliding saddle the nuts of the anchor bolts shall be hand-tight and secured by tack welding, "ACING PAGE FOR DIMENSIONS SADDLE eae pepe Peo eee fe fe Boo Le fem pope poe Se CS Behe ef poe Ta A tom erp ree pee [oe] tape pes peop Soe a 102 STRESSES IN VESSELS ON LEG SUPPORT NOTATION W = Weight of vessel, Ibs. in = number of legs ™ Load on one leg, Ibs = Radius of head, inch H = Leverarm of load, inch. 2A, 28 = Dimensions of weat pate '5 Stress, pound per sq. inch 1 = Wall thickness of head, inch KC = Factor, see charts = VAB, inch = radius of circular wear plat, in ae p=1.2-V~ Rvy ° LONGITUDINAL STRESS: 8 f corse, + ony EVE, + 640] CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRI [eon + 69 HV Ea + 6X0] Positive values denote tensile stresses and negative values denote compression. ‘Computing the maximum tensile stresses, in formulas for S, and $3, K,, Ks, Ks and K; denote negative factors and K3, Ky, Ke and Ky denote positive factors Computing the maximum compression stresses, in formulas for S, and Sp, Ky. Kae Ky, Kas Kgs Koo Ky and Ky denote negative factors. “The maximum tensile stresses S, and S,, respectively, plus the tensile stress due to internal pressure shall not exceed the allowable tensile stress value of head material. “The maximum compression stresses S, and Sz, respectively, plus the tensile stress, due to internal pressure shall not exceed the allowable compression stress value of hhead material STRESSES IN VESSELS ON LEG SUPPORT 030 0.25: 020 ons 010 0.05: 020406081012 15 2.0 30 49 VALUE OF K, & Ky 035: 0% Sos. = 0.65: : Ke 0-0) 005: Sa 020406081012 15 20 30 40 VALUE OF K, & Ky 104 0204 010 STRESSES IN VESSELS ON LEG SUPPORT 2 20406081012 15 20 30 VALUE OF K, & K, UNSSS 020406081012 15 20 30 VALUE OF K,& Ky 40 105 STRESSES IN VESSELS ON LEG SUPPORT EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS. DESIGN DATA W = 800,000 Ib, weight of vessel n= 4, number of legs w _ 800,000 a4 R = 100 inch, radius of head H = 5 inch, leverarm of load 2A = 30 inch, 2B = 30 inch, dimensions of wear plate 1 = 1.8 inch thickness of head cos * = 0.800 P = 100 psi, intemal pressure Head material: SA — 515—70 Allowable stress value: 17,500 psi Joint Efficiency: 0.85 Yield point: 38,000 psi. Factors K (see charts): c= Van = Vis x15 = iS inch p= 1428 VE = 1908. 208 R t X 18 K, — 0.065, K, = 0.030, K, ~ 0.065, K, = 0.025, Ky = 0.020, K 0.010, K, = 0.022, Ky = 0.010. ‘= 200,000 Ib, load on one leg. LONGITUDINAL STR 1.) Maximum tensile 2 oye uy/® 5% [ aeeten, + 069 + VW Beek, + 0x0] 200,000 5 (im 0.800 (0.065 + 6 x 0.030) + ee +09 Vis 5, S18 (10.065 + 6 x 0.025) ] = + 7,634 psi The stress due to internal pressure PR _ 100 x 100 2” 2x18 ‘The sum of tensional stresses 7.634 + 2.778 = 10,412 psi It does not exceed the stress value of the girth seam: 17,500 x 0.85 = 14,875 psi + 2778 psi 106 STRESSES IN VESSELS ON LEG SUPPORT 2.) Maximum compressional stress: = & [ ow # (ok, — oy EVR some : 5,=— 0.800 (—0.065 — 6 x 0.030) + — Te [900% ” i C0055 6 0005) ] = ~ re Th id ol pes PR _ 100 100 |, a778 2x18 Le the sm of tees MR = — seasons It does not exceed the stress value of the girth seam: 17,500 x 0,85 = 14,875 psi Circumferential stress: 1.) Maximum tensile stress: ee a HVE, 82% [ase cny + 6g EV Fook, + 0x9] 200,000 0.800 (—0.020 + 6 x 0.010) +e ee ve L : 09 Vis (002 + 6% 0010 ] = + 289i ‘The stress due to internal pressure PR _ 100 x 100 2x Le + 2778 psi The sum of tensile stresses: 2,849 + 2,778 = 5,627 psi 1 does not exceed the stress value of the girth seam: 17,500 x 0.85 = 14,875 psi 2.) Maximum compressi 82% [ meek, ont VR ea =k, ot] 107 ‘STRESSES IN VESSELS ON LEG SUPPORT 20.00 5, = 7222 [0.500 (0000 ~ 6 x 0010) + SV is 100 18 Coon ~ 6x 0.01 | ~ 5,837 psi ‘The stress due to internal pressure: PR _ 100 x 100 - + 2778 psi 2% 2x18 Sp ‘The sum of stresses — 5837 + 2778 = — 3,059 psi 1K docs not exceed the stress value of the girth seam: 17,500 x 0.85 = 14,875 psi 108 LEG SUPPORT STRESSES IN VESSELS DUE TO LUG SUPPORT [Notch out angles to clear seam é ~ unseen snsenen sth Hen me ts ROTATION 2A, 28 = Dimensions of wear plate ” W = Weight of vessel, Ib S = Stress, pound per sq. in 7 n= Number of lugs 1 Wall ickness of sel in SECTION AA = Hm London one tx, to = Spe factor, ee table = Radius of sel, in pls oe = Lever am of loud, in RV a LONGITUDINAL STRESS: 4 k, D e s,=+ 2 (oki +6 ee ) DR Cx 2 (1.17 + BIA) HA VESSEL | ANGLE Ww DIA HEIGHT MAX, SIZE me NOTE; In tension S, plus the stress due to internal pressure PR/21 shall not exceed the stress value of shell material times the efficiency of girth seam. so | ease . so wr psxasrae 8 CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS: oe Tr ot i gkek 802 oBE (ons 6B ) : Sas wo en" NOTE: In tension 5, plus the stress due to internal pressure PRIt shall not exceed wear | oxorxsn ro the sess value of sell material multiplied by 1.5, Ho STRESSES IN VESSELS DUE TO LUG SUPPORT STRESSES IN VESSELS DUE TO LUG SUPPORT 0.15 VALUE OF K, 0.20 D 0.25 0.12 i 005 0.10 0.15, 0.20 0.25 (C,0) VALUE OF K; m2 STRESSES IN VESSELS DUE TO LUG SUPPORT 015 020-025 D VALUE OF K, 13 ESSES IN VESSELS DUE TO LUG SUPPORT T LOTTI NN SSp SRR oS ou HEH" Le 0 0050S Ss VALUE OF k, (C,D) ma [lo G & G 30 [| on Tos | 09s Lo? 100 || 068 vo | 097 | 106 ua 200 0.64 1.02 1.04 1,05 | 300 0.60, 1,02 ~ 110, 1.04 30 [| 1 i 1 100 i 1 1 1 1 | l 200 1 1 I t 300 [Pt 1 tft 50 0.85 1.10 0.85 [ 0.92 “| v0 [as tor oat) as 2 200 1.32 0.98 0.80 0.84 300 [| 1.50 | 09 | 079] 070 VALUE OF ¢ na STRESSES IN VESSELS DUE TO LUG SUPPORT EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS DESIGN DATA W = 1,200,000 Ib. weight of vessel n= 4 number of lugs g = W. L000 = 90 in, radius of shell H = 5 in, Jeverarm of load 2A = 30 in, 28 = 30 in, dimensions of wear plate 1 = 1.5 in, thickness of shel 1p = 100 psi imernal pressure 300,000 Ib. load on one lug Shell material: SA ~ 515-70 Allowable stress value 17,500 psi Yield point 38,000 psi Joint Efficiency: 0.85 Shape factors C, (see table) 0 15 cA enIor Rie ©, BIA = 15/15) = 10 ‘The factors K, (see charts) -Aa/E 133 a at ofis kK, = 28, K, = 0025, K,= 68 Longitudinal Stress: Kk (cass of + BIA) Cr 300,000 x 5 0.025 x 90 | ae + 6-0:025 x90 4 5 one xo cas (18S STs +0161 __, _90"§ y= 1,795 psi raar+ isis) 3x05 ) Stress due to intemal pressure: PR 2 ‘The sum of tensional stresses: 3000 psi 11,795 + 3000 = 14,795 psi It does not exceed the stress value of the girth seam: 17,500 x 0.85 = 14,875 psi 1s STRESSES IN VESSELS DUE TO LUG SUPPORT Circumferential Stress: ou KR G pam (6 +6-EF) 300,000 x 5 0.021 x 90 Sy 8 +6 — = arorwsoreas (188+ SFE") Stress due to internal pressure: PR _ 100 x 90 _ p= M072 — 6000 psi Sz 10,616 psi ‘The sum of tensional stresses 10,616 + 6000 = 16,616 psi It does not exceed the stress value of shell material multiplied by 1.5: 17,500 x 1.5 = 26,250 16 117 LUG SUPPORT LUG SUPPORT FOR INSULATED VESSELS FOR UNINSULATED VESSELS TT ai ake { 60? Ul 4 a” aximam Allowabld DIMENSIONS Weight of faximum Allowable Weigh of | Loa! on One TST aTapa Ta Pee pe] w | Om De Load on One One Lup, Lbs Logs Lbs | g Z Log, Los [1400 ]oa|s [sn[au| 4 | [sn|u | 7 1400 [2%] 2 [2a] 4 fave| % | 1m | % [ra 1 220 [ontsw| 6 | 5 |sn| % [sa] u | % 9 2,20 [3%la%| 3 [s%[sv| % | 2 [mm |anl 2 3600 [won| rafon] 7 [mon] [ep 16 ant | «tn [oon lord » [ou oe [a] 5,60 |ion|ex[onlonlow| 1 fen| wim | 24 3,00 |[su[sulouloufio| 1] a |u| 9 9,00 [rfiowlina[taian| 1 [iow] % [% | 58 9,000 m% [arfiaral 1 [5% | %e | a Ed n 14,000 [17 [imme 1 [on | ve] % | 28 22,000 15%] 13 [ism|revfiwml ri [ial 4 | % | 126 22,000 | I is jim 7 [wa as 36.000 [rmafranfiss| 22 [zam[m| [| [165 36,000 nfowlmlo [el | so 56,000 _|20v[i7v4|t8v4]2¥%| 29 | % [iol % |v [235 36,000 aevspovel 14 | 12 [% | | 148 90,000 [22%] r8vs[i9%[3rn)32%] mm | 18 | % |» [388 90,000 frowlisw| 7 [ar|szulim[ is | % | % | 218 v0.00 _[25%4)20%[2n4]s4%|a5%[ 2 [20 f% [| 482 49,00 [18 [7a] 9% [snfasn 2 Pale [x | 200 All dimensions are in inches Stresses in vessel shall be checked. Use wear plate if necessary All dimensions are in inches Stresses in vessel shall be checked Use wear plate if necessary 118 19 LIFTING LUG LIFTING ATTACHMENTS, E 7 SHACK [op [ t J R Hw | L | WELD aN | Ot wacwr | am | aw | am | am | am | atin MINIMUM DIMENSIONS OF LIFTING LUGS USING SHACKLE S = heared | Rolled 12,000 1 % ™ |s [wo] é yea | Suet] iole Sige | SREY | ees of : + ay ye [pha | Bat. ie | domat 20.000 UA % 2 | 6 | 0 | £2 ae i 8 e | __30,000 Va i 2h 6 | wo | &s Tol sie | 3/8 50 6S 34 — . ; ' | 3 1060-| 318 —[—7716-| 36 "73, cH 50,000 % m_ | me 2a 1600 | afi6-t— 173 + fea ya 70,000 wy 1% 8 R 2170 [172 3/8 69 | 90 7 | 1.44 —| 2520} Sa | 3) | 941.29 TPs 100,000 2 th 9 [wl § 3] [18] 43a Ts [22 leet E 78 1| “1198s rei/a[225 150,000 a i 5. to j 6 | ge 8650] 1 Tys_[ 131 1.70. 11/21 2.59__| 200,000 a 2 6 2 {iw | &% T1300 | Taye [— 1-1/4] 1.30} 1.95 15/8_[ 2.94 - sé | isdoo- [eye [ 13/163 | 2.12 13/4_[ 3.06 250.000 w om [oe [om | 2? Tete ee te m7 20000-[1-1/2~| 1/8 [188 | 245 2 [406 5 d 300,000 a4 7 | 4) 7 780] 15/8 | 13a zyie faa 32350 2| 2fs_| 295 25(8 [475 Notes: 42500 [2-1/4 23/8 2.56 3 1S.25 1. All dimensions are in inches $4000 | 21]3—|~23]8 | 281 S]a_[6.00 2! ‘The design is based on conditions: 67600-2378 [2778 | 294 39/16 700 ax = 43" minimum B1000 [3] Ss 3718 [861 &. Minimun tensile strength of lg material 70,000 ps 7900 [i]s [33/8 aia [974 c. Direction of force is in the plane of lugs. 43. Use wear plate if necessary to eliminate buckling due to normal or sudden loading. ‘All dimensions in inches. 120 ry LIFTING ATTACHMENTS (cont.) ‘SAFE LOADS FOR ROPES AND CHAINS RECOMMENDED MATERIAL: A 515-70, A 302 or equivalent. The thickness, and length of the lifting lug shall be determined by calculatio WELD: When filet welds are used, it is recommended that throat areas be at least 50 per cent greater than the cross sectional area of the lug. ‘To design the lugs the entice load should be assumed to act on one lug. [All possible directions of loading should be considered (during shipment, storage, erection, handling.) When two or more lugs are used for multileg sling, the arr fle between each leg of the sling and the horizontal should be assumed to be 30 degrees. EYE - BOLT - ‘Threaded fasteners smaller ‘than 5/8” diameter should not be used for lifting Y because of the danger of overtorquing during assembly. ‘50 w Commercial eyebolts a | : supplied with arated break ing suength in the -X direction. For loadings other than along the axis of the eyebolt, the following ratings are recor mended. ‘These are expressed as percentage of the ratirg in the axial direction. X= 100% Y= 33% Z= 20% W= 10% ia EXAMPLE: ‘An eyeboltof 1 in, diameter which is good for 4960 Ib. loadin tension (direction 4) can cary only 4960 x 0.33 = 1637 Ib. load if tacts indirection y. “The above dimensions and recommendations are taken from C. V. Moore: Designing Lifting Attachments, Machine Design, March 18, 1965. “Assuming shear load only thru the minimum section, the required thickness may be calculated by the formula: Z a 25 (® ‘The stress in ropes and chains under load is increasing with the reduction of the angle between the sling and the horizontal. Thus the maximum allowable safe load shall be reduced proportionally to the increased stress If the allowable load for a single vertical rope is divided by the cosecant of the angle between one side of the rope and the horizontal, the result will indicate the allowable load on one side of the inclined sling, Example: ‘The allowable load for a rope in verte poston is $000 Ib. If the rope applied to an angle of 30 degess, inthis postion the allowable loud on ne de wl be 8000jccsecant 30 deg. ~ 8000/2 = 4000 Ib. For the twovope sling the tte allowable foad 2 times 4000 = 8000 Ib. The table shows ihe loadbeaing capacity of ropes and chains indifferent positions. Multiplying with the factors shown in the table the allowable load for certain rope of chain, the produt will indicate the allowable loa in inclined postion, FACTORS TO CALCULATE SAFE LOADS FOR ROPES AND CHAINS FaPNPNpere Angle of Inclination 900 600 | 450 300 ran On One Ea 1.00 oss 0.70 050 017 On Two Ends 1.70 1.40 1.00 034 122 OPENINGS ‘Where external piping is connected to the vessel, the scope of the Code include (a) the welding end connection forthe first circumferential joint for welded connections (b) the first threaded joint for screwed connections (©) the face of the first flange for bolted, flanged connes (€) the first sealing surface for proprietary connections or fittings Code U-1(e)(1) SHAPE OF OPENINGS: Openings in pressure vessels shall preferably be circular, elliptical or obround. An ‘obround opening is one which is formed by two parallel sides and semicircular ends, ‘The opening madeby apipeor acircularnozzle, the axis of which isnot perpendicular tothe vessel wall or head, may be considered an elliptical opening for design purposes. Openings may be of shapes other than the above. (See Code UG-36.) SIZE OF OPENINGS: Properly reinforced openings are not limited as to size, but, when the opening in the head of cylinder shell iy larger than one half the inside diameter ofthe head, itis, recommended to use in place of heads, shell reducer sections as shown in the Code Figure UG-36, NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS (Code UG-45) For vessels under internal pressure the wall thickness of opening necks shall not be less than: (A) the thickness computed for the applicable loadings in UG-22 on the neck (pressure, reaction of piping, ec.) plus corrosion allowance. (2) forother than access and inspection openings shall not be less than required for the applicable loadings and not less than the smallest ofthe followirg: (@) the thickness of the shell or head (to which the opening is attached), required for internal pressure (assuming E = 1), plus corrosion allow- ance, but for welded vessel in no case less than 1/16 in. (b) the minimum thickness of standard wall pipe plus corrosion allowance. ‘The minimum thickness ofa pipe (ANSI/A B36.10M) is the nominal thickness less 12.5 percent allowable tolerance (see page 140) 123 INSPECTION OPENINGS All pressure vessels for use with compressed air and those subject to internal corrosion, erosion or mechanical abrasion, shall be provided with suitable manhole, handhole, or other inspection openings for examination and cleaning. The required inspection openings shown in the table below are selected from the alternatives allowed by the Code, UG-46, as they are considered to be the most ‘economical. INSPECTION OPENINGS ARE NOT REQUIRED, INSIDE INSPECTION DIAMETER OPENING 1, for vessels 12 in, or less inside diameter OF VESSEL REQUIRED if there are at least two minimum in, pipe size removable connections. 2. for vessels over 12 in, but less than 16 in, inside diameter, that are to be over 12 in two = 14 in. installed s0 that they must be discon- less than 18 in. | pipe sie threaded nected from an assembly to permit 1D. opening inspection, if there are at least two removable’ connections not less than 1 in, pipe size. UC-A6(2), 3, for vessels over 12 in, inside diameter rnin, 15 in. LD. ‘under air pressure which also contain, I8in. ‘manhole ‘other substances which will prevent 036 in. or ‘corrosion, providing the vessel com inclusive two -2in, tains suitable openings through which LD. pipe size threaded inspection can be made convenicatly, opening and providing such openings are equiv. alent in size and number to the require- ‘ment of the table, UG-46(c), rin. 15 inp, | 4 for vesseis(not aver 36 in, ILD.) which over ‘manhole are provided with teltale holes (one 36 in or hhole min. per 10 sq. ft.) complying io two. 6 in. ‘ith the provisions of the Code UG-25, pipe size nozzle which are subject only to corrosion and are not in compressed air service. UG-46(b), ‘The preferable location of small inspection openings is in each head or near each heal In place of two smaller openings a single opening may be used, provided it is of sch size and location as to afford at lest av equ view ofthe interior. CCompresed sa sed here snot intended to elude a which ay had moure removed tothe degree tht i hou an atmosphere dew point oF 50 For le The manufacturers Dats Report sul include a statement for nonoroave serce™ tn Coie prugraph numer when aperton ope arent ove. NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS The wall thickness of 4 nozale neck or other connection uscd as acces of Inspection opening onysll ‘nol be ks tan the tckaes computed for He 124 12s Below the most c types see Code, Fig, UW-16.1. OPENINGS WITHOUT REINFORCING PAD Imonly used types of welded attachments are shown. For other see Code, Fig. UW-16.1 OPENINGS WITH INFORCING PAD Below the most commonly used types of welded attachments are shown. For other types ROTATIONS: in weld size ~ of 00375 in. whichever ‘8th smallest in day ay= 14 smallest of fn ftroras™ the smallest of, 12000375 in. {= No minimum size requirement a ray wabalepon B tw FS Sst! BACKING STRIP ueangleof beveling shal be such sto permit Compete jit penatien and complete f= Sto Depends on plat thickness, welding pr edu “Thickness of ese wal less corrosion allow hon llowanee NOTES: ‘When complete joint pen erifed by visual inspection or other meas petmited bythe Code backing sips shal be {sed ith all penetation weld deposited fom ‘only one sie “he purpose of weld bis tociminatethe eps Tunes groove welds the rootandseewe fal penetratcn Ie oraly ene ass ony ad say be omitted if not needed forthe abo purse. "The weld sizes defined here are the minimum ‘eyirements Por eslelation of strength of tlds, seepage 136. Strength aloltionof wel for pressuroai- Ing ae ot required for attachments shown in {ig B,C, E- 720, and for openings: 5 in. pipe sie attached to vessel walls of 18 ino ee hich, 2 in pe sine tached to vessel was over rin hikes. (Code UG 36 (2) F fal a ark gear a ee NOTATION: Minimum weld sizes, ines. Use the smallest values, 2 tert 0F0:375 in, No minimum size requirement 0.41, 0F 0.7% oF 05 in, 0.74 oF 0.74, oF 0.74 0° 0.75 in f, oF for in, HER nous The angle of bevel hal be suchas to VERRIER ——wiifaEHfow permit corilet joint penetration and ra {Smee Fsion Depends on pate hike nes and welding trhmiques. {(» Thiekness of vessel wall ess corosion ce lowe, tem Ths of ining pd ls conor 14 Nominal thickness of nozzle wall ess Comestonallowane, in (y= Thickness of pad type Mange in 0 nA sip SEE NOTES ON FACING PAGE swt ry ° @ 4 + 4 Yorn P » ete 126 127 THREADED AND WELDED FITTINGS ‘THREADED AND WELDED FITTINGS 5 ; ‘THE FIGURES BELOW SHOW THE MosT Conn Pes OF WELDEL “THE FIGURES BELOW SHOW THE MOST COMMONLY USED TYPES OF WELDED GURES IMMONLY USED TYPES OF WELDED CONRECTIONS. SEE CODE FIG. UWET6.1 FOR OTHER TYPES. :CTIONS. SEE CODE FIG. UW-T6.) FOR OTHER TYPES ” BT gy jl SBE NOTATION ON FACING PAG! (ny ren 38 in ==) min ate Max. pie sie: 3 in D max = cutside diameter of pipe + 3a FITTINGS NOT EXCEEDING 3 IN. PIPE SIZE. Insome cases the welds are exempt from size requirements, or fittings and bolting pads ‘may beattached tothe vessels by fillet weld deposited from the outside only with certain limitations (Code UW-16 (9) 2) and (3)) such as: NOTATION 1, 0F 0.375, whichever isthe smallest, in 18 times the smallest oft 1, 0F Vin 4a, oF =the smallest oft 4, 0F 0.975 in 1. The maximum vessel thickness: 3/8 in =n minimum size requirement 2. The maximum sizeof the opening is limited to the outside diameter ofthe attached (¢= the smallest of ¢ oF 12 in. pipe plus % in. eee 3, The weld throat shall be the greater ofthe minimum nozzle neck thickness required smallest of FF 34 in by the Code UG-45(a) or that necessary to satisfy the requirements of UW 18 for hickness of vessel wall, less corrosion allowance, i. aoe veatle badge of UG 22 wominal thickness of fitting wall Tess corrosion allowance, in 4, The welding may effect the threads of couplings. It isadvisable to keep the threads above welding with a minimum “ in, or cut the threads after welding, “The weld sizes defined here are the minimum requirements 5, Strength calculation of attachments is not required for attachments shown in Figs. ‘A, Cand E, and for openings . 3 in. pipe size fittings attached to vessel walls of 3/8 in or less in thickness, 2 in, SEE NOTES ON FACING PAGE Pipe size fittings attached to vessel walls over 3/8 in. in thickness. (Code UG- 36(€\3). 128 129 SUGGESTED MINIMUM EXTENSION OF OPENINGS REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS. DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE "The tables give the approximate minimum outside projection of openings. When insulation ‘or thick reinforcing pad are used it may be necessary to increase these dimensions ‘OUTSIDE PROJECTION, INCHES USING WELDING NECK FLANGE, a ‘PRESSURE RATING OF FLANGE LB " size _| 150 | 300 | 600 | 900 | 1500 | 2500 «| 6] 6] s]s]s 6} 6{s]| a] 8] 0 6} s|s] 3] 8s] s | s | 8 | 10 | 10 | 6 s | s | 10 | 10 | 12 | 6 gs | s | 10 | 12 | 14 | 2 8} 8 | 10 | 12 | 16 | 2 8 | 1 | 10 | 14 | 16 8 | 10 | to | 14 | 16 yo | 10 | 12 | 14 | 38 to | 10 | 12 | 14 | 18 wo | 10 | 12 | 14 | 20 OUTSIDE PROJECTION, INCIIES USING SLIP ON FLANGE, L Nom. | PRESSURE RATING OF FLANGE LB PIPE size | 150 | 300 | 600 | 900 | 1500 | 200 2|6]6}]o6]s]a|e 3} 6 | 6 | 8 | 8s] 8 | 10 4} 6] 8 | 8 | 8 | to | 10 6 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 1 | 12 | 12 tga esa © oe (a8 1 nba nt 20a | rw | 8 | 8 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 6 nm | 8 | 1 | to | 12) 12 | 6 4 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 12 te | 10 | 10 | 12 | 12 w | 10 | 10 | 2 | 12 20 | 10 | 10 | 12 | 12 2m | 10 | 12 | 12 | 12 TNSIDE EXTENSION > Fash ‘Set usb not cut Pipe cut to the Single, welded openings not subject to rapid fluctuation in pressure do not require reinforcing if they are not larger than 3 inch pipe si 2 inch pipe im vessel wall 3/8 in, oF less ze in vessel wall over 3/8 in. (Code UG-36 (c) (3). Larger vesset openings than the above shall be reinforced The rules for reinforcement of openings are taken from the Code, UG-26 through UG-44, and are intended to apply primarily to openings not exceeding the following Forvessels 60 in. in diameter and less: the vessel diameter, butnot to exceed 20 in, For vessels over 60 in. in diameter: Ythe vessel diameter, butnot to ‘exceed 40 in. Larger opening should be given special atention as an described in Code Appendix 1-7. Here is given a brief outline of reinforcement design for better understanding ofthe procedure described in the following pages. ‘The basie requirement i that around the opening the vessel must be reinforced with an equal amount of meal which has been cutout forthe opening, The reinforcement may bean integral part ofthe vessel and nozzle or may be an additional reinforcing pad. (Fig. A.) however, needs further refinements as follows: ‘This simple ru 1. Ttisnot necessary to replace the actually removed amount of meta, but only the amount which i required to resist the intemal pressure. 4). This required thickness of the vessel a the openings is usually less than at other points ofthe shel or head 2. The plate actually used and nozzle ncck usually are thicker than would be required accorilng to calculation. The excess inthe vessel wall (4) and nozzle wall (4;) serve as reinforcements, Likewise the inside extension ofthe opening (4s) andthe area ofthe weld metal (44) can also be taken into consideration as reinforcement ‘The reinforeement must be within a certain limit “The area of reinforcement must be proportionally increased ifts tress value is lower than ‘hat ofthe vessel wal 5. Thearea roquited for reinforcement must be satisfied for all planes through the center of ‘opening aad normal to vessel surface The required cross sectional area of the reinforcement shall then be: “The required area forthe sell oF head to resist the internal pressure, (4). Prom this area subtracted the excess areas within the limit (4,4: 4a 4). Ifthe sum ofthe area available for reinforcement (4; A> + As + Ay) isequal or greater than the area tobe replaced, (4), the opening is adequately reinforced. Otherwise the diference must be supplied by reinforcing pad (4s) ‘Some manufacturers follow asimple practice using reinforcing pads witha cross-sectional area ‘which is equal to the metal area actually removed forthe opening. This practice results in oversized reinforcement, but with the elimination of caleutations they find it more economical 130 131 REINFORCEMENT FOR OPENINGS, DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (continued) REINFORCEMENT FOR OPENINGS DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (continued) B T_AREA OF REINFORCEMENT For vessels under internal pressure the total cross-sectional area required for reinforcement of openings shall not be less than: A= dxt, where d = the inside diameter of opening in its corroded condition, inches. the required thickness of shell or head computed by the applicable formulas using £ = 1.0 when the opening isin solid plate or ina category B joint. When opening passes K through any other welded joint, E= the efficiency of that joint, When the opening is in a vessel which is radio graphically not examined, £ = 0.85 for type No. | joint and E = 0.80 for type No.2 joint When the opening and its reinforcement are entirely ‘within he pherical portion of flanged and dished head, this the thickness required by the applicable formulas using M= 1 ‘When the opening isinacone, isthe thickness required for a seamless cone of diameter, D measured where the nozzle axis intersects with the wall ofthe cone. ‘When the opening and itsreinforcementare in a2:1 elip- soidal head and are located entirely within a circle the center of which coincides with the center ofthe head and the diameter of which is equal to 0.8 times the head diameter, iis the thickness required for seamless sphere ‘of radius 0.9 times the diameter ofthe head. If the stress value of the opening's material is fess than that ofthe vessel material, the required area 4 shall be increased. (See next page for examples.) = 3._LIMITS OF REINFORCEMENT “The metal used as reinforcement must be located within the limits ‘The limit measured parallel to the vessel wall X'= dor Ry ty ++ 4, use larger value. The limit measured parallel to the nozzle wall Y¥=2,5 10r2.5tm use smaller value. When additional reinforcing pad is used, the limit, ¥ to be measured from the outside surface of the Feinforcing pad. 1 thicknessoftheves- swale cor: seepreceedingpage nominal thickness of nozzle wall ire- spective of product {orm,esscorosion = required thickness of seamless nozale distance nozzle Tice surfae othe rosion ‘allowance, corrosion allow- seepreceding page Z_AVAILABLE AREAS OF REINFORCEMENT, ‘Am Area of excess thickness in the vessel wall (tr) det (-t,) (ts + Yuse the larger value, square inches, If the stress value of the opening’s material is less than that of the vessel material, area A shall be decreased. (See next page for examples.) Am Areaof excess thickness in the nozzle wall (t,t) S!or Girt) Sto use — the smaller value, square inches, A= Ateaotinside extension of nozzle square inches (4~c)2h, A= Area of welds, square inches. Wthesum ofA, A> Ayand A, is ess than the area forrein- forcement required, 4 the difference must be suppliedby reinforcing pad. Roi radius of nozzle in corroded condition, inches, For other notations, see the preceding page. “,_ STRENGTH OF REINFORCEMENT Ifthe strength of materials in Ay Az As Ay and Ay or the material of the reinforcing pad are lower than that ofthe vessel material, their area considered as reinforcement shall be pro- Pportionately decreased and the required area, A in inverse proportion increased. The strength ofthe deposited weld metal shall be considered as equivalent tothe weaker material ofthe joint. Its advisable ro use for the vessel material. No credit shall be taken for additional strength of reinforce- ment having higher stress value than that of the vessel wall, EXAMPLES: 1. a. The stress value of nozzle material: 15,000 psi ‘The stress value of shell material: 17,500 psi. Ratio 15,000/7,5000 = 0.857 To the required area, 4 shall be added: $ Diy x te (>= 0.857) b. From the area 4; shall be subtracted: inforeing pad material identical with By X(t) (1— 0.857) 2. Usingidentical material for the vessel and reinforcing pad, the required area for reinforcement is 12 square inches. I the siress value of vessel material = 17,500 psi the stress value ofthe nozzle material = 15,000 psi. ratio 17,$00/15,000 = 1.167 Inthis proportion shall be increased the area of reinforcing pad: 12x 1,167 = 14.00 square inches. 132 REINFORCEMENT FOR OPENINGS DESIGN FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (continued) REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS EXAMPLES mee tm 5. REINFORCEMENT IN DIFFERENT PLANESFORINTERNAL PRESSURE ssgge~| The area requirement for reinforcement ‘527 | must be satisfied forall planes through the center of openingand normal tothe vessel surface. When the long dimension of an eliptical orobround openingexceeds vice the short dimensions, the reinforcement across the short dimensions shall be in- creased as necessary to provide agairst excessive distortion due to twisting mo- ‘ment, Code UG-36 (a) (I). Since the circumferential stress in cylin- dricaV/eonical/shells is two times greater than the longitudinal stress, at the openi the plane containing the axis ofthe shellis the plane ofthe greatest unit loading dueto pressure. On the plane perpendicularto the the unit loading is one half of i on ‘Chartshows he variation ofthe stresses on different planes. (Factor F) ‘Thetotal cross-sectional area inany planes shall be: A = dx t,x F According to the Code, Factor F may be used for integrally reinforced openingsin cylindrical shells and cones. (UG-26). Rival oF PuaNe vit COnGtTUDINAL Reis DESIGN FOR EXTERNAL PRESSURE. The reinforcement required for openings in single-walled vessels subject to exterral pressure need be only 50 percent ofthatrequired for internal pressure where isthe wall thickness required by the rules for vessels under external pressure. Code UG-37 (d)(\) REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS FOR EXTERNAL PRESSURE. ‘The cross-sectional area (4) of reinforcement required for openings in vessels subject to.external pressure A® det xF where 2 d= Diameter in the given plane ofthe opening in its corroded condition, inches. 1,= The wall thickness required for extemal pressure, inches. F= Factor for computation ofthe required reinforcement area on different planes (as the pressure-stress varies) when the opening isin cylindrical shell or cone and integrally reinforced. For all other configurations the value of F EXAMPLE 1 DESIGN DATA. Inside diameter of shell 48 in 250 psi a 200" F SA2850 S7133800 pst 1 ~0265 in ‘The vesset is spot radiographed Noallowance for cortosi Nozzle material SA-S3-8 = 15000 ps, Nozale nom, size: in Extension of nove inside the vessel: 1.5 in frm 2.51, = 2.5% 0432 1.08 in ‘The nozzle dots not pas through seam, Filet weld size: 037 0.432 in, ‘Wall thickness required: PI 250% for shell coe ht in “" SE-O6P T3800 1.006% 440 fornozzle, 1, = =-PRe 2E80 2.889.048 in, SE—O.6P ~ 15,000 x 1.0—0.6 250 AREA OF REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED. A,=di,= 5.761 0.440 = 2.535 sq. in ‘AREA OF REINFORCEMENT AVAILABLE A,= (Excess in shell.) Larger of following: (4, )d= (0.625—0.440) x 5.761 oF 1.066 sq. in. C45 (, + 2 = (0.625-0.440) x (0.432 + 0.625) x2= 0.391 59. in (Excess in nozzle neck.) Smaller of following: (G,) 5t= (0.432—0.048) x 5 X 0.625 = 1.200 89, in, C02) St,» (0432—0.048) x 5x 0.432 = 0.829 sq. in (No credit Yor additional strength of nozzle material having higher stress value than that of the vessel wall.) (nside projection.) 1, 2h= 0.432 «2x 108 0.933 sq. in A,= (Area of fillet weld) 0.375 0.140 sq. in. A,= (Area of fillet weld inside) 0.3752 0.140 sa. in, TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE 3.108 sq. in, Since this area is greater than the area required for reinforcement, additional reinforcement is not needed. 134 135 REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS EXAMPLES REINFORCEMENT OF OPENINGS EXAMPLES, EXAMPLE 2. DESIGN DATA: Inside radius of shell: R= 24 in, Design pressure: P= 300 psi at 200° F. ‘Shell material: = 0.500 in, SA-516-70 plate, S= 17,500 psi ‘The vessel is spot examined ‘There is no allowance for corrosion Nozzle nominal size: 6 in. Nozzle material: SA-53 B ‘S= 15,000 psi. t= 0.432 in. Extension of nozzle inside the vessel: 1.5 in Fillet weld size inside: 0.500 in; Fillet weld size outside: 0.625 in, Ratio of stress values: 15,000/17,500 837 Wall thickness required: 5 PR 30x24 ll, = PR = __ 30024 = 946i Shell = Se 0,6P 17,500 x 1-0.6x300 2 PR, 300 x 2.88, a Nozzles m= SE -O.6P T5,000x 1.0-0,6x300 058 Since the strength of the nozzle material is lower than that of the vessel mate- Fial, the required area for reinforcement shall be proportionally increased and the areas available for reinforcement proportionally reduced, AREA OF REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED dip 5.761 X01 2.397 sq. in ‘Area increased: + 2% t, (1-15,000/17,500) = 2x 0.432 x 0.416 (1-0.857) = 0.051 sq. in. 2.448 sq, in (OF REINFORCEMNT AVAILABLE ‘Au = (Excess in shell.) Larger of the following: = Jd = (0.500 - 0.416) x 5.761 = 0.484 sq, in. oF (t-te) (le + 9.2 = (0,500-0.416) x (0.432 + 0.500) x 2 =0.156 sq in. ‘Area reduced: - 2% ty (-t-) (1-0.857) > = 2 x 0.432 (0:500-0.416) (1-0.857) = -0.010 sq in. 0.474 sq. in Ay~(Excess in nozzle neck.) Smaller of following: n= tg)SL™ (0.432-0.058)S X 0.500 = 0.935 (tu~ ton) Ste™ (0.432-0,058) 5 x 0.432 = 0.808 ‘Ara reduced: 0.857 x 0.808 = 0.692 sq. in. ‘Since the strength of the nozzle is lower than that ofthe shell, ‘a decreased area shall be taken into consideration, 15,000/17,500 = 0.857, 0.857 x 0.808 = 0.692 sq. in. Aa (Inside projection.) ty 2h = 0.432 x 2 x 1,08 0.933 ‘Area decreased 0,933 x 0.857 = 0,800 sq. in. Ay~(Area of fillet weld) 2 « 0.5 x .625%% 0.857 = 0.334 sq. in. 4s ~(Atea of fillet weld inside) 2 x 0.5 x .5008 x 0.857 = 0.214 sq in TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE. 2514 sq. in. Additional reinforcement not required. EXAMPLE 3. DESIGN DATA: Inside diameter of shel: 48 i Design pressure: 300 psi at 200° F. Shell material: 0.500 in, SA-516-60 plate, ‘The vessel fully radiographed, E= 1 ‘There is no allowance for corrosion Nozzle nominal size: 8 in. Nozzle material: SA-53 B, 0.500 in. wall Extension of nozzle inside the vessel: 0.5 in, The nozzle does not pass through the main seams, Size of fillet welds 0.375 in. (Reinforcement pad to nozzle neck.) ‘Wall thickness required: z PR 30x24 me ‘SE-0.6P T5,000 x 1-0.6 x 300, sais PRL. 30038125 Nolen sete = Tea 0.077 in AREA OF REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED A= dx ty= 1.625 x 0.486 = AREA OF REINFORCEMNT AVAILABLE [Excess in shell.) Larger of the following: (=f, Jd= (0-500 - 0.486) 7.625 = or (t-t) (la * 1) 2 = (0.500-0.486) (0.500 + 0.500) 2 (Excess in nozzle neck.) Smaller of following: (tv trn)SE™ (0,500-0.0775 X 0.5 = 1.058 oF (om trn) Stn = (0.500-0.077)5 x 0.5 = 1.058 Ay (Inside projection.) te x 2h = 0,500 x2 x 0.5 = ‘As =(Atea of fillet weld) 0.375? (The area of pad to shell weld disregarded) ‘TOTAL AREA AVAILABLE, 1.805 sa in, ‘This area is less than the required area, therefore the difference shall be provided byreinforcingelement.imaybeheaviernozzleneck, largerextension ofthenozzle inside ofthe vessel or reinforcing pad, Using reinforcing pad, the required area of pad: 3.706~1805 ~ 1,991 59. in. Using 0.375 in. SA-516-60 plate for reinforcing, pad the width ofthe pad 1.901/0.375 = 5.069 in ‘The outside diameter of reinforcing pad: Outside diameter of pipe: 8.625. width of reinforcing pad: 5,069, 13.694 in, 136 37 STRENGTH OF ATTACHMENTS JOINING OPENINGS TO VESSEL STRENGTH OF ATTACHMENTS JOINING OPENINGS TO VESSEL Atthe attachments, joining openings tothe vessel, failure ‘may occur through the welds or nozzle neck in the combi- nations shown in figures A and B. The strength of the welds and the nozzle neck in those combinations shall be at least equal to the smaller of: 1. Thestrength in tension ofthe cross-sectional areaofthe or clement of reinforcement being considered, or Te tneouen@) and) Zi teang snag | 2 Thestengthintension ofaread (4 =dx 1.) less tte strength in tension of the excess in the vessel wall (4. ‘The allowable stress value ofthe welds is the stress value of the weaker material connected by the welds multiplied by the following factors: Groove-weld tension 0.74 Groove-weld shear 0.60 Fillet-weld shear 049 paths of fauure | The allowable stress value of nozzle neck in shear is 0.10 1. Trrough® ané@__| times the allowable stress value of nozzle material, 2 twowsh@@amt® | the su i ; strength ofthe joins shall be considered forts entre + Throvsh® s¢@ | ensth on each side of the plane of reinforcement arca. % EXAMPLE 3 A= 2.397 sq, in. Ay = 0.484 sq. in d,~ 6.625 in. outside diameter of nozzle ‘dye 6,193 in., mean diameter of nozzle ‘S™ 17,500 psi allowable stress value of vessel material ‘Sx 15,000 psi allowable stress value of nozzle material fq" 0.432 in, wall thickness of nozzle. = 0,500 in. wall thickness of vessel 0.375 in, fillet weld leg. ‘Check the strength of attachment of nozzic load to be carried by welds. Load to be carried by welds (4-A, )S= 2.397 - 0.484 x 17,500 = 33,478 Ib STRESS VALUE OF WELDS: Fillet-weld shear 0.49 x 17500 8575 psi Groovesweld tension 0°74 x 17500 Stress value of nozzle wall shear 0.70 15000 STRENGTH OF WELDS AND NOZZLE NECK: a. Filleeweldshear ib x weld log 8575» 104065 0.375 x8575 ~33463 be Nozde-wall sear Bie x 1, 10500 = 9.720.432 10500 = 44090 « Grooveeweld tension 46 x wel leg > 12980 - 104065 0,500 x 12950 = 673821 POSSIBLE PATH OF FAILURES: 1. Through a and. 33463 + 44090 = 77553 Ib 2 Through a. and 33463 + 67382 = 100845 Ib. ‘Both paths are stronger than the required strength 33478 Ib EXAMPLE 4 DESIGN DATA 3.172 5g in, y= 0.641 sq in, A= 0.907 59, in 12.845 i, outside diameter of reinforcing pd. 8.625 in, oulside diameter of nozzle, ‘de> 8.125 in. mean diameter of oz 17,300 psi allowable stress value of vessel material 5. 15,000 psi allowable sess value of nozzle material 1° = 0.500 in. thickness of vessel wal 4, = 0.300 in. thickness of nozzle wall (0375 in eg ofillet- weld a 0250 in eg of fillet - weld d 1, = 0.280 in, thickness of reinforcing pa, Check the strength of attachment of nozzle. LOAD TO BE CARRIED BY WELDS: (A~A,)S=GAT—0.641) | 44,293 Ib, LOAD TO BE CARRIED BY WELDS a,c, ¢: (A, + 24, 9S= (0.907 * 2 x 0,500 x 0.500) 15,000 = 21,108 tb. STRESS VALUE OF WELDS: Fillet - weld shear 0.49 x 17,500= 8,575 psi Groove - weld tension 0.74 x 17,500 = 12,950 psi STRESS VALUE OF NOZZLE WALL SIITAR: 0.70% 15,000 = 10,500 psi STRENGTH OF WELDS AND NOZZLE NECK: 2 Fillet weld hear 22 x wel legx 8.575 ~ 13.55 x 0.375 x 8575 = 43,572 Ib 'b, Nozzle wall shear x 1, x 10,500 = 12.76 x 0.500 x 10,500 = 66,990 Ib €. Groove weld tension |. weld leg x12,950 = 13.55 x 0,500 x 12,950 = 87,736 Ib 4, Filet weld shear dh x weld eg x 8,575 = 20.18 x 0.25 x 8,575 = 43,260 Ib €, Groove weld tension» ic weld leg x 12,980-—13.55 x 0.25 x 12,950 = 43,868 Ib POSSIBLE PATH OF FAILURE: 1, Through band 66,990-+ 43,260 110250 1b. 2. Through candd ——_-87,736+ 43,260 = 130,996 tb 3, Through a,cande 43, $72 +87, 736 + 43,868 = 175,176 I. Paths | and 2. are stronger than the total strength of 44,293 Ib Path 3. is stronger than the strength of 21,105 Ib ‘The outer filet weld «strength 43,260 Ib is greater than the reinforcing pad strength of (dA, )(, 17,500= 1.055 x 17,500 = 18,463 Ib. 138 139 LENGTH OF COUPLINGS AND PIPE FOR OPENINGS LENGTH OF COUPLING AND PIPE FOR OPENINGS NOZZLE IN SPHERE OR CYLINDER C= RVR EXAMPLE: Given: R= 1S in, r= Bin Find: C= 15 VIS |S NID5 A = 15—12.6886 = 2.3114 in. NOZZLE IN SPHERE OR CYLINDER —Y RFP EXAMPLE: Given: & G-2in, FH6in 5—106 3.1 in. vy EXAMPLE: Given: R= 15 in Re IGE 125} = V256—22.56 Yo MIS6 1.25) = VIS HIS 3013.12 = 2.18 in, ‘COUPLING IN SPHERE OR CYLINDER SinB=A/R., y=arB eae EXAMPLE, e Given: Ry = 24 in, G* 30 ima, F= 1D in, f= 2 Mme | ae ° 14- 8.08 = 15.92 anos 7 hotles ae Sen inom, dn amg Cato, COURT IN2IE Vegacran, y VR rot Be as teu, iid cea Ip? 900-289 = 12.36 in. + “aT Yer - 109 LEE Vere ‘NOZZLE IN FLANGED & DISHED HEAD [on es-yaeaer a 7.7010 x = G-Y-SF, Y= 1D-c, C= R (Given: Inside depth of dish, 1D = in Rp 4Bin, By 49in, Fe 24 in, £* Pin, SP = 2m Find: Ko 1a 2h90-2 = 830i. ‘COUPLING IN FLANGED & DISHED HEAD x=V-¥, Naioa-o8, YVR EXAMPLE : A261 22.5 in NOZZLE INCONE When is ethan 48° Ro Ga¥, Ve R,-(tana x CF 91 NOZZLE IN 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEAD NeG-ISF P= RF t EXAMPLE: Given: R,=24 in, F=12in, Bin, SF=2in 0 in. Find: Y= v2e—(e 7 206.63. \S76—A00 = 6.3 in. Z 1.37 in ‘COUPLING IN CONE Xoveay, Vel. Yeunaxe we ane se 140 NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS ‘THE REQUIRED THICKNESS FOR NOZZLE NECKS IN VESSELS ‘UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE (Code UG-45) |, The thickness computed for the applicable loadings in UG-22 plus corro- sion allowance, but for other than access and inspection openings, not less than the smaller of the following: The thickness required for the vessel for internal pressure (assuming joint efficiency, E = 1.0), but in no case less than the minimum for shells and heads specified in UG-16 (b); 3. The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe plus corrosion allowance. ‘THE REQUIRED THICKNESS FOR ACCESS AND INSPECTION OPENINGS (manways, handholes) IN VESSELS UNDER INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL PRESSURE. 1. The thickness computed for the applicable load plus corrosion allowance (there is no other requirement), For selection of required pipe under internal pressure, sce table "Maximum Allowable Internal Working Pressure for Pipes" on the following pages. EXAMPLES for using the table: 1. Opening Diam: 18" Design Pressure: 800 psig. Corrosion Allowance: 0.125" ‘The Required Pipe for Manway: Sch, 60, ‘The Required Pipe for Nozzle: Sch, 60, 0.750" Wall 0.750" Wall 2. Opening Diam: 18" Design Pressure: 150 psig. Corrosion Allowance: 0.125" The Vessel Wall Thickness: 0.3125" The Required Pipe for Manway: Sch. 10, The Required Pipe for Nozzle: Std. Wt 0.250" Wall 0.375" Wall 3. Opening Diam: 18" Design Pressure: 140 psig. Corrosion Allowance: 0.125" Vessel Wall Thickness: 0.750" The Required Pipe for Manway: Sch. 10, ‘The Required Pipe for Nozzle: Std. Wt. 0.328" + 0.125" Corr. Allow. = 0.453, Min, Wall = Sch. 40 Pipe 0.250" Wall M41 THE REQUIRED NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS FOR VESSELS UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE (Code UG-45) 1, The thickness forthe applicable load plus corrosion allowance, but not ess than the smaller ofthe following: 2. The thickness of head or shell required for internal pressure using the external design pressure as an equivalent internal pressure, but in no case less than the ‘minimum thickness specified for material in UG-16(b) (1/16 in. for shells and heads, 3/32 in, in compressed air, steamand water service, “in. forunfired steam boilers), plus corrosion allowance; 3. The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe plus corrosion allowance. EXAMPLE 1. External design pressure: P= 35 psi Material SA 516-60; S= 15,000 Outside diameter of eylindrical shell: Dp = 96 in. Shell thickness: ‘The required tickness for 14 O.D., 12 in. long nozzle neck: |, To withstand 25 psi extemal pressure approximately 0.05 in, wall required, but the thickness shall not be less than the smaller of, 2, The thickness required forthe shell under 35 psi internal pressure (as equivalent external pressure) PR 35x47 OP T5021 0110 im 3. ‘The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe: 0.328 in, (0.375 in, nom.) The smaller of 2. and 3, 0.110 in, for wall thickness of nozzle neck i satisfactory. EXAMPLE 2. External design pressure: P= 15 psi Material SA 516-60; S= 15,000 Outside diameter of cylindrical shell, Dy = 36 in. Shell thickness: ¢= 0.3125 in. ‘The required thickness for a 14 in. D.O,, 12 in, long nozzle neck: 1. To.withstand 15 psi extemal pressure approximately 0,02 in, wall required, but the thickness shall not be less than the smaller of the following: 12. The thickness required forthe shell under 15 psi. internal pressure pn q_PR Oe = ISX 176875 SE-O5P = T3,000-9 3. ‘The minimum thickness of standard wall pipe: 0.328 in, (0.375 in. nom.) The smaller of 2. and 3. is 0.018 in., but the thickness ofthe nozzle neck shall in no case be less than 0.0625 in. UG-45 (a) (2). ' = 0.018 in, 142 143 eee ey OR PIPE \ MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE (con) INTERNAL WORKING PRESSURE FOR PIPES | “Te Calculations Based on the Forma ROW PIPE WALL CORROSION ALLOWANCE P. pee where pre | sis | tuickness [~o | ie | s_| ais | 1 P= The max. allowable working pressure, psig. SIZE NOM, | MIN. ‘Max, Allow, Pressure Psig. = 15,000 psig. the stress value the most commonly used material for pipe ! STD. 0.203 [OTE | se] THS | Sor (A538, A106) a temperature -20 to 650°R, For higher temperature se | ay | x86. | 0276 | ose] 2707 | 1971 | 126i | 377 notes at the end ofthe tables, | *® | scuico | 0375 | 0328 | 3766 | 2991 | 2245 | 1525 | 831 Loe Sie See | xxsté__| 0552 | o4s3| saz2 | 4960 | nas | 3359 | 2599 Minimum pipe wall thickness, in, (:875 times the nominal thieknes) Sw, 0.216 [0.189] 1693 | TiN [S86 | 12 The figures undenined are the maximum allowable pressure in corroded condition 3 | xste. | 0.300 | 0.263] 2298 | sor | r221 | oss | an fo the pipe of hich all ticks imu the standard wall us corson sc.160 | 0438 | 0.383} 3597 | 2964 | 2350 | 1754 | 175 Desi.) PIPEWALL | CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN. xxs7G_| 0.600 | 0525] 5113 | 4432 | 3773 | 3134 | 2515 nation | Thtcxness [OT ite | v8_[ 3716 [ie SID. 0.226 | 0.198] 1546 | 1004 | 555] 78 = we ~“ — San A eee Pa ! 3% | xsi. 0318 | 0.278] 2207 | 1689 | 1183 | 691] 211 Now. | oar jon | eel ose) a xxs76._| 0636 | os57| 4701 | 411s | 3546 | 2992 | 1937 wa el ouar lovee | eon | core | amp | SID. 0237 | 0208 | 1439 | 995 | 561 | 137 aoe Losey liores | care | soon | ssa [252 xst6. | 0337 | 0.295 | 2075 | 161s | 1168 | 730 | 280 0.206 | 0257 12153 + 8526 4 | scu.120 | o43s | 0383 2739 | 2265 | 1802 | 1350 | 908 sa | STO. Jose |auss az | 2192 | ae i soxsre, | 05% [0590 | a0 | sno | ayy | ae | ete SCH. 160 | 0.218 | 0.191 | 6386 | 4069 | 1985 100, | ‘STD. ~ ~ 7 302 352 208 xxst6__| 0308 | o270| 9712 | roa | ass7 | 251s | seo} . oe) pea STD. 0.133 | o.116 | 2847 | 1261 XSTG. 0375 | 0.328 1856 | 1488 | 1127 | 773 | 425 1 | ste. fours | ons | 5959 | 2287 | 148 | 5 | scti.120 | 0500 | oss} 2520 | 2140 | 1767 | 1401 | 1042 | scn.160 |0.250 | o219 | s76s | 3046 | 2204 | 732 scu.160 | 0.625 | 0.547 | 3201 | 2808 | 2422 | 2044 xxsro._| 0358 |0.313 | 820 | 7423 | agaz | 3099 | 1494 ee t SID. : 45] L143 | 845] 55T STD. | 0140 [0.123 | 2362 | 1126 . I san | ¥816. [ost [0x67 | 32s2 | see | 206 i xstG. | 0432 | 0378} 1793 | 148s | 1181 | 882 | sas 1/8 : 14s | 18 | wre. [oss [ease | soe | S03 [2 Le |} © | Seaco [ante | acs | am | an | 2as | a | ros otal a ag sn) raxsro._| 0364 [0756 | ser | sez7 | ana | ret | 2040 tap | XStG | 0.200 | 0.175 2982 | 1864 | 806 SCH.20 | 0250 0219 777 | 552 | 329 | 113 * SCH. 160 | 0.281 | 0.246 | 4333 | 3139 | 2013 947 | SCH. 30 0.277 | 0.242) 861 634 41 190 xxs76._| 0.400 | 0350 | asi | S164 | 3024 | 2754 | 16a] | sqD. 0322 | 0282| 1007 | 79 | ss) 331 | an Sib. ose [ous | 186 7 938) 126 | 8 | sure | osos | 035s | 1276 | ros | 17 | 391 | 368 A XSTG. | 0.218 | 0.191 | 2578 | 1696 | 852 | 44 | xsTG. | 0.500 | 0.438 | 1587 | 1353 | 1121 | 892 | 6s scl. 160 | 0.343 |0:300 | 421s | 3260 | 2348 | 1477 | 692 | scit.100 | 0593 | 0519] 1896 | 1658 | iaz2 | 1189 | 959 xxste__| 0.436 |o.382 | ssa7 | 503 | 3553 | 2620 | 1744 scuii20__| 0.718 | 0628 | 2319 | 2075 | 1835 | 1397 | aaez 144 145 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE (cont) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE (cont) NOM. | pgsic. ] PIPEWALL_|___CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN: NOM. | pugig. | PIPEWALL [CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN pre | \anon | TuicKness [~o | ite [18 [ 3/6 | ia PIPE | Narion | THICKNESS. a6 |i | 3/6 | 1 SIZE. NOM. | MIN. Max. Allow. Pressure Pig SIZE NOM. | MIN. Max. Allow Pressure Psi SCH.140 | o8t2| 0.711] 2647 | 2400 | 2155 | 1913 | 167s 14 _{ScH.160 | 1.406 | 1.230 2834] 2680] 2527] 2375] 2224 8 | sct.10 | 0.906] 0.793] 2977 | 2725 | 2476 | 2231 | 1988 ISCH.10 0250] O219| 415) 295] 166] 57 L xxs7c.__| 0.875] _0.766| 2868 | 2617 | 2370 | 2126 | 1885, ISCH. 20 0312] 0.273] sis| 398] 279) 161] 43 SCH.20 | 0.250] 0.219] 621 | 441 | 264 | 90 i Isc. 30.sTD. | 0.375 | 0328) 625) sos] 384] 265] 146 sci.30 | 0307] 0.269 766) sss | 406 | 228 lscu. soxste.| 0.500] 0438} 839] 717| 596) 475] 355 STD. 0.365| 0319] a1} 729 | s49 | 370 | Sc. 60 ose | 0574] 1108] 984 | sor) 738] 617 xste. | 0500) 0.438] 1263 | 1078 | ava | 712 | "6 |sc.go | oss | 0.738 1436] 1310 | 1185 | 1061 | 937 10 | SCH.80 0.593| 0.519] 1506 | 1318 | 1132 | 948 { ISCH. 100 1031 | 0.902) 1771 | 1643 | 1sis| 1389] 1263, sc.100 | 0.718) 0.628] 1838 | 1647 | 14ss | 1270 i lsc.120 | 1.218 | 1.066} 2111] 1980 | 1851 | 1722] 1595 scH.120 | 0.843| 0.738] 2179 | 1984 | 1792 | 1601 i lsc.140 | 1.438 | 1.288 | 2517] 2384 | 2251 | 2120| 1990 sci.140 | 1.000] 0.875] 2611 | 2413 | 2216 | 1986 | jscri.160__| 1.593 | 1.394| 2809 | 2674 | as4o|_ 2407 | 2275 scu.160_| 1.125| o984|_ 2963 | 2760 | 2560 | 2362 ISCH. 10 0250] 0219) 368] 262 157] 54 sci.20 | 0.250} 0219] s22 {371 | 222 | 76 IScH. 20 o312| 0273} 460] 354) 243] 143] 38, sci.30 | 0.330] 0.289] 692} s40 | 389 | 240 | 91 Isto. os7s| 0328] ssa] 447 | 341) 235] 130 STD. 0375) 0328} 787 | 635 | 483 | 333 | 4] | lscet. 30 ogi | oases] 649) sai) aia | 328] 222 scu.40 | 0.406|-0355] 854} 701 | sao | 398 | ms] | Ixsr. soo | 0438} 744] 636) sao] 422] 31s XSTG. 0.500} 0.438] 1059 | 904 | 751 | 598 | 486 1s |[SCH.A0 0562 | 0492} 838] 729) 621 | sia] 407 2 SCH. 60 0.562| 0.492] 1194 | 1038 | 83 | 730 | 578 i ISCH. 60 0.750 | 0.656} 1129] 1015 | 906] 797 | 689 ‘SCH. 80 0.687| 0.601} 1469 | 1311 | 1154 | 998 | 844 |SCH. 80 0.937 | 0820} 1418 | 1306 | 1195 | 1084 | 974 sct.100 | 0.843] 0.738] 1820 | 1659 | 1500 | 1361 | 1184 lsc.100 | 1.156 | 1.012 | 1766 } 1652 | 1539 | 1426 | 1314 scH.120 | 1.000] 0.875] 2178 | 2014 | 1851 | 1690 | 1530 scu.120 | 1.375 | 1.203 | 2118 | 2002 ) 1887 | 1772 | 1658 sct..140 | 1.125] 0.984} 2467 | 2301 | 2136 | 1972 | 1810 scH.140 | 1.562 | 1.367 | 2425 | 2308 | 2190 | 2078 | 1958 scu.160_| 1.312] 1.148] 2910 | 2740 | 2572 | 2404 | 239 lsc. 160 __| 1.781 | 1.558 | 2789 | 2669 | 2550 | 2432 | 2314 scH.10 | ~0.250} o2is! 47s | 338 | 202 | @ ISCH. 10 00 oad] 351 | aa1 | tar] scu.20 | 0312| o273| s94| 456 | 319 | 184 | 49 sc. 208m. | 0.375 | 0328| 498 | 402 | 306) 211 | 117 STD. 0375| 0328| 716| 377 | 440 | 303 | 167 1H.30xSTG| 0.500} 0438] 668 | 371 | 475 | 379 | 284 scu.4o | 0.438| 0383] 839 | 699 | sor | 423 | 287] | SCH. 40 0593| 0519| 795 | 697) 900 | 303 | 407 14 | STG. 0.500] 0.438] 962) 922 | 682 | saa | 407 | ag (SCH. 60 o8i2| 0.711] 1097 | 998 | 900 | 802 | 704 scH.60 | 0.593] ois] 1146 | 1004 | 863 | 224 | s8s SCH. 80 1.031 | 0.902] 1403 | 1303 | 1202 | 1103 | 1004 | 0.750| 0.4656] 1460 | 1316 | 1173 | 1031 | s90 | | scu.100 | 1.281 | 1.121 | 1760 | 1657 | 155 | 1454 | 1353 scit.100 | 0937| 0820] 1843 | 1096 | 1880 | 1406 | 1362 | | scx.120 | 1.500} 1.313 | 2078 | 1974 | 1870 | 1767 | 1665 ‘SCH. 120 1.093| 0.956] 2166 | 2017 | 1869 | 1722 | 1576 i SCH. 140 1.750 | 1.531 | 2446 | 2340 | 2234 | 2129 | 2025 scu.140_| 1.250] 1,094] 2500 | 2345 | 2198 | 2048 | 1900} | jscu.160___| 1.968 |1.722 | 2774 | 2666 | 2558 | 2452 | 2346 ut NOTE: If THE STRESS VALUE OF PIPE LESS THAN 15,000 PSIG MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE WORKING PRESSURE (cont.) DUE TO HIGHER TEMPERATURE, MULTIPLY THE MAX. ALLOWABLE PRESSURE GIVEN IN THE TABLES BY THE ! FACTORS IN THIS TABLE. NOM] prs) PIPE WALL [___ CORROSION ALLOWANCE IN- TINT ERATURE ROTEXCLEDING DEURECOT pre | yptiow | Thickness [~o [wie |_1/8_[ 3/16 [i | 0] 700 | 750 | 800] 850 | 300-1 950 [1000 SIZE NOM. | MIN. Wax. Allow. Pressure Psig. [A33B] sis [15000 [14350 | 129S0 | T0800 [8650 6500 | — = 0.250 | 0219] 301] 214 | 128] 44 [A 106B| "psig" [15000 [14350 [12950 | 10800 | 8650 | 6500 | 4560 ~|2500 o3i2|o27s| 376| 29 | 202| ue | 3 FACTOR [1-000 [0.9566 | 0.86331 0.7200[0 5766 [0.4335 [0.3000 | 0.1656 o37s | 0328] 452] 365] 28 | 192 | 106] | 0.437 | 0382] 528] 440 | 353 | 267 | 136 | | Example 2 0500 | 0438 6s | sia | asi | 344 | 258 ose | oas2| esi | soa] so7| ai | 322 ‘The Maximum Allowance Pressure for 6” x St. Pipe With a Corrosion 0425 | osa7| 761 | 672 | sea | 496 | 409] | Allowance of 1/8" From Table = 1181 psi.- at Temperature 800°F 0.688 | 0.602| s39| 750 61 | 373 | 486 The Max. Allow, Press 181 x 0.72 = 850 pig. L 0.750 | o6s6| si |_s27 | 738 | 49 | Sot ScH.10} 0250] 0219) 2s | 196] 117 | 40 Example to find max allow. presute fr any tres valves sci.20stp.| 0375 | 0328] aia) 334] 255] 176 | 97 | | XSTG. 0500) 0.438] 555] 475 | 395 | 315 | 236 ‘The Max. Allow. Press. 1181 Psig. From Tables sci.30 | 0562| 0.492) «2s | saa | 464 | 38a | 306 The Stress Value 13000 psi ee For Thisipe The Max. allow. Presure {3992 1181 = 1023 ps 24 | SCH. 60 coves | 0.847] 1089 | 1006 | 924 | 842 | 761 | | scu.80 | 1.218 | 1.066} 381 | 1297 ) 1214 | 1131 | 1088 seu 100 | 1.531 | 1.340] 1953 | 1667 | 1582 | 1498 | 1413, scu.120 | 1.812 | 1.586] 2093 | 2006 | 1919 | 1833. | 1747 scu.140 | 2.062 | 1.806) 2399 | 2an1 | 2223 | 2135. | 2008, 77 — - sci. 160 | 2343 | 2.050] 250 | 2660 | 2571 | 2482_| 2393, NOZZLE NECK THICKNESS fa ea 0.250 | 0.219} 254 18h 108 37 es 0.312] 0.273) 317 | 244 m7 98 6 CORROSION o 0 [0.0625 0375 | 0328] 382| 308 | 235) 162 | 90 1 Required for Loadings (UG-22) o.250¢ Joos [osras 0437 | 0382] 446 | 372 | 298] 225 | 152 caw iietuas | cosoml casa loans 2 | osoo|o43e| si2| 433 | 364] 21 | 28] | lee inetioo ais oar eae sez} 0492] s76| 502 | aze | 354 | 231 0.625 | 0.547| 641 | 567 | 493] 419 | 345 3] 6. Std Pipe OM) 0280 | 02008 | 0.280 068s | 0.602] 707] 633) s58| 484 | 410}; MIN. [0245 [0.245 | 0.245 0.750 | 0.656] 772| 697} 622| 548 | 474 } ‘Minimum for Shells & Heads UG-16 (b) 0.0625 | 0.0625 | 0.0625 aiatliozms lmmzzall matty aren ean [In Compresed Air, Seam & Water Service UG-16() [0.0038 | o0938e] 00938 20 0375 | 0328} 330] 267| 208] 1a | 78 or Untied Steam Bolts UG-16 () 0.2300 [o.2s00 [0.2500 soo | 043s) 443] 319 | 315] 252 | The minimur required thickness for nozze neck foaiase 148 ' 149 REQUIRED PIPE WALL THICKNESS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE i PRESSURE PSIG, iam. so | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250] 300 | 350] 400 | 450 | soo 7} waar] wcas ooo | amr | oane | waio] oor] care] wais| aar7] REQUIRED WALL THICKNESS FOR PIPES 2 | 00] oorr| os10| oata| oar7| eam] aoxe| oar] oan | aos UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE. 3 | 00s} ooo} oais| ocx] oacs| oaio| oss] oosi| oose| as «| coor} o013| 003} oor] oae| ooo] oom] oose| one | as 5 | om| o017| omas| ose] oae2| oasi| 00s] oe) oar | ox The required wall thickness for pipes, tabulated on the following pages, has been 6 | e010} 0020} 00% | cov} 0051] cos} oor} cost} oor2| o.c2 compte ih the followin formas 1 | core] o2s| ms | oor] oase| oan] os] oars] o102| ons 8 | o013| aor) osm | vote) omer} oosi| omps| oxos| 012 | aise sit othe + | 201s] 0030 | aot | om] aere| oat] eine | eras] 1m | ais 10 | o07| ooxs] oss0| oss7| oar] o1os| aris} o1a6| 0433) 0:70 {= the equi nin val hicks of pp, in P= tera presse ps us | oo1e| oso | aoss | aore| oors| ann] oro] ase] ores our = 15,00 pth ste vale fhe mos commonly sed material fr pp sg fez coef sca tcl Pe fees feces lferes ec ‘A'53 Band A 106 B @ temperature ~20 to 650°. E = Joint efficiency of seamless pipe R= inside radius of the pape, in. 13 | 022} 0048 | o06s | 087 | 0.109 | 0132 0476 | 0.198 | 028 ts | 002s | 0.050 | 0.075 | oor | 0.126] 0.182] 0.77} 0203 | 0.229 | 0.255 For the inside diameter of the pipe round figures are shown. With interpolation {he required thickness can be determined with satisfactory accuracy. 16 | 0027 | 008s | octo | 0.108 | 0.138} ose | ous} 0217 | o2ss | o2re 17 | 0028 | 0057 | 0086 | ore | 143] 0.172] 0201 | 0230 | 0260 | 0.289 18 | 0030 | 060 | oot | o121| ausz| osz| 0213] 0244 | 0275 | 0306 19 | 0022 | o06s | 056 | o.128| 0.160] ose | 0225} 0.257 ) a250 | 0323, 20 | 0033 | 0067 | a1ot | oss] 0168} 0202] 0237] 0.271 | 0.305 | 0:40 ‘The thicknesses given in the tables do not include allowance for corrosion, For the determination of the required pipe wall thickness in piping systems the various piping codes shall be applied. Selecting pipe, the 12.5% tolerance in wall thicknes shall be taken into consider 21 | 0038 | e070 | o.c7 | oar | 0.177} o213| o248 | 0288 | 0321 | 0387 ation, The minimum thickness of the pipe wall equals the nominal thickness 22 | 0037 | 007s | ort | oss | 0285] 0.223] 0.200 | 0296 | 0336 | 0374 times £875, 23 | 0038 | 0077 | ote | oss | 0194} 0233 o2r2 | 0312 | 0351 | 0391 24 | 0.040 | 0.080 | 0.121 | a16t | 0202] 0243 | 0284] 032s | 0367 | 0408 25 | 042 | oss | 0.126 | 0.168 | 0.210| 0.253 | 0.296 | 0.359 | 0382 | a42s 044 | 0087 | 0.131 | 0.175) 0219 0263 | 0.308 | 0352 | 0397 | ose aos | 0.090 | 0.136 | o1s1 | 0227 | 0273 | 0319 | 0366 | oa12 | o4s9 0047 | 0.094 | 0.141 | 0.188 | 0236 | 0283) 0331 | 0379 | 0428 | 0476 oor | 0.097 | 0.146 | 0.195 | 0244 | 0294] 0343 | 0393 | 0443 | o493 050 | 0.100 | 0.151 | 0202 | 0253] o304 | 0355 | 007 | osse | 0510 szRae co. O—— OO REQUIRED PIPE WALL THICKNESS REQUIRED PIPE WALL THICKNESS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (con!) FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (cont,) is PRESSURE PSIG. 15. PRESSURE PSIG. |DIAM.T~ssq | 600 | 650 | 700 | 7s0 | 800 | 850 | 900 | 950 1000 DIAM] 1 100 | 1200 | 1300 | 1400 | 1500] 1600 | 1700 | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 Toa Poo | oor] oon | oane | onze] oar [oan | 0008 | 0005 T ] 0038] oom] ome] one | o0ss| 0057] anor | ome | nse] oma 2 | 0037] aos | cos | o.048 | 0.052 | 0.055 | 0.059 0.062 | 0.066 | 0.069 2 | 0.077] 0.084} o.091 0.059 | 0.106 | 0.114 | 0.122 | 0.129 | 0137} 0.145 3s | 0.056 | 0.062 | 0067 | 0.072 | 0077 | 0.083 | 0.088 | 0.093 | 0.099 | 0.108 3 | ons] 0126] 0.137| 0.148 | 0.160 | 0.171 | a182 | 0.198 | 0.206 | 0.217 4 | 007s | oon2 ) oot | 00% | 0103 | oio | 017} ou24] 0.122) on» 4 | 0183} ose] oss) 018) 0213 | 0228 | 0283 | 0259 | 0274 | 0250 5 | cose | our | arts | 0120] 0129] 0136 0147] o1s6] ous | oars s | 0182] 0210! 02 | 0247] 0260 | 028s | a0 | 0323 | 0342 | 0362 « | onz| ors) or) orse| oss | 0:65 | ore] 0187 | oss | 028 6 | 0210] o2s2| o2%| 02s7| 031} 0342 | 0365 | osas | oan | 043s + | cia | ores | arse | 0168 | 010 | 0193 | 020s | 021s] 0230 | 02s 7 | 0268 | 0296] 0320 | 0346| 0372 | 0399 | 0425 | 0453 | 0480 | 0307 | 0150 | 016s | airs | 0192 | 0206} o220| 023s | 026] 0203 | 0278 8 | 0307| 0336) 0346 | 0295] 0426 | 04s | ots | osr7 | osss | ose0 9 | 0160 | 1s] o2o | o2te| 0232) 0248 | o264 | 0280 | 0296 | 0312 9 | o3ss| oar] oan | os | 0479 | 0513 | ose7 | ose2 | 0017 | 0682 so | ers7 | 020s | 222 | 0240 02s | 021s] 0293 | 0311 | 0329 | 030 10 | o3s4| 0420] 0457) 049s) 0532 | 0570 | osan | o6s7 | oss | 0:25 11 | 0206 | 022s | o2ss | 0264 0256] 020s | 0323 | oer | 0362 | 0282 1 | 0422 | 0462 0503) oases] 058s | 0.627 | 0999 | om | o7as | 0297 12 | 022s | a2us | 267 | 0268 | 0309 | 0321 | 0382) 0272 | 0393 | 0417 12 | 0460 | osor| os} 0593} 038 | oss | 0720 | 076 | 0923 } 0870 13 | oa | 0266 | o2s9 | o312| 0335 | o2se | 0381 | o4ns | 0428 | 0451 13 | ons | os45} 03%} oot | 06st | 0741 | 0700 | os | oast | osse te | 022 | oar | oa | 0336] 0361 | 021s | ott | 0836] 4st | 0486 1¢ | 0537 | os6s | oso | 002 | 0745 | 0-78 | o2s1 | o90s | 060 | 101s ts | o2si | o207| o33 | 0360| 0387 | ois | aso | oer | 0996 | 052 15 | 0575 | 0430 | osss | ona | 078 | 0855 | 0912 | a9 | 1.028 | L087 16 | 0300 | 0228 | o3se | 0384 osi2| oss | ose | 0958] 0527 | 0556 16 | ois | ora | 0732 | oo | osst | oviz| 0975 | 1004 | 1.007 | 1139 17 | sis | 03m | o378 | 040s | o«3e | oss | ans | 052 | 060 | 0590 17 | e452 | ona | orm | oxo | os0s | 0999 | 1038 | ror | 1.t6s | 12s 1 | 0337 | o2es | soo | 0422] oaes | oss | 032% | 060 | 0593 | 0505 18 | 0690 | 0756 | 0823 | oss | osse | 102s | 1096 | 1164 | 1.236 | 1305 1» | 0356 | ono | o4zs | 0456 aso | 0529 | ass7 | ase | 062s | 0560 1» | o729| 0708 ases | os | vor | oes | sss | 1226 | 102 | 1377 20 | 0275 | aato | oaas | o480 | osis | 0551 | 0387 | 0622] o6se | ose 20 | 0768 | 0810 oats | 0999 | 1.064 | 1.140 | 12i6 | 1.293 | 137 | 1489 2x | case | o4s0 | o4sr | os0r | osts | 0579 | osie | o6ss | 0692 | o729 at | esos | os2 | 0960] sore | irr | as7 | iar | ase | 19 | 1522 zz | cua | oust | o4ss | 0328 | 0567 | 00s | 64s | oss | 024 | o7e4 22 | oses | ass | 1006 | 1.068 | 70 | ass | sae | sane | 108 | 159 23 | oa | oan | ost2 | 0552 | 0393 | 0638 | 0675 | 0.716 | 0757 | 079 a3 | oss | oses | ross | 137 | 229 | ran | ape | 147 | 1.576 | L967 «| 0450 | 0492 | 0524 | 0576 | osi9 | 0661 | 0708] 0747 | 0.790 | 0833 2¢ | 0920 | 1008 | 1.057 | vise | 1.277 | 1368 | ase | ase | 64s | 2.939 2s | ease | osi2 | osse | 0600 | 064s | oss» | 0.733 | 0.78 | 082s | ones 25. | 0959 | 1030 | 1443 | 1236 | 1.30 | 142s | 1520 | nots | ie | 112 a6 | 0487 | 0522 | 0576 | 0824 | 0670 | 0716 | 0763 | osm» | osse | 0203 25 | 0997 | 082 | ase J vase | 16s | rast | ser | vost | 1.2 | sass 2 | 0506 | 0553 | our | ove | 0086 | 0748 | 0.792 | 0880 | oxss | 0937 zr | 106 | vise | vase | vase | sass | aan | user | 1266 | vast | 1937 se | 0525 | 05% | oa | ovre | 0222 | 02m | oaat | osm | 0922 | cor esta peer irael terse foe fecal fssesy| toes) | femca|fs)s x | osu | oss | 61s | 0656 | 0267 | 0:79 | osst | 0902 | 095s | 1007 ae | vara | zis | 32s | ase | 1563 | 1650 [209 | vers | 1966 | 2101 Le | ose | osts Loser | ore] om | om | onto | oom | or Lion wo_} isi | 1360 | 37 | sass | us96 {09 Lis | 910 | 2056 | 2176 152 153 REQUIRED PIPE WALL THICKNESS FOR INTERNAL PRESSURE (cont.) pt Is. PRESSURE PSIG. PtaM-1 2100 [2200 | 2300 | 2400 | 2500 72700 | 2800 | 2900 | 3000 T | an7e | ons | cass | 008s | 0mm TOT fos | Os | OTe 2 | o4sa | ost | 16s | 0177 | ous 0.202 | o2i0 | o2t9 | 0227 3 | oar | ost | 0283 | 026s | oars 0303 | o.3is | 0328 | 0.1 4 | 0.306 | 0.122 | 0238 | 0354] 0.370 40s | 0420 | 0437 | 0455 s | 0382 | o4o2 | 0422 | 0442 | 0463 sos | 0.526 | 0547 | 0:68 6 | 040 | o482 | oso | ost | 0556 | ose0 | o4os | oat | ose | avez 7 | 0535 | oses | 0501 | ote | ots | 0677 | 0706 | 0736 | 076s | 0-5 8 | 0611 | 064s | ors | 0.708 | 0.741 | 0.774 | 0807 | oar | ars | os08 9 | c6ss | 0.724 | 0.760 | 0.796 | 0433 | 0371 | 0908 | 0.46 | oss | 1.023 10 | 0764 | 804 | oss | 088s | 0926] 0.967 | 1.009 | 1.051 | 1.083 | 1.136 i | oss | o8s4 | a929 | 0973} 1.019) 1.064 | 1.110 | 1156 | 1.203 12 | o9i7 | oses } 1013) 1.062 | tar) saet | ant | 1261 | 1312 13 | 0993 | 104s | soe | t1so | 1.204 | 1.257 | 1.312 | 1.366 | 1.422 14 | rom | 1a26 | ase] 12s | sae | tse | nats | nant | ase 1s | 14s | 1206 | 1267 | 1327 | 1380] nasi | asia | 1377 | 1640 6} 22s] a2e7 | vast | rate | vast | sas | te | 1682 | 1750 | cane ” 1367 | 143s | sos | as74 | tis | ans | ars? | 1.159 | 1932 is | 1376 | 1447 | 1.520} 1.593 | 1.667 | 1.741 | 1.816 | 1.892 | 1968 | 2045 19 | 1.452 | 152 | 1608 | 1.681 | 1.259 | sss | 1.917 | 197 | 2078 | 2159 20 | 1.528 | 1.608 | 1.689 | 1.770 | 1as2 | 193s | 2018 | 2102 | 287 | 2273 a1 | 160s us | 1858) 1968] 2031 | 2119 | 2207 | 2.296 | 2386 a | 1681 sss | 1.947 | 2037 | 2128 | 2.220 | 2312 | 2406 | 2500 2s | 1.738 942 | 2036 | 2190] 222s | 2321 | 2ai7 | 2sis | 2614 m4 | vase uoa6 | 224 | 2222) 2az1 | 2422 | 2523 | 2620 | 2727 as | oro | zor | aim | 222 | 231s | 2aie | 2522 | 2008 } 2.734 | raat 26 | 1.987 | 2090 | 2195 | 2.301 | 2407 | 2515 | 2023 | 2.733 | 2843 | 2955 an | 2063 | 2171 | 2280 | 2.389 | 2450 | 2.612 | 2.724 | 2438 | 2952 | 3008 28 | 2140 | 2251 | 2364 | 2078 | 2393 | 2.708 | 2925 | 29463 | 3.062 | 3182 25 | 2ate | 2332 | 2449 | 2.506 | 268s | 280s | 2926 | a0s8 | 3.71 | 5205 NOZZLE EXTERNAL FORCES AND MOMENTS IN CYLINDRICAL VESSELS Piping bythe adjoining nozzles exer local stress inthe vessel. The method, below, to determine thenozzleloadsisbasedin parton the Bulletin 107 of Welding Research Council and represents simplification of it. The vessels ae not intended to serve as anchor points fr the piping. To avoid excessive loading in the vessel, the piping shall be adequately supported Myc 30] ayy | 2ai2 | 2533 | 268s | 2.778 | 2902 | 3.027 | 3.153 | 3.261 | 3409 External Forces & Moments To calculate the maximum force and moment, fist evaluate and y. Then determine , 5, and A from Figures |, 2 and 3, for the specified Band 7 substitute into the equations below, and calculate Fras; Mcar and Muse Ry T Determine a, Zand A from Figures 1, 2 and 3. Calculate Pressure Stress (9) 2 FED fois greater than S,, then use S, asthe stress due to design pressure, eee y= Rat to F; 3 Sr a) Mpc eS ! poaGG)-msGiijnas (=i From Figure 1a= 440 _ From Figure 2, ,070 From Figure 3, 4= 340 154 NOZZLE EXTERNAL FORCES AND MOMENTS: IN CYLINDRICAL VESSELS (continued) Gaels Par Ss 2HfyP)- 208069 5.18)= 4as0 pt <8. = 17.509 Use o = 14,850 in the equations for calculating Far and Muss Caleulate Allowable Forces and Moments o = Beg gy GIS? . Faw Be, 0) = SFig (1 500—14,850) ~ 53,214 Ib = Re! teSy, 37.5% (15)G1,500) _ ‘i Mace = =F Loe 120,984 in-tb. Masi Baits (3, — 0) 2 SESE « 61 500—14,850—1,032,973 inh ot forthe value of Fy a Fay and the smaller of Macy and Mis as Maw The allowable nozzle loads are bounded by the azea of Far. 0. Maw. ° *B Therefore, a nozzle reaction of F =20,000 Ibs. and |M = 100,000 in Ibs. would be allowable (point A) N= GOTT WT. Hy azz eacton of f= 5,00 Is, £620,000" in, Ts. would not be allowable (point 8) ‘Note: Use absolute values inthe graph. NOTATION: P= Design Pressure, pounds per sq. in. = Dimensionless Numbers my = Nozzle Outside Radius, inches = Dimensionless Numbers Ra = Mean Radius of Shell inches Fane Maximum Resultant Radial Force T pounds Myo Maximum Resultant Circumferential Ss ‘Momentm inch-pounds* “Temperature, pounds per sq = SwessbuctoDevignPressure pounds Maus Maximum Resultant Longitudinal Me Secale sinter pom NM inch puns res ValucofShellMaterial pounds Fer ~ Maximum Resultant Fore, pounds* per square inch, Fy = Maximum Resultant Moment, inch B ~ Dimensionless Numbers pounds? 7 Dimensionless Numbers. *Use absolute values. @ = Dimensiontess Numbers REFERENCES: Local Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells due to External Loadings, K. R. Wichman, A. G. Hopper and J. L. Mershon — Welding Research Council. Bulletin 107/August 1965 — Revised Printing — December 1968. ‘Standards for Closed Feedwater Heaters, Heat Exchange Institute, ine., 1969. NOZZLE LOADS Fig. 1 1ST 156 NOZZLE LOADS Fig. 3 NOZZLE LOADS Fig? 159 REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE At the junction of cone or conical section to cylinder (Fig. C and D) due to bending and shear, discontinuity stresses are induced which are with inforcement to be compensated DESIGN PROCEDURE (The half apex angle @ 30 deg.) 1. Determine 7/5, £)and read the value of 4 from tables A and B. 2. Determine factor y, For reinforcing ring on shell, y For reinforcing ring on cone, y /ScE: "TABLE A- VALUES OF A FOR JUNCTIONS AT THE LARGE END. PIS, Ei] 0.001 | 0.002 | 0.003 0,005 [ 0.006 | 0.007 | 0.008 | 0.0054 Adee i | 15 | 18 23 25 | 37 [285 | 30 "TABLE B- VALUES OF A-FOR JUNCTIONS AT THE LARGE END PS, |__| 0.002 | 0.008 0,020 [0.040 [ 0.080 | 0.100 | 0.125" A, deg. 4 | 6 i2s 1175 | 24 | 27 { 30 A= 30 deg, for greater value of PS, ‘When the value of A is less than a, reinforcement shall be provided. 3. Determine factor & /S,E, (Use minimum 1.0 for &in formula). 4. Design size and location of reinforcing ring (see next page) NOTATION = with subscripts, oF rmodulus of Rsinside radius of lage eyinder at large elasticity ofsbel,cone or reinforcing end of cone in Fing material respectively, ps inside radius of small eylinder at small See chars beginning on page 43 for ‘end ofeoe, in. rmoduks of elasticity = withsubseripss, cor rallowable sess B= with subscripts lor 2 efficiency of of shell, cone of reinforcing material, ‘welded joint in shell or cone Pai respectively 1 minimum required thickness of eyin- For compression E=1.0 for but der atthe jneton, in welds {= actual thickness of eyinder atthe june- axial load at large end due to wind, tion, in dead load, etc. excluding pressure, ,= minimum required thickness of cone Ibi. atthe junction, in. = axial load at small end dve to wind, actual thickness of cone atthe junction, dead toad, ete excluding pressure, in Ibn, ‘a~ halfapex angle of cone or conical se P= Design pressure, psi tion, deg. Q~algebraic sum of PR,/2 and fi len, Q.= algebraic sum of PR,/2 and ftbfin. ingle from table A or B, deg, factor: $, Eyor S: Ee 160 16h REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER REINFORCEMENT, AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE FORMULAS « JUNCTION AT THE LARGE END ] DESIGN DATA: = 30 deg. half apex angle of eon: Max. | Required area of reinforcement, sq, in. when tension governs (see notes) = 108 (1-8) me ‘Area of excess metal for reinforcement, sq. in. 10 x 10%, modulus of elasticity, psi 0, joint efficiency in shell and cone ‘55, joint efficiency in reinforcing ring xial load at large end. 3, axial load at small end 0 psi, internal design pressure 00 in, inside radius of large cylinder inside radius of small eylinder 10 psi, allowable stress of shell material 3,800 psi, allowable stress of cone material \4,500 psi. allowable stress of ring material FIG. Aa = (te) Vitie+ (te—to) Vite €08 @ ‘The distance from the junetion within which the additional rein- forcement shal be situated, in Mix — 30 The distance from the junction within which the centroid of the FIG. D | Feinforcement shall be situated, in, 0.25 x Vin JUNCTION AT THE SMALL END Required area of reinforcement 4 sq. in. when tension governs (see notes) 4,8 (i )ane ‘Area oF excess metal available for reinforcement A, sq in. Aa ™ (ts/1) 608 (AA) (tet) VR + (te/ te) x 608 (=A) (it) VRicTeos @ The distance from the junetion wit be situated, in, ‘Which the centroid of the reinforcement shall Ve ‘The distance from the junction within which the centroid ofthe reinforcement shall be situated, in 028 x (NOTES; When atthe junction compressive load orf; exceed the tnsional loads determined by PRY or PRI2 respectively, the design shal be in accordance with U2 (g) ('as sae as those provided by the rules ofthe Cade, Section VI Division 1") When the redcers made out of two or more conical sections of ferent apex angles without knuckle, and when the half apex angle, ars greater than 30 deg, the design may be Based on special alysis, = 0.429 in,, required min. thickness for large cylinder 360 in. required min. thickness for small cylinder '500 in’ actual thickness of con = 0.4375 in,, actual thickness of large eylinder 0.375 in,, actual thickness of small cylinder 0.41 in, required thickness of cone at small eylinder 0.49 in, required thickness of cone at large cylinder Using the sare material for shel and cone 1. PISEr= TyRpgscT = 0.0036 from table A A= 19.8 Since A is fess than a; reinforcements is required. 2. Using reinforcement ring on the shell = SiE= 13,800 x 30 x 10 3. 3,800 X 30 x 108/ 14,500 x 30x 108= 0.95 4. Qi=PRiI2 fi, Ibvin, = 50%100 + 800 = 3,300 Ibvin 5. The equa cross-sectional area of compression i AY tan a =1X3,300 des SE (a) ana ‘The area of excess in shell available for reinforcement Aa= (to 9) YRibs + (le= ty) Wife 00 (0.4375 - 0,429) x VI00 x 0.4375 + (0.5 - 0.49) x VI00 x 0.5/cos 30° 0.132 sq. in. Ant ~ Act = 4.69 -0.132= ‘compression ring Using 1 in. thick bar, the width of ring: 4.55/1 = 4.55 in. Location of compression ring: Maximum distance from the junction = VRifs= V {100 x 0.4375 = 6.60 in. Maximum distance of centroid from the junction = 0.25 ¥fiie= 55 sq. in. the required cross sectional area of (Code ¢: 0.25 V100 x 0.4375 = 1.65 in, 102 163 REINFORCEMENT REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE (continued) UNDER EXTERNAL PRESSURE. 7 JUNCTION AT SMALL CYLINDER pe Reinforcement shall be provided at the junction of cone 1. P&S. E, = 0.0036; from table BA= 5° TAN _| tooylinder, or at the junction ofthe large end of conical Since Ais es than reinforcements required section to cylinder when cone, oF conical section docsnt co | etn ne 50x 84 7 | TABLE B- VALUES OFA Q.~ PR, 2 +f, oJin = 2284 4.952 = 3,052 Ibvin. ‘The required cross-sectional area of compression ring: WOR) 8 13.052 8445 tan 4 = SE (Hear) tam 0° 5 ops T (30) 8 “The area of excess in shell available for reinforcement: Aas (11) 008 (A) (te- VR tel te) x £08 (6~ A) (= t,) WicTeas (0.39510.36) x cos (30-5) x (0.375 - 0.36) x YB4X 0375 + (0,510.41) c0s (30-5) x (0.5-0.41) x VBAXOSTCOS 30" 0.77 a. in. y= dey = 8.94-0,71 = 8.17 sq, in. the required cross sectional area of compres sion ring. Using 1Y% thick bar, the required width ofthe bar: 8.17/.5 = 545 in. Location ofthe compression ring: Maximum distance from the junction: VRg, = VBA KO.STS = 5.6 in ‘Maximum distance of centroid from the junetion: 0.25 Wy, = V84 x 0.4375 = 1.5 in. Insulation ring may be utilized as compression ring provided itis continuous and the ends of it are joined together. ce the moment of intetia of the ring is not factor, the use of flat bar rolled ‘easy-wway is more economical than the use of structural shapes. To eliminate the necessity of additional reinforcement by using thicker plate for the eylinders at the junetion in some cases may be more advantageous than the application of compression rings. PSE] 0 [0.002 [7005 [o0r0 | o.02 70 TORO |Jacdee] o [S| 7 [wo | us| 21 | 29133 Di ise 0.125 [0.15 | 0.20 | 0.25 Josoloss| | Adel 37 | 40 | a7 | 2 st] ao] | 50 de for greater values of PSE Note: Interpolation may be made for intermestate values. ‘The required moment of inertia and cross-sectional area of reinforcing (stiffening) ring — when the half apex angle @ is equal to or less than 60 degrees — shall be FIG. F determined by the following formulas and procedure. 1. Determine P/SE, and read the value of A from table E. 2. Determine the equivalent area of cylinder, cone and stiffening ring, Ar, {See page 46 for construction of stiffening ring) sq. in bite «Let 2 _ 3 (Ay An Ee Ee Ay Caleulate factor BB = = (4% where ae _ Alta, by, Res Fi=PM+fitna m= See Set pas 3. From the applicable chart (pages 43 thru 47) read the value of 4 entering at the value of B, moving to the left to the material/temperature line and from the intersecting point moving vertically to the bottom of the chart. For values of B falling below the left end of the material/temperature line for the design temperature, the value of A=2B/E. Ifthe value of Bis falling above the material/temperature line for the design temperature: the cone or cylinder configuration shall be changed, and/or the stiffening ring relocated, the axial compression stress reduced. Compute the value of the required moment of inertia For the stiffening ring only: For the ring-shell-cone section: ADEA De an AT he T09 the type of stiffening ring and determine the available moment of (see page 87) of the ring only J, or the shell-cone or the ring-shell- cone section I” 16s REINFORCEMENT REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER (continued) (continued) If For /'is less than /, or /' respectively, select stiffening ring with larger ‘moment of inertia, 6. Determine the required cross-sectional area of reinforcement, dy, sq in. (when compression governs): es $ORitan ca nC 2) 4] \NOTE:. When atthe junction the compressive loads determined by PR,/2 or PR/2 are exceeded by f of fs tensional loads respectively, the design shall be in accordaace with U-2 (g) ("as safe as those provided by the Code Section VIII, Division 1") Area of excess metal available for reinfor Aa, = 0.55 \Difs (ty + fe//c0s @) ‘The distance from the ju shall be situated, in, went: Ay, $9. in. within which the additional reinforcement VR ‘The distance from the junction within which the centroid of the reinforee- ment shall be situated, 025 Rin Reinforcing shall be provided at the junetion of small end of conical section without flare to eylin- der. ‘The required moment of inertia and cross-sectional area of reinforcing (stiffening) ring shall be deter- ‘mined by the following formulas and procedure. 1. Determine the equivalent area of cylinder, cone and stiffening ring, 4,, sq. in Late Aga yt td, 2. Calculate factor B 3 where Caeterer Rag nae RING RIN Riana LR? = Re FIG.G No—y~ ++ CRtane 3. From the applicable chart (pages 43 thru 47) read the value of entering at the value of B, moving to the left to the material/temperature line and from the intersecting point moving vertically to the bottom of the ch For values of Bfalling below the leftend ofthe materialtemperature design temperature, the value of A = 27E. If the value of B is falling above the materialAtemperature line forthe design temperature: the cone or eylinder configuration shall be changed, andor the stiffening ring relocated, the axial compression stress reduced. 4, Compute the value of the required moment of inertia forthe For the ring-shell-cone section: For the stiffening ring only: AD. Ars ADS Ars be 140 5. Select the type of stiffening ring and determine the available moment of ines (ee page 89) ofthe ring only, /and of the ring-shell-cone section, If or I’ Tessthan Zor/' respectively, selec stiffeningring with larger momentof inertia. 6. Determine the required cross-sectional area of reinforcement. An, Ano 4ORatan SE. ‘Area of excess metal available for reinforcement, 4..5q. in. Aeg= 05S \Dale [let * (lerty)/ 608 tf ‘within which the additional reinforcement shall VRa “The distance from the junetion within which the centroid ofthe reinforcement shall be situated, in ‘The distance from the junc be situated, in.- 025 VRic NOTE: When the reducersmade ou oftwo or more conical sections of lfrentapexangles ‘without knuckle, and when thea apex angle greater than 60 degrees, the design may be based on special analysis, (Code 1-8 (2) and (€)) NOTATION Ae = area of excess metal available for A, = cross-sectional area of the stiffen reinforcement, sq in ing ring, sq in An. = requiredareaofreinforcementwhen Ar = equivalent area of cylinder, cone Qcisin compression, sin. and stiffening ring, sq i. = requiredareaofreinforcementwhen B= factor Qcisin compression, sq. in Dy = utside diameter of cone or ge end of conical section, in. 166 167 REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER (continued) REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE fe f r k W L Le Ly = outsidediameterofeylindrical shell, shelljunctionandone-thirdthedepth in ‘of head onthe other end of the large ‘outside diameter at small end of cl ‘conical section, in design length ofa vessel section, in lowest efficiency of the longitu forsiffened vessel section: distance naljointinthe shel, head orcone; E esoreen ie [ene ae atl sel for butt welds in compression. Junction and an adjacent stiffening, ring on the small shel. with subseripts¢, rors modulus of elasticity of cone, reinforcement or for unstiffened vessel section: i ‘shell material respectively, psi bare ore aa ance \junctionandone third the depth Ss /Swe but not less than 1.0. ofheadontheotherend ofthe small = axial load at large end due to wind shell ete, bin, The value off shall be takenas positive in all calculations. axial load atsmall end duc to wind, tc Ibn, The value of f shall be P= extemal design pressure psi. 2 Pie = FE Oh axial compressive force dueto pes- takenas positive in allcalculations. site Se oa available moment of inertia of te &i, = outside radius of large cylinder, in stiffening ring int Ry ~ outside radius of small cylinder in, availablemomontofinertiaofeom- 5 bined ring-shell cross-section, in Thewidthoftheshellwhichistaken —s, as contributing to the moment of * inertia of the combined section: Lobe allowable working strest, pei. of ‘cone material = allowable stress of reinforcing ma- terial, si. allowable stress of shell materal, psi required moment of inertia ofthe nar ‘minimum required thickness of ey- stiffening ring, in*. inder without allowance for required moment of inertia of the corosion, in. combined ring-shell-cone cross- 4, = getual thickness of cone without section, int i int, corrosion allowance, in 1, = minimumrequiredthicknessofoone without corrosion allowance, in 1 = actual thickness of shell without Allowance for corosion, in. design length of a vessel section, F infor sired vs section the halfape angle de Tencekereccntheconctrlane & ~ Yaluetoindicateneed forreinfore- shell junction and an adjacent sti ment, from able E des. ening ring onthe lage shel for unstiffened vessel section: the distancebetweenthe cone-to-large- xial length of cone, in. Iengthofconealongsurface ofcone, ordistance between stiffeningrings ‘of cone. in. 4a E = 0.,effici fi = 100 Ibdin., axial load due to wind te fo = 30Ibsin, axial load due to wind. 1h, = 120 in, design length of large vessel section. Ly, = 244 im design length of small vessel section. a4" Le = 48. P- = 1Spsi, external design pressure Re = 48.00 in, outside radius of large cylinder toll Rk, = 24.00in. outsideradius of small cylinder Decign temperstie= 650F — S, = 13,800 psi.maximumallowable working stress of shell and cone material Sp = 12,700 psi. maximum allowable working stress of reinforcement mate- rial. f= 0.25 in, minimum required thicknes of large cylinder. {= 0.1875 in, minimum requited thickness of small cylinder. fe. = 0.25 in, atual thickness of cone. 1. = 0.25 in. minimum required thickness of cone t, = 0.25 in, actual thickness of eylinder. JUNCTION AT THE LARGE END DESIGN DATA Di. = 96in., outside diameter of large cylinder Dy = 48in.,outside diameter of small cylinder ncy of longitudal welded joints of shell and cone. Eq Eo B= 30x10, modulusof elasticity of shell, ‘cone and ring material, psi P/SE = 15/13,800 = 0.0016; from table EA since A is less than a, reinforcement is required. Assuming A=0, An, = Lif/2+lt/2+dy = = 120% 0.125 + 48 x 0.125 +021 in’ Rotana, Li, RE-RE__48x057 2 +3 Raa Fu= PM + fitan c= 15 x 66.9 + 100 x 0.5774 = 1061 66.9 168 169 REINFORCEMENT. AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE (continued) REINFORCEMENT AT THE JUNCTION OF CONE TO CYLINDER EXAMPLE (continued) JUNCTION AT THE SMALL END 1 as 3 (ED, FER) ~ 075 1061x9601 = 3636 = 0.0003 from chart page 43 = ‘moment of inertia ofthe combined ring-shell-cone cross section: AD Any, _ 0.00035 x 96x21 109 109 = $32 Using two 2% x % flat bars as shown, and the effective width of the shell: 1.10 x VDjs = 1. V96 x .025 = 5.389 in., The available moment of inertia: 5.365 in. (see page 96) Its larger than the required moment of inertia. The stiffening is satisfac- tory. The requited cross-sectional area of reinforcing: pe SE, 2 13,800 x30 10" SE, T2700x30x 10° om PR 4-2 ES + 100-460 AOR, tan of (PR, an oA f-w(C8 2) 2] 1.09 x 460 x 48 x 0.5774 15 x 48-460) 4 7_ : ~ 5.800 x 0.7 f-oas 5“ 460 Vio le 1412 in. The cross-sectional area ofthe stiffening ring is2.5 in. Itis larger than the area required. The reinforcing shall be situated within a distance from the junction: Rite = N48 x 0.25 = 3.46 in, The centroid of the ring shall be within a distance from the junction: 0.25 VRit, = 0.25V48x 0.25 = 0.86 in. ‘The conical section having no flare, reinforcement shall be provided, Asuming A= 0, Ars Latd2 + Lal2 + Ay An = Lill 2+ Ld 2+ Ay= 244 x 0.2512 + 48 x 0.25/2 + 0 = 36.5 in, Retance be | R2-R? _ 2AXOSTIA 244 487-28 NAST 2+ aetna” 2 +2 + outa sr ~ 49-7 in P= PN + fotan @ = 15 x 149.7 + 30x 0.5774 3 FiDs _ 54 (2263 x48 Be: = 3/4 (2263 X48) - 2932 a as ( 36.5 ) 263 Since value of B falls below the left end of material/temperature line: BYE =2 x 2232 / 30 x 10° = 0.00014 Required moment of inertia of the combined ring-shell-cone cross section: AD. Ars. 0.00014 x48? 365 _ | 9g int 109 109 7 Using 2% x % flat bar, and the effective shell width 1.1 VaB KOS = 3.81 in, The available moment of inertia 1.67 in. (see page 96) Itis larger than the required moment of inertia; the stiffening is satisfactory. The required area of reinforcing: 09 Q= PR +f 15x24 +30=210 bin, AQ.Re tan Ly x 210 24.0574 13,800 x 0.7 0328 Area of excess metal available for reinforcement: NRE (tet) + NR 4-0 em 025 0.866 (0.25 - 0.25) + V24 0.25 (0.25 - 0.1875) = 0.153 in? Ary > Ae = 0328 - 0.153 = 0.175 in? “The area of ring used for stiffening 1.25 in, Itis larger than the required area for reinforcement ‘The reinforcing shall be situated within a distance from the junction: VRit= V24 x 0.25 = 2.44 in. and the centroid of the ring shall be within a distance from the junction: 0.25 VRu = 0.25 Y24 x 0.25 = 0.61 in, 170 WELDING OF PRESSURE VESSELS ‘There are several methods to make welded joints. In a particular case the choice of a type from the numerous alternatives depend on: 1. The circumstances of welding 2. The requirements of the Code 3. The aspect of economy |, THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF WELDING. In many cases the accessibility of the joint determines the type of welding. In a small diameter vessel (under 18 - 24 inches) from the inside, no manual welding can be epplied. Using backing strip it must remain in place. tn lager diameter vessels if a manway is not used, the last closing) joint can be welded from outside only. The type of welding may be determined also by the equipment of the manufacturer. 2, CODE REQUIREMENTS. Regarding the type of joint the Code establishes requirements based on service, material and location of the welding. ‘The welding processes that may be used. in the construction of vessels are also restricted by the Code as described in paragraph UW-27, ‘The Code-regulations are tabulated on the following pages under the titles: a, Types of Welded Joints Goints permitted by the Code, their efficiency and limitations of their applications.) Table UW-12 b. Design of Welded Joints (Types of Joints to be used for vessels in various services and under cer- tain design conditions.) UW-2, UW-3 cc. Examination of Welded Joints The efficiency of joints depends only on the type of joint and on the degree of examination and does not depend on the degree of examination of any other Joint. (Except as required by UW-11(ay(s) ‘This tule ofthe 1989 edition of the Code eliminates the concept of collective ualification of butt joints, the requirement of stress reduction. 3. THE ECONOMY OF WELDING. IF the two preceding factors allow free choice, then the aspect of econom ‘must be the deciding factor. a ‘Some considerations concerning the economy of weldings: \V-edge preparation, which can be made by torch cutting, is always more eco- ‘nomical than the use of J or U preparation. m Double V preparation requires ony half the deposited weld metal requited for Single preperation. Increasing the size ofa filet wed, its strength increases indirect proportion, hile the deposed weld metal increases withthe square ofits Se, Lower quality welding makes necessary the use of thicker plate forthe ves, Whether sing stronger welding and thinner pate or the opposte i more economical, depends on the sae of ese, weldmg equipment, ec- This must Be decided in each patel cae. 173 1m TYPES OF WELDED JOINTS TYPES OF WELDED JOINTS JOINT EFFICIENCY, E ea . TYPES When the Joint IN APPLYING VARIOUS NOTES P 7 s SYED Tyres cope UW-12 raly | ste | ne }_Srre _P ________+ Rado, | cxamned | Examined FOR TYPE I: NONE. ~ Bape Joint Category: A,B.C,D_ 7 Baa naan double-welding or by other FOR TYPE 2; NONE 1. In this table are shown the types. ‘magne which wi oberin Joint Category: A.B.C.D of welded joints which are per- ee ee | Except but weld with one pte offset mitted by the Code in arc and gas ‘eld src. = FOR TYPE 3: 2. The shape of the edges to be Backing sirip if used Joint Category: A.B.C joined by butt-weld shall be such shall be removed ater | Cicunterenl jim ely. nt over seg permit complete fusion and completion of weld Sibi Dick nd atone 3 te reneraion > | ames 5. tj shall be fe. fom Singe-meided butt joint | FOR TYPE 4: | undercuts, overlaps. and abrupt ‘with backing strip 090 080 0s, {2) Longitudinal joint not over 38 in. | ‘Halges and valleys. To assure that whichremansin | he ‘ri Cacgon! A The wecld grooves are completely ceeet (6) Circumferential si fied, weld metal maybe bul up Saison SNES fs reinforcement. ‘The thickness — + in. thick. Joint Category: BAC ‘of the reinforcement shall not 3 ron ryt § Shcced the following thicknesses (a) Circumferential joints for attach- Plate thickness in. Maximum teinf. in. Single-welded butt joint ment of heads not cs 124 in, outside ‘up to ¥* incl, 32 eee tane = 00 ‘ameter to shells not vee 12 in. hick over Yi to Finch V8 a | Joints attaching hemispherical heads to over I 3/16 I sons ae exces ont Cagney 4. Before melding the second side of Pedouble welded butt joint the Gl (0) Circumferential joints forthe a double wale al Jo, Stochimet sels esate Impasse outlet eee ease 57 iin oa hckess wher the i ag out (0 fet plat dinance tom the centr of te POE oui soune meal for complete swe tothe edge ofthe plate ess penetration and fusion. For sub | ‘than 1-1/2 times the diameter of the: merged arc welding, chipping out | | oi eer a ee B Joint Category: mended. ‘Single-full fillet FOR TYPE 6 5S. The maximum allowable joint ep jit - 050 (2) For the attachment of beads conves efficiencies given in this table with plug welds ” to pressure 10 shells no over 518 in. are to be used in formulas, when reaped ices oly wih of ihe omts made by are oF 835 | fillet weld on inside of shetl: welding processes. c | ont Cupar: AB | (6) For attachment of heads having ee eran ee Sinale ful et tp joint | at ree ier) 6 Joint ficiency. = 1 Fr bt without - | oss Ser inne dees vet in compression Caro 11/4 required thickness with fillet weld ; nov ot head ange ony. © dint Cory: A.B v 4 175 DESIGN OF WELDED JOINTS (CONT.) DESIGN OF WELDED JOINTS cee | NR, | penne | a | PSteMr ye 7 Ra Tea) oR gq 5 © radiographic | Any Type of welded joints | None Type 2) 0.65 cctclen WEG) 040] Aero on me os] esse 7 tatu ee) 030 1 |_| ee elo oat d ia é set ny —| 9 teins oO 1G} a M Oona ® \ yes wu ° AD \ re Net ri 1 fumed neat sO ~O MEd | Waa) da s Sera oe ! 4. Nets con_| ns ad C sal ess fb | ting tl | HPS No) 2o pe | cad a cran WELDED JOINT LOCATIONS Uw) LEN OD | Sat be pow i paseo nce D antic a ea i sembmices, | fine etait | ay un we a othe ons under cern condition peal requsemets py, which ae te Sean | Sete oe [pein | same for joints designated by identical letters. Fete esis telnet te full ue “These special eautement, wich are based on Service, material thickness and SE amas | veer node wall | Spaphed cet cxher design conditions, ave tabulated below. eee eee ceed ‘teeye = equeed for | Joints of category C for | and exchangers fect | SOAS [UW 9) _ ETT | stubends URE) | (0) and per eee OES pW-tia) (4) DESIGN JOINT TYPE, RADIOGRAPHIC JOINT Post WELD CONDITION AND CATEGORY EXAMINATH CIENCY ul Bee ‘ | row | ermcency | yl (Mecatramnte Boe 9 1 = ‘design is | All category A and D bunt | Full 7 foal 10 0.90 nased on joint | welds in vessel sections ] S. Vessels Joints B shall be type No. 8S Micieney 0 | tod teas | Retecign | (20.2) Of Ges ween | Allez BC bu ‘pe (Tye | inpastt fondiions | those in nozzles oF Per Cade sequired for | elds extending though 5 UCS.56 chen at” | commsinicnig canbe) Ucs.56 | the mata | Ge ete secon of te raiography | category A welds in vessel | we) ™ z xo wets esl | ins D ft pert | Pandatry) [ete eo oss ow SS Semi ong own wen e Uw.lag) — [pstions oc beads _ | jot UW) @) aad) Gaapry A iS ta | Taps can my ate ane Cacgoy Ari Btn leepasecutann micavnliriat .: ‘Chambers that aether eceed Stel wath eee groves ‘6. Unfited steam | Joints A shall be type No, | All butt welded Ringed he | Peseerinctiee Seabee toler wi” | 0) ian el ves eel en Sie pe eect | 19 |ateremon 2. Full, “Type (1) oF Type (2) butt |S | teu 0 =r Code | sp ee wae a rep gpm [im oye Tess BE SeE | sins ws be ype No. | opphed xcept Sats po ‘poi seca ie | orn wee et | osype | wat ben tea on Sircatas [tao ieee tone) [Uwa0 tay a wad 176 DESIGN OF WELDED JOINTS (CONT.) DESIGN JOINT TYPE RADIOGRAPHIC Tv Fost WELD consti | anbearbcoe | SOMA | erXeey | Pear Tra Bae Ro ie a | es | | joints of carbon | sa sal ep [icc axees 1 pew ve |e re mewnee |Seatstie Pre w|i eee sam, | fa | eg, [ck 3 a ub sex 08s asa | nec ofr m "8 | No welled joints of type al 0.70 0.65 | alloy sects Sel ee aoe onemns a ties” feat wean | oa : no 1 agpang | ate wan OWT | gg} te [* Smet [8h a sae | Tee or 9. at coe | ny wet ows 20] ogee | cca Paar" [hte inno viene | SD) | Meet _ rein - 0 Sp i sections of | Joints connecting vessel None | Per Code seas” [rec for anen has . ‘ uw | wclds are type 3, nae ves se Loi 11. Joins S = 7 ompiscd | Any Wels Set eter tn by peor 0 Ia : | L EEFICIENCY (E) TO BE USED IN CALCULATIONS OF SEAMLESS HEAD THICKNESS ASME Code UW-12(d) - [DEGREE OF EXAMINATION Tyee oF TYPE OF | OF HEAD TO SHELL JOINT HEAD JOINT — FuLt | spor | NO Hemi NOL 1.00 0.85 0.70 | spoil No 90 | 080 | 06s ottes any | ho0 085 icamfretl ss for thn of seme ead 17 EXAMINATION OF WELDED JOINTS RADIOGRAPITIC EXAMINATION Full radiography is mandatory of joints: (Code UW-11) 1. Allbutt welds in shells, heads, nzzles, communicating chambers of ufired steam boilers having desig pressures exceeding 50 psi and vessels containing lethal substances 2. Allbutt welds in vessels in which the least nominal thickness at the welded joint exceeds: 11/4 in of earbon steel and 1 1/2in. of SA-240 stainless steel Exemption: Categories B and C butt welds in nozzles and communicating ‘chambers that neither exceed 10 in pipe size nor 1 1/8 in. wall thickness do not require radiographic examination in any ofthe above cases. 3. Allcategory A.and D butt welds in vessel sections and heads where the design. ofthe joint or partis based on joint efficiency: 1.0, or 09. (ee preceding ‘pages: Design of Welding Joints). 4, Allbutt welds joined by electrosiag welding and all clectrogas welding with any single pass greater than 1 1/2in. Spot radiography, asa minimum, is mandatory of 4, Category B or C welds which intersect the Category A butt welds in vessel sections (including nozzles and communicating chambers above 10 in. pipe size and 1 in. wall thickness) or connect seamless vessel sections or heads when the design of Category A and D butt welds in vessel sections and heads based on. elfciency of 1.0 or 0.9. 2, Spot radiograpty is optional of but welded joins (Type 1 or2) which are not required to be fully adiographed. Ifspot radiograph specified forthe entire ‘vessel, radiographic examination isnot required of Category B and C butt welds in nozzles and communicating chambers. ‘No Radiography. No radiographic examination of welded joints is required when the vessel or vessel parti designed for external pressure only, or when the design of joints based on no radiographic examination. ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION 1. In ferric materials electrosiag welds and electrogas welds with any single ‘pass greater than 11/2 in. shall be ultrasonically examined throughout their eenire length. 2. Inaddition to the requirements of radiographic examination, all welds made by the clectron beam processor by the inertia and continuous drive friction welding process shal be ultrasonically examined for their entire length. 3. Ultrasonic examination may be substituted for radiography for th final closure ‘seam ifthe construction of the vessel does not permit interpretable radiograph. 178 179 BUTT WELDED JOINTS OF PLATES OF UNEQ UAL THICKNESSES APPLICATION OF WELDING SYMBOLS JOINING PLATES OF UNEQUAL THICKNESSES WITH BUTT WELD, THE THICKER PLATE SHALL DE TAPERED IF THE DIFFERENCE IN THICKNESS IS MORE THAN 1/8 INCOR ONE-FOURTH OF THE THINNER PLATE: CODE UW), UW-13, THE LENGTH OF THE TAPERED TRANSITION SHALL BE MINIMUM 3 TIMES THE OFFSET BETWEEN THE. ADJACENT SURFACES. THE WELD MAY BE PAR’ ENTIRELY IN THE TAPERED SECTION OR ADJACENT TO TT. yy Lay Lea Tape cit ode or outside HEADS To SHELLS ‘ATTACHMENT LE ay Z zien) ‘The shell plato centertne may bbe on either side ofthe head plate centdine "HEADS TO SHELLS “ATTACHMENT 2 By Zatr(we) ‘Wien y exceeds, the minimum length staighe flange is 3%, but weed nt exceed 1-72 i, excep When necessary o provide rege length of apt When sequal too estan 1.25, the length of straight Mange shal be sufficient for any required ‘ape. The hell plate centertine may be onthe side of he bea plate ceric WELD SYMBOL MEANING OF SYMBOL, i> Zn | sayspoeucerer saunas € 3 | “Sonor Gar seis 60 SYMBOL INDICATES 1/2 ore 0°) WELD OF 12 16-DIAMETER } SYMBOL INDICATES 141%, 180 181 ererecaam eaten tena! CODE RULES RELATED TO VARIOUS SERVICES WELD SYMBOL MEANING OF SYMBOL : ; a an — service Brief extracts of Code requirements a 7 paragraph JP | sumer monceres iam ELEN WED OW now aloe Air Al pressure vessels for use with compressed air, excopt as [UG -46 (a) iain rua mon permitted otherwise inthis paragraph shall be provided With suitable inspection opening. —_ _ Vessels witha required minimum thickness of less thane [UCS-25, mor won inch that are tobe used in compressed air service shall be aA GROOVE WITH RA ANGE Ee provided with corrosion allowance not less than 1/6 of 7 ORE Aero the cleuated plate thickness Min. thickness 3/32 in. | UG 166) (6) ‘FITE AACE WELD OW Flammable | Expanded connections shall not be used. Ue @ | fous ges Eee “ GRIND FLUSH ON OTHER SIDE Lethal Butt welded joints in vessels to contain lethal substances | UW - 2 (a) _ substances | shal be fully radigraphed a When fabricated of carbon of ow alloy stel shall be post | UW-2(a) | cgxwpo. moicares wld heat treated ub | WEDD ON ARwoW sion ‘The joints of various categories shall conform to paragraph eRe OTHER SIDE eae See plats conforming to specications SA-36, SA283 fc -« (6)(1 = shall not be used Vessels with a required minimum thickness of es thane [UCS-25 17% | sro norear nue Steam | inch that are to be used in steam service shall be provided ict we with corrosion allowance of not es than 1/6 ofthe caea- Inted pate thickness | : Min, thickness 3/32 in, sels & heads 6.166) career neal | No ICA 4 | ‘With design pressures exceeding 50 pl, the joints of var Parr em aii Uatied | ncaa hal snr te puogagh UW ASENTENS. HELD pon) Steel plates conforming to specifications SA-36, and JUCS- 6 (b) (2 U bes boiere(1) | S283 shall nt be used. as } = Min thickness 1/4 in shells & heads 0.16 069 2 | STMNOL INDICATES 4 IN, Vessels with a required minimum thickness of less than % [UCS - 25 J ExaUsnrconcanp aces | | | Water(2) | inch that are toe sedi water serie hal be provided ue tN CENTERS: THE with a corrosion allowance of not ess than 1/6 of the cal- culated plate thickness < Min thickness 3/32 in shell & heads v6.16 06) aa SYMBOL INDICATES 1/618 i on 1. Untied steam boilers may aso be comsrsted in accordance swith the ruler of Code Section I 2. Venues in wer service excluded from the jredition of the code te listed @ Ut 0) an) Lol TS) FES AEE @o 133 CODE RULES RELATED TO VARIOUS WALL THICKNESSES OF VESSEL CODE RULES RELATED TO VARIOUS WALL THICKNESSES OF VESSEL (Continued) = % %[w*[Y it Hite ha] ita a % | Tt ama | [th 1S [| wane] ie | 1 | 1% [1% [1% [06 [1% | ae gente [7.95% [ip Pr [emis [tes [ted [eis [ies Notes [17,20 20 1 | 19, 20,22 J 19. 20,22 | 19,20, 22 = 1, " - Single, welded openings up to (Brief Extracts of Code Requirements) |. The minimum thickness of plate for welded construction shall be not| uc. 16) less than 1/16. ‘The minimum thickness of shells and heads used in compressed service, steam service and water service shall be 3/32 in. G16) [Manufacturers’ marking shall be other than deep die stamping. | uo. In compressed air, steam and water service corrosion allowance not] ucs25 less than 1/6 of the calculated plate thickness shall be provided, Single, welded openings up to 3 in. pipe size do not require] vox6. reinforcement. ‘The minimum thickness of shells and heads of unfired steam boilers} UG.16 0) (9 shall not be less than Yin. ‘Double full Fillet lap joint for longitudinal welded joints is acceptable. | Tas forcement, ‘over 24 in, outside diameter to shell, acceptable. leur pipe size do not require reinforce-| uc.36@ c 3. Single full filet lap joint with plug weld for attachment of heads not |Table Uw-2 “Maximum thickness of reinforcement for butt weld 3/32 in. w35.@ ‘Maximum thickness of reinforcement for butt weld 1/8 in. uweasie Single full filet lap joint with plug welds for circumferential joint] Table Uw-ir acceptable. 18. 1. 2. Notes (Brief Extracts of Code Requirements) Single ful filet tap joints without plug welds acceptable for attach- | Tate UW.12 iment of heads convex to pressure to shell Welded joints of pressure vessels subject to direct firing in category | uw-2 16) B shall be type (I) or (2). Post weld heat treatment required. oa Single welded butt joint without use of backing strip acceptable for | Table UW.12 circumferential joints not over 24 in, outside diameter. ‘Double full file lap joints for circumferential joint acceptable. Table UW.Rd 5. Steet plates conforming to SA-36 and SA-283 shall not be used. | ucs6@) “The maximum thickness of reinforcement for butt weld 3/16 in. | was.) Butt welded joints in mat sraphed. ial classified P-1 shall be fully radio- | ucs7 Post weld heat treatment of P-I materials is mandatory for all welded | Table Ucs-6 ‘connections and attachments Double welded butt joint or single welded butt joint with backing | Table UW-12 strip shall be used for circumferential or longitudinal joints. Fall radiographic examination of butt welded joints of P-1 Grade 1, 2, 3 materials is mandatory. uw. wey Post weld heat treatment of P-I materials is not mandatory pro- | rane ucss6 vided that material is pre-heated. Note xan) ‘See page 179{for low temperature operation. NOTE: Post weld heat treatment is between austenitic stains page 185). ther required nor prohibited for joints teks ofthe P-No, 8 group. (Tabulated on 184 8s TANKS AND VESSELS CONTAINING FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS LOW TEMPERATURE OPERATION [Excerpt from the Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA), Chapter XVI, Part 1910.106, (Federal Register, July 1, 1985) CLASSIFICATION 1a minimam design metal temperate an ick ‘sis-combination ef carbon sd lw aly ss below the curves in FIG. UCS-65, petit reqited NOTE. tthe Handook the most comm sed Inner acd Forts ns ASME Ce -Altcabon and allay sous ited in the following fees and not shown below ae SAS1S Gr 55 & 60, SA 285 GF A&B S16 Gees & 70M not aaa me SA-51660 55 60 smo orale a SAS t6 al grades i norman he thickness at any welded joint exceeds 44m and the mnimom desig etal temperature i older than 12D pact tested material shall be wed, UCS-66(0) REGULATION * g wot ATMOSPHERIC TANKS ‘Atmospheric tanks shall be builtin accord 5 lt ance with acceptable good standards of ay Storage tank which has been design, fot designed to operat at Atmospheric tanks may be builtin accord zed pressures fom atmospheric eae 2c ne 1. Underwriters’ Laboratories, Ine. Stand- & 4) through 0.5 pig ue ES 2. American Petroleum Institute Standards § ot No. 12A, No. 650, No. 12B, No. 12D, a No. 12. 2 LOW PRESSURE TANKS LowPressare tanks shall be builtin accond- 2734 ance with acceptable standards of design. 2 SLIT Diesen Storage tank which has an zy LowPressure tanks may be builtin accord: been designed to operate ance with at pressures above 0 psig 1. American Petroleum Institute Standard ‘but not mote than 15 psig. No. 620. 2, ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, Section Vil. (These tanks are not within the jurisdiction of the ASME Code Section VIII (U-d) bu: ‘may be stamped with the Code U Symbol Ug) TRESUVER, | own Vas dale ok main REL, | gilt AME Coe Prem In addition to the regulations of the above mentioned standards and code, the ‘occupational safety and health standards contain rules concerning tanks and vessels as follows: 1. Definition of combustible and flammable liquids Material of storage tanks . Location of tanks Venting for tanks Emergency relief venting Drainage Installation of tanks RATIOOF DESIGN STRESS INTENSION 74 Nomi ike. FIG_UCS.66 IMPACT TESTCURVES, ‘No impact est oid for mate SA-19SGRBYatomperatre a0 Fan wares, SA:307 Gr Bat temperate 30 F and wattae lig UcSvee | ins tha one is gue Provides farber basis to se matiral withot Frac xing, Ut REDUCTION OF Ninn METAL TEMPERATURE EXAMPLE: ORI L2thick SA S1SGr60platethe nin sesiga temperatures rom FIG, UCS-S°50F, ‘TO ALLOWABLE TENSILE STRESS & oe Tempera FIG, UCS-66.1 REDUCTI ‘fot foes, dicknes of mater ated incu A dose otereed Iie 2 the hicknts of mater ted in eer C, ‘Ducesno ert i 3 the eel is hyrostly eted, 4 ike dpe emperstare tot lonrhan-20F ‘dot bipher than 0 5 themal wechaia shock load ot etal Ieedngtesotcomtling dg oie 187 186 PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS PROPERTIES OF MATERIAL (cont) CARBON & LOW ALLOY STEEL* Specification |p | Teaste | Yio Se ‘Nominal [_ Specification APPLICATION a Number | Strength | Point Notes Form | composition| Number | Grade Number | Grade 000s | 1,000 ps. A283 | C | Strctural quality, For pressure ved sazas | ¢ 7 | sso | 300 c may be used wih limitatfons ee note!] “ ' | Sais 1) se fs 2 5 3A265 | © | Bolles for stationary service and other - 0.0 26 pressure vessels sasis | 55 t 55.0 300 | 3 “Si e * rimarily for int liate and hig TT Ch | SASS] 35°) imitans ane Ne sasis| oo | 1 | 00 | x20 3 2 c-Si SASIS | 60 *| -" = B | sasis}| 65 1 65.0 0 3 z s — = [esi | sasis | os = 2 [sasis[ 7 | 1 | 70 | 380 3 c-si__[ sasis | 70 Ei sasié| 35 | 1 | 350 | 300 oe c-Si SA516 | 55 SA-S16 | 60 1 60.0 32.0 38 SAsi6 | 60*| SAS16 | 65 1 65.0 35. 7 38 sasi6 | 65 *| S16 | 70 1 70.0 | 38.0 38 sasi6 | 70 == aa t 70.0 | 360 23 ( ‘or cemperature service SoZ Pa ‘SA-105 For high temperat 226 sare | 1 t woo | 300 | 23 SA-181 | 1 | _ For general service 2* ET saaso | LE 1 | sao | 300 A350 | FES | Forlow temperature even i tr $3 | 328 ielse fe 1 [600 | 350 23a] a SAS3_|_B | Forgeneralserize iz 3 = & | SA106 |B = Sai06 |B [Fos high temper mie 3 i census [son] (aT ra tet cape g [sees or | 1250 [oso | Bagea™® | Bolt Sine dan or ee ere sso 3 SA-194 | aH _| For hightemperature service aut 3 ~} a panies saso7 | sso | — | 5 A307 | B *| Machine bolt for general use — “Fortow enpen opan we 15 * Data ofthe most frequently used materials from ASME Code Section I and Vit 18 189 PROPERTIES OF MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS CARBON & LOW ALLOY STEEL ‘ound Wenge Aloe Stes Ves mst ODD one speciation paar Nat Eg DE NOTES: Ture | Grae [25 Too [oz0Yaoo [so [an [eo fosolusool sole 1. SA-36 and SA-283 ABCD plate may be used for pressure parts in pressure ‘vessels provided all ofthe following requirements are met: (1). The vessels are not used to contain lethal substances, either liquid or gaseous; (2) Tmaterial is not used in the construction of unfired steam boilers (see Code UI (g) 5 (3) With the exception of flanges, flat bolted covers, and stiffening rings ‘on which strength welding is applies does not exceed 5/8 in 2, Forservice temperatures above 850°F itis recommended that killed steels. ‘containing not less than 0.10% residual silicon be used. Killed steels which have been deoxidized with large amounts of aluminum and rimmed steels may have creep and stress-rupture properties in the temperature range ‘above 850? F, which are somewhat less than those on whieh the values in the table are based, 3. Upon prolonged exposure to temperatures above 800° F, the carbide phase ‘of carbon steel! may be converted to graphite. 4, Only killed steel shall be used above 850° F. 5. Not permitted above 450" F, allowable stress value 7000 psi 6. The material shall not be used in thicknesses above 2 in. 7. For welded pipe maximum allowable stress values are 15% less. No increase in these stress values shall be allowed for the performance of radiography. 8. The stress values to be used for temperatures below -20° F when steels are sade to conform with supplement (5) SA-20 shall be those that are given in the column for -20 10 650° F MODULI OF ELASTICITY FOR FERROUS MATERIALS awa fr Teg nooo) a a 0 90 1000 DD Cain NUNES OAT TOS TaN ATT TA DOT ISS 242 224 204 1K Caton Mee CS Ae LD ake UL 78 HPA 265 28d 240 223 202 109 wi ty se Beh de 370 doa 25m 389 HA BN Ths as aie Exot Poor Chars a incl for eval psu Saket ay saws | c fiaa[- [- [- {- [- [- |- [-[-[- © [issfisa[i2ifio2z[safes|- [- [- [- | - ss fisaliz3}izifio2{sa [es] as] 2s - | - | - 60 [iso[iaa]i3ofio8] 37 [6s] as] 2s|- | - | - 65 _|16.3]15.5| 13.9]11.4)9.0| 65/45] 25) - | - | - 70 _|175{16.6| 148/120] 93[ 6s| 45| 2s| - [| - [- 5 |13.8/13.3] 121 [/10.2[ s4[6s|4s[ 2s] - | - | - 60 _|1s.0f14.4] 13.0108] 87| 65] 45] 2s] - | - | - 65 _[isafiss|iso[ia| 90[6s[ 4s] 2s] - | - | - 70_[17.5]16.6] 14.8[12.0] 93 | 65] 45| 25] - | - | - 175{166| 14.8[12.0] 93] 6s] 45| 2s] - | - [ - 1 [isoltaa]i3.ofios| 37[ 65] 45| 25] - | - | - TEL [50/4 ]i30}ioR | Ta P30] 30 [1s HES [ioshise|iax ion] 78 | 50 [an [rs] - | - | - sas3_ |B |isofiaalrzojios| a7(os]- [- [- | - | - saioe |B {isoliaalizofios| 87[ es] as[ as - | - | - A193 [p7<2%'|25.025.0| 23.6[21.0|170|125| as| as - | - | - saa {ae {-1-1-1-[-1-1-|-[-]|- sa307 | B 2s alee ence loalen les |cele ‘See page 177 for low temperature operation ¥ The Stress Values inthis able may be interpolated to determine values for intermediate temperatures, 190 THERMAL EXPANSION PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS iar Tul apein betwen an in Temper che/00 Fes STAINLESS STEEL ee ae = THE DA OF TUS EAE ARS TA LON SH AMRISATALS Ane SU ABE TABLE TARE FOR REESSUPE ING. AES own thnk Ra Sere Na Grade Nett rodec Spe, Nex Gade Wee a Maren 7 ne | SEES em | Sas |S] me [sees om, cane oo 22 |g] [rm saawe oe 23 ere BEER [ate [ame | BE | se |e tec.|2-mee|aumne| tn} more Shas roe 2 |S Pate — $A240 317 [set Serian]? or [sere : 2p ee, 2 LE) Stn SED te a 38 z sasiz Tee 2 | ‘Smis. Tb, SA-213. TPS16H an : son woe 2 |Z)aR om mS one é Stone ‘Woo 2 [8] BS | Sms pp. saoaz troaeH g Sn mh 2 YE] gg [Sms Ste “he e Shast Tao S|EE [sci be stave ree 5 SSS. "Boh a |S] DE etre Ske rea : se SS. LRN ag|ettah Se pen i se met Se |e |*H le skies “tae i EP [es Sue baw 2 : TABLE? a) [et tin ON Ss : Product 10, mores | oar 2 Seem 8 TABLE 4 oh 3 Pate SA240 = | Product Spe. Ro. Grade hates i a 32 Zee) smn Stan = |3 3 3 338 g a Smee sesie tmmac YB] 6 ae ska ak 3 Ht if i gg [fen SER at = is ie ig By or om 5 (EVRY ER teat = 2 a aE ie Bo ea be sary nits os Be 3 [MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE STRESS VALUES, 1.000 pa ed mm R TOR METAL TEMPERATURES NOT EXCEEDING DEG. a i : sca 200 [300 [ ao [ soo [ oo | eso | 70 | 750 | so | uso | 900 [ores Bh) Be : 1 [ies [iret [29 j2r [in| e2 [int {tos | tos [tos [102 sey oe i Ter Tes EIp MT pus] Ho pOTP DSBs] 0 7 Rl ie eae i Tasped ea [1 wo; TOT IT] x] or fss [aa] se| Fd f |e 3 [iea[in) [ice ies |ins |e] 93 [ne [is [eo [it g fae 4 [reefer [85/85 [io9 |ins| oz [too 98 | 96 | 94] = BE SIGGENTS|-—— FOR METAL TEMPERATURES NOT EXCEEDING DEC. & io RE Taste [950 | 1000 | 1080 | 1100 | 1150 | 1200 | 1250 | 1300 | 1350 | 1400 | 1480 | 1500 Tose wa(mi fia] ow [77 for) 47 [37 [29 [23st re fray Be 1 fio} os| os] x9} 77 | or | 47 | 37] 29 | 23 | os | a afisa}ms|aa) os) oe ]ss [ar jar faa fay ta] 7 3 [refs [2 ito] vs | 34 [ss [a [i [3 | [3 RSE EF cama clan any : Ha 192. 193 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS. DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (cont.) ‘When describing various ves] components and parts on drawings and in bill of Long , ‘materials itis advisable that a standard method be followed. For this purpose FV Welding Neck} 18”-300, RF. LWN acaeae it is recommended the use of the widely accepted abbreviations in the sequences = exemplified below. For ordering material the requirements of manufacturers ©" “Sud. Pipe x 2-1 should be observed, 8" -X Sig, Pipe x I" - 6-1/2 . : ; ; MATERIAL, 24*-0.438" Wall Pipe x 1°-0 PART DESCRIPTION SESE — | 996" x 3/8 x 12°-6 Z Bar 2x 1/4 x3°-6 PLATE 24D x 12x 18"1D Sa285.¢ Z| ™« Bar 3/49 x2'-0 sar Wis" op x 11/2 Barb x3°-0 — oe Welding 6x 4" Std, Cone. Reducer earn 3/4 $x 2-1/2 H. Hd. M. B. w/ (1) sq. nut) SA-193 B7 bolt o "ER 6" X Sig. Eoc. Reducer O | sour 1) x 5-1/2 stud w/ (2) h, nuts | SA-194 2H nut ee ; ae Welding Std, 1809 L. R. Return = DB | car Sid. Cap AXjreruen | 4-.xsw, 1900S. R Retun ae 1 ~ 60004 Cplg Welding 425i. Tee awe By | Ssowe "= 3000 Cpe Ore 6" x6" x4" X Sig Red. Tee a COUPLING |, 6000# Half Cplg. ad | 6000 4.1/2 Lg. Cplg. | tet “Std, 909 L.R. El elding X Sig. 4505. R. Ell SA-234 WPB ELBOW | x4" Std. L.R. Red. Eli 300# RF. So. Fi 150# RF. Wn. Fig. Std, Bore FLANGE 600 RTJ.Wn. Fig. XSite. Bore | SA-1811 150# FF. So. Fg 8""- 150 RP. Bld. Fig, b | 1 -6000# 900 Ser, Serqued 1+ 3000 # 900 Ser Steet Bl socket 2" - 3000 # S.W. Cplg. S, > Neaing 1°". 3000 # Sq. Hd. Plug artes) | Brine " 6000 # Ser'd. Tee 2". 3000 # 450 S. W. Ell. bs 18 - 150 # 1/16” Serv. Sht. Gasket O©fonswer | [Noms ea se ries | ASB 48° 1D x 0.375 min, 2:1 ellip, head on a aD SA.285.¢ a SAS1S-70 SA516-70 54"1Dx 0.37: * min, Hemis. Head 194 19s 7 | SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF PRESSURE VESSELS ai] ] Noes Zils el IS) fo Pressure vessel wersand manficturershave developed certain standard pratces whichave E| i I 1 fe} els} | | | proven advantapeousin he designand constuction of pesure vers This specication clues Z| 43 a iI eI" those practices which have become the most widely acceptable and followed. ° “These standards arc partly references to thesclected alternatives permitted by the ASME Code, & ae : and partly deseribed design and construction methods not covered by the Code. The regulations of Zl ele! | the Code ae not quoted in his Spevicaton 5 /25| (oS) slst| sls} 3 ray Sle A. GENERAL Bales] 8) 5 S| [ele S [ER] Gelstsls] Abe) Shelled eI 1. This Specification together wit the purchase order and drawings coves the equrements Sl sl (ORR is} ofslelelelay fei forthe design and fabrication of pressure vessel Shs + : = 2 Incase ofconits. the purchase orderand drawings take precedence oer this Speciation, q =| | eI a) i 5 als 3. Presa esa salle desig. e.g nd staged nao he 1 LL ale 3 S| Intest edition ofthe ASME Boer and Pressure Vesel Code, Seton Vill, Division I and B | lellelslelole] ZS} lelalelet_| ES} | | | itssubsequnt addenda Bi} selajeeleic| 315] sieisiciele} |og ee oe Ejaeelle| 29) Slelelelela) Sg esses and vessel appurtenances shall comply withthe regulations ofthe Occupational S] [Sefaefala/s| sla} a/sisisysia) jale Safety and Health Act (OSHA). = 7 j 5. Vessel Manufacturers are invited to quot ries on altemate materials and contraction ae el | | methods if economies or other aspects make it reasonable to dos BL = 6, All devitions om hs Sesto the pcs ons, oh rings shal ave the 3 |g al als ‘ten approval ofthe Purchaser < (lal |.eist als |e 7, Vessel fabricator, after receipt of purchase order, shall furnish to purchaser checked shop &| |seBaslel | SS) ol lal lS drawings for appa “s/2/3€l5| | Sls] als 3) |e 8} lgesieis| Ss] SEES] Re | 3B. DESIGN 2| |Segesiels} 32) elsisisiele| leis 1, Pressure Vessels shall be designed to withstand the loadings exerted by internal or external Z| lS) Sle) SEU|seel (Be pressure weigh ofthe vessel wind, crthuake. reaction of suppor mpaceand tempera We alsl=] =|) =)=)=/2)5) =|7| | ‘ture, = z | — 2. The maximum allowable working pressure shall be limited by the shell or head, not by & ka | minor parts. =! oi laiie| le S| 3. Windload and earthquake, All vessels shall be designed tobe free-standing. To determine BZ} geleSalsie| 8] ale} lel ial 6} | ‘the magnitude of wind pressure, the probability of earthquakes and seismic cvefTicients in BS} agsasie} at) |lSiiiStils} fig Satiou ares ofthe United States Standard ANSV/ASCE 733 (Minimum Design Loads S| SF Brhale| SS) XIe] Pf 1S 7 Buildings and Other Structures) shall be applied. 7 | = Its assumed that wind and earthquake loads do not occur simultaneously, thus the vessel aE Should be designed for citer wind or earthquake leading, whichever is rate, al -lelelelelal (Sl BlalslslselalwlelolSSieisis/4) [Sz 4. Horizontal vessels supported by saddles shal be designed according tothe method of RSS AS SSS SISSIES) IS P. Zick, (esses in Large Horizontal Pressure Vessels on Two Sade Suppor). Bhelodog sxlole|els|alelslelslorlotee! [selex 5. The deflection of vertical vessels under normal operating conditions shall not exceed 6 Zislajajalalalalajalajaiaialalaja| lala inches per 100 fet of length reine 196 Specification for the Design and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels (continued) 6. Stresses in skirts, saddles, or other supports and their attachment welds may exceed the maximum allowable stress values of materials given in Part UCS of the ASME Code by 33-1/3 percent 7. Vessel manufacturers shall submit designs for approval when purchaser does not furnish a design oF does not specify the required plate thickness. C. FABRICATION |, Materials shall be specified by purchaser and their designation indicated on the shop drawings. Materials shall not be substituted for those specified without prior ‘written approval of purchaser. The thickness of plate used for shell and heads shall be 14-inch minimus, 3. Manufacturer's welding procedure and qualification records shall be submitted for approval upon receipt of purchase order. Welding shall not be performed pie to purchaser's approval of welding procedure and qualification, All welding shall be done by the metalic shielded arc or the submerged are welding process. Permanently installed backing strips shall not be used without weitten approval of Purchaser. When used, backing strips shall be the same composition steel as that which they are attached to. 4. Longitudinal seams in cylindrical or conical shells, all seams in spherical shells and built-up heads shall be located to clear openings, their reinforcing pads, and seddle- wear plates. Circumferential seams of shell shall be located to clear openirgs, theie reinforcing pads, tray and insulation support rings, and saddle weat plales. ‘When the covering of circumferential seam by reinforcing pad is unavoidable, the seam shail ground Muah and’ examined prior to welding the reinforsing pad in place, No longitudinal joints shall be allowed within the downcomer area or at any otter place where proper visual inspection of the weld is impossible, ‘The minimum size of fillet weld serving as strength weld for internals shall be 14 inch 5, Skirt, Vertical vessels shall be provided with a skirt which shall have an outside diameter equal to the outside diameter of the supported vessel .. The minimum thickness for a skit shall be 1/4 inc, Skirts shall be provided with a minimum of two 2in as possible 180 degrees apart vent holes located as high Skirts 4 feet in diameter and loss shall have one access opening; larger than 4-foot ameter skicts shall have two 18-inch O.D. access openings reinforced with sleeves. 6. Base rings shall be designed for an allowable bearing pressure on conerete of 625 pi 7. Anchor bolt chairs or lug rings shall be used where required and in all cases where vessel height exceeds 60 feet. The number of anchor bolts shall be in multiples of 4; a minimum of 8 is preferred. 8, Saddle. Horizontal vessels shall be supported by saddles, preferably by only two ‘whenever possible. Saddles shall be welded to the vessel, except when specifically ordered to be slipped loose. Saddles to be shipped loose shall be fitted to the vessel and mat ‘marked for field installation. The shop drawing shall bear detailed instruction ‘oncerning this, e 10. 197 Specification for the Design and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels (continued) ‘When temperature expansion will cause more than 3/8 inch change in the distance between the saddles, a slide hearing plate shall be used. Where the vessel is supported by concrete saddles 1/4 inch thick, corrosion plate 2 inches wider than the concrete saddle shall be welded to the shell with 4 continuous weld, The corrosion plate shall be provided with a 1/4 inch vent hole plugged with plastic sealant after the vessel has been pressure tested Openings of 2 inches and smaller shall be 6000 Ib forged steel full ot half coupling, Openings 2-1/2 inches and larger shall be flanged Flanges shall conform to Standard ANSI B16.5-1973, Flange faces shall be as follows: Raised face. ‘below rating 600 Ib ANSI Raised face rating 600 tb ANSI, pipe size 3 inches and smaller Ring type joint rating 600 Ib ANSI, pipe size 4 inches and larger Ring type joint above rating 600 Ib ANSI Flange-bolt-holes shall straddle the principal centerlines of the vessel. Openings shall be flush with inside of vessel when used as drains or when located so that there would be interference with vessel internals. Internal edges of openings shall be rounded t0 a minimum radius of 1/8 inch or to a radius equal to one-half of the pipe wall thicksess when iti less than 1/4 inch, When the inside diameter of the nozzle neck and the welding neck flange or Welding fitting differ by 1/16 inch or more, the part of smaller diameter shall be tapered at a ratio 1:4 Openings shall be reinforced for new and coli, a well as for corroded condition The plate used for reinforcing pad shall be the same composition ste for the shell or head to which itis connected as that used Reinforcing pads shall be provided with a 1/4 inch tapped telltale Nole located at ‘90° off the longitudinal axis of vessel ‘The minimum outside diameter of the reinforcing pad shall be 4 inches plus the outside diameter of the opening's neck When covers are to be provided for openings according to the purchasers requisi- tion, manufacturer shall furnish the required gaskets and studs: these shall not be used for testing the vessel Manway covers shall be provided with davits, ‘Coupling threads must be clean and free from defects after installation, Internals. Trays shall be furnished by tray fabricator and installed by vessel ‘manufactuser. ‘Tray support rings and downcomer bolting bars shall be furnished and installed by vessel manufacturer. The (ray fabricator shall submit complete shop details, including installation instructions and packing list, to purchaser for approval and transmittal to vessel fabricator. ‘Trays shall be designed for uniform live load of 10 psf of the weight of water setting, whiehever is greater, and for a concentrated live load of 250 Ib At the design loading the maximum deflection of trays shall not exceed ‘up to 10-foot diameter -1/8 inet Jarger than 10-oot diameter - 3/16 inch 198 Specification for the Design and Fabrication of Pressure Vessels (continued) ‘The minimum thickness of internal plateworks and support rings shall not be less than 1/4 inch. nternal carbon steel piping shall be standard weight, Internat flanges shall be ANSI 150: slip-on type or fabricated from plate Carbon steel internal flanges shall be fastened with carbon steel square-bead ‘machine bolts and square nuts tack-welded to the flanges to avoid loosening, Removable internals shall be made in sections which can be removed through the manways, Removable internals shall not be provided with corrosion allowance. For openings connected to pump suction, a vortex breaker shall be provided: 1. Appurtenances, Vessels provided with manways, liguid level controls or relief valves 12 fect above grade, shall be equipped with caged ladders and platforms. Ladder and platform lugs shall be shop-welded to the vessel. Where vertical vesels require insulation, fabricator shall furnish and install support rings. Reinforcing rings may also be utilized in supporting insulation, Insulation support rings shall be 1/2 inch less in width than the thicknes: of insulation and spaced 12 foot-1/2 inch clear starting at the top tangent line. The {op ring shall be continuously welded to the head; all other rings may be attacied by 2 Linch long fillet weld on 12-inch centers, “The bottom head of insulated vertical vessel shall be equipped with 1/2-inch square nuts welded with their ecges {o the outside of the head on approximately 12-nch square centers, 12, Fabrication tolerances shall not exceed the limits indicated in the table beginring fon page 170, D. INSPECTION 1. Purchaser reserves the right to inspect the vessel at eny time dusing fabricatior to assure that the vessel materials and the workmanship are in accordance with this specification 2. The approval of any work by the purchaser's representative and his release of @ vessel shall not relieve the manufacturer of any responsibilty for carrying out the provisions of this specification. E. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Radiographic examination shall be performed when required by the ASME Code ‘or when determined by the economics of design, 2, The completed vessel shall be provided with a name plate securely attached to the vessel by welding 3. If the vessel is post-weld heat-treated, no welding is permitted after stress relieving. 4, Removable internals shall be installed after stress relieving The location of all vessel components openings, seams, internals, ete, of the vessel shall be indicated on the shop drawings by the distance to a common reference Tine. The reference line shall be permanently marked on the shell. 6, The hydrostatic test pressure shall be maintained for an adequate time to permit a thorough inspection, in any case not less than 30 minutes. 4. Vessels shall not be painted unless specifically stated on order, 19 Specification for the Design and Fabri tion of Pressure Vessels (continued) F, PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT 1, After final hydrostatic test, vessel shall be dried and cleaned thoroughly inside and ‘outside (0 remove grease, loose seal, rust and dirt, 2. All finished surfaces which ate not protected by blind flanges shall be coated with rust preventative 3. All flanged openings which are not provided with covers shall be protected by suitable steel plates, 4. Threaded openings shall be plugged 5, For internal parts, suitable supports shall be provided to avoid damage during shipment. 6, Bolts and nuts shall be coated with waterproof lubricant, 7. Vessels shall be clearly identified by painting the order and item number in a conspicuous location on the vessel 8, Small parts which ate to be shipped loose shall be bagged or boxed and marked ‘with the order and item number of the vessel 9. Vessel fabricator shall take all necessary precautions in loading by blocking and bracing the vessel and furnishing all necessary material to prevent damages. G, FINAL REPORTS. 1. Before the vessel is ready for shipment the manufacturer shall furnish purchaser copies ot reproducible transparency exch of the following reports 1, Manufacturer's data report 1b, Shop deawings showing the vessel and dimensions “as built” ©. Photostatic copies of recording charts showing pressure during hydrostatic test. 4 Photostatic copies of recording charts showing temperature during post-weld heat treatment. ©, Rubbing of name plate, y GUARANTEE Manufacturer guarantees that the vessel fulfils all conditions as stated in this Specification and that it is free from fault in design, workmanship and material Should any defect develop during the first year of operation, the manufacturer agrees to make all necessary alterations, repairs and replacements free of charge. 200 201 VESSEL FABRICATION TOLERANCES ‘VESSEL Poorer pores (continued) The dimensional tolerances in this table - unless otherwise noted - are based on practice widely followed by Users and manufacturers of pressure vessels Nowe, (coutinead) All tolerances are inches, unless otherwise indicated ene Tolerances not listed in this table shall be held within » practical limit the intended position in any 1 direction ae Le ——_ i. Deviation of bott holes in any sas Ring > “tH wrecice am t 8. Flatness « +16 r ». Out of level +16 Notes, Couplings use for eve ses, Clip, Brackets Distance between centerline of € Distance tothe reference line tae openings + ine 4, Deviation cicurmferentistly measured Saddle atthe joint of structure. tM k. Distance centerline of boltholes to By [7 | Manway X. istance centerline of oltholes to E € Distance from the face of ange or m centerline of shell aD centerline of manway to reference line, pl 1. Distance between boltholes in base vessel support hig, bottoms of saddle, i plate or between boltholes o slots of centerline of vessel, whichever is two saddles, +8 applicable tia ‘m. Transverse tilt of base plate + 132 A {. Deviation cizcumferentisly measured per Fe {on the outer surface of vessel in 1, Longitudinal tit of base pate... . * 1/8 & Projection; shortest distance from ‘urside surface of Wesel to the tace fet of manveay tin 0. Deviation from vertcallty for vessels 1. Deviation from horizontal, vertical of up to 30 ft overall length tin or the intended position sn any for vessels of over 30 ft overall ength * 1/8 direction +1 per lO ft 4 iL Deviation of bolt holes in any max. 1-1/2 | direction tas p. Vessels for internal pressure. The diference Hie Nozzle, Coupling which are not to be between the maximim and minimum inside connected to piping diameters af any cross section shall not exceed fone percent of the nominal diameter at the I The tolerances for manways shall be cron ection t% ft applied. Deviation from nominal inside diameter Nozzle, Coupling which are to be ais as determined by strapping + 132 connected to piping. c ee pet he Distance from the fae of ange or En centetine of opening to reference line, Out of roundness Code UG-80 * vessel support lug, bottom of saddle, External presure, See Code UG-80 entering of ves, whichever is formed Heads, Code UG-8t y eee amp Tay stanin if¢ + ides tr oatereamis cies EEE TT 1. Out of level in any direction + ps2 surface of ese r per Ft & Projection; shortest distance from fulside surface of vessel to the face of opening tas 1 Tray Support 1, Out of level in any direction + 132 per Ft 202 203 VESSEL FABRICATION TOLERANCES (continued) Tray Support (continued) Distance between adjacent tray z supports Distance to reference line 5. Distance to seal pan be Tit for any width of suppor sing f x. Out of level. 8 ua us us ine mie 18 us SCOPE vertical, eylindrical, a API Specification for SHOP WELDED TANKS ‘Summary of Major Requirements of API. Standard 12F, Tenth Kaition 1988. ‘This specification covers material, design, and construction requirements for sbove ground, shop-welded, steel production tanks in nominal ‘capacities of 90 to 500 bbI (in standard sizes up to maximum diameter of 15 ft, 6 in) For oil field service. Gl cS Fe Ld MATERIAL Plates shall conform to the following ASTM Standards ‘36, A283 C or D, and A285 C. (MINIMUM PLATE THICKNESS Shell and deck: 3/16 in., Bottom: 1/4 in. Sump: 3/8 in. CONSTRUCTION ‘The bottom of the tank shall be flat or conical; the latter may be skirted or unskirted. Fig. A, B, C. The deck shall bbe conical. The slope of the bottom and deck cone = 1:12 WELDING Bottom, shell and deck plate joints shall be double-welded butt joints with complete penetration. Fig. D. The bottom and the deck shall be attached to the shell by double-welded butt joint or 3/16 in. fillet welds, both inside and outside. Fig, E through K. OPENINGS ‘Tanks shall be furnished with 24 in. x 36 in, extended neck cleanout. API Std. 12F Fig. 3.4 TESTING ‘Tanks in diametets up to and including 10 ft. shall be tested to 3 psi. air pressure; tanks in diameters larger than 10 ft, shall be tested to 1-1/2 psi. air pressure. PAINTING (One coat primer. TANK DIMENSIONS Nominal ‘Oatide Capacity, Diameter, | Helene bo fe fe 30 To 10 109 9.6 5 150 3.8 2 20 220 10 210 10: 0 is 230 5 500 5 00 20 500 2-0 % soo 15-6 16 730 15-6 4 Tolerance |= hin | shin 204 205 WELDED STEEL TANKS FOR OIL STORAGE APL Standard 650, Eighth Edition, 1988 WELDED STEEL TANKS FOR OIL STORAGE API, Standard 650, Eighth Edition, 1988 APPENDIX A — OPTIONAL DESIGN BASIS FOR SMALL TANKS (Summary of major requirements) SCOPE This appendix provides rules for relatively small capacity field-erected tanks in which the stressed components are limited to a maximum of ¥% inch not thickness, including any corrosion allowance stated by the purchaser. MATERIALS ‘The most commonly used plate materials of those permitted by this standard: ‘A283 C, A285 C, A 36, A 516-55, A 516-60 ‘The plate materials shall be limited to 14 inch thickness WELDED JOINTS ‘The type of joints at various locations shall be: Vertical Joints in Shell Batt joints with complete penetration and complete fusion as attained by dou. ble welding or by other means which will obtain the same quality of joint. Horizontal Joints in Shell Complete penetration and complete fusion butt weld, Bottom Plates ‘Single-welded full-fillet lap joint or single-welded butt joint with backing strip. Roof Plates ‘Single-welded full-fllet lap joint. Roof plates shall be welded to the top angle of the tank with continuous fillet weld on the top side only. Shell to Bottom Plate Joint Continuous fillet weld laid on each side of the shell plate. The size of each weld shall be the thickness of the thinner plate. The bottom plates shall project at least 1 inch width beyond the outside edge of the weld attaching the bottom to shell plate. INSPECTION Butt Welds Inspection for quality of welds shall be made by the radiographic method. By agreement between purchaser and manufacture, the spt radionraphy may be leleted. Fillet Welds Inspection of fillet welds shall be made by visual inspection. TESTING Bottom Welds 1. Air pressure or vacuum shall be applied using soapsuds, linseed oil, or other suitable material for detection of leaks, oF 2. After attachment of at least the lowest shell course water shall be pumped ‘underneath the bottom and a head of 6 inches of liquid shall be maintained inside a temporary dam, Tank Shell I. The tank shall be filled with water, or | 2: Painting all joints on the inside with highly penetrating oil, and examining outside for leakage 3. Applying vacuum APPENDICES OF API STANDARD 650 Appendix A — Optional Design Basis for Small Tanks Appendix B — Foundations ‘Appendix C — Floating Roofs ‘Appendix E.— Seicmic Design of Storage Tanks ‘Appendix F — Design for Small Internal Pressure ‘Appendix H — Internal Floating Roofs ‘Appendix J — Shop-Assembled Storage Tanks ‘Appendix K — Example of the application of variable design point procedure ‘to Determine Shell-Plate Thicknesses Appendix M — Tanks Operating at Elevated Temperatures ‘Appendix N — Use of Unidentified Materials ‘Appendix © — Under-Bottom Connections 206 207 WELDED STEEL TANKS, API. Std. 650 — APPENDIX A FORMULAS WELDED STEEL TANKS FOR OIL STORAGE API. Standard 650, Righth Edition, 1988 NOTATION C.A. = corrosion allowance, D = mean diameter of tank, ft E = joint efficiency, 0.85 when spot radiographed 6.70 when not radio- G = specific gravity of liquid to be stored, but in no ‘case less than 1.0 H = height, ft 1 = minimum required plate thickness, in. R= radius of curvature of roof, ft. graphed @ =angle of cone elements with the horizontal, deg. 2.6) (D) © () 21,00) * CA but in no case Hes than the following: Mean diameter of Plate tank, Te thickness in. Soale than 50 a] 5010 120, ex * Tao to 206, nt. Se sueut Gver"200 % D ; Tac y Put not less than 9% in. F Maximum t = 1/2in SELr-suProntinc Maximum @ = 37 slo CONE ROOF ae Bae Minimum @ = 9 deg. 28 min. 2:12-slope | i L “SELFSUPPORTING DOME AND UMBRELLA ROOF = R/200 but not less than %, in. Maximum = % in, R= radius of curvature of roof, in feet. Minimum R= 0.8D (unless otherwise specified by the purchaser). Maximum R= 1.20. Tie crssaetonal aes of the top angle in square ince plo the eosrettional ate ofthe sel and Toot pate within distance of 16 tims her hgknese 63, measured fom tir moa emote point of aac ment tothe top angle, hall be minimot: For Self-Supporting For Self-Supporting Cone Roos: Dome and Umbrella Roofs D DR nore] 3,000 sin @ porrow All bottom plates shall have a minimum nominal thick- ness of 1/4 in APPENDIX J — SHOP-ASSEMBLED STORAGE TANKS. (Gummary of major requirements) SCOPE This appendix provides design and fabrication specifications for vertical storage tanks of such size as to permit complete shop assembly and delivery to the installation site in one piece. Storage tanks designed on this basis are not to ‘exceed 20 feet in diameter within the scope of API Standard 650. MATERIALS ‘The most commonly used plate materials of those permitted by this standard: A136, A283 C, A 285 C, A 516-55, A 516-60 WELDED JOINTS {As described in Appendix A (see preceding page) with the following modifica- tions: Lap-welded joints in bottoms are not permissible ‘All shell joints shall be full penetration butt-welded without the use of backup bars. ‘Top angles shall not be required for flanged roof tanks. Joints in bottom plates shall be full penetration butt welded. Flat bottoms shall be attached to the shell by continuous fillet weld laid on cach side of the shell plate. BOTTOM DESIGN ‘All bottom plate shall have a minimum thickness of % inch, Bottoms may be flat or flat-flanged. Flat bottoms shall project at least 1 inch beyond the outside diameter of the weld attaching the bottom to shell. SHELL DESIGN Shell plate thickness shall be designed with the formula: (For notations see Appendix A on preceding page) 2.6) (D) (H=1) (G) (E) (21,000) cea but in no case shall the nominal thickness less than: ‘Nominal Tank Diameter Nomina Plate Thickness ROOF DESIGN Roofs shall be self supporting cone or dome and umbrella roofs. See Appendix A for design formulas ‘TESTING Apply 2 to 3 pounds per square inch internal air pressure. 208 209 ‘Summary of Major Requirements of PIPING CODES pertaining to PIPE WALL THICKNESS AND ALLOWABLE PRESSURE Summary of Major Requirements of PIPING CODES (continuation from facing page) ‘CODE & SCOPE FORMULAS, NOTATION NOTES ANSI B31.1-1992 POWER PIPING ‘Tie Code prescribes minimum require: ‘ment forthe design, mata, fbicaion, tection, test, and inspection of power and ‘taliy service piping systems fr eecic geveron sins, indusal and init oval plant, cenal and district heating ans, and dsc hen Stems, excep 4s limited by Para. 100.18. These tysteme te no ited by plant or er property Hines unless they are speeiclly ined Para. 100: VALUES OF S, 1000 ps For Matcrals ASTIN 33 Band A 106 8 For Metal Temperatures not Exceeding DoF 2010650 700 730 #00 Tso in Bo ee ternal Preure Fer Germinal ites: ad ening rgucenens te ‘Roce olined in Puss, UG8. 29 snd SO Sen Vl Brrao' fte ASME Beer od Hse Vee Cael be USAS B31.2-1968, BURL GAS PIPING ‘This Code covers the design, fabvics- tion, installation, and testing of piping systems for fuel gee such ar natal gs, ‘manufactured ps, iqufiedpetolewn fs (LPG) ai mittutes above the upper ‘ombusible laut, uefed petroleum, ‘Be (LPG) inthe aucous phase: or mix= {Wes of thee gave, inetd PARES VALUES 05,100 ps. Fr Mater AST S3 Rand’ A 106 B For Metal Tempctatures Not Exceeding Bop F 200300. 80030 Doo! w3to aS FS ANSI B31.3-1993, CHEMICAL PLANT AND PETROLEUM REFINERY PIPING (4) This Code psertes rien ft he suey deinen, een een, ‘ainsi, npc, aden ng ‘ems ste epee o rau (0) Ths Cote plete ems ing ais, secang Mie sl, td oa "yest seve, cig rw terete, od nse emi ol and ae pte 6. sem, water ane gent ep ‘provi 30 1290.3. Oy Cag DD ant M fierce ict 3003 ae septs for speci comer, SEE VALUES OF §,1000 psi Foy Matera ASTM A Sb an A 1066 or Meta Temperatures not Exceeding Beg FE 2010100 200" 300 400 S00 ase Aroen 20.00 2000 2000 20.00 14.90 Fer deeriing Wall chaos ad aifesing queens te [ese caine i ere, UGE, 29 and Sed Secon Vl Brice Ht Bett ese ee Co halt tan additional thickness, in inches Ly compe fate for material removed i breads gt fg te, and. to provide for mechanical stfength, covtsion and erosion. For ast ion pipe the fllowing values of A shall apply: CCentually cst Dida Statialy east, o18ie = the sum in inches of the mechanical allow- tnceitread or groove dept plus corosion tnd erosion allowance, inside diameter of the pipe in corroded co ition, inches = outside diameter of pipe, inches = elncy ft of weed jot in pte Spplieable code) For seamless pipe F = foc cast iron pipe casting quality factor F shal be wed in place of E P= internal design pressure, or maximum allow able working pressure, pig 'S ~ ein allonable sess in materi duc to internal peste at the desig temperature i. Uhnes of pipe requied for pressure inches qq * minimum thikess of pipe in inches reauired for pressure and to sompenste for material remdved for tieudig,groseing, ee, 3 Jrowde for mechanical seen, coreoion and Jy &Y = coefficients as butted below |[—— Value ofy £¥ ‘Note For itemnediate temperatures the valves may Be inter poled. Fornoaferrousmuterale and cation, eal 04, “For pipe with @ Dll ratio less than 6, the wale of for fen and austenite sts designe fur terperaes ‘of 900 Fad ela shal be taken a Tihs sani ticks For the RE selected, eonsiering- manuactorers tri oleranee all nt be fess than {ip The min tolerance for scan Us tel pipe 12.9% ofthe woman pipe wall thickness. ‘Where sta pipe is thneaded and used for seam service at pressure above 2S0 ply or for water sevice above 100 pu with water temperate above 220 F the pipe sal be seamless hav ing te mumimom vlkimate tense engih of 48,000 psi and weight aC least equal to Sch 80 of ANSE 3610, "(Code ANSI BSI, Pas, Toric) Piping systems istalled in open eae iments, which are accesible (0 the ener} public or to individuals other Than the owner of the piping sytem on his employee or agent, shall be “esigned in accordance with USAS BLS, (Code USAS B31.02, Para 2011) When not specially required by = fas using proces oF equipment, the maximum working pressure for pip- ing systems isalled in bolding® in tended for man wie and occupancy Stall mo exceed 10 psig. (Code USAS 31,2 Pars 201.21) Every piping system. regards of a ‘eipated serece conditions sal design pressure of at Test 10 psig between the temperatures of minus 20 F and 250 F. (Code USAS B31.2, Pats, 201.2.2.), ‘Where the minim wall thickness in exoas of 0.10 of the nominal di meter, the piping system shall meet te requirements of USAS.B31.3 (Code USAS B3I2, Pata, 203) Pig with equal tor greater than D6, or PISE greater than 0.385, reqs special consideration, taking into account design Sd material factors sacha theory of fail, fatigue, and thermal sueses. (Code B31.3, Pura, 3081.2.) Pipe bends shall meet the dattening limitations of the appiable Code 210 2 Summary of Major Requitements of PIPING CODES pertaining to PIPE WALL THICKNESS AND ALLOWABLE PRESSURE Summary of Major Requirements of PIPING copes Continuation from facing page (CODE & SCOPE FORMULAS, "ANSI BST.S-1992 LIQUID PETROLEUM ‘TRANSPORTATION PIPING SYSTEM This Code presenbes misimum re suitements forthe design, materials, Sonsivuction, asembly, inspection, and testing of piping transporting Liquid pet- roleum such a ce oi conden ‘atural gasoline, nara gx guid, ge fied ptileumn ga, and guid petroleum products between producers lest Tall tes, tank forms, natural grt procesng plats, cefinees, stations, terminals, and ther deliery and receiving points, Internal Presse D Btw = applicable allowable stess wale, pt in accordance with Code, Para 4023.1 a, bc, of d. For pipe rmateval ASTAA 53 B and A106 B, S$ * 25,200 ps, at -20 F to 250F f= pressure design wall thickness, in hee (oe notes 1,2) ANSE BSIS.1992 [REFRIGERATION PIPING ‘te mate sp, fata, seb ee ‘on estan inspect of eigen an bie ie lrtenperresaslowas = SIF (aber ‘ected on te premises or fatry semble) (seep a seiialy edd a te foling flat we alvied tote sping Ca Se on ay provide acme fr rgeaion Ping ine especie juices, “Te Code sal tap (ofan elector vi sen sie (by war pg (eh pin sine for exter nen ae str ot xecing 15 e103) east tm = tte oo Spe SISTA STAY 2s Pa where 'S = maximum allowable stress in ms {eval due to internal pressure at the design temperature, ps. For pipe materals ASTM-A 33 B and 15,000 pst, at 100 F (= presse design wall thickness, in hes. (See notes 12) tera Pressure ‘The pressue design thicknes, shal be etermined im accordance with Code, Para. 5041.3. ANSI B31.8-1992 GAS TRANSMISSION AND. DISTRIBUTION PIPING SYSTEMS This Code covers the design, Fabrica tion installation, inspection, testing, and the safety atpects of operation and mai tenance of gas Wansmision and distibur ‘ion systems, including gs pipelines, gas compressor stations, gas metering. and regulating stations, gis mains and sevice lines up to the cult ofthe custome meter set assembly. Aso included with- in the scope of thi section are ga storage ‘equipment of the clowed pipe type fab- fated or forged from pipe or fabricated from pie nd is nd soe Internal Prete ae Pe Ba ra Ex Twhete specified minimum yield strength, al For pipe materials ASTM A $3 B and A106 B,S = 35,000 ps © nominal wall thicknes, inches (Gee notes 1, 2, 3,4, 5) NOTATION A su of allowance aces for treading and grooving 3st ‘qed under Code, Par 40 22, corrosion af required tunder Code, Par, 4024.1, fn ncteace in wall thickest i ued a protective measure ‘under Code, Pra. 4021 = for internal pressure, the sam of allowances "in inches thread and. groove depth, manufacturers minus tler- nce, pus corrosion and e10- fon llowance for" external pressure, the sum in inches of eorosion find exoxon allowances, pls manufacturer minus tolet- d= inside diameter of pie, inches D&Do= outside diameter of pipe, inches Longitudinal joint _ factor obtained trom Code, table BHLI2. For sams: pipe, B= 10 F = Values of Design Factor F (Gee Code 841.02) “TypeA on Type-B 060 Type-¢ 050 Typed 040. P&P, = intemal design pressure pig ‘$= ax described atthe formulas, Bnd an applicable code, pi 1, = a described at the Formulas, inches Iq © nominal wal thickness sai fying requirement Tor pres. sure and allowancts, bul aot Jess than the nominal wall AhicknessIsted in Code, "Tale 404,11. inches Ig, * mini requed thikaess in inches satisfying requ ments or design pressure ard Imccnical, coason and tonto allowances T= Temperature Derating Factor {or Sec Pipe Temperature Degrees Fahrenbeit Factor Bs0Forles 1.000 300 F 0967 350F 0933 S00F 0.900 450 0.367 ‘Note: tnerpolate for inter redite values Y= coeicient for materials ine Siated For ductile nonferrous ms teil, ete steels and aus Await stels y * 04 1 Dyfi range of 445, use at ya¥D, for ductile materia y= 00 NOTES 1. tnseletionof pipe the manufacturers mins tolerance shall be taken ino consideration, ‘The minus tolerance for sennesescel pipes 8 12.5% of the nomial wl thickness. Thus to france may be used alo when speck Tation not avaiable, pe bends sll eect the Datening litatins of the aplizable Code, 3, Clasfiation of Locations. In Cade 1USLA, Para, 841.01, four eases ate eseribed 36a hss for prescribing the Iypes of construction. 4. Limitation “of Pipe Design Values, Code B38, Par, 841.14. 5. Least Nomis Wall Thickness, Code 318, Table 84.141 The formulas and repulationsare extract. ced from Amercin” National Standard Code for Presse Piping with the po ‘mission of the publisher, The Amecean Soeety of Mechanical Engineers, 212 NOTES 213 RECTANGULAR TANKS UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE Flat-walled tanks due to their mechanically disadvantageous shape are used for low hydrostatic pressure only. The quantity of material required for rectangular tanks is higher than for cylindrical vessels of the same capacity. However, sometimes the applica: tion of rectangular tanks is preferable because of their easy fabrication and the good utilization of space MAXIMUM SIZE Unstiffened tanks may be not larger than 30 cu. ft. and tanks with stiffenings, 140 cubic feet capacity. For larger tanks, the use of stay rods is advisable for economic reasons. RATIO OF SIDES all sides are equal, the length of one side: B= WV" ; where V = volume cu. Preferable ratio: Longer side: 1.5 B; Shorter side : 0.667 B DESIGN The formulas on the following pages are based on maximum allowable deflection; ‘A =1,2, where , denotes the thickness of side-plate. Values ofa and p Rayer} 0230286033, oa o> 0667 Consianig' 002s 003100800566 Constanze 000027 0.00046 00003 0.0016 __ ons —_—_o.o08s Ratio for! 104s 20 25°~=«80 8S Consiant,p 016 026 «034038043 OT 0D Constanta 0.022 0.083 0060 0.070 0.078 0086 0.091 “W= Weight of tank = length of lnk 7 = maximum distance between supports WELDING OF PLATE EDGES Some preferable welded joints of plate edges Lh & The stiffenings may be attached to the tank wall either by intermittent or continuous welding and may be placed inside or outside, BIBLIOGRAPHY (ther design methods ate offered inthe following paper: Vojussak, LA: Sites and Deflection of Rectangular Plates, ASME Paper ATL, Journal Appt Mech, Vot'3'No, 2, 1996. Timoshenko, S. and 8. Woinownky-Keloger: “Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd eition, MeGtawe Hit Book Company, 1959. Tale Diemer ets maa a A 214 25 RECTANGULAR TANKS UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE, WITH TOP-EDGE STIFFENING RECTANGULAR TANKS EXAMPLES NOTATION specifi gravity of liquid height of tank, in sioment of inertia, in Jength of tank, nehes required plate thickness, inches actual plate thickness, inches foad perunit of ength bin, 5 * 20,000 os $= 20.000 pa ‘= 20,000 psi IN ear of 06 xT 120 07x 20,000 <> = 0.625 = 5/8in. plate P, = ab0,036Gh, = 60x60x0,036x120 = 15,552 Ib. Az = 15:852.=.0.778 oq. in.= 19 r0ds 20,000 P, = 4b0.036Gh, = 60x60x0,036x60 = 7,776 Ib. 1776. = 0,389 sq, in. = 3/4 # rods 20,000 va CORROSION Vessels or parts of vessels subject to thinning by corrosion, erosion or mechanical abrasion shall have provision made for the desired life of the vessel by suitable inerease in the thickness of the material over that determined by the design formulas, or by using some other suitable method for protection (Code UG-25b). “The Code does not prescribe the magnitude of corrosion allowance except for vessels ‘with a required minimum thickness of less than 0.25 in. that are to be used in steam, ‘water or compressed air service, shall be provided with corrosion allowance of not less than one-sixth of the required minimum thickness. The sum of the required minimum thickness and corrosion allowance need not exceed 1/4 in. This requirement docs not apply 0 vessel parts designed with no x-ray examination or seamless vessel parts designed with 0.85 joint efficiency. (Code UCS-25). Forother vessels when the rate of corrosion is predictable. the desired life ofthe vessel will determine the corrosion allowance and if the effect of the corrosion is indetermi nated, the judgment of the designer. A corrosion rate ofS mils per year (1/16 in. = 12 years) is usually satisfactory for vessels and piping. ‘The desired life time of a vessel is an economical question. Major vessels are ‘usually designed for longer (15-20 years) operating Ufe time, while minus vessels for shorter time (8-10 years), ‘The corrosion allowance need not be the same thickness forall parts ofthe vessel if different rates of attack are expected for the various parts (Code UG-25 c). ‘There are several different methods for measuring corrosion. The simplest way is the use of tltale holes (Code UG-25 e) oF corrosion gauges. ‘Vessels subject to corrosion shall be supplied with drain-opening (Code UG-25 0}. All pressure vessels subject to internal corrosion, erosion, or mechanical abrasion shall be provided with inspection opening (Code UG-46). ‘Toeliminate corrosion, corrosion resistant materials are used as lining only, or for the ‘entire thickness ofthe vessel wall ‘The rules of lining are outlined in the Code in Part UCL, Apendix F and Par. UG-26. ‘The vessel_can be protected against mechanical abrasion by plate pads which are ‘welded oF fastened by other means to the exposed area of the vessel In vessels where corrosion occurs, all gaps and narrow pockets shall be avoided by joining parts to the vessel wall with continuous weld, Internal heads may be subject to corrosion, erosion or abrasion on both sides. 222 ‘SELECTION OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIALS ‘The tabular information on the following pages is an attempt to present a summarized analysis of existing test data. It is necessarily brief and, while the utmost precautions have been taken in its preparation, it should not be considered as infallible of applicable under all conditions. Rather, it should be looked upon as a convenient tool for use in determining the degree of safety which vatious materials are capable of providing and in narrowing down the field of investigation required for final selection. This particu larly applies where failure due to corrosion may produce a hazardous situation of result in expensive downtime, Footnotes have been generously used to explain and further clarify information con- tained in this table. It is most important that these notes be carefully read when using the table, In ating materials, the letter “A” has been used to indicate materials whch are senerally recognized as satisfactory for use under the conditions given. The letter “F” signifies materials which are somewhat less desirable but which may be used where alow rate of corrosion is permissible or where cost considerations justify the use of a less resistant material, Materials rated under the letier “C” may be satisfactory under zertain conditions. Caution should be exereised in the use of materials in this classification unless specific information is available on the corroding medium and previous experience justifies their use for the service intended. The letter “X” has been used to indicate ‘materials generally recognized as not acceptable for the service Information on metals has been obtained from the International Nickel Company, the Dow Chemical Company, the Crane Company, the HaynerStellite Company, “Cortosion Resistance of Metals and Alloys” by McKay & Worthington, “Metis and Alloys Data Book” by Samuel L. White, “Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering” and. “The Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” Third Edition by McGraw-Hill NOTES - GASKET MATERIALS |. The generally accepted temperature mit for» good grade comprested asbestos sheet, als called ssbestos composition sheet, 7S00E.” However, some grader ate scensfully sued at eer: ble higher Temperatures. This type_of shee i uied for mooth flanges. For rough flanger {see cut fTom aabestosmetalic sheet or formed by folding wbestoy metalic clothe fe. ferred. “The titer and gaskets cut from felted arberton shee, ate indicted for Manges when Bolt pessues are necesany Limited bectuse of the type of flange meter 1. Data from the Pratder Company ate given from the spacial point of view ofthe suitability of the frakel material foruse with ghselined Hel equipment L.Data inthis column apply specially to Si produced by Dow-Comnng Corporation, 1V.Fiberglas fabri led with Silastic silicone rubber (polysitoxane elastomer) har a usable com ‘resbilty of sbout 20 per cent and shows the chemical estance cited here over te fem fange from "85 10 39208. For Flergas fre filled with chemically resistant synthetic the temperature range i approximately 40 to 2870F. Both the sllcdne tuber andthe odinary synthetic rubber ave available as gasket materials in which the reinforcing fabric fa metal loth Grae "The chemical properties of these constsuctons ae the the Fibersiae reinforced ‘th the properties of the metal em.” The motaeloth construction for incresed mechanial Seng eal scone robber for use in ptketng 223 \. Teflon is the DsPont trae ams fr polymeriedtcavrethy lee, Is completly ner in the Eocene. e's chemist sth wp te S1oF but, bog» panic hnok recommended for Fsket applications above 3990F or for high prseiree unless confined im 2 tongue groove Ot Sina ort + Sources of Data: A - Armstrong Cotk Co.: C - Connecticut Hard Rubber Co: D- Dow Corning Corps ts 1, DuPont de: Nemours Co J. Johmedanvile Corp: P The Praydle Co Information on gasket mates compiled by MeGrawHil, “Chemieal Engineers Handbook,” Third Eition 24 225 CHEMICAL, Caution: Do not use table RESISTANCE OF METALS Resistance Ratings: A= Good; C= Caution ~ depends on conditions; CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF GASKETS (SEE CHEMICALS ON OPPOSITE PAGE) Resistance Ratings: Same as facing page vethout reading fotnotes and text. X = Not recommended. [tier Misccianeout g 6 |b BIE ey ele Blel |. Chemical g ols ESle/2)_ (RIE IB giEStE |z mt z| 2 ala le le |B e/Si2/2/ Sle /EEIE eaezis @ 2/2 Ela |a [3 | elele le lelS lel = EASeLE IE a f ee Sele lalz|2|2i2\2 | |z ERB |. BSE) fells le (28 SR lz S\SEIE Elsie |E ls | ele |_lalelFeeeze Els BlE/E/E/ 8/5138) 8/s ee] $2 Slee /Elslsldls (21812 (S13 [2 | Seeger |e le Fie (5 5] 6 lzlz le 2/2 [2 le |é |e alé |5 [Ea |a|3 |e |S|z |4 |e |F [2 |B Baleares |e |e feletet eet ele total el vl of upl cle fatale Regie xcid, rote “eTeTET ele lal ele] eye le lelals 7 ic [x] arefararay al al ater e/ El El erst a] ala KJEPEl Cle lale|s/ale fase la a EAL EP AY AY A] A) Al Ale] GC] Fle} el c] al ala jc [x] RyelElclelejelel ele |e 4] 4 IAL EYAL Ay ATA Al AV] S| Fle} e) c) “| a] a [e|R a k)=] x] )eje)<{e]e]o|a e/a la S| AV ETAT AL A) A) AV ATS) ) lx] &] S| =] ALE | |X] * ele RIAL E/X/A/ S| Ale | Alaa 1A LAI E] Al al al al al al*| Al 2) 212] 212] ele ie |x] a Kalai Alalalayalalalalalala SIS] ATRERL SR] R] A] RTA] A) el Alc} ey LALA A TAY A AIR] Ray Ss A) ALS] ALAA LAL AYA AVZIATAL ALA) ATA I AL al G} al “1 SiR IATA S REE) R Spe] eyey spk] ey ky aa, AI=|Al a} al alal alafay al al alo) a) =) BUAVE ela BLE) El ayelele| él el als fa| ala SIZIATATAT AV AY AT ATA) A] AL alc] alc] AL ATE TELA R)F/ EL AL EVELE/ S| ClAIATS]A14 RUZ] ATAT AL A] @] e] e/a] A] al al =] Ay =] AT Ade Leda al alalalalcial-fAajatalala AIZTAV ATA) AY AY A] STA] AL AT Al ay al ATA IRA EVR) Ral Se] ey al cl ajalal ays AIZ[RTATATATAV AT ATV &) QU ty gy 2) al a RELA x ie Vs] as] AP ELE) RA) S18 aye ala. yal Al al al al al al ale] A] ST SIS) a] =) SA LEELA ‘ment hose AVE] | al lal eS) CTA Ta Ala S|] 4] 4] A) Ay Al Ay Ale] a] | a) xl ef a] ala ie lk] a Anion arate mmm |] |X] RV AL S| AL EL ALATA TATA Salyer Ay ale) a] Be ay ALS] ay) ay 4) T)A EEDA Atmmoniam tulle wae |S] EL ALE | EL Ay AT AP ATA LAT AL aA, EAL ZT] Ap al Al ala] laf al al al =] alc) -]alelels ‘Armonia ate. IE] E] A] elas PT A) A) aPC UAL ALS SIAL AL AL AL AL AY Al AU AY AL a) a) =] a) ay C/A TEED A ‘Aniline dyes JAX] XP =P XP XT PAPAL ATATATA Ala] a A) A) etx] Xa) Al x] -] x] c [x]ala Barium chloride zf=P=]=f=fsfapayalaayala’ Alz| al =] 2 =| 2] 8] 2} F) ale} el <] x] e je le|s Bi rome ~ r]rlalxtxlAlcliP Silo sels Cc Al AL Al AL AL A) ATA; A] Al al -| al al [ATE LE) A P=] =) etx le] Ap =] =] PATE LATA SIA]AT AL AL ALA) AL AT AT AT A) A) a) AL A) a] A Teed a e{=JalAlAlalalal ay Atalal-la AVz]APA) A S/S) 2) Spay ay ay ay AL AVS Sy Ae ey = = - A AIAJAT~; A = X| X}ALA Al q a Beet se termed |) SYP ALCL AL AL ALA Al AL a] A AVZJATAT AT AL AY AL AT AT AL Ay al xy al oy a] a TAT Al a Benscns. bend [A] a) AL ATRIAL AL AT AIA TAT AA ALZLQ/ RyRy RPM a] RY x] x) RR) C] x] x] Rlalal a Benge AYALA) ALATA] AL Ay AL ALATAT ALA RUZ] ETRE RL RR) X} | x] ef XY Re) RI x] Cpa ay a Bick i YAP RT EIR IA) AL AY ALATA TAT AU A AVZ]ST RIALS) AUST AVAL AY a] x] A) ALS iad ay iad Jal ajc] clal*i fey aalalala ALzIS} al al al al al a] A] S| a] al x] al al ala lalaya Sromine. ici ce] -|cjxicicjcj x} x{xicja x |e] x} x} x} x} x] x] x} x) x] x] XP FLX) ~) Xx] x XIX A [Notes continued 08 opposite page 1 3 4 é In absence of oxygen 125" masioam All percents, 0" tg 39% roam temperatae, Ion aad see! may vest comidersby in Ireteneof wae and a ” High copper alloy prohibited by Code; yellow bats cepa Hesatoy "C*retommended to 105, 10, Where colon ir not important. Do wo se with cp. acid. ee u. Room temperaere t0 212°, Moinime ine bias atack 12. Gar; 10 1 To oat 14. Haitelloy °C” at room temperature 15: Room temperanre to 138" 16. Atroom temperature. 17. Where divolortion isnot objectionatle, 16, 355 maximem’ 130° maxim, 19, Saishucory seport 0 319" ‘See text a the font page ofthese tables. 20. Highly conaive vo nc loys at le aed nponine, Recommdation ap lego dey gare ondmary romper ae to als BE Room temperate ~ oer 0%, 3. Nevforrenperrs oer 39°F 26 Op taore 3B. cb ie toe 36 Opis ner By tba mest: biting Be ore io" Be Dia ttt ivm coneminaton is 01 ar 32. 35 34 3s. 36. 2”. permis 10% room temperature Hor Grsastatoy for bot gases. Haseley "Cf 30" Room temperatere to 138". Coreion in age ‘oub lave is roncenraton 65 tells emperare Bilt feo tom perature, ‘Atacktareses when ony ply oa ‘merged fumes vey torcsive Hastelloy "Oto 212" 226 2a CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF METALS CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF GASKETS (SEE CHEMICALS OM OPPOSITE PACE) Resistance Ratings: A= Good: F Restance Rating: Sane facing mae Canton: Do not stable Gaston = depend on enon hou reading fototes and ext = Wot recoomended Ten Taber [itatancon Comp, Woven T T we) | eb | Rai vs) | Bos | latins | g 7 B) TET dele all 8 a BeBe Ble RIS 12 a E als Fela] El. 2] Els 22 12 aa Els ala ia la |B e ere] S/Sl RIES 26g Ela/é gle |2le| slp ele/a/Z/2/El2|2] |: le |B |- elee|_|eldic ls =e ls aie i2 Egle /ElalzlEla | Ele |. ls S6 /E ele/e/3/S|2 (2/2 \EEISIS/E 1 s\6/2/)a|a|2|2 (2 |: 3 (8 (2 (2 gs e26 [ale ps [e/Olalol 2 ale fellate! (ele sale |g ore zg! |8 : a SEIE B/E). [2] Ele Ee ESE |2 Els|2 5 2 [a lala |e le ARABBABEES eel |E eiele|) j-j2l_ |e l2 ls lels [2 BlEglalzlzi2i2\2| |e eee Ne |= FISvEL, lalate lela BRIS IELE S/STEIE Ela lelE la |e le |_| fg ER SEER IE 5 e/EE 12 (8/213 18 18 |S [Sls je ]e SS lElZl2 else] e (Zier Eels ie eases [2 |e PIE IS fs fo fe fe 18 fe fe Jefe fo 5 1215/2 2 (212 [8 [2 (Siz le [2 |e 2 taleaeae |= |e | 7] T P tialululululpl cle layal P| Hydrogen peroxide... IcjclF {elec |c (apport tet et ete Peres de i | ele ja tale lata “reretelay al’ eS] ate ibe OB REV RTATS TATE IE A 1a 141A AT= [EPS] STS) | 8] S] G) 4) SL Ay Ste] =] cia Byala acauersGalveniyi————fe FESPA LET A [a [8 18 14 [4/8 (ALA AY I=] EL E/E] EL) SP El B] El Ap ATE =| E]A py la acdc atige HR IRI AIA TG ISIS LAS 14 Aa ATA Ala) ay SE] E/E] xe] x] x) &} X] Spx) = RP Atal ala Unbricatingaivefned-———ja |A| ALATA AA lala la lala lala AT [EESUSiSIMI AI AL S| Alc] cl | cl —| ala jalela iagnesm condense [PLE IRR TR IATA ALS | 8 12 [218 IATETAT 8) 8] 8) gg) dle) 2] a) x) SlET A Sa al als Magneziam bydronde———Ha [C1 C |= 1x |X ATAU ATA ATA aa cIAAl ar ay Ay |g] GL ALS) a) Al CLA] a alalalela Mercury HRS x FI RISA TATATATATS [4 AVAVAVAL AL A] GE] EL a] ay al Al =] al al ala lal ata Natural gas.. A A Tix - -|- =| -}-14| -| =) <} 4] 7] ~ jiluted...... | EAA lA ] x|x| x) x} ¢] - a xl A Concerted TART RR] HAIR SIR PA LALA ALS SIAC R) S| EL Ri Rx] x) EL Al =] x] al Ry a x] lA Oleic acid MC A] A. RCE TX PA TATA [A RVAVS| S| S| Se] Xp XY XX] Rx] cl =| x] ay ay ex] La Seiten EAA XGA ACTA LATA TA AIA TA 1A RPALR) x) x1 XV XV RY XLS) APS| LEYS) Kix jal al a Paimitie acids I JAIATXICVCTE AA iC IR Ic Taya AladAl al al al al al al ele] -[<] cl El-| SIA TAL RIS Petroleum oil, 6 RSL eS STA ATA LS IATA TA TAA XJAlal ay ar ay A) AL ATE) A) ale] c]e| =] x) Clara Phosphor aca STSTE LATS |S IS aS |S [ela aa ay-TAl lal el xt x) x[ elf] A) xf clel 3 ETA tae] a Botan hydroxide 16 |X| 18 |STR [KIRA LE [e |S [An $15 )4) 9) SS) 8) 8] SEL EL] Sl = [S| a] AIA VELA assum Sle EATS IA IAA la x[AlA) 8) 8] a) El | ef alc) Al al = Propane AYA TE EYE LE YA, SI SISAL S| A] Al} A] 4) ala AY a) ——— LAL AJAIAA ALA IATA . AI=|=| AL AL a A Seotee Gea Alaa {a BS eiie ATA ATA) GIALA Q)A a] a Sletten ni |) /A1E [S/S UAIS R215 faa AV=VAN =) =|=] =] =) 1c] A} A) x] G1] a apa gel ET Sodium chloride. ELE IALE IC lawl An ade lela (414 AIATAL AL ALATA] Al aya] al al ay clals| aya lay ela Sodom evanide tax IR LS (Saar 1S LS LALA SIAVAL AL AL AY Al AL ATAT a) Al al chal a) ala al ala See : £]a\s Syajalalajalalalajalalalcyay a Sods hroochionce———IR ELE Lk Le | RIGS Le [a [ea eda ATi lala} ay al al al alelel lay (aya A/S ie] 4 cele pele fa fee ela ALL ALA) ATAL AL AL AT EL SLE] eLELEL A) ALA xi xt a | Notes conned on opposite SSR ATs ret page oF The 1 Inabience of engen 410, Where cles fs wet importa. De so ste 20, Highly corrose to nickel alloys at ele: permisible 2.12" maxima pred HiatD amperaares, Recommendation ap- 30-10% — room temperaare 3 Ali peeenn 11, Raye temperate to 212. Mob in Plassey argo tombe 31 He 4 To keting.” ats 1. Wate bol 30", Be Deteisfactory for bos gates, 5 Sie empeane 32. Guid a i ae 0% He Gale li ae 1 Hayao ene Feet er aE He an ec 7 ben del my rt comiday 13: Reo porn 24 Uae ee sete dete 0 Tere ae eid by cess 12 Whe titan abo 36 Up eT. ne Be Bite em es pati ab sy rast ge iat ., 18. 3% maxinam; 150° maximam, meget bon ” uerged ; fumes very corrosive. 9. Haseley “ch retommended 103 18, Safar voor to 312 Be RETF pon conninan ts aot 37. aly Coo HE 230 231 Res Caution: Do not use table without reading footnotes and text CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF METALS sistance Ratings: A = Good; F C= Caution ~ depends on conditions; X_= Not recommended. CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF GASKETS (SEE CHEMICALS ON OPPOSITE PAGE) Resistance Ratings: Same as facing page ielanens T besa Raabe Wee T | toe wae 1 i Rubber | | Rubber | E [| | Bonded | Frietonea . ; BELG lelal | Bll é 3 s[FlEa/ |. 3} El- | ead ‘Chemical is} | es fea le JB 2 /2le 2) 5/2] £] $/E ale |p | 5 {2 7 Efe jal |e SEE EIZ(EIB12(2| lele| Iola Zl iE elelel_{sl2le/z (ER /8l8|é SIElEE/e/ElE| el € [ol E U3 ls SIE fe |z |S SiElElE/S (3 (2/8 [le] S/818 =\S (2 2|2/2|2/2)2 |e 2 [3 [2/2 2 EB IE IE | 22/515 [8 212 [2 le lela) s 2 ja [6 |E [2 [a [a |S |e [Se [a [a |e |e Fp - t + fbtuleret etl ete ol al el vl ol ofl efe lalate - | 7 ariel 5 c{-lala la lala Soutum perontic ee Pe) SIE LA Lar Mag x AV-1S} a] afalal al alalalalal=[a] al als ale ya Sodium sulfate. AJA] A| Aol ALA [An] Auf As ATALALA {A Ay-f Ay 7 AVAL AL al al SP ALSE ATA [x [x a Sodio sulfidessonn JA [CPC LAC |X [aul An[ALCLA|A| A [A AV-TAT SL a al al al alALAl AT AL | AL al ALA LE La Sonam thiosulfate, hypo™- awl CL EL ale fC A) AAT EAL ALA APART S| SF LR RRO] al aL Cl =] c) 8) SLB a laa Stearic acid TAT ATA Gal Auf Al AGTAIA TATA LA | Aa altar TyElal ete) ale] =] aici jal— Sulfur. ALA CAAT ATR E/ CICA [2 al-JAlclale Clefele}A{ ce] =] Fle |r x fa Sulfor dioxide dey. — 1a ALATA] ATA ClALCIA Ay Al-y-jeye = - <|-]-|-l- Joi Jo jo sulfur dioxide, wet. FE JAC IX]E |x ]elalc}a |— zlalala ALA A a ~ AL AJA |X |X] A Suifrie acid, 0%, cold—-[e [ELE] ATE |e [ele le le] A| STA [a EVAVAT SL ELA] SMP CLAVE] AY Al =| ar A) ea Ui |x a Ho HS) S| RISE S/S 6 (x) 3/8] 4/4 RUST ASS) § S pepe aya) =] a) a) aie ARIA sa JEP STAVE TE ISTE IE (SE/S/ aA Kale : yepay=fel4ye@ | a E/E] RT AVE L EIS |S TE [S/S] STAI &. PEVSVEVS) STRUTS) SEL) 8) <1E 4S] SUP IR UR] Pb59, cold AJefef are |x {= |= IR IEIALc| Mle TVA EVEL EY S/R] RT x [x |e] x] C) <1 &] =] TE UR LR LA my ale |x ]x]x/e/x/e] X] Ay PR PALS PRP RT RY RY Sy SPST RY S| S] =] E] x Be Ta Erma nN Re ale |= SIESTA YAP R) xP RT RT REX UR) S/ y S| OUR) =| EUR ELA Sellorous sd Wey FLAT EEE lc Je fe fac] aa, STATATALAT AT AD A) ATEL AV Gye] Alc] al fa [ea Fane acta CTE] AVE TA Tee Ue ETAL SIA AT=[a[EFELC STS] x13] AS] a) S131 E/E YALA TA roluene. JA | A AJALATATALA i x x X|X X |X A Tehiorostigione, depo IR J RTAT RTA LATA LALA LQ [A] O14 [A JAE VE Pe PE Pe [RY] R LX [x |X| CL |X|) Hy TX A Da TA ct mmm JER] ETE fe | {2 A EPA] a Ie slzlalelelelx A Ele fa fala Fyrrenunes i ae AICIA/-/ATAJAJATALATA [a ajcjc|c)x xiclcejalxicie ; ater, fresh (ia, buller i alal alalclatal ala |r fa feed, ete) Iatalalalalixfalalalalalalala jalelalalatalayayalatayafayel ara) aya qe qa ]a Water. Seawater SYA ALALE |x [ef a A epee] aa AVTTATAVALAT ATS S TATA AT ATS] ALS) AT [a a [4 Whiskey and wines RSI Sh al AIS (ATA (Salat ay 4 |e PRLATELAVAU AVAL AT A TELAT CUAL |< f-] ATA TE LA ine clone | Fara i SLL ATA te fF IA Tete a The Tro page oF These to wide alos at cle permis Now coined on oro me 10. Whore cl is nating Do nt nse 2 ee etc Raenmendaion ape 30. 40% rom tempentne 1 Inabiewe of caggen. ibe pa Fe ape: oeliaaytonpernrt,. 3 Hot 2.123" maximum. 11, Room ‘temperature to 212, Moisture in on ee fen 32. Unratisfacory for bot gas 5. il percent 0 sib aah 22. Room temperaiere — over 80% BB Hailing "Cho sa 9 boiling, 12. Garp 10" Vor for tenperanies over 390" 15. Room temperature to 138". Corrosion in 3 5% ro iemperare 1 To's 2s Nou fr tegpernen ever 390 2° eae sah inert fn foment 6 Tone 16. Hastelloy °C" a y00m temperature 24 Up Mare well as temperate % Wrom and sel may rast comtiderbly in 13: Room temperature to 138" Ub te 200F. 235, Dilute at oom temperate Segre et a 16. trom temperature Fh bod mexiam ; biting. 3G. Atack ncreaser when only partially sub 4. High copper alloys prohibited by Codes; 17. Where discoloration ir ot objectionable, ar ee mee sented, mes ver coro. Eat erepate ie 3 penn 167 gaxinam. Fe Bsa ie ition contamination i not 37. Halos "Cro 2 9 Hastelloy "C" recommended to 103°. 19, Satisfactory vapors to 212", 29, Do mot ws 232 233 FABRICATING CAPACITIES FABRICATING CAPACITIES WHICH HAVE TO BE KNOWN BY THE VESSEL DESIGNER. THE COLUMNS HAVE BEEN PIPE SIZE. SCHEDULE RADIUS in, BENDING PRES - ROLLING PLATES FOR MATERIAL OF HIGHER - lrucinessin| INSIDE, Pruucknessin| Sie saxon | fom BENDING PLATES rouuncancuss = Fe | | Sie DIAMETER in DIAMETER fri ZEATES | DIAMETER PUNCHING HOLES ROLLING BEAMS = RENT SH ste nouuncenavners — (RQragrs POMEREORT™ [WET ewnenstonl Os ROLLING FLAT BAR : ee oy 234 235 PIPE AND TUBE BENDING * In bending a pipe or tube, the outer part of the bend is stretched and the innet section compressed, and as the result of opposite and unequal stresses, the pipe or tube tends to Matten or collapse, To prevent such distortion, the common practice is to support the wall of the pipe or tube in some manner during the bending operation. This support may be in the form of a filling material, when a bending machine or fixture is used, an internal mandrel or ballshaped member may support the inner wall when required. MINIMUM RADIUS: The safe minimum radius for a given diameter, material, ‘and method of bending depends upon the thickness of the pipe wal, it being possible, for example, to bend extra heavy pipe to a smaller radius than pipe of standard weight. As a general rule, wrought iron or steel pipe of standard weight ‘may readily be bent to a radius equal to five of six times the nominal pipe dia- ‘meter, The minimum radius for standard weight pipe should, as a rule, be three and one+alf to four times the diameter. It will be understood, however, that the minimum cadiue may vary considerably, depending upon the method of bend= ing. Extra heavy pipe may be bent to radii varying from two and one-half times the diameter for smaller sizes to three and one-half to four times the diameter for larger sizes. = i R R OH way How Standard Pipe Extra Heavy Pipe MINIMUM RADIUS **From Machinery’s Handbook, 1969 Industrial Press, Ine. - New York PIPE ENGAGEMENT. LENGTH OF THREAD ON PIPE TO MAKE A TIGHT JOINT SS Ze Zeke 2 é Oil Primer 364TNo. 3 g 5 8 extended Red Lead, Raw and Bodied Linseed Oil z Cee es 4 | Exended ted Len, Raw and Boe Lined a: ‘eae mail? Ed ey £ tic acid, 3aaga| 2 2 2 s | zine Dust, Zink Oxide, and Phenolic Varnish Paint | 5-64TNo. Sie eee ECC ia aes 6 | Red Lead, Iron Oxide, and Phenolic Varnish Paint | 664TNo. 6 Reston nua it4aagaaals & & 8 | Aluminum Vinyl Paint B64 No. 8S ‘eobol amyl a iidagaa33)5 8 Jecohol butyl, novia. «| 1 1 g 2 § 9 | White (or Colored) Vinyt Paint 964 No. 9 ‘Aobol butyh aor: <1 piazzp2te| ge gg 11 | Red tron Oxide, Zine Chromate, Raw Linseed Oil | coat tele WHE Ae ‘and Alkyd Primer 11647 No. MS ‘Alcohol, methyl. ==... 1 ligtiiiia | § 28 2 12 | cold Applied Asphalt Mastic (Extra Thick Film) | 1264 No. 12 & ‘Aluminim chloride! ©. 1 224113313) 3 Be 8 13 | Red or Brown One-Coat Shop Paint 13464 No. 13 ‘tuminum spt. Gidtiaaia| age E 14 | Red Lead, Iron Oxide & Linseed Oil Primer 14647 No. 14 & Anamonta, Squid «---- 1 p23) 3313) g Se 8 15 | Steel Joist Shop Paint IS6STNo. 15 & ‘Ammonivin chloride «| ne aca eee 16 | Coal Tar Epoxy Polyamide Black (or Dark Red) Puint| 16-68TNo. 16 2 eae Anastacia 102 | Black Alkyd Paint 102464 No. 102 ‘Ammonium Sulphate... 1 113713312] 2 ge 103 | Black Phenolic Paint 1US040 No. 103 Aailine. 4 p2aa gard | gage Gg 104 | White or Tinted Alkyd Paint, Types 1,1, 11,1V | 104-64. No. 104 Bearer ,] iis3a4434) & ge af 106 | Black Vinyl Paint 10664 No. 106 Butyl acctate,” 1 113443313 | 2,82 Fe 107__| Red Lead, Iron Oxide and Alkyd Intermediate Paint_| 107-64 No. 107 Calcium chloride 1 112113212 | $223 28 [. See py Sronite Liitiszaia | 252 38 Paint; Red-Lead Base, Ready-Mixed a CGleium hypochlorite | 1 224113313 | shag #3 eH tedlead-raw and bodied linseed oi : 2 CGatbon disulphide 4 1idsaaaaa | 2832 gf 5 ee alee aa ‘d eo Uses 35 Carbon tetrachloride, . +. 4 114444444 | [282 83 B_ | Type Il red lead, iron oxide, mixed pigment. . 28 eae ‘ piaaagaaa | gale oy alkydinsed oll TrPa6e = BE Chlorobencene 4 iiaaaaaad | eee 38 | Type Il red lead alkyd rps | Bg Chloroform. 4 Liaaaaaaa | S382 3 D__ | Primer; Paint; Zine Chromate, alkyd Type Tress BS Gheomic acd, i082. 2 334224424 | Buse g E | Paint; Zinc Yellow-tron Oxide Base, Ready 33 Ghromic acid, 60%. - ++. 2 234224424 | ZEEE 8 Mixed, Type Iyellow, alkyd MILP-15929B Gy 2 Copper sulphate 1 rritiidid | ese F | Paint; Oulside, White, Vinyl, Alkyd Type MILP.16738B 2 8 peaee eae i piasdaada | Sges e G | Primer; Vinyl-Red Lead Type MiLP.159298 2a Enhylene glycol i biztiiii2| #e8% ga H | Vinyl Resin Paint VR3 ze ese chlorate ot een eee Beis Ee 1 | Paints Antifouling, Vinyl Type MIL-P.15931A 'n & Eecis lebateea t1etlgai2 | Bae fy J | Paints; Boottopping, Vinyl-Alkyd, Bright Red Ea Formic acid, 20%. 1 113412213 | S35ee55 Undercoat and Indian Red Finish Coat MAPA44 4 Formic acid, cone’ 1 113112213 | peeogeg k | Enomel Onde, roy No 11(Vingtaliyd | MILE159355 2 Gustine ‘ Ligitaaad | szggigs L__| Enamel, Outside, Gray No. 27 (Vinyl-Alkyd) MILE-159368 3 Giycerine 1 He Maen 8 Hydrochioric ac, i036. 1 Bead @f M_ | Compounds; Rust Preventive 52. 28 eee oa VESEtS StS | gegs ¥ N | Coal Tar Enamel and Primers MLP.isia7c Heeoc er tcaltcomes 21 resi agra | Saga ae © | Goal Tar Base Coating MILC-184808 3 3 Hydrofluoric acid, 10%. | 113222212 | 9606 GF P Hydrofluoric acid, 40%. || 113222213 Coating, Bituminous Emulsion MILC-15203¢ 254 255 PAINTING CHECK LIST FOR INSPECTORS ‘TABLE V, CHEMICAL RESISTANCE OF COATING MATERIAL (continued) reall ai 1. Codes and Addenda A ie . 2, Drawings: eh 33 2 8 ) All info & details required by QC Manual shown on drawing. 23, a ook: a 4 'b) Heads correctly identified Sia, .g 42228 ee ©) All metal correctly identified ..... BEEPEPESE ais’ g {@) Name plate facsimile stamped correctly BLeeSS SS 6RT a eee MAWP, MDMT and RT . unas ©) Approval by fabricator (on drawing) . : Hydrofluoric acid, 75%..1 211113222223) 8 F | 1). Revisions or metal substitution shown and approved. if g 3 PP huesen ferme 30K221393232233a4| 2 FF Hydrogen periode, 30) 322 5 z Hydrogen sulphides. 211 1212212) 8 8 F 3. Bill of Material: ew Woodwiorowaad Pa T AR AAT TS GLE) Bo gE 2) All material identified 28 SA 0F SB ee Kerosene g2 uirements of specified were applicable eae Enea D) Reuben of UES 79 (6 sped epic Magnesiumenpiaic 0001 111 043042212 | 2 BE 5 ©) Required material test reports specified .. Methyietytketone s/t 121014443313 | 8 88 2 4) Shop order, serial number, and/or job number shown Mineral oit aa4iriiziiaa2a | F Bg ©) Material revision or substitution approv Nitric acid, 5%. 1114224113313 |g ge & pp Material ‘or substitution approved Nitric acid, 10% phiadaagazaai3 | 3 Ee F and shown when applicable Nitie acid, 4025 2224334224424] Bee $ Romer RTPI] gb i + Stan Oleic aid 321013224424) B ge mensions used match drawing guste sca rigpyy2ei2213) 8 gee 1) Correct stress values and joint efficiencies (S & ) sed. enol, 15-354 8 Ea af €) Correct formula & dimensions used for heads Phenol 3 a| 2 £2 28 : Phowphoric ach, 1080114 11143113343 | sie E 4) Do nozzle necks comply with UG-45? Phosphoric acid, 60% 1/1 111113113313 | Beez 2 «) Required reinforcement calculations available forall openings. Pombonesadeone.: 1 TTT T1311 3313 | G35e g 1) Special flange or structral loading calculations available Potassium hydrowide, 20%1 214224112213 | 2888 y 2) [Identification with S/O or S/N and approved by fabricator. Potasium hydroxide, 95% 121422 112213 | S288 E hh) Extemal design pressure correct - template Potassium permanganate »2213223223334 | S82 5 calculations & template available powsium dupes EL TTL 2 EL 2212 | eee 9 i) MAW? MOMTnatcesdeawing ad pcicatons. a we AA eel MDM correct for materials used (UCS-66, UNAS!) Souiumbauiphate 3071 LLL St 2312 | BREE E Souium carbonate Tiiaz24atia2ia | ease 8 5. Purchase Orders: Sodium chloride. rhiiitiiiiitia | g8gk 3 4) Is job aumber shown (when applicable)? Solum hydroxide, 0K 1214224113113 | Sgee g ') Correct specification (SA oF SB) used. Sodium hydroxide, 20% 1214224112213 | 88 § ©) USC 79(d) & UG 81 requirements specified as applicable Sodium bysronises408 °1 214224112213 | oes 3 {8) Material Test Reports requested Sodium hypochlorite, . .. 2 14) 8se= ¢ ¢) Is material ordered identical to Bill of Material Sodium nitrate Pieiii2142212 | Bass § ) material ordre dene! to Bil of Materia Sodium sulphate Vrrrrrarra2i2 | Beeps or drawing requ Sodium sulphite Priiid112243 | Beeege Solphur dioxide Trttii2112213 | seggee 6. Welding: ‘Sulphuric acid, 10% Piii113112212 | gdeese a) Are correct WPS(s) shown on drawings? Salphuniesed, 30% ST PETS PSs 13 | B 8) Are amples weld details forall es show on dang? Sulphuric acid, 60% ©2222 LE 1d a5c3 €) Ate copies of WPS(s) available tosh Saphire sivcone 2223 ETT 3 323303 | Saga g Fe ener -P Tolucne Aa ati 13334434 | 3888 Ss Tichloweiiyiene 4 AAT TTA 256 CHECK LIST FOR INSPECTORS (continued) 4) Isa Welder’s Log and Qualification Directory kept up-to-date and available? «) Are WPS, PQR, & WPQ forms correct and signed? =... 1) Are welders properly qualified for thickness, position, pipe diameter and welding with no backing (when required)? 18) Is sub-are flux, electrodes and shielding gas(es) used the same as specified on applicable WPS? = AL 1) Do weld sizes (fillet & butt weld reinforcement) ‘comply with drawing and Code requirements? i) Is welder identification stamped of recorded per QC Manual and/or Code requirements? Non-Destructive Examination & Calibration: a) Are SN’ bb) Do film reader sheets or check off records show film interpretation by a SNT-TC Level I or Il examiner or interpreter? ©) Are the required number of film shots in the proper locations for the joint efficiency and welders used (UW-I1, 12, & 52)? ¢) Is an acceptable PT andior MT procedure and personnel qualified and certified in accordance with Sec. VII, Appendix 6 or 8 available? ©) Is the PT material being used the same as specified in the PT procedure? 1) Doall radiographs comply with identification, density, penetrameter, and acceptance requirements of Sect. VIII and V? - 8) For B31.1 fabrication isa visual examination procedure and certified personnel available? hh) Are tested gases marked or identified and calibrated as stated in QC Manual? {Is a calibrated gage size per UG-102 availabie for demo vessel? ABBREVIATIONS: ‘Authorized Inspector MAawp — Marimum allvabe Working Pressure MDMT —- Maximum Design Metal Temperature Qc Quality Control RT Radiographic Examination SIN Serial Number S/O Shop Order ‘wes ‘Welding Procedure Specification 257 PART II. GEOMETRY AND LAYOUT OF PRESSURE VESSELS 1. Geometrical Formulas ve 258 2. Geometrical Problems and Construction svn 268 3. Solution of Right Triangles . 270 4. Optimum Vessel Size. am 5. Flat Rings Made of Sectors. ssn 214 6, Fustrum of Concentric Cone 216 7. Fastrum of Eccentric Cone ae 8. Bent and Mitered Pipes nse : 280 Intersections 281 10. Drop at the Interseston of Vessel and Nozze 291 11, Table for Locating Points on 2:1 Elipsoial Heads . 293 12. Length of Ares 2 13. Circumferences and Areas of Circles. 300 32 14, Appurtenances 258 289 GEOMETRICAL FORMULAS (See examples on the facing page) EXAMPLES (See Formulas on the Facing Page) r SQUARE TaUARE Ae At Cire Side a = 8 inches ne Pd kee AT an P= 6tag of | ae tues de Os hae Ts tates = 132 é Rea AG) = naib = ota ; Sie PS ojove'e omnis tan = 6 a = 07071 d or a =v¥A Side a= VA =V64 8 in. a RECTANGLE REETANGLE ae ams Gren! Se a= Simard b= 4 Ana Finds Ae Aw axb ogee = teagan overs en Ceycery Ta Dagens d= VTE «VEE Nor Te VE Es Sie = apn tae = 9 vVF ane Ste $2 Nes i = ti PARALLELOGRAM PARALLELOGRAM ne are Chen Hog a = Sin and eae 9 = 124 ana Find: Are ‘A= axb = 8x12 = 96 sq-in. f | .-4 feast 2 = apes efit» om ? Site 8 Ale Sore» aim vet TGHFANGLED TRIANGLE TIGHT ANGHED TRIANGLE ae Giro Sie a = Sinvandte 0 = 8 ol “ » Find: Area A= BxB = 24 sqrin, [oN ; D ne bare Side ¢ Net ¥b2=V 6" +e V36 + 64 =VI00 = 10 in. z 3 . Sit Lye yar -Wrset ovo = ‘oi VER Sac} Rese Yeroe ovlWese Vor = Sin ACUTE ANGLED TRIANGLE A Area Cxh an& A = Vs(na)x(a-b) xe) s = A(atbte) ACUTE ANGLED TRIANGLE Given: Side a = Gin. Side b = 8 in.andside © Find: Area A= s = K(atbte) = 4(6+8+10)= 12 ANG (ema) x (5) x =e) =VI2 (12=6) x (12-8) x (12-10): 24 sq. in OBTUSE ANGLED TRIANGLE A= Area bah ae A= Vileayalebyx(ee) 8 = K(atbte) OBTUSE ANGLED TRIANGLE Given; Side a = 3in,, b= 4inand © = Sin. Find: Area A= 5 = B(atb+o) = UG+445) = 6 A= VOG-KC AACS) =VIO = 6sa-in 260 261 _sronernca ronan EXAMPLES example on Oe ‘ ve eer) (See Formulas on the Facing Page) + i ee eee RIGHT TRIANGLE WITH 2 45° ANGLES A 2 at _ 82 _ 64 Fats wee ode = he szegan 4 b= tae ae F-F-G-2 TQUATERAL TRIANGLE - TQUILATERAL TRIANGLE Sr aiaoe - sane a 0.8662 a = 115Sh z 2 7 * TRAPEZOID pe cee Finds Ace Ao SSDE A EBS sein REGULAR HEXAGON = Area = Radius of circumscribed circle Radius of inscribed circle 2,598 a? = 2.598 R? = 3.464 12 = a= 11555 = 0.866 a= 0.866 R R= LISS ¢ ers REGULAR OCTAGON A= Area R = Radius of circumscribed circle Radius of inscribed circle 4.828 a2 = 2.828 R2 = 3.314 7 13307 a= 1.082 7 1207 a= 0.924 R = 0765 R= 0.828 + aie REGULAR HEXAGON Given: Side a = 4in. Area A= 2.598 xa? = 2,598 x4? = 41.568 squin, 1 = 0.866 xa = 0.8664 = 3.464 in Re a= [15Sr = 1.185x3.4644 in, REGULAR POLYGON A= Area n= Number of sides by elie BS aoe an +f a ne oe ‘ woe REGULAR OCTAGON Given: R = 6 in,, radius of circumscribed circle Find: Area A = 2,828 R? = 2.828 x6? = 101.81 sain Side a = 0.765 R = 0.7656 = 4.59 in, REGULAR POLYGON Given: Number of sides n= 5, side a= 9.125 in Radius of circumscribed circle, R = 7.750 Find 1 3s0¢ 21S w 628m nia, S625 x95» pre kw BE = SSIES st agin 262 GEOMETRICAL FORMULAS (See examples on the facing page) CIRCLE A= Area © = Circumference Aw Pxw = 2x 31616 = ot x 0.7856 CH dx w= dxsisis Length of ate for angle a = 0.008727 d xa 263 EXAMPLES (See Formulas on the Facing Page) CIRCLE Given: Radios f= Gin Findaee A= 2x t= 62x 3,146 = 11210KR In. oF Are = 0008727 45 a ‘CIRCULAR SECTOR Aa Ace a= Ar a= Ange Aste ogy _ eas hlais . 180" as oi pe dk CIRCULAR SECTOR Given: Radius © = Giny | Angle = 609 finds Aree = Po xo Paw 2G = seas agin, Angle @ = 57.296 x0 CIRCULAR SEGMENT As Ae a= Angee Cond A= Aen of sector mins area of tangle c= texan CIRCULAR SEGMENT Givens fal in Aaple = 508 Minus ates of tangle 18.000. Ares of sement A® 1027454 In x6 xsin Qo 2x64 0:7071 © 8485 i ELLIPSE A= Awa P= Perimeter A= 4 xaxbd = 3.1416xaxb ‘An approximate formula for perimeter P= 3.1416¥2 (a2 + OF) Mattar, 4 = Ain, and 9 = 340, ea As aanb = 21416x8x terinater P= 3.1816 VEGES OF) sustey a6 = 3796 eV FECTED © ELLIPSE Locating points on ellipse & = C = Ratio of minor axis to major axis x = Ve-(3Cxy?) ELLIPSE Given: Aske a = Bin. and B vt: ye MEET, MEE YE, VT 529 ie = on w= (BY, where N = the required number of holes (diam, d) of which (otal area equals area of circle diam. D. EXAMPLE: a , How many ‘4 in. @holes have same areas as a 6 in, diam. pipe? N= (Did= (610.25 =24" = 576 holes = Area of 6 in. @ pipe = 28,274 in? Area of 576 % in. @ holes = 28,276 in. 204 265 GEOMETRICAL FORMULAS (See examples on the facing page) EXAMPLE (See Formulas on the Facing Page) cuBE, V = Volume vee Ww CUBE Given: Side a Find: Volume V B= Si2euin Side a = Vv $12 = Bin. SQUARE PRISM V = Volume SQUARE PRISM Given: Side a Sin, b = 6in,and © = 4in. Find: Volume V = axbxe = 8x6x4 = 192eu-in Ve axbre vi. , v aig Ge = sins v v oxo” Ox4 axe ate PGE © oe =e lB + sin axe” 7x6 PRISM PRISM - Y= Volume A = Area of end surtace Given: End surface A = 12 sq-ingand hi = 8 in vena Find: Volume V= AXA = 8x12 = 96cuin, This formula can be applied for any shape of end surface Oh perpendicular to end sicace CYLINDER CYLINDER Y= Volume $= Area of cylindrical surface Given: sr * Ginyand h = I2in Find: Volume V= 31416417 xh = 3.141667 x12 = 1357.2 eu-in V= 31s16x0x xx ° ® 785 x a2 xh Area of Cylindrical Surface: S = 3.1416 xdxh S = 3usl6xdxh 31 416 x 12 x 12 = 452.389 sq-in, CONE V= Volumes. 6x xh Area of conical surface ‘CONE Given: re Find: Volume V = Ginand h = 12 in 1.08 472 xr? xh w1,0472x6%xh © 452.4 cui, ova xh —_ c= VFR oY SEF 144 VTBO = 19.416 in ae Area of Conical Surface: $= 3.1416 rxe $= RUMI6 re = 1.5708 de 7 3.1416 x6 x 13416 = 252.887 sain FRUSTUM OF CONE FRUSTUM OF CONE 7 Gites: Diameter D = 24in. and d = 12in, b= 10.375in V= Volume $ V = 02618h(D?+Dd+@) a= Rr eV eh s ‘Area of conical surface 1.5708 ¢(D+4) Find; Volume V Surface |S 0.2618 h (D? + Da +8) 0.2618 x 10,375 (24? + 24 x 12+ 122) = 2737.9 cui, 1.5708 ( D + d)= 1.5708 x 12 (24+ 12) 678.586 sq-in 200 267 GEOMETRICAL FORMULAS (See examples on the facing page) EXAMPLES (See Formulas on the Facing Page) ‘SPHERE V = Volume A = Area of surface (3) vn Seer ERP gists Ax Gaye nat 0.5236 3 SPHERE Given: Radius 1 = 6 in Find: Volume V = 4.1888 5? = 4.1888 x216 = 904.78 cui. or V = 0.5236 43 = 0,5236 x 1728 = 904.78 cuin. Arca A= 4 on = 4x3.1416 x67 = 4524 sqein. of A 2 = 3.1416 x 122 = 4524 5a. in SPHERICAL SEGMENT < Volume A = Area of spherical surface 3.1416 x m? (1-8) < A= Qnxrxm ‘SPHERICAL SEGMENT Given: Radius r= Gin. and m = 3in. Find: Volume V = 3.1416 x2? (r-3) = 314163? 6-3) = 141.37 cain Ara Aw 2 krxm = 20214168643 = 113.10 sqm (32 3c al a) ‘SPHERICAL ZONE Given: Radius t= 6in, C, =8in, Cy = 11.625 in and h = 3 in, Sce tables for volume and surface of cylindrical shell, spher- ical, elliptical and anged and dished heads beginning fon page 416, z Find Volume v = 05236n3x{ 2282 ,2ZLLEDS 3) 240.7408 Z are A= 628922603 = 113.105 An te mseasta | TORUS | | ronus Volume A= An of mice Ghent Radios R= 6in ands = 2 i Saeed Find: Volume V = 19.739 Rx1? = 19.739x6x2? = 473.7 cu. " een Area A = 39.478 Rr = 39.478 x6 x2 = 473.7 sqvin. | as asate ms +9696 D8 208 269 GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS AND CONSTRUCTIONS GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS AND CONSTRUCTIONS a] as [LOCATING POINTS ON A CIRCLE [ay a TO FIND THE FOCUS OF AN ELLIPSE EXAMPLE | Given the minor and major axis ofthe ellipse. y eVRFaaT | PR'S'Sin, x = 3in ! : Find the focus Xoymaye | Fay Vest Vso ev? | FintY Mies sin Strike an arc with radius, a (one half of the -. major axis) with center at B. The inter- LENGTHIGEPUATE EOR/CYLINDER| | secting points of the arc and major axis are t= rxb EXAMPLE the two foct of the elise ES Lenathof| Inside asmeter = 24 in ilies plate | Thickness of plate = 1 in. - eF Dm Meicter |e asa 31416 = 78.5398 in THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELLIPSE TOFIND THE RADIUS OF A CIRCULAR ARC Place a looped string around points Fi. B and Fa ep | EXAMPLE Draw theelipse with pencil moving i along the neGheae] e= 6im, Ms 2in mmoximum obit the sng whe is hap tau “Bhat | Fina R= (o(2ye+ 22 = 3.25 il 2x2 ‘TO FIND THE CENTER OF A CIRCULAR ARC ove When the Radius, R, and Chord, C are known, strike an are from point A and {rom point B with the given length of the Radius. The inter- secting point, © of the two arcs isthe center of, | the cirular ae. ‘TO FIND THE CENTER OF A CIRCULAR ARC ‘THE CONSTRUCTION OF ELLIPSE Describe a circle of which diameter is equal to the ‘major axis ofthe ellipse and with the same center Beil of which diameter i equal to the minor axis Draw a number of diameters. From the intersecting points ofthe large circle draw perpendicular lines to the major axis and from the intersections of the small circle draw lines parallel with the minor axis, The intersections of these parallel and perpendicular lines ate points of the elliptical curve. When the Chord, C, and Dimension, M, are known, PROPERTIES OF 2:1 ELLIPTICAL HEAD sttike an arc from point A and from point B on both sides of the are. Connect the intersecting. points with stright lines. ‘The intersecting point of the straight lines, Ois the center of the eizeular 08D (approx.) 09D (approx) 0.173 D (approx) | the upper portion of the head within diameter, d Re LAM. yong ia spherial segment with negligible deviation ar c “Te Radios Kriown, but because of Ts extee 5 {LOCATING POINTS ON A 21 ELLIPTICAL HEAD| length it impossbte to draw the are with «com BOCATING POINTS ON A Zricat Hea E pass." Determine the length of Chord sad Dimer: Te =VRrav y= VETO — hy | Sion M. ‘Draw at the center of the Chord a perpen 1 dicular ine. Measure on this line Dimension M. Note: The curvature of an elliptical head on one a | RD End measure Mid inension pspendicaa ‘opposite parallel curve is geometrically undeter- ch bisection 4 times fess. The vorlices ofthe triangles are the points of the cir- Jn the ease of heavy walled head is possible by cular are ‘means of layout only. See tables on page 285. 2m 270 1 Frustum of ECCENTRIC CONE, SOLUTION OF RIGHT TRIANGLES EXAMPLE REQUIRED ‘Given Mean diameter KNOWN)SIDE OR ANGLE) FORMULAS EXAMPLES Mean diameter (ENCIRCLED) Saas em Ange K Sioa > 6m b h e 5 o Find side © STRAT oT TTE oft aE | tetanic a ao oto } Sides = Gin © = in Find Angle 8 =f 24 0.500 = 600 Find side 0 VSIEST VETS Vie = 410 ‘Angle A = 250, sides = 6 in, Find aide b ~ 6 x cot 25° vn 2 Divide the bae ice into 12 equal 44 Daaw chords Cy, Cz. Cay et. t0 the dividing pots ib | Side a = 3in. € = Sin, t | A ‘Andie A= 308, side a = 6 in \ the length ofthe chords CC... using Factor, € from table “Segments for Radis = 1 on pags 90) the lengths of Sy. Sp. ete and Sf, 85, etc of Cir 6. Cleat a] fp | ener ers “Eis ‘ reas ieee Beams |veray |aeuet |e | WH o Find side © == Chords, Cr Cae] gy gaan, [BORE Cr Ce ete ae ar 3 ee Angle A = 30°, side c = 12 in, =_ teed” Se Gi zie ne . ae exsma | Fodudes 2 isn 300 7a57 sea = Be _ ue =f © = WHT = Dz , Recte winx Dx % x57.296 Rn Resind + Rxtand +1" exsind: a excos « Width ofthe Requited Plate = R-V #1" Length of the Required Plate if the Frustum made from: ‘The Required Plate for of ate 2 Plates: 2x+Y +7, 3 Plates : 2X+ 2¥ +22 4 Plates: 2x4 3¥ +32 6 Plates: 2X+ SY +5Z LENGTH Required Mite 279 278 Frustum of ECCENTRIC CONE Frustum of ECCENTRIC CONE Determination of the Required Plate by Layout and by Calculation EXAMPLE ee pate °, Side view of cone n 2 i] 2 iy Halt ot me 4 Paton ew SSS ws asa example the eatclaton of O~ 0 [oor] ae [ise ny 0.0624] 0.0025 | 0.0625 | 0.1250]0.1878 | 0.2500] 0.3750 7 0829 nase (bie 108 0.0628] 0.0625] 0.062 | 0.1280] 0.1875 [ot ee oe St . oars] onc ci fsa (See on ee a Sonisfowas| ween ore 292 293 ‘TABLE FOR LOCATING POINTS i DROP AT THE INTERSECTION OF SHELL AND NOZZLE ON 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEADS vy (Dimension 6 Inches) From these tables the dimension Ree yan be found ifthe diameter, Dand dimension x are known, or x can be determined if D and 'y Ya given. The tables based on NOMINAL PIPE SIZE wo fir [is Tie | is {| 20 | 22 | 24 | 26 [30 14 | 3000] 1250] 2.00 Tgp (efor yada where 18 [1.250] 4250] 3750] «475 20000 ao a0 vasas|2.aas] 2.090] awn] st80 | z F Daa a2 | 1150] 0426 | 2 seco] 34395] as] 95 {1.000 7 i ay 24 | asoo| tas] 2.as0o] a0cts|«ovrs| 5.790 | n10rs]0000 2 2 1] 64807 26 | 1.1975] 1.5875] 2.0625] 2.7500] 3.6250] 4.6875 | 6.0625] 8.0000 1.0000 a a 2) 6.4226 28 | 1.0625] 1.5000 1.8750] 2.s000] 3.2500] 4.1875 | 5.3125] 6.8125 | ¥.9125 4 S A ae 5 4) 6.1846 30 | 1.0000] 1.4375} 1.7500] 2.3125] 3.0000] 3.8125 | 4.8125] 6.0000 | 7.5000 |15.0900] 6 6 5| 6 ; 32 | 0.9375] 1.3128] 1.6280] 2.1250] 2.7500] 3.s000 | 4.3780) 5.4375 | 6.6875 |10.4975| 8 68) 5.7662 34 | 0.8750] 1.2500] 1.8000] 2.0000] 2.5625] 3.2500 | 4.0625] 4.8125 | 6.0625 | 9.0000] x a] 34772 se fears i i eae }0.8125] 1.4378] 1.8750] 2.4375] 3.0625 | 3.7500] 4.5625 | 5.5625 | 8.1250] 2 i 9] 4.6904 ae | ors00fsiaso] 1.31] son] 22son| 20750] 2m case [ras | 2004 fl 10] 41333 40 | 0.7500] 1.0625} 1.2500] 1.6875] 2.1250] 2.6875 | 3.3125] 4.0000 | 4.8125 | 6.700) 4 x y My) 3.4641 42, | 9.6875] 1.0000] 1.1250] 1.5675] 2.0000] 2.5625 | 3.1250] 3.7500 | 4.5000 | 6.3125] s eee ee a8 | 0.3125) r ; 6 2} $4083 [13] 0 ots Taavo[easvo|arans| anal ss [xan ‘ 3| ses pea s4 | oseasfarsoo} evans] sara] seas] sors | nana aatas | sates 4) sie PF to |oasrs|ousrs| 0.125] Loca} a 3] 48989 tarso| nears | 2128] 2.500 | 29915 x 6] 4.6097 i ezeal 66 | 0.4375}0.0250| 0.7500} 1.0000] 1.2500] 1.5625 | 1.8750] 2.2500 | 2.6875 T 2 2} 6.9282 | 7 i 2 Pa eeaeee) 3) 6.8374 A af 37m | 3] 88374 78 | 0.3750] 0.5000] 0.6250] 0.8125] 1.0625] 1.3125 | 1.5625] 1.8750 | 2.2500 4 9) 3.1622 s| 65383 ‘84 | 0.3750] 0.000] 0.8625] 0.7500] 1.0000) 1.1875 | 1.4375] 1.7500 | 2.0625 5 10] 2.2912 6| 6.3245 90 | 9.3125 ]0.4375| 0.5625] 0.6875] 0.4375] 1.1250 1.3750] 1.8750 | 1.9375 6 U8 7| 6.0621 96 [oaris]oaars] ose woos) aarso| roeas] 1asoq tame [rarae fi e 8) Saas 8 x y 9} 5.3619 vez ]]o.as0] o.oa0} o4zs| 02125 xa000| 118%] 14a7s | ers Taser} 8| See sor | oasuo|oarso| e4s0s] osase|o2soe|ossrs| vase aso | seas Ty] 2) stso fit] S3301 114 | 0.2500] 0.1875| 0.4375] 0.5625] 0.6875] 0.8750] 1.0625] 1.2500 | 1.5000 T] 44721 A eee iB 3.6055 10 0}0.1875] 0.4375] 0.5625] 0.6875] 0.8125] 1. vasts | 1.4378 2) 4.3878 ' 2.5980 oate e ae 3| 42426 | 5| 54543 |i4] 0 tae | o2seafosas| 0250] oso] oxzse|osr2s| oom] ise | Las a} fone fe sas. Fb tar | o2seofaas| oso] ooo oszse|ors00| oss] caso | ats 3] apa 17 | age PPS 138 _| 0.1825] 0.3125] 0.3750] 0.4375] 0.5625 0.700] 0.8750] 1.0625 | 1.2500 6) 3.3541 tae [ormisfoatas] eatzs] ear] osuis| corns] 047s 0000] 1s 3] aarse [9] 39986 | a) 7330 3] xoas }ro| 336s | 2] 24 ol o ui | _23979 7.3484 | 294 295 | ‘TABLE FOR LOCATING POINTS TABLE FOR LOCATING POINTS ON 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEADS (Cont,) (ON 2:1 ELLIPSOIDAL HEADS (Cont,) & | 97082 | 6] 131624] m4] © 3] 79574 Deté__[ 17] 19.2029 ] 20] 201556 | 20] 218174 | 17 | 25.6271 6 9 | 9.4868 | 7| 13.0384 | 25 | 8.2915 | 4) 17.8885 12]¢ | 18 | 18.9737 | 21] 19.8997 | 21 | 21.5812 | 18 | 25.4558 7 10 | 9.2330 | 8} 12.8939 | 26 | 7.4833 | 5| 17-8255 13 | 1s3eas | 19 | 18.7283 | 22| 19.6278 | 22 | 21.3307 | 19 | 25.2735 8 11 | 89442 | 9] 127279 | 27 | 65383] 6) 17.7482 14 | 18.2003 | 20 | 18.4662 | 23) 19.3391 | 23 | 21.0654 | 20 | 25.0799 9 12 | 86168 | 10| 12.5399 | 28 | s.3asi | 7) 17.6564 15 | 18 21 | i8.is6s | 24| 19.0329 | 24 | 20.7846 | 21 | 24.8747 10 13 | 8.2462 | 11 | 12.3288 | 29 | 3.8405 | 8] 17.5499 16 | 17.7834 | 22 | 17sass | 25] 18.7083 | 2s | 204878 | 22 | 24.6577 a 14 | 7.8262 | 12 | 12.0934 | 30 | 0 9) 17.4284 17 | 17.5499 | 23 | 17.5713 | 26| 18.3644 | 26 | 20.1742 | 23 | 24.4285 2 15 | 7.3484 | 13 | 11.8322 Dal 10} 17.2916 | 18 | 17.2988 | 24 | 17.2337 | 27) 18 27 | 19.8431 | 24 | 24.1868 13 16 | 6.8007 | 14 | 11.5434 = 11) 17.1391 | 19 | 17.0294 | 25 | 168745 | 28 | 17.6139 | 28 | 19.4936 | 25 | 23.9322 14 17 | 6.1644 | 15 | 11.225 x y 12) 16.9706. 20 | 16.7407 | 26 | 16.4924 | 29 | 17.2047 | 29 | 19.1246 | 26 | 23.6643 | 15 1s | saos3 | 16 | ioszas |! [165924 | 13) 16.7854 21 | 164317 | 27 | 16.0857 | 30 | 16.7705 | 30 | 18.735 | 27 | 23.3827 16 19 | 44721 | 17 | 10.4881 | 2 | 16.4697 14) 16.5831 22 | 6.1012 | 28 | 15.6525 | 31 | 16.3095 | 31 | 183235 | 28 | 23.0868 17 20 | 3.2015 | 18 | 10,0623 3 | 16.4317] 15] 16.3631 23 | 15.748 | 29 | 15.1905 | 32 | 15.8193 | 32 | 17.8885 | 29 | 22.7761 18 elie 19| 93916 | 4 | 163783] 16] 16.1245 24 | 15.3704 | 30 | 14.6969 | 33 | 15.2971 | 33 | 17-4284 | 30 | 22.4409 19 Dea] 20] 9.0601 | 5 | 163095 | 17] 15.8666 25 | 14.9666 | 31 | 14.1686 | 34] 14.7394 | 34 | 16.9411 | 31 | 22.1077 soy a1] a4gs2 | 6 | 16.225 | 18] 15.s88s | 26 } 14.5344 | 32 | 13.6015 | 35] 14.1421 | 35 | 164241 | 32 | 21.7486 x TTrroase| 22) 78264 | 7 | 16.1245) 19] 15.2809 | 27 | saori2 | 33 | 12.9908 | 36| 135° | 36 | 15.8745 | 33 | 21.3717 2 {iresas | 23| 70710 | 8 | 16.0078 | 20| 14.9666, | 28 | 13,5739 | 34 | 12.3288 | 37 | 12.8062 | 37 | 15.2889 | 34 | 20.9762 1 | 9.9874 | 3 | ihSos9 | 24) std | 9 | 1se74s | 21) 146202 29 | 13.0384 | 3s | 11.6082 | 38 | 12.052 | 3a | 14.669 | 35 | 20.5609 ei pees 25 | 5.0990 | 10 | 15.7242 | 22) 14.2478 30 | 12.4599 | 36 | 10.8167 | 39 | 11.225 | 39 | 13.9911 | 36 | 20.1246 3 | gases |S Uiraor | 26 | 36400 | 11 | 15.5503 | 23) 12aere 31 | 118322 | 39 | ‘sar | 40 | toore | 40 | 132605 | 37 | i900 4 | 9.7979 | § 2} o 12 | 15.3704 | 24| 13.4164 32 | iit467 | 38 | 8.9442 | 41 | 9.2736 | a1 | 1248 | 38 | 19.1833 5 | 90sre | oe 413 | 15.1658 | 25 | 12.9518 33 | 103923 [39 | 7.7942 ]42| 8.0777 | 42 | 11-619 | 39 | 18.6745 6 | 9s303 | 7 | 14782 eee 14 | 149416 | 26 | 12.4499 34 | 95524 | 40 | 64031 |43| 6.6332 | 43 | 10.6654 | a0 | 18.1384 7 | 93675 | & | 113137 [Ty 1S | 14.6969 | 27| 11.9059 } 35 | 8.6023 |41 | 4.5552 |44] 4.7169 | 44 | 9.5916 | a1 | 17.5713 8 | 9.1651 } 9 [111243 TTT o9T7] 16 | 14.4309 | 28| 113137 | 36| 75 [a2] 0 45 | 8.3516 | 42 | 16.9706 9 | 89302 | 10 | 10-9087 | 9 | 14.9666 | 17 | i4.tazi | 29) 10.6654 37 | 61644 [—p=o0 46 | 6.8856 | 43 | 16.3325, 10 | 8.6602 | 1! [106654 | 3 | j4'o248 | is | 13.8293 | 30) 9.9498 38 | 43874 xp y x 47 | 4.8734 | 44 | 15.6525, ui | sasie | 12 ]103923 1 4 | y4-e661 | 19 | 13.4907 | 31] guisis 391 0 - 43 | 0 45 | 149248 12/8 13 | 10.0871 | 5 | 14.7902 | 20 | 13.1244 | 32] 8.2462 as 1) 224944 [1 DeToa | 46 | 14.1421 13 | 7.5993 | 14 | 97467 | | 4.6969 | 21 | 12.7279 | 33] 7.1937 DEE 2| 224778 | 2 Ty) a7 | 132047 14 | r1aia | 15 | 93675 | 7 | asses | 22 | 12-2984 | 34] 5.9160 x[y] 3} 224499 | 3 48 | 12.3693 1s | 66143 | 18 | 89442 |g | 14'4seg | 23 | 1118322 | 35) 4.2130 1 | 20.994 | 4) 22.4109 | 4 1] 26.9954 | 49 | 113468 16 | 6 17 | 8.4705 9 | 14.3091 | 24 | 11.3248 | 36] 0 2 | 20.9762 | 5 | 22.3607 | 5 2 | 26.9815 | 59 | 10.198 17 | 5.2678 | 18 | 79372 | 40 | ta.t4ai | 25 | 10.7703 ' 3 | 20.9464 | 6 | 22.2991 | 6 3 | 26.9583 | 51 | s.8741 18 | 4.3589 | 19 | 73314 | yy | 13.9553 | 26 | 10.1612 D=78 4 | 20,9045 | 7 | 22.2261 7 4 | 26.9258 | 52 | 7.2801 9 | 312s | 20 | 66332 | 2 | 13.7677 | 27 | gages [|v 5 | 208507 | 8 | 22.1416 | 8 5 | 26884 | 33} si720 2 | 0 3h | $8098 1 13 | 13.5185 | 28 | s.7321 [1 194956 6 | 20.7846 | 9 | 22.0454 | 9 6 | 26.8328 | s4 | 0 — 22 | 4.7958 | 14 | 13.2665 | 29 | 78740 | 2| 19.4743 7 | 20,7063 | 10 | 21.9374 | 10 7 | 26.7722 D=1m ae 23 | 3.4278 | 15 | 12.9904 | 30 | 68738 | 3 | 19.4422 8 | 20.6155 } 11 | 21.8174 11 8 | 26.7021 KT ft 2410 16 | 12.6886 | 31 | 5.6558 | 4) 19.3972 9 | 20.5122 | 12 | 21.6852 | 12 9 822 al oocooge 1 froaser [D=54 1 17 | 123592 | 32 | aoa | | 193391 10 | 203961 | 13 | 21.5407 | 13 10 | 26.533 2 104523 [Ty J a8 | 12 3 lo 6 | 19.2678 11 | 20267, | 14 | 2113834 J 14 11 | 264339 | 2 | 29.9833 3 |10.3923 [7 Ti3.4907 | 19 | 11.6082 ~ 7 | 19.1833 12 | 20.1246 | 15 | 21.2132 | 15 12 | 26.3249 | 3 | 29.9625 4 10.3078 | 2 }13,4629 | 20 | 11.1803 |—B=72 8 | 19.0853 13 | 19.9687 | 16 | 21.0297 | 16 sas ae ee eaee 5 jroiss | 3 Jiseiea | 21 [tora [2 T » g|issn7 | | 14 | 19.799 ]17 | 208327 ]17 14 | 26.0768 4 6 }10.0623 | 4 Ji33s1_ | 22 |10.198 [1 [17.9931 | 10] 188481 15 | 19.615 | 18 | 206016 | 18 | 222480 | 15 | 259376 | 6 | 2a.8un6 7 | 9.8994 | 5 13.2665 | 23 | 9.6306 | 2 (17.9722 | 11 | 18.7083 Lis_| is.ai6s [19 | 20:3961_|19 | 22.0397 | 16 | 25.7876 297 296 - TABLE FOR LOCATING POINTS Eenara onvanes (ON 2:1 ELLIPOIDAL HEADS (Cont) se tables are for locating points on pipes and shells by measuring 20] $5] Tope | aw] Daa] ae aT | aT 1 Tes tables are for oating point 0 i " FY] 2.7321 | 56] 10.7703 | 41 | 25.8602 | 20 34.su32 | 68 | 118322 ee 9 | 29.6606 | 57) 9.3675 | 42 | 25.4558 | 21 | 34.4347 | 69 | 10.2835 ee eens 10 | 29.5804 | 58] 7.6811 | 43 | 25.035 22 | 34.2783 | 70 | 8.4261 sizes ane vd any écgect, net chown in the 11 | 29.4915 | 59} sasa3 | 44 | 245967 | 33] 3aitas | a1 | soot 2. 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poe || Be | See | amar | 3g wut 2.0617 33824 jm | 1079 | 9.2806 4 | 22.386 | 39.871 1 aos | 13273 ||} —— |- he 485.98 307 | Baty] St | ceose | Sean |] 3g | Ba | a i yg | BS3 | BB eee Pas |] jae BEB | do |[ i | tin | soon |] A | Be | Gan HE] Nee | ie |] | eos | ana [hs wow M | mows | oesa |) 8 | B3e | fie | Bo | ims |) sf | eee | ie [I me aoa | aan || te | m3 | iow |] 3 | BSE | gue } | Gin [BN |] | cose | aes |] so Row | cr |[ | we | mos |g | Se | in S| Bie | tem || 3s] stan | ees |] Sosat 358 | See |) a | tom | nae | | Be | Sap i | Bis | tee |] 3 | ston | sme |] Sion 2607 | 55914 Je | wear | 793 | |_| | % | 43390 | 151.20 % | aot | 306.35 % 515.72 2.7489 60132, "in |_12300 | 12177 6. 25.133 | 50.265 1 |||] _ 4 | e2ay | sto % 320.77 pat | aoe ae [awe || | B58 | eT] | ms | om [ inx —— A ise zoe | ooo |] 4, | se | se | A | asi | saas6 i % | 431s | sen | 20. | ez | sare A See | Se |] 3% | 278 4h | dom | Ssom HE | 23a | tee |] | Sas | isto [fie | en [so [mm | wie |] Ge | EN | ee M1 Ste | ia |] A | ar | nos |g | om | eos puns | aoe |] fe | Bas | pm |] A | Tas | eae | S55 | ass |] | oe | dices] SE) ae | Sa sig | 33m | lee |] | Be | awe | SE) Te | in S| S56 | iets |] S| es | soos mice | 3033 B ] 390] mo 1B | atte | ison || 74 | 2m | aus [258 |ime || e | Stes | see |] ) san | Ss i | 3706 | ions |] 28 | 7H | 15033 |_| 3 | seas | asm |] | sass | sanis |] 53 | exes | Sse7e | dete [iam |] | mee | eee Soa [ear |_* LEY] Se | ess | seas |] af | st | 200, Sef ae | toe 1) St | ian | sae |] ] Bee | Sar | gam | men H | sao | sear in | aes |] fe | ea | tee |] SE) oa | oan ‘| Gs | ie |[a. | a | waa = . sie | too |} | use | asm | S| Base | saw HE | tam | ims [1% | wie | S050 [Fn | seen | nase thse | sen |] Be | exe | man ||) Bas | Som S| Sie [ames | ik | am | Sees [ag | Soe | Sar too | tons |} CMe | 7s |} | Seas | Tax S| Sos | ime |] 34 | cae | sem | af | sss | Soar stoxt | one |e me | wae | 3) Sor | sea 8 | Som | ists |] 3s | aise | Soo |] a | doo | Saar Some | ae | 2 | 8 | sss |] SE | stom | dese 8 | taco | ime |] S| oom | Sras |] GE | Soom | Soe same | 2405) Sm | sore | waa |] | | % | an | ass % | ess | sna |] 3% | asses | Sos7 som | 23m | Psesas |p, | eae | ase |} om | Bem [ism |] St | oie | ck soos | sn |, | BR | BOS 116 | Sty | este vs | saas | m106 | 5 | sm | stom somes | 29065 J] 6 | ietor_| sors || | 22m | ste x6 | sos | oem [fe [ons [wn |} AL 302 303 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (continued) i CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (continued) T i Dis. | civam | ame | pin | coco | ace |] pia | croom | ame pis. | cream. | ree |] ia, | cium. | ara || via. | circum. | area me | s75%5 | aisas || rosa | corm [fw | ass | mse ws | wets |, | ise | aaa |f | man | aaa ‘| aiasr | cotas |] |ionaor | Siaet |] xe | sass | ines gos | 9 |} 9 | tess} ais99 |] “ag | imaes | 03 S| mas | sew |] Jorn | Sansa |] 22 | nase | tans {| wisi | emo |] i | tena | aaa | | amass | deers dy | 89103 | 632.36 4 | 107.992 | 928.06 % | 126.802 | 1280.3 : Mi] Mascot | tee01 By | tessa | 2is4.s 3 | 183.390 | 2676.4 S$ | oss | cron || 38 tosses | Soca |] 35 | tmnass | tama HB] eos | ese |] 35 | oso | iets |] | asst | ma SE | seas | sss || 38 [lose | saat |] Sf | tans | tavea 3] Moor | rma |] Sf] toss | isa |] | tebe | 295 Mf | iat | site |] 36 [loom | Seta |] 5% | tanom | toca S| wes | ines |] 32] teste | tase |] 32 | imseo | anes Hi | Soms | See || Fe fionse | once || 3 | ans | ea Si] serace | masa |] 3, | tse | sa |] Fh] aman | ine 7, | siace | oe ||3s, isa | oan [lo | anes | amos 7, | wes | amas || os, | aeesoe | amoea ||» | sas | ammo s¢ | Stop | se3s |] | Mose | Seo || ae | tasase | isis ‘ig | teow | tna |] ag | isc | antes |] ay] issn | mie i | sian | Suds |] 38 futoan | gmx |] ae | use | ica He] usw] mss |] | era) nao |] | mete | sa By | ease | on |] 34 [ane | genes |] 35 | tse | bes a4 | ems | a |] 34 | teres | airs |] 3h] ims | des H | nen | ese |] [ams | Smo |] i | tee | ase? 35 | vedas] amma || if} issens | awa |] 32 | iesaas | anos | om | eaoso || if [amsis | me |] 54 | tne | x08 S| wei | rma || 32] ieee | ses |] 82) mai | dona | nae | osm || 36 [aan | soos K | Bris | 3650 | voor] amos || 36 | esas | eat |] 3% | ima | dams 5 | s3ass | moss || 34 [ims foe |] 3 | nse | Be H{ ssosos | wor |] 36] ios29 | dems |] 3s] amis | 37 ». 4.248 | 706.86 | | 36, 113.097 | 1017.9 | } 42. Asi.ge7 | 1385.4 48. 150.796 | 1809.6 |} 54. 163.646 | 2290.2 || 60, 188.496 | 2527.4 ¢ | Seow | raze |1"%%¢ | ane | toma |] "3 | i300 | 37 ‘4 | stim | ingo || “3 | moos | ms |] Pre] imam | dey iC | ssoss | nse |] 3 | aan | owed |] ag | ima | oro | astse | imss |] ae] moar | bis |] ae] aman | esto sy | sans | macs |] 36 | atezrs | toma || 35 | tas | nos S| wise | ima || 6] moan) Bar|] af] ime! das 43 | ssae | nos |] ig | ansess | rows |] 1 | assis | tas | taser | dens || 2] man | eel] i] woo | ae $e | 96.281 | 736.62, $4 | 15.061 | 1053.5, 4% | 13.910 | 1427.0 | 152.760 | 1857.0 fa | I7L69 | 243.5, Be | 190459 | 2886.6 HE | econ | ress |] 38 | 534 | tows |] 3d | eae | tone 3] Sais | jews ||] meme | ea |] 52] woe | ines Ta | 997 | 748.69 Ye | 115.846 | 1068.0 ‘Ye | 134.696 | 1443.8 . | 53.545 | 1876.1 M4] 2395 | 2365.0 | ii2as | 29105 ae | asp | rer | | nieaw | aoa | | assom | una “6, | assow | sees7 || 9%, | imam | ase was Mi | 97,782 | 760.87 ¥% | 116.632 | 1082.5 Mi | 1s.481 | 1460.7 M4 | 15433 | 1895.4 34 | 173.190 | 2386.6 DMS ee HUBER | BRST] GET mis | Bs ea 44 | 98567 | 773.14 % | 17417 | 1097.0 34 | 136.267 | 1477.6 Ye) 158116 | 1914.7 3 | 173.966 | 2408.5 285 M4 | 890 | most |] 3 | ups] noss |] 34 | sess | aasca 44 | asssop | aseea |] 2 | 374358 | a9 208 Be | 99.353 | 785.51 de | 8202 | ne Se | 137.052 | 1494.7 bq | 155.902 | 1934.2. Ba) 174751 | 24301 2982.7 8 | ase | ity |] 3 | tines | aaa YP 3g | ras | 3003 | sere | isos |] 3 | mse | zen ata HR | wadtse | e730 |] 9% | tines | ane |] 7% | ear | mo S| veces | ina || Je] 5596] 2020 sone me, | oosn | woras nose | nna [foe | pene | is 3, | sree | wes || 5, | ox | m0 apa 4 faaosee | aioe | 136 | tina | ata |] “34 | aman | sis ‘4 | tram | tama |] 3 | west | ano 313 i [rise | mess |] sf | totes | nen |] xe] peas | aa. SE) ares | tsa |] ] eas | dese |] 303 % frome | saa |] 4 | ross | uses || | sas0s | mes S| asease | toon |] 28 | rar | deen || 36] issgsr | dass 3 famior | o38 |] 54 | smosst | ineca |] 34 | sso | sss 33 | eso | aexo|| 12] msm] ora || 12] seam) a0 % fires | oso |] 3 | ase | una || | welts | soto | 05} ioae|] §| wes] ise |] 54] tsa] dao % fiosn | sey |] Xf | inom | ines {| | ose | ass | ease | dows |] 5 | eas] ea |] 3¢ | ass) don 5 frmsaso | seas |] 3% | ime | tiwes || 34 | von | ass S| seam | oma |] 54 | sso | sos |] 54 | torsas| tons 3, [ioe | osx [fe | ms | ume {fo | wisn | ame wi, [ian | sonal] 2, | mon | ase ‘wrs0 | sua 4 | socos | size |] se | razois | tans |] 36 | 140764 | 1993 ig | tosis | aoe || 36 | teas | 25630 a3 | Suse 44 | 104.458 | 868.38 | 123.308 | 120.6 44 | 142.157 | 1608.2 44 | 161,007 | 2062.9 M4 | 179.856 | 2574.2 198.706 | 3142.0 4% | to4.sst | 874.85 ¥q | 123.700 | 1217.7 34 | 142.550 | 1617.0 34 | 161.399 | 2073.0 44 | 10.249 | 2585.4 199.098 | 3154.5 44 | 105.2403 | astat 4 | 126095 | 1225.4 4 | i292 | 1626.0 44 | t61.792 | 2083.1 44 | th0.642 | 2596.7 199.491 | 3166.9 8 | roses. | esto |] 54 | ineate | tase || | 9.35 | too ' S| ais | ona |} | wom | duos mis | ima 3 fiosons | seer |] 3% | inca | une || | wea | re53 S| least | ates |] if amar | dees mom | juno 3 [rosin | sotas JL_3 | uasan fms ||| seta | tesa [rao | aims || | mao] io) moses | hous 304 305 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (continued) CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (continued) via, | cco. | Arce |] dia. | circum, | area |] ia. | circum. | Ave pia. | circm. | acca |] Die arce_|] dia. | circum, | Ace os | 2108! sz70 |] 7. | i991 | seas as.ret | 45365 wz | avon} sesio || a. | raw | coms || os, | asst] owe a4 | oiass | dass |] sy | Zaasoe | seond Boiss | sta vg | toms | soon [3s | 265s | cose || 73g | Issa | oss Hj foam | daa || 34 | ods | Saco Boswe | te | HE | Base | ssa |] | naw] ores |] 38 | eos | See Sy | onaw | disea || 24 | atom | aos | S83 S) wos | sua |] ts | aos] soe |] | eas | ons 13] mas | ans || 33] aia | Sse wos | 93 | 2) doit| See || 32] mom | ost |] 33) eas | 8 S| sos | suet ]] | aves | ors 27s | tne S| osm | sere |] 34 | mane] Sicas |] 34] Goran | Goes | dosaie | Sone || 50 | dare | ota mun | ieee S| ser | Sami |] 38 | ateine | eiss2 |] 38 | are | ost Fe | wan | jus6 |] 94 | mreo | oes miso | tens 34] sess | ssa || 36] 202m | sor || 96 | anos | foe noses | sina |] 90. | aos | sosna mises | aces ws, | 2072} soe || om | aman) wmi|) os | ama ve | roasse | sant |] "se | sats | 3am dams | lens ag | aeies | aes |] 3 | moo. | se || as | aoe | noesee | sane || 3g | ase | Spent mes | tac9 S| douse | Sea || | ose | sasct |] 3g | eas | Sy | goss) ssc |] 3g | east | eon 200 | font Bf) tise | save |] $e | wom] arr |] | aan ig) osm) see ]| 32] meee | wus 3543 | a3 | tases | Saco |} de| dents oma |] 2) soon S| voter! sya4 || $5] som | some rss | om S| mene | soa || $6 | 281565) oss |] | oats i | rossi} 3333] | as | 03 daa | bee S| dosios | Same |] 34 | aarsss | ese |] | Sooa07 %| com | 30ea |] $4 | maser | oss dass | oot 34] tessot | Ses || 36 | amas | seca |] 34 | Sota00 «| mas | oma]! m | msi | ons sou | area w_ | acne | seme [foo | amr) osr7 || oe | sons | amas | swe || a6 | nese | fos || ag | asa | ts ig | aeeate | 33583 |] "36 | assis | sama |] as | sone 3] ros | 3a |] 4 | nsse0 | ome |] 2 | sao | fox i | secon | Seca |] $e | asa] ome || | was 8 | ross | 302 || 3s] moa] auwol] | ie | dene | dosom | sone || 5 | assoat | eatas |] 86 | sox Si) sossie| 3a |] 36 | zr6s) aasal] if | eats | dees Bh) rsaes | dro |] 3 | asta) eaze |] 4 | ose S| somo | sea |] $2] sass | suas|] 5) | terooe | dass | rast | sous || $e] aro | aoa |] | sossse He | room| sama] 8 | sss | fises |] a | erage | Sama BE] eos | Seata || 4 | 5100] es2|| | won | seo | 3525 ]] i | sina |] 36 | 285 | ea H | teen | Sore |] 36] deen | Go|! | done @. | aoa | oa || ». ssa] | aes | aon ws, | serass | sores || ot | asses | esa |] on. | sour ¢ | ainars | ssn |] 34 | 999 || sg | aes | Soin : ig | arene | Seana || 3 | ateam | caus || 73 | ost | anam| sso} | om] areal} | sean | Sue SE | terse | rors || 3a | cero | esao2 |] | Sossi0 Se] anes | 3ses2 |] | poste | fans |] | tesa | Su3 | aan | Saar |] | tos | ssre|] | soso i) mow | jms || | aos! faal| if | tea | Sars 12 | tacos | Seas |] 35 | amass | ess |] | osaos S| meso | jaz |] | ato) asal] 8! tor | Sp5 S| denoos | sised || ¢ | sre | oss |] i | sosaos | ams | soso |] | aren | ore] | Zosa| Sk 82 | dose | ssa |] 3d | aman | eens || | Soro 54 | sae | daies || ts | arom | aucs |] 32 | Bods | See S| tore | Sins |] re | ame | cerve || | sora ss, | asas| soir || 7%) mam] amos || oo. | aaao| somes vs. | roar | sons || 92 [aor | eoare|| on. | yrave yg | naan | 3oso {| “| aman | Bisel] sg | Brpo | faved 1 | osm | sas || | asso | ees |] ye | sosase K | neae| joel] | asas | bea]] iE | dts | Some | SE] toda | Sas |} if | twoma | cose] | 34 | sosest | nets | Sore |] | asses | bas |] | desce| one SE] mass | Sune |] 3 | mo205| ooro|) 35 | sos | mig | 353 |] te | mtow | 092 || ig | rae | som 32) tise | Snes || 32) vesor | emi |] | soar S| nssx | omr |] | nem | onal] | Bs | foe | min) jana || 5) mov) sal] 56) soso % | miss | 3722 |] | nese coms t] a | den | sind | BE] mss | jee || | mise] seal] 56 | sr0a82 %| mos | 3nsa|| ta] san | Mot |] | dame | Sunt, 3 | masse | Sure || i | ans | enar|| 4 | Stosas @ | nem | sa |], | vse | ears || on | asta | stss0 | aso] sma || 9, | anaes | ems] a, | sto é| aris | se ]] xs] aeon | tore |] “ic ) aac | Stes xg} man | sete |] ss | mass | onal] | sire | arin Ki | airsss | mea |] 2 | seas | dara |] 12 | sant | sine SG] thatoe| sarea |] 54 | esse | ones |] ig | sits | 88 ay] araw| soo]! 32] ase | Mena |] 30 | sen | Saoos S| tress | Seo |] 35) mss) surs|] 96 | sizts6 | ise | nest) soz || | aro | dno || 32] eo | fates 34 | dese | goa |] 32 | ms) oecr|| 52) dias | 758 S| nsns| 3an3 || HK] arse | sore |] 5] aos | Sases S| tisam | coma |] 54 | aca | oases |] 54) steam | ri952 | nois| jaro |] | aaron | Seer |] 3¢ | ems | Sess 3] dees | come || M| reser | omol] | sissme] mice $5 | nosis | do ]| | aioe |. srs |] 28 | rats | Sono ' 3 | niscer | eooes |] fe | won| ora] 9 | suze | mee e e e@ 306 307 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (continued) CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES — (cominued) 7 pia. | cicom. | area ]] pia. | cin. | vce |] pia, | circum. | Are ] ee ee rw, | y4ie moar | eas |Jna, | souae | oes im, | 38956 | ame |) ae | waa | ann ig | ass vi | sao | ams |] 56! ssnas | Soe v4 | soas | anor |] 54 | Sas | ia 6) ies | 4] 3m X | 35065 | oeor a1 yoo | tans |] 32 | Soa | Bae | 31530 | | eo 3] amor | sis { 4) wom | ine || | Sos | Bo $] 3393 | uss i$] 30 | sn ! 4g | was | iam |) 38] S558 | Bas | ten | Si | susr | sme | 96 | | soise | me || $f] toy | ase | sie | om |] 9 | sar | ssa | mes | sss | ues || 38] foe | i3as 5 | seat | tose |] 56 | 33536 He | 354 | 007 Mh] ma fine |] | aS |) Be 101, 317.30 | soz 107. 336.15, 1B. 385.00 | 10029 15. yn | 1a a3. aiiss | 13478 sine | wom |] 36 | ses 4 | 33539 v4 | dose] ime |] ag] S38 | Boe iso | som |] 54 | ese | 33809 | oom i M30 fase |] ie] ia | eo disse | aco 3 | 3033 BE] sein | tos | | sess | ie |] | faa | Bs iam | son |] 35] Sinn | 3ses7 | tons } By) ear iow |] JE] abe | Bae noo foam |] | en 3 | 33so6 | lou HB] ores] ios |] 32] Bsr | Be isa | so |] | est | drs | tes | Sosos | nas |] SE) BS) NS 320.05 8151 H | 338.90 % | 387.75 | 1018s ‘ %) ws4s | lee Tq | 41430 | 13659 soa | sim || aon | 33929 ua. | 33814 | 10207 nas. | asso | inae9 |] a2 | teen | 13085 deat | tin || ee ‘| sat | tone ig | eas | ae | 44 | isos | amt gua | am || | Jom | 300 | toms Hi oyeo [se |] | ass | in sia | em |] 3] Som Sh] aan | ions Hirose |] a] se | the snot | asa |] 32] 30 | san | iow 4) mat | use |] 32] fea | tm gaat | am |] | 303s | son | tos S| mat | sss |] ae | fees | es jaw | oun ||] sags 5 | saxo | ioe go | nse || | firos | ea hh | el] 3] 3s H/38& | os H) ee | mss |] HE] | ee ws, | 3339 | ame |] am. | sae | os 10387 398.98 | 12666 13859 sso | se |] ae] seas | 33s |Log toa Sos | es Ba se | oom || [38m | osm | tone Spay | tana a6 naa | om |} | ne | ome |] toss Sh | foie | inne ian sate | sas |] 32] Secor | gay |] i wow S| oss | nes Den sss | soe |] S| So | ose |] too | fas | is | aeas sso | sim |] A] setae | oto |] tos, 2) ar | uae est yan | sme |] | seam | oom |] 10565 8] orp | is wer | ss [aio | oss | ox | [ie | aera | tome ns, | arb ba | 097 | 1410s sant | sats 1] ag | Sessr | oss |] ag | Sean | tos % ‘yy | ama | tas [PS 6 | nay | tate gost | se |] 1g] jecse | see |] a2 | Sesat | tosis i 4 | ast | ums {fi | hide | ihe sarah | 556 S| Hors | 9568 |] 36] soso | rome s 3% | oso | nasa | ats | ia sauso | asm |] 32] sas | se |] 52 | Seco | toss % 3$| ‘so | uso || 34 | ss | tao mao | amr |] i] sense | so |] S| Seeay | toon 1 ie S| ota | tae |] Z| tae | ite sagas | seis |] 9g | 333 | 5033 |] 38 | Seas | toms 4 | ee | iim |] 2) 3 | ne joss | 08 |] 3s | 333 | 5s |] iE | Sonas | tone x S| tay | pos |] 4 | as | ase 10s. ‘329.87 an. | war 9677 17. 367.57 | 10751 | as. 5.27 | 13010 qu4.t2 4s | 330.26 % | went 9698 34 | 367.96 | 10774 By Ye | 405.66 | 13096 | fast 14a 4 | s065 | soso | ono 34 | 368.35 | 10798 ¥ X | e605 | sat 4450 | 1067 | pio M4 | soso | sre |] 36 | 30875 | rot x Sh] esa | ater a5 | io My] sas M4 | 39029 9764 3g | 369.14 | 10844 uy 44 | 06.84 | BIT 425.69 | 14420 S| 3s BE) Sow | ome |] 94 | sos | tose By %| a | ie | tacos | ieee | jum 3) snot | 908 dose | 1059 i % | Sa | mm fon | ian He] re 3a | ssa | em || 3 | sr0a2 | i095 x 34 | aon | es em | ie 308 ' 309 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (continued) CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (continued) T vin | cream | are _|f pis | cream | tree _][ oi [ crm. [are | ia, | cicum. | are |] is Dia_| circum. | Ave pe, | azas | usr |[ve, [wenn | ase |fien | aase | ams | we faa | i6a7 fe as 46 | a5 | 13 i | weso | aseos [Pe | des35 | ma | dean | isos || a4 | soso S130 4g | donot | iso Ap] aes | asess {PA | fre | tae S| sees | mes |] 2] Sosa | aie |] | So ay | ina | eer 3] oa | asm |] 56) fete | int , S| wae [im || 3] Soe | amo |} | sae | ass | es Hf sees | ase |] i) AeSS | iia | | fam | imo | sous | ame |] i] Soe S| om | io |] | Heor [sm |] | Sea | to | Ki asm | iw |] | sua | ae |] | ine 3 | Rot | es H| aes | os |] 38) Sonat | iam | K| seis | ism |] 3] soso | aos |] | sans 5 | oo | imme S| fess | eos |] | fia | treo | Hi | esse | tse |] 5a | sos | mos |] | sea ay. 490.40 | 1474t 143. 449.25 | 16061 149. 17437 | 155. | 486.95 | 18869. 161. 305.80 | 20358 167. 524.65, 4 | tors | tee 14 | $66 | teow |)", 88 ' ‘ange | ts ig | seis | dom |] | Seon | Buis | aes i] oo | iene | Hoss | | aaa | tao Xf | mor |] | See | 43ise | 14ez2 5, | soa | 10195 5 1335, 34 | e813, | asst 3% | sss | 20453 ay | sas 33] S05) | idee 2) goa | ian 4 558 \ | esse | tao 35] sors | dows |] 2) Sea S| ory fitme |] S| Sear fie |] ee | Bs S| saat | ison S| Sore | aoe || | Seat | foros |i |] | rat | isms |] af] See | tee ' S| S50 | ion S| Soars | dows |] 2) Bro %| ons | ioe H | sno | tase |] | Sas | eo 3 | som | oo | 033 | om |] | Gre ba [aa | veer wry | ies [fiw | ane | Te, | 009 | iy 1s, | am | me % | 43393 | 4984 4 | asn7s | teste | anes | 14 | 4048 | i9tat 44] sani | max | O63 | ion Hose ase |} | 93 | | Som | to aa | Sassy | as | oan |e |] 8] ass |e |] | Re | S| arn | isms 8) Sasoy | dase HE) sit | oer | ‘sss | tem |] | est | Sis | ims 34 | sio36 | ans H| sosso | som |] 54] aoeas | ise |] if) Smo 3 | nos | ios S| sass | iam | sso fam || x] seas | iss |] | Re S| exe | tom 8 | ge | dae Hl SoS | ie |] A] BN | ass |] e) as ' Bi Stet | ioe Hi] Base | de m [ase poms fee, | ose [oon lis | ane | i, | 29 | 9 1 | som | nee tg) Brow | aso M36 | esas | tse |e | 89 1 | era | lay vy | Suse | aes [ana | isao |] Wf gem | rem [P| Sa \ ii] Goto | isan 3] Sin | ne» Aa | 437.96 | 15258 % | 456.1 | 16599 My | 475.56 Ay | aogat | 19452 By] saan | 22532 | Beas | as |] de] rao fase fT eSB i eel tata foes | alae cee Hl pee | isn [| de| aro | isos |] og | BS 5; | sas | lose | Sue | ase Haver | smo || S| ares | tes Ht) Stee 3] S850 | se X| Sox | how Ho | ier |] 5] saze | roms |) | Sas H | toss | ome |] 94 siaas | stom |] 34] Stee | dees tow {fie [ose [aoa Ili | ae Toa, | wom | woo [fies | ssa | ame lim. | sor | ae wer |] 3) Seer | tem |S | Tse 4 | err figs [se | sige ] dase | | SG | oe te |] | 546 | tome |] | S3t i S| nse | ices |] 2 | Sear | anime |] SE Sse | es Ber {| 3a) ‘eas j tome |S) 8% A | Sass | om S| stew | amr |] 3h) Saas | dane ior |] 2] Moa | sess |] 2] Se | Sao | om |] 8] sie | tase |] | 382 | tine 13532 Be | 460.64 34 | ar949 ' 4 | ase.34 | 19763, 34 | si7a9 | 21287 Ba | 336.04 | 22805, 1359 || 36 | sto | aes | eas | igor |] 3g] suse | ae |] af] B88 | doe ism |] | ave 5 | sso77 Hl fon | ies |] | sar | aon |] 3] Sse | de a [eas [as [Pn | aoa i, | «07 ve | asi | aves [foe | siexe | ane [lin | sora | ze ny | tse | ea [fs | see ‘4 | ‘a1a0 4 | ooo | ise xa | sare | aise |] s6 | Soret | Zao 1) tay | eo |] | aw a | ae | Sooo | issi9 | sits | awe |] i] Sie0 | Bos ay) ua | er | a9 | asise H| soz | iso || ay! sins | me |] 5] 3855 | Bow 44] 44sa | i575 32 | 463.39 My) 482.24 4 | 301.09 | 19962 My | sig94 | 2513 4g | 538.78 | 23100 s | aiesa | isis 36 | 463.78 4 | rs | sovas | 20013 5g | szo33 | aise 3] sats | aus | aso | sien 34 | 4667 30 | Asso 3 | sory | 20088 3g | saom | ass 8) Sox | Be | a | Sa 3 | sets 4 | wat % | suas | ms |] 36] sar | asi |] 34] S590 | dao 310 31 CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (cor CIRCUMFERENCES AND AREAS OF CIRCLES (cominued) pia | cwem, | ace || Da [omom | ame || oie | cream | ane ia, | cram. | ares TY ia. | circum i. | Cream. | Ace im aaas |] tre, | soon | 2a8es [fre | s7s0s | ass sem0 [ass |[se, | asa | soi [am | ovo | non 4 a8 36 | 55500 | x00 |", 2626 j soras | iso |" | iets | Sori || y6 | essa) dame 3 | Sais | 2302 | sse09 | poss |] | armas | ress ses | aes || | cies} jomo || | ssa | tas a] Sash | 26 34 | soe | 2090 |] | siea3 | ree ij senor | aes |] 34] tess | sam |] 3] 539 | Ses ig | sass | a0 | sear | 200s |] | se | zen se. | sos || if] arse | sone |] 33 | saets | oe 56 | San | 20 S| sect | 2500 |] $4] sor | aera | soaas | ais }] 6G | siz | dosee |] S| oiesr | ase | San | es S| Suse | os |] | Soa | aes M | seas) sm |] if | sist | sows |] 52 | 3657 | Sse 4 Bor |} | Saud | iso |] 38] So | doses | 3] Soa] ames |} 3] aisso| joue || 38] de | dane i | som | bee ||rm | seas | asus [fam | sma0 | aco i wo, | amor] awe ||| cam] som |[m, | orm | ame 34 | 58 | 250 x4 | soar | samo |] 34 | sane | aie | ag] songs | seas |] 74 | isa | ose || 6 | sas | Sas ME | suze | srs Ke] sets | 2056 |] | satse | 20053 : if) eos | amr |] 2) cases | ose |] | one | aes S| Sass | De09 3 | os | asa S| sar | 989 a | eta] ame |} 4%] em0s] oss |] 3k | aonss | Saas | sear | 20 | soo | aor |] | sar | ros | era] aor |! if] soar} soos |] | ose | sass 54 | Sia | Bor KY] sao | ase |] | sae | 00 S| ror} 2 |] | eos | soo | ie | sion) ses, 3 | Sis85 | Dnt | seam | 2537 || | 33s | zo : %| w20| as |] 32] eras} ons |] 8 | ewan | Snes Hh | sa02s | 23765 H4| soso | roar |] S| esos | 23 i me) arm | mos |] | earet | sore || te | soso | nes ra | ee | 2am | frm. | ses | ase [fase | ome | ann | wa, | cosas] 209 | Pasa, | nor 0.88 | 32085 1g | 38 | Bop |] | Sea | doar ||| es | ae | ig | esse] amo ||, | aaah eas | Sim Si | sara | a8 %| soon | assis |] | sen | me | @ssr| ame || if] Gass ee | Sr S| sara | a S| scoor | assss |] 4] s8ss2 | 2m H 3] as | os |] | aan aor | jum $4 | an | 2917 5 | Soros | 2556 |] ig] sess | rai \ 3) wer | dio || if | aoe Saws | ame S| S80 | dost 54 | seras | aseau |] 6] 58630 | a3 se) esas] aia || af] waar eins | Sass BE] Goo | Bots S| seam | eo |] 56] seess | aot | exw) dim |} 38] Sie era | ee e18 Fe | seaae | 3565 |] | sero | aren | coo | ar || Hf] its So | jae ws, | sore | 30 |frer, | sere | aso [fas | serae | ares ws, | 535 esos | sn008 46) soir | 20m x4 | soar | asres |] 3 | Sera | zr0t ) 4 | wre sue [ds | sas | Sos Mi | Sor | aa S| sea | soot [Pe 2538 | ott Sunt {| 52] exean | Seer 36 | $s0m | 236 | seat | se |] 34 2 a) erst Sumo || 3] esa) Sau 56 | sis 4% | svo20 | ass 8 Bett %| eo sie ||] gis | Shee 56 | ssi70 | nes Ha | sos | ass |] Hess 35] eoa29 Sie || | steao | aon | saute | deo S| Srose | doe % ws | ass she |} 3) Stes | ree M4 S053 | toe H | sm3e | som |] ia Fa| e705 aim || 3 | ee | a9 wie | sao | wen [Pome | smnz7 | more | [ass ni we | oa | ass |[a0 [ease | sia [f206, | oear | m0 4 | seat | 286 ye | sie | dost % 96 ig | corns] ser |] ae | eae | dios |] | Saar | Saxe | sm | dase | Sse | aos |] ae M| soa} oe |] A] sar | ties |] ae | Saas | Sono 3 | Sst | a S| sma95 | ou % Fe 3] sos | door |] 36] Goan | aise |] 34 | 83s | Soe0 | suas | 2067 53) stuae | ass a 907 | suas] dons |] 2] casa0 | aise |} | 893 | Soon S| sae | aor S| six7 | asi % nou ' | ana] aes |] 8 | sioas | nes |] Se | ote | sat | S558 | 2536 | stats | rao |] Hot | eas] ism || af | Goose | dies |] Se | eos | tom Sa | sso | 250 He | stast | 2s % dots ; W| ozs | rser7 |} Hh | osnos | stem || | oes | sets wm | 39605 | aes |] ies. | srast | zoor | |e 2055 vs, | ost | ames |[Go. | eras | sim | fam. | soa | ase 6] sae | 20 ia) sist] aesss |] 10s | | arsq0 | aos |) sc | oiss} air |] | 6071 | 3004 3 | ssaas | srs %| s7s70] osm |] 2810 | KH] esa] ae |] i | meas | justo |] | sito | asi 85 | ssra4 | 2an0 | S600) reno |] 3 28167 i | eam | a9 |} 31 oxo | sie |] 34 | esto | 377s 32 | ssr6 | 208s ig | snes | ones |] am05 | | asa] soo |] 33] oss | em |] 4 | os | ams 54] ssa0 | 20 | sioas | rower |] 5 ma ; S| oust | sor |] og | oss | isms |] | ozs |e | sean | 2sis K| son | ise |} 279 | 3 | eussr | soos |) 4¢ | sss | sises |] 34 | oszs7 |S 5 | seat | 2850 Ha | sr766-| tess |] He 26 | | ss36| som || | oes | sam ||| oar | 309 312 313 DAVIT FIXED STAIR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (OSHA) STANDARDS. » Fixed stars will be provided where operations necessitate regular travel betwoen levels Fixed stairways sal be designed to carry aload of five times the norma live load anticipated pene ‘but never less than to cary a moving concentrate load of 1,000 pounds, 7 Minimum with: 22 inches ‘Angle of stairway rise 0 the horizontal: 30 wo 50 degrees. Railings shall be provided on the open sides of all exposed stairways. Handrails shall be provided on a least once side of closed stairways, preferably on te right side descending, Bach tread and nosing shal be reasonably slip-esstant, Sats having ted of kes than enc wich should have open risers. Open rating ype treads ae desirable for outside tas See figure for minimum dimensions. Bolts 8 @ Bolt holes %s @ Alt burrs and sharp edges shall be removed, Dimensions of rises (R) and twead runs (T) tabulated below: “Angie to FOR HORIZONTAL OPENING FOR VERTICAL OPENING NOTES: 1. Ail material carbon sect 2) Alf welds 3/8" continous filet wekt ‘4. Using davit tess room is required than with the use of hinge 4 aaa sie fh ope pop oal el bab ies aft PEPER PERPE P| af a2 oavIFaRN | Tae nne| Pa AE Sune Pai | EP STD EYE-BOLT 518 ¢ 34 ob moth UBAR 58 $ 34 aanaes romneu. Tm Fn a - PLATE, 5/8 3/4 a HANDLE 5/8 6 3/4 g y~“eeronwne STIFFENER = —= eae 34 ais HINGE a sn AT Ul c bole NoTE Fit lugs and pin so that pin is loose when cover is bolted up. Weld lugs to Manges with full penetration weld, Lus-a ‘The use of davit preferred to hinge, especialy for feqnently ved opening, a> YR RF 8 = VR? —(R/2+ 116+ 0 Ree A b= B+ 8 I i Radius of flange ' Fm 15 times diameter of hole 1 Diameter of hole : Pin diameter + 1/16 in, THICKNESS, t OF LUGS AND DIAMETER OF PINS LUG-B WELDED TO FLANGE RATING 1508 3008 sis] 3/a| 34] aya] ava] aya] 34 314 | 3/4 | 374 | 3/4 FLG. DIAM. | 12| 14 | 16] 18 | 20 | 24 16 [18 |20 sa} aaf afadiada RATING LADDER STANDARD ANSI A14.3.1974 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR FIXED LADDERS, svat bem ‘THROUGH STEP ir + NoTES 1 2 Cage is not required where the length of climb is 20 feet or less above ground level Horizontally offset landing platform shall be provided at least every 30 ft. of climbing length. Where safety devices are used, est platforms shall be provided at maximum interwalls of 250 fect. ‘All material: stee! conforming to ASTM A 36 Instead of the above specified structural shapes any other structural steel of equivalent steength may be used. To avoid damages during shipping or galvaniz~ Ing, structural angles ate widely used for side rail and vertical members of the mmended minimum size of side rails under normal atmospheric condi: tion’? 1/2 x 3/8 in. fat bar, although 2 x 1/4 barsare frequently wsed in practice. All busts and sharp edges shall be removed Protective Coating: one shop coat primer and one field coat of paint oF hot dip salvanizing 316 37 MIST EXTRACTOR NAME PLATE Mist extractors by separating mist, undesirable liquids from vapor, steam, liquids, etc. improve the performance of various process equipments. ‘They are manufac tured from metal or plastic mesh and available in any required size and shape, RO etal Aor B ‘TYPES OF MIST EXTRACTORS Fg SC roroveno DETAIL =a DETAIL —@ DeTAL-¢ SUPPORT OF MIST EXTRACTORS Use 6 12.5 beam support in center of mist extractor, when the diameter is greater than 6 ft SPECIFICATION THICKNESS OF PAD e wire ‘THICKNESS OF WIRE ow ou" ese MATERIAL OF WIRE |["EvPE 304 SS. [TYPE 3085.5. DENSITY 1b./Cu. f 9.0) 5.0, PRESSURE DROP 05" TO 1" WATER GAGE MATERIAL CARBON STEEL, BEARING BAR rsa” nae” GRID ‘CROSS BAR, ori %é BEARING BAR SPACING 39116 39/16 ‘CROSS BAR SPACING e cu WEIGHT 37 74 WIDTH OF ONE SECTION 1 = Pressure vessels built in accordance with the requirements of the Code may be stamped with theoficialsymbol"U" to denote The American Societyof Mechanical Engineer’ standard Pressure vessels stamped withthe Code symbol shall be marked with the following: 1. manufacturer's name; preceded with the words: "certified by"; ‘maximum aliowable working presse, (MAWP) pa femperaare,“F; minimum design metal temperate i presure, po (MDM) ‘manufacturer's serial number; (S/N) year bait “Abbreviations may be wie 28 shown in parenthesis 2. the appropriate abbreviations indicating the typeof construction, service ete as tabulated: ‘When inspected by a user's inspector USER ‘Are or gas welded Ww Lethal service L Unfired steam boler UB Direct fring DF Fully radiographed and UW-11(a) (5) not applied RTL Joints A & D fully radiographed; UW-11(a) (5) (b) applied RT2 ‘Spot radiographea RTS When RTI, RT2 or RTS are not applicable RTS Post weld heat treated HT Part of the vesel post weld heat treated PHT Nonstationary Presture Veeeokt NPV 1, Syma “UM sal be used ben he veel seemed fre aspecion [Coe Uk] 2. Forvesels made of St 8%and 9 ikl seas, the ws of amepses isan fc shel ikea Below ‘asm mame pas ar prefered oa al thicknesses, Code ULT-I5(e) NAME PLATE EXAMPLE, (The vessel was inspected by user's inspector, arc welded, used in lethal service, fully radiographed and ‘post weld heat treated.) CERTIFIED BY USER IS Additional data shall be below the Code required marking, “The name plate shall be affixed direcly to the shell. If additional name plate is used ‘on skirts, supports, etc, it shall be marked: “Duplicate”. ‘Lettering size shall be not less than $/32 in. high. The Code-symbol and serial number shall be stamped, the other data may be stamped, etched, cast or impressed ‘Commonly used material for name plate 0.32 in. stainless steel or 1/8 in. carbon steel “The name plate shall be seal welded to uninsulated vessel or mounted on bracket ifthe vessel is insulated, and located in some conspicuous place; near manvways, liquid level control, level gage, about $ ft above ground ete. 318. 319 PLATFORM OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH (OSHA) STANDARDS SKIRT OPENINGS Cm | Mee ie | —ataee se \, Platforms shall be fabricated in sections If necesary suitable for shipping and field erection, Platforms fabricated in sections shall SECTION AA bbe shop fitted, marked and knocked own for shipping, Al field connections ate to be bolted cal Manufactuter shall furnish 10% extra bolts of each sizes for spare, All burts and sharp edges shall be re aa we mur are Paint: one shop coat primer, except walking surfaces, Max, spacing of supports 6 f Max, spacing of handrail posts 6 ft i Drill one 9/16 # drain hole in checkered ‘ne on? plate for each 10 sq. ft. area of floor, Bolts 1/2 Bolt holes 9/16 § ALTERNATIVE SUPPORTS VENT HOLES In service of hydrocarbons or other combustible liquids or gases the skirts shall be provided with mini- mum of two 2 inch vent holes lo- cated as high as possible 180 degrees apart. The vent holes shall clear head insulation, For sleeve may be used coupling or pipe. ACCESS OPENINGS ‘The shape of access openings may be circular or any other shapes. Circular access openings are used most Frequently with pipe or bent plate sleeves. The projection of sleeve equals to the thickness of fireproofing or minimum 2 inches The projection of sleeves shall be increased when necessary for rein forcing the skirt under certain load ing conditions. Diameter (D) = 16 - 24 inches e PIPE OPENINGS f The shape of pipe openings ae cic cular with «diameter of 1 inch lr ger than the diameter of Mange. Sleeves should be provided as for aceess openings TYPES OF SKIRT ACCESSES VORTEX BREAKER ‘The purpose of vortex breakers is to eliminate the undesirable vortexing of liquids. Cross and flat-plate baffles are frequently used with a width of two times the nozzle diameter. For a high degree of effectiveness under severe swirling conditions the width o the baffle should be four times the nozzle diameter, The height above the outle should be about haf the nozzle diameter but may be several inches if requirec larger clearance for other reasons. VORTEXING OF LIQUIDS , u 7 EY Tp d i hes se FLAT AND CROSS PLATE BAFFLES Chap GRATING BAFFLE Material: 1/4 catbon steel plate or grating with 1 x 1-1/8 bars, Reference: F. M, Patterson “‘Vortexing can be prevented" The Oil and Gas Journal, August 4, 1969, PART IHL. MEASURES AND WEIGHTS Table of Properties of Pipes, Tubes... Dimensions. of Heads, Flanges, Long Welding Necks, Welding Fittings, ‘Screwed Couplings. Weight : = of Shells and Heads, Pipes and Fittings, Flanges, Openings, Packing and Insulation, Plates, Circular Plates, Bolts. Volume... 7 ws : ‘of Shells and Heads, Partial Volumes in Horizontal Cylinders, Partial Volumes in Ellipsoidal and Spherical Heads. Area of Surfaces of Shells and Heads Conversion Tables . : Decimals ofan Inch, Decimals of a Foot, Metric System, Inches {o Millimeters, Millimeters to Inches, Square Feet to Square Meters, Square Meters to Square Feet, Pounds to Kilograms, Kilograms to Pounds, U.S. Gallon to Liters, Liters to U.S. Gallons, Pounds per Square Inches to Kilogram per Centimeter, Kilogram per Centimeter to Pounds per Square Inch, Degreesto Radius, Minutes and Seconds to Decimals of a Degree, Centi- ‘grade to Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit to Centigrade. 321 322 334 374 416 425 . 426 322 323 PROPERTIES OF PIPE Schedule numbers and weight designations are in agreement with ANSI 836.10 for carbon and alloy steel pipe and ANSI B36.19 for stainless steel pipe, Nom}—Schedwle No. lweightl out | in | watt | weisne |¥" [owas toside | Trans pte | tor | ice Jason am. | am, Pee Roe ent. sens] see ss + 7 + ji 708 «os | 207 | om | vee J.oxto | son | omee | ano a] a | 8 | su | clos | ace | ee | 388 | Sees | 498 | Sees | ee to | tos fas | tos | ns | os | Set fistss] aRe | 2m | oe ‘i 108 sw | a0 | 1s | ame [oso] sas | son [ano a] ae | 40s | sit | Sto |S] coea |e peste] at | ae | ze to | aes fs. | ‘Seo | Sor | Ste | 5s | ono] Va | Se | ae : vos -a1s | 545 | 005 | am | s00| any Pen fame a] | aos | sia | Ss [000 | om | $03 | Some] te | a | am 80 | tos fost | Sis | aaa | ne | 3Se | Samo | 93 | 20s | to 1 00 | a7 | on | on | v350] ano | svee | ane a] © | tos | ss | Ste | Ste | Soe | S80 ISS | aes | ates | ss B] | ws xs] ao} sue | tar | soe | ron aro | aay | ooo 10 waa | ace | tar | to | ono] ao | sam | te pexsin| ‘seo | 250 | ctoe [tte | onve| eo | gues | ome 108 vo50 [ase [on | 57 | 2000] as Jaan Pane wo | 4s | sua [1050 | fae | ta | athe | toon] os [oe [3 3] a | ts focsis {oso [See | tse [an | fans | 2 | ee foe bs 1050 | 075 | sme |sro7 | 4504] ers | 4759 | 2520 160 1080 | 814 | ate | toee | tawo | vo | tcor | 2h pexsie| 1050 | 434 | oe | tao | oes | as | tsar | ch 105 vats [ion | a0» [roe | 000] ou [aon Loew wo | 40s | idl | 1345) tou] tas | vane | ro] dee | 458 [868 4] |e ese SiS |S) te | attr | Sie ao | 190 1315 | sm sera sao | sow ie 138 | aaet fs | Se Tf i posi] 138] 38 aaa ‘m0 | a0 10s ‘000 [case “oso a [ram af ae fae | sac] 1880 3 cas 3ézo | aot 14] s0 | 0 [ese | sco [ram 5353 ase | an 10 4800 | a0 cisas | “Be | Sows | t57 : exSin] 1560 | aoe | dee | Sars [ae | “ne | oor | oor 10s 1900 | 242 | 309 [200s [.seao | aor | aos [aan a] “i | a5 | sa [1500] Sto | tes | 2505 | Seao | coy | ARF | Eat, 15] 20 | 005 | x-50.] 1.900 1300] 200 | 60s | 2640 | aor | oer | ror 180 1900 | 359 aur | X8en [oes | iy | 33ee [Lass ES [: fosiol 900 | 300] oo | S8oe [its | 3 | abet | ERE ~ | es 2a7s | axsr| oe | aa frses | oor [sear [oem] Q] se | US| sat | E505] oer] ise | $535 [idee | Gee | Seer [355s 23%5| four] “161 | Zone frcazo | ex | Sooo | base PROPERTIES OF PIPE (con't) Nom: FSSA NO weight fous Inside | Walt We. of fousde| tose inal” [Carbon] Stain Jaesgna atm. | unm: | tick ate’ tae | ac Ste fice” stew "YP Ye ive ofan |e Q |e | 05 | xsio | asrs [tore | ae tare | “62a | S074 ants [es | 0 1496 | eee | “920 ca ants [rao | are now | eee | aser ie 237s [ieee | 30. nar | ‘ann | eane ce | frcsin | 2378 [503 | ae 109 | ‘eae | 3939 o | 108 281s [2635 | 120 | 252 | 2.260 | 752 | 2900 | 5.82 40 | 40s | siz | 207s | aco | 'z03 | 79 | sone | “753 | ease | |saea | sre | 540 | 2041 2200010500] 250 | 170 [reas | s2e | sav | 201 10 000 20500] 250 | 2 [revo] eae | ons [oso] | acco|za.976] a12 | 1 [reso] eae | ors [noo] | Fa sid, }24o00|ra.250| 295 | os |reae| exe | ooo farce | 2400023425] 07 | v0 free | 620 | 60s | 4200 x51, {2400023000} S00 J 125 [sao] sxe | sor | «100 x0 z4oco|eners| sox | sat [izes | ose | som [arro] | | 24oc0|22.750] 625 | 156 |s759| o2e | se |aoss} | 24|° x4oo0|2e.sx6] 607 | ams | i742 | exe | son | aon | 2400022500] 250 | 196 [1701 | 28 | sav | 2976 “o 24000|r2.004} 960 | 238 [rose] ose | sae Jana] | 24000 [31.928] 1.021 | 252 | 162.6] 20 | 5.24 | 2780 0 24000 [21.554] sare | aor | ssea| eae | sos | 2652 100 4000 froze] 1531 | 267 [40a | eae | sae | aaa ' 331 330 NoTES aso | $483 avo | “$200 - tase | S200 aso | “seco dose | sze0 = aero | S200 sore | scco Seco | foro ee eo | eco 9 | reo owe | ovo panies aszo | asco eae eee Bevo | co mE |eaeee sexo | sero emacs) geo | siz seein zee tore | toro 2 | vero vero | ysv0 alee oees sro | srr va | toro ovr | oro | sro cero | cero laisse ei | ett. eibaaa | ASE) sor | sav % soo | 100 4 2809 | ano 4 8900 | A900 ae saig | suons | oot | ove os | on | autem Jevwon | do | 9h os og | “pauos ites | -powes | “ois SSANNOIHL T1VM TYNIWON ore a ISNV 9ues9104 IHW %S"z1 #1 199KgRS a!E UNOS SEEESUHONL 332 a PROPERTIES OF TUBING PROPERTIES OF STEEL TUBING sonore a = wat Enema nen Meal Area® “Sis 10134 1001 1636 0935 766° 8019037387 ISS IST OT oa tee mem See Eile name 1D op Giwwne es tl ties ese “loos Jas FE er esa Loas ie Soe "nor “ae Pate ri WORSPG! lang Comune 02. (ue | Sa tao ise “toss 685 Gas “Sor yoy Ske er tneet chr Sein inp Legh Regi incest WEEM Tp MN | sau tat tes 11) Ske 8 Sas Sass na en ya "5S nue ‘iam See 303 Be Er tai tess 1389 tees 3309 ast Ss “io “tase “iene ingots ts ant Wu ee ie aay 5001289168 Ss tos) ie tows S oe ng toss ‘ie is 38 7 a Sis lately esa) 2 te up Bw Rae ae eae Stow teas 1036 poo ass ase Ta 2 39) ee ‘ile ys 39155 Srp 38 ans 16 dase ask 0036 36 | oS Md tee ay ot ir as owe S65 iste ee “iiss Sey soot) tae | os 385 ese toss Sor tom bss 58 060.2003 1163611322. 362 505 U2 2381065, 1 10 1 52519631262 “1.005 BS 1.556 2593 Sie 088 tote ies S18 Sato 1 Sia Mt tao “anes iggy 4 Gh 88S Sy tat “ans 38 05021656 tye os 88 0h | Me 12 oy “Ba lt “a a ar 3 tke ios 348015901963 Ling a6 se ! Ye bas 2) es eet Su aie ss ae 3s “ie sa lay tka Zoe } a it feo os ms a aoe ia Ge be Bes pe Sina iky eS} hooS i Batson eet i9e3_ tt Ses Soe 01M ie st tees be St Meets | a Sa er 34 os 32901963 Lada 3a0. 357138921 ae er eee aed oe Bs ness ssa) | ye 6 38 ae Be or too a Bisa e085 36421960 15180380 ak 193 | ha og Mee ‘pss hu ie Sa Sy as yom a ee fae | [28 3 38 Be we we ye 2 ie a 065 301919631623 416 620 471 12101399, i 34 2202837831963 17235 590 1081 Fp a i qe 10 Ise ate 3291389 1.138 L209 Sr hea 3 Thr iss toe os took i "Oh a ie as a on 340 Sha es oer y [A ceo ater ot ak teh fe 78.150 2890 91a 1461 395 as 1st i bys ay i ion doe 35 we lias ets Zot iste to as SE F Hobe Se Bo ine ts 00 ae ST am I 1s on iy Bt 3 as ig Be Het nse 3 eS Sgas | progr e onige oar en a aes es GB tose PE es oe Es ess rast psp saab H & 39 Ge Ba bu i a hy to 78 a85 3904 29169198 aw aa B98 | on or te dene ie (oS ati eee | 2 ts 31 hn Sa st Se ose wees ae tivo Sos Sane Boa fol aia Me eB ae to art oy SS es Se i 7 rege ists gs gg ag ogee cele ee ce | ee Re ee a was ani ee Tes i {toy oy se or tar tig tor mate TE iso a8at 36153136800 a0 Lasse 109 Sts) ste in toot toe “Sig Sto doe 1 Bs is Gee bn eS SS i te D6) ts) asin tas ite pty HS ae Fas eer igee ish 3s SS ' son 38s dee dann iso tio mets ua ton mae ane c 3a sn a 0 97 I epee hs AR oa aa eal one Uo Et tT oe i 6 O65 SS a8 a an ios 38s tattoos Sar | Epa conan aes eer 198s Seni 3618 airy a1 30 baa aos ge I ‘be 50 ete se ea 316mm 1 os Son Gees tose SB 0 Ds ms eu ss meta) 1 tes “ues elk ap So Str) 2x 69 ew an 30 sto 1 060 60822618 “2504 02 880 49196 ~ ‘Weights of other materials — Multiply carbon 1s Ge Bo 83 go Te tes t deep thy fete 10 Gao BS “cd ey nto = Engh tel ey tm ~ i lt ed» ood pb fw ' ae eae mG Ae 18 ara of MEAT EXCHANGE INSTITUTE ie eececeeeaamaeees Spec pavty of water a 60 deg F = 10 Courtesy of WEAT EXCHANGE INSTITUTE ' Courtesy of N e oe r) HEADS For ves of mall and medio diameters elipsidl ads ae wd mont commonly, while large slameter vcs ave usually bull with hemisph flanged and dished heads. a ” jel oF Heads may be of seamless or welded construction. STRAIGHT FLANGE Formed heads butt-welded to the shell need not have st head is not thicker than the shell according to the Code smisphericals are used wit ‘The usual length of straight Manges: 2 inch flanged and dished and 0 inches for hemisph flange when the UG-32 & 33, but straight anges, for ellipsoidal, 11/2 inches for jal heads. Formed heads 1 ange = = shell and butt-welded to it shall have straight On the following pages the data of the most commonly used heads ae listed. ‘The dimensions of flanged and dished heads meet the requirements of ASME Code. WEIGHT OF HEADS See tables beginning on page 374 VOLUME OF HEADS See page 416 SURFACE OF HEADS See page 425 335 DIMENSIONS OF HEADS ' L__b__} HEMISPHERICAL cy L_.2__| Lo. D D ELLIPSOIDAL E77 SYMBOLS USED IN THE TABLES D = inside diameter of hemispherical and ellipsoidal heads, outside diameter of ASME Manged & dished heads. hy = inside depth of LR) of F.& D heads inside radius of dish of ASME flanged & dished heads as used in formulas for internal ‘or external pressure, ‘M-= factor used in formulas for internal pressure, ‘r= inside knuckle radius of ASME flanged & dished heads. = wall thickness, nominal or minimum. ASME FLANGED & DISHED ‘ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES DIAM WALL THICKNESS oe wl wl %* |e] wd] 1 [%[ 1% Tepe fe pa wa] {1128 | 1.500 | 1.875 hn | 2625 | 2.750 | 2.938 M__|ise_|i46 | 139 Lam fis fis fw |i 6 | © {1428 | 1500 | 1.875 | 2.20 n [2.750 | 287s | 3.1g8 | 3375 M__|tes_[1sa_|14¢_| 136 Tm fis fie [1s__|as | ie zg] 2 {#425 | 1.500 | 187s | 2.250 | 2.625 n | 2875 | 3.313 | 3.563 | 3.750 | 3.625 m__ [is [ise [ise [139 | iat reps fis [is [as fae [ae 20 | © {1280 | 1.500 | 1.875 | 2.250 | 2.625 | 3.000 n— |3300 | 3.563 | 3.750 | 3.875 | 4.063 | 4.250 v62_[1s2_| 146 | var | 136 20 {20 [20 [20 | 20 | a0 22| 1 | 2375 | 1.500 | 1.875 | 2.250 | 2.625 | 3.000 | 3.375 | 3.688 | 3.813 | 4.000 | 4.is8 | 4.313 | 4.500 | 4.688 M__|i7 [165 | ise {iso [ia |i39_| 136 Lin) [24 [24 | 26 [24 [24 [26 [a4 [aa a4 | | 800 | 1.500 | Lays | 2.250 | 2.625 | 3.000 | 3.375 | 3.750 a | 3875 | 3.813 | 4.000 | 4.188 | 4.375 | 4.363 | 43813 | s.000 m__[ars firs fies [iss [iso rae | var | 139 336, 337 DIMENSIONS OF HEADS DIMENSIONS OF HEADS [ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Bae WALL THICKNESS Dae WALL THICKNESS Ee Eien b 4% | 4] %[%T%T 1 TK > 2 24] 284 [3 24_[ oe [8 Tas [os | a8] ae 26 11625] 1.625] 1.875] 2250] 262s} 5.000] 3.375 bs 4500] 4438| 4's00} 4.¢a8} 4.873] s.000] 5.188 u72 | 172 | 16s] Tse] 150] 146 | iat ‘ 26 [2 [a6 Pas [2s [ae [os 28 1.750] 1.730] 1.873] 2.250] 2.625] 3.000| 3.375 a 4#a13] 4750] 4.750] 4938] 5375] 5.563] sous i |i | V6 | 160] 150° | 146 | rat so [30 [30 [30 [30 | 30 | 30 Fy 1.873] 1.875] 1.875] 2.250] 2.625] 3.000] 3.375 Fy 4375] 4.813] 4.313] Sooo] 5125} $375] s.s00| 17s | 17s [138 | 16s'| 60 | 154° | 130. 30 P30 P30 P30 [30 | 30 [30 ea 2.000] 2.000] 2.000] 2.250] 2.625] 3.000] 3.375 | 5.563] 5.500] 5.375] 5.500] 5.625] 5.813] 6.000 } 32 La |i | 1392 | 165" | 1.60 | 134 | 1.50, x [34 {30 [30 | 30 | 30 | 30 a 2.125] 2.125| 2.128] 2.250 2.625] 3.000] 3.375 ey 5.363] 5.500] 6000] 6.063] 618s) 6.313] 6.438 17s | 75 | 169 | 16s | 160] 154 | 154 36 [36 [3s [36 [36 | 30 36 Es 2.280] 2.250] 2.250] 2.250] 2.625] 3.000} 3.375 Ee Sigs] Sars] Sara] <7sa] Seas] eas] e313 175" 135'| 1s] 17s'| 169 '| 162 | 138 36 [36_}-s6 [3636 [36] 36 36 Ea) 2375] 2.375] 2.375] 2.375] 2.625] 3.000] 3.375 | | ae ‘000 6500] 6.438| 6.375] 6375| 6.438] 6.563] 6.750 8063 v.72 | vr2" | vr2"| 192 | Veo" | 69 | S60. 1336 40 Tao [ae [30 | 35} 36 | 36 36 mh 2.500] 2.500] 2.500] 2500] 2.625] 3.000] 3.375, a 000 6.625] 6.563] 6.938] 7.000] 7.000] 7.125] 7.313 a 8.500 1.69 | 169 | 169] 1.69 | 69 | 162 | 138 136 40 [a0 40 ao a0 [a0] 36 36 42 2625| 2.025] 2.625] 2.625] 2.625] 3.000] 3.375 a 000 718s] 7.125] 7.063] 7.000] 7.000] 7.125) 7.125 S938 ta | ire | ina [72 | 79 | 6s" | tse 136 2 [a [a fa [a [a fa 42 2 a“ 3.000] 3.000] 3.000] 3.000] 3.000] 3.000] 3.375! 6.000 7.500 8.000} 8.750] 8.688] 8.625] 8.563] 8.500] 8.625 48 9.750 10.500] 169 | 1.69 | 169 | 1.69 | 1.69 | 169 | 162 Lal 134 Oe 48 as ae ie 3.250] 3.20] 3.250] 3.250] 3.250] 3.250] 3.37 ee 6.000 7.300] 8.250 8.938] 9.750] 9.750] 9:625| 9.500] 9375] 9.438, 10.563 11.250)11.625 unr [ira | are | a2 | 72 | 132" | 169 a6 U9 [136 oo [oo [ss [sa [sa [sa [sa 34 a a 60 3.625 | 3.625] 3.625] 3.625] 3.625] 3.625] 3.625 1 io 6.000 7.500] 8.250 | 9.000 10.000 | 9.875 10.688 10.625 10.563] 10.500 ]10.438, | ni 313 12.000}12°378 [2.750 ur fis fiz [ia fine fia [ie 150 var | 139 [136 338 339 1 DIMENSIONS OF HEADS | DIMENSIONS OF HEADS [ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES [ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Da WALL THICKNESS Diam WALL THICKNESS i Ml MTALMI wl elm | [FBR MP 2 Te TEL CC Tw] || oO PO | wee] 30 | a Fr | 4.000] 4.000} 4.000} 4,000) 4.000} 4.000) 4.000} 4.000 | 4.500] 4475] 5.250] 5.625] 6.000] 6.750] 7.500] 8.250] 9.000] 66 Th | 11.000] 10.938] 11.750 11,625] 11.563] 11.s00] 11.438] 11.375 66 Jn Jar-soa] 11.688]11.813] 12.000] 12.125 ]12.438 | 12.813] 13.125] 13.500] M_| iy | uaz |e | v2 | ore | ur | 72 |e am _|res [veo Puss | iss | oss | iso [rae | var | 139 Lm PR PR pe fos | os P68] 66 Tm] % [oo [os fos fos os | os | oe [os P| 437s] 4.375] 4.378] 4.975] 437s] 4.375] 4.75] 4.375 : ECRD] Fe co] S's7s| 250] 5.625] 000] €7s0| 2300] #250| 9.000] 72 Jy |2.000}11.938]14.875]11.875} 12.625] 12.500 12.438] 12.375 72 i, |12:313]12.500] 12.625] 12-250} 1.2.938]13.250]13.563] 13.938] 14.313] M_ [ova | va7 [vay | a7 | 72 | re | m2 | oe m__| 132 | 169 | 16s | 160 | ise | isa | 150 | 146 | se te) es Pe ye ye yam | 7 Lw@PR PR pe pe PR pe pa pe ye jr | 4.750] 4.750] 4.750] 4.750} 4.750) 4.750} 4.750) 4.750 Fr | 47s | 4875] 5.250] 5.625] 6.000] 6.750 7.300] 8.250] 9.000 78 Vy | 13,000} 13.813]13.750] 13.688] 13.563] 13.500]13.438] 13.375 78 | |13.250 ]13.250 13.438] 13.563] 13.750]14.063 [14.375] 14.750] 15.063 M_| v7 | v7 |r |r | | 72 | 172 | 2 mir | 1.72 | i609 | i%6s | i'62 | ise | 132 | as | 146 La] 4 Pat [as [ad [ae ae [7s] 78 Lm) ee epee) eee jr | 8.125) 5.125] sas] s.12s) 5.128] 5.125) s.t2s] s.r2s] s.i2s) r | siz} sizs] 5.280] 5.625] 6.000] 6.7s0| 7.500} 8.250] 9.000 84 I, |raco00] 13.938 /13:875]13.813 [13.750] 13.688] 14.438] 14.375] 14.13. 24 |! 12330 lia tan | 4.930] 4.375] 14-soo| 4.8751 15-184] 1¢ 00] 15.875 mM Tior Pi be Li fr Li ti Limbo], Mae | 7a | 172 | 169 | vss | 160 | 16 | sz | tas Emo] 9 Pee ae Pat Pee ee ae ada Tm) Pe) ea ea fF | s.s00] s.so0] s.so0} 5.500] s.s00} 5.500] 5.500] s.so0} 5.500 fr | 500] 5.500] s.s09] 5.625} 6.000] 6.750] 7-300) 8250] 9.000 90 Vy Jus.12s}15.813|15.750] 15.688] 15.625 | 15.563]15.500] 15.438) 15.313. 90 Ii, Js 2so|15.188|15.25]1.188]18.313 {13.625 | 16.000] 16.313] 16.625 fay Lae Lica | ge |e | 92 | 2 | | 2 M_| ya | v2 | 72 | 172 | 169 | 1.62 | iss | i'sa | se Tap | %_f 9 P99 P99 Hs 99a CC) a 96 |e | 587s] 5875] 5.875] 5.875] s.a7s| 5.875] 5.875] 5.875] 5.375 96 |F | 3875] s47s| s.s7s| 5.873} 6.000] 6.750] 7.500] 8.250] 9.000 In {6.125 ]x6.875} 16,813] 16.750} 16.625] 16.563] 16 500} 16.438] 172312 fs |17.250]17.125 17.063] 17.000} 17.063] 17-313 | 17.625] 17.875] 18.188} me |e ae tae tae [ere Le Le] M_|'te9 Pio [iso | reo | 169 | 162 | isk | rsa | 132 ERO] 96 P96 P99 PIG IE HHT oe Taw] 9 P|] 9] 9 TT 90 jr | 6.125] 6.125] 6.125] 6.125] 6.125] 6.125] 6.125} 6.125) 6.125 Fr | 6.128] 6.125] 6.125] 6.125] 6.125] 6.750] 7.50 | 250] 9.000] 102 ty | 7.938] 17.875] 17.750]17.688] 17.625 | 17.563]18.500] 18.375]18.250] 102 |, 1481195 [18.125 }18.063| 18,000] 17.938 {18.125 | 18.375] 18.688] 19.000 mas’ [tas | igs figs [is |ivgs [ite | m2 | 2 eft 32 tao betas | t7a 192 [165 | 162 {138 L136 CC) a Pam Poe ees F | 6.500] 6.500] 6.500] 6.500] 6.500) 6.500] 6.500} 6.500] 6.500 ir | 6.500] 6.500] 6.509) ,s00} 6.500] 6.750] 7.500) 8.250) 9.000 108 |x l18938 18.875] 18.750] 18.750} 18.688] 18.563]19 438] 19.375] 19.13 108 |, | 9.250] 19.12] 19.063} 19.000] 18.938] 18.938] 19.188] 19.500] 19.813 MV yrs Las | igs | ars | aos | 9s | a2 | 132 | 192 aed) era (etd cea pu oe eet ra C® 108 [108 Tos [TOs Toe Tos |—Tow Te Lew] 108 102} 102 | 102] 102 02 J 102 102 [102 Falla 6.875] 6.875} 6875] 6.875] 6.875] 6.875] 6.875] 6.375 | 687s] 6475] 6.875| 6.875] 6875] 6.875] 7.500) 8.250) 9.000 M4 yy 191875 19.813] 19.750] 19.685|19.625| 19.563] 19.500] 19.438], | 174 1, [19,513 ]20:125] 20.0031 20.000| 19.938 | 19.81 3| 20.000] 20.312] 20.563 IM as Laas Lvs Laas | vgs | 1s | 7s | 19s e_L5s [vse igo fze | za | 92 | 69 | 162 | 160 Le Ta Pais Pre Pasta | toe tos se] Lem] fos Tas | 10e | 198] 108 [198 | Tos 108108 A 1280] 7.280] 7.250} 7.250] 7.250) 7.250] 7.250) 7.280 Ir | 7.250] 7.250] 7.250] 7.250] 7.250] 7.250} 7.s00} s.250] 9.000 120}, 20.875] 20.813] 20.750]20.688 | 20.625] 21.500] 21.438] 21.375 120 [y | 24'313]21.250] 21-188] 21.053] 20.938] 20.813]20.813] 21.125]21.438| M vas fis fas [igs Laas [2 | | 92 M__|n72 [ise |e [onze [2 Pore [re [ies | 12 Law 120-7130 P20 [120 [120 1307120 (14 aw] ls | tap ta] tia | tis_P atari a] ir 1625] 1.625] 7.625] 7.625] 7.625] 7.625] 7.625) 7.625 fr | 7.625| 7.625] 7.625} 7.625} 7.625] 7.025] 7.625] 8.250] 9.000 126 ty 21.875 21.813] 21.750] 21.688] 21.625}21.563]21.500 22.313 126 Jy |221250) 22.188] 22.125] 2.063] 21.938] 21.813 [21-625] 21.938] 22.188 IN 17s | zs | vgs [vas [ins [is [as [ire m_ [vy |e | 72 | are | a2 [ira | rz | 169 | 16s Le 136-| 136 120_[ 130-130] 120 awyf 20] 120 | 120-120-120] 120-[ 120-120 | 120 Palle 8,000] 8.000] &.000} 8.000] 8.000] 8.000] 8.300 132 | 8900] 8090} 8.000} 8.000} 8.000] 8.000} 8.000] 8.250) 9.000 fh 22.875] 22.813] 23 688| 25.563 23.500] 23.438] 23.750 [23.313 23.250] 23.125] 23.063] 23.000| 22.87 | 22.750] 22.750]23.000 M v9 | 19s | ire ie |r | 72 |r a Vigo Pie Poza Pre Pg Va Pi | 2 [ices 340 DIMENSIONS OF HEADS [ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES iA WALL THICKNESS De ¥% | % | wT 1 [1% [1% [1% 14 Taw] 132 [132] 92] 32] 132) 192] 132 | se F | 8375] s.a7s] wars] a.s7s| 8.375) 8375] 82373) 8.375 138 I 23,938 |23.875 |23,813] 23.750] 23.688] 23.625 23.563] 23.500 m__ [as [ass [cas [i.7s [13s | 9s [13s | “135 Lap] 132 132 | 132 [132 [a2 | 132 | sz | 32 144 |" |,8750] 8750] 8750] 8.750] 8.750] 8750] 8.750] 8750 hn 25.835 |25.813 25.750] 25.625] 25.563] 25.s00)25 438] 25.313, m_[oacra [re [72 Poe P92 |e [a2 | 1372 ian | see. WALL THICKNESS Eten | ace] >" |S" ( 15 [i [1H] 2 [2%] 34 LS L132 [132 | 132 | 130 | 130 | 130 | 130 | 130 zag |" | 8375] 8375] 8375] 8.375) 8375] 8.375] 8.375] 9.000 38 ly {25.438 | 23.375) 23.313] 23.500] 23.375] 23.250]23.125] 23.250 mL irs [9s [v3 [72 [192 [aa F172 [169 aw i32 [132 [32 [2 [sz P32] a2 | 32 144" [8750] 8750] 8750] 8.750] 8.750] 8.750] 8.750] 9.000 In| 25.280} 25.188 25.125] 25.063] 24.938] 24,813|24.625] 24.625 M92 fae Pre Pie za Pe [172 | 32 wij TOLERANCES WALL THICKNESS (APPROXIMATION) * OTHER TYPES MINIMUM. | HEMISPHERI IREQ'D, THICKNESS [UPTO 150°LD. inal] OVER 150" 1. ToD exe 0.1875 0.0625 0.1250 Ito 0.3750 0.1250 0.1250 To 0.6250 0.2500 0.2500 3" To 3.5 0.7500 0.3750 0.3750 3.5" To 4’ 1.1250 0.500 0.5000 To 4s” 1.5000 0.6250 0.6250 To st 1.7500 0.7500 0.7500 5° To 5.5" * 2.0000 0.8750 0.8750 5.5 & Over 2.0000 1.0000 1.0000 * Specify minimum thickness (i required) when ordering INSIDE DEPTH OF DISH (ny 48” O.D. and under plus 0.5" minus 0” Over 48” O.D. to 96” O.D. incl plus 0.75", minus 0” Over 96” O.D. plus 1°, minus 0” ‘OUT OF ROUNDNESS ‘Within the limits permitted by the Code, 341 FLANGES FLANGE FACING FINISH In pressure vessel construction only gasket seats of flanges, studded openings, etc require special finish beyond that afforded by turning, grinding or milling. ‘The surface finish for flange facing shall have certain roughness regulated by Standard ANSI B16.5. The roughness is repetitive deviation from the nominal Surface having specified depth and width. Raiged faced flange shall have serrated finish having 28 to d0 grooves pr inch. The Culling tool shal have-an approximate 0.06 sn.or larger radius fesuling 300 imcroch approximate roughness (ANSI BI6.5, 6.34.17 ‘The side wall surface of gasket groove of ring joint Hlange shall not exceed 63 ‘mieroinch roughness. /ANSI B16.5-,/ Other finishes may be fused by agreement between user and manufacture. ‘Tenis of contact aces shal be judged by visual comparison wth Standard ANS Bie ‘The center part of blind anges nosd nao be nse within a diameter which equals arcs thant Dore minus one inch the oming lange. "ANSI 68-6. Surface symbol used to designate roughness 7s placed either onthe line inieatng the surface or ona leader pointing to the surface as show below The numbers: S00 and 6} india the eight of roughness; leer "e™ he ietion of surface pattern: tonceati-srrted feoone—ot Lt + cai LE, CCONCENTRIG SERRATED FIN a] ‘SYMBOL USED IN PAST PRACTICE WN 342. 343 150 Ib. FLANGES STANDARD ANSI B16. |. All dimensions are in inches. 2, Material most “commonly used, forged steel SA IST. Available also in stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal 3. The 'I/16 in, raised face is included in dimensions C, Dand 5 4. The lengths of stud bolts do not include the height of crown 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in, larger than bolt diameters, 6, Flanges boted to dimensions shown un- less otherwise specified. 17, Flanges for pipe sizes 22, 26, 28 and 30 are not covered by ANSI B16. SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION K AND DATA ON BOLTING. 150 Ib. LONG WELDING NECK 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2 Material most commonly used, forged steel SA 181, Available also in stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal. 3. The 1/16 in, raised fase is included in dimensions J and M. 4. The length of bolts do not include the height of crown 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in. larger than bolt diameters 6, Dimensions, M (length of welding necks) are ‘based on data of major manufac: turers, Long welding necks with necks longer than listed are available on special order SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION J, ! Diameter | Length of Bolts Konia fe mea] eee ee | ge | nitue || OST oon | oe sNimete| beaen] 00 Nes ae Bore ‘Welding | Base Flange | Bolts | Circle | Raised | Ring Bore x B c D E c # z | fee Liss [aa mm | m | | we | om |e %| Re) Be % wm] B | oat] | ok) & A) Be) oe 4 me) RL TE) AL SEP kp AY oa) 2 , me | ow | reel am} af on | | %| an] 2% 2% % ee ae aera mM uh mo" | as] Belg | ey | Pare mt | 2 2% i te 7 a sh] 3% 4 3% g 2% 2% | 1% 350] 4% | 74 | % w| 6 au | 4K a a 2 Ba | Me | too) af ae |e Rl pat | | a 2 | dy 3 | m | 450) am] o wn) m| x | a | sx oe dye | th | Sh] ls BLP | BY) als am | im | 663] Fm | i KR] onl 4 | ml] & | ¢ 4 | 1% | 269 | gm] ram wf} ae | a | om pla 4 Me | 1075 | 12, 16 j ta | 14h | 4% 5h 12 2 10 AM Me 1275 | 14% | 19 ” | 17 aK 5% | 14% a 2 s | an | veo] asx | 2 fax] sx | sx | 4 5 ah 16.00 | 18 23% 1 2% 5h 6 18 % Sn | 2h | teeo | tam | ae | be [BK 8 | be foot % aye | 2m | 2000) 22 | ary | mm mw fas | ax | ax | 20 St | Sh | ite | hw | ek |e th |B | oe | 3 wou $ 6 3h 24.00 | 26% | 32 Ly 27% | 20 Wa | 29% 7 7% 26% 4 28 | sore | 2428] 3. | am | 2600] om | oem | 2 | + | ao] 2x fam farm | 7 28 x Brose, | 285) bu | Mh | Geeo | So | Se | dy aa | ae | tt 0 | 7 aot, FH io doze | 3 | 3h | sooo] tex | ee |e] | | MAT RLM LR | Ju an a 345 300 Ib. FLANGES STANDARD ANSI BI6.5 All dimensions are in inches. 300 Ib. LONG WELDING NECK 1. All dimensions are in inches, nese ee 2 Muted most “commonly wed, forged Nec'SA TSI Avatble abo in stuns steel SA 16 Avaliable aio in Stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal. steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal. dimensions C, Dand J. pa isaesoe itl The lengths of stud bolts do not include . height of trown 's do not include the Bott eles ve 1/8 in. larger than bolt 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in. legs than bolt 6, Flanges Bored fo dimensions shown un 6, Dimensions, M Geng of welding neck ies otherwise spected Re based on dats of major mance: 5 eather ‘26,2819 | CB tures. Long welding necks with necks langes for pipe sizes 22, 26, 28 and 3 longer than listed are available on special enol coveted ty ANST BiG CMAN loner es bx] ra SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION K f i AND DATA ON BOLTING. i SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION J. ace Bone] ona | [ome scat of bate ae a rae | ee] Be [te nde Ma | er | oe ameter tenth] te Bes ee m welding | Base | Flanee nee Face_| Hotes | poits | Circle Ring Bore | Size vee Joint apepepefetetats7] | fe twp N % | a m | «| «lm | ol mls] xl mm] a | a % a) Bel |) ss | | BE] Mey | 2) SRL MY) by a vy igs am | iw | tae] oe] ae] aT) Pa) 2] B] SA) 3x | Sh] oon 1 m | 138 m | im | vse] a | se | x | | | am] a] a] anf] om | an] on | Mm | iat Rel we | ise | a] se] RA] | | Re] a] RL] AY | a) me v4 2 207 mh Me | 23 he o% a | 3% 8 wl os cry 44 Bue | 9 2 2% | 247 a im | 298 | ame] 7% | 1 | Me 8 wx} oom| 4 4% | He 8 2%] | lee ge | MA] as te] tw | | eg] RL BL aa | Te S| 3 ax | 383 ae | re | doo} se | OM TR] foe | eb] ak] RY Ot | Sal 2 | ty 4 aw | im | 450] 5% | 10 | 1% ow | s | %| ml a | su] sx Sha 3 gel | Sse) La | ak Mele] RL sel S| oa] 3 z] 3 3 sa] be | es | oe ftw | | | mp a] Rf aoep | kT awe | |B ] 8 : om | rm | oe frox lis | | [ww] 2 | mts | sx | on] 10x ae 0 ae | me | ogs | ae | im | ve |) fae |e Ta | Sad oe | oak 2]. " Sh | th | ies | ae | aot | BY ots | tw | ae] Se |e | aa zg]. “ om | 3. 1400 | 16% | 29 2 | 1% | 20 | 1% | 20%] 7 7% | 16% a low ‘ Sh | du | eo | te | an | 2k wes | do 1m | A} mm | oh | " am | oe [eto | at | 2 | 28 H | | am | dee] oe | ak | at 20 o% | 3% | 2000 | a | aon | 2% wa |ulimla | ox | 9 | 2m 20 2 an | 2 | e0o | at | 3% | 2e zu |u| im | don| ae | ou tors FA Fs oH | bu | 200 | ae | ae] Ft ae | || | okt | soit | arm | a 26 7m | 7m | 26% | zo | aon] aw |, | 2 | 2 fam fare] io | | ose 1 zs oe | 7a. | dex | don | ao | 3K aA | as | UE] 2" | tow | ity | 3k is 30 | “fed | 3025 | au | a% | 30% | am | as | ae | | | 3am | 2e | im | am] nm | 12m | 33% 30 346 400 Ib. FLANGES STANDARD ANSI B16.5 1. All dimensions ate in inches. 2 Material most commonly used, forged steel SA 105. Available also in stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal. 3. The 'I/4 in, raised face is not included in dimensions C, D and J. 4. The lengths of stud bolts do not include the height of crown, 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in. larger than bolt diameters, 6, Flanges bored to dimensions shown un- less otherwise specified 17. Flanges for pipe sizes 22, 26, 28 and 30 are not covered by ANSI B16.5. SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION K AND DATA ON BOLTING. 347 400 Ib. LONG WELDING NECK 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2. Material most commonly used, forsed steel SA.10S, Available also in stainiess Steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal 3. The 1/4 in. raised face is not included in thickness J but is included in length M. 4. The length of bolts do not include the height of crown 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in. larger than bolt diameters 6. Dimensions, M (length of welding necks) are based on data of major manufa turers. Long welding necks with necks longer than listed are available on special order. SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION 3. : = = Eee ire Hub o Fiane rated | Tor | Por” | po x Diameter [Menetn) of | Pipe ee me Tr | wl | ole | th | ate | ne oe | SE A B c D E Gc A a xk ace L M N sy nr 84 Wa 3% % | 1% 4 wl mH 3% 3 *% % iu 105 i" 4h M 1%. 4 w| 3% 34 3% % i Mm] iso] ae] Be] RL | el 2] B) AL tu] tal M an: wash ele |e Rll eR) ay Bley ads s $ 26 8.63 | 10% 1s 1% | 10% wyot 3 6% 7, 10% & s “ 3 1490 | 16% | 23 2% { 16% | 20] 1% | 20% 8%) am] 16% 3 “ w | 2 woo | is | asm | ae | | | tex] do] in| we] ox] o*] IS z [a 2 22.00 | 25% | 33 2h 25% 24 | 1% | 29% 10 10% 2 2 gem | Go| ioe | 3 ay | ds | ie] a" | ik | ty 2 : Be | BhI S* | 2 ae] RUE WT bs ei 348 349 600 Ib. 600 Ib. FLANGES LONG WELDING NECK STANDARD ANSI BI6.5, 1. All dimensions ar in inches 1, All dimensions are in inches, 2 Material" most commonly used, forged % Materia most commonly used, forged steel SA 105. Available also in steueten i steel $A 105. Available also in sainess steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal eve mece Heel alloy steel and nonferrous metal 3. The 1/4 in, raised face is not included ¢—_. 3. 1/4 in. raised face is not included in in dimensions C, Dvand J. —_ {hickness J but is included in length M 4. The lengths of std belts Jo not include j———, " 4 | 4. The length of bolts do not include the the height of crown. mt Bea co 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in. larger than bolt jolt holes are 1/8 in. larger than bolt arose ane ag eae eae a7 gametes 6. Flanges bored to dimensions shown un- suron 6. Dimensions, M (length of welding necks) Jess otherwise specified — are bed on Gat of aon ante 7. Flanges for pipe sizes 22, 26, 28 and 30 — | {trers. Long welding necks with necks ate not covered by ANSI BI6.5 L longer tan is re avalon speci SEE FACING PAGE FoR DIMENstoN K | |_ 4/———*— AND DATA ON BOLTING. SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION J Diansier Ountde Length of Bots Dianet orb Tee pamete] | a. = — pol oo Bote ot role rated | Or | POF | poe | Diameter |Lenath| of Welding Foes | whe | osha | cite | mates | xing aces | tout ae ete te letayy K a % wm) ow} al ml axl m] oa} wl am] aw] a % % mm | 4 vos} im] am | whe} 4] al Su] aA] ae % ’ 2m) ae | 32] an] Yt 2 4] %| 34] aa] ax] an ’ he 2% MN 1.66 oie 5h 4 2% 4 w) 3% 4 2% Me us mm! i | too] Be] Se] pe ge] | RL OU ty] 2 ‘ 2 mm) wm] ame] Sel Se] a ml al Rl 5 as | Halo 2 a am | 1% aml ml im aw | ool ul sm 5 a 2» 2 aa | 1% wel an] ie 5 s| x] a su | tm 2 | 3 a a8 | tm se] ot sm | s| nl mm sul 3i S| om 4 4. | 2% | 450] 6 | tox] am ow] ol a] on o | 6 z | 4 5 44] ae | Sse] mm] is | Te we] oe} 1"! vom su) 9% a] 3 ‘ 4% | am | oss] ax] ia % es eae ead |e 7 oHla| ze | ¢ . se} 3 | 963] 10% | 1% | 2% 1% | 12 | rm] 13% 7%] 10% z |e 10 | 3% | 10751 isn | 20% | Be we | is | ie] ax| ah £ |. 2 3 om | 3% | 1275] 15x | 22 EA ws | 20 | im] i9% 9 | 15% a | 2 “4 e ew | am! 1400] a7 | 23%] 2% w% | 20 | 1%] 20% | a7 2 | « Ld 7 he 16.00] 19% | 27 3 18% 20 4] 23% 10%) 19% a 1 1" 7% | 4 | too} 2 | ou | bx a" | 20 | im 25% no | ath 18 20 7 $ 20.00 | 24 32, 3% 23 24 1% | 28% 1% 24 1220 20 2 7% | 54 | 2200] Zen | San | 3H 25% | ae | ikl Som 134 2 4 @ | 3% | 2400] gem | 9” | f ah | a | in| 3 134) 20m 2” ™» 8% 8% 26% 29% | 40 4% 29% 28 IA} 36 13% 13% 26 2 34 | 9% | zoe | sie | toy | ie ain | 28 | 2] 8 | Bk] iam 2 20 wm | oh | a0% | som] tin | af am | 2 | 2 | dou] 1a] ian 30 351 900 Ib. FLANGES STANDARD ANSI B16. All dimensions ate in inches Material most commonly used, forged steel SA 105, Available also in stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal, 3. The 1/4 in, raised face is not included in dimensions C, D and J, 4. The lengths of stud bolts do not include the height of crown, 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in. larger than bolt diameters 6, Flanges bored to dimensions shown un: less otherwise specified 7. Flanges for pipe sizes 26, 28 and 30 are hot covered by ANSI BI6.5. ‘SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION K AND DATA ON BOLTING, a a 7 Pa oi M 900 Ib. LONG WELDING NECK 1, All dimensions are in inches, 2. Material most commonly used, forged steel SA.105. Available also in stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous mets 3. The 1/4 in. raised face is not included in thickness J but is included in Jength M, 4. The length of bolts do not include the height of crown, 5. Bolt holes ate 1/8 in. larger than bolt diameters 6, Dimensions, M (length of welding necks) ate based on data of major manufac- turers. Long welding necks with necks longer than listed are available on special order, SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION J Dimas] Bact] o, oui vat of ots Diameter tenan | attiat| 8F'| onsite | see oimetor Nomina fa Tigsumn | atone | Hap | Demeter] Ted eas | 8 Pelee ts | sean] 885 Poin re Wr eee ae | tle | mle wet | ak | ade | ne [Deo] ate | Bee wee’ | on a Tete pope leyayps K fey s 4 m mw] 4] x] owl awl ae % x oe | We) 4) %) ak) TR) a L % i 3h | tn 2) at RL aS) aw 1 1 ox | 1% wm) «| ow] al 5s | 5 | om % Bell HH me) 2] 8) Ol Sal Su) |e Ms mm] ih aml ol ln] sal Se) Sa] z ; wm] oola | ml xl owl an g | an eae 3 e| | ™m| sel 6 5 a | 3 un] te ow] o |) mel oe) sk] 7 | ow] | & | 8 wu | 2 rm | oe} ml | ml mm] 2% s|s Bel A oe] 2 | wel in| me] ok] oe 2] 68 an | ie wor | 12 | ie] 15] ae] 9 | the ea] a x] ie | ie] ex] ox] 9% | ray 2 | 0 mY | 2% 3 | 20 | 1%] ar} a0 | so% | to B | Bw | 8 Ym | 20] ie] be | tox | i | isk g | u 6 au | om wen | 20 | 1m | 2m] nl im | 20 |r] & | a6 i Sting ia a | do] ah] 2%) in| ah] Bx uw 2 Bx | 46 a | 20 | 2°) Gon| inl Wy] dase 2 2 an | oR 2a | 2 | am) asal ive] ih] do 4 2% wn | on zm | 2 | 2%| a7] 74] 10% 26 FH ae ate | 20 | a") fou] tae] toe 3 30 fin | 5h aux | 20] 3 | ak 2» 30 352 353, 1500 Ib. FLANGES STANDARD ANSI B16.5 |. All dimensions are in inches 2 Material most commonly used, forged steel SA 103, Available also in stainless Sel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal 3. The 1/4 in, raised face is not included in dimensions C, D and J. 4. The lengths of stud bolts do not include the height of crown. 5. Bolt holes are 1/8 in. larger than bolt diameters 6, Flanges bored to dimensions shown un: less otherwise specified, ‘SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION K AND DATA ON BOLTING. 1500 Ib. LONG WELDING NECK 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2 Material most commonly used, forged steel SA.105. Available also in Stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal. 3. The 1/4 in. raised face is not included in thickness J but is included in length M, 4, The ength of bolts do not include the height of crown, 5. Bolt holes ate 1/8 in. larger than bolt diameters 6, Dimensions, M (length of welding necks) are based on data of major manufac: turers. Long welding necks. with necks longer than listed are available on special order. SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION J. rs Co use inepaaraa Diameter tenet | afta | S| Ost | rien See | nse net! oman ote Thou eee ne [eee | oh nates | "OC | PSE) woe | ae Batete| tense] Sipe Weldlg | nice | Fame | FANE aces | votes | nots | cicte | aes poe | site apes ~epefelfelala K ce fw % m| im | sof am | ae | ow m | «| «| an] an | an % % m | im | ros] im | om | a me | a] xl an] 4% | am % ’ m| im | 132] 2m | om | om 2 a} onlal s 1s cr 1 ™% wo | am | im | 166] 2m | ox | m | 4} | als | s m/e ™% ™% ws | az | 1% | 190 | ax | 7 | im m | a|r | an! sx] su | 2% "% 2 aaa] 4 | 2m | 238] an | on | in m | oe] mw) om) su) sx | 4m 2 mh a | 204 | am | 2m | 280 | am | om | im Ae aja 7%) 6%} 64) 4m 2 | ™ a] 5 | as) ie | am | aso | oe | wom | in Bel iwf ea} oy ot) st z|3 4 3 | 457 | am | am | aso] on | ram | on ow | a} im! ol mm] 7%] om | « 5 2 5 B | sso | ow | am | 556] 7m | am | om 7m | o| ml nl 9% 7% eB] s ‘ z | 672 | 6% | am | es | 9 | ism | ox % | 2 | ml i] 10% 9 2/6 * Bj ez | on | sw | oss fm |i | on wx | 2 | mal sv] in 1% ale * 2 10 woss | 10 | 6% | tors | um | 23 | am w% || ila | asm] 13%] 1am & | 10 2 res | im | 7% | 1275 | wm | 26% | an is | ae | 2 | 2am} um | is% | 17% 2 “ nm | =: | 1400 | rem | 29% | 8 wu | 1s | 2mlas | we | a | i “ 6 4 rsoo | 21% | 32% | 2% wen | 6 | 2% | 27% | 7% | 18%] 21m [12 6 8 12% veoo | 234 | ae | om a | 16 | 2%| 30%] 19% | 20% | 29% 18 20 “ 2000 | 25% | sex | 7 a | i | 2 | a2%| 2% | 22%] asm 20 % 6 2400 | 20 | as | & 2% | 16 | lar | 2% | 25% | 90 24 354 355 2500 Ib. FLANGES STANDARD ANSI BI6.5 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2, Material most commonly used, Torged steel SA 10S. Available also in stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal 3. The 1/4 in, raised face is not included in-dimensions C, D and J. 4. The lengths of stud bolts do not include poy 2500 Ib. LONG WELDING NECK All dimensions are in inches. Material most commonly used, forged steel SA.10S, Available also in stainless steel, alloy steel and non-ferrous metal ‘The 1/4 in, raised face is not included in thickness J but is included in length M. ‘The length of bolts do not include the Fete al =i igh of own, 5. Ho ae we 18 a tager tan soe | 5: hate e/ maer san bot bh 6, Dimensions, M (length of welding neck) 6, Fangs bored to dimensions shown un: ao Parr a pictot eclarjeraaae less otherwise specified, 4 turers. Long welding necks with necks 5 Tonge thon Ine ate avalable on special oa aay SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION =H {AND DATA ON BOLTING me SEE FACING PAGE FOR DIMENSION 3. or Sons outside Lang of Bolts Nomina as 7 ee nadea | | EY oe |e SER, | venue | MSE Ne Bee " 2 Welding | pase | Flange | Pisnee Face | voles | ote | cece | asies | ing Bore | Size A B c D E G iH J xk ee L M N w” 88 2h Me 84 Ye 5M We 1% 4 % 3% 5M Sie % % vo] an | im] vas] 2" | se | one wel oc] | al Se] st % 1 1.36 3% Ah 1.32 2h bh Ly 2 4 a” we 5% 5% 2h) 9 1 ™% wo) ax | am | sae] an | 2m | om orale pale ee 6% bh mh % ™ vss} am | am | iso] an] oo | in m | afaw| sx} S¢ | on] Bt Sm 2 aaa] 5 2% | 238) 3% | om | 2 3% aj. ow] 7% | 7H] 3m ay 2% 294 5h ah 2.88 Ah 10% ah aM 8 in| 7% 8 Bu 4h z ah 3 asz| on | ax | 350| Sx fis’ | de M1 apy Ms | kl el] 2]? 4 457) 7% | 4% | 450] 6% | 14 3 M a] im] wx] 10% | 0%] 6% 2 [4 3 5 566] 9 5M 536 | 8 16% 3% TK a} 1%] 12%] a2 12% 8 z 5 ‘ e2| won| 6° | ees | ou | | ae oe | ef 2 | tm] ix | ten] ox & | ° aa|im| > | ela | am] ¢ wx | 2] 2 | wel ise] we | a : 10 wn | 9 | 1075] ux | 20% | on wax |i | an| arm] wx] 20%] ra 10 @ wx | 10 | 127s | mm | a | na we fiz | ax | za] ane ze] teh | r220 2 356 487 ANGE! nee s STUDDING OUTLETS ‘All dimensions are in inches. APPROXIMATE DISTANCE BETWEEN FLANGES ete ee oe s TAP HOL (BoRE) OD CIRCLENO. SIZE TPL DEPTH DEPTH eo 7 ee a inches m 150 350138 2 Hass 3M 180 388 Te) 205 ks 12s y y % |y _ ; Tso 425 2032 ks 4 4 elk lg z 8 lw 1 fe i aw 4 i Bon “ % % 2 . . ie 112 150 «500288388 4B 075 1 % & [me | % a % 2 as Go 3a aS 4 Rt % & & [me | & % % hia 13s 30 412 550 4 SR % Ys & lm | % % 3) 175 750 S00 wo 4 5B 2 4 x [xe | x % % Siz 138 880330 1083 2% % wm |e | % % } a 13s 900 6197508 SR 3 % x |e % : 5 200 100 «7318508 aK zE x iy al Hd 6 200 1100850 950 8 MO a2 4 4 | % % $ do 135 toe ans 8 wT 5 th holy % i fo 225 160 «1275 142512 6 oa hm 1% % % 2235 190 1500 10 2B 8 % % | B % M256 2100 1525, 187s Dt ici Z Pale g Kd 16256 T5085 us 6 kB a x % |i e A is ts So ho is is eS % a | Xs ‘ 275 30 0 3500 2 ties u % B | 6 5 300 3200 7125 eso tt Ya Ge Me is = i % Lm x = 300 Ib 20 % % | % % z SWE tick op RF STUD __ stuns TAP HOLE 2 Y % |e] = 5 = (GORE) OD CIRCLENO, SIZE Ti DEPTH DEPTH 24 vi % |% | % % BT A OR © FM TE F z a = 21s 395 18 2s tas M198 de e335 4 Rat RING NUMBERS Das 48 20 350 8B 8130 ——_—_——_——_____| im 435 S25 250 3B8 $508k 30 Nominal Pipe sal | tf ra] oem] a fan] a 112-20 62 284s) cE aataT 2" 17s 6s) 362 38 SR “ 2iz io 950 42 -SeB S| 5 23 300, 400, 600 RIB} RIG] RIB} 3 200 «825 500 662 BMD 1275, a 300 - 312 2m 9 $50 725 RS 1500 Rid 4 400 100 G19 7B “e 2500 nis S200 to 731 925 8 MDS 6 200 1250 as som 12 ye 15 Nominal Pipe Size a fe & 225. iso ioe? 13012 TRAM 2.00 | io 256 1750 1275 1525 1H TY 2 Rao} Ra | 275 2050 1500 1775 16 «1188 16-250 as M275 00 1625 2025-1 ui [RIS 16 300 2550 1850 250 2 118 «kB maa | as 1 300 2800 21002475 kha S “pater 2300 3050 Aw Hd mu 3a 3600 7125 0 Mik 82s 359 STUDDING OUTLETS hes. STUDDING OUTLET All dimensions are i Tq “All dimensions are in inches. Material mast commonly wied, Material most commonly used, org sees forgedstee!SA-105. {600 Ib. 1500 Ib. SIZE wucx op RE STUD __sTups TAP HOLE ize muck op 8F STUD STUDS TAP HOLE (BORE) OD CIRCLENO. SIZE TPI DEPTH DEPTH (BORE) OD CIRCLENO. SI TP DEPTH DEPTH BOOT A R Cc oS M I BOF BT A R © FM LE F v2 1 39s 18 2a 4 ms as 2 2g as te as ews Mo im 40 ton 35 4 See 80 Mos Siz a0 4 5 Pie ass 20 350 4 See 180 da Sas 20 4m 420 1 im 535 250 3k Se 88 jim dee 20 44 A200 lig 29 G2 aes 0s lig 27 100 2a 4m $ 181802 2” Ie 6s ke S08 180 ye Te ao Be 6808200 fiw iio 4s dit sm 8 Mts fin ts Sa 4 70 8 TB a 3° Zip 42s so be 8 MS 3? aoe ts 50 BOB 28D bin 24 9m 530958” {Sp bas Gis 9808 ak 25 Ve OG 0% ais 808m $ fa tas oT uo 8 in 8 2s 3 5 2 Bo 9H ws 8 T8130 am & XG t50 bo tas 2138 82 3.00 6 3s wo 8s se 1 8 150 at $ Sas t00 toed isso 12S tat 8 294 1650 toa 1375 1281} 280 fo ast oo 12 tom 21mm to 319 doe Tats aoe Mak se aes ism 250 te 28 300 Aa 319 wis 1925 TM ak 2S ie Soo myo 162s 500 Te 21M 388 AS M34 27S 1625 2075 9 aR 8206 1s 30 ms isso ant Ie 2128378 S06 is ia ma isso m9 R82 8ND 1s Soe e002 400 te 280 1s 3s as to 7 tn kha ke 638 mrs bas es AS 88 > 388 0) oo beso Mise Saat me) Som te 8S ow u 431 0 Tas Boome 8a 2500 Ib Ed SIZE yick op RF STUD __stups. TAP HOLE SWE muck oD TAP HOLE BORE) OD CIRCLENO, Sizk Ti DEPTH DEPTH (BORE) DEPTH DEPTH B T A R c J M I E F BOT OA cr ree ar ee ee eC 2194s 4 tua a9s hy $0 tds ewes Moos Sole 3% 4 es ok Gas tm 4s 4's bla Sas 200 00a fi 29s as 250 S241 B13 lie 2a G25 3504 a ie ijt eo 2a 34 e250 in 215 30 bee det 8 ska yi? aos sas See ors BBD aT 2 oe 8s ke 6 mk jin ot 10 4S B20 ain 2s 9a an 30 8 1 8130 3? Sly iz Sm) -900 «8 LIMBS poe 950 So 508k aD 4 42 ap 69 107s kes 4 2m sd gi 938 8 1D 5 a tes) Tat Ws 8 1M 8 te 38 5 39 375 78825 & Use iso bso aso 2B 3 6 294 13 830 120 181] $ te nas we ms 2 8 3m a § Aa 1850 1002 1550 12 Lae 20630 fo S30 3050 12m 21 Pad TS 5.06 10 344 2150 1275 1850 16 | 138 8 206 300 ww 594 000 1500 438 12 234 8 422 550 aa alge 20 a ag ea ae ee eee ‘The studding outlets tabulated required Nene ceo etre tase soil cee de diet 2a etme eee comply withthe requirements of The outlets are available aso in Ro eS eo ee) oS ee ASME Code See. VII. Div. 1. stainless and ater ally steels mo 4563395 no 50, 28a ‘The tabulated dimensions of _Airtest holes are optional. S50 im 2125 3850 218 thickness, Tare the minimums 360 361 ! WELDING FITTINGS pene Lf nee , 4 fing ting meter conforms to SA eee 5. Bees 26 a 30%. arent covered wana gies real $ Dinenton Fy spe to standard and X= SiGeape: Deron Fy sols te heave Seared ' Peaaoae i [Nominal 2 I fe Outside a slelol e| ele 45° Long Radivs EIbow |Diameter| a) % » lode ele 1 ee teeee elles 's c 1 1315, wy Mel 1 iy | me | le i BRL PER RRR ae wworronsnousrann| oe | ize | ml ela o| tel mle pdm tated ol gel ae me | He | USE] be | RTE bGE Res maa) io Mh 4.000 se | mw fm | aw] om |e] elite lelale| alae A Py ee lS | Ee | bs wometaattee| § | BL PL REPBL EY] RYE > law de fs lela lawle |e $ ] asta [a [gle [wes [8 | Tye pes ya [eae py e |e ae fhe orsontauronr] a | igo fe fu f2 fe la fz |g x feels lalg lela laa B yee ye fuels (a |e |e la aes Ma seal Bale | 1 | ! | wm [am fae fs fa fa [oe fing] 2 } g jae ls je le 4 i $188 12 8, (8 [ae] an [Bi co ieee 362 363 WELDING FITTINGS WELDING FITTINGS ANSI B 169 t ANSI 169 1. All dimensions are in inches. All dimensions are in inches 2. Welding iting material conforms to SA Welding iting materia conforms to SA 234 grade WP. ce 234 grade WES. 3, Sines 22,26 and 30 in. are not covered Sizes 22,26 and 30 in. are not covered by ANSI B 16.9. te by ANSI B 6.2 4. For wall thicknesses sce page 322 Lid For wall thicknesses see page 322 ea = Nomin Dimensions Pipe fi Pipe ‘Outside Size | Outer aa Gc iH J Size} O¥Met [Diameter |G 4 J ameter | «| aT ae TF tLe Titi sts law la] es * [oe ae Li] | |B] a ed : ifm Te Te Ti] bete wi ye | eye a ae eae Aa ae Mowe te | 4 ti 3 luci Me oh bi] oh Uw | Reducing Tee nenoetee [| $ | Te TR fg “lS | ie i Te i to BY a * us | iB] | | w]e TR tk | a] LE LG 5 | 14 BL GR LR | & |e wm Pe Pam Tee Tae oe a Rig |e pe [as Plwe Til & | ¢ Vtie | ep a |g | i ee) me | tt Ed jy | ti i 5 & 7 as 8 wa) aie ve wl iB Te Te Ts + | ely wae |e |e] t | helt My ie | me | wy a 3 | 38 mid [ie Le tk |G 2 | Ri mye) ee yy mw | ow l | ie wg TE] 3] RE [Be | conventrc Reducer \ Concentric Reducer | te i My ue [| eg s | 38 Fn a ee wT) eee el] me Te RT w i a | ue 4 Pile Tel EF] # , { 8 | BB 8 te | Be | | i | i ¢ | ee 8 m4 160 m Mm me { 8 isc 13 mp ae ae i cc ele TR Rs e | ie & w| HE) | Bd | ise i Py RE | |e | ot a | HB i fy | te | LR Lt | Ne ‘ + 4500 we oe i ua » | ae Te \ Ee Py Pe tad f [ae |B % wl Te |e] e | ee | Be 8 Bia | | ae ft scetrc Reducer |___ Eccentric Resucer 364 365 WELDING FITTINGS ANSI B 16.9 1. All dimensions are in inches. 2. Welding fitting material conforms to SA 234 grade WPB, izes 22, 26 and 30 in, are not covered by ANSI B 16.9. 4. For wall thicknesses see page 322 3. FACE-TO-FACE DIMENSIONS OF FLANGED STEEL GATE VALVES (WEDGE AND DOUBLE DISC) esis th per Memin Tap tnd ‘ines nd 7 TTT 3 Po nin = ' pi . in — 5 3 foun [ome | ¢ Dw To ome 7 so | ia | |B ote ee mye | a |e es te | eR | ag 1 wy] | 8 | aye |B 3 tet | | a a] yaya 70000, 2 nt u 1 z| te | Ro] e CC i eae nw i a | et az | 20 | 10s a exmereaee | | mf wee Lae ba 366 367 FACE-TO-FACE DIMENSIONS OF FLANGED STEEL aa SWING CHECK VALVES poacsl Raised Face : Tae pig . ent “oot [is] ae | eo [| Se de Diesen A es es ~ ' 7 [8m | ee i a | 2 3 i wi \ «—[ \ 5 6 ! s j 10 2 ee ‘Fewster Sq ! a es [30 [3500 sae = Dine 2 cies % zeae Hc % % 1 an i v7 1% % ' 2 2 | 2% er 3 3 4 paras 5 ears ‘ 6 3 8 [io | “as So a9 2 2 2 0% 2 30% | ia uw fax] —| - [oe 40% _ ‘Reference: Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Ferrous Valves 1 ‘Amercan National Standard ANSI B16 10-1913 368, 369 as i SCREWED COUPLINGS a Full Coupling 1 All dimensions are in inches 2. Material forged carbon steel conforms to T the equirements of Speifiestion $A-105 T ' 3. Threads comply with ANSI Standard B2.1- it 1968. bad Half Coupling Nominal Full Coupling Half Coupling Pipe size_| 3000 | 60001 3000 0 6000 t Length [Diameter] Length [Diameted Lengths [Diameter] Length [Dance aff a tat goa Py we | vu} ae five fre | se fame Ise toe ws | ras} sa fiaye | uns} 38 fans {1 ws} vie] we fine fave | ae foe foe fra we} une} vue fire five | asnef vue fisre five we fa fuse ]2 fase |r fae fr fia \ aye} ray faa Jaume | rand rae fase fue tim | ase} 2us fase [au | sie ave fisie fore rip | aus} ou [ae fo vend 212 frsne [> 2 aan] [3a Jase | sung a Jrsinelssye 2u2 | sis] ase [ase Jane | sis ase frisie |e ue 3 ssl ana fare |s | aul ane fou |s sua | sin] aaa fain fsa | aua| are fora tsa ‘ 4a] siz |ases fous | 2a] sie [2a lows SYMBOLS FOR PIPE F NGS: American Standard: ANSI 32.2.3 Bushing cap Reducing Straight Size Crossover Degree 90 - Degree Tumed Down ‘Turned Up Double Branch Long Radius Reducing Side Outlet (Outlet Down) Side Outlet (Outlet Up) Flanged Soldered PINAR CL IAN Pee TPVAIC PPI ES Lol] re PA seKITE Ta 2PAN bode tls * 4 370 : am | SYMBOLS FOR PIPE FITTINGS SYMBOLS FoR Fire FITTINGS | ‘ | Bell and | ranged | Sorewed elded | Sotderea Flanged | screwea ] Beard | wetdea | sold ] | es Spigot_| Welsed 4 4 Single Sweep street i Joint “onnesti e side Outet Soneeing aelecat || fount fade [ods | od. Expansion tot | ee | Se fe | om | i Side Outet, 112 Lateral b b & r | (Outlet Up) ak i ! wee a |e aie | ae orice Mate , salves > | | ange Vare Check, also a ele < c RedcingFange |g Angie Check Plugs Gate, also F § + § > Bull Pug ~ ° | Angle Gate (Elevation) Pipe Plug | all Vaive wea | bod wood a c I Gate, also. Reducer | | angecate ot | ot oe Concentric eo) oe] SS ox | ae j (Plan) Eccentric Gob, also " af | BS foe | of | | Marcin. || (eleation Sleeve ae | ae | ee | o-8 i Globe ok | oe \ hn oF | ot + y Tee i Automatic Valve BR straight Size + - pi \ By-Pass (Ouutet Up) to4 | +04 | so | xox | coe } « $ (Outiet Down) +04 | +04 | >< | xox | coo | Operated aa A] , . tle Check Vate ane | ane | me Jane |e Reducing rt f i (Straight Way) “ Cock age | age | pe |p | ope 372 373 ‘SYMBOLS FOR PIPE FITTINGS Diaphragm Valve Float Valve Gate Valve Motor-Operated Globe Valve Motor Operated Hose Valve, Also Hose Globe ‘Anal, also Hose Angle Gate Globe Lockshield Valve Plog Valve Ouick Opening cor Butterfly Vabe Safety Valve net | Soewed | an! | was | Soded ol | ah. fa £ fe pe oe | aoe | p- bt | Se | Oe Lae Ge | oe aim aoa | oe | ee | oe | wo -ok- | ob ook P| Pe pe | -r@ oe | pe wh | ah ale. sper | ee ve me | ae eae | -e- on | oe | see | weer | cee NOTES 374 WEIGHTS The tables on the following pages show the weights of different vessel components made of steel All weights are calculated with the theoretical weight of : 1 cubie inch = 0.28333 pounds. To obtain the actual weight of a vessel, add 6% to the total ‘weight. This will cover the overweights of material which comes from the manufacturing tolerances and the weight of the weldings. ‘The weights of shells shown in the tables refer to one lineal foot of shell-lengch. ‘The weights tabulated in columns headed by “ILS.” and “O.S.” are the weights of shell when the given diameter signifies inside or outside diameter. ‘The weights of the heads include: A. For ellipsodial heads: 2 inch straight flange or the wall thickness, whichever is greater. B. For ASME. flanged and dished heads: 1% inch straight flange. C. For hemispherical head: inch straight flange. ‘The weights of pipe fittings made by different manufacturers show in many cases considerable deviations, which reflect manufacturing differences. The weights of pipe fittings shown in these tables refer to the products of Ladish Company. All dimensions in inches. All weights in pounds. WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS 375 WALL THICKNESS site" Diam. aa VESSEL] SHELL HEAD, SHELL HEAD ' s.[os. jevurlrap|uems| 1s. | os. [evur|rap |uems| pfafay 2] ua] 2] ala | wl of 26 4 38] 36] 28] 19] 2] 4s] a6 | 35] 24] 3s te | 4a} a2} 33] a3] ae] sa] sz] ai] 29] 46 18 49] a9] ar] as} 46] or] so] si] as] se 2 | sa] sz] 47] 3s] so] ox} oo | ss} 43] 7 n so] ss] ss] ar] os} m4] 22 | 69] si] ss 24 | os] 63] 62] 47] arf ar] 7] 8] ss] to 26 | 68) 70] ss] 9s] as] a6 | a7] 69} 19 ww | | v4] 7] 62] 110] 94] 92 | 100] 78 | 138. 30 si} 79] 89 | 70] 126} 101} 99 | is] 87] ise 32 | 86] s4 | 100 | so] 143 105 | 129 | 100 a4 92] 90 | 113 | 89 nz | 14a fant 36 | 97] 95 | 128 | 98 n9 | 160 | 123 38 | 102] 100 | 139 | 110 126 | 177 | 138 40 | 108 | 106 | 156 | 120 uaa | ass | 150 42 [us| tar | tos | aan | 24s | rae | 139 | 21a | 163 | 307 48 | 129 | 127 | 215 | 168 | 320 | 161 | iso | 285 | 210 | 400 s¢ Pitas | 143 | 270 | 210 | 40a | 182 | 179 | 351 | 263 | 506 60 J 161 | 159 | 330 | 257] 498 | 202 | 199 | 434 | 322] 624 66 | 177] 175 | 398] 309 | 602 | 222] 219 | s20 | 386 | 755 n J 191 | 453 | 36s 243 | 239 | sos | 436 | 397 8 | 207 | 543] 421 263 | 259 | 695 | 532 | 1052 a 223 | 624 | 492 283 | 279 | 806 | ot4 | 1220 %0 239 | 723 | ss6 303 | 209 | 925 | 02 | 1399 96 25s | 820 | 637 324 | 319 |roso | 796 | 1392 102 an | 922 | 710} 143s | 344 | 339 [1180 | 896 108 | 289 | 287 1031 | sor | 1608 | 364 | 359 ]1320 | 1001 ta J 305 | 303 J11s0 | 843 }1792 | 3as | 379 [146s | t104 120 | 321 | 319 fi2ss | 98a | 1985} 405 | 399 | 1622 | 1230 rae | 337 | 33s | 144s fos | aise | 425 | aio i820 | 1344 132 | 353 | 3s1 [1590 J1is6 | 2401 | 446 | 439 1482 | 3004 138 | 369 | 367 [1730 ]1286 | 2624 | 466 | 459 1607 | 3282 144 | 385 | 383 | 1880 | 1400 | 2856 | axe | 4x0 175s | 3573 36 37 { WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS | WALL THICKNESS WALL THICKNESS | pram, aye m6" biam 1 one" VESSEL] SHELL HEAD ‘SHELL HEAD VESSEL] SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD 15. os. leur[rapuems| 1s. | os, fexum|rap |uewis 1 1s. os. jevur|eap.|uemis| 1s, | os. [evur|rap [news| a5) soll acl parva fans Into ats asa era) ara) ap apa] a} so] a] vf] | 2] as] a 14 se} 35. 42] 2B 43 67 63} 49] 33 50 4 78] 72) 36 38] 58 88) 8h 63 | 44 65 Toll cell col eal ssl cal SS call cal we} as} a2] 70] 47] 75] 100] 93] ve] sa-| as eee trail rst ae cz coh c's] 1s | 99] 93} a1) s9| 98 | uz} ios | o1| 67 | 106 al etcall bce leatscl aatsz|| fates) | tell eri ss| teal tse 20 | 110 | 108 | 97} 70 ss | 124] ti7 | voo | a8 | ist aye fetooyl betes) feetsa\ |e |Aarosll tree evo l tater) taal aca 22 Jaz} na] no} tf t39 | 136 | 29 | as | on | ase ad |ftonl Poel |ietor| at ra etrocll arial aire (aves ates ag | 131 | is | ras} 96 | aes | rae | rat | 193 | 107 | ise eBade | ical tical] ics lateral tras) aro arrs|fra te 26 142} 136 | 140] tio] 193 | 160 | 153 | 162 | 124 | aie zs | ital ins | iat] oat t66 a9] 141 | 109] 196 a8 | 182 | 46 | sor | 125] 223 | 172 | 16s | ist | 140 | 252 xo | i22| 19 | 37} 08] 190 t38| to] tz2] 223 30 | 163 | 157 | 182 | 140 | 25s } 186 | 177 | 20s | as7 | 288 32 | 130] a7] ase ian] ate} as | sas] aso} ran] 25s 32} 176 | 168 | 206] 161 | 290 | 96 | 189 | 231 | asi | 327 sa 13s] 13s | 173] 134) 243] 161 | as7] asi | ise] 285 34 | ase | 178 | 230 | 178 | 327 | 208 | 201 | 259 | 200 | 369 | 36 | r46] 143] 192] 137] 272} 10] 166] 224] 172] 319 36 | 195 | 189 | 286 | 196] 366 | 220 | 213 | 288 | 220 | 413 | se | ase} isi] 213] 16s] 303] 179 | 176 | 248] 192] 355 38 | 206 | 200 | 263 | 220] 407 | 232 | 225 | 319 | 247 | 459 ao | 162] 159] 234] 180| 336 | 199| iss] 273 | 210) 393 ao | 217 | a1 | 313] 240] aso | 248 | 297 | 352 | 270 | 50s 42 | 170| 167] 257] 196] 370] 198] 198] 200] 229] 439 42__ | 227] 221 | 363 | 261 | 496 | 256 | 249 | 386 | 294 | s60 as] iss] ini | aan] 2s2] x2 | 226 3x6 | 295] 504 ae | 259 | 253 | 442] 337] o46 | 292 | 285 | 497 | 379 | 728 st | ais| ais] ats] aie | coo | 254] 250| 484] 368 | 712 ss | 291 | 285 | 553} 421 | sis | 328 | 321 | 622 | 473 | ovo oo | 242] 239] sos] a6] rsi | 282] 278] so2| 450] 877 60 } 323 | 317 | 677] sia] soos | 366 | 357 | 62 | 57s | 1133 66 | 266| 263 | 10} 63] 907] 310| 306] 711 | s40| 1060 66 | 355 | 349 | 813 | 617 [1216 | 400 | 393 | is | 694 | 1368 12 | 290] 287 | m8) 547] 1079 | 338] 336| 842 | 039 1260 12 | a7 | 381 | 962 | 730 {1443 | 436 | 429 [1083 | 821 | 1626 re | aie} air | 836| 638 ia6s | 360) 362] 989 | 745 | 147 re | 419 | 413 |rize| 852] 1692 | 472 | 46s [1268 | 958 | 1906 | ss | 338] sas | 965 | 237] 1466] 394] 391 | 1136 | 860] 1713 a4 | asi | 445 |1298 | 983 | 1960 | 08 | sor {1460 |rio6 | 2209 } 90 | 362] 359 ]110 | 842} 1682 419 | 1298 | 983 | 1965, 90 | 483 | 477 | ase | 1128 |22s8 | sa¢ | 537 |1669 |1266 | 2533 | 96 | 386] 383 |1260] 955] 1912 | 450 | 447] 1473 | unis | 2238 a6} sis | soo | 1683 {1274 [2557 } seo | 573 |rave [1423 | 2880 102 | 10 | 407 [rats | r07s | arse} 47s | 47s | ress | 1254 | 2521 tor | s47 | sai 894 | 1493 ] 2886 | 617 | 10 [2131 |r612 | 3249 inet | anal aah liseal|fvanzll taavetl soe] sue vase aes ios | 519 | 573 |2119 | 1602 | 3232 | 653 | 646 | 2384 |1802 | 3640 114 | ass | ass {1760 | 1335 | 2608 | 534 | 531 | 2061 | 1358 | 3146 114 | ein | 605 | 2355 | 1780 }3599 | 689 | 682 | 2650 |2002 | a0ss 120 | 482 | 479 ]1950 | 1476 | 2988 | s62 | 5591] 2249 | 1722 | 3488 120 | 647 | 638 |2571 | 1968 |3986 | 725 | 718 | 2892 [2214 | a4s9 126 | so | sos |2170 | 162s | 3288 | 591 | 5x7 | 2530 | 189s | 3840 125 | 676 | 670 | 2890 | 2165 |4393 | 761 | 756 {3234 | 2435 | 4947 132 | s30 | 527 |2490 | 1779] 3608 | 619 | 61s | 2790 | 2075 | 4213, 132 | 708 | 702 | 3340 | 2372 | 4820 | 797 | 790 | 3660 |2668 | s427 138 | 354 | 551 ]2595 | 1928] 3942] 047 | 043 | 3025 | 2264 | 4608 138 | 740 | 734 | 3460 | 2588 | s266 | 833 | 826 |3897 [2911 | 5930 144 | 579 | 576 | 2820 | 2110 | 4292 | 675 | 671 | 3300 | 2461 | SOIL 144 | 777 | 766 | 3760 | 2813 | 5732 | 869 | 862 | 4240 [3165 | 6454 379 378 WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WALL THICKNESS WALL THICKNESS DIAM. sis nine ren ue" Byte" VESSEL! SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD VESSEL] SHELL. HEAD SHELL HEAD ts evur|ecouems| 1s. | 0s, [ecurlF.ap.|HENts ' 1s. os. [evur|eap.|uems| us. | os. [erur|ao. Hens sat 7] sxf ao] ss] 93] ws] oa] aa] ot 2 [12] vf 7] as} orf in] | a] sap as sf 97] a9| 20] so| 23] 10s} 98) 79] ss) st ra [rts] sos} ss} 60] 90} 128] sia] os] 67] 98 wefan vos} sof or] 9s] 122] iz] 95) 67] 0s te [36] 122] tos! 7} ie] tae] naz] 13] 82] 126 is fiz vel or] af tas | aa7] rar | una} a3] a 1s | 150] 138] 126] 92] 14s} 163] 149] 136] 100] 158 ao] iat] 29] ian] ae} tas | 52 | 142] tsa] 97} ae 20 | 166] 1s] 14s} 108} 177] 180] 166] 157] 117] 193 2 isi} 143} 138] tor] 176 | t66 | 156] ts) 113] 19s 2 1x2] 170] 171} 126] 213] 198] asa} iss] 137] 232 24] toa] ise{ ret] 121} 208] asi | ame | i77 20 24] ox] iso] 193] 14s 252] 215] 201] 209] 60] 275 26 | 77] 69] iso} 138] 243] 196] 186] i9s) isi | 209 ae | aia] 202] 216) 105] 295] 233] 29] 234] rz] 320 as|isi{ ra] 201] iso} ei] ane | 201] aan] am} aut as | 230] 218] 241] 187] 340] 250] 236] 261] 412] 370 30 | 204] 196] 228] 175} 322] 225] 215 | 251] 195] 355 30 | 246] 234] 274] 216] 389] 267] 283] 30a] 234] 423 32| 218] 210] 257] 201] 36s | 240} 230] 283) 221} 403 a2] aso] 20] aos] 241] aaa ans] art] aas] a6i aso sa | oam| 223] ae | 225] arn | 25s | 24s} air] 24s] asa 34] 278] 260] 34s] 267] 497] 302] 28] 37s] 289] sar a6 | 244] 236 | 326] 245 | 460 | 269 | 259 | 353] 270] sow 36 | 24] 282] 393/ 295] se] 319] aos] 2s] 323] 60s as | ass] 250] 355] 275] siz] 288] 274 | 390] 302] 56s aa | 310] 298] 425] 330] ors] 337] 323) 70] 357] 622 40] 271 | 263 391] 300} 566 | 299 | 249 | 430] sso] 62s av | sn] dia] soo] dor] oss] sa] 40] sus] ao] isa 42 | 284] 276] 428] 327] 622] 313 | 03 | ani] 360 42 | a42] 330] sia] 393] sa] an| as7] sor] 42s] sis as | 320] 316] ss2] 421] sir | 37 | 347] 607] ass as] 390{ 378] 662] sos] 97] 423] 00] 729] saz] 1063 sa | 36a] ase | oor} 526 | 1024] aor | 301 | 760] 579 sa | 438] 426] 829] 631] 1236] 475] 461] 912] 083 | 1340 60 | 404 | 396 s4o] 643 | 1261 | 44s | 435 | 931] 707 6o | 486| 474] ois] 172] 1520] 527] s13] 1107} 836] 1650 66 | 444] 436] oi7] 172] 1523 | uo | 479 | 1118] 849 oof 534) s22] raz] one] neasy 99] ses] 1207] 10n] to | | 72) 484 | 476 | 1203} 912] 1810 | $33 | $23 | 1323] 1003} 1964 72 | 582] 570] 1443] 1095} 2179] 631] 617] 1564) 1186] 2365 48 | 524] sie | aos | 1065 | 2121 | 577 | s67 | asas | 1171 | 2357 18 | 630] ors] 1685] 1277] 2558] 683] 669] 183s] 1384] 2771 84 | 504 | 356 | 1622 {1229 | 2458 | 621 | ott | 1784] 1382 | 2707 84} 678] 665] 1947] 1475] 2988 | 735] 721] 2120] 1597] 3209 90 | 60 | v6 | sss 140s | 288 | os | 65s | 2001 | 1545 | 3104 vo | 726] ra] 2226] 168s] 3391] 728] 774] 2433] i825] 3679 96 | 644 | 636 | 2104 | 1592 | 3204 | 710 | 700 | 2315] 1751 | 3529 96 | 775} 763 | 2525] 1911| 385s] 840] 826| 2757] 2070] 4181 | | 102 | 685 | 677 | 2368 [1791 | a614 | 754 | 144 | 2605 | 1970 | 3940 woz | 823] sir | 28s2] 2150] 4348] 892] 78] 3103] 2329] a710 108 | 725 | 717 | 2648 | 2003 | 4049 | 798 | 798 | 2913 | 2203 | aso vos | 871 | 859] 3178] 2403] aso] 944] 930] 3497] 2603] 5242 114 | 65 | 757 | 2044 [2225 | 4509 | 242 | 932 | 3239 2248 | a9os 114 | 919] 907] 3533] 2671 | s822] 996] 982] 3854] 2803] S881 120 J aos | 797 | 3213 | 2460 | 4993 | ase | 76 | 3835 | 2706 | sass 120 | 967| 935] 3856] 2952] ooo} 1048] 1034] 4206) 3198] 6511 126 | 4s | 837 | 3578 | 2706 | 5502 | 930 | 920 | 3910 | 2977 | cose 126 fos} 1003] 4243] 3248] gos | 1100] 1086] ara] 3si8 | 7174 132 | 885 | 877 |3980| 2965 | soe | 974 | 964 | 4317 | 3261 | ooo 132 | 1063 | 1ost | 405s sss] 7287 1138] sos9| sass] 1869 138 | 925 | 917 [432s [3234 | 6595 | rors | 1008 | 4703 | 3587 | 7261 tas [1111 1099 5082] 3381 | 7928, 1190] 5522] 4205] 596 144 | 965 | 957 [4720 |si6 | 7178 | 1062 [10s2 | stas | 3868 | 7902 144 [1159 | 1147 soso] 4209] 8628 1242 | 6067] 4571 | 9356 380 381 WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WALL THICKNESS WALL THICKNESS pian. 18" sje" DIAM. bane" vest] suet HEAD SHELL HEAD vesset | seu HEAD SHELL HEAD us. Jos. [evur]ran.|iemis| xs. [ os. fetue|rep. [emis ‘ 15. [os. [evuw|eap|uems| 1s. | os. [etuw|ran. [ir Pre] tor] a2] so] a0] 50] is] oa] 07] 8 Te} 139] 11798 ve] 93 148] 130] 10a] as } ts | sa9] 13] soa} 74] tos] 150] 131] vo] a3] tis 14] veo} 13s] ats] 93] raf rat] aga] 2s] 102 6} is7] tat} 122} 90] 137} 170] ast} 135] tor} tas, Ne} 182) 160) 144) 113) 159] 193] 169] 153] 122 18 176] 160} 147] 107] 171] 190) 171} 157] 123] 18s 18 203) 181) 168} 139) 198] 216) 192] 178] 150 20 | 19s] 179] 170] 127] 209] 210] 191| 18s] isa] 236 20 | 224] 202] 200] 162] 242] 239] 1s] ra] 198 2 213) 197] 199] 147] 251] 230] 201) 213} 167] 271 2 246) 223] 228) 187] 290 238] 242/202) 310 as | 332] 216) 228[ ts] 297] 250] 231] 241] ase] 330 24 | 267] 285] 957] 21s] 343] 384) 360] 217] 231| 300 a6 | ast| 235] 252| 199] ser 270) ast| onl 220] 394 26} 289] 266| 288] 242[ 00] 307] 283 311] doi] a7 a | 370| 25¢| 288| 225] 401] 290| 271| 310] 249 sr 26 | 310] 287] 330] 273} 462] 330] 300] 350] 298] ava 30 | 228] 272| 327| 252| 458] 310] 291| ast| 282} 493 30 | 331] 308) 374] 313] 528] 352] 328] 307] 338] soa 32 | 207] 291 | 365] 28: | sis 330] a11{ 393] sua] sss 32} 353] 330] 421| 347] sox] 37s] ssn] sae] 73] 038 sa | 326] 310] sia] 3i2{ ses] 350] 331| 44a] 347] eos sa” | 37a] 351] amr] 383] 673] 398] 394] S00) ata] oer Be Rexa|oze ltessel| asa fkoss |sro'|p'ssil| ser ear esa 36 | 396] 372] sas] 321] 752] 420] 396] sez] 432] aor ss | 363| 347] sos} 3a] 726] 390] 371| sea| 422] geo ss | air] 393] 579] goo} 35] 443] a10] cial aos] 490 so | 382] 350| 335 | ar | sosf aio] 301 | 397] coz] aco 40] 490] 1[ a7] 302{ 923] 400] aux] evr] aa9] ee a2 | oo] ses] ori | ase] 983] 430] air] 654] sor] 949 42 | 459] 436} 694] se] 101s] 489] ass] 741] 597} 1082 a8 | 456) aso] 780] sao ries] aor] 47 | 236] 683] 1233, 48 | 523] soo] 897] 698] i318] ss7] 333] 953] 740| 1400 ss] siz] age | 942] 736 | 1447] ssi] 31 | sost] soz issa ss | 387] sos] 1120] 869] 1661] 625] sor] 1191] 931] i769 60 | 368) 552 | 1200] 900] 1780] 611] 501 979] 1911 60] 651 628] 1371] 1059] 2043 693] 660] 1457] 1134] 2178 66 | 628] 608 | 1440] 1080 | 2149] 671] 6si | 1543] 1174] 2306 es | 715] 692) 1646] 1268] 2408] 761] 737] 1749] 1357] 3638 12 | 680) 664 | v702| 1278 | 25s] 731] 711 | 1823 | 1387] 2738, 12 | 179} 156] 194s] 1496] 2926] 29] 805] 2067] 1590) sits 18 | 736| 720] i9e6} 1491 | 2989) 791] 771| 2128] 1616] 3207 16 | 84s] s2i| 2270] irs] 3427] 807] ra] 2412] 1st | 3647 ea} 792] 776 | 2293 [1720 | 2461] si] 32] 2456] 1864] 3714 84 | 908] 885] 2620] 2008] 3967} 965] 942] 2763) 2134] 4221 90 | 849] 823 | 2620] 1966 | 3968] 911] #92 2807] 2129] 4257 vo | 972] 949] 2994] 2202] 4547] 1033] 1010] s181| 248] 4838 6 | 90s] 389 | 2970] 2229 | asoo] 971] 9s2| 3182] 2412] as37 446 } 1036] 1013] 3394{ 2596] 166] 1101] 1078] 3606| 2758] save vor | 961] 945 | 3341 | 2508 | soss| 1031] 1012) 3580] 2712 sase 102 | 1100] 1077] 819] 2917] 3825] 1169] 1146] 4057] 3099] 6197 vos } 1012] 1001 | 3738] 2804 | 569s | 1091 | 1072 | 4002 | 3036] 6109 tog | 1164] 1141] 426s] 3258] 6523] 1237] 1214] 4535] 3402] 6930 ig | 1073] 1057 | a1so| 311s | 6340] 1151] 1132] 4607] 3366 | 6800 ia | 1228] 1205] 4743] 3617] 7261] 1306] 1282] 5038] 3843] 772 120 | 1129] 1113 | 4528] sega | 2019 | 1212 1192 | 4852] 3720] 7509 120 | 1292] 1269] 175] 3996] so39] 1374] 1380] save] aaae] #350 J 16 | tas] i169 | a9es | anay | 7738] 1272] 1252] 5361 | 4091 | 8296 126 | 1356] 1333] 5077] 4393) 8856] 1442] 1418] 6053] 460] 9410 | uz | 1241 | 12251] sta | aiso | saga] 1332 | 1312] 8531] 4480] 9097 132 | 1420] 1397] 6243] 4809] 9712] 1310] 1480] 6633] st0s] 10329 tse | i297] 12st | s9ea | 4528 | 9266] 1392] 1372 | 6280] asso] 9937 se | 148s] 146i] 6815] 5243] 10609] 57s] tsse] 241] seri | 11282 14s | 1353] 1337 | 64ns | 4923 [uoosa | 1452 | 1432 | 694s | 5310 f1o8i3 14s | 1540] 1526] 2411] so0|rtss4] 1646] 1625] 7574f 6053] 12276, 382. i 383 WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WALL THICKNESS WALL THICKNESS at 148" rape Diam. a 1si VESSEL] suELL HEAD SHELL HEAD VESSEL] SHELL HEAD, SHELL HEAD 1s. | 0s. [evur|rap|uemis| 1s. | 0s. [evu|r.ap.|Hems| I ts, | 0.s. [eLurlr.spemis] 1s. | 0s. |eLur| rx. 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Jos. [evur|r.ap.|uemis| us. | os. [evu|r.cp.|aems| 1s. | os. [evur|rap.|uems| 1s. | os. [evuur|rap.|wemts| 12] 96] We] 142] 119] 135] 206] tea] ast] 126) 10 1 | ave ies] te2[ asa] aso] 2:7] 17a] ava] aaa] ase 14 ws} 169] 148] 178] 257] 193] 180] 158] 158 14 | 248] 200] 192] 162 260] 207] 208) 174] 208 ts] 285] 215] 206 176] 228] 267} 223] 220] 184] 240 16 | 280) 332] 234] 192 20s] 241] 248] 206] 265 1s | 24] 244] 239] 206] 283 | 298 | 254] 255] 220] 298 is | 312] 26a] am] 234 327] 274] 287] 249] ze 20} 313] 273] 285] 230| 34s] 329] 28s] 303] 253] 363 20 | 344] 296] 321] 271 soi] 308] 340/287} 399 | 22. | 343] 303) 322] 27s] 412] 360] sie] 342] 292) 434 22 | 376] 328] 363] 310} ass] 394] 341] 3a} 329] 476 | 24} 372] 332] sea) 323] 486] 390] 346] 386] 337 24 | 408] 300} 409] 352 aor] 37a] aaa] 74s] so 26 | 402] 362] 408} 364] soe} 421 | 377] 432] 380] 504 26 | 440] 392] 437] 397 461] 40s] as] ais] 652 28] 431| 391] 465] 408] 681 | 452 | 408] 493] 426] oss 28 | 472] 424] sai] as 4a] 4ai] 550] 470] 750 30 | 460] 421] 527] asa] 743] 482] 438] sss] asi | 789 30 | soa] 436] 589] sos sar] 474] oat] 536] 35 32] 490] 450] 593] soz} sar] 313] 469] 627] 532] 82 32 | 536] 488] 661] s62] 924] 561] sos] 696] s92| 966 34 | si) 479] 662] 553] 945] saa] soo] 699] ses] 991 34 | 568] 520] 738] o18) 1038] s94] sai] 777] 652] 1085 36] 48] sox] 734] 620} 10sa] 37s] s3i] 775] 68] 110 36 | 600] 552] 817] 676] tisx] 628] 575] 860) 712] 1210 as | sis| 538] siz] 676] 1170] 60s | sor] 857] 707] 1228 38 | 633] 585] 903] 738] 128] oi] os) 950] 777} 1343 so] cor] 507] 992] 734] 1293] 626] 92] 951] 308] 1355 av | 66s] 617] 991] 802) 14is] 694] si] 1042] 4s] 1482 42 | 637] 597) 979] 796] 1420] 667 | 623] 1030] 40) 1489 42 | 697] 649] 108s] ass! iss] 728] 075] 140] 931) 628 as] 725] 685 | 1283] 1012] isar] 739] ris] 1320] 1057] 1929 48 | 793] 745} 1388) 1103] 2018] 28] 775] 1452] 1110] 2107 sa] ats| 773 1563] 1234] 2315] ast | 807] 1646] 1301 | 2425 sa | sso] nar] 1729] 1308] 2837] 928] 7s] isis] 1436] 2699 60] 901} 861 | 1910] 1500] 2¥¢4] 943 | #99] 2061] 1568 | 2979 60 | 985] 937] 2111] i636) 311s] 1028} 975] 2212| 1716] 3351 66 | 9x9} 949] 2289] 1768) 3427] 103s | 991] 2407] 1861 | 3399 66 | 1082] 1034] 2526] 1958] 3753] 1129] 1075] 2647] 2049] 3016 1078] 1038 | 2703] 2083 | 406s } 1128 | 1083] 2881] 2177] 4257 72 | 1178] 1130] 2980] 2272] s4a9 hits 4043 1166] 1126 | 3152] 2424] 4757 | 1220] 1175] 3312] 2534] 4981 | 78 | rz] 1226] 3472] 2694) s20s] 1329] 1275 5431 1as4] 1214 | 3635] 2791] $503 1267] 3819] 2917], s761 | sa {1370} 1322] 4003] 3048] 6021 | 1420] 1376 6281 1342| 1302 | 4152] 3184] 6303 1360] 4360] 3328] 659 | 90 | 1406] ris] 4509] 3472) wa9s] 1529] 1476 nis2 1430| 1390 | 4704] 3602] 7159] 1496 | 1452] 4938] 3766] 7493 | 96 | 1562] 1514] 5173] 3930] 1829] 1629] 1576 8166 sor | isis] isne| 520 sous] sos] sss ses] 5553] e230] sass vox ass asol seis] sera} aszs] 1729] sor cost | 4508] 920 108 | 1606] 1566 | 911] 4517] 9032 | 1680 | 1636] 6203] 4722] 9453 108 | 1754] 1706] 6496] 4928) 9875] 1829] 1776] 6792) 5133] 10298 114] 1654] 1684 | 6567] 5014 10050] 1772] 1728] 6890} 5241 | 10518, 114] tasi| 1x03] 7213] saos| 10987] 1930] 1876] 7840] S606] 11457 120] 1783) 1743 } 7162] $535] 11122] 186s | 1820] 7513] $785) 11640 120 | 1947] 1899] 7864] 6038] 12158] 2030] 1976] 219] 6290] 12678 tae] 187i | 1831 | 7882] 6088 ]12249] 1957 | 1912] 8267] 6360] 12818 126 | 2043] 1995] 652] 6636] 13389] 2130] 2076] 9041 6913] 13960. 132] 1959] 1919] 8636] 665613430] 2049] 2008] 9113] 6959] 14058 132 } 2139] 2091] 9590] 7262] 14678] 2230] 217]10020] 7564] 13304 138 | 2087| 2007 | 9424] 7256] 14666] 2141 | 2097] 9881] 7586] 15346 138 | 2235] 2187)10339] 7916] 16027] 2330} 2276| 10738] 8240 16710 144 } 2135] 2095 |rozae] 7882 15958] 2233 | 2180]10742] #240] 16695 144 | 2331] 2283|11239| 8599| 17436] 2430] 3370 |11741] 8957] 18188 386 387 WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WEIGHT OF SHELLS & HEADS WALL THICKNESS WALL THICKNESS DIAM. bss ray ore aya’ VESSEL] SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD VESSEL} SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD us. | os. jevur|r.epJremis| 1s. | 0.s. 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Lai Lisi piam x Due VESSEL] SHELL. HEAD SHELL HEAD vessEL| SHELL HEAD SHELL HEAD. 1s. os. fevur|ran|aems| 1s. | os. [evur|rap.Jaemis q 1s. os. evur]ranuemis| 1s. | os. 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Itis based on weight 41,82 pounds per square foot per inch of thickness. In orderi steel sheets, i is advisable to specify the inch equivalent of gage. 2500 Ibs. HERR NEB [ous] sruvs sal 10) 94 90 100] 3. 130] 200] 120] 60 20.0} 30.0] 18.0} 9.0 28.0] 38.0] 25.0] 120 420| 58.0] 390) 21.0 52.0] 85.0] 56.0] 27.0 94.0] 128.0] 86.0] 37.0 | 195} 133 | "61 soo | 908 | oe 450 | 45 | 145 600 | 583 | 252 his0 frozs | 4a hsco fracs | o2e | | t | tack | meter | tite ste sagrment | sqrt | SqFt sae oy xo | ogoree | rsa | 23 | ‘one | oommias fea | Seen | Sas fans | vata tes | iver | Seaso | de | a8 | onan or | co2eon2 | 33500 | 3 | o1as | oosoaa2 GALVANIZED SHEET coun {OE | voter | ay per ese | oan. [OF | a ter Pan ger fate Sar Yee, | Saure | ge Yee | sme | fee | Sean’ | ter occa cnr | Sumy | “Four | St | Sie” |Sorh [ame | Por | sete |e vias [7032s faowese | oro: | 2 | 24 [issn [ cron toas | 6aosas |ouats | “issz | 2 | 32s [Laas | oosrese a3 | Soetas | ‘ons | “ise | 35 | ds | casas | ooaore a2 | Sisoas | ‘oseor | “tana | de | tes | ciseas | mons nas | 4asi3s | oaieer | “tose | 3s | tes [tosis | comers G23 | Sooas | tznay | oma | a6 | 18s |"Soeas | mane S35 | 3am | Sazrac | coms | | 135 | ears | oosesse 3 | aostis | ‘uote | “onio | de | 125 | “ons | oosunss 25 | deseas | inase | coms | o> | 115 | ims | cones S83 | 2aaezs | oor | ‘oses | do | tos | sexs | oousts Bas | 2iseas | Sueaze | sie | ar | 35 | sssis | noma: 305 | isoes | cnsase | ‘Ouse | 32 | 90 | ‘Saso | oxaoe2 65 | Noseas | nso | ‘ve 400 401 WEIGHT OF PLATES WEIGHT OF PLATES Pounds Per Linear Foot Pounds Per Linear Foot fee] tte a Sr [om |x fom [os [oe [oe [oe [96 oe] Te] | oe] [oe] [ | «| «| | om] «| e| [oe] | mm] i | 1s] 21] 27) 32) 37 3| 63] 69] 74] 80 a5 ied 5) Se] $8) da) ws) 38 871] 109 | 13:1] 153] 174] 196] 218] 280] 261 | 283 | 305] 327] 349 Sal 113 La} Tt] aon] a3] ae] 225 895) 112 | 134/186] 179] 201 | 223] 245 | ans | 290| s12] 355] 35.7 3} a3 235) 255] 2961 298) S19] 30 S14] 114 | 13.7 | 160| 18:8] 206 | 228) 26.1 | 274 | 29.7] s20] 343] 360 | | Sap] 113 | 1t0] 163 | a7 | 21.0 | Baa | 26.7 | ast | 504/327] 36) 324 159] 1.86 299] s.19] 3.45 3.72| 3.50} 425) x91] 223] | 3.51] 3.83] 414] 446) 4.78) 5:10) 956] 120 | 14.3| 16.7] 19.1 | 21.5 | 28.9) 26.3 | 28.7 | 31.1| 33.5 | 95.9] 38.3} 223] 20 ‘Moa] ao] a3] S21] S38] 595 Soa) 22 | 147 [171 | 196 | 20] 24 | 280 | 209 | srs 542] 367] 302 2.55] 2.98] 4.68] 5.10] 5.53) 5.95) 6.38) 680] 9.99] 12.5 | 15.0 | 17.5 | 20.0 | 225 | 25.0] 27.5 | 30.0 | 32.5 | 35.0] 37.5] 40.0] ] 1°") 102 | 128 | 163 | 17] 20s | 25.0] 25.5] 261 | Sas | 332] 38.7] 383] 408 2.87] 3.35| | 5.26| 5.74] 6.22} 6.69) 7.17] 766] a9] 82 Sie] G38] 63] ia] 291] aso ag | 133 | 15.9] 186] 21 | 23.9] 256] 202] 319] 25 372] 998| 425] | 409 633) 01] 5.60] sta) 77] 938 int | 13a | ioe] 19 | Z21| a9] a6] a08| 382 | 389] 382] sia] 422] sian] 446 Hoi] 765] a2s) s.93) 95102 115 | 143 | 172| 201 23.0] 2538] an9| 326] sat [373 | 40.2] a3] 459 113 | 149 | 125 | 208 | 238 | 258] 298 | 323| 55.7] 387] 41.9| $46) An 3%| 207| 276] sits] ata] as] 553] 622] 601] 260] 8.29] ssl o67|104 fii ‘344 | 228 298) 3.72) 4.46) 5.21) 5.95) 6.69] 7-44) 818] 8.93) 9.67] 10.4 /11.2 119 123 | 154 | 18.5 | 21.6 | 24.7 | 27.7 | 308) 33.9) 37.0) 40.1 | 43.1) 46.2| 49.3 3%| 259] 3.19) 3198] 478] S28] o'38| 717] Z97] a9] lio | 112 |120 [ize tas | is9| 191 | 225] 255 | ax7| 319) 35.1/383 | 414] aie] anal 21.0] 4/255] 3.40) 425] 10] Sos) 680| 75] 50] 939] 02 [iL 119 |128 |la6 132 | tes | 198| 251 | ana | 296 329] 302] 395 | 428 [36.1 | a8 527 136 | 170 204 | 288 272 | 308 | 340] 874| 408 | 442 | 37. | S10] 544 4|271| s61| 4521 542] 632] 223] 3 x aie | 282| Sas| 478] srs] Goo] Zoe] Ser] Soolice ine 138 [is 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ey I 28 | ma] 724 [903 | so] 95.2 2% |5.90] 786] ossiins sae [1527 {177 |19.7 jaro [255 | 506 fans Joos [ais 9% 605] sosliar ji2t |i fiez {isa loz (229 |242 lone faa (sos [323 2 s78| 740/801 1363] 924} 986 9x |oz2] szofios fra Jide fies [ia 07 [eee [aso favo lano [art [asa 30 701 | 765] 829 | 893 | 95.6 102 10 | 6.38] 8.50}106 [128 Ji49 |17.0 ]19.1 j21.3 [23.4 [25.5 [e765 /31.9 [340 5 31 ‘725 | 79.1} 85.6 | 92.2) 96.8 [105 eal 8 ia | si | 8-8 | 95:2 |r02 | 109 402 WEIGHT OF PLATES i WEIGHTS OF PLATES Pounds Per Linear Foot Pounds Per Linear Foot Li “ict aces I, “hickaws ache i ml [me [ [| [ome | fowl [me] | ow] i Lim [om De [om [oe [om [0 [oe Te [a | [me Balt | 38 | 21.0] 25.1] 35.1] 423] 49:11 561] 62a] 702] 724) 949] a1] 99.2] 105 | 2 23| 465 | 621] 776] 9.1] 109] 126 | 140 | 55 | 171 | 196 | aoe | 217 | 233 | 248 34 | 213] 280] 361] 43.4] S06) Sra) os.) 223] 1a5| ser] 939) 101° | 1m | He 74| 492 | g29| mes] ona] 110] 126 | 142 | 152 | 173 | 189 | Zor | 290 | 236 | aoe 35 | 223] 208] 372] ato] 523] 399] ona] ra] oi] 893) seiliot | 112 | U9 35 | 478 | es] 792] 956] 112] 128 | 143 | 59 | 125 | 191 | Zor | 223 | 339 B55 36 | 280) 306| 883 459) 886) p12] 089] 703] 842) S18| 995] 107 | 115 | 22 76 | 485 | G46} sos) 96.9] 113 | 129] 145 | 162 | 178 | 194 | 210 | 296 | 242 | 258 37 | 256] 315| 393} 472] 55.01 629) 708) 786] 965] o44)102 |rio | 118 | 16 11] 491 | 655] sus} sez] 115 | 192 | 47 | 64 | 180 | 196 | 213 | 220 | 248 | 252 38 | 242] 523] 404) 85] 50) Gia! 7a] aos] ane] aeolios (11s | it | 9 435] 40:7| 68:3) 829] 993] 116 | 135] 149 | oo | tse | 19 | 216 | 252 | 249 205 39 | a¢3] 332] 414] 49.2] 880) Gos] fal #29] 912] ons|ton [tte | 124 | 133 45] s0:| 67.2) a3fioi | 118 | 13a 151 | tos | tes | aoe | 218 | 235 22 | 209 440 | 255] 340] 425] $10) 595] eso] fas] anol 985]i0r int [iis | 128 | 186 80] 51.0| 680} ao.o]io2 | 119 | 136) 159 | 170 | 187 | 20s j zat | 208 25 | 272 41 | 261] 249] 436] 523] e101 aa] zal szal asalios {its lize | sr | 189 81| 516] o8.9| so}ros 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218 | 236 | 262 | 286 | Soo | 355 | 357 | S81 121 frags | 170] 198 218 | 282 | 267 | 201 | 315 | 339 | 363] 308 5.6]123 |tge | 173 | 197 | 222 | 247 | 271 | 296 | sat | 345 | 370] 394 00 |125. fist | 176 | 201 | 226 | 251 | 276 | 30 | 326 | 351 | 376 | Sor oz }128 |1ss | 179 | 208 | 230 | 255 | 281 | 30 | 382 | 357 | 383 | 4a ios [130 fase | 182 | 207 | 233 | 259 | 295 | a11 | 337 | 353 | 599 | 415 os |isz fase | 185 | 211 | 257 | 268 | 290 | 316 | 343 | 369 | 395 | 422 07 |134 |6i | 187 | 214 | 241 | 268 | 295 | 321 | 348 | 375 | 402 | 423 109 }136 |168 | 190 | 218 | 245 | 272 | 299 | 326 | 354 | sai | dos | 435 65 | a14| 55] 6a) 86 | 421] 56.1] So 67 | 427] 570] 71.2 az [157 |i71 hiss |i99 68 | 43.4] 578] 725| 135 iso |i7s [iss |202 69 | 440) 58.7] 73.5] ss.oj10s |1y7 |132 147 fier [176 fror |205 70 | 446| 595] 744] saslior Jiro |134 [149 fies [179 [198 |o08 71,| 453) 604] 7.4] 9o5}i05 |i21 j136 [151 fies fist [195 jut 72 | 45.9] 61.2] 765] 918|i07 ]192 ]138 [153 fies fise 199 Jorg | 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With square heads and hexagon nuts in pounds per 100 WEIGHTS OF OPENINGS i. | «| % [4 | f | & | % 1] 1m | NOZZLES We | 339] 823] 16.5 393 | 46.5) 708 | 99-7 SIZE ones) 2, | 373) 899] 178 | 314] aga] 744 | 104 | 143 150 300 600 900 1500 ¥4 | 575] 135 | 259 | 4.0] 672] 98:5 ]135 | ig | 237 a a | [4 6.42] 15.1 | 286 | 482) 733) 107 | 145, 19s | 254 bd 65 pa 178 kD B80 | gua ida | BS) S83) Baym ie | ge | at | & | oie | om | Ss | oe Se | SEL GEL | aba | $42 | 4] be 38 | Bh a 6% | 971] 22:5 | 41g | 687 | 103 | 147 262 | 337 NOZZLES 6% FAOA | 23.3 | 43-1 | 708 | 106 | 15h | 269 | 345 With ASA Welding Neck Flange, Reinforcing Pad, Blind Plange | [7 | me | Be) Bay |B mg et aoe 3 $01 | $53 | 899] 133 | Iss 330 | az 2 25 41 60 7 | ue 10 33.1 | 60.6 | 98.1 | 145 | 205 357 | 454 6 us oe ieee oe Sania Re) ee) B aye is Tae ae | ak | Ah ole | 7 10 165 272 516 665 1127 | foal na fis fim [am ae | an | a ea eee eh ee 124 740/119 | 176 | 246 425 | 338 “4 a8 pay ee nae 4 | got fiar | tes | 27 456 | 589 20 700 1200 2100 2800 5700 15% 90.2 | 144 | 212 | 296 S07 | 639 m1 ~ | | | a5 fies_[aie | sor [aos | 20 | os senuwen cours Aduuwra| 13 | 3.0] sa] aa | ial tos 27.2] 33.6 % T 1 z Th 3 Notes: Bolt i Regular Square Bolt, ASA BI8.2 and nut is finished Hexagon Nut, ASA BI 30001 | 0.25 oes [219 [3:13 | 400 | 675 44 41s WEIGHTS OF PACKING Pounds Per Cubic Foot RASCHIG RING PALLRING | INTALOX cename [ S95" | canon | CAMEOS rare 4 60 133, 46 se x] 61 4 0 % 55 15 7 45 4 132 4 56. 62 37 1.25 %] 50 2 Py 44 M o4 1] a 3» ” xo | sso | 4s 1 n WM 46 62 ci 4 43 49 34 26 475 42 1% 46 2 41 ” 2 a | 450 | 3] 37 2s 23 7 3% 4.25 4] ‘The data condensed from the technical literature of the U. Stoneware Co. ‘The weights of carbon steel in percentage of other metals: Stainless Steel 103%, Copper 120%, Aluminum 37%, Monel or Nickel 115% WEIGHTS OF INSULATION POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT CALCIUM SILICATE 128 FOANGLASS 9.0 MINERAL WOOL 80 GLASS FIBER 48 FOANGLASS 810 For mechanical design of vessel add 80% to these weights which covers the weight of seal, jacketing and the absorbed moisture. SPECIFIC GRAVITIES METALS 62°F. HYDROCARBONS 60/60°F. feo LIQUIDS @ cx: MISCELLANEOUS SOLIDS 62°F, __ a eras Soi pny of nd shea fn ey wea psi mp Src poy of gm ea ft Tod negro mai mi ee pert bertr 942. EXAMPLE: 426 427 rte ean METRIC SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT WITH MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS Iam | Joma | Joo | pean lem “This system has the advactage that tsa coherent system, Each quantity has only one roma ett oe an unit and all base units are elated to cach other. The fractions and multiples ofthe units Blow} =| glee | ua] lan loo T ela | eee are made inthe decimal system, fees | tad ae [ane | ss] se] ee] as | aay anes | as so aH. | BE | SLSR. [ian | ak] a, | ee cASUI Sem” | AML SES | S35] Seas SR | Se ae | Bet UNITS OF METRIC MEASURES 46 [teas | a3] ag [aces | 10312 | 4 | sas | reer | 26 | sous | nos z Fal ata 487! 4762] 1 [4375 ita | | 687s | 17462 9375 if unit symt equivalent Yas, | SIL a,b isos | ag | Siete | aces | ae | Sees | Bae Tengih meter 7 39.37 in Mae” | samp a [50 | into | Aas | isos | Par ‘Area meter? im? 1.196 9q,yard Volume meter? i 1310 cu-yad DECIMALS OF A FOOT Weight masy | gum : 0.035 0 Tine second : second, INCHES Temperature degree Celsius c c= 2 ~lol:]?12]“l[s|°]7]8 fn hire = + 212% 4 sore | ones 2380 | 3s | fave [Jour ony sue MULTIPLES AND FRACTIONS OF UNITS. Sh [ote | ones [teas [ese [Sano fans [ise on om as = 45 fem a Pie [nt fame [om fm [| ae es ent ty [ae $US | [88 Vane YSES 1 2 |S | ae | a a to Mhousength fad [suse [me Yams fae | ate |e | ae | oom ea fe conn be] 1250 | 2088 3750 417 | 9250 | 7084 9584 al ) wl % tise | die Stet | Senn | Sent | ase | suas ats hundred oR, fos [aks | [30m JR | 8 [3S | 2S ne thousand millon Be fears ass ate 3.28 [aa [aaa | Som | dae (a oe gram H }or29 | 1562 | 2996 | 3229 | 4062 | 4196 6362 | 7396 9896 Atlee aus) ‘MEASURES OF LENGTH UNIT: METER. m *1 decimeter, dm IE 1 centimeer, em jz 1 millimeter, mm not used in practice = 0.1m 0.01 m = 0,001 m

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