Itec 7460-Unstructured Field Experience Log
Itec 7460-Unstructured Field Experience Log
Itec 7460-Unstructured Field Experience Log
Instructional Technology Depart ent Candidate! "i ee #ancil #entor$Title! Dr% Sonya &ennett' (rincipal School$District! Center Ele entary School )are County Schools (rofessor$Se ester! 0elly Luscre$ Spring 1-2+
Date3s4 3/14
2st Field Experience "cti/ity$Ti e I developed a Title 1 Online Parents Surve for eac! of t!e sc!ools in t!e "are #ount Sc!ool $istrict usin% &oo%le 'orms( T!e parents )ill *e a*le to access and complete t!is tas+ at !ome( T!is )ill provide sc!ools )it! t!eir stren%t!s and )ea+nesses from a parental point of vie)( T!is data )ill *e used to su%%est action plans for t!e upcomin% ,-14-,-1. Sc!ool Improvement Plan( 35 6ours4
(SC$ISTE Standard3s4 PS#- 1(1/ 1(,/ 1(4/ 3(0/ 3(1/ 4(1/ 4(,/ 4(3/ .(1/ .(,/ .(3/ 0(1 IST2- 1(a/ */ d/ 3(%/ 4(a/ .(a/ */ c/ 0(a/ */ c
(Minimum of 3-4 sentences per question)
2% &riefly descri7e the field experience% )hat did you learn a7out technology facilitation and leadership fro co pleting this field experience8
(Place an 3 in t!e *o4 representin% t!e race/et!nicit and su*%roups involved in t!is field e4perience()
P-, Race$Ethnicity! 7sian 8lac+ 9ispanic
:ative 7merican/7las+an :ative
(.21 Faculty$Staff
3-. 3 3 3 3 3 3 0-5 3 3 3 3 3 3 6-1, 3 3 3 3 3 3 P-, 3 3 3 3 3 3
(.21 Students
3-. 0-5 6-1,
"!ite Multiracial Su7groups! Students )it! $isa*ilities ;imited 2n%lis! Proficienc 2li%i*le for 'ree/<educed Meals
I was very honored and humbled to be asked to form and provide each school in the school system with the online parent survey that would provide the school with so much data for their upcoming revised school improvement plan for the 2014-2015 school years. I used oogle !orms to provide each school with the survey. "he parents commented that they love this approach and hoped that the school system would develop more surveys like this. I felt like I showed great leadership and trust to the whole school system by doing this task#
1% 6o9 did this learning relate to the :no9ledge 39hat ust you :no94' s:ills 39hat ust you 7e a7le to do4 and dispositions 3attitudes' 7eliefs' enthusias 4 re;uired of a technology facilitator or technology leader8 3Refer to the standards you selected in (art I% Use the language of the (SC standards in your ans9er and reflect
on all >?:no9ledge' s:ills' and dispositions%4 I felt that I had the knowledge$ skills and disposition for the local %oard of &ducation to take on this pro'ect. !irst I had to know how to work the technology effectively to develop the online form for each school. "he parents needed to be able to click on the link provided on the website to complete the survey. I was able to do this for each school as well. It was stated that my infectious attitude to help and my belief that this form would be helpful to parents was the reason why they picked me to do this pro'ect. >% Descri7e ho9 this field experience i pacted school i pro/e ent' faculty de/elop ent or student learning at your school% 6o9 can the i pact 7e assessed8 &ach school will look at the data from this online survey to update and complete their 2014-2015 (chool Improvement plan. "his will impact the school$ faculty and students greatly by making the school better than it already was# )e will address the strengths and weaknesses of our school in our school improvement meeting this summer. )e will use this data to make suggestions on how to better improve our school#