Live School Handbook v2 - 2012-13

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UNIVERSITY OF SALFORD College of Health and Social Care


School Hand%oo& ' ()*(+*,

Introduction School Organi-ation School Aims and Objectives School Scheme of Management Programmes ithin the School "niversit# Academic $andboo% & Strategic Plan Student (acing Procedures Ad.i--ion- /re0ind1ction and Ind1ction Admissions Induction Monitoring $ealth+ Police Chec%s , Professional Conduct /rogra..e !anage.ent Programme A--roval and Amendment Programme $andboo%s Annual Programme Monitoring and Enhancement Evaluating the Student E0-erience 1 The Student 2oice E2a.- and A--e--.ent"niversit# Academic 4egulations for Taught Programmes Mar%ing assignments&e0amination -a-ers Arrangements for the secure submissions and recei-ting of or% E0aminers and E0ternal E0aminers PMC Procedure (eedbac% to students Com-ensation Moderation 4 4 4 ! ' ' ) * * ./ .. .. .3 .5 .4 .4 .! .' .) .) .)

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 2

St1dent S133ort # G1idance Student Su-ervision Arrangements for the Su-ervision of Projects&6issertations Pastoral Care Student Charter Means of Communication ith Students Ste-s to be ta%en if a Student is Absent Student 4eferences Academic Misconduct and Preventative Measures Academic A--eal Com-laints Procedure Student 6isci-linar# Procedure Critical Incidents 8hilst on Placement Staffing # Re-o1rceInduction and Mentoring P64 Teaching Essentials for Salford Staff 9TESS: Absence , Annual ;eave School 4esources IT E<ui-ment & Problems $ealth , Safet# and =uilding Issues (inance Issues

3. 3. 33 35 35 35 34 34 3! 37 37 37 37 3' 3' 3) 3) 3) 3* 5/

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 3

8elcome to the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or%> This handboo%+ for 3/.3&.5+ has been designed to be vie ed online as -art of the staff intranet> There are man# lin%s to named documents and sites and these can be accessed using a left clic% of #our mouse 9if #ou have do nloaded this document and are vie ing it in 8ord instead of Internet E0-lorer then #ou ill need to hold do n Ctrl hen #ou left clic% on a lin%:> The aim is -rovide a hel-ful document to enhance #our or% ith students>

School Organi-ation
The follo ing section ill -rovide lin%s and information on the organisation of the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or%>

School Ai.- and O%4ecti5eThese are outlined in the annual o-erational -lans hich are u-dated ever# #ear b# the $ead of School> The o-erational -lan for the academic #ear 3/./&.. can be found on the College of $ealth , Social Care Intranet>

School Sche.e of !anage.ent

The $ead of School+ Ton# 8arne+ is su--orted b# the School E0ecutive com-rising the follo ing membershiAssociate $ead 9Academic: ?ane ?en%ins Associate $ead 94esearch , Innovation: Nic% $ardi%er Associate $ead 9Engagement: ?ill 8ild Associate $ead 9International Nanc#@?ane Smith 6irector of Pre Aualif#ing Nursing 9e0isting -rogrammes: ?anice Brant 6irector of Pre Aualif#ing Nursing 9ne -rogrammes: ?ulia 4#an 6irector of Multi Professional Post Braduate Studies 9PBT , PB4: Celia $#nes 6irector Mid ifer#+ Counselling and Ps#chothera-# ;esle# Choucri 6irector of Pre Aualif#ing Social 8or% Steve Pugh 6irector of Multi Professional Practice Studies 9"B , CP6: Steve M#ers 6irector of Admissions Bill Colgan School O-erational Manager Elaine Breenhalgh Student E0-erience ;ead Moira Mc;oughlin School E<ualit# , 6iversit# ;ead Naomi Shar-les

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 4

A full guide to the terms of reference for committees can be found in Part ( @ Management and Bovernance of Schools and Colleges of the Academic $andboo% on the Bovernance Services "nit eb -ages> A full guide to the School Scheme of Management and the terms of reference for committees can be found on the School Intranet in the Management and Bovernance section> In this section #ou ill also find the documentation on the SchoolCs Managerial Structure including lines of accountabilit#>

School and Uni5er-it6 Staffing

(or full contact details of the School E0ecutive 9listed above: and an# other member of school or universit# staff tr# the Online Staff 6irector# on the "niversit# ebsite> The director# is also available on #our des%to- just double clic% on the #ello tele-hone icon > Another eas# a# is to find a tele-hone number&location is to use the search bo0 on the Staff Channel>

TIP : The staff director# home-age also contains lin%s to -dfCs hich contain lists of all universit# staff b# name and b# de-artment>

Acade.ic RoleThe Academic 4oles manual on the Academic $andboo% -age on the Bovernance Services "nit eb -ages outlines the role of the -rogramme leader+ module leader and -ersonal tutor and man# more> This document sho s roles and res-onsibilities of academics that are common across the "niversit# and training for various roles is going to ta%e -lace over the ne0t academic #ear>

/rogra..e- in the School of N1r-ing !id7ifer6 # Social "or&

There are -rogrammes running in the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% hich encom-ass a ide range of nursing education -rogrammes from -re registration 6i-lomas and 6egree to Masters and Professional 6octorate Programmes> There is also a list of Single Modules on offer> Li-t of /rogra..e-

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 5

Undergrad1ate /re Regi-tration 3rogra..e- ' N1r-ing # !id7ifer6 6i-&Ord 6egree Adult & Child & Mental $ealth 1 no intake 2012 =Sc 9$ons: Adult & ChildrenCs & Mental $ealth 1 no intake 2012 =Sc 9$ons: Nursing 1 Adult+ Mental $ealth and Children , Eoung Peo-le =Sc 9$ons: Mid ifer# 9.!7 8ee%s: =Sc 9$ons: Mid ifer# 9Post 4N: Undergrad1ate /o-t 81alif6ing 3rogra..e- ' N1r-ing # !id7ifer6 =Sc 9$ons: Children and (amil# Nursing 1 no intake 2012 =Sc 9$ons: Thera-eutic Interventions 1 no intake 2012 6i- Contem-orar# $ealth Care Practice 1 no intake 2012 =Sc 9$ons: Professional Studies 9Nursing&$ealth Care: 1 no intake 2012 =Sc 9$ons: Communit# , Public $ealth Studies 1 no intake 2012 Non Medical Prescribing 9;evel 7 or ': =Sc 9$ons: Mid ifer# Practice 1 no intake 2012 =Sc 9$ons: Enhancing Professional $ealth Care Practice /o-tgrad1ate 3rogra..eMSc ;eadershi- and Management for $ealth Care Practice MSc&Pg6i- Child and Adolescent Mental $ealth 1 no intake 2012 MSc Advanced Practice 9$ealth and Social Care & Neonatal: MSc Advanced Nursing 9EducationFPracticeF4esearch: 1 no intake 2012 MSc&Pg6i-&PgCert Mid ifer# MSc International $os-ital ;eadershi- , Management for $ealth Care Practice MSc NursingG Education+ 4esearch+ Practice+ International MA Nursing 94N Adult&Mental $ealth Nursing: Braduate 6i-loma in $ealth Care MSc C=P Professional 6octorate Colla%orati5e 3rogra..e(oundation 6egree CAM$S ith 8igan and ;eigh 1 no intake 2012 Social "or& + Social /olic6 =Sc 9$ons: Integrated Practice in ;earning 6isabilities Nursing , Social 8or% =Sc 9$ons: Professional Studies in Nursing , Social 8or% 1 no intake 2012 =A 9$ons: Social 8or% Studies 1 (T =A 9$ons: Social 8or% Studies @ PT 1 no intake 2012 =Sc 9$ons: Social Polic# =A 9$ons: & Brad 6i-loma 1 Professional Studies in Child Care , S8 9S-ecialist A ard: =A 9$ons: & Brad 6i-loma 1 Professional Studies in Adult Care , S8 9S-ecialist A ard: MA Social 8or% 1 (T& off campus Manchester City Council MA Social 8or% 1 PT MA Social 8or% 9Professional Practice: Co1n-elling =Sc 9$ons: Counselling , Ps#chothera-# Professional Practice =Sc Handbook 9$ons: Counselling School 12/13 - Page 6 Studies 9Thera-eutic S%ills & Social Polic#: Braduate Cert in Counselling Masters Counselling , Ps#chothera-# 9Professional Training: PB Cert C=T

/rogra..e Leader 6a n $ennefer+ ;e#onie $iggins+ Date 6o#le+ Neil 8ithnell Miriam Baston+ Angela 6arvill+ Date 6o#le+ Neil 8ithnell Cath Savin+ Shell# Allen+ 6enise O ens Anna Sherli%er Elaine "--al ?ulia Ca--leman Neil Mur-h# $elen (ran%s Ian ?ones ?ill 8ild Margaret 6ilger Sue =aines ?une 4utherford ?ac%ie ;eigh Celeste (oster ;illian Neville Michelle $o arth Sarah 6avies Naomi Shar-les Michelle $o arth Patric 6evitt ;#n 4osen Billian 4a#ner Elaine =all Sean 8elsh Mi%e 4ave# Mi%e 4ave# Alison Coleman Alison Coleman Daren Dinghorn No inta%e 3/.3 Mi%e Mur-h# No inta%e 3/.3 To be a--ointed Ian Cummins&Sur#ia Na#a% Ian Cummins Carole $aines 2ee $o ard ?ones 2ee $o ard ?ones Parveen Marrington Mir Parveen Marrington Mir 2ee $o ard ?ones

The School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% =ase 4oom -rovides an e0tensive -a-er based s#stem of information on -rogrammes and modules for all members of Academic staff> LOCATION9 :a-e Roo.9 4oom MS .G4' Mar# Seacole =uilding+ Allerton Cam-us> 9Please s-ea% to a member of staff in the $ead of SchoolCs Office for the door code:

Uni5er-it6 Acade.ic Hand%oo&

This Academic $andboo% is the "niversit#Hs com-endium of academic -olicies and -rocedures hich re-laced the former Procedures and Policies for Academic Aualit# Assurance 9the IAAA $andboo%I:> The $andboo% contains the %e# academic -rocedures and -olicies for -rogrammes and students>

Deli5ering the Uni5er-it6;- Strateg6

The universit# is currentl# undergoing a series of transformative -rocesses hich have the aim of enabling us to meet the targets laid out in the strategic -lan>

St1dent Facing /roced1reThe "niversit#Hs Senate has a--roved si0 ne or revised student@facing -rocedures for im-lementation from . August 3/..G

Academic A--eals Procedure Academic Misconduct Procedure (itness for Professional Practice Procedure Student Com-laints Procedure Student 6isci-linar# Procedure (itness for Stud# Procedure

These -rocedures ere revised or develo-ed after commissioning e0ternal legal advice and consulting idel# across the institution> The# see% generall# to remove unnecessar# la#ers of consideration and to devolve res-onsibilit#+ hen a--ro-riate+ to a more local level> The documents setting out the -rocedures accom-anied b# su--orting material are available on the Bovernance Services "nit ebsite

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 7

(urther information on ho

these -rocedures a--l# from a school -oint of vie

is available in the a--ro-riate sections belo

Ad.i--ion- /re0Ind1ction and Ind1ction

This section ill loo% at some of the -rocesses+ -olicies and documentation involved in admissions and Induction for the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or%>

Ad.i--ionThe 6irector of Admissions 9Bill Colgan: manages the arrangements for student admissions in the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% in accordance ith the universit# centralised admissions s#stem> Each -rogramme has its o n designated admissions tutor ho has %no ledge and understanding of the s-ecific academic and -rofessional bod# entr# re<uirements for their -rogramme> The follo ing documents -rovide information on the arrangements for the admission of students> "niversit# of Salford Admission , 4etention Polic# School of N1r-ing !id7ifer6 # Social "or& St1dent Ad.i--ion /roced1rePre@registration Admissions $andboo% 9this lin% ill onl# or% on a "niversit# of Salford Net or% PC:

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 8

Arrange.ent for -t1dent ind1ction In the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or%+ arrangements for student induction are organised b# Moira Mc;oughlin+ our Student E0-erience ;ead+ in conjunction ith -rogramme leaders and the -rogramme team> Pre@induction sessions are -rovided to enable ne students to meet the staff team and gain e0-osure to =lac%board the universit#Cs 2irtual ;earning Environment and all ne Pre 4egistration Nursing , Mid ifer# students attend a (resherCs&Induction ee%+ during this ee% all students visit their base trust> Arrangements for -ost@ <ualif#ing and -ostgraduate students are organised b# their -rogramme&module leaders and these events are coordinated to include an# central induction events e>g> Postgraduate sessions> All information for ne students is available -rior to commencement of their -rogramme via the Induction ebsite and =lac%board>

!onitoring Health /olice Chec&- # /rofe--ional Cond1ct

Health Chec&All -re@registration students are re<uired to underta%e a medical e0amination -rior to their acce-tance onto their -rogramme of stud#> The medicals and vaccinations for all our students of the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% ill be carried out b# the "niversit# of SalfordCs Occu-ational $ealth "nit> If a studentCs health is a cause for concern -lease contact the relevant -rogramme leader ho ma# refer them to Occu-ational $ealth> Sometimes itCs necessar# to e0-lore if students need to interru-t their studies+ sometimes issues are more serious and there is a need to deal ith them via the (itness to Stud# or (itness to Professional Practice -rocedures> Occu-ational $ealth is based in room ;B3/ on the ;o er Bround ;evel of the Peel =uilding+ Peel Cam-us> Cri.inal Record :1rea1 <CR:= </olice Chec&-= All ne -re@registration students and those returning from an interru-tion of stud# re<uire an enhanced C4= chec%> This -rocess is coordinated b# ?ulie Evans and -ositive disclosures are dealt ith via the College Admissions Polic# 9in develo-ment:> If #ou have an# <ueries -lease contact Bill Colgan&?ulie Evans> /rofe--ional Cond1ct All Students are informed in their -rogramme handboo%s that their -rofessional conduct ill be monitored> 8here concerns are raised about the conduct of a student+ either through a number of connected incidents or one serious incident+ this ill be investigated as laid out in the

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 9

(itness for Professional Practice -rocedure> If the concerns raised are of a sufficientl# serious nature this ma# re<uire the studentCs sus-ension from the -lacement or "niversit# -ending the investigation>

/rogra..e !anage.ent
The management of Programmes ithin the School is carried out jointl# b# Programme ;eaders+ Eear $eads&Inta%e Co@ordinators+ Module ;eaders+ Programme Advisor# =oard and ?oint =oards of Stud# as a--ro-riate> 8here a Programme Advisor# =oard or ?oint =oard of Stud# is established for the -rogramme+ the membershi- of the board is made u- of academic and su--ort staff+ students and clinicians> This allo s all areas involved ith the -rogramme to come together to discuss and revie ho the -rogramme is being managed> A Programme $andboo% is -roduced for each -rogramme of stud# and students are -rovided ith a co-# via =lac%board 9=lac%board is the universit#Cs 2irtual ;earning Environment: hen the# commence their Programme of stud#>

TIP : =lac%board is easil# accessible from the des%to- on an# PC in the School just clic% on the icon

log in ith #our user name and -ass ord and #ou ill find the modules #ou have been assigned and man# other resources through this site including tutorials on ho to use =lac%board> It is the role of the Programme ;eader to ensure the content of the handboo% is u- to date for each inta%e of students> (or further information see the Programme handboo%s section of this document>

/rogra..e A33ro5al and A.end.ent

The "niversit# has a detailed method of assuring the <ualit# of -rogramme develo-ments and amendments> This information can be found in the "niversit#Cs Academic $andboo%> The handboo% is -ublished online and is onl# -rinted in limited amounts of hard co-# ever# #ear> The universit# has also -roduced a guide to 6evelo-ing #our ne Programme designed to s-ell out the -ractical ste-s for -rogramme a--roval and also -oint #ou to ards some useful resources and references for -rogramme develo-ment and design> 6ecisions regarding -rogramme a--roval and amendment are made b# the College Programme and Partnershi-s A--roval and 4evie Committees 9CPPA4C: and b# the "niversit#Hs APPC> The College D drive is the easiest a# to find an# documents #ou re<uire including CPPA4C dates and deadlines for submission

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 10

Prior to being submitted to the CPPA4C -rogrammes and modules from the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% must also be scrutinised b# Associate $ead 9Academic:+ one ee% -rior to CPPA4C submission dates> The latest addition to the D drive is a database hich holds all information about our module and -rogramme s-ecifications> The CollegeCs Teaching , ;earning Team contacts can hel- or if #ou re<uire hel- ith amendments -lease contact ?ane ?en%ins in the first instance>

/rogra..e Hand%oo&Programme $andboo%s are u-dated b# the Programme ;eader and team before each -rogramme commences> All student handboo%s are accessible through the 2;E =lac%board> The Programme S-ecific $andboo% Tem-late is accessible at this lin%+ and the module tem-late is available at this lin%> If #ou are not enrolled on to the -rogramme&module #ou ant to loo% at -lease contact the Programme ;eader&Module ;eader> $andboo% contents are -rescribed in the Academic $andboo%> The follo ing information must be included as minimum standardG *> /rogra..e Hand%oo&Programme handboo%s are to be made available to students via the ne =lac%board -rogramme sites onl# and ill not be issued in hard co-#> ill

Programme $andboo%s ill be s-lit into t o -arts+ /art A <3rogra..e0-3ecific infor.ation= and /art : <generic infor.ation= 1 this include information on PMC+ late submission+ student su--ort -lans+ com-laints+ a--eals+ academic good conduct and misconduct+ etc> Please find attached Part A+ to be com-leted b# -rogramme leaders> Please find attached Part = hich is com-leted centrall#> (> !od1le Te.3late/lea-e find attached the te.3late for the .od1le infor.ation for all le5el- and .od1le-

Ann1al /rogra..e !onitoring and Enhance.ent

The Annual Programme Monitoring and Enhancement Procedure is -art of the "niversit#Cs internal revie scheme and a--lies to all undergraduate and taught -ostgraduate courses> The Programme ;eader is res-onsible for com-iling the annual re-ort based on the APME tem-late>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 11

Then The draft re-ort is submitted to the Staff&Student Committee for consideration at the October&November meetingJ Subse<uentl# the com-leted re-ort is then submitted for a--roval -rior to the deadline of (*-t ?an1ar6 ()*,J Once a--roved the re-ort it is submitted along ith the SchoolCs other APME re-orts and a summar# to the College ASECJ All APME documents are u-loaded to the Bovernance Services "nit APME Central 4e-ositor# b# the College Teaching , ;earning Team> The data hich forms much of the basis for the APME e0ercise is -rovided b# the Planning and Performance "nit before the end of the calendar #ear> !onitoring of Action /lan(eedbac% ill be given to Staff&Student Committees at each meeting regarding -rogress> The School ill give feedbac% to the College ASEC regarding -rogress throughout the #ear>

E5al1ating the St1dent E23erience ' The St1dent Voice

The "niversit# continuall# see%s to enhance the <ualit# of its teaching and learning and uses a number of different mechanisms to enable its teaching staff to use student o-inion in identif#ing and refining enhancements e>g> NSS+ Staff&Student Committee+ Module , Programme evaluations+ Student 4e-resentatives

St1dent E5al1ation- and !od1le Leader- Re3ort

The "niversit# has a student evaluation <uestionnaire hich is to be filled out b# students on com-letion of a module> The school o-erates an online version of the module evaluation <uestionnaire hich students can com-lete either as a -art of scheduled teaching or during their free time> The advantage of the online s#stems is that it saves academic time in the collation of the data+ once the students have com-leted the online surve# the -roduction of an overvie re-ort can ta%e as little as a fe minutes> The res-onsibilit# for deciding if a cohort of students on a module is surve#ed using the -a-er version of the MEA or the online version of the MEA rests ith the module leader> If #ou ish to use the online version of the MEA then contact College T,; Team The collated <uestionnaires are then used in the com-ilation of a Module ;eaders 4e-ort> Module ;eader 4e-orts 9long evaluation: 9short evaluation: then need to be submitted to the a--ro-riate -rogramme leader to be discussed at the PA=+ ?oint =oard of Studies+ SSC>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 12

After consideration of the com-leted module evaluation summar# and action -lan+ Programme ;eaders must ensure that students receive feedbac% about actions ta%en> Student re-resentatives attending as members on the Programme Advisor# =oards and Staff&Student Committees ill be res-onsible for communicating ith their -eers>

E2a.- and A--e--.ent Arrange.entUni5er-it6 Acade.ic Reg1lation- for Ta1ght /rogra..eThe "niversit# Academic 4egulations for Taught Programmes a--l# to all taught -rovision at the "niversit# of Salford and to all students underta%ing that -rovision unless an e0ce-tion has been a--roved> The Assessment Section of the Academic $andboo% details the -olicies and -rocedures that cover assessment for taught a ards+ internal verification and moderation+ -rovision of feedbac%+ late submission+ e0amination rules+ information for invigilators+ PMC -rocedure+ board of e0aminers+ e0ternal e0amining and academic a--eals -rocedure> $ard co-ies of the Academic 4egulations for Taught Programmes are in -roduction and ill be idel# distributed+ including to all academic staff+ at the end of August 3/.3> There are changes hich are noted in the regulations> The changes are noted in the lin% belo > As -ersonal tutors+ module team members and leaders and -rogramme leaders e do need to %no these and ensure that -rogramme and module information for 3/.3&.5 is the same as this information> These changes cover ;ate Submissions+ PMC+ 4eta%e o--ortunities+ self -lagiarism+ attendance and -artici-ation -olic#+ t o tiered =oards 9module and -rogramme boards: to name just a fe > htt-G&& >governance>salford>ac>u%&cms&resources&u-loads&(ile&-olicies&A4TPF3/.3@.5Fchanges>-df The Academic 4egulations for Taught Programmes 3/..&.3 remain a--licable to students ho registered -art a# through 3/..&.3 until the# re@register for their ne0t #ear of stud# i>e> students ho started in (eb+ March+ A-ril etc 3/.. sta# on 3/..&.3 regulations until the# re register>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 13

!ar&ing of a--ign.ent- + e2a.ination 3a3er8ithin the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% module teams are res-onsible for the mar%ing of student scri-ts> Students ma# submit non electronic scri-ts to the designated office b# the date identified on the assessment calendar but man# ill no be submitting electronicall# via Turnitin here a--licable> Module leaders are res-onsible for organising the distribution and collection of the scri-ts&-a-ers amongst the mar%ing team> As -art of the <ualit# assurance s#stems+ mar%ing of all ritten summative assessments of theor# is anon#mous> Each student has a uni<ue roll number hich is used on all summative scri-ts&-a-ers&assessment> 8or% is mar%ed in -ercentages+ criterion referencing for level 4+ level !+ level 7 and level ' have been determined and are included for student information on the feedbac% sheets returned ith their assessed or%>

Arrange.ent- for the -ec1re -1%.i--ion- and recei3ting of 7or&

Assignments must be submitted on the designated date+ outlined in Module information> ;ate submissions ill be subject to -enaltiesJ unless the PMC -anel acce-ts mitigating circumstances 9see also ;ate Submissions and Personal Mitigating Circumstances:> The main submission -rocess is the electronic submissions s#stem via Turn@it@in> (or courses and assignments here this s#stem is used the student ill have to submit one co-# electronicall#> Currentl#+ for or% that cannot be submitted electronicall#+ the student must submit t7o co-ies of each assignment> It is the studentCs res-onsibilit# to ensure that both co-ies are identical in content> All reference sheets+ front cover+ a--endices etc need to be -resent in both co-ies> It is e0-ected that assignments ill be ord -rocessed> All hard co-# assignments must be submitted ith a signed form confirming that no unfair means ere used in the -roduction of the assignment> These can be do nloaded from =lac%board> 6e-ending on the course studied a front cover ma# also be re<uired+ these can be do nloaded from the a--ro-riate =lac%board site> The onl# circumstances here onl# one co-# need be submitted are hen the submission is in the form of a -ortfolio of evidence or a -oster> If the submission is incom-lete then administrative staff ill NOT be able to recei-t the or%> Onl# one co-# of an# assignment ill be returned> Assignments must be submitted to the designated Programme Su--ort Office bet een )am and 4-m in one of the envelo-es -rovided at the submission -oint> All non electronic assignments ill be submitted to the school office> (urther information for students on the Turnitin s#stem is available from the librar#>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 14

One is a screencast videoG htt-G&& >salford>ac>u%&librar#&hel-&turnitin 9Eou ill need to use #our usual PC username and -ass ord: The others are -rintable -dfCsG htt-G&&issuu>com&salforduniversit#librar#&docs&turnitinoriginalit# htt-G&&issuu>com&salforduniversit#librar#&docs&turnitinoriginalit#

All -ractice documents for students on Pre@4egistration 6i-loma+ 6egree and Masters Programmes should be submitted to Programme Su--ort Office letter bo0 during building o-ening hours+ )am and 4-m+ in the designated submission ee%> ;ate submission of -re@registration -ractice documents is not allo ed> The detailed arrangements for the secure submission and recei-ting of or% are -rovided in the e0ams section of the a--ro-riate -rogramme handboo%s that are accessible through the 2;E =lac%board> Referencing The 4eferencing Buide 9Com-rehensive Buide: 9Auic% Buide: and 9Online Buide: has been made available to students to aid them ith referencing source material correctl#>

E2a.iner- and E2ternal E2a.iner-9

Part of the role of an Academic in the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% is to act as an e0aminer> This ill include the mar%ing of assessed or% and e0aminations> The :oard of E2a.iner- <E2a. :oard-= Each -rogramme is re<uired to have a =oard of E0aminers> Membershi- of these boards is revie ed annuall#> Members ill have underta%en a--ro-riate "niversit# of Salford training for the role> (rom Se-tember 3/.3 there ill be Module =oards and Programme =oards> G1ideline- for Cond1ct of :oard of E2a.inerInformation on the function and constitution of =oards of E0aminers is available in the Academic 4egulations for Taught Programmes 3/..&.3 Section ..>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 15

Chair of :oard of E2a.inerChairs of the =oard of E0aminers are a--roved b# the $ead of School> The Chair ill have underta%en a--ro-riate "niversit# of Salford training for the role> E2ternal E2a.inerThe School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% has a number of e0ternal e0aminers attached to each -rogramme> ;arge -rogrammes e>g> Pre@4egistration Nursing Programmes+ have e0ternal e0aminers ho are a--ointed to individual fields of -ractice> A33oint.ent of E2ternal E2a.inerThe -rocess is follo ed as -er the te0t on 4egulations+ Procedure and Buidance 9Nomination and A--ointment of E0ternal E0aminers: in section C*+ E0ternal E0amining for All Taught -rogrammes+ of the Academic $andboo%. 6a n Ba thor-e the E0aminations , Assessment ;ead is res-onsible for identif#ing the need for ne e0ternal e0aminers+ either during the develo-ment of ne -rogrammes or during the final #ear of an e0ternal e0aminers term of office> The E0aminations , Assessment ;ead is also res-onsible for -rocessing the a--lications through the "niversit# s#stems and the "niversit#> This ill change in 3/.3&3/.5 to an automated s#stem> (or all Professional =od# a--roved -rogrammes the e0ternal e0aminer must meet the "niversit# Standards for the a--ointment of E0ternal E0aminers> Once the -ro-osed E0ternal E0aminer has been a--roved+ the# ill commence their term of office> Arrange.ent- for Ind1ction of ne7 E2ternal E2a.inerE2ternal e2a.iner- .1-t %e 3ro5ided 7ith a33ro3riate ind1ction arrange.ent- a- 3er the te2t on Reg1lation /roced1re and G1idance < /re3aration of E2ternal E2a.iner-= in -ection C@ E2ternal E2a.ining for All Ta1ght 3rogra..e- of the Acade.ic Hand%oo& The E0amination , Assessment ;ead&Associate $ead are res-onsible for sending information from the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% to the ne e0ternal e0aminers> The School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% -rovides the ne l# a--ointed e0ternal e0aminers ith the o--ortunit# to attend an e0ternal e0aminers induction or%sho-> At the or%sho- the e0ternal e0aminers ill have the o--ortunit# toG

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 16

Meet members of the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or%J Bain an overvie of the -ortfolio of -rogrammes offered b# the SchoolJ Meet -rogrammes leadersJ Meet members of the Bovernance Services "nitJ 6iscuss the -rogrammes and assessment strategiesJ Share e0-ectations of the roleJ Meet other e0ternal e0aminersJ Meet current students>

The or%sho-s are usuall# conducted once a #ear+ in conjunction ith the universit#Cs annual induction event+ and are arranged b# the E0aminations and Assessment ;ead>

Arrange.ent- for Re-3on-e- to E2ternal E2a.iner-; Ann1al Re3ortThe e0ternal e0aminerCs annual re-ort is circulated to the Programme ;eader+ the Chair of the =oard of E0aminers and the Associate $ead Academic> Action -oints are identified and a res-onse to the e0ternal e0aminer is formulated> Student consultation shall also ta%e -lace through their -artici-ation in staff@student committees 1 see section ) of E0ternal E0amining for All Taught Programmes in the Academic $andboo%>

/!C /roced1re
The /!C /roced1re i- c1rrentl6 1nder re5ie7> IT IS I!/ORTANT TO NOTE THAT AD!INISTRATIVE STAFF ARE UNA:LE TO ADVISE STUDENTS ON CO!/LETION OF THE /!C FOR!> "e can -ho7 -t1dent- 7here to find the 3olic6 and en-1re the6 fill in all the 3art- of the for. %1t %eca1-e of the 3er-onal and confidential nat1re of the i--1e- in5ol5ed 7e are 1na%le to di-c1-- and ad5i-e -t1dent- a%o1t 7hat to 31t in the for.> The Personal Mitigating Circumstances 9PMC: Procedure has been a--roved b# the "niversit# for all students+ and is an o--ortunit# for the students to inform the "niversit# of an# serious medical or -ersonal circumstances that have affected their academic -erformance in an adverse a#> The Academic 6ivisionCs eb site 9lin%ed above: is an e0cellent source of Information regarding the -rocess and also contains (AACs hich ma# ans er #our <uestions>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 17

(urther information on the ;ate Submission of 8or% and the associated -enalties can be found in the Academic $andboo% on the Bovernance Services ebsite>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 18

Feed%ac& to St1dent(eedbac% to students is given in line ith the "niversit# Polic# on Provision of (eedbac% on Assessed 8or%> School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% students ill+ unless stated s-ecificall# in their module handboo%+ submit 3 co-ies of a -iece of assessed or% if non@electronic> One co-# of the or% ill be annotated b# the mar%er&s and made available to the student> The other co-# ill be unmar%ed and ill remain on file 9either -h#sicall# or electronicall#: ith a co-# of the feedbac%> 8ritten feedbac% regarding the -iece of assessed or% including the -erformance against the grade descri-tors for the assessment ill be entered onto =lac%board Turnitin for the student to access> 8ritten feedbac% on all assessments is -rovided ithin 5 calendar ee%s of submission> The mar% given on the feedbac% returned to the students ill be un@ratified until the a--ro-riate =oard of E0aminers has met and ratified the mar%s> (ollo ing ratification+ mar%s ill be communicated in the form of an annual transcri-t>

This -rocess enables students to gain the re<uired number of credits des-ite the fact that the overall mar% for a s-ecific module is belo -ass mar%> Overall -erformance in other assessments is also considered> the

8here a failed module is com-ensated the credit for the module ill be a arded and the actual mar% achieved ill be recorded @ this mar% ill be used in the calculation of the final degree classification> Students ill be informed if the =oard of E0aminers a--lies this com-ensation mechanism> Some -rogrammes are not eligible for com-ensation due to -rofessional bod# re<uirements> (or further information on com-ensation+ -lease refer to the Academic 4egulations for Taught Programmes 3/.3&.5+ section *>3>

Section Internal 2erification and Moderation of the Academic $andboo% defines Moderation using the follo ing characteristicsG

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 19

Chec%ing that the verified assessment and mar%ing criteria for a com-onent of assessment have been accuratel#+ consistentl# and fairl# a--lied b# the assessor9s:> The moderator therefore does not need the same level of subject e0-ertise as the assessor9s:> A s-ecified sam-le of studentsC assessed or% is moderated> The moderator should not have been involved in mar%ing the assessment but should be familiar ith mar%ing at that academic level> 8herever -ossible the moderator ill not be a member of the module team> The moderator must have access to the mar%erCs feedbac% sheets> The moderator must %ee- a se-arate moderation record identif#ing all items sam-led and recordingG student I6G name of mar%er9s: and mar%s assignedJ name of moderatorJ comments on sam-leJ confirmation that assessment criteria have been accuratel#+ consistentl# and fairl# a--liedJ confirmation of all mar%s a arded for the cohort in that -articular assessment> Section Internal 2erification and Moderation of the Academic $andboo% further defines the sam-le of scri-ts to be moderated thusG !>. The sam-le to be moderated should be e<ual to the s<uare root of the total number of students ithin a cohort> The sam-le should be a--lied to each com-onent of assessment of each module 9to a minimum number of ./ or all assessments if less than ./ students in the cohort:> !>3 For example: 130 cohort size; module with 2 components of assessment !>5 The sam-le should reflectG K The hole mar% range K E0am-les of or% from all mar%ers in modules here more than one mar%er contributes to the module assessment K The full range of -rogrammes to hich the module is delivered> !>4 A greater sam-le than the minimum ma# be needed in order to incor-orate the -oints in !>5> 12 exam scripts and 12 coursework assi!nments"

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 20

This is the "niversit#Cs minimum definition> The School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% has traditionall# moderated all .stCs+ all (ails and a sam-le of the grades in bet een+ but the minimum sam-le is noted above> !oderation and after7ard-9 Module leaders are re<uired to organise moderation once the scri-ts&-a-ers have been mar%ed+ hich corres-onds to the agreed timeline> One member of academic staff ho has not been involved in mar%ing the assignment but is familiar moderate the sam-le> ith mar%ing at that academic level ill

All scri-ts&-a-ers sam-led at the moderation meeting must be considered b# the moderator+ against the grade descri-tors> All scri-ts&-a-ers must have an agreed mar%+ hich ill be entered into Bradeboo% 9Bradeboo% is the universit#Cs online s#stem for entering mar%s on to the =anner Student Information S#stem: as agreed b# the Module ;eader> After moderation the module leader is res-onsible for ensuring deadlines are met regarding in-utting of results into Bradeboo%> The module leader is res-onsible for the accurac# of the data in-ut into Bradeboo%> The module leader is res-onsible for com-leting the moderators re-ort htt-G&& >governance>salford>ac>u%&cms&resources&u-loads&(ile&AAA&ModerationFtem-late>doc0 > The annotated co-# of the assignment is returned to the student> The other co-# 9be it -a-er or e@submission: is retained b# the School for archiving> (or further information -lease refer to the Polic# on 4etention of Assessed 8or%> The Academic $andboo% also details the universit# Polic# on Internal 2erification and Moderation>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 21

St1dent S133ort and G1idance St1dent S13er5i-ion

Students on all modules are assigned a Personal Tutor> Please see the /er-onal T1toring documentation and the Acade.ic Role- !an1al that ma%es u- -art of the Academic $andboo%> The Personal Tutor and student should meet face to face at least once -er semester+ t ice in the first semester> Personal Tutor records should be maintained

TIP : Personal Tutors are advised to note do n dates of contact ith s-ecific students in a diar#+ recording the student name+ time of the
visit and the nature of the meeting>

Arrange.ent- for the -13er5i-ion of 3ro4ect-+di--ertationStudents ho register onto the dissertation module are invited to a or%sho- during hich a su-ervisor ith a--ro-riate e0-erience and e0-ertise dra n from ithin the school is identified> If #ou are as%ed to su-ervise a -roject or dissertation a summar# of #our res-onsibilities ould be Monitor the students -rogress+ and attem-t to identif# an# difficulties that ariseJ Advise on the feasibilit# and suitabilit# of the to-ic+ and issues of -roject design and e0ecutionJ Comment on the content+ -resentation and organisation of an# or% submittedJ Dee- a record of all formal meetings ith the studentJ To mar% final submission in a fair manner in accordance ith documented criteriaJ Arrange for second mar%ing of the dissertation> A student underta%ing the final 7/ credit stage of a Masters -rogramme shall be -ermitted t o e0tensions hich shall have the effect of deferring the submission date for the assessment com-onent9s: but shall not entitle the student to the continuation of su-ervisor# arrangements be#ond the normal length of the stage module9s:

The detailed arrangements for the su-ervision of -rojects and dissertation are -rovided in the a--ro-riate module handboo% and the 4esearch A ard 4egulations>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 22

The College underta%es the ethical a--roval of all research -rojects for taught undergraduate and -ostgraduate students there is a ste- b# steguide available on the college ebsite detailing ho students should go about a--l#ing for the ethical a--roval the# need>

/a-toral Care
The "niversit# also -rovides various services centrall# to hel- students> The Student ;ife 6irectorate have a ealth of %no ledge in relation to advice and su--ort and can often find a#s of hel-ing students> Their advice des% is o-en bet een )>5/ am 1 !>// -m ee%da#s throughout the #ear> LOCATION9 "niversit# $ouse+ and various advice des%s throughout the cam-us+ including the Allerton 4ece-tion 6es%> The Student ;ife assistance and su--ort ebsite is also an e0cellent resource+ containing a full list of student services> This includes information to hel- staff direct students for information around areas such as disabilit#+ health and ellbeing and financial -roblems> Student ;ife is the main area hich is geared u- to su--ort students through their studies> The StudentCs "nion also -rovide a range of hel- and advice services+ the# are based in the same building as Student ;ife and or% together to su--ort students> Other useful sites are The ;ibrar# and Student Information 6irectorate> Students are all given an induction to the librar# during their "niversit# Induction> To boo% ;ibrar# Induction Sessions -lease contact $elen McEvo# ho is the Information S-ecialist assigned as liaison ith the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or%> ;ibrar# IT training is free and available to both staff and students> E!AIL9 training@adminLsalford>ac>u% Reading Li-t;aS" 9;ists at Salford "niversit#: is the "niversit# of SalfordHs online reading list s#stem> All modules run b# the universit# should be listed on the s#stem and from each module list #ou can lin% directl# to the ;ibrar# Catalogue and e@;ibrar# hich holds all the e@resources> All ne students receive a co-# of the "niversit# of Salford $andboo% hen the# commence their -rogramme+ this includes a section on student services>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 23

St1dent Charter
Produced jointl# b# the StudentsC "nion and the "niversit#+ The Student Charter outlines the %e# -rinci-les of the -artnershi- bet een the "niversit#+ its students and the StudentsC "nion> 4unning to just four -ages+ the Charter is a clear and accessible statement of mutual e0-ectations and res-onsibilities> It covers the services+ su--ort and information the "niversit# ill -rovide+ and the commitment e0-ected of its students> In line ith sector good -ractice there is a section dedicated to the su--ort and re-resentation -rovided b# the StudentsC "nion> Students ill be able to access more detailed information and related -olicies and -rocedures via eb lin%s at the end of the document>

!ean- of Co..1nication 7ith St1dentAs a -art of the Academic 4egulations for Taught Programmes 3/.3&.5+ Section .3>3+ the universit# has identified certain communications that must be made in riting to students> (or other information a variet# of communication methods are available+ the virtual learning environment+ =lac%board+ is used e0tensivel# as a means of communication ith students ho ill also all have access to their o n "niversit# of Salford email address> Staff&Student Committees are a %e# channel of communication and student re-resentatives are encouraged to be -roactive in re-resenting the vie s of their -eers>

Ste3- to %e ta&en if a St1dent i- A%-ent

Our -re@registration Nursing , Mid ifer# -rogrammes have s-ecific criteria regarding the number of hours that a student must s-end both on theor# or% and in -ractice the -rogramme handboo% detail these re<uirements+ the monitoring -rocedures that are in -lace and the -otential re-ercussions of student absence> Post<ualif#ing and -ostgraduate -rogrammes monitor attendance ith -a-er registers to enable monitoring for the CP6 contract> All international students have their attendance monitored in accordance to the "niversit# Attendance Monitoring -olic# and "D=A com-liance

Arrange.ent- for re.aining in contact 7ith grad1ateAll graduates can register ith Alumni Net or% hich entitles them to a variet# of member benefits and net or%ing o--ortunities> Communication ith graduates ill normall# be through the 6evelo-ment , Alumni 4elations Office hich runs the scheme>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 24

The Careers Service also underta%es an annual Career 6estinations Surve# of graduates and statistics hich are available on their ebsite> This information can be hel-ful to -rogramme teams+ for e0am-le in mar%eting and -ublicit#> The School believes that it is im-ortant to %ee- in touch ith graduates to offer su--ort in their career choices and to advise them on further stud# o--ortunities> A number of graduates return for -ost graduate and -ost <ualification stud#> Some 6irectorates ma# have s-ecific a#s of %ee-ing in contact>

St1dent ReferenceBuidelines for riting student references are outlined in the disclosure of information about students guidance document> /re Regi-tration N1r-ing 4eferences for jobs ill not be given to -re registration students hile the# are stud#ing+ a standard letter confirming the individuals student status onl# ill be given on re<uest> On com-letion of -rogramme references are to be com-leted on a School Pre 4egistration Student 4eference (orm> This is co-ied and remains on the student file to be sent out as re<uested> /o-t 81alif6ing # /o-tgrad1ate Ta1ght+Re-earch Post <ualif#ing references are ritten b# the -ersonal tutor or -rogramme leader for s-ecific students as and hen re<uested> These are -ersonal references hich -rovide -roof of academic stud# and students -ersonal s%ills>

Acade.ic !i-cond1ct and /re5entati5e !ea-1reThe School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% follo s the "niversit# of SalfordCs -rocedure on dealing ith Academic Misconduct> The Academic Misconduct Procedure can be found in the Academic $andboo%> This is accom-anied b# the -olic# on dealing ith -lagiarism In the Polic# document there are 7 definitions of hat constitutes "nfair Means> These are K Plagiarism+ K Collusion+ K (alsif#ing e0-erimental or other investigative results

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 25


=riber# Ta%ing unauthoriMed material 9Including electronic devices: into an e0amination Contracting another to rite a -iece of assessed or% Co-#ing from another -erson during an e0amination>

All cases of sus-ected academic misconduct must be re-orted to the $ead of School 9or nominee:+ in the case of the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% that nominee is ?oanne Deeling and+ in all cases here unfair means is sus-ected+ the submitted or% should be sent+ ith accom-an#ing evidence+ to her> She ill a--oint an investigator from ithin the school> These investigators ill be dra n from some of the directorates and used on a rota basis> 8here N-oor academic -racticeC is found+ students ill be seen b# their Personal Tutor and Programme ;eader> 8here Nunfair means & -lagiarismC is found the evidence ill be considered b# the School Academic Misconduct Panel

Acade.ic A33eal
The Bovernance Services "nit is res-onsible for the Academic A--eals Procedure for all taught and research -rogrammes at the "niversit#> Clic% on the lin% above to vie the site (AACs and Proforma An a--eal can be submitted onl# on one of the follo ing groundsG a> that rele#ant e#idence is a#aila$le which was not su$mitted in accordance with the personal miti!atin! circumstances procedure $ut for which there is reasona$le or !ood cause for that omission; %> that there has $een a si!nificant procedural error on the part of the %oard of &xaminers or a failure to correctly apply the rele#ant academic re!ulations; c> that the %oard of &xaminers has acted in a way which is manifestly unreasona$le" 'n this context( unreasona$le shall $e taken to mean per#erse( i"e" the decision was not a possi$le conclusion that a similar meetin! of the %oard of &xaminers mi!ht ha#e reached" /lea-e note 6isagreement ith the academic judgment of the =oard of E0aminers in confirming mar%s+ grades and recommendations of e0aminers for assessments does not constitute valid grounds for a--eal> The Academic A--eals Procedure must not be used to bring com-laints related to teaching+ su-ervision or services> These must be raised at the time hen the# occur and through the a--ro-riate channels e>g> academic or -ersonal tutor+ su-ervisor+ staff@student committee+ School Teaching and ;earning Committee or its e<uivalent+ or the "niversit#Cs Student Com-laints Procedure>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 26

(urther information can be sought from the Bovernance Services "nit+ and the Student Advice Centre in the StudentsH "nion can offer inde-endent information and advice>

Co.3laint- /roced1re
The School adheres to the "niversit# Com-laints Procedure

St1dent Di-ci3linar6 /roced1re

The School adheres to the "niversit#Cs Student 6isci-linar# Procedure ho ever in cases here allegations suggest -rofessional misconduct b# a student stud#ing for a <ualification leading to a licence to -ractise a -articular health or social care -rofession or -rovide for the student to be eligible to a--l# for registration ith a -rofessional bod# then the (itness for Professional Practice Procedure is used>

Critical Incident- "hil-t on /lace.ent

(or critical incidents+ defined as Oan# occurrence hich has given or ma# give rise to actual or -ossible -ersonal injur#+ -atient dissatisfaction+ -ro-ert# loss or damageP+ that occur hilst students are in -lacement flo charts have been develo-ed to illustrate the correct course of action for staff and students>

Staffing and Re-o1rceInd1ction9

To hel- ne members of staff settle into the "niversit# the A"elco.e to US; induction -rogramme has been designed to com-lement the local induction -rocess that #ou receive through #our school&-rofessional service area outlined in the Code of Practice for Induction of Ne Staff> 8hilst #ou ma# have alread# been here a fe ee%s or even months+ this -rogramme enables #ou to find out more about the %e# goals of the "niversit#+ meet other ne colleagues and increase #our a areness of activities and services available ithin the "niversit# communit#> The aim is for ne staff to attend the B"elco.e to USB session ithin si0 months of starting in their -ost> (urther information can be found on the $4 Induction ebsite>

Acce--ing .entoring -133ort Re-o1rce- ha5e 3rod1ced a Code of /ractice and G1ideline- for the .entoring of ne7 .e.%er- of -taff>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 27

(or staff ne to the organisation+ -lease tal% to #our line manager about a mentor for #our -robationar# -eriod> (or other staff+ #ou ma# li%e to identif# a mentor from #our e0isting net or%s> If not+ -lease contact Ma0 4a lings in the first instance for further advice> In addition+ if #ou are an e0-erienced member of staff and ould li%e to act in the role of a mentor+ -lease contact Ma0 4a lings to offer #our services> /er-onal De5elo3.ent Re5ie7 /DR A ne -rocess for Performance 6evelo-ment 4evie 9P64: has been introduced ithin the "niversit#>

Ever# member of staff ill have a P64 ith their line manager&6irector+ hich ill enable them to ma0imise their contribution through the achievement of agreed -erformance objectives that are in line ith school & de-artment objectives and ultimatel# the "niversit# Strategic Plan> This meeting ill identif# su--ort+ develo-ment and resources needed for the achievement of these objectives> Training ill be -rovided for revie ers and there is an e@learning -ac% for revie ers to hel- them -re-are for their P64s> (urther information and the a--ro-riate forms can be found on the $4 8ebsite>

Staff De5elo3.ent
Teaching E--ential- for Salford Staff <TESS= /rogra..e Ai.To e0-lore a number of issues relating to im-roving teaching To consider assessment and feedbac% and the National Student Surve# To e0-lore o--ortunities offered b# learning technologies To e0-lore the -ur-oses and -ractice of teaching observation Co0facilitation Each session ill be co@facilitated b# an Associate 6ean Academic+ Associate $ead Academic or nominee> Other colleagues from ithin and outside the "niversit# ma# be invited to contribute as a--ro-riate>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 28

TitleEssential Teaching and ;earning Essential Assessment and (eedbac% Essentiall# 6igital Essentials of Teaching Observation (urther details and schedules regarding the TESS -rogramme ill be -ublished ithin the NAcademic & Research DevelopmentC communit# s-ace ithin =lac%board along ith details of further staff develo-ment o--ortunities -rovided b# Academic 6evelo-ment> If #ou need advice regarding staff develo-ment -lease contact Cher#l 6unleav#+ Academic 6evelo-ment Consultant for the College of $ealth , Social Care 0!3!'5 c>dunleav#Lsalford>ac>u% Recr1it.ent 5/ -laces are available on an No-en@to@allC basis> Nominall#+ it is antici-ated that ./ -artici-ants ill come from each College> 6eadline for nominationsG *C No5e.%er> In addition to the four sessions+ -artici-ants should e0-ect to com-lete -re-arator# and follo @u- or% for u- to ./ hours> A%-ence If #ou find that #ou are too ill to come into or% #ou should contact the "niversit# as soon as -ossible> Eou ill need to contact $elen Adams and #our -rogramme leader+ to inform them of the nature and e0-ected duration of #our sic%ness> Please also send sic% notes to $elen Adams Ann1al Lea5e (ill in a School leave re<uest form and get the leave a--roved b# #our line manager&6irector> 8hen #ou have had the leave signed off -lease send the card and the leave form to $elen Adams Re3lace.ent of School Re-o1rce4e-lacement of office furniture+ IT and A2A can onl# be authorised b# the $ead of School> Staff should contact the ITS Service 6es% on e0 !3444 for assistance in sourcing IT or A2A e<ui-ment> The College (inance Officer can offer advice in the first instance> College (inance "nit is located in room A6./. Allerton =uilding> Eou ma# -ic% u- Purchase Order forms from here>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 29

TIP : Staff ishing to -urchase an# other goods and services should see% -re@a--roval and an# -urchases must be authorised b# the $ead
of School> The (inance Officer for the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or%+ Clair Millen+ can offer advice in the first instance> IT 3ro%le.- ' incl1ding 3ro%le.- 7ith 6o1r 3hone In the first instance #ou must re-ort -ersonal com-uter -roblems to the ITS Service 6es% Eou ill be as%ed for details and given a job number to <uote in an# further communication on this matter>

TIP : ItCs im-ortant to %ee- a note of the job number as this is ho ITS ill trac% #our issue+ if #ou ant an u-date for e0am-le #ouCll need to
<uote the job number (or an induction to the universit#Cs information s#stems giving #ou an overvie of the resources available to #ou+ and the IT training -rovided b# the ;ibrar# training team or an# librar# related issues contact the SchoolCs Information S-ecialist $elen McEvo# To %oo& AV eD1i3.ent This is done through ITS> To see hat services the# offer or to re<uest e<ui-ment #ou ill need to visit their A2 e<ui-ment eb-age> $ere #ou ill be able to identif# hat e<ui-ment is su--lied as standard in a given room as ell as boo%ing additional e<ui-ment if it is needed> If #ou have -roblems ith the A2 E<ui-ment in a room #ou need to contact the IT Service 6es%> State of the art training roo. for c1rric1l1. de5elo3.ent or -.all gro13The N;earning S-aceC facilities ithin the Mar# Seacole =uilding are e0cellent and are o-en to all staff for the -ur-ose of curriculum develo-ment> The ;earning S-aces are s-lit@u- into t o se-arate areasG One small room ith video conference facilities and enough s-ace to comfortabl# accommodate a meeting of 7@) -eo-le+ LOCATION9 Mar# Seacole =uilding 3>/3 4oom . A large learning s-ace ith full meeting facilities sitting .3@.7 -eo-le+ and e0tensive range of Information Technolog# e<ui-ment> LOCATION9 Mar# Seacole =uilding 3>)3 4oom 3 (or ;earning S-ace activities or to ma%e a boo%ing use the College 4oom =oo%ings form> Confirmation of #our boo%ing ill be emailed to #ou>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 30

Health # Safet6 There is a health and safet# committee hich meets to discuss health and safet# issues> There is an accident boo% in the School held b# ?ennie =acchus in the $ead of SchoolCs office> Please com-lete an accident form+ available either from the $ead of SchoolCs office or online at the $4 ebsite+ if #ou have an accident> (or general advice and -olicies on $ealth and Safet# -lease go to the "niversit# $ealth , Safet# Service If #ou have an# concerns regarding health and safet# -lease contact and member of the SchoolCs $ealth and Safet# Committee> Di-3la6 Screen ED1i3.ent A--e--.entAll staff using 6is-la# Screen E<ui-ment are re<uired to have their or%stations assessed to ensure the# meet the regulations laid do n b# the $ealth , Safet# E0ecutive+ for more information -lease see 6SE 96is-la# Screen E<ui-ment: , E#e Tests and S-ectacles Code of Practice :1ilding I--1eTo raise an issue that re<uires attention from Estates and Pro-ert# Services -lease use the online fault logging s#stem alternativel# in some cases the Careta%ers based in the building ma# be able to hel- #ou> TEL9 /.7. 3*! 74)*> To %oo& a roo. To boo% a room in one of the College of $ealth and Social Care buildings #ou ill need to use the College 4oom =oo%ings form> Confirmation of #our boo%ing ill be emailed to #ou> To boo% rooms else here in the universit# #ou ill need to use the ad@hoc room boo%ings s#stem on the timetabling ebsite> If 6o1 ha5e an i--1e 7ith the roo.- 6o1 ha5e %een allocated for teaching> Etoo -.all too %ig etcF Yo1 7ill need to contact Ti.eta%ling> "hen 6o1 do 3lea-e ha5e the detail- of the roo. 7ith 6o1 En1.%er floor %1ilding etcF and let the. &no7 7h6 the roo. 7a- not -1ita%le> O1r Ti.eta%ling Ad.ini-trator i- Lee Forde> If 6o1 7ant -o.ething .o5ing The first -oint of contact in Mar# Seacole =uilding is our o n Careta%ers based in the securit# office in the fo#er of the building> TEL9 /.7. 3*! 74)*>

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 31

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 32

E23en-e Clai. or other finance i--1e College (inance "nit is situated in the Allerton =uilding at Concourse level+ the office is o-en from )>5/ am 1 4>5/ -m> College finance forms and finance advice can be found on the College (inance Intranet> Pett# cash can be used to reclaim small value items 9u- to a ma0imum of Q.//:> All claims must be -re@a--roved and have authorised signatures> To reclaim+ staff must -resent the authorised form at the College (inance "nit> (or staff travelling on universit# business 9meetings+ clinical -lacement visits etc:+ the cost of trans-ort can be reclaimed using the N8ee%l# 4e-ort (ormC to be used for tri-s of less that .// miles in total> An# travel and hotel e0-enses for conference attendance or journe#s in e0cess of .// miles are reimbursed via the =usiness Tri- 4e<uest (orm+ hich must be -re@a--roved -rior to journe# being underta%en> The School (inance Officer can offer advice in the first instance on ho to com-lete these forms> (or a--roval to attend conferences&stud# da#s or a -rogramme of stud# a ;earning and 6evelo-ment form 9this lin% ill onl# or% on a "niversit# of Salford Net or% PC: must be com-leted and authorised> (urther information about the 6evelo-ment A--roval Process is available on the School Intranet Pa#ments to non@members of staff for or% underta%en such as a guest or s-ecialist lectures are reimbursed via the NOne off (ees and E0-enses (ormC all claims must have -re@a--roval b# $ead of School> (or non@members of staff that re<uire -a#ment to a Com-an#&N$S #ou ill need to follo the -re@a--roval -rocess and then #ou must re<uest an invoice for -a#ment> All further information can be found on the College of $ealth and Social Care Intranet via the College (inance Intranet <ueries should be addressed to the (inance Officer for the School of Nursing+ Mid ifer# , Social 8or% Clair Millen

School Handbook 12/13 - Page 33

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