Invite To Interview Luis Ferreira
Invite To Interview Luis Ferreira
Invite To Interview Luis Ferreira
"ear #uis, $ a% delig&ted to confir% 'our in(itation to a 1 st stage inter(ie) on Tuesda' 15 t& *+ril !01, at our "istri-ution Centre, Castle .ound /a', 0ug-', C1! 0/*2 3our inter(ie) is sc&eduled to take +lace at 1,:00+%2 /&en 'ou arri(e at rece+tion +lease ask for 4ris&na Go&il2 $f 'ou are una-le to attend t&e inter(ie) +lease contact Pi++a Coggins on direct tele+&one nu%-er: 01785 78 7!62 T&e 1 st stage of our recruit%ent +rocess )ill co%+rise of an inter(ie) )it& one of our H0 tea% and nu%erac' and literac' )ritten skill tests2 $f 'ou are successful fro% t&is stage, 'ou )ill -e in(ited -ack for a ! nd stage inter(ie) )it& one of our 5+erations Su+er(isors, )&ic& )ill take +lace at our 5+eration -ased in Stafford2 * furt&er skills test )ill also take +lace )it& 'ou on t&e s&o+ floor2 Trans+ort )ill -e +ro(ided for 'ou to attend t&e ! nd stage inter(ie), lea(ing fro% our "istri-ution Centre in 0ug-' to Stafford and return2 $f 'ou are successful in -eing offered a +osition 'ou )ill -e re6uired to )ork at our Stafford 5+eration to undergo training, on a dail' -asis u+ until t&e %iddle of 7une2 Trans+ort )ill again -e +ro(ided -' t&e co%+an' on a dail' -asis fro% 0ug-' and return2 Tra(el ti%e )ould -e incor+orated )it&in t&e &ours of 'our s&ift +attern2 8ro% t&e %iddle of 7une t&e )&ole o+eration )ill transfer to 0ug-' on a +er%anent -asis2 /ould 'ou +lease confir% 'our attendance -' return e%ail to +i++a9coggins:ga+2co% and )e look for)ard to %eeting )it& 'ou t&en2 $f 'ou &a(e an' 6uestions in t&e interi%, +lease do not &esitate to contact us2 3ours sincerel' Pippa Coggins H0 *d%inistrator