Neuropsychological assessment
in preclinical and prodromal
Alzheimer disease: a global
Tamlyn Watermeyer1,3, Clara Calia2,3
Edinburgh Dementia Prevention, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Global Prevention of Dementia Programme (GloDePP), Centre for Global Health Research, University of Edinburgh, UK
lzheimer disease (AD), the most prevalent form of dementia, refers to a syndrome in which cog-
nitive ability declines to such a degree that functioning in daily and/or social activities is compro-
mised. In 2015, there were approximately 47 million people living with dementia globally, a figure
expected to rise to 131 million by 2050. By as soon as 2030, the worldwide prevalence of dementia is
estimated to reach 75 million with the majority of cases concentrated in low- and middle-income coun-
tries (LMiCs) [1-3]. Ageing worldwide populations beget greater numbers of older individuals living with
chronic health conditions, such as dementia, which might pose
significant social and economic challenges, most notably, for
By 2030, the worldwide prevalence of de- LMiCs [4]. In high income countries (HiCs), the focus of demen-
mentia is estimated to reach 75 million with tia detection is evolving to further encompass earlier stages of
the majority of cases concentrated in low- disease with the view to promote future approaches in second-
and middle-income countries. ary prevention. It is now accepted that AD-related pathology,
such as amyloid and/or tau deposition, occurs decades before
the onset of dementia symptoms [5]. The earliest sites of amy-
loidosis and tauopathy are the medial temporal lobe (MTL)
structures, namely the hippocampus and sub-hippocampal ar-
eas, followed by neuronal lesions to the neocortical areas [6,7].
Current research nomenclature for AD includes preclinical AD,
the earliest stage of AD in which biomarkers, such as amyloid
and tau, are detectable through imaging data or cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF), but no overt cognitive symptoms are indicated. Pre-
clinical AD precedes another stage, termed prodromal AD where
obvious cognitive symptoms emerge alongside aggregating neu-
ropathological change. Finally, continuous neuropathological
Figure 1. The continuum of Alzheimer disease. The and cognitive changes culminate in clinical dementia towards
continuum of Alzheimer disease pathology from the the end of the AD continuum (see Figure 1 and [8]). Different
preclinical and prodromal stages to overt clinical dementia research frameworks for AD have been proposed [9,10] (and
adapted with permission from [8]. references s11 and s12 in Online Supplementary Document),
but the most recent criteria (ref. s12 in Online Supplementary Document) draw the strongest distinc-
tion between the biological construct of AD and the corresponding cognitive impairment or dementia
syndromes that can accompany underlying disease changes as they evolve. This conceptual shift towards
biomarker definitions of AD, away from its related cognitive syndromes, presents significant financial and
logistical challenges for low-resourced research and clinical settings in LMiCs where disparate access to
infrastructure, equipment and technical expertise required for biomarker capture exist. Consequently,
LMiCs risk being excluded from participating in growing global efforts surrounding observational and
interventional trials where biological criteria for AD are specified. Here, we consider possible approaches
supported by neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience to circumnavigate some of these challenges
in the detection and tracking of AD in LMiC regions for research purposes.
one measure – with the aim of enhancing the sensitivity of traditional measures designed for later stages
of AD to detect and track cognitive decline over time (ref. s19 in Online Supplementary Document).
There have been calls to harmonize protocols of neuropsychological assessment for neurodegenerative
conditions across European trials (ref. s20 and s21 in Online Supplementary Document) to reduce the
existing heterogeneity in testing protocols across these countries, research studies and clinical settings.
An obvious extension would be to devise a “global neuropsychological testing standard” that can accom-
modate the social, cultural, and economic diversity inherent in multi-continent research programmes.
Although complex, such a pursuit is not wholly unrealistic. Many of the recommended protocols com-
prise measures that have been translated in languages prevalent in LMiC regions and could serve as a
starting point for further validation. More recent exploratory measures that index functioning of AD-rel-
evant neural correlates and which are less affected by or are independent of socio-cultural factors could
provide suitable surrogates of early disease onset and progression.
The VSTMBT may therefore be an inexpensive non-invasive candidate for detecting early AD-specific
cognitive change, and possibly early underlying disease, rather than a general screen for cognitive impair-
ment associated with a range of dementias.
Like the VSTMBT, many novel cognitive tasks have been developed to isolate functioning of specific ar-
eas relevant to the AD disease process, such as the hippocampal formation, where amyloid and tau depo-
sition may initially occur (ref. s35 in Online Supplementary Document). There are recommendations
to include these novel tasks in neuropsychological test batteries in clinical trials for AD (ref. s18 and s19
in Online Supplementary Document) which has further substantiated their potential value as sensitive
tools for the earliest cognitive markers. Several of these recommendations center around detection of ear-
ly decline in episodic memory, the capacity to remember personally experienced events in space and time
(ref. s36 in Online Supplementary Document). Verbal episodic memory is usually assessed through
word lists recall and short vignettes; restricting use to literate populations. Moreover, since the informa-
tion to be recalled is specific to the artificial experimental setting, their real-world applicability has been
criticized (ref. s37 in Online Supplementary Document). Visually-based ecological episodic memory
tasks exist, such as the Three Objects-Three Places screening task (ref. s38 in Online Supplementary
Document) and might overcome these limitations. In this simple task, an experimenter hides three ob-
jects in a testing room in full view of the patient. The patient is then asked to recall the location of the
hidden objects after some delay. The task has shown high sensitivity in prodromal and diagnosed AD but
whether it is able to detect preclinical stages of AD remains to be seen. Another task that might show
comparable real-world applicability and is sensitive to preclinical AD is the Face-Name association task
(ref. s39 and s40 in Online Supplementary Document). Participants are presented with faces alongside
information, such a name or occupation, and asked to recall this detail in a later trials when only the face
is presented. The task simulates everyday memory exercises of greeting and recalling information about
unfamiliar people. The paradigm can be easily and cost-effectively adapted to suit LMiCs regions, with
faces, names or occupations that are relevant to local communities. A validated Spanish version of the
task already exists (ref. s41 in Online Supplementary Document) and a cross-cultural validation of a
similar paradigm is under-development in India (ref. s42 in Online Supplementary Document).
Tasks that restrict or are independent of verbal information may represent a helpful step towards reduc-
ing the effects of language or literacy on test performance. However, it would be a mistake to assume that
non-verbal tests are impervious to the effects of culture. For example, Aruarco community members from
rural Colombia showed difficulties in remembering details of complex, but nonsense, figures from a vi-
sual memory test when compared to westernized-Colombians and Canadians, despite the researchers
accounting for educational differences between groups. Performance on another visually-based task in
which participants were tested on the recognition of superimposed objects, some of which were objects
pervading the Aruaco environment, was at ceiling level in the Aruarco group (ref. s43 in Online Supple-
mentary Document). The recollection of arbitrary drawings may not be a culturally-important or prac-
ticed exercise for the Aruarco people compared to more westernised societies; their lack of familiarity with
such a task and its contents possibly influencing performance. It is therefore important that any measures
that are purported to reduce bias in cross-cultural situations, are investigated for their robustness against
non-verbal aspects of culture or are adapted to ensure administration is ecologically-valid for the popu-
lation under investigation. Recent integration of technological developments with neuropsychology may
assist in this regard.
ument), in which participants navigate a route of several 90 degree turns through a simulated supermar-
ket from the first-person perspective. The task assesses egocentric spatial processing (location of objects
in relation to self), impairment of which may be an early cognitive marker of AD (ref. s47 in Online Sup-
plementary Document). Virtual reality allows for greater ecological validity through the opportunity to
model circumstances from everyday life and create testing environments that are applicable to regional
contexts (such as local natural or city landmarks in a navigation task). In the above example, instead of
a supermarket and a trolley, similar navigation routes can be created that fit the environment of the test-tak-
ers, such as a local market. The rehabilitative potential of these technologies has been considered (ref. s48
in Online Supplementary Document); however, institutional readiness for their adoption in health care
settings in HiCs remains elusive, let alone in LMiCs.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has set out a public health response for dementia, which aims to
“progress globally towards better prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for people with dementia”
(ref. s49 in Online Supplementary Document). The shift towards studying preclinical and prodromal
forms of dementia to provide secondary prevention strategies is aligned with the WHO’s goals. Most re-
search studies modelling risk prediction and dementia conversion in these populations are being con-
ducted in HiCs, leaving LMiCs less able to directly benefit from novel disease insights or capitalise on
technological advances and industry investment. Effectively, LMiCs are excluded from participating fully
in this global agenda. Since the accurate assessment of cognitive outcomes is fundamental to these re-
search and care programmes, a first step in this direction would be to advance the most sensitive, social-
ly and culturally competent cognitive measures in these regions. It is important that these measures are
also sensitive and specific proxies of disease onset and progression, especially for countries where bio-
marker capture is difficult or unrealistic. Some examples of candidate tasks have been presented here.
Further work to establish their cultural-competence in non-western cultures is required, but their adop-
tion may assist in modernizing cognitive ageing research studies across LMiC areas and allow for better
research integration between developing and developed countries.
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank all delegates of the GLODEPP Workshop Series Edinburgh
2018, whose insights regarding current challenges in dementia research and practice across low-to-middle income
countries inspired this piece.
Funding: None.
Authorship contributions: Both TJW and CC contributed to the initial concept for the paper. TJW drafted the
initial version. Both authors contributed to subsequent drafts
Conflicts of interest: The authors completed the Unified Competing Interest form at
sure.pdf (available upon request from the corresponding author), and declare no conflicts of interest
Additional Material
Online Supplementary Document
1T he epidemiology and impact of dementia: current state and future trends. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015.
2D ementia. World Health Organization. Available: Accessed: 5 Sep-
tember 2018)
3 World Health Organization. Dementia: number of people affected to triple in next 30 years. 2017. Available: http://www. Accessed: 5 September 2018.
4 United Nations DoEaSA, Population Division (2015). World Population Ageing, (ST/ESA/SER.A/390).
5 Dubois B. The Emergence of a New Conceptual Framework for Alzheimer’s Disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018;62:1059-
66. Medline:29036825 doi:10.3233/JAD-170536
6 Braak H, Braak E. Neuropathological stageing of Alzheimer-related changes. Acta Neuropathol. 1991;82:239-59. Med-
line:1759558 doi:10.1007/BF00308809
10 McKhann GM, Knopman DS, Chertkow H, Hyman BT, Jack CR Jr, Kawas CH, et al. The diagnosis of dementia due to
Alzheimer’s disease: recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association workgroups on di-
agnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimers Dement. 2011;7:263-9. Medline:21514250 doi:10.1016/j.
Correspondence to:
Tamlyn Watermeyer, PhD
Edinburgh Dementia Prevention
Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
9a Bioquarter Little France Road
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH16 4BX