Project Schedulesample
Project Schedulesample
Project Schedulesample
Sample Schedule for Pre-School / Kindergarten Rooms 8:00-8:30: Greetings, social time, quiet play, breakfast, and clean up. Similar to the Montessori Method we expect students to help with the preparing of food. We all sit together family style (staff modeling manners and behaviors), and students help with clean up. 8:30-9:00: Whole group circle time, morning songs, calendar routines, read aloud 9:00-11:00: Centers and free play. Teacher pulls small groups and individuals for instruction while teacher assistant roams and monitors play observing students and presenting new lessons or questions to students. 11:00-11:30: Outdoor Recess and Exploration 11:30-12:00: Therapy (Counselor, Music, Speech/Language, OT/PT, Art on a rotating basis) 12:00-12:45: ALL Pre-School and Kindergarten rooms to cafeteria for lunch. Small table groups. Again, students assist with clean up such as scraping plates, sorting recyclables, stacking dishes, wiping tables, sweeping oors. 12:45-1:15: Quiet rest time. The younger students rest in the same places around the room. Students who no longer rest are encouraged to make quiet learning choices such as puzzles, books, books on tape, listening to music, or small reading groups with the teachers 1:15-2:15: Specials (Art, Music, PE, Library, Computer) 2:15-2:45: Outdoor Recess and Exploration 2:45-3:15: Whole group circle, reading, closings and songs. Review of the day, positives. A time for explicit teaching in social skills 3:15: Dismissal. Some students go home, some go to after school day care, mentoring programs, or stay for clubs (Schedule drawn from New Horizon Montessori School: ~aletaledendecker/newhorizonmontessorischool/id9.html)