Conflict Management: 1. Time: 2. Aims
Conflict Management: 1. Time: 2. Aims
Conflict Management: 1. Time: 2. Aims
1. Time:
This workshop will take about 55 minutes to complete.
2. Aims:
* Aware of their behavior in conflict situations * Develop their perception and ability to empathize * Exercise their sense of responsibility in case of conflict * Are aware of an open and constructive approach to conflict.
3. Group size:
This workshop is suitable for use with groups of up 12 persons.
4. Useful for:
Student, leaders, young people
5. Youll need:
Paper, pen, Great piece, tape or other marks on the floor
Instructions I will briefly describe one after another a series of situations, please consider each situation and determine if a conflict or not. Si vous pensez qu'il s'agit d'un conflit, mettez-vous du cot oui . Si vous pensez qu'il ne s'agit pas d' un conflit, mettez-vous du ct Non. Vous pouvez vous rpartir le long de la ligne droite car il n'est pas toujours facile d'avoir un avis catgorique. Aprs chaque question, je vais demander un participant se trouvant au Oui/ Noncatgorique et au milieu de justifier sa position. Evaluation Why does each assesses a situation differently (non-conflict conflict)? What situations have they been described as very unambiguous situations conflict, why? What situations have been assessed so very contradictory, why?
2nd workshop
Members share in groups. each group will find a question or answer must for example, the first question: why there are conflicts? 2nd issue how can we resolve conflict? .... gather all suggestion on same table and each group explains these comments