Ci 476 Writing Unit Plans
Ci 476 Writing Unit Plans
Ci 476 Writing Unit Plans
Number of Students: 24
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. Write ar!uments to su""ort claims #ith clear reasons and rele$ant e$idence. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. a %ntroduce claim(s) and or!ani&e the reasons and e$idence clearly.
Strategy $ocus: Ma'in! students a#are o( #hat ma'es "ersuasi$e #ritin! "ersuasi$e.
Prere'uisite S(ills: Students should ha$e some ideas as to #hat "ersuasi$e #ritin! entails+ mainly de$elo"ed ,y their understandin!
o( #hat "ersuadin! is. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): )ersuasi$e #ritin! is one o( the most "re$alent ty"es o( #ritin! #e encounter in our li$es+ so it is im"ortant to understand the com"onents that can ma'e #ritin! "ersuasi$e+ and to im"lement these com"onents in one-s o#n #ritin!. )ssential ,uestions: What ma'es a "iece o( #ritin! "ersuasi$e. %INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose:
/rom the "re$ious e$enin!+ students should ha$e com"leted the ad$ertisement hal( sheet (or home#or'. 0he sheet had students (ind an ad$ertisement and analy&e it (or characteristics #hich made the ad "ersuasi$e. 1e!in the "eriod ,y as'in! students #here they (ound their ad$ertisements that they analy&ed. 1ecause most students #ill "ro,a,ly say either the internet or tele$ision+ "resent them some other (orms o( "ersuasi$e #ritin! such as editorials+ mo$ie re$ie#s+ comin! attractions (or a (ilm or 02 sho#+ etc. 3a$e a con$ersation #ith the students a,out #hy these are (orms o( "ersuasi$e ad$ertisin!.
Strategy "eaching: 4oin! ,ac' to the hal( sheet+ #rite a t-chart on the ,oard #ith one section sayin! 5"ersuasi$e6 and one section that says 5not.6 /irst+ as' students #hat a,out their ads made them "ersuasi$e. 3a$e a ,rie( discussion a,out each o( the com"onents su!!ested ,y the students. 0he list should ha$e around 6-7 ,ullets. 1y this "oint+ students should ho"e(ully ha$e come u" #ith the (act that most "ersuasi$e ads ha$e !ood e*am"les and reasons su""ortin! the ad. %( they ha$e not+ try to ,rin! u" these "oints and add them to the list. 8o# as' the students #hat they (ound to ,e not so "ersuasi$e. 9nce a!ain+ there should ,e a discussion around each "oint that
is "ut on the ,oard. 0here should also ,e a,out 6-7 ,ullets on each side. 9nce the list is com"leted+ ha$e students inde"endently #rite do#n #hat they thin' are the t#o most im"ortant traits to ma'e a "iece o( #ritin! "ersuasi$e+ and #hy they chose those t#o.
IND)P)ND)N" /0I"ING :urin! this time+ students should ,e #ritin! do#n #hich "arts o( the list they ,elie$e are most im"ortant to #ritin! an e((ecti$e "iece o( "ersuasi$e #ritin!. While students are #ritin!+ the teacher should ,e #al'in! around and monitorin! student "ro!ress. 0his #ould also ,e a !ood time to ha$e con(erences #ith the students. S1 0ING "I%) Sharin! #ill ,e done amon!st all students and #ill ta'e "lace on a hand-raisin! ,asis. 0he o,;ecti$e o( this sharin! time should ,e (or students to share #hat they #rote+ in other #ords #hat they considered to ,e the most im"ortant traits o( #ritin! "ersuasi$ely. 0his #ould ,e a time (or students to ha$e a li$ely discussion ,ased on their ,elie(s. ") !1)02S"*D)N" !-N$)0)N!)S Students "ic'ed to con(erence #ill ,e one or t#o students #ho are (inished early+ and se$eral others #ho are ha$in! trou,le #ith the assi!nment. With the students #ho are done early+ % #ill as' them to e*"lain more in de"th their choices (or the t#o most im"ortant "arts o( #ritin! "ersuasi$ely+ as #ell as to de(end their choices i( % #ere to "ose di((erent o"tions. 0he students that are ha$in! trou,le #ith the assi!nment #ill ,e !i$en a little !uidance+ and % #ill try to tal' to them re!ardin! #hat they are thin'in! #hile they are #ritin! do#n their ideas. ssessment(s): 0he en!a!ement in the classroom discussion #ill ser$e as a (orm o( assessment+ as #ill the con(erences done #ith the students+ and the o,ser$ation o( student #or' conducted ,y the teacher. 1o3 might you e#tend this lesson4 E*tension acti$ities could ,e to ha$e students !et to!ether in !rou"s o( t#o or three and de,ate the merits o( the as"ects o( "ersuasi$e
#ritin! that they ha$e each chosen. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 Most o( the instruction #as ,ased on #hat students already 'ne#+ #hich could lead to a $ariety o( student res"onses. % also tried to con(erence #ith students o( $aryin! a,ilities in order to hel" out as many di((erent students as "ossi,le.
Lesson Plan Day 5 Grade Level: 6th Middle School) Length of Instruction: 40 minutes Number of Students: 24 Instructional Location: Classroom (MacArthur
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. Write ar!uments to su""ort claims #ith clear reasons and rele$ant e$idence. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. a %ntroduce claim(s) and or!ani&e the reasons and e$idence clearly.
Strategy $ocus: 3a$in! students identi(y reasons and e*am"les in sentence clusters. Ma'in! students more (amiliar #ith the di((erence ,et#een reasons and e*am"les
Prere'uisite S(ills: Students should ha$e an idea that "ersuasi$e #ritin! is made ,y stron! reasons and su""ortin! (acts+ ,ased on yesterday-s discussion. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): )ersuasi$e #ritin! is one o( the most "re$alent ty"es o( #ritin! #e encounter in our li$es+ so it is im"ortant to understand the com"onents that can ma'e #ritin! "ersuasi$e+ and to im"lement these com"onents in one-s o#n #ritin!.
)ssential ,uestions: 3o# can reasons and o"inions ma'e a "ersuasi$e "iece stron!er. %INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose:
At the start o( the lesson+ remind students o( some o( the characteristics o( "ersuasi$e #ritin! that they discussed yesterday. 0ry to (ocus some o( the discussion on reasons and su""ortin! e*am"les.
Strategy "eaching: )ass out the #ritin! to "ersuade "ac'et to the students. %n(orm them that today they are !oin! to ,e "racticin! usin! some o( the s'ills they tal'ed a,out yesterday. /irst+ they are !oin! to ,e "racticin! #ith reasons. 3a$e students com"lete the (irst "a!e ("a!e 2<) o( their "ac'et #hich has them identi(y reasons in sentence clusters. 0his should ta'e no more than =-> minutes. As' students to share #ith the class. 4o throu!h each ?uestion on the "a!e ,rie(ly. 0hen mo$e on to "a!e 24. Students no# ha$e to #rite their o#n reasons !i$en a "rom"t. 4i$e students another =- 0 minutes to #or' on this "a!e. 4o throu!h "a!e 24 #ith the students. As' multi"le students (or an ans#er to the same ?uestion. When done+ as' students i( there is only one reason that somethin! can ,e true. @se this as a transition into the acti$ity on "a!e 2=. 9n "a!e 2=+ students need to "ro$ide at least three reasons to su""ort the "rom"t. Allo# students the rest o( class to (inish this "a!e+ as it should ta'e most o( them at least =-20 minutes. %( students do not (inish this "art durin! class+ it #ill ,e home#or'. IND)P)ND)N" /0I"ING Students #ill ,e usin! this time to "ractice #ritin! their o#n ar!uments !i$en a "rom"t usin! the s'ills they ha$e ;ust learned. 0hey #ill need to include reasons and su""ortin! (acts to ma'e the #ritin! more "ersuasi$e. 0his (ollo#s the series o( acti$ities desi!ned to !et the students to this "oint. S1 0ING "I%) Sharin! #ill mostly consist o( ha$in! students share their "ro!ress and ans#ers to the #or'sheets #ith their (ello# classroom
mem,ers. %( there is time+ students can also share their (inal assi!nment (or the day #ith their "eers or mysel( durin! con(erence time. ") !1)02S"*D)N" !-N$)0)N!)S Con(erences #ill ta'e "lace #ith the students durin! their (inal assi!nment (or the day. Students #ho are chosen (or con(erences should ,e di((erent than the ones chosen on the "re$ious day. 0he o,;ecti$e o( these con(erences is to !et students thin'in! a,out the ideas they ha$e to su""ort the "rom"t !i$en+ and ho# they can ta'e these ideas and (lesh them out a ,it more. ssessment(s): 4oin! throu!h the #or'sheets #ith the students #ill ser$e as a (orm o( assessment+ as this #ill determine ho# #ell students are !ras"in! the necessary conce"ts and $oca,ulary. 1o3 might you e#tend this lesson4 An e*tension acti$ity #ould ,e to ha$e students try to (orm their reasons into a cohesi$e "ara!ra"h. 0his #ould ser$e as a !ood lead in (or the ne*t acti$ity. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 0he acti$ities in the "ac'et are sca((olded+ so the students !et $aryin! de!rees o( di((iculty throu!hout the lesson. /urthermore+ there are additional "a!es that could ,e used that are easier or harder de"endin! on the needs o( the students.
Lesson Plan Day 6 Grade Level: 6th Middle School) Length of Instruction: 40 minutes Standard(s) ddressed (!ommon !ore)
Number of Students: 24
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. Write ar!uments to su""ort claims #ith clear reasons and rele$ant e$idence. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. a %ntroduce claim(s) and or!ani&e the reasons and e$idence clearly.
Strategy $ocus: 3a$in! students identi(y reasons and e*am"les in sentence clusters. Ma'in! students more (amiliar #ith the di((erence ,et#een reasons and e*am"les
Prere'uisite S(ills: Students should ha$e increasin! (amiliarity #ith ho# to incor"orate reasons and su""ortin! details into their #ritin!+ and should understand ho# these com"onents ma'e #ritin! "ersuasi$e. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): )ersuasi$e #ritin! is one o( the most "re$alent ty"es o( #ritin! #e encounter in our li$es+ so it is im"ortant to understand the com"onents that can ma'e #ritin! "ersuasi$e+ and to im"lement these com"onents in one-s o#n #ritin!. )ssential ,uestions: 3o# can reasons and su""ortin! e*am"les ,e used to (orm "ersuasi$e ar!uments. %INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose:
1rie(ly re$ie# #hat the student #or'ed on yesterday+ and ?uic'ly !o throu!h some o( the reasons students "ut on "a!e 2=.
Strategy "eaching: 3a$e students !o to "a!e 2> in their "ac'ets. 9n this "a!e+ students #ill #rite a small "ara!ra"h #here they are tryin! to con$ince a (riend to eat less chocolate-co$ered marshmallo#s. 0he students need to use at least three reasons in their "ara!ra"hs. 4i$e students a""ro*imately =-20 minutes to #rite their "ara!ra"hs. While students #rite their "ara!ra"hs+ the teacher should already ha$e #ritten one o( their o#n. 0his is to sho# students that #ritin! is not a tool that they #ill only ha$e to do in school+ and it also #ill ho"e(ully encoura!e more students to share their #or' 9nce the students are (inished+ ha$e them "artner u" and share #hat they ha$e #ritten. 0heir res"ecti$e "artners should o((er hel"(ul commentary a,out #hat they li'ed+ and #hat could ,e im"ro$ed. 9nce each mem,er o( the "artnershi" has shared students should (ind a ne# "artner and re"eat the "rocess. 0he teacher should do this #ith the students as #ell+ as a #ay to con(erence #ith the students. 0his acti$ity should carry o$er (or the rest o( class. At the end o( the "eriod+ ha$e students turn in their #or'. IND)P)ND)N" /0I"ING Students #ill s"end their inde"endent #ritin! time cra(tin! their "ara!ra"hs usin! the s'ills they ha$e "racticed (rom the "re$ious day. 0oday+ the students are !i$en a "rom"t to use to allo# (or students to "ractice a""lyin! their s'ills #ithout ha$in! to #orry so much a,out content. S1 0ING "I%) Students #ill share their #or' #ith se$eral other students once they ha$e com"leted the assi!nment. Each one o( these sharin! o""ortunities #ill ser$e as a sort o( con(erence #here the students can !ain ne# ideas a,out ho# to ma'e their #ritin! ,etter+ #hile also hear #hat they are doin! #ell #ith their #ritin!. ") !1)02S"*D)N" !-N$)0)N!)S Con(erences #ill ta'e "lace #hile students are in "artners sharin! their #or'. 0he teacher should ser$e as a "artner to one or t#o students at a time+ de"endin! on ho# many students are "resent in class that day. 0he teacher should try to con(erence #ith as many
students as "ossi,le+ startin! #ith students #ho ha$e not had a chance to con(erence #ith the teacher yet. 0he (ocus o( the con(erence should ,e ho# the students are usin! reasons and e*am"les in their #ritin!+ and ho# they could use them more e((ecti$ely. ssessment(s): Assessment #ill ta'e "lace #hen the teacher loo's o$er the student e*am"les (rom the day. 0his #ill !i$e the teacher an ade?uate loo' into ho# #ell students are !ras"in! the necessary conce"ts+ and a""lyin! them to their o#n #ritin!. 0his shouldn-t ,e !raded+ ,ut rather used as a loo' into ho# your students are #ritin! . 1o3 might you e#tend this lesson4 0o e*tend this lesson+ % could "ro$ide students #ith an additional "rom"t+ al,eit one that !i$es less detail than the ori!inal "rom"t. 0his #ould allo# students to "ractice a""lyin! their s'ills to a "rom"t that they had more in"ut in creatin!. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 :i((erent "rom"ts are a$aila,le (or students #ho (ind this one to ,e too easyAchallen!in!. /urthermore+ % allo# students to ,ounce ideas o(( o( each other+ so lon! as the #or' they #rite is their o#n.
Lesson Plan Day 7 Grade Level: 6th Middle School) Number of Students: 24 Instructional Location: Classroom (MacArthur
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. Write ar!uments to su""ort claims #ith clear reasons and rele$ant e$idence. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.6. a %ntroduce claim(s) and or!ani&e the reasons and e$idence clearly.
Strategy $ocus: 3a$in! students identi(y reasons and e*am"les in sentence clusters. Ma'in! students more (amiliar #ith the di((erence ,et#een reasons and e*am"les
Prere'uisite S(ills: Students should ha$e increasin! (amiliarity #ith ho# to incor"orate reasons and su""ortin! details into their #ritin!+ and should understand ho# these com"onents ma'e #ritin! "ersuasi$e. )nduring *nderstandings (+ig Idea): )ersuasi$e #ritin! is one o( the most "re$alent ty"es o( #ritin! #e encounter in our li$es+ so it is im"ortant to understand the com"onents that can ma'e #ritin! "ersuasi$e+ and to im"lement these com"onents in one-s o#n #ritin!. )ssential ,uestions: 3o# can reasons and su""ortin! e*am"les ,e used to (orm "ersuasi$e ar!uments. %INIL)SS-N Setting the Pur.ose:
1rie(ly re$ie# #hat the student #or'ed on the "re$ious days+ and remind students o( their ad$ertisement assi!nment at the ,e!innin! o( the unit. 0ell students that their assi!nment today #ill ,e to #rite their o#n ad$ertisement.
Strategy "eaching: )ass ,ac' "ac'ets collected at the end o( class the "re$ious day. Students can use this as a resource durin! their #ritin! assi!nment.
)ass out 5A :eal Bou Can Ce(use6 #or'sheet to the students. 4o o$er the (ront side o( the sheet+ and read out the ad$ertisement on the (ront. 0hen ha$e students com"lete the acti$ity ,elo#. 0his should ta'e no more than = minutes. 1rie(ly !o o$er the #or'sheet #ith the students. 3a$e students tal' a,out #hat they noticed in the ad$ertisement on the #or'sheet+ and ho# it (it in #ith the criteria they listed on the ,oard. 3a$e the students turn to the ,ac'side o( the sheet. 3ere+ students #ill ha$e to #rite an ad$ertisement li'e the one on the (ront side. Students may use a humorous tone such as the e*am"le+ ,ut they don-t ha$e to. Allo# students time to #rite their rou!h dra(t in class. As students ,e!in to (inish+ they should con(erence #ith the teacher ASA) so they can !et im"ortant (eed,ac' on their rou!h dra(ts. While not con(erencin! #ith the teacher+ students #ho are done should either ,e sharin! rou!h dra(ts #ith each other+ or ,e!innin! to #or' on their (inal dra(t. Con(erencin! and re$isin! #ill "ro,a,ly ta'e t#o days. Students should use the rest o( class time to #rite their (inal dra(ts. 9nce com"leted+ students #ill ha$e the o"tion o( either sharin! in lar!e or small !rou"s. When sharin! is com"leted+ the assi!nments should ,e turned in.
IND)P)ND)N" /0I"ING Most o( this lesson is inde"endent #ritin!+ as this lesson is ho# students "ut to!ether the s'ills they ha$e ,een "racticin! (or the "ast se$eral lessons. Students #ill ,e #ritin! inde"endently throu!hout their rou!h dra(ts and (inal dra(ts. S1 0ING "I%) Sharin! time #ill ta'e "lace at the end o( the lesson+ as students #ill then ,e a,le to share their #or' #ith their "eers in a #ay desi!ned to cele,rate the #or' the students ha$e accom"lished. Sharin! #ill also ta'e "lace in a less structured en$ironment #hen students share their #or' #ith one another #hile the teacher is con(erencin! #ith other students. ") !1)02S"*D)N" !-N$)0)N!)S 0he teacher should ma'e an e((ort to con(erence #ith all o( the students durin! the course o( this assi!nment. 0his is the main reason #hy the lesson should ta'e t#o+ or "erha"s e$en < days. 0he teacher should o((er meanin!(ul commentary a,out ho# the students are usin!+ or should ,e usin!+ the s'ills they ha$e ,een learnin! in order to #rite a "ersuasi$e ad$ertisement. 0his con(erence time should also ,e used to correct !rammar and "unctuation mista'es as #ell+ ,ut the main (ocus should ,e on ho# the students are im"lementin! the s'ills they ha$e ;ust learned.
ssessment(s): 0he culminatin! "ro;ect o( the unit #ill ser$e as the main (orm o( assessment+ and #ill ,e used to determine ho# #ell the students !ras"ed the conce"ts ,ein! tau!ht the "ast three lessons. 1o3 might you e#tend this lesson4 9ne e*tension to the lesson #ould ,e to ha$e students analy&e ho# humorous the ad$ertisements are #hen !i$en ,ac'!round 'no#led!e a,out the terms+ $ersus the strai!ht(or#ard nature o( readin! the ads #ithout this ,ac'!round 'no#led!e. 0his could ,e used to sho# ho# it is im"ortant to not ta'e e$erythin! at (ace $alue+ and to do research into a to"ic ,e(ore you in$est yoursel( (urther in it. Discuss ho3 you differentiated instruction for your learners during this lesson4 :i((erent le$els o( assistance can ,e "ro$ided to those students #ho are stru!!lin!. Students #ho are (inishin! ?uic'ly can ,e !i$en the e*tension "ro;ect a,o$e.