Mozartlessonplan 2

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Amy Tenney Date 4/22/14 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Form and Composition Grade ____4th____

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

In this esson !e !i earn about "orm and ho! it he ps "orm a piece and introduce our recorder composition project that !i be the cu mination o" the unit#
co$niti%e& ' ( Ap An ) C* physica de%e opment socio& emotiona

Learners will be able to#

Identi"y the di""erent instruments in the orchestra Identi"y the simp e "orm o" A,A in the conte-t o" one o" .o/art0s son$s Create a mo%ement to $o !ith A+ ,+ and A a$ain Accurate y use either theme and %ariations or A,A "orm as the basis o" their recorder composition

'+ (+ An '+ (+ An Ap+ C '+ (+ Ap+ C

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed#
ART.M.I.4.2 Expand repertoire. ART.M.II.4.3 Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, melodic embellishments on familiar melodies. ART.M.II.4.6 Add vocal, instrumental, and physical responses to a selection presented in 4th grade. ART.M.III.4.1 Identify theme and variation, coda, D.S. (Del Segno), D.C. (Da Capo), and other forms when presented aurally. 12ote# 3rite as many as needed# Indicate ta-onomy e%e s and connections to app icab e nationa or state standards# I" an objecti%e app ies to particu ar earners !rite the name1s4 o" the earner1s4 to !hom it app ies#4 *remember+ understand+ app y+ ana y/e+ e%a uate+ create

II. 'efore (ou start Identif( !rere)uisite *nowledge and s*ills.

2eed to 5no! the basic "ami ies o" instruments ,e ab e to 5no! !here G+ A+ and , are on the sta"" 6no! !hat a measure+ beat+ and note %a ues are
Pre-assessment (for learning):

See i" students hear the return o" a "ami iar section# Outline assessment activities 1app icab e to this esson4
Formative (for learning):

Students choose mo%ements "or A,A !hi e teacher o%ersees

Formative (as learning):

As5in$ students !hy they chose those mo%ements "or those parts Summative (of learning47 Seein$ !hich structure to use "or their piece and their e-p anation o" !hy as you $o around
Provide /ulti!le /eans of 0e!resentation 8ro%ide options "or perception& making information perceptible Students !i ha%e %isua symbo s o" the di""erent sections o" the A,A "orm# Provide /ulti!le /eans of Action and E.!ression 8ro%ide options "or physica action& increase options for interaction Students can mo%e to the music in a !ay that they a$reed on !as appropriate to the music !e are istenin$ to# 8ro%ide options "or e-pression and communication& increase me ium of e!pression Provide /ulti!le /eans of Engagement 8ro%ide options "or recruitin$ interest& choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Students ta 5 throu$h !hat types o" mo%ements they !ant to do# 2o su$$estion is !ron$+ or oo5ed do!n upon+ but $i%en consideration# 8ro%ide options "or sustainin$ e""ort and persistence& optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

+ at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" + at will it ta*e , neurodevelo!mentall(e.!erientiall(emotionall(- etc.- for (our students to do t is lesson"

8ro%ide options "or an$ua$e+ mathematica e-pressions+ and symbo s& clarify & connect language

Students identi"y %erba y !here the chan$e in the "orm occurred and !hat made them thin5 there !as a chan$e#

Students !or5 !ith partners and co aborate and compromise on !hat they !ant to do !ith their piece#


8ro%ide options "or comprehension& activate, apply & highlight

Students ta 5 about !hat made them thin5 the part had chan$ed "rom A to ,#

8ro%ide options "or e-ecuti%e "unctions& coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

8ro%ide options "or se "&re$u ation& e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

Students are earnin$ about "orm+ !hich trans ates to a "orms o" music and !i be ab e to reco$ni/e it e se!here and uti i/e it "or their o!n compositions#

,y !or5in$ in pairs+ students $et to co aborate !ith another person and $et instant "eedbac5# They are a so $i%en their assi$nment+ but need to "i$ure out ho! to pace themse %es to comp ete it#

/aterials1w at materials $boo*s- andouts- etc& do (ou need for t is lesson and are t e( read( to use"

'ecorders Scrap 8aper Sta"" 8aper C assica 8eriod Instrumentation chart Fo ders 8enci s Fe t symbo s .usic oaded and ready to $o (sua set&up+ risers at the bac5 "or discussions+ istenin$ acti%ities# 'u$ in the center !here the mo%ement and $roup !or5 !i ta5e p ace#

How will (our classroom be set u! for t is lesson"

III. 2 e Plan 2ime Com!onents /otivation 1openin$/ introduction/ en$a$ement4 3escribe teacher activities A43 student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in*ing )uestions and5or !rom!ts. Students "i e into the room si ent y and into risers Students come in ;ead !arm&up stretches !ith them Students do their !arm&ups As5 !hat !e earned about ast c ass< Students respond !ith !hat they earned ast time This c ass+ !e are "ocusin$ on "orm+ a di""erent Students isten to !hat is in store "or them comin$ !ay o" structurin$ music# 3e are a so $oin$ to $o up o%er our recorder composition project today= Introduce the instrumentation in the c assica period orchestra# Go o%er "ami ies and instruments# Are there more or ess instruments then than there are no!< 3hat0s di""erent bet!een the t!o ensemb es+ c assica and modern day< 3e0re $oin$ to isten to a c assic son$ by .o/art ca ed >)ine 6 eine 2achtmusi5? !hich means+ >A ;itt e 2i$ht .usic#? 3hi e !e isten+ be ready to share the instruments you hear and isten to parts that sound the same %ersus parts that sound simi ar# As they $et to the return o" >A? in the "irst hearin$+ as5 i" they hear the return o" the be$innin$ a$ain# @e ps se$ue into the discussion o" A,A "orm# Students isten to the instrumentation and pro%ide ans!ers "or !hich "ami y is !hich# Students respond !ith ho! the orchestras compare

3evelo!ment 1the ar$est component or main body o" the esson4

Students isten "or the di""erent instruments !hi e istenin$ to >)ine 6 eine? as !e as !hat sounds the same or di""erent# Students respond !ith !hat they hear


In this piece+ there are t!o di""erent parts+ but they come at di""erent times# 3e ha%e our openin$ ca ed >A? our contrastin$ section in the midd e ca ed >,? and then the return o" >A? once more+ just a itt e bit di""erent# For A section ha%e a marchin$ "e t man+ "ee s "an"are&ish processiona # For the , section+ ha%e a snoo/in$ man "or a o" the >si$hin$? moments present# (se these on the board+ isten to the "irst part a$ain+ !here is their a chan$e bet!een A and ,< @a%e students raise their hand !hen they thin5 there has been a chan$e# Ance they decide on the chan$e !ith you+ ha%e them come up !ith a simp e motion "or each part to do on the ne-t hearin$# @a%e c assroom he pers pass out recorders+ "o ders+ and penci s# Inside their "o ders students shou d "ind a ist o" reBuirements "or the project# Go o%er these reBuirements and e-pectations !ith students# 8ro%ide an e-amp e o" a possib e recorder composition# The !ritten "ina copy and ho! !e !i per"orm it at the end# Te students they may choose to !or5 !ith another person "or the project and !i recei%e 1C minutes at the end o" the ne-t "our c asses to !or5 on it# ,y the "ourth c ass+ !e !i be "inished !ith our "irst dra"t and !e on our !ay to our "ina dra"t# The "ina c ass o" the unit !i be a concert in the c assroom= @a%e students choose partners and !or5 Buiet y either on the risers or on the ru$# Te students to "i$ure out !hich "orm they !ant to use "or the piece "irst+ !rite it on their Composition Dra"t paper "or my perusa ater on# A so+ ha%e them !rite do!n !hich notes they !ant in each measure and rhythms# )ncoura$e students to e-p ore a bit on their recorders "irst be"ore !ritin$ it do!n# Gi%e them 1C&1D minutes to !or5 on this !hi e chec5in$ students0 pro$ress by $oin$ around the room#

Students isten

Students identi"y !hen the music/symbo chan$es#

Students come up !ith a motion "or each part and act it out !hi e istenin$ to the piece "or a "ina time# Students isten to the reBuirements and e-pectations "or the project#

Students "ind a partner and be$in to de%e op and brainstorm their composition and decide on !hether they !ant to use theme and %ariation or A,A "orm#

Closure 1conc usion+ cu mination+ !rap&up4

@a%e c assroom he pers pic5 up "o ders and penci s and c ean c assroom recorders !hi e !e discuss that !e on y ha%e t!o and a ha " more c ass periods !ith the composition projects+ so !e need to be "ocused and producti%e= @a%e them ine up by the !i/ards and "i e out#

Students pic5 up their materia s+ isten to the important announcement#

Students ine up and ea%e


6our reflection about t e lesson- including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement- as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne.t time. 13rite this a"ter teachin$ the esson+ i" you had a chance to teach it# I" you did not teach this esson+ "ocus on the process o" preparin$ the esson#4 If I were to re1format t ese first two lessons- I would use t e /o7art8s 92win*le 2win*le: twice and ave form come first so t at students could see form in t e small sco!e of 92win*le 2win*le: first before a!!l(ing it to t e larger !iece of Eine ;leine. However- I also faced a dilemma of alread( formatting t e first lesson and aving a time limit wit in eac lesson.


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