Shipbuilding Technology 4th Semester Syllabus
Shipbuilding Technology 4th Semester Syllabus
Shipbuilding Technology 4th Semester Syllabus
code Nae o! t"e #ubject T P C
T"eo() P(act*cal
1 8042 Ship Yard Practice 2 3 3 20 80 25 25 150
2 7042 Machine Shop Practice 2 4 20 80 50 50 200
3 8041 Ship!"ildin# $ra%in# &' 0 ( 3 & & 75 75 150
4 811 )asic *lectronics 2 3 3 20 80 25 25 150
5 32 Comp"ter +pplication&2 0 2 & & 50 50 100
7142 *n#ineerin# Mechanics 3 3 4 30 120 25 25 200
7. 5841 'nd"strial Mana#ement 2 0 2 20 80 & & 100
++ ,0 -+ ++0 ..0 -/0 -/0 +0/0
S,'P)-.'$'/0 1*C,/2.20Y 3804
Subject: Shipyard Practice, Code- 8042 T P C
2 3 3
To be able to develop knowledge skill and attitude in the area of Shipyard
Practice with special emphasis on:
Shipyard and Shipbuilding.
Mold lofting and templating.
ines Plan and Ship !lassification Societies..
Shipyard and modern shipyard" ayout of shipyard" Shipbuilding Methods "
Mold loft and its purpose" ines plan# $ffset and $ffset table"
Template"Ship !lassification Societies" Ship survey and common hull
repairing" Mold lofting of different frames" Mold lofting of different
bulkheads" Mold lofting of ines Plan of single chine type vessel.
1. -nderstand the concept o7 ship5ard and modern ship5ard.
1.1 $e7ine ship5ard.
1.2 Mention at least ten ship5ards in )an#ladesh.
1.2 Classi75 ship5ard.
1.3 $escri!e the 7"nction and importance o7 a ship5ard.
1.4 $escri!e the characteristics and 7acilities o7 a modern ship5ard.
-. U0de(#ta0d t"e la)out o! #"*1)a(d.
2.1 $e7ine la5o"t o7 a ship5ard.
2.2 $escri!e the necessit5 o7 proper la5o"t o7 ship5ard.
2.3 $escri!e la5o"t plan o7 a ship5ard. .
,. U0de(#ta0d #"*1bu*ld*02 et"od#.
3.1 Mention the methods o7 ship!"ildin#.
3.2 Classi75 the methods o7 ship!"ildin# .
3.3 $escri!e 8ario"s methods o7 ship!"ildin#.
.. U0de(#ta0d t"e old lo!t a0d *t# 1u(1o#e.
4.1 $e7ine mold lo7t.
4.2 Mention principal e9"ipments o7 a mold lo7t .
4.3 $escri!e the p"rpose o7 mold lo7t .
/. U0de(#ta0d L*0e# Pla0 D(a3*02 a0d (elated te(#.
5.1 $e7ine Sheer plan: ,al7 )readth Plan and )od5 Plan %ith 7i#"res.
5.2 'denti75 and $e7ine )"ttoc; lines: <ater lines and stations=7rames
%ith 7i#"res.
5.3 $e7ine 277set and 277set ta!le.
5.4 $escri!e the conditions o7 )"ttoc; lines: <ater lines and
Stations=7rames %hen the5 !ecome c"r8ed in 7i#"res.
4. U0de(#ta0d t"e te1late.
.1 $e7ine template.
.2 Mention principal e9"ipments o7 template .
.3 $escri!e the necessit5 o7 template in meas"rement .
5. U0de(#ta0d about #"*1 Cla##*!*cat*o0 Soc*et*e#.
7.1 $e7ine Ship Classi7ication Societies.
7.2 Mention at least 7i8e reno%ned classi7ication societies in the %orld.
7.3 *xplain the 7"nction o7 Classi7ication Societies.
7.4 *xplain the proced"re o7 ship classi7ication.
7.5 *xplain the proced"re o7 re#istration o7 a ship.
8. U0de(#ta0d t"e co0ce1t o! #"*1 #u(6e) a0d "ull (e1a*(*02.
8.1 $e7ine s"r8e5 o7 ship.
8.2 Classi75 s"r8e5 o7 ship.
8.3 $e7ine doc;in# and "ndoc;in#.
8.4 *xplain a!o"t common h"ll repairin#.
+. Pe(!o( t"e old lo!t*02 o! o(d*0a() !(ae.
1.1 'denti75 ordinar5 7rame.
1.2 Set "p the mold lo7tin# o7 the ordinar5 7rame accordin# to the meas"rement.
1.3 Ma;e the template o7 ordinar5 7rame 7rom its mold lo7tin#.
-. Pe(!o( t"e old lo!t*02 o! t"e 3eb !(ae.
2.1 'denti75 %e! 7rame.
2.2 Set "p the mold lo7tin# o7 %e! 7rame accordin# to the meas"rement.
2.3 Ma;e the template o7 %e! 7rame 7rom its mold lo7tin#.
,. Pe(!o( t"e old lo!t*02 o! 0o073ate(t*2"t bul8"ead.
3.1 'denti75 non&%aterti#ht !"l;head.
3.2 Set "p mold lo7tin# o7 non&%aterti#ht !"l;head 7rame accordin# to the
3.3 Ma;e template o7 non&%aterti#ht !"l;head 7rom its mold lo7tin#.
.. Pe(!o( t"e old lo!t*02 o! 3ate(t*2"t bul8"ead.
4.1 'denti75 %aterti#ht !"l;head.
4.2 Set "p mold lo7tin# o7 %aterti#ht !"l;head accordin# to the
4.3 Ma;e template o7 %aterti#ht !"l;head 7rom its mold lo7tin#.
/. Pe(!o( t"e old lo!t*02 o! l*0e# 1la0 o! #*02le c"*0e *d#"*1
5.1 'denti75 sin#le chine midship section.
5.2 Prepare mold lo7tin# o7 sin#le chine midship section accordin# to the
5.3 Ma;e template o7 sin#le chine midship section 7rom its mold lo7tin#.
1.Ship Constr"ction
&*. + Sto;oe
1homas >eeds P"!lication .td.: 1(75.
2. Ship Constr"ction
3.Str"ct"ral $esi#n o7 Sea #oin# Ship
4.>"les 7or the Classi7ication and Constr"ction o7 Sea #oin# Steel Ship
&Pols;i >e@esten Stall;o%:1(1.
5.Modern Ship $esi#n
&1homas C.0illmart
/a8al 'nstit"te Press: third *dition.
7042 MACH!" SH#P P$ACTC"
% & '
To enable recogni%e commonly used machine tools.
To provide understanding the functions of commonly used machine tools.
To develop skills in setting up and operating of machine tools.
To provide concept of using !oolant in machining.
To provide ability to set and operate commonly used allied tools and accessories.
To provide understanding the operation of Milling Machine.
Machine tools: athe machine" &rilling machine" Shaper" 'rinding machine" Milling Machine"
Measuring techni(ues.
Theory :
% ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ ,achi)e tool*-
).) State what is meant by machine tools.
).2 !lassify commonly used machine tools.
).3 State general safety precautions to be observed in machine shop.
).* ist essential features of commonly used machine tools
2 ()der*ta)d the applicatio) o+ .athe ,achi)e-
2.) +dentify different types of lathe machines.
2.2 +dentify ma,or components of lathe machine.
2.3 -.plain the function of different parts and attachments of lathe machine.
2.* !arry out basic calculations for speed and feed for lathe works.
2./ State safety precautions during working on a lathe.
2.0 +dentify single point cutting tools# tool materials# cutting angles and their relevant
3. ()der*ta)d the applicatio) o+ Coola)t i) ,achi)i)/ operatio)-
-.plain the nacessity of coolant in machining.
+ndentify different types of coolant.
&escribe the use of various types of coolant.
*. ()der*ta)d the applicatio) o+ drilli)/ ,achi)e-
*.) +dentify different types of drilling machine.
*.2 -.plain the function of different drilling machines.
*.3 +dentify ma,or components of drilling machine.
*.* +llustrate workholding methods.
*./ !arry out basic calculations for speed and feed.
*.0 State safety precautions during working on a drilling machine.
*.1 +dentify different types of twist drill# tool materials# cutting angles and their relevant
/. ()der*ta)d the applicatio) o+ *haper-
/.) +dentify the shaping machines.
/.2 +dentify ma,or components of shaping machine.
/.3 &escribe the (uick return mechanism and ram ad,ustments.
/.* -.plain how to set a workpiece on the machine table of shaper.
/./ +dentify typical operations for shaper.
/.0 State safety precautions during working on the shaper.
/.1 !ompare the differences between a shaper and planer.
& ()der*ta)d the applicatio) o+ /ri)di)/ ,achi)e-
0.) +dentify different types of grinding machines.
0.2 &istinguish surface grinder# cylindrical grinder and pedestal2bench grinder.
0.3 -.plain the need for grinding wheel balancing.
0.* +dentify typical operations for the pedestal and surface grinder.
0./ State safety precautions during working on grinding machine.
0.0 +dentify grinding wheel types# bonds and uses.
7 ()der*ta)d the +eature* o+ ,illi)/ ,achi)e-
1.) State the meaning of Milling.
1.2 +dentify different types of milling machine.
1.3 +ndentify the principal parts of a milling machine.
1.* &istinguish among plain# universal# and vertical milling machine.
1./ +dentify the verious kinds of milling cutter.
1.0 Mention the use of various milling cutter.
1.1 State safety precautions during working on milling machine.
1.3 Mention the care and maintenance of milling cutters.
Practical :
% 0e,o)*trate the *etti)/ a)d operati)/ o+ lathe ,achi)e-
%-% Per+or, *i,ple *etti)/ up o+ ,achi)e, 1or2piece, tool bit a)d *etti)/ ,achi)e
*peed a)d +eed-
).2 !arry out machining operations for facing# parallel turning# center drilling.
).3 Produce a ,ob to an engineering drawing specification.
).* !arry out additional machining operations of knurling# taper turning# drilling#
parting off# simple screw cutting and boring.
)./ Sharpen a number of commonly used single point cutting tools using pedestal
).0 $bserve workshop safety precautions.
2 0e,o)*trate the *etti)/ a)d operati)/ o+ *hapi)/ ,achi)e-
2-% Per+or, *i,ple *etti)/ up o+ ,achi)e, 1or2piece, tool bit, *peed a)d +eed*, ra,
po*itio) a)d *tro2e-
2.2 !arry out machining operation for parallel shaping and vertical face shaping.
2.3 Produce a simple ,ob to an engineering drawing specification.
2.* $bserve workshop safety precautions.
' 0e,o)*trate the *etti)/ a)d operati)/ o+ a drilli)/ ,achi)e-
3.) Perform simple setting up of machine# workpiece# drill bit# speeds and feeds.
3.2 Sharpen a twist drill on the pedestal grinder.
3.3 &rill a number of holes with appropriate drill bit.
3.* $bserve workshop safety precautions.
4 0e,o)*trate the *etti)/ a)d operati)/ o+ a /ri)di)/ ,achi)e-
*.) &etermine type of wheel# grit# bond# balance and soundness by ringing.
*.2 Mount grinding wheel on machine spindle.
*.3 4se the pedestal grinder to grind single point tools and drill bits.
*.* Perform simple setting up of surface grinding machine workpiece# magnetic
chuck# hydraulic system of machine feed.
*./ Produce a ,ob to an engineering drawing specification.
*.0 $bserve ground surface finish# grain direction# bouncing of wheel.
*.1 !arry out wheel dressing e.ercise on both pedestal grinder and surface grinder.
*.3 $bserve workshop safety precautions.
3 0e,o)*trate 1or2*hop ,ai)te)a)ce practice-
/.) Produce a maintenance schedule common used in machine shop.
/.2 !arry out simple maintenance procedures# including lubrication.
/.3 $bserve workshop safety precautions.
& Milli)/ ,achi)e *etti)/ a)d operatio)-
0.) Set up the machine vice and hold workpiece to produce a flat surface using a
milling cutter.
0.2 Prodece the parallel and slotted workpiece using appropriate cutter.
) 5asic Machine Shop Practice + 6 ++
7. 8. Te,wani
2 9orkshop Technology + 6 ++
9. :. ; !hapman
3 Machine Shop Practice + 6 ++
* Machine Shop Practice
Somenath &e
/ Machine tool operation
S"*1bu*ld*02 Tec"0olo2) (80)
Ship!"ildin# $ra%in#&1
Code 1 P C
8041 0 ( 3
1o de8elop the a!lit5 to arran#e:car#o hatch: ca!in:#alle5 etc in ship.
1o !e a!le to adopt 8ario"s S5m!ols "sed in dra%in#.
1o !e +!le to de8elop the a!ilit5 to constr"ct 8ario"s 7rames and
odnar5 !"l;head.
1o !e +!le to de8elop s;ill o7 #eneral arran#ement dra%in#.
Short Description
0eneral arran#ement o7 pontoon: 0eneral arran#ement o7 sel7 propelled !ar#e:
0eneral arran#ement o7 car#o 8essel: 0eneral arran#ement o7 t"#!oat :Frame and
ordinar5 !"l;head dra%in#.
Detail Description Practical
1. $ra% 0eneral arran#ement o7 a pontoon accordin# to the meas"rement
and le!el it .
2. $ra% a 0eneral arran#ement o7 sel7 propelled !ar#e accordin# to the
meas"rement and le!el it .
3. $ra% a 0eneral arran#ement o7 a car#o 8essel accordin# to the
meas"rement and le!el it .
4. Per7rom the 0eneral arran#ement o7 t"#!oat accordin# to the
meas"rement and le!el it .
5. Per7rom the constr"ctional dra%in# o7 pontoon.
5.1 $ra% lon#it"dinal constr"ctional dra%in# o7 pontoon accordin#
to the meas"rement.
5.2 $ra% 1rans 8erse constr"ctional dra%in# o7 pontoon accordin#
to the meas"rement.
4. D(a3 d*!!e(e0t t)1e# o! !(ae# acco(d*02 to t"e ea#u(ee0t a0d lebel *t .
5. Pe(!o( t"e d(a3*02 o! bul8"ead#.
7.1 $ra% an ordinar5 !"l;head# accordin# to the meas"rement.
7.2 $ra% an %aterti#ht !"l;head# accordin# to the meas"rement.
7.3 $ra% a collision !"l;head .
8. $ra% the lines plan o7 the pontoon.
8.1 $ra% pro7ile accordin# to 0+ o7 a pontoon.
8.2 $ra% hal7&!readth&plan accordin# to 0+ o7 a pontoon.
8.3 $ra% !od5&plan accordin# to 0+ o7 a pontoon
8.4 Ma;e o77set ta!le o7 the lines plan..
(. $ra% the lines plan o7 a sel7 propelled !ar#e.
(.1 $ra% pro7ile accordin# to 0+ o7 a sel7&propelled !ar#e.
(.2 $ra% hal7&!readtheplan accordin# to 0+ o7 a sel7&propelled !ar#e.
(.3 $ra% !od5plan accordin# to 0+ o7 a sel7&propelled !ar#e.
(.4 Ma;e o77set ta!le o7 the lines plan.
10. $ra% the lines plan o7 a car#o 8essel.
10.1 $ra% pro7ile accordin# to 0+ o7 a car#o 8essel
10.2 $ra% hal7&!readthplan accordi#n to 0+ o7 a car#o 8essel
10.3 $ra% !od5plan accordi#n to 0+ o7 a car#o 8essel.
10.4 Ma;e o77set ta!le o7 the lines plan.
11. $ra% the lines plan o7 a t"#!oat.
11.1 *ra% pro7ile accordi#n to 0+ o7 a t"#!oat.
11.2 $ra% hal7&!readthplan accordin# to 0+ o7 a t"#!oat.
11.3 $ra% !od5plan accordi#n to 0+ o7 a t"#!oat.
11.4 Ma;e o77set ta!le o7 the lines plan.
Reference Books
1. >eedAs *n#ineerin# $ra%in#
Marine *n#ineerin# Boll&''
& ,.0 )ec; C.*n#.
& 1homas >eed :P"!lication .td: 1(73
2. Ships
+ Pictorial St"d5
& ?ohn ,. .a $a#e
Cornell Moritime Press 'nc: 1(8
3. Mec#i!!on Pictorial $ra%in# )oo;
Marine *n#ineerin#
& ,"#h )arr M.'. Mar.*
?anaes M"rno and compa55 .td: 1(5.
4. >eedAs Ship Contr"ction 7or Marin S"tdents
& *. + S1>2C*
1homas >eed : P"!lication .td.
- , ,
1o pro8ide "nderstandin# solderin# techni9"e and color code.
1o pro8ide "nderstandin# and s;ill on the !asic concept o7 semicond"ctor and to identi75
ph5sicall5 a ran#e o7 semicond"ctor diodes.
1o de8elop comprehensi8e ;no%led#e and s;ill on special diodes and de8ices.
1o de8elop the a!ilities to constr"ct di77erent recti7ier circ"its.
1o pro8ide "nderstandin# o7 the !asic concept and principle o7 transistor and to identi75
ph5sicall5 a ran#e o7 transistor.
1o pro8ide "nderstandin# and s;ill on the !asic concept o7 lo#ic #ates.
1o pro8ide the "nderstandin# s;ill on "sin# *lectronic meas"rin# and testin# e9"ipment.
Color code and solderin#D Semicond"ctorD P&/ @"nction diodeD Special diodes and de8icesD Po%er s"ppl5D
1ransistorD 1ransistor ampli7ierD .o#ic #ates *lectronic meas"rin# and test e9"ipment.
+ U0de(#ta0d t"e Co0ce1t o! #olde(*02 a0d Colo( Code.
1.1 $e7ine solderin#.
1.2 $escri!e the di77erent t5pes o7 solder.
1.3 .ist the thin#s needed in solderin#.
1.4 Mention the properties o7 a #ood soldered @oint.
1.5 $escri!e the 7"nctions and constr"ction o7 3i4 Sin#le sided: 3ii4. $o"!le sided E 3'''4
M"lti la5ered Printed circ"it !oard.
1. Mention the 7"nction o7 resistor: capacitor and ind"ctor in electronic circ"its.
1.7 $escri!e the proced"re o7 determinin# the 8al"e o7 Capacitor: E >esistor "sin# n"meric
and color code.
- U0de(#ta0d t"e Co0ce1t o! Se*co0ducto(.
2.1 $e7ine Cond"ctor: Semicond"ctor and 'ns"lator.
2.2 $escri!e Semicond"ctor %ith atomic str"ct"re.
2.3 $escri!e the e77ect o7 temperat"re on cond"cti8it5 o7 Semicond"ctor.
2.4 *xplain the ener#5 !and dia#ram o7 Cond"ctor: Semicond"ctor and 'ns"lator.
2.5 Classi75 Semicond"ctor.
2. $escri!e the #eneration E recom!ination o7 hole and electron in 'ntrinsic Semicond"ctor.
2.7 $e7ine dopin#: P&t5pe E /&15pe material: co8alent !ond: ma@orit5 E minorit5 char#e
2.8 *xplain the characteristics o7 Car!on: 0alli"m +rsenide=Phosphide.
, U0de(#ta0d t"e Co0ce1t o! P7N ;u0ct*o0 D*ode
3.1 $e7ine P/ @"nction diode
3.2 $escri!e the 7ormation o7 depletion la5er in P/ @"nction.
3.3 $isc"ss potential !arrier: dri7t E di77"sion c"rrent and their ph5sical si#ni7icance.
3.4 Mention the !eha8ior o7 P/ @"nction "nder 7or%ard and re8erse !ias.
3.5 *xplain the 7or%ard E re8erse c"rrent 8olta#e 3'B4 characteristics o7 P/ @"nction diode.
3. *xplain the e77ect o7 temperat"re Si E 0e diode characteristics
3.7 $e7ine 3i4 static resistance 3''4 $5namic resistance: 3''' 7or%ard !rea;do%n 8olta#e and
3''4 >e8erse !rea; do%n 8olta#e.
3.8 $ra% the e9"i8alent circ"it o7 P/ @"nction diode.
3.( $escri!e the speci7ication o7 diode.
. U0de(#ta0d t"e DC 1o3e( #u11l*e#.
4.1 $e7ine dc po%er s"ppl5.
4.2 Mention the importance o7 dc po%er s"ppl5.
4.3 $e7ine recti7ication and recti7ier.
4.4 *xplain the operation o7 ,al7 %a8e: F"ll %a8e and )rid#e recti7ier.
4.5 $isc"ss ripple 7actor E e77icienc5 and 1-F o7 ,al7 %a8e: F"ll %a8e and )rid#e recti7ier.
4. *xplain the operation o7 di77erent t5pes 7ilter circ"its %ith %a8e shape.
4.7 $e7ine re#"lated and "nre#"lated po%er s"ppl5.
4.8 $escri!e the !loc; dia#ram o7 a t5pical re#"lated dc po%er s"ppl5.
/ U0de(#ta0d t"e Co0ce1t# o! S1ec*al d*ode.
5.1 $e7ine Fener !rea; do%n.
5.2 $escri!e the operation o7 Fener diode.
5.3 *xplain 'B characteristics o7 Fener diode.
5.4 $escri!e the application o7 Fener diode in 3i4 8olta#e sta!iliGation: 3ii4 meter protection
and 3''4 pec; clipper circ"its.
5.5 $escri!e the constr"ction operation and application o7 3'4 1"nnel diode 3''4 8aractor
diode 3'''4 Schott;5 diode 3i84 Step&>eco8er5 diode 384 P'/ diode: 38i4 .*$ 38ii4
.C$ 38iii4 photo diode 3ix4 Solar cell.
5. $escri!e the constr"ction operation and application o7 3i4 $'+C 3ii4 1>'+C and 3iii4 SC>.
4 U0de(#ta0d t"e co0#t(uct*o0 a0d o1e(at*o0 o! B*1ola( ;u0ct*o0 T(a0#*#to( (B;T)
.1 $e7ine 1ransistor.
.2 $escri!e the constr"ction P/P and /P/ 1ransistor.
.3 State the !iasin# r"les o7 )?1.
.4 *xplain the mechanism o7 c"rrent 7lo% o7 P/P and /P/ 1ransistor.
.5 *sta!lish the relation amon# )ase: *mitter and Collector c"rrent 3'* H 'C I ')4
. $ra% the three !asic transistor con7i#"ration circ"its 3C): CC: C*4.
.7 $escri!e c"rrent ampli7ication 7actor J : K and .
.8 *sta!lish the relation amon# J : K and .
.( Sol8e pro!lem related to '*: 'C: '): J : K and .
5 U0de(#ta0d t"e co0ce1t o! B;T %1l*!*e(
7.1 $e7ine 3i4 +mpli7ier 3ii4 +mpli7ication and 3'''4 0ain
7.2 Mention the classi7ication o7 +mpli7ier.
7.3 $escri!e the principle o7 operation o7 a common emitter 3C*4 +mpli7ier.
7.4 $ra% $C E +C e9"i8alent circ"its o7 the C* ampli7ier circ"it.
7.5 Mention the 7orm"la o7 3i4 inp"t resistance 3ii4 2"tp"t >esistance 3iii4 C"rrent #ain 3i84
Bolta#e #ain and 384 po%er #ain.
7. Sol8e pro!lem related to di77erent #ain resistance.
8 U0de(#ta0d t"e a*0 !eatu(e o! d*2*tal elect(o0*c#
8.1 $escri!e the di77erence !et%een analo# and di#ital si#nal.
8.2 State the ad8anta#e o7 di#ital s5stem.
8.3 $e7ine lo#ic #ate.
8.4 $escri!e the !asic operation o7 lo#ic #ates +/$: 2>: /21 /+/$: /2>: L2> E
8.5 Prepare tr"th ta!le o7 lo#ic #ates +/$: 2>: /21 /+/$: /2>: L2> E L/2>.
= U0de(#ta0d t"e Elect(o0*c ea#u(*02 a0d te#t*02 e>u*1e0t
(.1 $e7ine +B2 meter.
(.2 $escri!e the proced"re o7 meas"rin# c"rrent: 8olta#e and resistance "sin# +B2 meter.
(.3 .ist the control ;no!s o7 2scilloscope.
(.4 *xplain the proced"re o7 meas"rin# 7re9"enc5 and 8olta#e "sin# 2scilloscope.
(.5 Mention the 7"nction o7 3i4 F"nction 0enerator 3ii4 .o#ic Pro!e 3iii4 Semicond"ctor
P(act*cal 6
+ S"o3 #8*ll *0 *de0t*!)*02 t"e elect(o0*c co1o0e0t#.
2!ser8e the electronic components !oard and read the man"als.
'denti75 the di77erent t5pes o7 resistors %ith their 8al"es: tolerance and %atta#e.
'denti75 the di77erent t5pes o7 potentiometers %ith their 8al"es: E %atta#e.
'denti75 the di77erent t5pes o7 capacitors %ith their 8al"es: dc %or;in# 8olta#es and t5pes.
'denti75 the di77erent t5pes o7 diodes E recti7iers %ith the n"m!ers and speci7ications.
'denti75 the di77erent t5pes o7 transistors and th5ristors %ith their n"m!er and speci7ications.
'denti75 the di77erent t5pes o7 .*$As: 'CAs and miniat"re rela5s %ith their n"m!er E speci7ication.
'denti75 di77erent t5pes o7 trans7ormer %ith their speci7ication.
'denti75 di77erent ind"ctors %ith their 8al"es E c"rrent ratin#s.
St"d5 the printed circ"it !oards.
S;etch the s5m!ols o7 components "sed in electronic circ"its.
$escri!e the !asic 7"nction o7 each component.
<rite a report on a!o8e acti8ities.
- S"o3 #8*ll *0 elect(*cal ea#u(ee0t.
Per7orm simple 8olta#e and c"rrent meas"rements on !asic series and parallel resistor circ"its "sin# the
7ollo%in# instr"ments.
a4 Boltmeters and ammeters
!4 +B2 meters
c4 $i#ital m"ltimeter
d4 )asic C>2
, S"o3 #8*ll !o( dete(*0*02 t"e 6alue# o! d*!!e(e0t (e#*#to(# a0d ca1ac*to(# 3*t" t"e "el1
o! colo( code.
Select color code resistors E capacitors o7 di77erent 8al"es.
'denti75 the colors and their n"merical n"m!ers.
$etermine the 8al"e o7 resistors %ith tolerance.
$etermine the 8al"e o7 capacitors and dc %or;in# 8olta#e.
<rite a report on a!o8e acti8ities.
. S"o3 #8*ll *0 1e(!o(*02 #olde(*02.
Select %ires 3sin#le strand and m"lti strand4 and c"t %ires to re9"ired len#th.
Select solderin# iron: solderin# ta# and solderin# lead.
>emo8e %ire ins"lation to re9"ired len#th.
Clean and tin !oth iron and %or; piece.
-se a tinned iron in order to trans7er ade9"ate heat to the @oint.
?oint t%o sin#les stranded %ires mechanicall5 and solder.
?oint t%o m"lti&strand %ires mechanicall5 and solder.
Per7orm solderin# exercise 7or ma;in# three dimensional %ire 7rame.
S;etch and %rite a report on the @o!.
/ S"o3 #8*ll *0 #olde(*02 ? de#olde(*02 o! elect(o0*c co1o0e0t# a0d 3*(e# to t"e ot"e(
co1o0e0t# a0d c*(cu*t boa(d#.
Select electronic components: %ires and PC).
$etermine the ratin# o7 the solderin# iron s"ita!le 7or the %or; piece.
Clean and tin !oth iron E %or; piece.
Feed ne% solderin# materials to the tinned and heated @oint: in order to prod"ce a correctl5 solderin#.
Chec; the 9"alit5 o7 solderin#.
Clean and tin iron and de&solder the @oint and components.
-se solder s"c;ers and solder !raid 7or de&solderin#.
<rite a report on the ?o!.
S"o3 #8*ll *0 c"ec8*02 t"e #e*7co0ducto( d*ode.
Collect a ran#e o7 semi&cond"ctor diodes and man"7act"res literat"re.
Select the di#ital m"ltimeter and set the selector s%itch to ohm ran#e.
$etermine the speci7ication o7 semi&cond"ctor diode.
Compare the determined speci7ication %ith that o7 man"7act"res literat"re.
Meas"re 7or%ard E re8erse resistances o7 the diode.
'denti75 p and p side o7 the diode.
$etermine the condition o7 the diode.
4 S"o3 #8*ll *0 #8etc"*02 !o(3a(d a0d (e6e(#e c"a(acte(*#t*c# cu(6e# o! a #e*co0ducto(
Select meter: po%er s"ppl5: components and materials.
Complete circ"it accordin# to circ"it dia#ram 7or 7or%ard !ias.
Chec; all connections.
Meas"re 7or%ard !ias and correspondin# 7or%ard c"rrent.
>ecord res"lts in ta!"lar 7orm.
Connect circ"it accordin# to circ"it dia#ram o7 re8erse !ias.
Meas"re re8erse !ias and correspondin# re8erse c"rrent.
>ecord res"lts in ta!"lar 7orm.
S;etch the c"r8es 7orm data.
5 S"o3 #8*ll *0 #8etc"*02 3a6e# o! "al! 3a6e (ect*!*e( c*(cu*t.
Select meter: component: oscilloscope and materials.
Complete circ"it o7 a hal7 %a8e recti7ier accordin# to circ"it dia#ram.
Chec; the circ"it !e7ore operation.
Meas"re the inp"t and o"tp"t 8olta#e and o!ser8e %a8e shapes in the oscilloscope.
S;etch the o"tp"t 8olta#e %a8e shape.
8 S"o3 #8*ll *0 #8etc"*02 3a6e# o! !ull 3a6e ce0te( ta11ed (ect*!*e( c*(cu*t.
Select meter: component: oscilloscope and materials.
Complete a 7"ll %a8e recti7ier circ"it accordin# to circ"it dia#ram.
Chec; the circ"it s"ppl5 E polarit5 o7 s"ppl5.
Meas"re the inp"t E o"tp"t 8olta#es and o!ser8e %a8e shapes in the oscilloscope.
S;etch the o"tp"t 8olta#e %a8e shape.
Compare the res"lt %ith hal7&%a8e recti7ier circ"it.
= S"o3 #8*ll *0 co0#t(uct*02 !ull 3a6e b(*d2e (ect*!*e(.
Select meter: component: oscilloscope and materials.
)"ild the circ"it accordin# to the circ"it dia#ram.
Chec; the circ"it.
Meas"re the inp"t and o"tp"t 8olta#e.
2!ser8e %a8e shape.
Compare the res"lt %ith other recti7iers.
+0 S"o3 #8*ll *0 *de0t*!)*02 t"e b*1ola( ju0ct*o0 t(a0#*#to(.
Select pnp E npn !ipolar @"nction transistors.
1a;e $MM and man"7act"reAs literat"re o7 transistor.
'denti75 transistor le#s.
Meas"re !ase&emitter: !ase&collector: 7or%ard and re8erse resistance.
$etermine the speci7ications %ith help o7 man"7act"rerAs literat"res.
'denti75 pnp E npn transistor.
++ S"o3 #8*ll *0 dete(*0*02 *01ut a0d out1ut c"a(acte(*#t*c# o! a t(a0#*#to( *0 coo0
e*tte( co00ect*o0.
Select component: +B2 meters: circ"it !oard and re9"ired materials.
Constr"ct the circ"it.
+d@"st the !iasin# 8olta#e to appropriate point.
>ecord inp"t and o"tp"t 8olta#e and c"rrent.
Plot the c"r8e %ith recorded data.
+- S"o3 #8*ll *0 te#t*02 #1ec*al d*ode#.
Select di77erent t5pes o7 special diodes.
Set the +B2 meter in the ohm scale.
Meas"re resistances 7or each o7 t%o terminals.
$etermine the condition 3#ood and !ad4.
$etermine the di77erent terminals.
+, <e(*!) t"e t(ut" table# o! d*!!e(e0t t)1e# o! lo2*c 2ate#.
Select the speci7ic #ate.
Prepare the experimental circ"it.
+d@"st the po%er s"ppl5.
Beri75 the tr"th ta!le.
1. + 1ext )oo; o7 +pplied *lectronics & >.S. S*$,+
2. Principles o7 *lectronics & B. C. Mehta
3. )asic *lectronics 3Solid Stater4 & ). .. 1hera@a
4. *lectronic $e8ices and Circ"it 1heor5 & >2)*>1 )2Y.*S1+$
& .2-'S /+S,*.SCY
44,- Co1ute( %11l*cat*o0 7II T P C
0 4 -
1o de8elop s;ill on #preadsheet applications.
1o de8elop s;ill on creatin# #raphs.
1o assist in the e77icient "se o7 data!ase pac;a#es.
1o de8elop s;ill on comp"teriGed data!ase mana#ement.
1o de8elop s;ill on pro#rammin# %ith data!ase mana#ement.
S1(ead#"eet %0al)#*# Pac8a2e: +pplications o7 spreadsheetD -sin# %or;sheetD +ppl5 7orm"la and
7"nctions in %or;sheetD Creatin# E printin# #raphsD Create simple macros.
Databa#e a0a2ee0t 1ac8a2e: Creatin# the data!aseD *ditin# the data!aseD Searchin# the recordsD
C"stomiGin# the data entr5 7ormD Creatin# the 9"er5D +rran#in# the recordsD 0eneratin# reports.
Databa#e a0a2ee0t la02ua2e: Creatin# a command 7ileD <ritin# simple data!ase pro#ram "sin#
decision&ma;in# commands.
+ %11l) t"e ba#*c #8*ll# o! a #1(ead#"eet #o!t3a(e 1ac8a2e
1.1 >"n a spreadsheet so7t%are pac;a#e.
1.2 'denti75 and "se di77erent areas 3%or;in# area: !order area: control panel: mode indicator:
and stat"s indicator4 o7 the %or;sheet screen.
1.3 'denti75 the 7"nction o7 di77erent ;e5s 3t5pin# ;e5: calc"lator ;e5: text ;e5: c"rsor ;e5:
etc.4o7 the ;e5!oard.
1.4 Mo8e aro"nd the %or;sheet "sin# ;e5s and com!ination o7 ;e5.
1.5 'denti75 and "se the on&screen help 7acilit5.
1. 'denti75 and "se the t5pes o7 data: n"m!ers: la!els and 7orm"la.
1.7 $emonstrate men"s: s"!men"s: pop&"p men": etc.
- $a0a2e 3o(8boo8# a0d 3*0do3#.
2.1 Ma;e and "se %or;!oo;s.
2.2 +ccess di77erent t5pes o7 7iles.
2.3 2pen 7iles as read onl5.
2.4 $emonstrate the options 7or sa8in# 7iles.
2.5 $ispla5 a %or;!oo; in more than one %indo%.
2. <or; %ith more one %or;!oo;.
2.7 Close a %or;!oo;.
, C(eate a 3o(8#"eet a0d u#e #*1le coa0d#.
3.1 +cti8ate entries in a %or;sheet.
3.2 -se edit ;e5 3F24 to correct or to modi75 entries.
3.3 +cti8ate the command men"s and select commands.
3.4 Sa8e the %or;sheet.
3.5 *xit 7rom spreadsheet .
3. >etrie8e a pre8io"sl5 sa8ed %or;sheet.
3.7 Modi75 the %or;sheet.
3.8 Sa8e a modi7ied %or;sheet.
. %11l) !o(ula@ !u0ct*o0 a0d u#*02 te1late#.
4.1 -se simple 7orm"lae to sol8e arithmetical comp"tation.
4.2 -se arithmetical operators in 7orm"la.
4.3 *dit 7orm"la.
4.4 -se mathematical 7"nction to sol8e simple e9"ations.
4.5 Ma;e and "se %or;!oo; templates.
4. Ma;e chan#es in existin# %or;!oo; templates
4.7 Balidate n"m!ers: dates: times E text.
4.8 Sho% c"stom 8alidation.
/ Sol6e e02*0ee(*02 1(oble# u#*02 !o(ula a0d !u0ct*o0#
5.1 -se mathematical 7"nctions to comp"te tri#onometric 8al"es: a!sol"te 8al"es: random
n"m!er: s9"are root: lo#arithmic 8al"es: etc 7or sol8in# en#ineerin# pro!lems.
5.2 -se lo#ical 7"nctions to per7orm an operation dependin# on a condition in en#ineerin#
5.3 -se statistical 7"nction to comp"te s"mmation: a8era#e: minim"m 8al"e: maxim"m
8al"e: etc in en#ineerin# pro!lem.
4 Ao(8 3*t" cell 1o*0te( to a 1a(t*cula( cell.
.1 -se 0212 ;e5 to mo8e the cell pointer to partic"lar cell.
.2 -se the +)S2.-1* C*Y to chan#e cell address 7rom one 7rom to another in 7orm"la or
in 7"nctions.
.3 *nter ran#e in 7orm"lae or in 7"nctions !5 t5pin# directl5 or !5 "sin# cell pointer.
.4 Create a ran#e name.
.5 -se ran#e name in 7orm"la E 7"nctions.
. Cop5: Mo8e E *rase cell ran#e.
5 9o(at a 3o(8#"eet.
7.1 Chan#e the %idth o7 a col"mn: a ran#e o7 col"mn: and chan#e the col"mns %idth
7.2 'nsert !lan; col"mns and !lan; ro%s in a %or;sheet.
7.3 $elete col"mns and !lan; ro%s in a %or;sheet.
7.4 Format the displa5 o7 data o7 a %or;sheet #lo!all5 or !5 re7errin# a ran#e o7 cells 3e.#.
c"rrenc5 7ormat: exponential 7ormat: comma 7ormat: etc.4.
7.5 Format the displa5 o7 data and o7 a %or;sheet #lo!all5 or re7errin# o7 cells.
7. Protect %or;sheet: 7"nction: 7orm"la: important text and "nprotect a ran#e 7or enterin#
7.7 <or; %ith %indo% 7or 8ie%in# %or;sheet in di77erent %a5s and 7reeGe ro%s or col"mns.
7.8 Create: chan#e and delete a st5le.
8 EBe(c*#e o0 So(t*02@ Sea(c"*02 a0d Ao(8#"eet P(*0t*02.
8.1 Create a data!ase pro#ram
8.2 Sort a data!ase in di77erent %a5s.
8.3 Search a record 7rom the data!ase "sin# search criteria.
8.4 *xtract records 7rom the data!ase that match a #i8en criteria.
8.5 $elete records that a #i8en criteria 7rom the data!ase "sin# a8aila!le
data!ase commands.
8. Sho% the Print Pre8ie% and ad@"st Pa#e set"p option.
8.7 Create and "se pa#e headers o7 7ooters.
8.8 Set print area: print titles and di77erent print option
8.( Print portion o7 %or;sheet and m"ltiple %or;sheets
8.10 Print ran#es 7rom di77erent %or;sheets on the same pa#es.
= C(eate a0d P(*0t 2(a1"#.
(.1 Create !ar: line: L&Y and pie #raphs.
(.2 +dd color: titles: le#end: #ird and le8els to the #raph.
(.3 +dd 8is"al impact %ith colors.
(.4 Create lin;ed pict"res.
(.5 Sa8e the #raph and assi#n names to di77erent #raphs o7 a sin#le %or;sheet.
(. Print #raphs 3lo% or hi#h 9"alit5 #raphs.4
(.7 Plot #raphs "sin# a plotter "sin# di77erent colors.
(.8 Chan#e #raphs siGe: print E plot them.
+0 C(eate $ac(o# a0d u#*02 ac(o coa0d#.
10.1 Create simple macros 3e.#. to chan#e the %idth o7 a cell: to 7ormat a cell
displa5: to erase a ran#e o7 cells etc.4 "sin# ;e5stro;e commands.
10.2 Create a macro to con8ert 8al"es into la!els 8ice 8ersa.
10.3 Create a macro 7or insertin# !lan; ro%s !et%een t%o ro%s o7 data in a %or;sheet.
10.4 Create a macro 7or deletin# the inserted !lan; ro%s in a %or;sheet.
++ C(eate t"e 0e3 databa#e.
11.1 'denti75 the practical data!ase in real %orld.
11.2 'denti75 the 7ields and records o7 a data!ase.
11.3 'denti75 the di77erent phases o7 data!ase desi#n.
11.4 Collect the data 7orm a t5pical 7ield.
11.5 $etermine the cate#or5 o7 a t5pical 7ield.
11. $esi#n a t5pical Paper& pencil data!ase 7orm ra% data.
11.7 >"n a #eneraliGed data!ase mana#ement pac;a#e and identi75 its displa5
11.8 'denti75 the di77erent options o7 the selected pac;a#es.
11.( -se the on&screen help 7acilities o7 $)MS pac;a#e
11.10 Create and sa8e the ta!le str"ct"re.
+- C"a02e t"e table #t(uctu(e a0d ed*t databa#e.
12.1 Modi75 and *dit the ta!le str"ct"re.
12.2 Beri75 the str"ct"re 3i.e. data o7 "pdate: n"m!er o7 records. etc4
12.3 *nter or append the ne% records in the data!ase.
12.4 -se the ;e5 com!inations 7or editin#.
12.5 -se the a8aila!le options to edit 7ields.
12. $elete "n%anted records and 7iles.
12.7 Sa8e E close data!ase 7ile.
12.8 -se di77erent modes to append and edit records o7 data!ase.
+, Sea(c"@ d*#1la) a0d a((a02e t"e (eco(d# o! databa#e.
13.1 Bie% a data!ase "sin# list and displa5 command
13.2 >etrie8e the data!ase records %ith di77erent conditions.
13.3 Search %ithin a 7ield.
13.4 Ceep the trac; o7 speci7ic records.
13.5 Ceep the data!ase "p&to&date.
13. Sort a data!ase on sin#le or m"ltiple 7ields.
13.7 Sort %ith 9"ali7ier 3i.e. sort %ith speci7ic s"!set o7 records4.
13.8 'ndex the data!ase on sin#le or m"ltiple 7ields.
13.( -se the 7"nction to index on di77erent 7ield t5pes.
13.10 -se the commands 7or selecti8e indexin# and to control the order o7 records.
+. C(eate t"e cu#to*Ced data e0t() !o(.
+..1 $ra% a t5pical data entr5 screen %ith paper&pencil %or;.
+..2 $esi#n the screen %ith all 7ields.
+..3 Mo8e the 7ield to ma;e the entr5 7orm lo#ical and eas5 to "se.
+..4 Chan#e the 7ield %idth.
+..5 +dd or delete 7ield 3i7 necessar54.
+.. Chan#e the displa5 characteristics o7 7ields.
+..7 -se pict"re 7"nctions template and ran#e to 7ormat the displa5ed data.
+..8 -se di77erent options and commands in desi#n men".
+..( $ra% lines and !oxes on the 7orm.
+/ C(eate t"e >ue().
15.1 $ispla5 and identi75 9"er5 desi#n screen.
15.2 )"ild a simple 9"er5
15.3 Sa8e E appl5 the 9"er5.
15.4 -se the 9"er5 desi#n men" options.
15.5 -se the s5m!ols and operators to !"ild 9"er5.
15. Search the records %ith matchin# on t%o or more 7ields.
15.7 Select the records %ithin ran#e "sin# ran#e operators.
15.8 Find the records %ith inexact and complex matchin#.
15.( Sort the records %ithin 9"eries.
+4 Ge0e(ate t"e cu#to (e1o(t#.
1.1 Send the reports to the screen or to a 7ile.
1.2 -se the print men" options and dos&prompt options.
1.3 Prod"ce a 9"ic; and selecti8e report.
1.4 Plan the desi#n o7 the report.
1.5 $esi#n a c"stom col"mnar report.
1. Find the parts o7 a report speci7ication.
1.7 Ma;e the chan#es to the report speci7ication.
1.8 Sa8e E r"n the report.
+5 Ao(8 3*t" ult*1le databa#e a0d (elat*o0#"*1.
17.1 Mer#e the data 7orm one 7ile to another.
17.2 Bie% the 7iles to relate t%o or more data!ase 7iles.
17.3 Set "p the relationship.
17.4 Modi75 the relationship.
17.5 Create the report 7rom relational data!ase.
$+1+)+S* M+/+0*M*/1 .+/0-+0*6
+8 C(eate a #*1le coa0d !*le u#*02 eB1(e##*o0 a0d !u0ct*o0.
18.1 'denti75 the data!ase editor.
18.2 -se the commands to assi#n di77erent t5pes o7 data 8al"es to 8aria!les.
18.3 Sa8e the memor5 8aria!le.
18.4 $ispla5 the memor5 8aria!le.
18.5 >elease E restore the memor5 8aria!le.
18. -se the mathematical expression.
18.7 -se the mathematical: relational: lo#ical and strin# operators.
18.8 -se the common 7"nction s"ch as *2F: )2F $+1*: -PP*> E .2<*>M C12$:
$12S: SP+C*: 1>'M: S1>: etc. in command 7ile.
18.( -se the commonl5 "se commands s"ch as S*1 1+.C: SC'P: >*1->/ in command
18.10 -se the commands to displa5 a strin# o7 characters and %ait 7or "ser response.
18.11 -se commands to displa5 or print text.
+= De#*20 ? 3(*te #*1le 1(o2(a#.
1(.1 'denti75 the !asic steps to desi#n a pro#ram.
1(.2 <rite the pse"docode 7or simple pro#ram.
1(.3 Con8ert the pse"docode into act"al pro#ram code.
1(.4 Beri75 E doc"ments the simple pro#ram.
1(.5 Sa8e the command 7ile and then exit.
1(. >"n the pro#ram.
-0 U#e t"e dec*#*o0 a8*02 coa0d# *0 P(o2(a#.
20.1 -se $2 <,'.* &&&& */$$2: 'F &&&& */$'F and $2 C+S* &&&& */$C+S* to control
pro#ram 7lo%.
20.2 -se SC+/ &&&& */$SC+/ command instead o7 $2 <,'.* &&&& */$$2.
20.3 -se 'F: *.S* and */$'F commands to !ranch to the part the pro#ram.
20.4 -se nested 'F &&&& */$'F statements.
20.5 <rite simple pro#ram "sin# decision ma;in# commands.
20. -se immediate 'F 7"nction.
20.7 <rite simple pro#ram "sin# immediate 'F 7"nction.
20.8 -se C+S* &&&& */$C+S* statement instead more than three 'F &&&& */$'F statements.
20.( -se the *L'1: C+/C*.: <+'1 and F+P command in data!ase pro#ram.
20.10 -se macro 7"nction %ithin pro#rams.
7%42 "!4!""$!4 M"CHA!CS
2 ' '
To provide the students with an opportunity to ac(uire knowledge# skill and attitude in the area
of engineering mechanics with special emphasis on:
force system# moment and couple
center of gravity
moment of inertia
stress 6 strain
shear force 6 bending moment
work# power and energy
simple lifting machines and gear train
<orce system# Moment and couple# !enter of gravity 6 centroid# Moment of inertia# <riction# Stress 6
strain# Torsion# Shear force and beading moment# 9ork# power 6 energy# Simple lifting machines and
'ear train.
Theory :
5#$C" S6ST"M
% ()der*ta)d the co,po*itio) a)d re*olutio) o+ +orce*-
).) State the effect of forces.
).2 Mention the characteristics of forces.
).3 earn the laws of forces.
).* &efine resolution of forces.
)./ &efine resultant force and composition of forces.
).0 <ind the resultant force graphically and analytically.
).1 Solve problems related to resultant forces.
M#M"!T A!0 C#(P."
2 ()der*ta)d the a*pect* o+ ,o,e)t a)d couple o+ +orce*-
2.) &efine moment and couple of a force.
2.2 =epresent the moment of a force geometrically.
2.3 State the laws of moments.
2.* State the 7arignon>s principles of moments.
2./ Proof the 7arignon>s principles of moments
2.0 +dentify the clockwise and anticlockwise moment.
2.1 &istinguish between clockwise couple and antniclockwise couple.
2.3 &efine leverage functions.
2.? Solve problems related to moment and couple of forces.
' ()der*ta)d the a*pect* o+ e7uilibriu, o+ +orce*-
3.) Mention different system of forces.
3.2 Mention the various types of e(uilibrium of forces.
3.3 State the principles of e(uilibrium of forces.
3.* State the ami>s theorem.
3./ the derivation of ami>s theorem.
3.0 &escribe different methods of the e(uilibrium of coplanar forces.
3.1 -.plain the conditions of e(uilibrium.
3.3 Solve problems related to e(uilibrium of forces.
C"!T"$ #5 4$A8T6
4 ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ ce)ter o+ /ra9ity-
*.) &efine center of gravity and centroid.
*.2 &istinguish between center of gravity and centroid.
*.3 &etermine the center of gravity of simple geometrical figure geometrically and by
*.* +dentify the of reference and of symmetry.
*./ &etermine the center of gravity of plain geometrical figure by first principle of
*.0 !alculate the center of gravity of compound geometrical figure or areas by
*.1 !alculate the center of gravity of solid bodies.
M#M"!T #5 !"$TA
3 ()der*ta)d the applicatio) o+ ,o,e)t o+ i)ertia-
/.) -.plain the term moment of inertia.
/.2 Mention the units of moment of inertia.
/.3 the derivation of the formulae for moment of inertia of an area.
/.* -.plain polar moment of inertia.
/./ &escribe the methods for finding out the moment of inertia.
/.0 <ind the moment of inertia of a simple areas by integration.
/.1 State the theorem of perpendicular as applied to moment of inertia.
/.3 Proof the theorem of perpendicular as applied to moment of inertia.
/.? State the parallel theorem.
/.)@ -.plain the radius of gyration and section modulus.
/.)) !alculate the moment of inertia and section modulus of simple solid bodies and
composite sections.
& ()der*ta)d the pri)ciple* a)d applicatio) o+ +rictio)-
0.) &efine friction.
0.2 State the laws of static and dynamic friction.
0.3 -.plain coefficient of friction.
0.* &etermine the frictional force of a body lying on hori%ontal and inclined plane.
0./ +dentify the ladder and wedge friction.
0.0 &escribe the screw friction.
0.1 Solve problems on wedge and ladder friction.
ST$"SS A!0 ST$A!
7- ()der*ta)d the a*pect o+ *tre** a)d *trai)-
1.) &efine stress# strain# modulus of elasticity# modulus of rigidity# 5ulk modulus#
Poison>s ratio and principle of shear stress.
1.2 -stablish the relation between stress and strain.
1.3 -.plain the stress in composite bar# stress in nuts and bolts# and thermal stress.
1.* &escribe the linear and lateral strain.
1./ -.plain the stressAstrain diagram.
1.0 Solve problems on stress and strain.
8- ()der*ta)d the e++ect* o+ tor*io) o+ *olid a)d hollo1 *ha+t*-
3.) -.plain torsion and torsion shear.
3.2 &educe the e(uations used incase of designing solid and hollow shafts.
3.3 &educe the e(uations of twist angle.
3.* Solve problems using the e(uation of solid# hollow shafts and twist angle.
SH"A$ 5#$C" A!0 :"!0!4 M#M"!T
;- ()der*ta)d the +u)da,e)tal* o+ *hear +orce a)d be)di)/ ,o,e)t-
?.) &efine beam.
?.2 +dentify the types of beam.
?.3 +dentify the types of loading on beam.
?.* &etermine the support reactions of different types of beam under different
loading conditions.
?./ &efine shear force BS<C and bending moment B5MC.
?.0 &ifferentiate shear force BS<C and bending moment B5MC.
?.1 -.plain the sign convention and characteristics of S.< and 5.M diagram.
?.3 &raw S.< and 5.M diagram of simple supported beams with point load and
distributed load.
?.? &raw S.< and 5.M diagram of cantilever beams with point load and distributed
%0- ()der*ta)d the a*pect* o+ 1or2, po1er a)d e)er/y-
)@.) &efine work# power and energy.
)@.2 -.plain the work done in rotation.
)@.3 Mention the types of engine power.
)@.* State the meaning of the engine efficiency.
)@./ Mention the types of energy.
)@.0 the derivation of the e(uation of kinetic energy.
)@.1 Solve problems related to work# power and energy.
SMP." .5T!4 MACH!"S
%%- ()der*ta)d the pri)ciple* o+ *i,ple ,achi)e*-
)).) State the meaning of simple machine# compound machine and ideal machine.
)).2 &efine the terms velocity ratio# mechanical advantage and efficiency of a
)).3 =elate between efficiency# mechanical advantage and velocity ratio of lifting
)).* State the law of the machine.
))./ -.plain the reversibility of a machine and self locking machine.
)).0 Solve problems involving velocity ratio# mechanical advantage and efficiency of
simple lifting machines.
%2- ()der*ta)d the 9ariou* a*pect* o+ /ear trai)*-
)2.) State what is meant by gear.
)2.2 +dentify the types of gears.
)2.3 +dentify the simple gear drive.
)2.* the derivation of the e(uation of velocity ratio of simple gear drive.
)2./ +dentify the compound gear drive and gear train.
)2.0 +dentify the e(uation of power transmitted by simple and compound train.
)2.1 +dentify the epicyclic gear train.
)2.3 the derivation of the velocity ratio of an epicylic gear train.
)2.? Solve problems related to gear trains.
Practical :
) 7erify the triangle law of forces.
2 7erify the polygon law of forces.
3 Show the resultant of forces by using the force board.
* Proof ami>s theorem by using the force board.
/ &etermine the coefficient of friction of timber# concrete and mild steel.
0 &etermine the tensile stressAstrain by testing a mild steel specimen Balso draw stressA
strain diagramC.
1 &etermine the compressive stress of a timber specimen.
3 &etermine the mechanical advantage of a screw ,ack.
? &etermine the center of gravity of a wooden block.
)@ &etermine the reaction of beam by using spring balance.
$"5"$"!C" :##<S
) Structural Mechanics
9. Morgan and &.T 9illiams
2 Structure Mechanics
3 :pplied Mechanics
=. S. 8hurmi
* Mechanics of Materials
Philip 'uatave aurson
9illiams ;unkin !o..
/ :nalytical Mechanics
7irgil Moring <aires
0 7ector mechanics for engineers
A 5eer and ;ohnston.
1 -ngineering mechanics
A P. . 5allaney.
38&% !0(ST$A. MA!A4"M"!T T P C
2 0 2
To be able to develop the working condition in the field of industrial or other
To be able to understand develop the labor management relation in the
industrial sector.
, , &
5asic concepts of management" Principles of management" Scientific management"
$rgani%ation" Span of supervision" Motivation" Personnel management and human
relation" Staffing and manpower planning " Training of staff" +ndustrial dispute" !oncept of
leadership" !oncepts and techni(ues of decision making" !oncept of trade union" +nventory
control" -conomic lot si%e " 5reak even analysis" abour and industrial law" P-=T # !MP "
Detwork " Marketing" Production management"
% ()der*ta)d the ba*ic co)cept* = pri)ciple* o+ ,a)a/e,e)t-
).) &efine management and industrial management.
).2 State the ob,ectives of modern management.
).3 &escribe the scope and functions of management.
).* State the principles of management.
).0 State the activity level of industrial management from top personnel to
).1 &escribe the relation among administration# organi%ation 6
).3 &efine Production Management and functions of Production Management.
).? -.plain the social responsibilities of management.
2 ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ *cie)ti+ic ,a)a/e,e)t-
2.) &efine scientific management.
2.2 &iscuss the basic principles of scientific management.
2.3 -.plain the different aspects of scientific management.
2.* &iscuss the advantages and disadvantages of scientific management.
2./ &escribe the difference between scientific management and traditional
2.0 &escribe the following four periods of management thought:
BiC preAscientific management.
BiiC scientific management.
BiiiC human relations
BivC refinement e.tension and synthesis of management theories and
' ()der*ta)d the co)cept* o+ or/a)i>atio) a)d or/a)i>atio) *tructure-
3.) &efine management organi%ation.
3.2 State the elements of management organi%ation.
3.3 &iscuss the types of organi%ation structure
3.* &escribe different forms of organi%ation structure.
3./ &istinguish between line organi%ation and line 6 staff organi%ation.
3.0 &istinguish between line organi%ation and functional organi%ation.
3.1 &escribe the feature advantages and disadvantages of different
organi%ation structure.
3.3 &efine organi%ational chart.
3.? &escribe the different types of organi%ational chart.
4 ()der*ta)d the ba*ic co)cept o+ *pa) o+ *uper9i*io)-
*.) &efine span of supervision and optimum span of supervision.
*.2 &iscuss the considering factors of optimum span of supervision.
*.3 &iscuss advantages and disadvantages of optimum span of supervision.
*.* &efine delegation of authority.
*./ -.plain the principles of delegation of authority.
*.0 -.plain the terms: authority# responsibility and duties.
3 ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ ,oti9atio)-
/.) &efine motivation.
/.2 &iscuss the importance of motivation.
/.3 &escribe financial and nonAfinancial factors of motivation.
/.* State the motivation process or cycle.
/./ &iscuss the motivation theory of Maslows and Ear%bergs.
/.0 &ifferentiate between theoryAF and theoryAG.
/.1 &iscuss the relation between motivation and morale.
& ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ leader*hip-
0.) &efine leadership.
0.2 &iscuss the importance and necessity of leadership.
0.3 &iscuss the functions of leadership.
0.* +dentify the types of leadership.
0./ &escribe the (ualities of a leader.
0.0 &istinguish between autocratic leader and democratic leader.
7 ()der*ta)d the ba*ic co)cept* a)d tech)i7ue* o+ deci*io) ,a2i)/-
1.) &efine decision making.
1.2 &iscuss the importance and necessity of decision making.
1.3 &iscuss different types of decision making .
1.* &escribe the steps in decision making.
8 ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ per*o))el ,a)a/e,e)t a)d hu,a) relatio)-
3.) &efine personnel management.
3.2 &iscuss the importance of personnel management.
3.3 &iscuss the functions of personnel management.
3.* &efine staffing.
3.0 &efine recruitment and selection of employees.
3.1 &escribe various sources of recruitment of employees.
3.3 &escribe the various methods of selection of employees.
3.? &iscuss the advantages and disadvantages of internal sources of
3.)@ &iscuss the disadvantages of e.ternal sources of recruitment.
3.)) &efine training and orientation of employee.
3.)2 &iscuss the importance and necessity of training.
3.)3 &iscuss the various methods of training of workmen# technicians and
e.ecutive personnel.
;- ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ i)9e)tory co)trol
?.) &efine inventory.6 inventory control.
?.2 &escribe the function of inventory control.
?.3 &iscuss the necessity and importance of inventory control.
?.* Mention the advantages and disadvantages of inventory control.
?./ -.plain the following terms :
A 5in card or 5in tag.
A Purchase re(uisition.
A Store re(uisition.
A Material transfer note.
A <irst in first out B<+<$C.
A ast in first outB+<$C.
A P-=T
A D-T9$=8
A M5$
%0 ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ eco)o,ic lot *i>e = brea2 e9e) a)aly*i*
)@.) &efine economic lot si%e.
)@.2 &iscuss the effects of over supply and under supply.
)@.3 &escribe the method of determination of economic lot si%e.
)@.* -.plain the terms :
A Safety stock
A &etermination of safety stock
A ead time
)@./ &efine break even point and break even chart.
)@.0 -.plain the terms :
A 5reak even analysis.
A <i.ed cost.
A 7ariable cost.
)@.1 &iscuss the importance of break even analysis.
)@.3 &escribe the method of preparing break even chart.
)@.? &escribe different methods of break even analysis.
)@.)@ &raw break even chart in different method.
)@.)) Mention the advantages and disadvantages of break even analysis.
%% ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ Mar2eti)/ a)d i)9e)tory co)trol
)).) &efine marketing.
)).2 &iscuss the function of marketing.
)).3 State the ob,ectives of marketing.
)).* -.plain the terms :
A 5rand
A Producer
A !onsumer
A !ustomer
A !opyright
A Trade mark
))./ &iscuss product lifeAcycle and marketing strategies in different stages of a product lifeA
)).0 &efine purchasing
)).1 &escribe the five H=I of purchasing principles
%2 ()der*ta)d the co)cept o+ trade u)io) a)d i)du*trial la1
)2.) &efine trade union.
)2.2 Mention the ob,ectives of trade union.
)2.3 &iscuss the function of trade union.
)2.* &escribe different types of trade union.
)2./ Mention the names of ma,or trade union in 5angladesh.
)2.0 &efine labour and industrial law.
)2.1 &iscuss the importance of labour and industrial law.
)2.3 -.plain the terms :
A <actory :ct. B)?0/C
A Minimum 9age :ct B)?/1C.
A +ndustrial &isputes :ct.
A 9ork Men !ompensation :ct.
A Trade 4nion :ct.