This document describes an experiment on studying diode clipping circuits. It discusses series and parallel clipping circuits and their circuit diagrams. The objectives are to study the application of diodes in different clipping circuits. It provides the equipment used, procedures to construct the circuits, and instructions to simulate the input and output voltages of the circuits using PSpice.
This document describes an experiment on studying diode clipping circuits. It discusses series and parallel clipping circuits and their circuit diagrams. The objectives are to study the application of diodes in different clipping circuits. It provides the equipment used, procedures to construct the circuits, and instructions to simulate the input and output voltages of the circuits using PSpice.
This document describes an experiment on studying diode clipping circuits. It discusses series and parallel clipping circuits and their circuit diagrams. The objectives are to study the application of diodes in different clipping circuits. It provides the equipment used, procedures to construct the circuits, and instructions to simulate the input and output voltages of the circuits using PSpice.
This document describes an experiment on studying diode clipping circuits. It discusses series and parallel clipping circuits and their circuit diagrams. The objectives are to study the application of diodes in different clipping circuits. It provides the equipment used, procedures to construct the circuits, and instructions to simulate the input and output voltages of the circuits using PSpice.
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The University Of Asia Pacific
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
ECE 202 Experiment No: 03 Name of the Experiment : Stuy of Dioe C!ipping Circuits" Objective: To stuy the app!ication of ioes in ifferent c!ipping circuits" Theory: C!ippers are a variety of ioe net#or$s that have the a%i!ity to remove a portion of the input signa! #ithout istorting the remaining part of the a!ternating #aveform" There are t#o genera! categories of c!ippers Series C!ippers& The series configuration is efine as one #here the ioe is in series #ith the !oa" Para!!e! C!ippers& Para!!e! type has the ioe in a %ranch para!!e! #ith the ioe" Equipments: p'n (unction ioe)*+,003- * . / 0enner ioe 2 resistor )*12*"2 122"2$- c po#er sup!y signa! generator osci!!oscope Circuit Diagrams: /i & *0 / p'p2 *1302 Sinusoia! signa! /4& 2"5 / c
/i & *0 / p'p2 *1302 S6uare 7ave / i )a- *1 / O / 4 8ig"& * Series C!ipping C$t" / i )%- *"21 2"21 / i / O
)%- Procedure: *" Construct the circuit sho#n in fig"* )%oth a & %-" O%serve / i an / o simu!taneous!y on the osci!!oscope" 2" Construct the circuit sho#n in fig"2 an repeat the proceure in step * imu!ation: Simu!ate the / i an / o for the fo!!o#ing circuits sho#n in fig" 3 )%oth a & %- using Pspice Te9t Eitor"
/i & *0 / p'p2 *1302 /i & *5 / p'p2 *1302 Sinusoia! signa! Sinusoia! signa! )a- )%- 8ig"& 2 Para!!e! C!ipping C$t" / 4 *1 / i / O / i / i / O 2"2 1 2/ / i ,/ / O *1 8ig" 3 C!ipping Circuits for Simu!ation / i / O *1 "ubmit the report part at the #ab$ Course No: ECE %&% Expt' No: &( )egistration No: emester: )o!! No: Date: )eport: *" 7hat is a c!ipping circuit: 2" S$etch the input an output vo!tage )sho#n in the osci!!oscope- of the %oth circuit of fig"* & 2 in the graph paper" 3" Dra# a circuit so that the fo!!o#ing output can %e foun" ,"7rite the Pspice Te9t Eitor programs to simu!ate / i & / o in fig"3 )%oth a & %-" 5" Discussion: ';/ t V o '5/ 0
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