are your students most important teacher. ----------------------------------- Please support our goal at Anderson-Livsey:
Providing learning that lasts a lifetime. Self-Discipline is First and Foremost
A classroom of students who practice self-discipline respect for themselves and others (bynottalkingwhensomeoneelseisspeaking, orkeepingtheirhandstothemselves,orspeakingonlykindwords) make classroom management more about teaching and organized learning than teaching and developing social skills. What is Expected of Your Students?
Encourage Each Students Personal Best Strive for excellence from each student at their level. Make learning interesting and relevant to todays world. Use different teaching, learning, and assessment strategies visual, kinetic (hands-on), aural (hearing), and oral (speaking) when presenting new material for mastery. Effectively communicate with you and your student regarding any areas of concern or ways that we can challenge and/or stretch student learning. What Must We, the Teachers, Do?
Policies and Procedures Grading Scale Reading, Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Spelling 90-100 A (superior performance) 80-89 B (above average performance) 74-79 C (average performance) 70-73 D (below average performance) Below 70 U (unsatisfactory performance)
Specials Grades (Health, Art, P.E., Music, Creative Minds) E Excellent S Satisfactory N Needs to Improve U Unsatisfactory Homework: Students will complete assignments not finished in class and other homework as assigned, e.g., projects, research, specific math practice. Reading is a daily requirement.
How Can These Goals Become Reality?
Policies and Procedures Classroom Management: Consequences for unacceptable behavior Weekly Conduct Grade: First Mark: Warning E 0 Checks Second Mark: Loss of a Privilege S 1-5 Checks Third Mark: Phone Call Home N 6-11 Checks Fourth Mark: Administrative Referral U 11+ Checks
Parent Communication: Graded papers, behavior sheets, newsletters, and school notes/information will be sent home in Friday Folders. Please sign and return the folders and any reports or completed forms as required. Contact can also be made through the Agenda /Planner or written notes (i.e., absences, appointments, transportation changes).
Attendance: Regular attendance is important to your childs progress at school. Please send a note for any excused absences.
Awards: Various awards will be given across the grade level. If your child is receiving an award, you will receive an invitation to the event.
Materials: Replacement of school supplies may be required as the year progresses. How Can These Goals Become Reality?
Encourage students to read nightly. Encourage students to memorize basic math facts. Encourage students to always do their personal best. Communicate your expectations to your student using the Home/ School Journal. Encourage students to follow school rules. Encourage students to listen and follow directions the first time. Encourage students to complete their Agenda/ Planners daily. Parents review and sign Agenda daily. What MUST Parents and Teachers Do Together?
Read with, discuss, and/or listen to your student reading on a regular basis. Encourage appropriate behavior with positive rewards. Apply immediate consequences for inappropriate behavior. Discuss some part of the school day with your student use the Agenda book as a starting point. Let him/her know you care. Early Bedtimes make attentive, well-rested, teachable learners. Review homework, but dont do homework. Homework is an assessment tool used to check your students understanding of AKS. Stay in contact. Let us know of any concerns you may have. Write a note in the Agenda/Planner or email.