Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd.

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Social responsibility is a well known concept in the corporate world and beyond that.
Business all over the world have practiced only profit making actions at past but not for long
as the enterprise started to develop complexities and wideness in size and actions so was their
reach getting bigger and bigger. A companys sense of responsibility towards the community
and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates called corporate social
responsibility. Companies express this citizenship (1) through their waste and pollution
reduction processes, (2) by contributing educational and social programs, and (3) by earning
adequate returns on the employed resources. Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited is a Bangladesh-
European joint venture commercial bank registered by the Bangladesh Bank. DBBL follows
the rules and regulations prescribe by the Bangladesh Bank for scheduled commercial banks.
This bank is very popular for its online services and social cause.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is Bangladeshs most innovative and technologically
advanced bank. DBBL stands to give the most innovative and affordable banking products to
Bangladesh. Amongst banks, DBBL is the largest donor in to social causes in Bangladesh. It
stands as one of the largest private donors involved in improving the country. DBBL is proud
to be associated with helping Bangladesh as well as being a leader in the countrys banking
sector. Dutch-Bangla Bank dreams of better Bangladesh, where arts and letters, sports and
athletics, music and entertainment, science and education, health and hygiene, clean and
pollution free environment and above all a society based on morality and ethics make all our
lives worth living. DBBLs essence and ethos rest on a cosmos of creativity and the marvel-
magic of a charmed life that abounds with spirit of life and adventures that contributes
towards human development. Dutch-Bangla Bank believes in its uncompromising
commitment to fulfill its customer needs and satisfaction and to become their first choice in
banking. Taking cue from its pool esteemed clientele, Dutch-Bangla Bank intends to pave the
way for a new era in banking that upholds and epitomizes its vaunted marquees Your
Trusted Partner


Background of DBBL
Dutch-Bangla Bank started operation is Bangladeshs first joint venture bank. The bank was
an effort by local shareholders spearheaded by M Sahabuddin Ahmed (founder chairman) and
the Dutch company FMO. From the onset, the focus of the bank has been financing high-
growth manufacturing industries in Bangladesh. The rationale being that the manufacturing
sector exports Bangladeshi products worldwide. Thereby financing and concentrating on this
sector allows Bangladesh to achieve the desired growth. DBBLs other focus is Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR). Even though CSR is now a clich, DBBL is the pioneer in this
sector and termed the contribution simply as social responsibility. Due to its investment in
this sector, DBBL has become one of the largest donor sand the largest bank donor in
Bangladesh. The bank has won numerous international awards because of its unique
approach as a socially conscious bank. DBBL was the first bank in Bangladesh to be fully
automated. The Electronic-Banking Division was established in 2002 to undertake rapid
automation and bring modern banking services into this field. Full automation was completed
in 2003 and hereby introduced plastic money to the Bangladeshi masses. DBBL also operates
the nations largest ATM fleet and in the process drastically cut consumer costs and fees by
80%. Moreover, DBBL choosing the low profitability route for this sector has surprised many
critics. DBBL had pursued the mass automation in Banking as a CSR activity and never
intended profitability from this sector. As a result it now provides unrivaled banking
technology offerings to all its customers. Because of this mindset, most local banks have
joined DBBLs banking infrastructure instead of pursuing their own. Even with a history of
hefty technological investments and even larger donations, consumer and investor confidence
has never waned. Dutch-Bangla Bank stock set the record for the highest share price in the
Dhaka Stock Exchange in 2008. After instability and frequent management changes in its
initial years, DBBL overcame these obstacles to establish rapid growth since the year 2000.
Social work is rather than profits. The banks conservative nature, long-term strategies, hefty
social donations and technology investments have always led to modest but steady profits.
DBBL has-been known as overly conservative in its banking practices. Much of the success
and strategy has been attributed to the leadership of the founder chairman; Md. Sahabuddin
Ahmed. Despite being the largest corporate donor in Bangladesh, investor confidence was
unhindered. In March 2008, DBBL share prices reached Tk. 14325.80 in the Dhaka Stock
Exchange, setting the record for the highest stock price in the history of Bangladesh. It is also
one of the few banks that does not participate in merchant/investment banking (which can
lead to sporadic growth).Dutch Bangla Bank is noted to be the first and only local bank in
Bangladesh to have an automated banking system. The bank has spent over BDT 2 Billion in
automation upgrades (first bank in Bangladesh to do so). This automation took place in 2003
whereby services of the bank were available uniformly though any branch, ATM and
internet. Banking was a paper based until DBBL, with its wide local network, delivered
banking automation and modern banking services to the masses. The ATM count stood at
140 eclipsing other networks by a large margin. This rapid increase in DBBLs ATM
network has led the majority of other banks to sign sharing agreements instead of pursuing
their own ATM network. In 2007 the bank entered a strategic alliance with Citibank NA,

where both parties will provide retail banking services of DBBL for its employees and
owners of Citibank corporate customers in Bangladesh. In the same year DBBL became the
first bank in Bangladesh to offer SMS Banking services. In 2010 most sharing agreements
with foreign banks have been abruptly rendered invalid due Visa cards new policies
enforced upon DBBL. In response to Visas decision to terminate its ATM facilities with
DBBL, Union pay approached DBBL to convert the entire retail network to accept Union pay
cards. DBBL and Union pay have decided for a major nationwide launch to make Union pay
the single largest card issuer in Bangladesh.

Vision: Dutch-Bangla Bank dreams of better Bangladesh, where arts and letters,
sports and athletics, music and entertainment, science and education, health and
hygiene, clean and pollution free environment and above all a society based on
morality and ethics make all our lives worth living. DBBLs essence and ethos rest on
a cosmos of creativity and the marvel- magic of a charmed life that abounds with
spirit of life and adventures that contributes towards human development.

Mission: Dutch-Bangla Bank engineers enterprise and creativity in business and
industry with a commitment to social responsibility. Profits alone do not hold a
central focus in the Banks operation; because man does not live by bread and butter

Objectives: Dutch-Bangla Bank believes in its uncompromising commitment to
fulfill its customer needs and satisfaction and to become their first choice in banking.
Taking cue from its pool esteemed clientele, Dutch-Bangla Bank intends to pave the
way for a new era in banking that upholds and epitomizes its vaunted marquees Your
Trusted Partner.

The primary objective is to know about DBBL, its history, its products and different
social responsibility in Bangladesh, the social activities of the different departments of
HSBC in Bangladesh. The practical experiences which we have gained during our
report period have broadened our objective to go further and prepare a report on the
CSR activities of DBBL of Bangladesh.


Why we have chosen Dutch-Bangla Bank (DBBL)

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) is Bangladeshs most innovative and technologically
advanced bank. DBBL stands to give the most innovative and affordable banking products to
Bangladesh. Amongst banks, DBBL is the largest donor in to social causes in Bangladesh. It
stands as one of the largest private donors involved in improving the country. DBBL is proud
to be associated with helping Bangladesh as well as being a leader in the countrys banking
Corporate Social Responsibility
Definitely social responsibility includes the responsibility of social people, groups, societies,
and business organization. Here raises the question: why is there more interest in, and debate
about the social responsibility of business and than about the social responsibility of the other
institutions? It is of course legitimate to raise the issue of social responsibility of business.
But we hear rather less about the social responsibility of, say, the churches, the media, trade
unions, the professions, universities, or even the government. When people collectively
organize themselves in organizations of one kind or another, do those impersonal legal
entities really acquire social responsibilities, which differ from those of other collective
Many people are uneasy about the profit motive, suspecting that profits emerge only from
exploitation. They fear that free enterprise encourages greed and selfishness. They are
reluctant to accept the logic of Adam Smiths famous theory of invisible hand, which holds
that business people the general interest more effectively by pursuing their own interests than
by directly trying to do good. I suggest that, this is why we are here little about the social
responsibilities of churches, charities and so on. Business, in contrast, is assumed to have a
problem about its social responsibilities because it is driven by profit-motives.
So it can be said that, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means that companies integrate
social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with
business relevant groups on a voluntary basis.
In general, CSR is characterized by the following aspects:
Responsible entrepreneurship.
Voluntary initiatives going beyond legislative requirements and contractual
Activities to benefit the employees, business relevant groups (including the society as
Such) or the environment.
With a positive contribution to the individual target group while minimizing negative
effects on others (including environment).
Regular activities rather than one-time-events (i.e. related to business strategy vs. ad

CSR is not only about fulfilling a duty to society; it should also bring competitive
Through an effective CSR program, companies can:
Improve access to capital
Sharpen decision-making and reduce risk
Enhance brand image
Uncover previously hidden commercial opportunities, including new markets
Reduce costs
Attract, retain and motivate employees.

CSR Spending of DBBL to Different Sectors (in 2010)


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs
The ethos of DBBL for pursuing its activities in social arena has got further momentum with
your enthusiasm and support. Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation (DBBF) is consistently
pursuing its objective of being active in those social areas where it is needed most. The
Foundation carries out diverse social and philanthropic activities in the field of education,
health, conservation of nature, creation of social awareness, rehabilitation of distressed
people and such other programs to redress human sufferings. It also promotes different socio-
cultural and sports activities. Board of Directors in order to discharge its corporate social
responsibilities in a greater perspective continued its contribution amounting to 5.00% of
Banks profit after charging loan loss provision to Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation (DBBF).

DBBL is socially responsible in various says. It is helping the society in the following ways:


Scholarship Program
In continuation of social cause program Dutch-Bangla Bank awarded scholarship to 2,518
students as the 8
phase that passed HSC/Equivalent examination in 2013 studying at
Graduation level in different University/Colleges of the country. Mr. Abul Maal Abdul
Muhith, MP, Honourable Minister for Finance, Government of the Peoples Republic of
Bangladesh was present as the Chief Guest and handed over the Scholarship Awarding
Letters to the recipients at a ceremony held at Shaheed Shohrawardi Indoor Stadium, Mirpur,
Dhaka on February 01, 2014 while Mr. Gerben de Jong, the Ambassador of Kingdom of the
Netherlands to Bangladesh was present as Special Guest. Mr. Sayem Ahmed, Chairman of
the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of DBBL presided over the function. Mr.
K.S. Tabrez, Managing Director of the bank was also present at the function.
Honourable Minister Mr. Abul Maal Abdul Muhith in his oration profusely lauded the
scholarship program of Dutch-Bangla Bank and recalled other Philanthropic activities of the
Bank. He appreciated the DBBLs continuous humanitarian and welfare activities and termed
this Scholarship program as a unique example of helping the meritorious and needy students
of the country. He expected that all the corporate bodies of the country would come forward
with such programs for the benefit of the society.
While speaking on the occasion, Mr. Gerben de Jong appreciated Dutch-Bangla Bank
Foundation for its generous initiative to build the future of the underprivileged students
which would go a long to the development of the human resources of the country. He also
congratulated the students who got DBBLs Scholarship.
Chairman, Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of Dutch-Bangla Bank in his
speech said that since inception, as a responsible corporate body, DBBL has been playing a
pioneering role in implementing social and philanthropic programs to help disadvantaged
people of the society. A number of sectors are on the priority list of the bank including
education, healthcare, and rehabilitation of distressed people where the bank carries out its social
and philanthropic activities. He also mentioned that DBBLs scholarships of all level are
awarded to at least 90% of the students coming from rural areas and again at least 50% to girl
students. The EC Chairman extended his gratitude and thanks to the Honble Minister for
attending and gratifying the scholarship awarding ceremony.
Under the DBBL-Scholarship Program, Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited awarded scholarship to
150 meritorious and needy students including 6 Blind students who passed HSC Examination
in 2005 and studying at graduate level in different Universities/Colleges of the country. Dr.
Fakhruddin Ahmed, Managing Director, Palli Karma Sahayok.

DBBL awarded Fellowships to the scholars.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited awarded Fellowships to the scholars conducting researches in
different fields of Social, Biological, Medical, Agricultural, Engineering and Natural sciences
to pursue M. Phil, Doctoral and Post-Doctoral degrees at a simple ceremony held at Hotel
Purbani International, Dilkusha, Dhaka on December 14, 2009. Dr. Atiur Rahman, Governor,
Bangladesh Bank was present as the Chief Guest and awarded Fellowships among the
scholars. Mr. Sayem Ahmed, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Directors of DBBL presided over the function. Mr. Md. Yeasin Ali, Managing Director of
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited also spoke on the occation.
DBBL has awarded scholarship to meritorious including 10 physical disabled students
Dutch-Bangla Bank limited awarded scholarships to the meritorious including 10 physically
disabled students for their full academic period. Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, Governor of
Bangladesh Bank was present as the Chief Guest and handed over the Scholarship Awarding
Letters to the recipients in a simple ceremony held at a local hotel on February 18, 2008. Mr.
Md. Yeasin Ali, Managing Director, Mr. AHM NazmulQuadir, Additional Managing
Director of Dutch-BangiaBank and Dr. MozammelHossain Khan, Coordinator of Dutch-
Bangia Bank Foundation were also present in the function.
Books Supply
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) donated Tk. 15.00 lack for purchasing academic
reference books for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). The
Managing Director of Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited Mr. Md. Yeasin Ali handed over a
payment order of Tk. 15.00 lack to Professor M. A. Hadi, Vice Chancellor of BSMMU held
on June 8, 2006 at the latters office in a simple ceremony.

International Mathematical Olympiad
Dutch-Bangla Bank Prothom Alo and Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad (BMO)
committee jointly organized the International Mathematical Olympiad-2006 on July 8, 2006.
Managing Director of Dutch-Bangla Bank Md Yeasin Ali speaks at a reception ceremony for
the Bangladesh team members who will take part in the 47th International Mathematical

Olympiad. General Secretary of BMO committee Munir Hasan, Vice President Prof. Dr.
Zafar Iqbal, Joint Editor of Prothom Alo Abdul Quaiyum and presents of the contestants were
present on the occasion.

Smile Brighter Program

Under the DBBL Smile-Brighter program, Dutch-Bangla Bank has organized a plastic
surgery operation campaign at banks own cost in Dhaka City for the poor cleft-lipped boys
and girls to bring back the endearing smile on their faces. Cleft-lip is far more a social set
back than a health problem. Boys and girls cursed with cleft-lips face a lot of problems in
everyday life ranging from disruption of formal education, attending social ceremonies and
impediment at the time of getting married. Considering the gravity of the situation DBBL has
taken the initiative to bring back smile on the face of the boys and girls with cleft-lip through
plastic surgery since 2003. More than 3000 number of poor cleft-lipped boys & girls have so
far been successfully operated across the country. Besides special camps were arranged under
this 'Smile Brighter' program in Dhaka, Chittagong, Cox's Bazar, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Khulna,
Barisal, Bogra, Comilla, Rangpur, Dinajpur, Lalmonirhat, Faridpur, Jessore, Mymensingh,
Sirajgonj, Kustia, Shatkhira, Feni, Savar, Bhola etc. As a continuous process, the cleft-lipped
boys & girls are being operated across the country for restoration of hope and dignity in their
Under the Smile-Brighter program, Dutch-Bangla Bank organized a 2-day long plastic
surgery operation campaign at banks own cost at Yamagata Dhaka Friendship Hospital in
the City for the poor cleft-lipped boys and girls to bring back the endearing smile on their
faces. The two-day operation campaign ended on April 23, 2014. A total of 34 boys and girls
were operated upon by an eminent plastic surgeon Dr. Shareef Hasan. Mr. Md. Sayedul
Hasan, Deputy Managing Director of Dutch-Bangla Bank visited the operation camp and
inquired about the cleft-lipped patients at the hospital.

Assistance to Acid Victims

Since 2000, DBBL launched massive campaign against social menaces like acid violence
through print & electronic media. Subsequently, DBBL has taken a financial support program
to rehabilitate the helpless acid victim women of the country by maintaining small scale agro-
based rural enterprises like poultry, vegetable farming, goat farming, fish farming etc. Under
this program, 351 acid victims already received financial support at the rate of Taka
10,000.00 (Taka ten thousand) each to become self-reliant.

Caring patients living with AIDS/HIV Positives

In the year 2000, DBBL first initiated a campaign on AIDS prevention through print and
electronic media. Subsequently, DBBL has taken a financial assistance program for

supporting HIV positive patients since 2004 titled- "Caring Patients Living with AIDS."
Under this program, 50 HIV/AIDS patients (HIV/AIDS affected women and children) are
being provided with ARV medicines, clinical supports, food supplement and others.
Cancer & General Hospital
Dutch-Bangla Bank donated further Tk15.00 crore to Dhaka Ahsania Mission to meet up the
cost of 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors measuring a total of 1,02,175 sft the countrys biggest cancer
hospital - Ahsania Mission Cancer & General Hospital Complex, at Uttara, Dhaka. The
Honorable Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, on Wednesday inaugurated the newly constructed
500-bed Hospital, ushering in a new horizon for the treatment of cancer patients in the
The Chairman of Dutch-Bangla Bank Mr. Sayem Ahmed handed over the Cheque through
Honble Prime Minister, Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on the
Inauguration Program of the Hospital held on April 9, 2014. The Prime Minister on receiving
the cheque whole-heartedly thanked the act of financial assistance.
Mentionable here, Dutch-Bangla Bank in the year 2004 made a historic donation of Tk4.00
crore for the hospital which acted as good booster. Mr. M. Sahabuddin Ahmed, Founder of
Dutch-Bangla Bank inaugurated the 1st phase of the construction work of the Hospital
Building on July 17, 2005.
Health and family Welfare Minister Mohammed Nasim, Social Welfare Minister Syed
Mohsin Ali, Advocate Sahara Khatun MP, Trustee Board Chairman of Ahsania Mission
Cancer & General Hospital eminent lawyer BaristerRafuq-ul-Haque, and President of Dhaka
Ahsania Mission KaziRafiqulAlam spoke on the occasion. Advisor of the Hospital Syeda
Dina Haque delivered the welcome address.
The Ahsania Mission Cancer & General Hospital will run on no-loss-no-profit basis aiming
at providing the modern quality treatment specially for cancer affected patients where a
minimum of 30% of the services will be made available to the poor patients at free of cost.
Eye Camp
As a part of social cause activities to serve the distressed humanity, Dutch-Bangla Bank has
arranged an operation camp (cataract operation) at free of cost for 100 poor patients at Dhaka
Eye Hospital, Mirpur-1, Dhaka under the supervision of Bangladesh National Society for the
Blind (BNSB).
Mr. K. S. Tabrez, Managing Director of Dutch-Bangla Bank visited the operation camp on
April 16, 2014 and inquired about the patients operated at the hospital. A team of Surgeons
headed by eminent eye specialist Dr. Mohammad Ali Ahsan, Chief Consultant of Dhaka Eye
Hospital conducted the operation.

Among others, Prof. A.A. Mohiuddin, Medical Director & Mr. M. AnowarHossain, Director
of Hospital and Mr. Mohammad Ali, Director Mr. Khondaker Mohidul Islam, Deputy
Director of BNSB were present on the occasion.

Prevention of drug abuse

An amount of Taka 1,00,00,000.00 (Taka one crore) was donated to APON to establish the
first comprehensive drug rehabilitation centre in Bangladesh named "APONGAON" at
Singair, Manikganj.

Rural Medi-Care Service Center

DBBL has established 10 Rural Medi-Care Service Centers at its rural branches to render free
medical services to the rural and destitute people of the adjoining areas specially for the
women and children.

DNA detection machine to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University:
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) donated a DNA detection machine at a cost of Tk.
50.00 lack to Bangabandhu SheikhMujibMedicalUniversity for setting-up a Genetic
Laboratory to prevent Thalassemia Syndrome in the country. The Chairman of Dutch-Bangla
Bank Foundation Mr. M. Shahabuddin Ahmed unveiled the plaque of the Genetic Laboratory
at Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Department of Bangabandhu Sheikh mujib
MedicalUniversity on June 03, 2006.
Diabetic Association of Bangladesh
As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility, Dutch-BangIa Bank Limited has donated an
amount of Tk. 9.36 core to Diabetic Association of Bangladesh Mr. M. Saifur Rahman,
Honorable Minister for Finance & Planning, Government of the Peoples Republic of
Bangladesh was present as the Chief Guest and handed over the Letter of Commitment of
DBBL to Professor A.K. Azad Khan, Secretary General of Diabetic Association of
Bangladesh for modernization and expansion of lbrahim Cardiac Hospital & Research
Institute at a simple ceremony held at Dhaka Sheraton Hotel on September 24, 2006. Dr.
Salehuddin Ahmed, Governor, Bangladesh Bank and Md. Yeasin Ali, Managing Director of
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited were present at the function.
DBBL stands by disabled and underprivileged children
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has extended financial assistance amounting to Tk. 18.5 lack to
17 NGOs engaged in rehabilitation of the disabled children of Bangladesh. Mr. Md. Yeasin
Ali, Managing Director of the bank handed over the payment orders to the representatives of

the organizations at a simple ceremony held at the Banks Training Institute on June 05,
Endoscope machine to National Medical College & Hospital
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) donated Tk. 15.00 lack for purchasing a Video
Endoscope Machine to National Medical College & Hospital. Mayor of Dhaka City
Corporation Mr. Sadek Hossain, MP, received a payment order of Tk. 15,00 lack in favor of
National Medical College & Hospital from Mr. Md. Yeasin Ali, Managing Director of Dutch-
Bangla Bank Limited at a simple ceremony held at National Medical college Hospital on
June 10, 2006.

Dutch-Bangla Bank handed over 5,000 blankets to Bangladesh Bank for distribution among
the cold hit poor people in different parts of the country to reduce their sufferings.

Mr. K.S. Tabrez, Managing Director of Dutch-Bangla Bank handed over a sample of the
blankets to Mr. S.K. Sur Chowdhury, Deputy Governor of Bangladesh Bank on January 12,
2014 at Bangladesh Bank, Head Office, Dhaka. Mr. M. MahfuzurRahman, Executive
Director, Mr. A.F.M. Asaduzzaman, General Manager of Governors secretariate of
Bangladesh Bank, Md. KhurshidAlam, General Manager of Green Banking & CSR
Department of Bangladesh Bank alongwith Mr. SayedulHasan, Deputy Managing Director of
Dutch-Bangla Bank were present on the occasion.

Mentionable that the authority of Dutch-Bangla Bank had earlier donated 100,000 pieces of
winter blankets worth Tk7.0 crore to the Prime Ministers Relief Fund for distribution among
the poor and elderly people who are suffering in utter distress due to intense spell of cold
waves now sweeping through many districts particularly in the northern districts of the

DBBL donates Life Support Ambulance to Dhaka Metropolitan Police
Dutch-Bangla Bank has donated one Life Support Ambulance to Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
Mr. K.S. Tabrez, Managing Director of the Bank handed over the key of the ambulance to
Mr. Benazir Ahmed, bpm, Commissioner, DMP at a ceremony held at Dhaka Metropolitan
Police Head Quarter on January 11, 2014.


The life support ambulance procured at a cost of Tk40 lacs will help carrying the sick police
personnel or wounded forces to the hospital and can also be used by any distressed people in
need by call.

Mr. Benazir Ahmed, Police Commissioner lauded the role of Dutch-Bangla Bank for various
Social Cause Activities and acknowledged the financial support and co-operation made by
DBBL in the past in the different areas of DMP. He also recalled the support of Dutch-
Bangla Bank for Digitalization of Salary Disbursement System of DMP through DBBL. He
thanked Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation for this excellent support and sustained co-operation
made by DBBL to DMP in the past.

Among others, Additional Commissioner, DMP (Admin & Finance) Mr. Abdul Jalil,
Additional Commissioner DMP (Protection Protocol, Chancery & Traffic) Mrs. MiliBiswas,
Joint commissioner (DB and Criminal Intelligence) Mr. Md. Monirul Islam, Deputy
Commissioner (Finance & Budget) Mr. Md. Imam Hossain, Deputy Managing Director of
DBBL Mr. Md. SayedulHasan and other senior executives from both the organizations were
present at the function.
Dutch-Bangla Bank provides Tk. 70 lacks to Kendriyo Kachi-Kanchar Mela
Dutch-Bangla Bank has given financial support of Tk. 70 lack to Kendriyo Kachi-Kanchar
Mela, a children cultural organization for renovation of the building at Segunbagicha, Dhaka
including extensive refurbishment of the auditorium of Kendriyo Kochi-KancharMela. Dr.
AtiurRahman, Honourable Governor of Bangladesh Bank formally inaugurated the renovated
Kachi-Kancha Auditorium as the Chief Guest to mark the occasion of 57
anniversary of Kendriyo Kachi-Kanchar Mela on October 05, 2013.
Financial assistance worth Tk. 11.27 crore to help Savar factory collapse victims
Dutch-Bangla bank contributed Tk. 11.27 crore to help the victims of Savar tragedy under its
corporate social responsibility. Soon after the news of SavarRana Plaza building collapse
came to the knowledge, the competent authority of the Bank earlier announced through
electronic and print media that each family of the garment workers killed will receive Tk. 1.0
lac to overcome the tragedy. The rescue operation for bodies from the wreckage of the
collapsed building Rana Plaza in Savar formally came to an end and the total death toll has
reached to 1,127.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina received the cheque of the donation for Tk. 11.27 crore from
the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank, Mr. Abedur Rashid Khan at a function
held at Prime Ministers Tejgaon Office. Mr. K.S. Tabrez, Managing Director of the Bank
was also present.


DBBL stands by the families of the deceased Garment Workers
Along with the nation, Dutch-Bangla Bank mourns the tragic death toll of Rana Plaza
building collapse at Savar. The Bank also expresses deep sympathy towards every family
members of garments worker affected by the disaster.

With full sympathy and in the service of distressed humanity the authority of the bank has
decided to donate Tk. 1,00,000/- (one lac) each to every family of the deceased to overcome
the tragedy.
DBBLs donation to 8th Bangladesh Games 2013
Mr. Abul Maal Abdul Muhit, MP, Finance Minister and Chairman, 8th Bangladesh Games is
seen receiving a cheque for Tk 50 lac from Mr. Sayem Ahmed, Chairman, EC of the Board,
Dutch-Bangla Bank Ltd. at the Conference Hall of Finance Ministry on last Sunday. Dutch-
Bangla Bank donated the amount to Bangladesh Olympic Association for organizing the 8th
Bangladesh Games 2013 to be held during 20-28 April, 2013.
National Steering Committee on Voter List and National ID card Project

DBBL donated Tk. 87,00,000.00 (eighty seven lac) to National Steering Committee on Voter
List and National ID Card Project to procure laptop computers and accessories for the
implementation of Pilot Project for Voter Registration and National ID Card.

Donation to Liberation War Museum
Liberation War Museum (Muktijuddha Jadughar) is an achieve of glorious liberation war.
The museum authority has taken a project to rebuild and modernize it with all latest
technological facilities for collecting, preserving and displaying the historical documents.
DBBL appreciates noble initiative and provided financial assistance Taka 5,000,000 (Taka
five million) Muktijuddha Jadughar Nirman project.

Donating pick up van for Police
DBBL donated a double cabin pick up van at cost of Taka 2,00,000 to Dhaka Metropolitan
Police for improving its transport facilities in performing duties efficiently and serving the
people. Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has donated a double cabin Pick-up Van to the DMP
commissioner to quick mobility in performing their work.


Information Technology
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) undertakes a project with BASIS (Bangladesh
Association of Software and Information Services) to award the best IT uses by Bangladeshi
DBBL and BASIS organized IT award-giving ceremony in this regard. The award Ceremony
was held on 30th November 2005, which was the day before last day of BASIS
SOFfEXP02005 (November 27-December 01, 2005). This was a gala evening (with dinner
and cultural program) attended by around 700 dignitaries including government high officials
& policy makers, corporate heads, representatives from development agencies, IT policy
makers, academicians and the IT industry members.
In this regards, DBBLs contribution in supporting this event was 50% of the estimated cost
with Tk. 6.25 Lac.

Disaster & other
DBBL has donated Tk. 25 lack for the victims of devastating landslides in Chittagong Mr.
Md. Yeasin Ali, Managing Director of the Bank handed over a Payment Order of Tk. 25.00
lack (Taka Twenty Five Lac) to the Honorable Adviser Major General (Rtd.) M. A. Matin at
Chittagong Circuit House on June 13, 2007 for victims due to a devastating landslides
following torrential rains lashed down in Chittagong city and its adjacent areas.
DBBL donates 130 bundles of GCI sheets to Noakhali District
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) donated 130 bundles of GCI sheets worth Tk. 5.60 lack
for rehabilitating the homeless people affected by river-erosion of Ramgoti Upazila under
Noakhali District on August 14, 2005.
DBBL donates 700 bundles of high grade GCI sheets to Gaibandha and Rangpur districts.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited donated 700 bundles of high grade GCI sheets worth of Tk.
29.00 lack for rehabilitating the standard people of the four Upazilas of Gaibandha and
Rangpur districts. Dr. Mozammel Hossain Khan, Co-ordination, DBBL is seen handing over
GCI sheets to Mr. Tapan Chandra Mazumdar, Deputy Commissioner of Gaibandha district.

Assistance to 14 selected organizations
Financial support was given to 14 selected organizations working with disabled children for
ensuring education, training and rehabilitation.


Saving the Nation from the curse of Dowry
Since 2000, DBBL initiated massive campaign against dowry culture through print &
electronic media to restore hope & dignity in lives of dowry victims. DBBL has been
extending financial assistance to the helpless dowry victim women by setting up agro-based
rural enterprises like poultry, vegetable farming, goat farming, fish farming etc. Under this
program, 800 dowry victims already received financial support at the rate of Tk. 10,000.00
(taka ten thousand) each to become self-reliant.

Mass campaign for prevention of road traffic accident
Taka 2,00,000.00 was given to Nirapad Sarak Chai to organize the program named National
Road Safety Day-2007. Mentionable that Taka 5,80,000.00 was given earlier to Nirapad
Sarak Chai for helping he families victimized by road accident.

Vote for Coxs Bazar-Jago Bangladesh
A two day Long campaign namely -Jago Bangladesh was hold during the 27-28 march,
2009 with a view to mobilizing vote for Coxs Bazar sea beach to asertian the position in the
seven wonders of the nature.

DBBL for Environment

Environmental degradation and depletion of natural resources are matters of great concern in
Bangladesh like anywhere in the world. Environmental degradation is taking place due to
poverty, over population and lack of awareness about the environment. It is manifested by
deforestation, destruction of wetlands, depletion of soil nutrients etc. Natural calamities like
floods, cyclones and tidal bores also result in severe socio-economic and environmental
damage. DBBL has been continuously creating social awareness to protect the environment
that is essential for present and future generations. With that end in view, DBBL is regularly
advertising in print and electronic media to develop an eco-friendly society for sustainable
and healthy human life. DBBL complies with environmental standard while financing
industrial projects. Projects with likely adverse impact on environment are strongly
discouraged by DBBL. We are trying to incorporate sound environmental management
process in business operations of projects financed by us that can ensure healthy and
sustainable lives for our future generations. DBBL introduced a guideline demanding
assessment of environmental and social impacts of the projects to ensure that operations of
the projects would be eco-friendly.


DBBL Recognition
DBBL has received Asian CSR Award-2005
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has won Asian CSR Award-2005 for its outstanding program on
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Mr. Yeasin Ali, Managing Director, DBBL is seen
receiving Asian CSR Award-2005 from the Chief Guest, Dr. Juwono Sundarsono, the
Honorable Minister for Defense, the Republic of Indonesia at a ceremony held on September
09, 2005 in Jakarta.
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited has been again nominated for the Asian CSR Awards 2006.
DBBL has decided to participate in the category of
i. EDN- Support and Improvement of Education
ii. POV- Poverty Alleviation
iii. Concern for Health.
Best mobile banking of the world

Dutch Bangla bank has been awarded best mobile banking of the world in the industry event
held in Dubai. Dutch Bangla Bank launched Bangladeshs first mobile banking service on
March 2011 with the aim to materialize the Governments ongoing Digital Bangladesh
movement and to bring the unbanked into the banking channel.

This achievement would not have been possible without the support of the Prime Ministers
Offices Access to information. Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh Bank, Bangladesh
Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), Citycell, Banglalink, Airtel and our
valued mobile banking agents and customers. Such we can enjoy all banking facilities
through our mobile phone such as deposit & withdraw cash, pay bills, remit money to
anywhere in Bangladesh. Also the wage earners can send money directly to their nominees.
With over 1000 locations and zonal offices, it is the largest mobile banking service in the


SWOT of Social Responsibility of DBBL

The main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats which are assessed below:


Strong ATM network as well as concentrate social contribution.
Economic strength
Well developed and implemented CSR.
Managerial willingness and honesty.
Much profit capital.
Huge customers.

Cannot provide facilities and scholarship to all students.
No branch in many sub-districts.
In case of hospital, they sometime fail to cover maximum area.
Risk of reducing net profit.
Escalating debt
Concentrate more social sector.
Have a strong social backbone
Students are becoming willing to open a student A/C in DBBL.

Bangladesh Bank obligations.
Strong competition with other companies.
Pressure may be created by pressure group to perform more Social Responsibility.


Dutch-Bangla Bank is now performing their social responsibility in some selected sector. Its
have a separate foundation called Dutch-Bangla Bank foundation. The bank donates mainly
towards social awareness programs, medical and educational fields. DBBL also maintains the
largest scholarship program in Bangladesh whereby college/university education tuition and
expenses are fully paid for unconditionally by the bank. But they can expand their business
and broaden their sector of social responsibility by the following terms:
Primary school sector: primary school sector is very backward in our country. DBBL can
nourish their social responsibility in this root sector. They can offer scholarship or patronize
this sector and thus country can benefited as well as take a role of social responsibility by this
SME Sector: SME is also a root sector where this bank can apply credit formula or
patronizing this sector. Thus it can probably expand its social image. They also can supply
credit at a low interest rate that can improve this sector according to its social responsibility.
Microcredit sector: microcredit is very popular among root people in our country. The main
advantage of microcredit is that a person can take loan without any security. If DBBL starts
to give microcredit then it will help the people a lot. On the other hand it will increase the
social image of DBB
Influence other organization: DBBL, being a large organization, could try to influence
other organizations by proving themselves as dedicated to CSR and still being better than
their competitors in terms of financial performance.

As a third world country Bangladesh has lot of problems. Government often finds themselves
helpless when it comes to solving of these problems. As business owners of this country are
considered as a part of the affluent section of the society they can contribute more
meaningfully towards of the betterment of the society. If more company came forward to
contribute to the society like DBBL, it will help to create their social branding as well as
helping the society. So we can say DBBL is a pioneer in Corporate Social Responsibility in
our country.

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