This document summarizes the academic performance of biology students at SMK Seri Medan in Batu Pahat for the 2011 SPM examination. It provides data on the number of students, their achievement levels, grade point averages and analyses of exam questions. Key points:
- 43 students sat for the biology exam
- All students passed the exam and met the targets set by the school, district education office and ministry of education
- 17 students achieved excellence in the final exam, with the highest grade point average of 7.35 for the first exam and 3.28 for the final
- Several topics like cell structure and chemical composition of the cell had low mastery rates that need improvement
This document summarizes the academic performance of biology students at SMK Seri Medan in Batu Pahat for the 2011 SPM examination. It provides data on the number of students, their achievement levels, grade point averages and analyses of exam questions. Key points:
- 43 students sat for the biology exam
- All students passed the exam and met the targets set by the school, district education office and ministry of education
- 17 students achieved excellence in the final exam, with the highest grade point average of 7.35 for the first exam and 3.28 for the final
- Several topics like cell structure and chemical composition of the cell had low mastery rates that need improvement
This document summarizes the academic performance of biology students at SMK Seri Medan in Batu Pahat for the 2011 SPM examination. It provides data on the number of students, their achievement levels, grade point averages and analyses of exam questions. Key points:
- 43 students sat for the biology exam
- All students passed the exam and met the targets set by the school, district education office and ministry of education
- 17 students achieved excellence in the final exam, with the highest grade point average of 7.35 for the first exam and 3.28 for the final
- Several topics like cell structure and chemical composition of the cell had low mastery rates that need improvement
This document summarizes the academic performance of biology students at SMK Seri Medan in Batu Pahat for the 2011 SPM examination. It provides data on the number of students, their achievement levels, grade point averages and analyses of exam questions. Key points:
- 43 students sat for the biology exam
- All students passed the exam and met the targets set by the school, district education office and ministry of education
- 17 students achieved excellence in the final exam, with the highest grade point average of 7.35 for the first exam and 3.28 for the final
- Several topics like cell structure and chemical composition of the cell had low mastery rates that need improvement
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Oleh: Pn. Hjh. Norza Mohd. Saleh Ketua Panitia Biologi SMK Seri Medan, Batu Pahat TOV DAN SASARAN BIOLOGY SMKSM 2011 BILANGAN CALON 43 Peratus Calon Menguasai KENYATAAN LULUS GAGAL CALON % CALON % TOV 2011 43 100 0 0 ETR 2011 43 100 0 0 SASARAN PPD 43 100 0 0 SASARAN JPN 43 100 0 0 Gred Purata Mata Pelajaran (GPMP) TOV 2011 7.35 ETR 2011 3.28 SASARAN PPD 5.30 SASARAN JPN 5.50 TOV DAN SASARAN CEMERLANG BIOLOGY SPM 2011 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 TOV OTI 1 AR1 (MONTHLY TEST 2) OTI 2 AR2 (MIDTERM EXAM) OTI 3 AR3 (SPM TRIAL) ETR Peratus Calon Cemerlang 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Bilangan Calon Cemerlang TOV DAN SASARAN MENGUASAI BIOLOGY SPM 2011 0 10 20 30 40 50 Bilangan Calon Menguasai 0 20 40 60 80 100 Peratus Calon Menguasai GRED TOV 2011 ETR 2011 * SASARAN PPD/JPN CALON % CALON % CALON % A+ 0 0 2 4.65 2 4.65 A 0 0 1 2.33 1 2.33 A- 0 0 14 32.56 4 9.30 JUM 0 0 17 45 7 16.28 Pencapaian Calon Cemerlang Pencapaian Calon Kepujian GRED TOV 2011 ETR 2011 * SASARAN PPD/JPN CALON % CALON % CALON % B+ 0 0 8 18.60 B 2 4.65 10 23.26 JUM 2 4.65 18 41.86 C+ 2 4.65 2 4.65 C 8 18.60 4 9.30 JUM 10 23.26 6 13.95 Pencapaian Calon Lulus GRED TOV 2011 ETR 2011 * SASARAN PPD/JPN CALON % CALON % CALON % D 11 25.58 0 0 0 0 E 7 16.28 0 0 0 0 JUM 18 41.86 0 0 0 0 Pencapaian Calon Gagal TOV 2011 ETR 2011 SASARAN PPD/JPN CALON % CALON % CALON % 0 0 0 0 0 0 PERKARA CEMERLANG MENGUASAI (A+ hingga E) G GPK GRED A+ A A- JM % B+ B C+ C D E JM % JM % TOV 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 8 11 7 30 70 13 30 7.35 OTI 1 0 0 1 1 2.3 1 2 7 13 7 6 37 86 6 14 6.44 AR1 (MONTHLY TEST 2) 0 1 5 6 14 1 4 9 5 6 6 37 86 6 14 5.79 OTI 2 0 0 3 3 7 2 8 11 7 6 3 40 93 3 7 5.44 AR2 (MIDTERM EXAM) 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 8 8 10 33 77 10 23 7.12 OTI 3 0 2 6 8 19 6 9 11 3 4 2 43 100 0 0 4.30 AR3 (SPM TRIAL) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43 100 9.00 ETR 2 1 14 17 40 8 10 2 4 2 0 43 100 0 0 HEADCOUNT BIOLOGY SMKSM 2011 Analisis Isu Pelajar agak gemar bercakap di dalam kelas Pelajar kurang mahir mencatat maklumat yang penting ketika P&P Pelajar kurang motivasi belajar Pelajar Kurang Tumpuan Guru kurang mendapat pendedahan dengan teknik menanda Kertas 2 Biologi, menyebabkan jawapan yang diberikan sering kurang tepat dengan kehendak soalan. Faktor guru Pelan Strategik Biology Bahan Modul Contoh soalan format SPM Nota tambahan Program Selamat Tengah hari Cikgu Rakan mahir Protege Rangkaian Maklumat Perkongsian bahan Sistem saluran maklumat dalam talian Analisis Item Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2011 Item Jumlah Menguasai Peratus Menguasai 6.2 Balanced diet 5 12 6.4 Food digestion 4 9.3 8.1 Abiotic & biotic components 3 7 Kertas 1 Kesimpulan: Ketiga-tiga topik adalah dari Tingkatan 4 mungkin pelajar tidak mengingati fakta yang telah dipelajari
Analisis Item Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2011 BIL TAJUK MP CEMERLANG SEDERHANA LEMAH BIL % BIL % BIL % 1 Cell Structure and Cell Organisation - Cell structure & function; Cell organisation 0 0 12 27.9 31 72.1 2 Chemical Composition of the Cell - Chemical composition of the cell; Enzymes 0 0 1 2.33 42 97.7 3 Respiration - Respiratory structures & breathing mechanisms in humans & animals 2 4.65 13 30.2 27 62.8 4 Transport - The circulatory system; The mechanism of blood clotting 0 0 8 18.6 35 81.4 5 Locomotion & Support - Support & locomotion in humans & animals; Appreciating a healthy musculosceletal system 0 0 4 9.3 39 90.7 6 Nutrition - Photosynthesis; Factors affecting photosynthesis 1 2.33 25 58.1 6 14 7 Dynamic Ecosystem - The process of colonisation & succession in an ecosystem 0 0 14 32.6 4 9.3 8 Transport - Transport in plants 0 0 11 25.6 7 16.3 9 Locomotion & Support - Appreciating a healthy musculosceletal system; Support in Plants 0 0 9 20.9 4 9.3 Kertas 2 Analisis Item Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun 2011 BIL TAJUK MP CEMERLANG SEDERHANA LEMAH BIL % BIL % BIL % 1 Dynamic Ecosystem - The impact of microorganisms on life 2 4.65 31 72.1 10 23.3 2 Transport - Transport in plants 9 20.9 34 79.1 0 0 Kertas 3 Cadangan Penambahbaikan Tajuk-tajuk Yang Memerlukan Penambahbaikan Fokus Penambahbaikan Bahan Yang Sesuai 1. Cell Structure and Cell Organisation - Cell structure & function; - Cell organisation Kumpulan pelajar Cemerlang menjadi Mentor Soalan fokus soalan struktur Pelajar lemah dibimbing oleh guru sendiri o Contoh soalan dari negeri-negeri lain o Bank soalan yang dibuat guru o Rangkaian maklumat & bahan dari MGC, JKD atau PPD/JPN
2. Chemical Composition of the Cell - Chemical composition of the cell; - Enzymes 3. Nutrition - Balanced Diet - Food digestion Teknik mencari kata-kunci Teknik memilih jawapan yang tepat 4. Respiration - Respiratory structures; - breathing mechanisms in humans & animals Kumpulan pelajar Cemerlang menjadi Mentor Soalan fokus soalan struktur & objektif Pelajar lemah dibimbing oleh guru sendiri 5. Dynamic Ecosystem - Abiotic & biotic components - The impact of microorganisms on life Kumpulan Pelajar Cemerlang NAMA PELAJAR TOV OTR1 AR1 OTR2 AR2 OTR3 ETR 1 AMIRUL ZAHARI B WANDA 50 C 57 C+ 57 C+ 65 B 47 D 72 A - 79 A - 2 MOHD FAQIH B MAHDI 42 E 51 C 58 C+ 60 C+ 58 C+ 68 B+ 77 A - 3 MOHD HANIF B M KAMSON 59 C+ 64 B 62 B 69 B+ 38 G 73 A - 78 A - 4 MUHAMAD ADLI B DOL BASIR 48 D 54 C 55 C+ 59 C+ 37 G 65 B 70 A - 5 DAYANA BT RAZALIE 54 C 59 C+ 72 A - 64 B 60 B 69 B+ 74 A - 6 ERRA NATASYA BT AZMAN 46 D 53 C 52 C 60 B 47 D 67 B+ 74 A - 7 MURSALINA BT MISRI 60 B 68 B+ 77 A - 75 A - 52 C 83 A 90 A+ 8 NOR AZIAH BT GONAWAN 63 B 71 A - 70 A - 79 A - 65 B 87 A 95 A+ 9 NOR RASHIDAH BT MISNI 45 D 51 C 47 D 58 C+ 48 D 64 B 70 A - 10 NOR ZIHA BT SALIKIN 44 E 51 C 58 C+ 58 C+ 52 C 64 B 71 A - 11 NUR AINI BT MOHD KASIM 58 C+ 64 B 82 A 71 A - 58 C+ 77 A - 83 A 12 NUR ATIKA BT OTHMAN 48 D 55 C 72 A - 62 B 52 C 68 B+ 75 A - 13 NUR IZZATI BT BARLIM 50 C 57 C+ 52 C 65 B 46 D 72 A - 79 A - 14 NUR LIZA BT MESRUN 51 C 58 C+ 57 C+ 65 B 57 C+ 71 A - 78 A - 15 NUR SYAHIRAH BT OMAR 54 C 59 C+ 55 C+ 64 B 63 B 69 B+ 74 A - 16 NURUL HIDAYAH BT JAMALI 51 C 58 C+ 53 C 65 B+ 46 D 72 A - 79 A - 17 SITI NUR 'IZZATIE BT MOHD JASNI 44 E 51 C 62 B 58 C+ 55 C+ 65 B+ 72 A - Kumpulan Pelajar Kepujian NAMA PELAJAR TOV OTR1 AR1 OTR2 AR2 OTR3 ETR 1 IBRAHIM B MOHAMAD SAIRI 46 D 50 C 43 E 55 C 48 D 59 C+ 63 B 2 MOHAMAD PAZLAN NGALIMAN 45 D 50 D 50 C 54 C 38 G 59 C+ 63 B 3 MOHD AIZAT B MOHD YUNUS 34 G 41 E 73 A - 48 D 44 E 54 C 61 B 4 MUHAMAD FAEZ B ZAINAL 25 G 32 G 35 G 39 G 43 E 45 D 52 C 5 MUHAMAD SHADAN B MUHAMAD 50 C 54 C 45 D 58 C+ 27 G 62 B 66 B+ 6 NORNASRIQ AKMAL B NORDIN 48 D 53 C 50 C 57 C+ 44 E 62 B 66 B+ 7 UMMARUL BARIQ B SENI 33 G 38 G 28 G 43 E 39 G 48 D 53 C 8 ADILAH BT DARSANI 39 G 46 D 47 D 53 C 42 E 60 B 67 B+ 9 ASMA DIYANA BT ABD JALIL 42 E 47 D 43 E 52 C 33 G 57 C+ 62 B 10 FADHLIN SAKINA BT MOHD NOH 33 G 40 G 42 E 46 D 43 E 53 C 59 C+ 11 FATIN NADIAH BT MOHD KHALID 40 E 47 D 55 C+ 53 C 45 E 60 C+ 66 B+ 12 INTAN SYAHIN SYAZWANI BT MAT JAYA 46 D 51 C 48 D 55 C+ 50 D 60 C+ 64 B 13 MAWAR JUWITA BT KASI 37 G 43 E 67 B+ 50 D 53 C 56 C+ 62 B 14 NABILAH RUZAINI BT YUSUF 44 E 50 D 47 D 55 C+ 47 D 61 B 66 B+ 15 NOR ANIZA BT MISRI 37 G 41 E 47 D 45 E 41 E 48 D 52 C Kumpulan Pelajar Kepujian (samb.) NAMA PELAJAR TOV OTR1 AR1 OTR2 AR2 OTR3 ETR 16 NOR SYAHIRAH BT MISNI 46 D 51 C 37 G 55 C+ 53 C 60 C+ 64 B 17 NORASIKIN MAULAD RIZWAN 52 C 56 C+ 62 B 61 B 50 C 65 B 69 B+ 18 NUR FATIHAH BT RAMLEE 36 G 43 E 35 G 50 D 40 E 56 C+ 63 B 19 NUR SHAHIDA BT MOHD NOR 45 D 51 C 27 G 57 C+ 54 C 62 B 68 B+ 20 NURUL AFIKA FAZLINA BT MUSANIF 37 G 43 E 30 G 50 D 42 E 56 C+ 62 B 21 NURUL AINI BT TUKIRAN 34 G 38 G 60 B 42 E 41 E 46 D 50 C 22 RASYIDAH BT SUKANDAR 37 G 42 E 57 C+ 46 D 39 G 51 C 55 C+ 23 SITI MURSALIN BT M. LAJI 45 D 49 D 42 E 54 C 52 C 58 C+ 62 B 24 SITI NURUL HAZAR BT ESHAK 42 E 48 D 55 C+ 54 C 32 G 59 C+ 65 B+ Kumpulan Pelajar Lulus NAMA PELAJAR TOV OTR1 AR1 OTR2 AR2 OTR3 ETR 1 MOHAMAD YUSRI B KAMESIR 30 G 34 G 40 E 39 G 34 G 43 E 47 D 2 MUHAMAD FAEZ B ZAINAL 25 G 32 G 35 G 39 G 43 E 45 D 52 C 3 UMMARUL BARIQ B SENI 33 G 38 G 28 G 43 E 39 G 48 D 53 C 4 FADHLIN SAKINA BT MOHD NOH 33 G 40 G 42 E 46 D 43 E 53 C 50 C 5 NOR ANIZA BT MISRI 37 G 41 E 47 D 45 E 41 E 48 D 52 C 6 NUR HIDAYAH BT ARBAIN 31 G 35 G 43 E 40 G 31 G 44 E 48 D 7 NURUL AINI BT TUKIRAN 34 G 38 G 60 B 42 E 41 E 46 D 50 C 8 RASYIDAH BT SUKANDAR 37 G 42 E 57 C+ 46 D 39 G 51 C 55 C+ Keberkesanan Program SPM 2010 Headcount Lulus Gagal Calon % Calon % TOV 29 100 0 0 ETR 29 100 0 0 SPM 2010 29 100 0 0 KENYATAAN APLIKASI PROGRAM % LULUS 2010 UNTUK SPM 2011 SESUAI TAMBAH BAIK TERUSKAN X X X 1 Nama Program Kelas Ibnu Sina YPJ
Nama Guru Guru-guru Ibnu Sina daerah
Bahan Diguna Modul Ibnu Sina Penerapan Program % Lulus KENYATAAN APLIKASI PROGRAM % LULUS 2010 UNTUK SPM 2011 SESUAI TAMBAH BAIK TERUSKAN X X X 2 Nama Program Selamat Tengah hari Cikgu
Nama Guru Hjh. Norza Mohd Saleh
Mentor - pelajar-pelajar cemerlang
Bahan Diguna Bank Soalan Kertas 1 Bank Soalan Kertas 2 Bank Soalan Kertas 3 Penerapan Program % Lulus KENYATAAN APLIKASI PROGRAM % LULUS 2010 UNTUK SPM 2011 SESUAI TAMBAH BAIK TERUSKAN X X X 3 Nama Progra m Latih tubi Nama Guru Hjh. Norza Mohd Saleh Mentor - pelajar-pelajar cemerlang
Bahan Diguna Bank Soalan Percubaan negeri- negeri lain
Bank soalan pilihan dari buku-buku
Penerapan Program % Lulus GRED A+ A A- CALON % CALON % CALON % TOV 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 ETR 2010 0 0 2 6.70 3 10.34 SPM 2010 0 0 0 0 1 3.45 GRED B+ B C+ C CAL % CAL % CAL % CAL % TOV 2010 0 0 0 0 2 6.70 2 6.70 ETR 2010 4 13.79 6 20.69 3 10.34 4 13.79 SPM 2010 3 10.34 4 13.79 6 20.69 7 24.14 NAMA PROGRAM NAMA GURU TAHAP KESERASIAN GURU MENGENDALIKAN P&P KUMPULAN MURID PROGRAM SPM 2010 UNTUK SPM 2011 CEMERLANG KEPUJIAN LULUS X X X 1 Kelas Ibnu Sina YPJ Guru-guru Ibnu Sina daerah
2 Selamat Tengah hari Cikgu Hjh. Norza Mohd Saleh Mentor - pelajar-pelajar cemerlang
Ulasan Ketua Panitia Mengenai Pencapaian Guru Program 2010 untuk Capai Program 2011 Hanya seorang guru Biologi yang mengajar di sekolah ini. Guru tidak dapat memfokuskan P&P Biologi kerana guru yang mengajar Biologi juga mengajar mata pelajaran lain seperti Sains Teras dengan bilangan kelas peperiksaan yang banyak. Guru juga terlibat dengan kelas Ibnu Sina YPJ dan mengajar di sekolah lain, manakala guru sekolah lain pula mengajar di sekolah ini. Pelajar tidak dapat mengikuti P&P dengan berkesan kerana kurang mengenali guru tersebut. Guru mengajar tidak pernah menanda Kertas 2 Biologi SPM menyebabkan jawapan yang diberi kepada pelajar sering tidak memenuhi kriteria jawapan yang dikehendaki. LAMPIRAN-LAMPIRAN Analisis Item Setiap Kertas