Yearly Lesson Plan Bio STPM 2018 2019
Yearly Lesson Plan Bio STPM 2018 2019
Yearly Lesson Plan Bio STPM 2018 2019
1 Understanding Biological Molecules
(a) describe the chemical properties (solvent, bond angles and hydrogen bond) of
19 8-10.5.18 1.1 Water water and relate its physiological roles in the organisms;
(b) describe the physical properties (polarity, cohesiveness, density, surface tension,
specific heat capacity, and latent heat of vaporisation) of water and relate its
physiological roles in organisms.
15- (a) classify carbohydrates into monosaccharide, disaccharide and polysaccharide with
20 17.5.18 1.2 Carbohydrates respect to their physical and chemical properties;
(b) classify monosaccharide according to the number of carbon atoms and the
functional groups
(i) triose e.g. glyceraldehydes, (ii) pentose e.g. ribose and deoxyribose, (iii) hexose
e.g. glucose and fructose,
(c) illustrate the molecular structure of a monosaccharide and differentiate between
the reducing and non-reducing ends;
(d) describe the formation of glycosidic bond in disaccharides (maltose and sucrose)
and polysaccharides (starch, glycogen and cellulose);
(e) relate the structure of disaccharides and polysaccharides to their functions in
living organisms.
(a) classify amino acids into four main classes based on their side chains: polar, non-
21-22 20-31.5.18 1.4 Proteins polar, acidic and basic;
(b) describe the structure of an amino acid and the formation of peptide bonds in
(c) explain the properties of protein (amphoteric, isoelectric point, buffer and colloid);
(d) differentiate the various levels of organisation of protein structure (primary,
secondary, tertiary and quaternary) and relate the functions of each structure to the
organisation of proteins;
(e) explain the denaturation and renaturation of protein;
(f) classify proteins according to their structures, compositions (simple and
conjugated) and functions
(a) describe the structures of nucleotides and the formation of phosphodiester bonds
23 3-7.6.18 1.5 Nucleic acids in a polynucleotide;
(b) distinguish between DNA and RNA and the three types of RNAs (mRNA, tRNA
and rRNA);
(c) describe the structure of DNA based on Watson and Crick model.
1.6 Analytical (a) describe the basic principles of paper chromatography in pigment separation,
23 techniques electrophoresis for protein and nucleic acid separation.
2 Understanding Structure of Cells and Organelles
2.1 Prokaryotic
and eukaryotic
26 24-28.6.18 cells (a) state the cell theory;
(b) compare the structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
(c) compare typical animal and plant cells as seen under electron microscopes;
(d) describe the basic principles of light and electron microscopy.
2.2 Cellular
26 components (a) identify the cellular components of typical plant and animal cells;
(b) describe the structures of organelles and state their functions;
(c) explain the basic principles of differential centrifugation used to fractionate
cellular components (g and S values).
2.3 Specialised (a) outline the structures, functions and distributions of unspecialised cells found in
26 cells plants (meristematic cells);
(b) describe the structures, functions and distributions of specialised plant cells found
in epidermal, ground and vascular tissue;
(c) describe the structures, functions and distributions of specialised animal cells
found in connective, nervous, muscular and epithelial tissues, including the formation
of endocrine and exocrine glands.
3.1 Fluid mosaic (a) describe the structure of a membrane based on Singer-Nicolson fluid mosaic
27 1-5.7.18 model model;
(b) explain the roles of each component of the membrane
3.2 Movement of
substance across
27 membrane (a) explain the processes of passive and active transports, endocytosis and exocytosis;
(b) explain the concepts of water potential, solute potential and pressure potential;
(c) calculate the water potential of a plant cell in a solution.
4 Understanding Enzymes
4.2 Mechanism of
action and (a) illustrate enzyme specificity using induced fit (Koshland) and lock and key
28 8-12.7.18 kinetics (Fischer) models;
(b) explain the time course of an enzymecatalysed reaction by measuring the rate of
formation of product(s) or rate of disappearance of substrate(s) as the rate of reaction;
(c) deduce the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) from the Michaelis-Menten and
Lineweaver Burk plots;
(d) explain the significance of Km and Vmax;
(e) explain the effects of temperature, pH, enzyme concentration and substrate
concentration on the rate of an enzyme-catalysed reaction.
(a) explain the roles of cofactors (ion activators, coenzymes and prosthetic groups) in
28 4.3 Cofactors an enzymatic reaction;
(b) explain the importance of vitamins and minerals as precursors of
(a) explain the effects of competitive and noncompetitive inhibitions on the rate of
29 15-19.7.18 4.4 Inhibitors enzyme activity of reversible inhibition;
(b) relate the Lineweaver-Burk plot to the effect of inhibition on Km and Vmax
4.5 Classification (a) describe enzyme classification according to International Union of Biochemistry
29 of enzymes (IUB) e.g. oxidoreductase, transferase, hydrolase, lyase, isomerase and ligase.
4.6 Enzyme (a) explain the importance and the main techniques of enzyme immobilisation namely
29 technology adsorption, entrapment and covalent coupling;
(b) explain the application of enzyme immobilisation in the development of
5.2 Aerobic
30 respiration (a) describe the various stages of aerobic respiration and its location in the cells;
(b) describe glycolysis, and calculate the net energy produced in glycolysis;
(c) describe the various steps involved in the Krebs cycle (including the link
(d) explain the formation of NADH, FADH2, GTP and ATP during the Krebs cycle;
(e) describe oxidative phosphorylation and chemiosmosis in the electron transport
(f) explain the role of NADH, FADH2 and ATP synthase in the electron transport
(g) calculate and explain the net energy produced in aerobic respiration per molecule
of glucose in liver and muscle cells;
(h) describe the effects of cyanide and carbon monoxide on respiration;
(i) explain how lipid and protein act as alternative energy sources.
29.7- 5.3 Anaerobic
31 2.8.18 respiration (a) explain the anaerobic respiration in yeast and muscle cells;
(b) describe the applications of anaerobic respiration in food industries (bread, tapai
and yogurt).
6 Understanding Photosynthesis
31 29.7-2.8.18 6.1 Autotroph (a) classify autotroph into photoautotroph and chemoautotroph;
(b) describe photosynthetic pigments;
(c) explain the absorption spectrum and action spectrum of photosynthetic pigments.
6.2 Light-
32 5-9.8.18 reactions (a) explain photoactivation of chlorophyll a resulting in photolysis of water;
(b) explain the cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation including electron
transport system resulting in the production of ATP and NADPH.
33 12-16.7.18 AUGUST TEST
34 17-25.8.18 MID SEMESTER 2 HOLIDAY
6.3 Light-
26.8- independent
35-36 6.9.18 reactions (a) describe Calvin cycle;
(b) explain photorespiration;
(c) describe the anatomical structure of C4 leaf (Krantz anatomy) in comparison to C3
(d) explain carbon dioxide fixation in C4 plants and Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
(CAM) plants;
(e) differentiate the metabolism of C3, C4 and CAM plants.
6.4 Limiting (a) explain limiting factors of photosynthesis (light intensity, carbon dioxide
37 9-13.9.18 factors concentration and temperature);
(b) relate the roles of C3, C4 and CAM plants on the increasing carbon dioxide
emission and global warming
38-41 11.10.18 REVISION WEEK
42 14-18.18 TRIAL EXAM TERM 1
7.1 Gaseous
1 1-4.1.18 exchange in humans (a) outline the structure of human respiratory system, including the microscopic structure of the wall of an alveolus;
(d) explain the oxygen dissociation curves of haemoglobin, myoglobin and foetal haemoglobin;
(e) explain the Bohr effect and relate it to the oxygen dissociation curve
1 7.2 Breathing cycle (a) explain the control of breathing mechanism, including the role of chemoreceptor
(b) define tidal volume, vital capacity, total lung capacity, inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume and residual
7.3 Gaseous
1 exchange in plants (a) describe the structure and functions of stomata;
(b) describe the mechanism of opening and closing of stomata based on potassium ion accumulation hypothesis.
(d) explain hypertension, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction, and state their causes and preventions;
(e) describe the lymphatic system in relation to the blood circulatory system;
(f) determine the direction of fluid movement at the arterial and venous ends of the capillaries by calculating the differences
between osmotic pressure/solute potential and hydrostatic pressure.
(b) describe the apoplast, symplast and vacuolar pathway of water movement through the root tissues;
(c) describe the root pressure, cohesion-tension theory and transpiration pull in relation to water movement from the roots to
(d) explain translocation using the mass flow, electro-osmosis, cytoplasmic streaming and peristaltic waves hypotheses;
(e) explain the concept of source and sink, and phloem loading and unloading in translocation according to pressure flow
9.1 Nervous system (a) describe the organisation of the nervous system in humans;
(d) describe the structure of synapse, and explain the role of neurotransmitters (acetylcholine and norepinephrine);
(e) explain and compare the mechanisms of impulse transmission along the axon and across the synapse;
(g) explain the role of sarcoplasmic reticulum, calcium ions, myofibril and T tubules in muscle contraction;
(h) explain the mechanism of muscle contraction according to the sliding filament hypothesis;
(j) explain the mechanisms of drug action on nervous system and neuromuscular junction (cocaine and curare).
5 28.1-1.2.18 9.2 Hormones (a) explain the mechanisms of action of steroid hormone and non-steroid hormones
(c) explain the mechanism of phytochrome action and their roles in photoperiodism and flowering;
(d) outline the application of plant growth regulators (synthetic auxin, synthetic gibberellins, and synthetic ethylene) in agriculture
10.1 Sexual
reproduction in
6 4-8.2.18 humans (a) outline spermatogenesis and oogenesis;
(b) describe the passage and development of sperms from the testis to the oviduct for fertilisation;
(f) explain the roles of placenta, chorion, amniotic fluid and allantois in foetal development;
10.2 Sexual
reproduction in
6 flowering plants (a) outline double fertilisation;
10.3 Seed
7 11-15.2.18 germination (a) explain the mobilisation of nutrients after imbibition in seed germination;
11 Understanding Homeostasis
11.1 Importance of
9 25-1.3.18 homeostasis (a) explain the importance of homeostasis;
9 11.2 Liver (a) describe the structure of liver, and explain the roles of its components;
(c) describe protein metabolism (transamination, deamination and urea formation) in the liver.
11.3 Osmoregulation
10 4-8.3.18 in mammals (a) explain the process of ultrafiltration, reabsorption and secretion in the formation of urine
(b) explain the role of ADH and aldosterone, and the related hormones in regulating water, sodium and potassium ions of urine;
(b) describe the various types of plant adaptations to prevent water loss (halophytes and xerophytes).
13 25-29.3.18 12.1 Immune system (a) describe human lymphatic system, and explain its function in relation to immunity
(b) describe antibody (structure and function), antigen, epitope, and the development of B and T cells;
12.2 Development of
13 immunity (a) explain cell-mediated and humoral immune responses;
(b) outline the antigen-antibody reactions (precipitation, agglutination, neutralisation, complement fixation).
12.4 Immune
14 disorder (a) describe autoimmune disorder (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)).
13.1 Infectious
15 8-12.4.18 disease (a) explain what is meant by an infection and an infectious disease;
(c) discuss the roles of social, economical and biological factors in the prevention of dengue.
16 15-19.4.18 13.3 Cholera (a) describe the causes and symptoms of cholera;
(c) discuss the roles of social, economical and biological factors in the prevention of cholera.
13.4 Tuberculosis
16 (TB) (a) describe the causes and symptoms of tuberculosis (TB);
(c) discuss the roles of social, economical and biological factors in the prevention of TB.
(c) discuss the roles of social, economical and biological factors in the prevention of malaria.
14 Understanding Taxonomy and Biodiversity
22 27-31.5.18 14.1 Taxonomy (a) explain the importance of taxonomy in biological sciences;
(b) explain the concept of species, and relate how a species is classified into higher categories in a taxonomic hierarchy.
(a) describe the morphological characteristics of the following phyla in the respective kingdoms: Protoctista (Chlorophyta and
14.2 Diversity of Zoomastigina), Fungi (Zygomycota), Plantae (Bryophyta, Filicinophyta, Coniferophyta and Angiospermophyta) and Animalia
22- 23 27.5-7.6.18 organisms (Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Mollusca, Arthropoda and Chordata).
14.4 Threats to
26 biodiversity (a) explain the natural and man-made factors that threaten biodiversity in Malaysia;
(b) explain the steps and efforts taken by various agencies and organisations to address the threats
14.5 Conservation of (a) describe the various measures taken to conserve the different levels of biodiversity including in situ and ex situ conservation in
26 biodiversity Malaysia.
15 Understanding Ecology
15.1 Levels of
27 1-5.7.18 organisation (a) explain the concept of hierarchy in an ecosystem and the interaction between the biotic and abiotic components
15.2 Biogeochemical
27 cycles (a) describe the biogeochemical cycles (carbon, phosphorus and sulphur), and explain their importance.
(a) describe the energy flow and the efficiency of energy transfer in terrestrial ecosystem (tropical rain forest) and aquatic
27 15.3 Energy flow ecosystem (lake).
15.4 Population
27 ecology (a) explain population growth (S and J growth curves), biotic potential, natality, mortality, migration and survivorship;
(b) explain the characteristics of populations that show Type I, Type II and Type III survivorship curves, and K-strategies and r-
15.5 Carrying
28 8-12.7.18 capacity (a) explain what is meant by carrying capacity and sustainable development;
(b) explain the factors limiting the population size and distribution.
15.6 Quantitative (a) describe the use of quadrat and line transect sampling methods and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using these
28 ecology methods;
(b) calculate the various sampling parameters (frequency, density, cover and their absolute and relative estimations) and estimate
the population size of organisms;
(b) explain the modes of natural selection (stabilising, directional and disruptive) and their consequences;
(d) explain the importance of artificial selection (gene bank, germplasm bank and sperm bank).
28 16.2 Speciation (a) explain the processes of isolation, genetic drift, hybridisation and adaptive radiation;
(b) describe the types of crosses (test cross, backcross, reciprocal cross and selfing) and explain their importance;
(c) describe pure breeding, outbreeding, inbreeding, selective breeding, and explain their importance
17.2 Non-Mendelian (a) explain (i) incomplete dominance (flower colour in snapdragon), (ii) codominance (MN blood group in humans), (iii) multiple
29 inheritance alleles (ABO blood group in humans), and calculate the genotypic and phenotypic ratios;
(b) explain lethal genes (sickle-cell in human/coat colur in mice/chlorophyll production in maize), polygenes (height in humans),
linked and sex-linked genes (Drosophila eye colour and haemophilia in humans), and epistasis (coat colour in dog and capsule
shape in shepherd’s purse plant);
17.3 Genetic
30 22-26.7.18 mapping (a) explain crossing over and distinguish between parental and recombinant genotypes and phenotypes;
(b) calculate the distance between two loci, and determine the relative position of a gene on a chromosome based on percentage of
crossingover in Drosophila.
17.4 Population
30 genetics (a) describe the concept of gene pool, gene/allele frequency and genotype frequency;
(b) explain Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p 2 + 2pq +q 2 = 1 and p + q = 1), and calculate the gene/allele and genotype
(a) explain the experiments to prove DNA is the genetic material (Avery, MacLeod and McCarty experiment and Hershey and
30 17.5 DNA replication Chase experiment);
(b) explain the three models of DNA replication, and interpret the experiment of Meselson and Stahl to prove the semi-
conservative model of DNA replication;
(c) explain the mechanism of DNA replication, and the role of the enzymes involved.
31 29.7-2.8.18 17.6 Gene expression (a) explain the experiment of Beadle and Tatum which leads to the establishment of one-geneone-polypeptide hypothesis;
(b) interpret the genetic code table, and identify the appropriate anti-codon;
17.7 Regulation of
31 gene expression (a) define repressor, inducer, negative control in lac operon and constitutive enzyme;
(b) describe the components of lac operon, and explain its mechanism.
(a) describe the different types of gene mutation with examples of its consequences (substitution – sickle-cell anaemia,
31 17.8 Mutation insertion/addition – frameshift mutation, deletion – frameshift mutation and thalassaemia major and inversion);
(c) describe the four structural changes in chromosomes (duplication, deletion, inversion and translocation);
(d) describe the changes in chromosome number, including the definition of non-disjunction;
(f) explain and give examples of different types of aneuploidy (monosomy and trisomy);
(g) explain and give examples of different types of euploidy: diploid and polyploid, including autopolyploidy and allopolyploidy
18 Understanding Gene Technology
18.1 Recombinant
32 5-9.8.18 DNA technology (a) explain recombinant DNA technology/genetic engineering;
(b) differentiate between genomic and cDNA cloning and genomic and cDNA libraries;
(e) explain reverse transcription, insertion, ligation, transformation/transduction, amplification and screening;
(f) describe the steps involved in genomic and cDNA cloning, including the enzymes involved, and explain human insulin
production in E. coli as an example.
19.1 Roles of
35 26-30.8.18 biotechnology (a) define biotechnology;
19.2 Applications of
36 2-6.9.18 biotechnology (a) describe the application of biotechnology in food and beverages production (fermentation and vitamin-enriched eggs);
(b) describe the application of biotechnology in agriculture (hybrid rice, herbicide resistant plants and transgenic fish);
(c) describe the application of biotechnology in medicine (human growth hormone, human insulin and gene therapy) and forensic
(DNA finger printing);
(d) describe the application of biotechnology in public health (genetic screening, diagnostic kits and oil-decomposing bacteria).
40 30.9-4.10.18 TRIAL P3