Norms For Teaching Days and Workload in The Universities
Norms For Teaching Days and Workload in The Universities
Norms For Teaching Days and Workload in The Universities
Norms fbr teaching days and
Workl oad i n t he Uni versi t i es.
constituent colleges and aflrliated
colleges including Government ancl
Non Government Colleges of the
GR No : NGC-2610-1055-Kh,
Datcd 7t" June, Z0l l .
i _ READ
l.IJGC Regulations
on Minimum
for appointment
academic staff in universities
and measures for the nruint.nun..
education 2010.
2.GR No.NGC-1599-4073-KH
of Education Department dated 6.6.2002
3.GR No.NGC- 1599-4073-KH
of Education Department dated 6.7,2002
4. GR No. NGC-l 103-631-KH
of Educat i on Depart ment dat ed
g. 4. 2003
5' GR No.NGC- I I 200 9
3 4
of Education bepartment dated | 1 . | 1 .2009
6.GR No NGC-l 12009_3734_KH (part
file) of Education l)cparlrnpnt clared 4.1 2.200q
7.GR No.cBC-262011-9|B-KII
of Education Department dated I 1.4.201 I
The state govcrnmenr.
has aocepted the
scale as per the
of the UGC vide GR dated 1l.ll.200tg and 4.12.2009 for
teachers as read at 5. and 6 above.
-I' he
question of revising the
Mininrum qualification
for appointment
of teachers and other academic stail' iir
l]niversities and colleges
and other measures for the maintenance of standards in lJigher
eduoatiotr as per the UGC Rcgulation,2070
for teaching was also under consideration o1-
the state goverrunent.
As a part of educatronal
reformso state Universities will be implementing the Choice
Based Credit System (CBCS)
in semesterization for undergraduate .or.i", from the
academi c year 201l -12. CBCS
i s a f l exi bl e syst em of l earni ng al l owi ng t he st udent s t o
have a choice of selecting a course from a pool of courses.ltt. programmes offered
uttder CBCS have components
namely, Core courses, Elective Courses and foundation
courses. The system emphasies on continuous and comprehensive evaluation with a
system of grading
as the index of performance. The state government had issued GR
dated 6.6.2002 read at 2 above defining the teaching days and rvorkload for the
' feachers
and other
of standards in hiriher
college/University teachers. Now
per the UGC Regulation, 2010which has been
ptrblished in the Gazette of India on 18.9.2010 has the guidelines of the teaching days
and the workload Thus, in view of the UGC Regulation,20lO the revision ol' the GR
dated 6.6.2002,6.7.2002 and 8.4.2003 was under consideration.
The state government is pleased to revise the guidelines for teaching days and workloacl
' ' '
as follows:
1) There shall be 90 teaching days (15 weeks) per semester in every
university/constituent colleges/Affiliated colleges including Government colleges, grant
in aid colleges ancl self financed colleges. This is cquivalent to 180 days during an
academic year as per UGC norms. This does not include days for admission, exarnination
and non instructional days fbr co-curricular, sports, college days. The same is
summarized as follows:
Caterorization No, of rveeks
in University
No. of rvegks
i n Col l eee
Teaching Learning process t 5 t 5
instructional davs
06 05
04 05
Public Holidays
01 01
26 26
If number of public holidays declared by state government are more than six days in
a semester, University can decide the vacation period to meet with the requirement.
2. The odd semester shall be from Julv to December while the even semester shall be
from January to June.
3. The workload in full employment should not be less than 40 hours a week fbr each
semester in an academic year. It should be necessary for a teacher to be available fbr at
least six and a half (6 l/2
hours daily in the University/ Collcgc. Ncccssary amendmcnts
in the relevant ordinance/statute are to be made by the respective universitv in
conformity with the provisions of this resolution with an immediate effect.
' l-hc
bifurcation of 40 hours for the Undergraduate colleges and Universities shall be as
For Undergraduate Colleges:
a) Associate professors/Assistant
orofessors in Non laboratory/field work subjects.
Teaching (1
lecture: I hour 16 hours
Preparation of Teaching
l0 hours
Con nuous/Comprehensive
Evaluation 04 hours
Adm nistrative work
02 hours
Co curricular/Extracurricular
Activities 04 hours
Extension Activities
04 hours
Teaching (l lecture: I hour) 16 hours
Preparation of Teaching & laboratory work l2 hours
Evaluation 04 hours
work 02 hours
Co curricular/Extracurricular
Activities 04 hours
Extension Activities
02 hours
Where teachers are cngagcd in teaching of Postgraduate work at University or University
afhliated postgraduate
centers, the workload of postgraduate teaching shai be taken into
consideration while calculating their total workload in their respectivc collcgc.
For Universities/Postgraduate
Colleges :
Teaching (l
lecture: I hour) l4 hours
Preparation of Teaching l2 hours
06 hours
Evaluation 02 hours
Adrninistrative work 02 hours
Co curricular/Extracurricular
Activities 02 hours
Extension Activities
02 hours
b) Assistant
in Non laboratory & Laboratory subjects.
Teaching (1 lecture: t hour) l6 hours
Preparation of Teachine
l2 hours
06 hours
Evaluation 02 hours
Co curricular/Extracurricular
Activities 02 hours
Extension Activities
02 hours
4. The Credit weightage for the credit courses to be offered under CBCS shall be as
f bl l ows:
For theory Courses
I Credit Course I hour per week in a l5week semester
2 credrt course 2hours per week in a l5week semester
For Laboratory Courses
I Credit Course 2 hours per week in a l5week semester
2 Credit course 4 hours per week in a lSweek semester
Thus, l(one) credit
I (one) hour of direct class room teaching or 2 hours of
laboratory wok /field work per week in a 15 week semester.
.5. For the subjects having practieal the numbcr of students per batch of prautiual shall tre
as follows:
For semester I and II
For semester III & IV
For sel r l est er V&VI
30 students per batch
25 students per batch
20 students per batch
6. As all the subjects in disciplinc of Arts, Commercc, Science, Erlur:ation and Law are to
be offered as Core Courses for the first semester of the said Degree Programme there is a
possibility of enrollment of less than l5 students in some of such courses. However, such
subjects will be allowed till the first cycle of CBCS gets over and they will be considered
eligible for grant.
7. The maximum number of students per division shall be r l0 to 130.
8. Any decrease in the workload should be communicated to the Commissioner of Higher
Education. Such teachers however will not be declared surplus till the first cycle of
Choice Based Credit System gets over. They may be instructed to teach Alliecl/
subjects in their own institutes/ sister institutes as well as in the
institutes of the nearby region. They may be assigned supplementary work such as
Content writing, Translation, Preparation of
bank etc. During this time, at the
end of every Academic year the status of teachers vis-d-vis workload will be reviewed by
the Commissioner Higher Education and recommendations and suggestions will be made
to the Education department.
9. The teaching work for various courses to be offered under Elective and Foundation
corlrses is to be carried out by the teachers of Core subjects in the discipline of Arts,
Commerce, Science, Education and Law. The training and capacity building
workshops for the teachers shall be arranged periodically.
l0' The time spent by a teacher for activities such as NCC, NSS, Saptdhara activities and
activities pertaining
to KCG initiatives shall be considered as a part of his/her
workload keeping in mind maximum of 2 hours per week during a 15 week semester.
Besides it will be obligatory for teachers of Universities, Government Colleges, Grant-in-
Aid colleges to perform functions and assignments given to them by thc
Commissionerate of Higher Education. Government of Gujarat from time to time
I l.The state Universities will make necessary amendments in the statucs/Ordinancc in
conformity with the provisions of this GR with immediate effect.
By order and in the name of Govemor of Gujarat,
( B. J. Brahmbhatt
Deputy Secretary to the Government
Education f)epartmcnt.
' l ' o,
PS to Hon. Chief Minister, Ncw sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
PS to Hon" Minister for Education, New sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
PS to Hon. Minister of state (H&TE), New sachivalaya,Gandhinagar.
ALL Vice Chancellors of All Universities.
All Registrars of the Universities
Commissioner of Higher Education, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Gandhinagar.
Principal, All Government colleges and Grant in Aid Colleges through the office
of the Commissioner of Higher Education.
System Manager, Computer cell. Education Department. (To upload on website.)
Select File
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