NEP Regulation
NEP Regulation
NEP Regulation
Model Regulation for Under Graduate Programmes with Multiple Entry and Exit
1. Title and Commencement:
a) These regulations shall be called “Curriculum and Credit Framework for under graduate
programme”. The framework facilitates a restructured degree progamme with multiple
entry and exit option for single major, double major and with or without major option. It
promotes Multi/Interdisciplinary choices subjects and disciplines. It inspires to meet the 21st
century requirements of quality of Higher Education and needs of India to be a developed
country. Its objective is to build well rounded creative individuals and citizens. This is
meant for 3/4 years Undergraduate Degree Programmes covering all disciplines of the State
Public Universities, coming under the Higher Education Department, Government of
Odisha. It aims to coverage multiple disciplines such as Science, Arts, Humanities and
Business Studies etc.
2. Definitions of Components:
a) Academic Year: Two consecutive (one odd + subsequent even one) semesters constitute one
academic year.
b) Choice Based Credit System (CBCS): The CBCS allows students to choose courses from a range
of options, and earn credits for the courses they complete. It is designed to provide flexibility and
enable students to pursue their interests and strengths. The students select courses from the
prescribed courses i.e., Core, Multidisciplinary, Ability Enhancement Course (AEC), Skill
Enhancement Course (SEC), Value Added Course (VAC), Summer Internship and Research Project/
Dissertation etc.
e) Core is the subject of main focus, may be under Core-I, Core-II and Core-III (Major/Minor
stream). Major or Honours will be awarded provided the students acquires 92 credits from a
single subject under core-I in the 4 yr. Program.
f) Course: Usually refers to ‘paper’, which is component of a programme.
g) Requirements: The requirement for awarding a degree/diploma/Certificate is prescribed in
terms of number of credits to be earned as per Table No. I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII.
h) Credit: A unit by which the course work is measured. One credit is equivalent to one hour of
lecture or tutorials or two hours of practical work/field work per week in a semester. One Credit
will be generally equivalent to 15 hours of instructions.(*)
Credit for different Classes
Credit Theory Tutorial Practical/Field
i) Credit Point: It is the product of grade point and number of credits for a course.
j) Discipline/Faculty: A group of related subjects i.e., Faculty (Science/Arts/Commerce etc.)
k) Grade Point: It is a numerical weight allotted to each letter grade on a 7 -point scale.
l) HEIs: It refers to “Higher Educational Institutions’ (Colleges/Universities).
o) Programme: It is a study in a discipline leading to award of a degree, diploma or certificate.
p) Semester: Each semester comprises of 90 working days and an academic year is divided into
two semesters. The odd semester may be generally scheduled from July to December and even
semester from January to June.
4. Counselling of Students:
4.1. After admission in to 1st Year Degree Programme, students have to be properly counselled by
the authorities of the Institutions by organizing induction programmes. Similarly, during beginning
of the 3rd Semester and end of the 4th Semester, the students have to be properly counselled about
the choice of subjects, skill development courses etc. and during admission into VII semester
regarding research project.
4.2 All HEIs are required to upload the subjects available in their respective institutions with
sanctioned strength on their websites.
4.3.‘Course Counselling Cell’ has to be created in each HEI to provide proper information to
students for admission on the available subjects in their respective institutions under U.G.
4.4 A state level central counseling cell under SAMS shall be created to advise and regulate the
college counseling cells for smooth functioning of the system.
5. Process of Admission:
5.1. The admission shall be made on merit on the basis of criteria to be notified by the
University/Govt. of Odisha, keeping in view the guidelines/norms issued by the UGC/ concerned
statutory bodies and taking into account the Reservation Policy issued by the Govt. of Odisha from
time to time.
5.2. All admission are into three year degree progam only continuance to 4th year subject to clause
5.3. Choice of core course during the admission in to 1st Degree Programme will determine the
discipline of his/her studies and will be registered under the said discipline. For example, a student
choosing Physics as 1st core during time of admission will be registered under science discipline. In
case a particular core belongs to more than one discipline, the entry into the discipline will be on
the basis of his second core subject. For example, a student is free to choose subjects from any
faculty/discipline under Core-I, II and III. In other words, Core-I can be science stream while core-
II can be Arts and Core-III can be from Commerce. This facilities is subject to the ability of the
college to provide flexibility.
6. Registration of HEIs/Students:
6.1. All HEIs must be registered in National Academic Depositary (NAD) and upload required
information from time to time.
6.2. Registration of students: All the students admitted into UG 1st semester be compulsorily
registered to the universities through their respective institutions and also register for 1st Semester
examination by depositing the required examination fees during the time of admission.
6.3. Students Registration with ABC: It is mandatory for all the students to registrar themselves
with Academic Bank of credit and upload all required information.
6.4. The university and college shall facilitate ABC registration of the students centrally at the
institution level.
6.5 During the beginning of the second semester, the students have to register for 2nd semester
examination by depositing the required fees. However, for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year i.e., readmission into
3rd, 5th and 7th semester the students have to register for Term- end exam of both odd and even
semesters by depositing required fees. Admission to examination will be subject to attendance,
appearance of sessional and mid-semester examinations.
6.6 The HEI during the registration for final semester examination will collect fees for issue of the
migration certificate prescribed by the concerned University and shall deposit the same with the
University. After publication of final semester result migration certificate will be issued to all
successful candidates along with their grade sheet.
8. Duration and Types of Courses and Process of Multiple Entry and Exit:
Candidate has to complete the Three /Four years course within Seven Years from the date of
admission. Under no circumstances, the candidate will be allowed to appear the backlog exam
beyond the specific period.
Illustration: A candidate admitted in the academic year 2024-25 has to complete the programme by
2030-31 (On multiple exit and entry option under four/three-year programme, the candidate has to
enter himself/herself latest by 2029-30 or 2030-31 with completion of either two year or one year
Each semester shall comprise of 15 weeks of academic activities with a minimum of 90 working
8.1 The undergraduate programmes shall extend over four academic years (Eight Semesters) with
multiple entry and exit options. The students can exit a course as follows:
i. Certificate Course- One academic year (First & Second Semesters and a summer /
Vocational Course and Community Work)
ii. Diploma Course -Two academic years (First, Second, Third & Four Semesters and a
Summer/Vocational Course and Community Work)
iii. Three Year Degree Course with Single Major
iv. Three Year Degree Course with Double Major
v. Three Year Degree Course with Three Cores as Minor stream
vi. Four Year Honours without Research with Major
vii. Four Year Honours with Research
8.2.5 4-year UG Degree (Honours with Research): Students who secure 7.5 CGPA and above
in the first six semesters and wish to undertake research at the undergraduate level can
choose a research stream in the fourth year. They should do a research project or dissertation
under the guidance of a faculty member of the institution who is a recognized Ph.D.
Supervisor of the affiliating University or who holds a Ph.D. Degree. The research
project/dissertation will be in the major discipline. The students, who secure 166credits,
including 12 credits from a research project/dissertation, are awarded UG Degree(Honours
with Research) (Table-VII).
The research work can be spread over both VII and VIII semester; however, the credit will
be awarded in the Semester VIII.
8.2.6 UG Degree Programmes with Single Major: A student has to secure Credits as per credit
requirement calculated in the Table-III with 126 credits.
8.2.7 UG Degree Programmes with Double Major: A student has to secure Credits as per credit
requirement calculated in the Table -IV with 150 Credits
III. A vocational course offered by the HEI in a specific trade duly recognized by the Academic
Council of the University concerned.
IV. The student is required to pay additional fees for the purpose as specified by the course
10.16 Besides B. A/B.Com and B.Sc., other Graduate Level course such as BBA, BCA. BSW, B.Lib Sc.
etc. are to follow the broad credit structure. Further, Jagannath Sanskrit University and other
Universities Offering Graduate Programme are also required to adopt the credit structure.
As all the above is linked with award of credits, the subject Experts Committee/BOS of
Universities shall specify the structure.
Table-I: Structure for Certificate Courses: Exit after First Academic year
[(One academic year (First & Second Semesters and a Summer/Vocational Course and Community Work)]
Semester Core-I Core-II Core-III Multi- AEC SEC VAC Community Total
discipl Engagement
inary &
Services/ Credit
Field work
I 2X4=8 1X4=4 1X3=3 1X4=4 1x3=3 22
Odia Environment
al Studies
and Disaster
Table-II: Structure for Diploma Certificate Course Exit after Second Academic year
[Two academic years (First, Second, Third & Four Semesters and a Summer Vocational Course and
Community Work)]
Semester Core-I Core-II Core-III Multi- AEC SEC VAC Community Total
discipli Engagement
& Minimu
m Credit
Field work
Odia Environme
Total 10x4=40 2x4=8 2x4=8 3x3=9 2x4=8 1X3=3 2x3=6 1x2=4 86
*The BOS in each subject has to design a course for improving skill in their field.
**Principles of Management can be offered as an option.
Table-III: Three Year Degree Course with Single Major and Two Minor
Semester Core-I Core- Core-III Multi- AEC SEC VAC Community Total
II discipli Engagement
nary & Minim
Services/ Credit
Field work
Odia Environment
al Studies
and Disaster
Total 15X4=60 3X4=12 3X4=12 3X3=9 2X4=8 3x3=9 4x3=12 1x4=4 126
In case a student opts for NCC and clears ‘C’ certificate additional 16 Credit shall be
awarded and total credit shall be 126+16 = 142 Credit
*The BOS in each subject has to design a course for improving skill in their field.
**Principles of Management can be offered as an option.
Table-IV: Three Year Degree Course with Double Major
Semester Core-I Core-II Multi- AEC SEC VAC Community Total
discipli Engagement
nary &
Services/ Credit
Field work
I 2X4=8 2X4=8 1X3=3 1X4=4 1x3=3 26
Odia Environmental
Studies and
II 2X4=8 2X4=8 1X3=3 1X4=4 1X3=3 26
III 3X4=12 2X4=8 1X3=3 1x3=3 26
*The BOS in each subject has to design a course for improving skill in their field.
**Principles of Management can be offered as an option.
Table-V: Three Year Degree Course with Three Core without Major
Semest Core-I Core-II Core-III Multi- AEC SEC VAC Community Total
disciplin Engagement
ary & Minimu
m Credit
Field work
Total 7X4=28 7X4=28 7X4=28 3X3=9 2X4=8 3x3=9 4x3=12 1X4=4 126
In case a student opts for NCC and clears ‘C’ certificate additional 16 Credit shall be
awarded and total credit shall be 126+16 = 142 Credit
*The BOS in each subject has to design a course for improving skill in their field.
**Principles of Management can be offered as an option.
Table-VI: Fourth Year Hons. Without Research
Semester Core-I Core- Core-III Multi- AEC SEC VAC Community Total
II discipli Engagement
nary & Minim
Services/ Credit
Field work
Odia Environment
al Studies
and Disaster
III 3X4=12 1X4=4 1X3=3 1X3=3 22
Total 23x4=92 5x4=20 3x4=12 3x3=9 2x4=8 3x3=9 4x3=12 1x4=4 166
*The BOS in each subject has to design a course for improving skill in their field.
**Principles of Management can be offered as an option.
Table-VII: Fourth Year Hons. With Research
Semester Core-I Core- Core-III Multi- AEC SEC VAC Community Total
II discipli Engagement
nary & Minim
Services/ Credit
Field work
Odia Environment
al Studies
and Disaster
III 3X4=12 1X4=4 1X3=3 1X3=3 22
*The BOS in each subject has to design a course for improving skill in their field.
**Principles of Management can be offered as an option.
11. Process of Multiple Entry and Exit:
11.1 A student after completion of 1st academic Session with completion of 42 Credits and an
additional 04 Credits in vocational stream can exit with a certificate issued by the HEI/University
concerned. Such student can re –enter to the UG programme into the 3rd semester within two years
from award of his certificate.
11.2 A student after completion of 2nd year with 84 and an additional 4 credit in Vocational Stream
can exit with a diploma. Such students can re-enter to UG programme in 5th semester within two
years from award of this diploma.
11.3 Student who desires to undergo a 3-year degree programme will be allowed to exit after
completion of 3rd year with minimum of 126/150 credits with a degree.
11.4 However, the total duration for completing the UG program shall not exceed 7 years from the
admission into the 1st year Academic Session.
11.5 Students may acquire additional credit under Value added / Multi-Disciplinary / Swayam etc.
The additional credit shall not be taken into account for Division/ Grade/ Rank etc. They shall not
count for admission into higher program.
12. Subjects:
The core subjects that a candidate can choose under the Discipline Faculty of Arts, Commerce and
Science include the following:
Faculty of SCIENCE Faculty of ARTS Faculty of COMMERCE &
University may add to the list. The above list is illustrative not exhaustive
14. Level of Course:
The Board of Studies (BOS)/ subject experts while designing the course curriculum shall
follow NCRF guideline as detailed below.
NCRF Level for different Academic Grades
15.2 Change of Subjects: A student can change his core (I) subject within 4 weeks of the
last date of admission which has to be duly communicated to the University by the
College Concerned. The choice of Core (Major/Minor) subjects during the first
admission to the 3rd semester has to be exercised by the candidate after proper
counselling by the college authorities through Course Counseling Cell.
Provided that for a language subject answers are to be in that language. Sanskrit may be written in
Odia script but language has to be Sanskrit.
However, excepting language subject all questions shall be in English / Odia and students are
allowed to appear in the language opted by them during the registration for 1st semester
16.2 Duration of the Examinations-Mid Semester & End Semester:
Duration of examination for all term End examination shall be for 3 hours and for all Mid Term
examination for 1 hour irrespective of full marks in the course/subjects and irrespective of credit.
The practical examinations shall be of 3 hours duration.
For Autonomous Colleges, each department shall have a designated Teacher in-charge of
Examination to be decided by the principal in addition to the Controller of Examinations of the
College. For non-autonomous college, the principal or the teacher nominated by the principal
will be responsible for conducting examinations.
16.2 Distribution of Marks in Semester End and Continuous Evaluation:
(Irrespective of credit in a course/Paper)
Course Type Maximum Semester- Continues Mid Semester-End Mid Semester
Marks End theory Evaluation Semester and Practical Practical
Mark Marks theory mark Mark
/Sessional Mark
Without 100 60 20 20 ---- --
With 100 50 10 10 20 10
18. Grading System:
• A candidate has to secured Grade D or above to pass in each of the paper (Individually in
Theory, Practical and Project)
• FAIL /MP/HARD CASE and Back Paper Clearance candidates in any Semester
Examination are not eligible for award of Distinction.
Case a: Equivalent Percentage of Mark= (CGPA-0.50) X10(for CGPA > 4.5 and CGPA ≤10)
19. Case
HARD b: Equivalent
CASE RULE: Percentage of Mark= CGPAX10 (for CGPA ≤4.5
2% of the total as grace mark subject to maximum of 5 (five) marks in single paper shall be
given to pass in a semester. This shall be applicable in each semester.
20. Disciplinary action against unfair means adopted in examinations:
A student adopting malpractice and/or showing any indiscipline behaviour, violating code of
conduct [ Which includes: Use of programmable calculators, mobile phones(except the paper in
which it is asked to use such tools )/ smart watch (even in switch off mode), document or any
electronic devices having memory chips, leaving the Examination Hall within the first hour from
the commencement of the examination, talking to other examinees in the Examination Hall, trying
to give any help to others or trying to seek any help from others inside or outside the
Examination Hall, using question papers and/or answer scripts for communicating with fellow
examinee, exchange of question papers and answer scripts with other examinees/outsiders, writing
answers in question papers, writing obscene or filthy languages in answer scripts, taking away the
answer scripts or any examination materials/papers to the outside of the examination hall without
intimation/permission from the concerned authority of the examination etc.]
a) Will be awarded “M” grade having 0(zero) Grade Point in the paper/papers concerned and
he/she will be warned by the University with a copy to the parents/guardians or a notice in
the official website of the University for the first offense.
b) For repeated offense as described above in subsequent semester examinations in spite of the
warning issued previously or grave misconduct despite warnings, he will be awarded “M”
grade having 0(zero) Grade Point in all the papers of that examination and will be expelled
from the college for one year.
c) Any student found man-handling/threatening the officers/staff connected with the
examinations (Invigilator, Centre Superintendent, Supervisors, Principal, Members of
Flying squad, etc.) will be awarded “M” grade having 0(zero) Grade Point in all the papers
of that Examination and will be expelled from the college for one year. Other disciplinary
actions as deemed fit as per the Odisha conduct of examination Act-1988 or University first
statute -1990 or IPC would be initiated by the University/college.
specifying Sl. No./Roll No./Subject-Paper/Name of the valuation zone for re-
addition/rechecking of marks or obtaining photo copies of answer scripts must be prepared
valuation zone/college wise and the same list to be send to the controller of examination of
the concerned University along with the application fees received from the student as
demand draft made in favor of the Comptroller of Finance or through electronic transfer
(as applicable) of the concerned University within Seven working days from the last date
of receiving such applications
21.5 Autonomous College/ University shall formulate their own Rules/ Regulation for
Zonal/Central Valuation.
22. Evaluation Responsibility:
22.1 Scheme of Evaluation:
Scheme of evaluation has to be prepared by subject experts, preferably members of Board of
Conducting Examiner for every paper and has to be supplied to the valuation zones by the
Controller of Examination before evaluation.
22.1.3 Internal examiners for practical subjects should be appointed from among the teachers
of the department eligible as per University statute on rotation basis and no single
teacher be appointed for all the papers of a particular examination as far as possible.
24. Uniform Fees & Uniform Transcript format:
a) The Vice Chairperson, Odisha Higher Education Council shall constitute a committee for
develop a uniform formats of Transcript (grade sheet), Migration certificate, Final degree certificate
for approval of the appropriate authority.
b) Similarly a committee shall be constituted to recommend a uniform admission, examination and
other fees structure.