Penguin Books India: Editorial Test
Penguin Books India: Editorial Test
Penguin Books India: Editorial Test
NAME: __________________________jay tripathi____________________________
DATE: ____________________________06/03/2014__________________________
TIME: __________________________16:03_____________________________
All information in this o!"m#nt is stri!tl$ !onfi#ntial%
Choos# th# &or &ith th# !orr#!t s'#llin( from th# follo&in( 'airs)
accomodate accommodate
vermiio! vermiio!
mie!!i"m mie!!i"m
omeette ommeette
#"per#ede #"percede
a!oi!t a!!oi!t
idio#y!cracy idio#y!cra#y
hara##me!t harra##me!t
de##icated de#iccated
mi!i#c"e mi!"#c"e
Choos# th# !orr#!t !onstr"!tion from th# follo&in( 'airs)
The i!de$ to a !atio!%# deveopme!t i# the #tate o& it# /it%# eco!omy'
(etty the&t ca! )e de#cri)ed a# a ve!a/ ve!ia #i!'
To )e ca"*ht i! a tra&&ic jam ca! )e a !erve+rac,i!*/ !erve+-rac,i!* e$perie!ce'
A #,i&" -or,er ca! )e de#cri)ed a# i!*e!"o"#/ i!*e!io"# '
I& yo"r )oat deveop# a #ma ea,. yo" mi*ht -a!t to )ai o"t/ )ae o"t '
I& #omethi!* ha# a "!i&orm character. it may )e de#cri)ed a# homo*e!o"#/ homo*e!eo"# '
I& yo" are #"re o& yo"r o-! a)iitie#. yo" may )e de#cri)ed a# compace!t /compai#a!t '
I& yo" decide to *o -itho"t di!!er. yo" -o"d &or*o /&ore*o it'
I& yo" -ere a#,ed to eva"ate #omethi!*. yo" -o"d appri#e/ apprai#e it'
The paper yo" -rite o! i# part o& #tatio!ary /#tatio!ery '
Th# follo&in( 'i#!# has s#+#ral t$'o(ra'hi!al,s'#llin( #rrors- an s"ff#rs from
fa"lt$ t$'#s#ttin(% Pl#as# 'roofr#a it !ar#f"ll$ an mar. $o"r !orr#!tions in th#
Every march. -he! the rhodode!dro!# #tai! the #ope# crim#o! -ith their )oom#.
a #t"rdy itte #team e!*i!e *oe# h"&&i!* a!d p"&&i!* thro"*h o!e o& three t"!!e#
)et-ee! /a,a a!d 0hima' Thi# i# pro)a)y the mo#t pict"re#1"e a!d roma!tic -ay o&
approachi!* the hi #tatio!. atho"*h the jo"r!ey )y road i# m"ch 1"ic,er'
2"t 1"iet rece!ty. I -e!t to 0hima )y a itte "#ed ro"te 3 the road &rom Dehrad"! via
Naha! a!d 0oa!' It ta,e# o!e. &ir#t thro"*h the #")+tropica 0i-ai,# a!d the!. a&ter
Naha!. i!to the &oothi# to #ome )ea"ti&" e$te!#ive pi!e+&ore#t#. )e&ore joi!i!* -ith the
mai! hi*h-ay !ear 0oa!' 2y )"#. it i# a tedio"# te!+ho"r jo"r!ey )"t )y car. it i# a
pict"re#1"e ride a!d there i# very itte tra&&ic to co!te!d -ith'
Th# follo&in( 'assa(# mi(ht r#0"ir# !o'$1#itin( an r#str"!t"rin(% 2o" &ill also
n## to !h#!. for !onsist#n!$% 2o" ma$ r#&rit# s#!tions if n#!#ssar$- &hil# .##'in(
!los# to th# ton# an s#ns# of th# ori(inal%
The term occ"rred to me -he! -e #tarted o"t o! the &ir#t pha#e o& the /ar!ata,a to"r 3
&rom My#ore. thro"*h 4"!#"r a!d 4a##a!' The road to 4a##a! pa##ed thro"*h rice &ied#
o! )oth #ide#. parae to the co"r#e o& )oth. the 5a"very a!d 4emavathi river#' That -a#
the mo#t rej"ve!ati!* part o& o"r jo"r!ey6 Travei!* i! o"r car. there -a# #o m"ch to
#ee: tied &armho"#e#7 itte #hri!e# or mantaps #et amid tra!#"ce!t. -avi!* paddy &ied#7
the road#ide via*e# co!#i#ti!* o& #ome do8e! ho"#e# ao!* the hi*h-ay7 a!d the
hoardi!*# o& re#ta"ra!t#. hair+c"tti!* #aoo!# a!d taior #hop# pai!ted o! the -a# o& the
ho"#e#. cai!* o"t to "#'
I "#ed to ive i! 4a##a! over ha& a ce!t"ry a*o. o!* )e&ore the rai-ay i!e -a# aid'
2ac, the!. -e had to reach it )y )"oc, cart &rom Ar#i,ere. -hich -a# a 29+mie a+
!i*ht carava! jo"r!ey' 4a##a! had o!y o!e mai! road &a!,ed )y :a!ta!a hed*e#. a!d
the home# o& di#trict o&&icia#. -hich -ere #et &ar )ac, )eyo!d the drive o& m"rm"ri!*
5a#"ari!a tree#' My &ather. the! a headma#ter. -a# aotted a coo!ia+#tye d-ei!* -ith
a trei#ed porch covered -ith p"rpe &o-er#. a!d *"arded )y a h"*e ;"mohar tree' The
ho"#e -a# #et i! a three+acre *ro"!d amid#t *ra## &ied#. -here co)ra# a#o ived. )"t at
peace -ith "#'
4avi!* co!ti!"ay jo"r!eyed "p a!d do-! the ;hat#. the /o!,a! coa#t a!d 5oor*. -e
ret"r!ed to My#ore !eary o!e -ee, ater' <e !ever #a- a dry patch a!y-here' 0evera
#hade# o& *ree! -e #a-: i*ht *ree!. dar, *ree!. pae *ree!. ever*ree!' It #eemed that
every ,i!d o& #hade o& *ree! -a# o&&ered &or o"r deectatio! a thro"*h o"r circ"ar to"r
o& appro$imatey a tho"#a!d ,iometer#' There -ere mo"!tai!+#ide# i*hty coated -ith
verd"re a!d &er!. a!d the dar, &oia*e o& tree# ri#i!* h"!dred# o& &eet &rom the =aey'
Eit th# follo&in( 'assa(#% 2o" ma$ r#&rit# if $o" thin. n#!#ssar$% Us# 456 s'#llin(s
an British s'#llin(s%
The arriva o& the &amiy prie#t a itte a&ter #"!ri#e. &oo-ed )y that o& the )ar)er a &e-
mi!"te# ater. -a# the #i*!a &or the -ome! to eave the room' =ive, -a# #"rpri#ed at
ho- cam he remai!ed. eve! a# he -atched hi# mother. her eye# red a!d #-oe!. #h"&&e
o"t o& the room. her piteo"# #o))i!* o& the !i*ht )e&ore havi!* #")#ided i!to a #ie!t
4e co"d !ot hep )"t recoi &rom the &ir#t co!tact -ith the ice+cod &e#h' >or a &e-
#eco!d#. hi# eye# -ith a -i o& their o-!. re&"#ed to )e averted &rom hi# &ather%# coc, 3
the mi*hty pater!a pha"# o& hi# )oyhood ima*i!atio! 3 &oppi!* a*ai!#t a &ai!ty )"e
thi*h a# the me! ro"*hy p"ed do-! the #hort#'
A&ter the #po!*i!* -a# competed a!d the )ody -rapped i! a coar#e -hite coth. the &ace
-a# e&t "!covered' =ive, heped tie the )ody do-! to the )ier -ith thic, j"te #tri!*#'
The co!ce!tratio! re1"ired -a# *reat7 the ta#, o& p"i!* a ti*ht+e!o"*h #tri!* a!d tyi!* a
*ood. #tro!* ,!ot #o that the )ody -o"d !ot #hi&t or #ide o&& -he! the )ier -a# i&ted "p
o! the #ho"der# o& &o"r me! a!d the!. ta,e! to the m"!icipa hear#e par,ed o"t#ide the
ho"#e' Thi# -a# j"#t -hat he !eeded to ,eep &o- o& the dam!ed time: the mo"r!er# 3
!ei*h)o"r#. hi# &ather%# coea*"e# a!d their -ive#. oo,i!* #tra!*ey "!&amiiar -itho"t
the e$pre##io! o& #e&+importa!ce they !ormay -ore i! p")ic 3 )e*a! to &i the room'
4epi!* them#eve# to *ara!d# o& mari*od a!d ro#e peta# that -ere heaped o! #iver
tray# i! o!e cor!er o& the room. they paced the &o-er# o! the )ier a!d the )ody. )e&ore
to"chi!* hi# &ather%# covered &eet )e&ore the &i!a &are-e i! a)#o"te #ie!ce' 4e
care&"y avoided oo,i!* at thi# mother. -ho !o- #at at the &oot o& the )ier' 0he -a#
#"rro"!ded )y a *ro"p o& -ome!. -ho had e!th"#ia#ticay #ipped i!to rit"a *rievi!*.
a cad i! cotto! #ari# o& vario"# #hade# o& -hite'
Eit th# follo&in( 'assa(#% 2o" ma$ r#&rit# if $o" thin. n#!#ssar$% Us# 456 s'#llin(s
an British s'#llin(s%
;opa%# vi#io!# e!ded -he! he *re- )rea#t#' 4e -a# &i&tee!' Tho"*h hi# -ere !ot the
&a))y )rea#t# o& od me!. )"t #ma. &irm a!d per&ecty pro!o"!ced or)# o& yo"!* *ir#
-ho ac, )rea#t pride' 4e had a-ay# )ee! a p"mp chid )"t !o-. the &e#h o! hi# che#t
)e*a! to #-e a!d carve it#e& i!to t-o di#ti!ct mo"!d#' >or a -hie i! the )e*i!!i!*. he
,ept the "pper+ha& o& hi# )ody covered -ith a -rap. eve! i! the heat o& #"mmer6 At
time# &i!di!* him#e& ao!e i! the &ied#. he -o"d eve! #ap hi# )rea#t#. #creami!*. ?;o
i!6 ;o i!6@
Ever #i!ce he -a# te! year# od. he had )ee! i! *reat dema!d at rei*io"# ceremo!ie# a!d
&e#tiva# i! the via*e: ;opa oved to #i!* i! prai#e o& a *od# or *odde##e# )ei!*
cee)rated' <hat attracted hi# i#te!er# -a# !ot o!y hi# #-eet+#i!*i!* voice 3 a yric
#opra!o or hi# ear &or meody a!d rhythm 3 )"t the i!te!#ity a!d depth o& &eei!* he p"t
i!to hi# #o!*#. e#peciay tho#e prai#i!* /ri#h!a. hi# &avo"rite *od' There -ere three
occa#io!# -he! #itti!* i! &ro!t o& the co!*re*atio! #i!*i!* ao!* -ith other#. ;opa had
#ee! the ido o& the *od come aive6 I!vo"!tariy. he had #tood "p a!d #tretched hi# arm#
to-ard hi# /ri#h!a' A! a-ed h"#h had &ae! o! the *atheri!*' 4i# )ody had )e*"! to
move rhythmicay a!d #o!*# o& prai#e came trii!* &rom deep -ithi! him' A thi#
-itho"t hi# havi!* made a!y co!#cio"# choice o& a partic"ar #o!* or eve! a ti!y e&&ort to
remem)er the -ord#' The ec#tatic mood deepe!ed a!d there -a# a co!#ta!t &o- o& tear#
o& joy &rom hi# ha&+co#ed eye#' A&ter a -hie. i! the mid#t o& a rapt"re #o #")ime. the
#o!* #topped i! mid+#e!te!ce' ;opa%# im)# #ti&&e!ed. hi# )ody )ecame a# ri*id a# a
#tat"e' Ather# r"#hed to him. e#t he &e a!d h"rt him#e&'
Pl#as# t#ll "s 8in a9o"t 2:; &ors< a9o"t th# most &or. of fi!tion $o" ha+#
r#a in th# last $#ar% 2o" ma$ !hoos# from 9oo.s &ritt#n 9$ int#rnational or Inian
a"thors% Som# 'ossi9l# !hoi!#s in th# s#!on !at#(or$ mi(ht 9# Siharth Shan(+i6s
Last Song of Dusk- Pi!o I$#r6s Abandon, =h"m'a Lahiri6s Namesake of Kh"sh&ant
Sin(h6s Burial at Sea% *# &o"l li.# a is!"ssion of &hat $o" fo"n int#r#stin( or
im'r#ssi+# a9o"t th# 9oo.- as &#ll as an anal$sis of its stron( an &#a. 'oints%
The )oo, that I -a!t to di#c"## i# a )io*raphy o& B"i"# 5ae#ar )y Adria! ;od#-orthy'
<riti!* the )io*raphy o& me! #"ch a# 5ae#ar. a coo##"# eve! i! hi# o-! time. i# !ot
ea#y' The ma! ha# )ee! immortai8ed !"mero"# time# !ota)y )y ("tarch. 0"eto!i"#.
0ha,e#peare. ;o#ci!!y' Every a#pect o& hi# i&e ha# )ee! -ritte! a)o"t a!d hi# death
immortai8ed to the e$te!t that Cet t" )r"te% ha# come to #ym)oi#e )etraya'
;od#-orthy "!i,e other )io*rapher#. perhap# o-i!* to hi# prediectio! a# a miitary
hi#toria!. -rite# i! a very cear. cea! a!d detaied ma!!er' 4e ta,e# the reader &or-ard
chro!oo*icay. e"cidati!* o! a thi!*# #ocia. poitica or miitary' 4e #et# the #ta*e
e$pa!di!* o! the #tate o& the rep")ic. o! 0"a. the roe o& the #e!ate. the mecha!i#atio!#
o& re*ime cha!*e D-hich ha# parae# thro"*ho"t hi#tory a!d iterat"re. a rece!t e$ampe
)ei!* the /evi! 0pacey+#tarrer House of CardsE'
The )oo, i! it# three part# capt"re# the phe!ome!a i&e a!d ri#e o& 5ae#ar' The &ir#t.
detai# 5ae#ar# &ir#t poitica o&&ice aro"!d 92 or 91 2'5'. hi# aia!ce -ith (ompey a!d
ater o!. 5ra##"#' It e$pore# hi# eary year# a# a pop"ar eader i! Fome' The #eco!d part
a!ay#e# hi# campai*!# i! ;a" a!d 2rita!ia. a!d the third dea# -ith hi# ret"r! to Fome
a!d co!#e1"e!ty. hi# ri#e to #"preme po-er'
;od#-orthy trie# to )e a! o)jective -riter. a!d #"cceed# i! mo#t part#' 4o-ever. hi#
admiratio! &or hi# prota*o!i#t doe# #eep thro"*h' Thi# a thoro"*h )io*raphy. a!d doe# a
comme!da)e jo) paci!* 5ae#ar i! the mid#t o& the pro)ematic rep")ic. -he!ce 5ae#ar
act# a# de#troyer o& a rep")ic &ra"*ht -ith corr"ptio!. a!d i! t"r! )ecome# a #avio"r o&
the peope' The a"thor )ri!*# to i&e the eader -ho -a# the heart o& hi# peope'
The )oo,. co!ci#e a!d coo"red -ith poitica i!tri*"e. #ho"d )e a! i!tere#ti!* read &or
a!yo!e i!tere#ted i! the ma! or hi# time#'
<rite a #hort )"r) o& a)o"t 100 -ord# -ith a headi!e that ca! )e "#ed a# a catao*"e
e!try or *o o! the )ac, cover o& a )oo,. the ,i!d o& -riti!* a!d e!o"*h ?tea#er@
i!&ormatio! to ma,e a reader -a!t to )"y the )oo,'
Tite: The 5ardamom 5")
A"thor: Bo! 0toc,
Type o& 2oo,: De)"t -riter7 crime &ictio! -ith a iterary #a!t' =ery reada)e'
5ommercia po#itio!i!* de#ire7 cover -i )e very commercia ma## mar,et
The 0tory: Faj Nair. the mai! prota*o!i#t o& the !ove i# a! MI6 operative po#ted to
I!dia' 4i# cover i# that o& a doctor i! the 2riti#h 4i*h 5ommi##io! I Ne- Dehi' A# Faj
i# caed "po! t i!ve#ti*ate a #erie# o& i!cide!t#. Faj%# &ather i# arre#ted i! 2ritai! &or
#pyi!*' Faj reai8e# he%# "p a*ai!#t a #ecret or*a!i8atio! that *oe# )ac, to coo!ia day#
a!d eve! !o- ha# i!&"e!ce# i! <hiteha' The or*a!i8atio! i# caed the 5ardamom
5")' Faj ha# to e$po#e the c") a!d e$o!erate hi# &ather'
The -riter%# #tye i# #imiar to that o& ;raham ;ree!e a!d 4F /eati!*' 4e
pre#e!t# the co!&ict o& mora diemma# a!d poitica machi!atio!#' The -riti!* i# -itty
a!d ee*a!t a!d the )oo, )"id# "p te!#io! 1"iety thro"*h pe!ty o& t-i#t# a!d t"r!# i!
the pot'
A! the #"r&ace. Faj Nair i# a doctor -ith the 2riti#h 4i*h 5ommi##io! i! Ne- Dehi )"t
he ha# a #ecret' 4e i# a #py. a mem)er o& a! eite or*a!i8atio!. the MI6' 4i# #ere!e -ord
o& ca!de#ti!e activitie# a!d e#pio!a*e i# ratted -he! hi# &ather i# arre#ted i! 2ritai! &or
Faj i# pert"r)ed a# to the ca"#e o& thi#' 5o"d it )e )eca"#e o& hi# rece!t a##i*!me!t.
-here i! hi# i!ve#ti*atio!#. he ha# come &ace to &ace -ith a #ecret or*a!i8atio! that *oe#
)ac, to coo!ia day#'
No- he m"#t d-e deeper i!to the m"r,y -ord o& a! or*a!i8atio! #o deep i! po-er a!d
i!&"e!ce that it #tretche# to the mi*hty <hiteha' Thi# or*a!i8atio! i# the 5ardamom
Boi! Faj i! a &re!8ied jo"r!ey to e$po#e the c") a!d e$o!erate hi# &ather'