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NICOLE BRENEZ with Donal Foreman
b Donal Foreman An!wer! tran!late" #rom the Fren$h b %o&na 'wa( In an e!!a on A"orno! relation!hi) with $inema* Ni$ole Brene+ )ro)o!e! that ,the #a$t that one $an thin( with $ertain #ilm!* an" not !im)l abo&t them* i! the irre#&table !i-n o# their .al&e/0 Few $riti$! ha.e rea$he" the !ame le.el o# inten!it a! Brene+ in thin(in- with $inema/ Altho&-h her #ir!t boo( wa! )&bli!he" in Fran$e in 1223 4a !t&" o# Ca!!a.ete!! Sha"ow! that ha! et to be tran!late" into En-li!h5* it wa! her $ontrib&tion to the lan"mar( boo( o# $ine)hili$ #ilm $riti$i!m* 6&tation!* in 7889 that intro"&$e" her to man An-lo)hone rea"er!/ She !hare! with man o# her )eer! in that .ol&me 4!&$h a! :onathan Ro!enba&m* Fer-&! Dal* an" A"rian 6artin* who ha! tran!late" m&$h o# her writin- into En-li!h5 an e$le$ti$ an" e-alitarian a))roa$h to $riti$i!m both in term! o# the $inema !he write! abo&t 4#rom 6ar$el ;ano&n to 6i!!ion Im)o!!ible5 an" the ran-e o# !tli!ti$ an" theoreti$al tool! !he em)lo!* #reel mi<in- in#e$tio&! )a!!ion an" lri$i!m with ri-oro&! $on$e)t&al in.ention/ Thi! i! a writer who* in her boo(=len-th !t&" o# Abel Ferrara* $o&l" )la$e the "ire$tor in a linea-e o# ne-ation that in$l&"e! ;e-el an" Bataille while al!o o)enin- with the irre!i!tible line* ,Abel Ferrara i! to $inema what :oe Str&mmer i! to m&!i$> a )oet who ?&!ti#ie! the e<i!ten$e o# )o)&lar #orm!/0 B&t Brene+! wor( i! al!o "i!tin-&i!he" b the #or$e#&l )oliti$al $on!$io&!ne!! that )ermeate! it* !omethin- whi$h Internationali!t Cinema #or To"a* the !erie! o# !$reenin-! !he ha! $&rate" #or Antholo- Film Ar$hi.e! 46ar$h 7 @ 115* ma(e! ab&n"antl $lear/ Both in her writin- an" her eA&all )roli#i$ wor( a! the CinBmathCA&e FranDai!e! re!i"ent a.ant=-ar"e )ro-rammer* Brene+ ha! -one to -reat e##ort! to re.i.e* )re!er.e* an" $on!tr&$t a #ilm hi!tor o# re!i!tan$e an" #ormal in.ention* e<)li$itl o))o!e" to the me"i&m! "ominant* in"&!tr=$entri$ narrati.e/ Thi! $ommitment i! e<em)li#ie" in her e!!ential an" ine<ha&!tible e!!a on the hi!tor o# mo"ern Fren$h $inema* ,Form! 12E8 @ 7888*0 in whi$h !he a!!ert!* ,the le!! #amiliar the name! an" title! mentione" in thi! e!!a ma a))ear* the more im)ortant the are in realit/0 The 1F )ro-ram! that ma(e &) the internationali!t !erie! )er!&a!i.el ill&!trate thi! )rin$i)le* with m&$h that will be &n#amiliar #or e.en tho!e!e" in ra"i$al $inemaG !e.eral title!* in$l&"in- all o# the RenB Ha&tier #ilm! )re!ente"* ha.e been !&btitle" in En-li!h !)e$iall #or the !erie!/ In one o# her intro"&$tion! at Antholo- thi! wee(en"* Brene+ em)ha!i+e" her intent to $on.e the ri$hne!! an" "!it o# thi! $inema more than tra$e an )arti$&lar line or tra?e$tor in it! "e.elo)ment/ The re!<in- )roli#eration o# time!* )la$e!* an" !tle! i! )er#e$tl in (ee)in- with the mi!!ion !he a!$ribe! to internationali!m> ,to re!i!t all )ro$e!!e! o# i"enti#i$ation im)o!e" b -eo-ra)h* hi!tor* an" b&rea&$ra$ rather than e<i!tential !in-&lar #ree $hoi$e/0 An" it! in"i$ati.e o# the enth&!ia!m an" -enero!it that ener-i+e! all o# Brene+! wor(> a lo.e #or the!e #ilm! that are not a! !een* a! a))re$iate"* or a! ,tho&-ht with0 a! the !ho&l" be* an" a "e!ire to !hare them/ Thi! i! $o&)le" with a $orre!)on"in- h&milit> The !ele$tion #or Antholo- i! &naba!he"l in$om)lete* an" Brene+ i! alwa!* a! !he on$e )&t it* ,)re to the int&ition that !he !till (now! nothin- o# all that remain! to be "one in thi! #iel"* an" aware that it will reA&ire a .i-ilant* $olle$ti.e* an" in#inite e##ort/0 Thi! inter.iew wa! #ir!t )&bli!he" online on 6ar$h E* 7817/ Donal Foreman 4Rail5> Ih "o o& $on!i"er ,internationali!m0 an im)ortant $on$e)t #or $inema to"aJ An" how "o o& !ee o&r !ele$tion o# #ilm! #or the Antholo- !erie! in relation to the )roblem! o# internationali!m rai!e" in :ean=L&$ Ko"ar" an" Anne=6arie 6iB.ille! ;ere an" El!ewhere 4I$i et aille&r!* 12FE5* !)ea(in- abo&t wor(in- in Pale!tine> ,I# we wante" to ma(e the re.ol&tion #or them* it! )erha)! be$a&!e at that time we "i"nt reall want to ma(e it where we are0J Ni$ole Brene+> 6 ba!i! #or i"enti#in- an internationali!t $&rrent in $ontem)orar $inema i! -ro&n"e" in !e.eral "etermination!/ Fir!t o# all* the #a$t o# re!ear$he"* #or man ear! now* the hi!tor o# )oliti$all en-a-e" $inema* whi$h o#ten lai" $laim to internationali!t mo.ement!> in 12L8! S)ain* in $olonial A#ri$a !in$e the 38! an" in the Tri$ontinental $o&ntrie! "&rin- the E8! an" F8!/ The im)ortant hi!tori$al #i-&re! in thi! !$enario are e!!entiall $omm&ni!t! or $omm&ni!t !m)athi+er! !&$h a! :ori! I.en! or RenB Ha&tier* b&t al!o anar$hi!t! !&$h a! Arman" K&erra or Arman" Katti/ Ne<t* the #a$t that the wor(! o# internationali!t #ilmma(er!* e!)e$iall tho!e witho&t alle-ian$e to an )art or mo.ement* are the mo!t #ra-ile an" .&lnerable to bein- #or-otten/ Im thin(in- here o# the !till=m!terio&! #i-&re o# E"o&ar" "e La&rot* o# %olan"e "& L&art* Tobia! En-el* :ean=6i$hel ;&mea&/ Some im)ortant wor(! ha.e in #a$t "i!a))eare"* altho&-h Im o)timi!ti$ that the.e a$t&all ?&!t been ar$hi.e" either too )oorl or too well> Im thin(in- in )arti$&lar o# No!!a Terra b 6ario 6arret* o# whi$h no $o)ie! e<i!t in Fran$e b&t whi$h Im !&re i! !lee)in- !omewhere in New %or(* no "o&bt in the ar$hi.e! o# Thir" Iorl" New!reel/ All o# the!e internationali!t initiati.e! "e!er.e to be )a!!e" on to $ontem)orar )rote!t mo.ement!> Their #ree"om an" $o&ra-e re!onate with $&rrent initiati.e!* an" the!e #ilmma(er! are o#ten the an$e!tor! o# tho!e who #i-ht thro&-h ima-e! to"a/ La!tl* their e<am)le an" their i"eal! allow &! to #i-ht the $&rrent rei-n o# nationali!t or e.en $omm&nitarian i"eolo-ie!/ ;ere an" El!ewhere i! a .er im)ortant #ilm in thi! $onte<t* a! are all the #ilm! o# the D+i-a Herto. Kro&) #or that matter* an" the wor( o# Ko"ar" in -eneral/ To me* the ,#ail&re0 o# their initial )ro?e$t* Until Hi$tor 4:&!A&M la .i$toire5* whi$h wa! #ilme" in Pale!tine* re!<e" not onl in a .er bea&ti#&l #ilm* b&t abo.e all* in an i"eolo-i$al 4theoreti$al5 !&$$e!!G be$a&!e i# Until Hi$tor "oe! ,#ail0 in the !en!e that it $o&l" not be $om)lete" an" be$ome! ;ere an" El!ewhere in!tea"* it! be$a&!e* amon- other thin-!* the #ilmma(er! re#&!e" to obe the "i$tate! o# the )oliti$al or-ani+ation! with whom the ha" "e$i"e" to wor(/ A! RenB Ha&tier )&t! it .er well in hi! memoir!* Citi+en Camera 4CamBra Citoenne5* he ha" ha" the !ame e<)erien$e with Frant+ Fanon* 17 ear! earlier "&rin- the Al-erian Re.ol&tion* with the #ilm Al-eria in Flame! 4Al-Brie en #lamme!5/ Ihile #ilmin- the Al-erian re!i!tan$e* Ha&tier re#&!e" to !&bor"inate hi! wor( to the )oliti$al a))arat&! o# the FLN at hi! #rien" Frant+ Fanon! reA&e!t/ ;ere! how he #orm&late! the ne$e!!it #or a #ilmma(er to remain in"e)en"ent* e.en with re!)e$t to hi! own allie!> An Al-erian in a )o!ition o# a&thorit !)ea(!> Sin$e o& "ont a-ree with Fanon! i"ea!* well tr to #in" another !ol&tion that wor(! both #or o& an" #or &!/ Ihat bother! o& the mo!t in Fanon! )ro)o!al i! the i"ea o# -oin- on the FLN )aroll an" "e)en"in- entirel on &!J0 ,Ba!i$all* e!/0N ,Petit=bo&r-eoi! !en!iti.itJ %o& "ont ha.e a )roblem ta(in- a b&llet* b&t o& want it to be (nown that o&ll "ie #or i"ea! an" not #or bi- b&$(!J0 ;e ha! a mi!$hie.o&! little -limmer in hi! ee!/ I thin( it> ,That! )art o# it* mabe* b&t there! al!o the #a$t that I inten" to )arti$i)ate to the #&lle!t e<tent in $reatin- meanin- in the ima-e! I #ilm /// in the e"itin-* in the narration/O0N,That mean! that o& alone will be re!)on!ible #or what will be !ai" abo&t o&r ima-e!J0N ,Not ne$e!!aril/ I re#&!e to &!e ima-e! to ill&!trate a )attern or a )re=e!tabli!he" the!i!* be$a&!e I thin( that $an onl re!< in a ba" #ilm/ I #ilm what I !ee* what hit! me0 4I "i"nt reali+e how ri-ht I wo&l" t&rn o&t to be> I en"e" &) #ilmin- the )ara$h&te !ni)er an" the b&llet that !hot m $amera a #ew month! laterP5 ,An" a#terwar"! Im rea" to "i!$&!! m inter)retation o# the!e ima-e!* abo.e all with other! who ha.e .er "i##erent in#ormation than I "o abo&t their !o$ial an" )oliti$al $onte<t0/ RenB Ha&tier* :ean=L&$ Ko"ar"* an" :ean=Pierre Korin an" their $amera o)erator Arman" 6ar$o ha" the !ame e<)erien$e an" $ame to the !ame $on$l&!ion* m&ta"i! m&tan"i!> Tho&-h the were an<io&! to )&t them!el.e! at the !er.i$e o# the !tr&--le o# )eo)le who ha" been $oloni+e" b their own nation* the re#&!e" ne.erthele!! to let their ima-e! be $ontrolle" or "i$tate" to them/ 4Thi! i! how :ean=L&$ Ko"ar"! mani#e!to* )&bli!he" in El Fatah in :&l 12F8* be-in!> ,Ie tho&-ht it wo&l" be more a))ro)riate )oliti$all #or &! to $ome to Pale!tine rather than to -o el!ewhere* li(e to 6o+ambiA&e* Colombia* or Ben-al* be$a&!e the 6i""le Ea!t wa! "ire$tl $oloni+e" b Briti!h an" Fren$h im)eriali!m QS(e!=Pi$ot A-reementR/ Ie are Fren$h militant!/05 No matter how )oliti$all re!)on!ible an" $ommitte" the are* one thin- i! o# )aramo&nt im)ortan$e> their e<)erti!e with ima-e!* the #a$t that ima-e! en-en"er "i!$&!!ion an" e.en $reate a $!ation amon-!t them!el.e!* rather than merel bein- the )a!!i.e or e.en !er.ile in!tr&ment o# "i!$o&r!e/ ,Art i! a "i!!i"ent #or$e*0 wrote ;erbert 6ar$&!eN$a!e! li(e thi! are a -oo" e<am)le/ In a""ition the were all romanti$!* o# $o&r!e* b&t a#ter the bea&ti#&l e<am)le o# Frie"ri$h S$hiller* or Bron -oin- to 6i!!olon-hi to #i-ht #or Kree( in"e)en"en$e> The were ,the la!tS!&)reme romanti$!*0 ,<imate romanti$!0 a! Peter Ihitehea" .er a)tl !a! abo&t Ko"ar"/ Their i"eal! o# eman$i)ation are in"i!!o$iable #rom Kerman Romanti$i!m* an" #ir!t amon- the "ire$t heir! o# the Athenae&m wa! the o&n- 'arl 6ar<G hi! later $orre$tion! an" !el#=$riti$i!m notwith!tan"in-* he wa! #orme" b the i"eal! o# the ori-inal Kerman Romanti$i!m/ Rail> For thi! ear! Si-ht an" So&n" en" o# ear )oll* o& li!te" O$$&) Iall Street! li.e!tream #ee" a! one o# o&r $inemati$ hi-hli-ht! o# the ear/ Do o& ha.e an re!er.ation! abo&t thi! new )roli#eration o# online )oliti$al ima-erJ 6 $on$ern i! that mo!t o# what i! )ro"&$e" i! limite" to #orm! that are ?o&rnali!ti$ or e.en )!e&"o=$ommer$ialNthere !eem! to be a )re"ominan$e o# what Ser-e Dane $alle" the Hi!&al a! o))o!e" to the Ima-e/ Brene+> On the $ontrar* the )roli#eration o# ima-e! !eem! to me to be a won"er#&l )henomenon> more ima-e! an" #ilm! in line with !tan"ar"i+e" #orm!* o# $o&r!e* b&t al!o more #ormal* .i!&al* an" lo-i!ti$al inno.ation!/ There i! a !ea o# in.enti.e an" .al&able )ro)o!al! that we will nee" to !tart e<)lorin-/ To )&t it !&$$in$tl* #o&r im)ortant (in"! o# initiati.e! $an be lo$ate" on the Internet> ima-e! o# $o&nter=in#ormation* whi$h are "ire$t "e!$en"ant! o# the New!reel!* the Cine-iornali* the CinB=Tra$t! o# the 12E8!* the Re.ol&tionar New! 4A$t&alitB! rB.ol&tionnaire!5 o# Ram&n"o Kle+er! CinB "e la Ba!e* or San"ini!ta #ilmma(er! 4who are re)re!ente" in the Antholo- )ro-ram b three .er "i##erent #ilm! who!e material nonethele!! all $ome! #rom #oota-e !hot on the #rontline!> 6a&ro An"ri++i! IraAi Short Film!* Thi! Pla$e i! Iran QCet en"roit $e!t lIranR* an" An"er! Oe!ter-aar"! B&rma H:5G e!!a! an" $riti$al!* !ome o# them brilliant* heir! to the writin- o# Chri! 6ar(er* Fernan"o Solana! an" O$ Ketino* the CinBthiA&e -ro&)!* an" Arman" 6attelartG the immemorial an" in"i!)en!able tra"ition o# re.ol&tionar !on-! an" .i"eo! that o#ten re)re!ent the mo!t )oeti$ an" enth&!ia!ti$ )o)&lar e<)re!!ionG an" the "e.elo)ment o# ha)a<* o# $om)letel &niA&e #orm! #ollowin- the e<am)le o# the #ilm! o# La&ra Ia""in-ton* 6arlCne Ne-ro* or Florent 6ar$ie! SaTa* in Antholo-! )ro-ram/ Thi! #o&rth a!)e$t remain! lar-el &ne<)lore"* an" it wo&l" reA&ire a $olle$ti.e e##ort to i"enti#* $omment on* an" $on!er.e the memor o# the!e #ilm!/ To -i.e b&t one e<am)le that e!tabli!he! a "ire$t lin( between the #ormal inno.ation! o# the E8! 4that "rew m&$h #rom !o&r$e! !&$h a! Santia-o Al.are+ an" Fernan"o Solana!5 an" $ontem)orar one!> De$ember See"!* in!)ire" b the Kree( $ri!i!* lin(! Chri! 6ar(er! !tle to the .i!&al #orm! o# )o)&lar e<)re!!ion on the web/ 4The #ilm $an be #o&n" on Himeo> htt)>SS.imeo/$omSL979EU115/ Be$a&!e the #ilm "ate! #rom 7882* we $ant e<$l&"e the )o!!ibilit that it! hbri" an" m&!i$al !tli!ti$! "ire$tl in!)ire" :ean=L&$ Ko"ar"! .er bea&ti#&l Film So$iali!me/ Both emer-e #rom a ,re)&bli$ o# ima-e!*0 in other wor"! #rom #orm! o# monta-e that "e=hierar$hi+e #ormat!* te$hniA&e!* te<t&re!* an" A&alitie!* to the bene#it o# a more #ar=rea$hin-* more )oliti$al )er!)e$ti.e an" at the e<)en!e o# te$hno)hili$ an" e$onomi$ $riteria/ For me* the $on!tit&te )ie$e! o# a !mboli$ &to)ia/ Rail> ;ow "o o& !ee the relation!hi) between o&r writin- an" o&r wor( a! a )ro-rammer an" tea$herJ Brene+> O#ten I a!( m!el# what m li#e wo&l" ha.e been li(e i#* in 1223* DominiA&e PaTni ha" not )ro)o!e" that I ta(e $har-e o# the e<)erimental )ro-ram! at the CinBmathCA&e FranDai!e/ Be$a&!e #or me* to "o ?&!ti$e to !&$h an a!!i-nment meant a$ti.el $ontrib&tin- to the e<)loration o# tho!e )art! o# $inema hi!tor that remain hi""en* to the "e#en!e o# the mo!t ra"i$al or the mo!t #ra-ile mo.ement! an" to the $ritiA&e o# )re?&"i$e! an" $li$hB!* thro&-h $on$rete a$tion/ At the time a !$hi!m )re.aile" that wa! #ratri$i"al in m o)inion* between e<)erimental $inema 4!&))o!e"l im)lin- ,the )&r!&it o# #ormal bea&t05 an" )oliti$al $inema 4!&))o!e"l im)lin- ,#iel"wor( "e.oi" o# ae!theti$ ambition05/ A lar-e )art o# m wor( will ha.e been to e<h&me an" to hi-hli-ht #ilm! that are a! #ormall "eman"in- a! the are )oliti$all* a $ombination whi$h !ho&l" be !el#= e.i"ent !in$e $ritiA&in- the worl" or"er entail! $ritiA&in- the "i!$&r!i.e or"er/ So I !howe" #or-otten wor(! o# E"o&ar" "e La&rot* the 6e".e"(in Kro&)* :ean Hi-o! -ro&)* RenB Ha&tier* %ann Le 6a!!on* Br&no 6&el* Carole Ro&!!o)o&lo!* %olan"e "& L&artNan" abo.e all Im ha)) to ha.e "one it while mo!t o# them were !till ali.e* be$a&!e !in$e then !e.eral amon- them ha.e le#t &!/ I "ont (now what I $an "o that wo&l" be more &!e#&l* in m .iew* than to in"i$ate to them* thro&-h m writin- an" thro&-h m )ro-rammin- $hoi$e!* that their wor( i! not onl e!!ential b&t m&$h more im)ortant #or the hi!tor o# $inema than man o# the<)o!e" #ilm! that e<i!t onl a! !m)tom!* wherea! their #ilm! re)re!ent $r&$ial a$tion!* on ae!theti$ a! well a! )oliti$al )lane!/ Altho&-h* to be $lear* the "i!tin$tion between the ae!theti$ an" )oliti$al ha! no meanin- other than an i"eolo-i$al an" #al!i#in- one/ That! wh it wa! im)ortant #or me to !how* #or e<am)le* Br&$e Conner! Cro!!roa"! an"CinBthiA&e! An Entire Pro-ram 4To&t &n )ro-ramme5 in a !in-le !$reenin-> both ma!ter#&l #ilm!* both -ra))lin- with the militar=n&$lear in"&!tr* an" ea$h )o!itione" at "i##erent e<treme! o# a #ormal !)e$tr&m/ One* Cro!!roa"!* ba!e" entirel on .i!&alit an" h)noti$ e##e$t!* an" the other* An Entire Pro-ram* ba!e" entirel on !)ee$h* "emon!trabilit* an" rationalit/ B&t Cro!!roa"! al!o $reate! a !)a$e #or rational $ommentar 4on the "eliri&m o# the Ameri$an arm that )&t! $amera! in atomi$ m&!hroom $lo&"!5 an"* !mmetri$all* An Entire Pro-ram )ro"&$e! "elirio&! )oeti$ e##e$t! with it! En-el!ian "emon!tration o# the #a!$i!t nat&re o# atomi$ #i!!ion/ So #ilm! that atta$( !im<aneo&!l on both #ormal an" !o$ial #ront! are m&$h more n&mero&! than we thin(/ Thi! tra"ition ha! it! heral"!> D+i-a Herto.* Omar Amirala* Taw#iA Saleh* Lionel So&(a+* Anan" Patwar"han* La. Dia+* 6o&nir Fatmi* A(ram Zaatari* Amar 'anwar who!e wor( wa! intro"&$e" to me b :ohn Kian.ito* 'o"wo E!h&n an" An?ali(a Sa-ar! Otolith Kro&)* Ia-&ih Ab"el 6e!!eeh/ For 1F ear! I ha.e been loo(in-* an" I $ontin&e to"a to loo( #or* "i!$* an" )ro-ram the!e (in"! o# wor(!* )a!t an" )re!ent* an" the $or)&! i! ine<ha&!tible* whi$h ma(e! me ?o#&l an" o)timi!ti$/ Thi! in$e!!ant re!ear$h no&ri!he! m wor( a! a )ro-rammer* a! a tea$her* an" a! a writer !im<aneo&!l* an" all m wor( i! #o&n"e" in the ob!er.ation that the hi!tor o# $inema i! a! &n#air a! the -eneral hi!tor o# h&manit when it $ome! to re$o-ni+in- it! real heroe!/ Rail> A! a )ro-rammer an" a tea$her o& wor( within* or at lea!t in ne-otiation with* ma?or in!tit&tion! !&$h a! the CinBmathCA&e an" Pari! III!it/ I -ather o&r )oliti$al !m)athie! are .er m&$h on the anti=!tateSanar$hi!t en" o# the !)e$tr&m* !o I won"er i# o& .iew the!e in!tit&tional relation!hi)! a! a $om)romi!e or !tr&--le in !ome wa* albeit a ne$e!!ar oneJ Brene+> The Fren$h &!it remain!* e.en &n"er o&r $&rrent -o.ernment* a lo$&! o# $riti$al #ree"om/ There will be an attem)t* li(e e.erwhere el!e* to !&b?&-ate an" a!)h<iate thi! #ree"om* not thro&-h law! b&t thro&-h a"mini!trati.e an" e$onomi$ $on!traint!* whi$h are #ar more e##i$ient N!imilarl to the e$onomi$ $en!or!hi) o# #ilm!* whi$h i! in#initel more )ower#&l than )oliti$al $en!or!hi)/ B&t #or the time bein- the $ontent o# $o&r!e! an" !eminar! i! !till le#t entirel &) to the ?&"-ment o# the in!tr&$tor!/ On the other han"* I note that I!abelle 6arinone* one o# m mo!t brilliant an" !erio&! "o$toral !t&"ent!* who!e "i!!ertation wa! "e"i$ate" to the hi!tor o# the relation!hi) between $inema an" anar$h in Fran$e 4!he )&bli!he" a )art o# it in Port&-&e!e than(! to the CinBmathCA&e o# Bra+il5* $ant -et a ?ob/ All !i-n! in"i$ate that her !&b?e$t !$are! )eo)le* "e!)ite the #a$t that !he ha! re.eale" an entire #a$et o# #ilm $reation in Fran$e* an" "rawn attention to the #a!$inatin- e##ort! o# te$hni$ian!* !$reenwriter!* "ire$tor!* a$tor!* $riti$!* #rom 6&!i"ora to 6a&ri$e LemaVtre/ It i! a! i# !he were !&!)e$te" o# a$t&all trin- to )ro)a-ate anar$h/ There i! no re$o-nition o# either the !$ienti#i$ ri-or o# her wor( or o# what anar$h* in all o# it! "!e "imen!ion!* reall i!> that i!* it! #aith in the $a)a$it o# in"i.i"&al! to "i!$i)line them!el.e! an" to !a$ri#i$e them!el.e! #or the $olle$ti.e -oo"/ A! #or the CinBmathCA&e FranDai!e* it wa! #o&n"e" b anar$hi!t!* ;enri Lan-loi! an" Keor-e! Fran?&> I am b&t their h&mble* "i!tant -ran"$hil" an" Fri"a when I arri.e there* I a!( m!el# i# the wo&l" be ha)) with the !$reenin- that i! !$he"&le"/ An" o#ten** I #eel !&re that e!* the wo&l" be* than(! to the #ilm!* to the #ilmma(er! who are )re!ent* an" to the a&"ien$e* who are at time! a! brilliant a! the "ire$tor!/ Rail> In o&r writin-* o&.e $elebrate" both in"e)en"ent* -&errilla #ilmma(in- 4o# the (in" that the internationali!t !erie! )rimaril $on!i!t! o#5 a! well a! #ilmma(er! !&$h a! Abel Ferrara who en-a-e in the m&r(ier worl" o# $ommer$ial #inan$in- an" ;ollwoo"* an" then e.en more ,embe""e"0 "ire$tor! !&$h a! Pa&l Herhoe.en an" Brian De Palma/ ;ow "o o& a!!e!! the in!tit&tional ne-otiation! or $om)romi!e! that the!e #ilmma(er! #a$eJ Brene+> K&errilla initiati.e! $ome #rom e.erwhere> #rom &n"er-ro&n"* b&t al!o #rom the heart o# the #ortre!!* whi$h i! $alle" !abota-e/ Ihen Pa&l Herhoe.en ma(e! Star!hi) Troo)er!* a !&)er= )ro"&$tion ba!e" on all the ne$e!!ar in-re"ient! 4a$tor!* !$reen)la* i$ono-ra)h* )ro)!* mar(etin-5* in whi$h he re)re!ent! Ameri$an im)eriali!m a! Na+i!m* he re"ire$t! the a))arat&! o# )ro"&$tion it!el#* an" that i! a mon&mental e##ort* m&$h more $om)li$ate" than ma(in- a ra"i$al #ilm in o&r home/ It i! a ma?or e.ent* an" "i!r&)ti.e* to ha.e both $riti$al an" )o)&lar !&$$e!! #or a #ilmG it! li(e the reali+ation o# all $inemati$ i"eal! at on$e/ Dire$tor! li(e :ohn Car)enter* Keor-e Romero* Brian De Palma* )i$( &) on the -reat tra"ition o# ;ollwoo" $ritiA&e !&!taine" #or e<am)le b To" Brownin- or Do&-la! Sir(/ To me* one o# the mo!t intere!tin- tra?e$torie! in the hi!tor o# $inema i! that o# ;a!(ell Ie<ler* who )arti$i)ate" in )oliti$all $ommitte" #ilm! with Emile "e Antonio an" :ane Fon"a* "ire$te" 6e"i&m Cool* a !el#=$riti$al e!!a abo&t the role o# the #ilmma(er* an" then* a! a $inemato-ra)her* ill&minate" the .i!&al e<)eriment! o# Norman :ewi!on an" 6i$hael Cimino/ Ie owe one o# the mo!t re.ol&tionar !enten$e! !)o(en to La$an> ,to "e"&$t nothin- #rom one! "e!ire/0 Or* in A"orno! term!* to re#&!e m&tilation/ Rail> It !eem! to me that man o# the -reat )oliti$al #ilmma(er! o# the E8! an" F8! "e.elo)e" an attit&"e o# re!i-nation in later ear!* with e.en tho!e that $ontin&e to ma(e #ilm! them!el.e! #rom !&rro&n"in- )oliti$al en-a-ement!/ Im thin(in- o# #ilmma(er! li(e Ko"ar"* Robert 'ramer* or :on :o!t* who on$e wrote hi! wor( wa! a ,total #ail&re0 in !o$io=)oliti$al term!* ,an" )erha)! an inherent* ne$e!!ar* an" reA&ire" #ail&re* to "o with how !o$iet i! !tr&$t&re" an" how it !)ea(! to it!el#/0Ihat "o o& ma(e o# !&$h an a!!e!!mentJ Brene+> In 7887 I ha" in.ite" RenB Ha&tier to "o a ma!ter $la!! at Pari! I/ I tho&-ht that* $on#ronte" with a room #&ll o# o&n- !t&"ent! an" #ilmma(er!* he wo&l" in#&!e them with $o&ra-e* thro&-h the tremen"o&! e<am)le o# hi! own hi!tori$al$e* tena$it* an" in-en&it/ B&t to m -reat !&r)ri!e* he be-an hi! tal( b !ain-* .er -entl an" )lea!antl* that what bein- a )oliti$all $ommitte" #ilmma(er meant $on$retel wa! to not (now how to )a the bill!* to not lea.e an inheritan$e to one! $hil"ren* an" to ri!( !eein- all o# one! wor( "e!troe"/ ;e ha" $ome with a 1Emm reel an" we )ro?e$te" it in the $la!!room than(! to the member! o# ETNA* the E<)erimental Lab Kro&)* Othello Hil-ar"* ;&-o Herlin"e* an" %.e!=6arie 6ahB> It wa! the &ntitle" #ilm where we !ee him wal(in- amon- hi! ar$hi.e! ha$(e" to )ie$e! an" $o.ere" in oil b an ,&ni"enti#ie"0 $omman"o* a#ter he )arti$i)ate" in the trial a-ain!t then wo&l"=be )re!i"ential $an"i"ate :ean=6arie Le Pen* be$a&!e he ha" #ilme" a n&mber o# Al-erian! that Le Pen ha" )er!onall tort&re"/ The reel* #ilme" b %ann Le 6a!!on* wa! ro!e=tinte"* !ilent* inten!el emotional> A man wal(! amon- the "ebri! o# hi! wor(* he i"enti#ie! a )o!ter* a little bit o# #ilm/ In thi! "i!t&rbin- reel* we $an rea" an alle-or #or the hi!tor o# )oliti$all $ommitte" $inema> a #iel" o# r&in!* both )er!onal an" $olle$ti.e/ Thi! !eem! to me to -o in the "ire$tion o# :on :o!t/ E<$e)t that RenB Ha&tier "i" not !to) #ilmin-* e.en a#ter thi! "e!tr&$tion* an" that :on :o!t $&rrentl )arti$i)ate! in the #ilm $olle$ti.e Far From A#-hani!tan* with :ohn Kian.ito* Tra.i! Iil(er!on* an" other!/ The alwa! (new that !omethin- m&$h more im)ortant than !&$$e!! e<i!te"Nnot in term! o# $ommer$ial !&$$e!! o# $o&r!e* whi$h i! not e.en a $on$ern b&t on the $ontrar i! more o#ten a mo"el to #lee* b&t in term! o# .i$tor in !tr&--le or o# !&$$e!! in the $a)a$it to $$e/ The mo!t im)ortant thin- i! to re!)on" to a hi!tori$al !it&ation* to !tan" &) a-ain!t in?&!ti$e an" o))re!!ionN$ertain #ilmma(er! will alwa! remain lin- "own an" other! will alwa! !tan" &)* re-ar"le!! o# their #ati-&e* their health* or their !)irit/ RenB Ha&tier "ire$te" a .er )rett #i$tion #ilm abo&t the!e ,lin- "own0 #ilmma(er! who* when $on#ronte" with a $on$rete in?&!ti$e 4in thi! )arti$&lar $a!e an Al-erian who wa! beaten &) b )oli$e5 will in.ent #or them!el.e! rea!on in the worl" to "o nothin-/ The #ilm i! $alle" Remor!e 4Le Remor"!5* an" it mo$(!* with a lot o# h&mor* all the Fren$h #ilmma(er! who "i"nt b&"-e "&rin- the Al-erian Iar* in )arti$&lar the #ilmma(er! o# the No&.elle Ha-&e/ :on :o!t* RenB* K&illermo E!$alon* Fran( Pine"a* :o$elne Saab* Arth&r 6a$Cai-* Br&no 6&el* 6ar-aret Di$(in!on* an" man other! are #ilmma(er! who will !tan" &) no matter what/ The ,&ntil .i$tor0 attit&"e* t)i$al o# the 12F8!* o# Ko"ar"* Korin* or 6a!ao A"a$hi* "oe! not aim #or !&$$e!!* b&t i! a mantra #or !el#=)rote$tion when )ower !tr&--le! are not )lain- o&t to one! own a".anta-e/ Rail> There i! an a$&te !en! in o&r writin- to the $ata!tro)hi$ nat&re o# o&r $&rrent !o$iet* what o& $all in o&r boo( on Ferrara the ,in.erte" worl" o# in?&!ti$e an" m&tilate" e<i!ten$e/0 An" et* e.en when o& are "ealin- with !omeone li(e Ferrara* who o& "e!$ribe a! ,entirel "e.ote" to a "e!$ri)tion o# the ne-ati.e witho&t the !li-hte!t &to)ian or me!!iani$ a))eal*0 o& !eem to "e!)air* )artl it !eem! be$a&!e o# the .er #a$t that the!e #ilm! e<i!t/ Im remin"e" o# the won"er#&l )a!!a-e! in Dele&+e! Cinema 7 where he tal(! abo&t $inema! $a)a$it to )ro"&$e a belie# in the worl"* !omethin- whi$h !eem! li(e a $orner!tone #or o& a! wellG o& ha.e written that $inema .eri#ie! ,that !omethin- el!e i! !till )o!!ible 4a bo"* a #rien"* a worl"5/0 Im won"erin- abo&t the "an-er o# thi! belie# be$omin- a (in" o# )a$i#ier* !omethin- that ma(e! li#e in it! $&rrent !tate more bearableNli(e the New!reel $olle$ti.e !ai" o# the New %or( Film Fe!* ,a !o)* "e!i-ne" to #&nnel o## the "i!!ati!#a$tion! o# an alienate" intelle$t&al eliteQ///Rin m&$h the !ame wa that anti=)o.ert )ro-ram! are "e!i-ne" to )a$i# the "i!a##e$te" )oor0Na! o))o!e" to !omethin- whi$h $ontrib&te! to an" ener-i+e! #&rther re!i!tan$e an" e<)erimentation/ Brene+> %e!* the A&e!tion o# the e##e$ti.ene!! o# $inema i! a $r&$ial one/ There are man an!wer! to thi! A&e!tion/ Fir!t there i! :ean=6arie Stra&b! bea&ti#&l an" !im)le an!wer* in re!)on!e to Simon ;arto- in 12F8* who a!(e" Stra&b i# he tho&-ht that $inema $an ha.e a )oliti$al role> O# $o&r!e it ha! a )oliti$al role/ E.erthin- i! )oliti$al* e.erthin- that o& "o in o&r li#e i! )oliti$al/ Th&! $inema* the art #orm that maintain! the mo!t "ire$t relation!hi) with li#e* i! the mo!t )oliti$al art #orm/ Thi! "oe!nt mean that !o=$alle" ,a-it)ro)0 #ilm! are the mo!t )oliti$al one!N o#ten the o))o!ite i! tr&e/ B&t $inema i! the )oliti$al art #orm )ar e<$ellen$e/ Then we $an "i!tin-&i!h between "i##erent tem)oralitie!> In it! !mboli$ #&n$tion* $inema )ro"&$e! immaterial e##e$t!* whi$h are there#ore "i##i$< to e!tabli!h/ B&t li(e all wor(* it )ro"&$e! e##e$t! in the !hort* me"i&m* an" lon- term!* e##e$t! whi$h o#ten )ro.e to $orre!)on" to one another b&t are !ometime! al!o totall o))o!e"/ A bea&ti#&l e<am)le o# the !hort=term e##e$t! o# "ire$tl witne!!in- ima-e! i! #o&n" in Anne=La&re "e Fran!!&! So& ;ami* The Fear o# Ni-ht 4So& ;ami* La $rainte "e la n&it5/ So& ;ami $om)ri!e! a #a!$inatin- e<)eriment be$a&!e it $on!i!t! o# #ollowin- #ilm a$ti.i!t 6or Co&libal in A#ri$a a! he )ro?e$t! Loo( Dear Parent! 4Re-ar"e+ $her! )arent!5/ Loo( Dear Parent! wa! #ilme" in 788E* at the heart o# the !tr&--le o# the ,Ca$han Tho&!an"0 "&rin- whi$h tho&!an"! o# )eo)le were $a&-ht in the )itile!! tra)! o# the Fren$h -o.ernment! anti=mi-ration )oliti$!/ Peo)le e.i$te" man& militari #rom B&il"in- F o# the CitB!itaire "e Ca$han an" thrown into the !treet* man o# them homele!!* o#ten al!o &n"o$&mente"* ha" re-ro&)e" in the Ca$han -mna!i&m/ Se.eral #ilmma(er! #ollowe" thi! battle* in$l&"in- 6or Co&libal* "ele-ate o# the e.i$te" #amilie! an" a$ti.i!t in the !tr&--le/ 6or #ilme" what ha))ene"* with hel) #rom Anne=La&re "e Fran!!& an" her or-ani+ation* II mot! en ima-e!/ Then Anne=La&re "e Fran!!& #ollowe" 6or Co&libal "&rin- hi! tri) to 6ali* on a to&r #rom town to .illa-e where he !$reene" Loo( Dear Parent! to !)e$tator! !t&)e#ie" b the .iolen$e o# the )oli$e !tate* an" who!e remar(!* o#ten le!! "i!tre!!e" #or them!el.e! than #or the !tate o# $ontem)orar Fran$e* $on!tit&te one o# the mo!t )ower#&l $ritiA&e! to thi! "a o# the -o.ernment! )oliti$!/ Thi! ama+in- e<)erien$e allow! &! to ob!er.e $on$retel what $inema $an "o in a !)e$i#i$ !it&ation/ In the lon- term* the e##e$t! o# )oliti$all $ommitte" $inema re!o&n" in#initel an" $an emer-e $om)letel &ne<)e$te"l/ One re$ent $a!e i! that o# RenB Ha&tier! A 6an i! Dea" 4Un homme e!t mort5* a #ilm o# !o$ial inter.ention "&rin- a !tri(e in Bre!t in 1231* "&rin- whi$h )oli$e !hot an" (ille" a wor(er* E"o&ar" 6a+B/ RenB Ha&tier re$o&nte" the !tor in hi! memoir! o# how the 1Emm!ible #ilm wa! "e!troe" a! a re!< o# bein- )ro?e$te"/ 6an inter.entioni!t #ilm! are li(ewi!e "e!tine" to "i!a))ear in the heat o# a$tion* li(e $ombatant! on the #ront/ B&t !in$e then* "&rin- the $o&r!e o# the 7888!* thi! lo!t #ilm ha! $ontin&e" to -enerate te<t!* tho&-ht!* e.ent!* $on$ert!* an" a $omi$ !tri) o# the !ame name* A 6an i! Dea"* b 'ri! an" Etienne Da.o"ea&/ The!e "i!a))eare" ima-e!* be$a&!e the ha.e "i!a))eare"* in#&!e a whole new -eneration with in!)iration an" ener-/ The ha.e be$ome more ali.e than all o# the ,!&$$e!!#&l0 #ilm! !hot that !ame ear/ A )oliti$all $ommitte" #ilmma(er i! #ir!t o# all !omeone who thin(! o# $olle$ti.e hi!tor* th&! !omeone who thin(! in term! o# the #&t&re that he wi!he! to $all #orth* an" who !ow! the !ee"! o# ?&!ti$e in the #orm o# ima-e! (nowin- that* at be!t* the will -row later/ Let! $all them the ,De$ember !ee"!0 to )i$( &) on the Kree( 6ar(erian! title/ ABOUT T;E AUT;OR DONAL FORE6AN i! an Iri!h #ilmma(er* $riti$* an" )ro-rammer in Broo(ln/ %OUNA 'IA' i! a )oet an" tran!lator who li.e! in Broo(n* N%/