Mi Plantilla Plan Unidad Final 1 Correcteddoc 1
Mi Plantilla Plan Unidad Final 1 Correcteddoc 1
Mi Plantilla Plan Unidad Final 1 Correcteddoc 1
Curso Esencial
Schoool is Fun!
Units Author
Name and Last Name Nuvia Eneida Estrib Lpez de Chavarra.
Name of the Institution Centro Escuela Bsica General Cerro iedra.
Location of the Institution N!abe"Bu!l# Indian $eservation
%ther information about the
educative institution
&he 'chool Escuela B(sica General Cerro iedra is located in
the rovince of Chiri)u*"'an +#li,- &alamanca .ountain
$an!e- N!abe"Bu!l# $eservation- /istrict of .iron-
Corre!imiento 0ato Culantro- communit1 Cerro iedra.
Unit Description
Unit Title: Listening and
Units Summary
This project that will be handled individually. It is used to develop the imagination and creativity
of the kids, the musical sensibility and the expression capacity. A piece of music not known is
used but it is suggested to associate with landscape and animals. Before putting the music, it is
convenient to review needed vocabularies so students can choose. or example, we prepare
an index card where the students can order a vocabulary, based on three categories.
!"A#$%, A&I'A"%, or other "I(I&) #*$AT+*$% others. ,e include words like- T.$
%!A#$,T.$ %$A, T.$ #/+&T*0%I1$,T.$ '/+&TAI&%,T.$ 2+&)"$, T.$ 1$%$*T, T.$
%304 a fish, the sun, a monster, a cow, a bird, a bear, a camel, a planet, an alien, an
elephant, the stars, a tree, a house, a boat ,an airplane, a rock, a book, etc. ,hile listening
to the music, between 567 minutes loud enough for everybody to concentrate on it and on their
drawing. After these steps are done students can be able to follow these instructions4 4
1-Draw a place (where you would it to be).
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
2-Draw an animal or another creature. What is it doing?
3-Draw an object or two.
4-Draw yourself. What are you doing?. Are you having fun?.
-!inish the "icture and sign it.
#n a natural way$ students can feel curiosity to %now the wor% of the others$ as well as showing
interest in himself&herself
Curricular area or subect
$nglish area 8,$cology, !lants and Animals.
!ear and "e#el
2014. 2 Elementary
Appro$imate time
Three hours o orty minutes
Unit %undamentals
!oncept "rocedural #ttitude
8chievement indicators
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"and animals, Bear,
hipo, li9ard, panda,
porcupines, monkey,
peacock, goat
,ater animals
Turtle, alligator,
dolphin, seal,
Air animals
!arrot, bat, butterfly,
9.7 %bservin! a list
different :ind of
animals b1 land-
;ater- and air.
different animals
9.7 'ho;s respect
for animals and
reco!nizes them as
part of the
ecolo!ical chain.
'ho;s respect for
animal<s life.
$espectin! the
9.7 /ifferentiates
;ater- and air
Illustrates animals
in a
variet1 of ;a1s
paintin!- colla!es-
/escribes simile ar
different features
size- outer surface
such as feathers-
scales? of common
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
"earning &becti#es:
Identify animals. Recognize animals from the farm and pets
Anderstand the meanin! of the ;ords and e,pressions.
E,press ideas- thou!hts and feelin!s fluentl1 and clearl1.
Identify new words nd e!"ressions in ech to"ic.
Identify words nd e!"ressions #y their for$s
%e$onstrte lernin& #y written "resenttions.
%e$onstrte lernin& #y orl "resenttions
'uestions oriented to the unit plan
(ain )uestion $hy is it important to ta%e care animals en&ironment'.
Unit )uestions
0o; can 1ou classif1 animals 1ou :no;B
Can 1ou reco!nize differences bet;een animals from the
farm and pets.
Content )uestions
(s it important to teach about animals in En)lish'
Did you %now about how many animal %in)dom there are'
!an you tell me or can you name some water animals'
!an you name some aerial animals' (birds* lyin) mon%eys
and so on).
!an you tell me domestic or pet animals'
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Assesment Schedule
+e%ore starting the
During the
de#elopment o% the
&nce you ha#e
completed the
icture /ictation and
Brainstormin! about previous
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Assesment Summary
&he students ;ill be assessed continuousl1 throu!h different assessment devices that ;e
state as follo;sD
"re&ious .nowled)e:
Brainstorming: Everybody expresses their ideas about new topic taught by the teacher.
Ask the students: Why are important the animals in our life.
Pretest: hese can be used to know how much knowledge students have about new topic.
Picture !ictation: "s used to correlate new words with picture and in this way you can
teach new topic in easy ways.
Evaluation #ubric At the end of the pro$ect. " will perform a rubric in which each student
will get a grade according the assessments necessary ."n each one "%m going to evaluate
the $ob done by every student..
&elf'evaluation: Every student will get his or her &elf'evaluation in where he or
&he can tell how they do their own work.
(o'evaluation: "n groups each one will do co'evaluation) so it can become a good school tool
for the students and the teachers also) because with this teaching skill the students can get
values and more responsibilities.
Pre#ious abilities
To )et the oral ability (/istenin))
To )et the producti&e oral ability (-pea%in)).
To )et the readin) s%ill (,eadin)).
To )et the writin) s%ill ($ritin)).
AC'I(I') *
Co$"etencies: Lern to lern+ Co$$unicti,e+ Solidrity+ S"til-(isul.
'he students cn "rtici"te in #rinstor$+ tht cn e!"ress their "re,ious
A#out the /uestion.
0hy is it i$"ortnt to t.e cre of the en,iron$ent where ni$ls li,e1
2ow cn you clssify the ni$ls tht you .now1
Cn you distin&uish the do$estic ni$ls tht li,e in fr$1
After students re done with Pre,ious 3nowled&e students will recei,e "re-test
ll they .now #out the to"ic tht will #e tu&ht in the clssroo$.
'ht will led the techer to h,e #roder ide of the resources tht he4she
will to $.e
the clss $ore encour&in&
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Also the outco$es will clrify dou#ts on wht they don5t .now.
After h,in& followed the &uidelines the students re #le to de,elo" the
followin& ste"s:
%rwin& "lce.
%rwin& n ni$l or other creture
%rwin& n o#6ect or two.
%rwin& yourself+ wht re you doin&1 Are you h,in& fun1.
Finish the "icture nd si&n it.
In this "ro6ect second "hse is su&&ested+ nd it cn #e used #y usin& le,els
of di7culty:
In this "hse to"ics cn #e incresed li.e:
'his is $e +I5$ in the desert.
'his is $y c$el+ I5$ ridin& it.
'he s.y is #lue+ I5$ h""y.
St&e 2
Ele$entry :
Pir wor.: show your "icture to your "rtner nd e!"lin it to hi$.
Grou"s of 8: %o the s$e with nother "ir . 'hen ,ote for the #est of the
"ictures. 'he uthor will stnd in front of the clss to show it nd e!"lin it to
Pir wor.: %o not let your "rtner see your "icture.
%escri#e it to hi$ so tht he cn drw one li.e yours.
Co$"re your "ictures with the one your "rtner hs drwn followin&
your instructions. 'hen re,erse roles.
'he uthors of the $ost si$ilr "ictures wins.
Curriculum adustment
Special *eeds
0ecause ( wor% in an (ndian reser&ation* ( don1t ollow the
"attern that the 2ED3!# establishes* ( must adapt my
plannin) accordin) to the area and how the students can
)et the %nowled)e.
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Curso Esencial
Students that dont spea, Spanish
$ith the aid o the -panish teachers special tutorin)
will be )i&en to the students who don1t ha&e the -panish
%nowled)e* They will also try to )et ideas o what
they don1t understand with the help o picture dictionaries
but mostly with the help o the En)lish4-panish teachers.
+right Students
&he smart students ;ill be used as leaders so the1
can help me ;ith the %nes ;ho are slo; or in
(aterials and resources needed %or the unit-
Tecnology . /ard0are >neeeded e)uipment?
/i!ital Camera
Internet connection
Laser /iscs
/ata 'ho;
Gideo Camera
Conference e)uipment
Tecnology . So%t0are >needed?
ublications /esi!ner
Emails ro!rams
C/"$%. Enc1clopedies
Ima!es Editor
Heb 'earch
Heb pa!es /esi!ner
&e,t processor
Printed (aterials
Te5t 0oo%s
$e can use recycled materials li%e newspapers* plastic
0ottles and others.
Internet 1esources
&here is no internet available in the school- so ;e
Can=t use it.
#s said beore we can use recycled materials li%e
newspapers* plastic bottles and others.
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Curso Esencial
Los pro!ramas de IntelI Educaci6n son financiados por la +undaci6n Intel 1 la Corporaci6n Intel.
/erechos reservados 23445- Corporaci6n Intel. &odos los derechos reservados. Intel- el lo!o de Intel- la iniciativa de Intel Educaci6n 1 el
ro!rama Intel Educar son marcas re!istradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Anidos 1 otros pa*ses. J%tros nombres
1 marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
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Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
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