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UKanTeach 2 Lesson Plan
Author (s): Josh Coulter, Tyler Barnes
Team Members: Josh Coulter, Tyler Barnes Title of Lesson: I spy with my little eye LIFE Lesson Source: !ri"inal Lesson Lesson #: $ %ate lesson will &e tau"ht: $'(2)($* +entor,s -ame: +rs. -ie/er an/ +rs. 0ola1es +entor,s 2chool: 3est +i//le 2chool 2u&4ect56ra/e le1el: 7 th 6ra/e Li8e 2cience Concepts/Main Idea This lesson will intro/uce stu/ents to microscopes. 2tu/ents will learn the &asics o8 the microscope inclu/in": how to han/le sa8ely, how to 8ocus the ima"e, how to insert sli/es, how to a/4ust &ri"htness, an/ how properly use the ma"ni8ications. In a//ition to intro/ucin" stu/ents to the microscope stu/ents will "ain insi"ht on similarities an/ /i88erences &etween plant an/ animal cells. 2tu/ents will &e a&le to /istin"uish &etween the two cells an/ also i/enti8y 9ey 8eatures. Obecti!e/s" The Students Will Be Able To: #!aluation $. !perate a compoun/ microscope. 2. Compare an/ Contrast Plant an/ :nimal Cells. *. I/enti8y &asic structures in cells. $) Is this a plant or animal cell% 2) Which is true: a) plant cells are smaller b) plant cells have chloroplast c) animal cells have a cell wall 3) When first looking at an object under a microscope you should: a) Use the highest magnification b) Lowest magnification c) Use the middle magnification Up/ate/ Fall 2'$* &'SS and Common Core Standards PHYSICAL SCIENCE - The students will explore the world by observing nd !nipulting "o!!on ob#e"ts nd !terils in their environ!ent$ %en"h!r& '( All students will develop s&ills to des"ribe ob#e"ts$ LI)E SCIENCE- The student will begin to develop n understnding o* biologi"l "on"epts$
%en"h!r& '( The student will develop n understnding o* the "hr"teristi"s o* living things$ S(: Obtain) e!aluate * communicate information+ M,: -se appropriate tools strate.icall/+ #0: -se technolo./ * di.ital media strate.icall/ * capabl/+ Materials list
per 'roup: ; +icroscope Chee9, &utter8ly, an/ plant sli/e per Student: <ui= +a"ni8yin" "lass Cell wor9sheet >enn %ia"ram Ad!ance preparation: Prepare all sli/es Prepare 2tations Accommodations: :ll stu/ents will &e wor9in" in "roups an/ the teachers will &e wal9in" aroun/ helpin" stu/ents in nee/. I8 a stu/ent is ha1in" /i88iculty un/erstan/in" a topic one o8 the teachers will help them out. ELL stu/ents will &e teame/ with a Para or another En"lish spea9in" stu/ent to help assist them in the rea/in" an/ comprehension o8 the lesson. 2pecial attention will &e pai/ to the En"lish Lan"ua"e Learners to ma9e sure they un/erstan/in". Safet/: 6eneral sa8ety rules will &e 8ollowe/. Teachers will e?plain how to properly use to the microscope an/ will tell the stu/ents to noti8y a teacher i8 somethin" &rea9s. #n.a.ement: #stimated Time: 111111, min1111 2hat the teacher does A&3 ho4 4ill the teacher direct students: @%irectionsA 5robin. 6uestions: Critical Buestions that will connect prior 9nowle/"e an/ create a CNeed to know #7pected Student 8esponses A&3 Misconceptions " think like a student to consider student responses INCLUDING misconceptions: Hand out individual magnifying lenses and ask the students to view their hang. 2e"ue to the microscope. Intro/uce the microscope as an instrument that allows one to 1iew enlar"e/ ima"es o8 1ery small o&4ects. %iscuss the si"ni8icance o8 stu/yin" the worl/ o8 cells throu"h the microscope. +e/ical a/1ances. 3hat /etails can you see with the ma"ni8yin" lenses that you can,t with the na9e/ eyeD 3hat are cellsD 3here are cells presentD 3hy are there cellsD 3ho has cellsD I8 a cell is too small to see with the human eye, how /o we 9now so much a&out themD 3hat else &esi/es cells can we loo9 atD ( E1erythin" loo9s lar"er ( 3e can see new /etails (Cells are tiny parts o8 the &o/y. (Cells help 9eep someone ali1e. (E1ery&o/y has cells. (2cientist use a microscope to see cells. #7ploration: #stimated Time: 111119:min11111 2hat the teacher does A&3 4hat the teacher 4ill direct students to do: (3irections) 5robin. 6uestions: Critical ;uestions that 4ill .uide students to a <Common set of Experiences #7pected Student 8esponses AND Misconceptions " thin9 li9e a stu/ent to consi/er stu/ent responses INCLUDING misconceptions: :s a class "o o1er the proper way to mana"e a compoun/ microscope. 2eparate class into 2 "roupsE ha1e stu/ents wor9in" with two a/ults who are similar with the microscopes. :t each "roup ha1e at least * microscopes set up. Each microscope shoul/ ha1e one o8 the 8ollowin" sli/es set up: Butter8ly F stu/ents un/erstan/ the lenses in the microscope present the sli/e in1ersely Chee9 an/ plant cells F e?amine an/ i/enti8y /i88erences &etween the two 0ow can you a/4ust the 8ocus to see speci8ic aspects o8 each sli/e, which ma"ni8ication shoul/ you use 8irst.D (:re the &utter8ly scales cellsD (3hy /o you thin9 the chee9 cells are roun/D (3hy /o the plant cells loo9 more li9e a &o?D (3hat similarities /o you see &etween the two types o8 cellsD (0i"hest ma"ni8ication 8irst. (Lowest ma"ni8ication 8irst. (Ges, &ecause they are tiny. (They are roun/ &ecause they come 8rom your mouth where it,s wet. (The plant cells are more li9e a &o? &ecause they come 8rom a plant. ( They &oth ha1e a &lac9 /ot in the mi//le. #7planation: #stimated Time: 1111=mins11111 2hat the teacher does A&3 4hat the teacher 4ill direct students to do: @%irectionsA Clarif/in. 6uestions: Critical Buestions that will help stu/ents Cclarify their understandingH an/ intro/uce in8ormation relate/ to the lesson concepts I 1oca&ulary #7pected Student 8esponses AND Misconceptions " thin9 li9e a stu/ent to consi/er stu/ent responses INCLUDING misconceptions: (0a1e stu/ents pull out the wor9sheet they use/ /urin" the microscope stations. :s a class "o o1er 8eatures such as: (-ucleus (Cell 3all (Plant cells are lar"er than animal cells (:nimal cells contain more or"anelles (Plants ha1e chloroplast (%urin" this /iscussion ha1e the wor9sheet un/er the /ot cam, pointin" out the topics on the pictures as they are /iscusse/ in the class. (3hat /i88erences /i/ you notice &etween the plant an/ animal cellsD (3hat is the /ot in the mi//le o8 the cellsD (3hat ma9es a lea8 "reenD (:re plant or animal cells &i""erD (Cell wall. (The animal cells ha/ more stu88. (-ucleus (The stu88 insi/e o8 the lea8. (:nimal Cells #laboration: #stimated Time: 11111=min11111 2hat the teacher does A&3 4hat the teacher 4ill direct students to do: @%irectionsA 5robin. 6uestions: Critical Buestions that will help stu/ents etend or apply their newly acBuire/ concepts5s9ills in new situations #7pected Student 8esponses AND Misconceptions " thin9 li9e a stu/ent to consi/er stu/ent responses INCLUDING misconceptions: 0an/ out >enn /ia"ram an/ ha1e stu/ents wor9 as a ta&le "roup to 8ill out the /i88erences &etween plant an/ animal cells an/ also the similarities. 2ee which ta&le "roup can come up with the most /i88erences an/ similarities in 8i1e minutes. Tal9 a&out results. (0a1e stu/ents relate this &ac9 to the sli/es they saw an/ ha1e them recall the /i88erences an/ similarities. (Plants ha1e a cell wall (Chee9 cell was an animal cell an/ it ha/ more stu88 in it. #!aluation: #stimated Time: 11111>min111 Critical ;uestions that as? students to demonstrate their understandin. of the lesson@s performance obecti!es+ Aormati!e Assessment(s): :s9 stu/ents Buestion a&out the similarities an/ /i88erences &etween the plant an/ animal cells /urin" rotation. Pay close attention to the response when "oin" o1er the rotation wor9sheet to ma9e sure the stu/ents un/erstan/ the topic 8ully. Summati!e Assessment: !ro"ide a student copy of the multiple choice #ui$ %a &lank page pro"ided at the end of this document for you to paste your #ui$'( #7it 6uestions $) Is this a plant or animal cell% 2) Which is true: a) plant cells are smaller b) plant cells have chloroplast c) animal cells have a cell wall 3) When first looking at an object under a microscope you should: a) Use the highest magnification b) Lowest magnification c) Use the middle magnification Microscope 2or?sheet Obser!ation $: Butterfl/ Scales 3ra4 4hat /ou see Obser!ation 9: Onion S?in 3ra4 4hat /ou see